football player, sausages, is everyone here? The match will start soon. This match will be very good for your career. Why? Teacher, if we play well in this match, will we become footballers? Or exactly like that, Efekan. The best player will be a very rich football player, and the worst player will be a very poor football player. What do you do? I need to play very well in the match. There may be very good players among these young people. The best player of this match. I will add him to my team. The person who will play in my team will be very, very rich in the future. Yes, dear viewers, Yusuf is running at the beginning of the match, but it did not work. Efekan caught it. Gentlemen, get to work, Hasan. Hasan grip Efekan grip Efekan ya H Oh my God, hold on to this, hold on to me, hold on to me Here I come, I can score, I’m going to score, I hit it? Is it a goal? The siren jumps the head but can’t hold it. With Efkan’s goal, the yellow and red team takes the lead 1-0. H nice goal, Efekan is good ahead. You can be a ball player, let’s watch you thoroughly. Very good. Gentlemen, very good. We will win. Yusuf. Let’s start. What are you waiting for? Time is passing. Mr. Reay, greetings, sir, hello, paldi, hello. Come on, you ‘re fine, gentlemen. Come on, we need to get better and win this match. I took it, Yusuf, run away, Hasan, I’m running, dammit, loose Hasan. To whom am I saying, throw it, loose Hasan is coming, he strutted, Oh, guys, you’re tough, Yalın, play well, look, he’s going to score. Damn, Hasan , throw it at me. Are you the one who will score all the goals? Throw it at me, I caught you, you can’t go anywhere. Efek, run, I’ve been running since last time. Why doesn’t he throw it to me? [__] Shut up, Shut up, play, God, I got it, I got the ball, Epek bird, run, San I’ll throw it, baby, send a soldier. Dude, I’m idle. vow Efekan is a perfect horse. Efekan, that’s Efekan. This is perfect. Goal Efekan I think I’ll take you to my team Yes that’s it I’m very good Gentlemen very good bro I opened a nice cross but isn’t it very good bro it’s very good This match will be very simple bravo Efekan is a very good player he’s advancing he looks like he’s angry come here Fekan I’m here for you now I’ll show you, I’ll be the Millionaire Gunner, I’m not you, come here, wait a minute, let’s take it, Efekan caught the ball, he went very fast, come on, Efan, 3 goals are coming, let’s move on quickly, that’s enough, you’ve been too much, God bless you, I’m sorry, there’s nothing, there’s nothing, get up. Don’t cry for the moon, get everything up, stand up for the moon , stop ! Yes, we are already losing, if the change comes off, I guess we will lose – what are you waiting for? Go out of line. No, I don’t accept it. Let’s cancel the referee Baldi card. Let the match be a bit competitive. If Yusuf comes out, Efekan will throw 50 to them. Of course, sir, of course the card is canceled. Yusuf, you are not leaving the game. Oh, okay. Thank you, but it’s valid. Use Efekan, my son. I have to be very careful. Efekan shoots very well. If you score this goal, I will definitely add you to the team. Efekan. Yes, is everyone ready? Use Efekan, kid. Gentlemen, jump up in the air, don’t let him score this goal. Otherwise, Efekan will definitely be selected . I’ll catch it. Where is the ball? Goal, goal, goal, goal, that’s it, that’s it, goal sir. Well done to you, bro. You’re a real ball player. Well done. You’re watching the head. If my son jumps on the ball, fly. Do something. He’s watching the ball. He’s watching the ball. I’m sorry. I couldn’t see. He’s so fast. He hit the ball. Why did I take you to the goal? I’m sorry, bro. I’m sorry, gentlemen. Let’s go from the right side, let’s give up, otherwise we will be very disgraced. Look, it’s true, it’s not even 10 minutes into the match, we conceded 3 goals, we will probably concede 50 of them. V Yusuf, where are you going, we’re leaving, son. Enough of these matches, we are tired, if I scored a few more goals, my father would definitely beat me at home, we won, they got scared, they came out, we won anyway. Bravo, horses, Efekan Come here, come here, come here, I will hunt you, come here, Efekan Efekan Efekan, I really congratulate you. It is a very good performance, Mr. Recai. Will you buy your EFI team? The greatest Efekan is ours. Efekan, the greatest Efekan is ours. Efekan, bravo. Well done to you, friends. Wait a minute. Take me down. Wait a minute. President. He came. I need to talk to the president. Hello, Efekan. How are you? I’m fine. President, how are you? I’m fine. I invite you to my team. V. Mr. President. Efekan is expensive. How much will you pay? You are a rich football player. Efekan. Don’t think about money. I give you exactly 100 million dollars. What, really? Is it 100 million dollars? Dear President, Efekan is yours. Let him play with his manager. Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go sign autographs. Wow , your life is saved. You are now a rich football player. Oh, why didn’t he choose us? President, is there a need for a goalkeeper? I can play too. Wow, I’ve really become a football player now, my friends. Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel to support, okay? Yes friends , support Efekan so that he can score a lot of goals in the matches, don’t worry Dude, this video will get a record number of likes, don’t worry. Efekan was transferred to Galatasaray for exactly 100 million dollars, he was now a rich football player, Mr. President, efek with blood. How much money did you agree on? Mr. President, how many years will the contract be? President, are you thinking of playing Efek? Friends, stay calm. Answer all the questions, sir. Calm down, Mr. President. I wonder who is the bald head next to Efekan ? Yes , friends, 100 million for Efekan, 30 million for his manager, 130 million for his manager, he is now playing in our club. Yes, it was good money. I swear, I accepted it directly, I did not accept it directly, I never complained a little, thinking that they would increase it a little more, but without increasing it. Sir, are you happy with the team? Yes, I am very pleased. We will do very good things with this team. I’m sure friends. Come on, you can ask your questions later. We will have a signing ceremony. Come on, Efekan, come, let’s sign the signatures as soon as possible. Yes, the signatures will be signed as of now. Okay, Mr. President, let’s sign. Wherever you want, we will sign. Where is the paper? Is it paper? Come, Efekan, come down, if you want, we will sign the signatures here. Come on. Let me also go down here and let’s sign in front of the cameras. You throw it here. Yes, dear viewers, Efekar signed it. Now the President signs it. Now the egg-headed Manager signs it too. Okay, I’m very happy that you came to my beautiful team. Efekan Mr. Baldi, I congratulate you too, you are such an Ender. You have developed talent , my president. Let’s take a photo, all three of you. Hey, let’s take a photo like this , Grandpa. Grandpa. We are going to training. Wow, Efekan, you have become a football player. Well done to you, Efekan. Well done, Grandpa. See you then. I’m going with Efekan. Efekan, jump in, bro, let’s go. Drive carefully. Look around , drive carefully, don’t drive too fast, you might have an accident or something. And okay, okay, see you later, brother, let’s go faster, I’m late for training. Efekan Efekan left home, he’ll be back soon. Efekan, we’ll see him. Brother, look. My fans are waiting for you. Efekan brother. Efekan brother. I’m a big fan of mine. Hold on, brother. Wait a minute. Let’s take a photo bro please Hello Hello Thank you Thank you we can take a photo later I’m late for training right now Wow Efekan Brother look at this people love you so much Look at this Your whole thing is Ayran [Music] Ayran was so handsome I saw him live for the first time Efekan Efekan Brother It was very crowded. We had a hard time getting to the stadium. I was late for training anyway. You can’t be late on the first day. Otherwise, I would have hired photographers for all of them. Efekan was now a very rich football player. Everyone in the city admired the football player Efecan. If you liked Efekan being a football player, do not forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. ekan Come on brother, speed up a little more, speed up a little more, it’s very good, my brother, it’s very nice, yes, you’re progressing very well, keep going, keep going, I need a little more speed, I’m good, aren’t I good, brother, aren’t I good? Very good, brother, very good. Hit the goal now. Well done to you, well done to you, bravo to you, that’s it. That’s it. Hooray, I need to improve myself more. Let’s move on to other training. Come on, brother Efekan. This is the second training. You start on the count of 3. 