i wonder why does this exist

by Ambitious-Rate-8785


  1. stroodlydoodles on

    There’s already a killer rabbit in the game. What’s stopping them from adding killer variants of all peaceful mobs?

  2. RedstoneEnjoyer on

    It is simplier to just print “You have never been killed by X” than to manualy add for every mob if they can kill you or not

  3. prosteprostecihla on

    There are several things that come in mind.

    1) weird behaviour of entity cramming thinking it was the sheep that caused the damage

    2) plugin / datapack causing a sheep to be an origin of arrow / fire charge

    3) mod causing passive mobs to be hostile

    4) just in case measure if they ever wanted to give animals chance to kill in any way and just left there

    5) it was easier to code

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