1 2 3 start, bro, that’s it. That’s it. Bravo to you. Very good, very good, keep going, brother, it’s very difficult, let’s jump from here, we have to bend down, get up, it’s very difficult, come on, brother, you need to get stronger, you’re a football player, jump from there. Bravo to you, bravo to you, bravo to you, come on, come on, come on, we’ll go to the other entrance. Come on, don’t stop, keep going, let’s work. Efekan brother, I know it’s batting practice now, you’re tired. But if you score a goal from this distance, we’ll finish the training. Really? Okay, bro, it’s easy. Come on, let me see my coach, let me see you. Well done . Damn, look at how he hit you, is it a goal? Is it a goal? Well done to you, Efekan. Well done to you. I’m proud of you, brother. Come here. Good for you. Brother, I’m going to be a good football player, right? What’s the matter? Son, you already are. You’re probably one of the best football players in the world right now. Wow. Oh my dreams have come true Oh look at this Efekan has become a football player We are sitting on the sidelines Efekan Efekan we are proud of you Efekan Look at this the whole city is a fan of your child Oh man if I had played a little better they would have chosen me Efekan Efekan brother your fans have come again Mr. Efekan Sir let’s have an interview please How are you? Are you okay, sir? I’m fine. How are you? We came to training. We are fine, too. Sir. We are fine, too. I think we should never skip training. I need to be better. I will work hard. Look at this kid. He became a millionaire football player. We are poor. We work very often to improve my brother. Efekan. Efekan. How are you here? Efekan. Let’s take a photo. Please, friends, friends. I love you too. But I’m so tired. I have to go urgently. Is that Yusuf there, brother? Yes, brother. Yes, Yusuf is sitting in the corner watching us. Mr. Efekan. Wait. Sir, I have three more questions. Let me ask them. Where are you going? Yusuf, what are you doing here? Come on, what should I do with you? I’m sitting alone. Why didn’t you come in? We used to train together. No, what if I do it? Nobody takes me to the team. Why shouldn’t they? You play very well too. Yes, Yusuf, you can get better by practicing. Can I really have a Lamborghini like you? Pull up, girl, pull up, Efekan. I think he’s talking to a loser football player right now. He’s saying how he beat him and how he crushed him. Come on, let’s go, let’s go for a walk together. If you want to call me? Are we really going to go? Yes, yes, get up, get up, come on, we’re going, there are already too many people, let’s get out of here as soon as possible, girl, check out, Mr. Efekan, Mr. Efekan, where are you going? Sir, let’s ask a few questions, please. Sir, they are getting in the car and leaving. Mr. Efekan. Wait. Sir, wait. Where are you going? We will ask a few questions. O friends. Thank you to all of you. We will talk later. We have work to do. Come on , see you. You barely escaped from the fans, Yusu called the parents, I ‘ll meet him and then we’ll continue to travel, okay? Okay, bro, okay, no problem. Whatever you want . Get out of here Get out of here Oh, what are you shooting at? What are you shooting at? Oh God, I will work too, I will be a very good football player too. Efekan, we have an agreement. Anyway, come on, come on, yç, I have issues to talk to efek kan. Come on, son, go on. Wow, Wow, who am I coming? Welcome, Kanka. Welcome, go. Sit down, go ahead, dear Efan and his precious brother Ali, you two are welcome. I’m here too. My home. Me too. Shut up, it’s not your place to talk while there’s talentless Efekan. Yusuf will be a very good football player in the future. Yes, we will work together with Yusuf. I will work too, I will work too. That’s exactly why I called you, sausages. I want to be a football player too. Can you coach me too, Valdi? Don’t be ridiculous, you are 55 years old. How will you be? If we take your head off, it will be a football. Nothing else will happen. Really, his head looks like me in football. The horse, you jealous people are jealous. What do you say? Anyway, friends, we have come to the end of the video. If you liked Efekan becoming a football player, do not forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel, okay? Leave very nice comments for the continuation of such videos. We will stay with all of you, do not forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications, then this is the video. Everyone should send their favorite, this video is over, then I won’t talk to any of you, I wouldn’t be a football player. So, I’m not talking to you, wow [Music]

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