JJ and Mikey – IRON MAN vs HULK CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation

in this video Mikey and I became new superheroes guess what superpowers we have oh no the city has been attacked by aliens can we stop this you will find out very soon Mikey run faster the villagers are already in panic let’s find out what happened I’m already worried what is there it looks like a spaceship and it’s so huge it’s right above the city skyscrapers I’m afraid of aliens huh the news anchor says that these are evil aliens and they want to take over the [Music] city the aliens look angry I don’t think they came to us in peace they have advanced technology our Army will not be able to stop them oh no who will save us can you hear it too yes a helicopter arrived in our village maybe the military came to save the villagers I agree to fly away from here Mikey it’s useless aliens will destroy everything in their path who is this huh hey villager what are you doing here the captain wants us to stop the evil Invaders maybe he will save the city he doesn’t have enough strength I think the captain wants us to save the city the captain looks very worried should I press this lever what bookshelves have moved on wow there’s a basement and a secret room why didn’t we know about this Secret Door let’s see what’s inside there are so many interesting and new things here for me don’t touch this suddenly it will attack us look there are some drawings and tools here wow what is this an Iron Man suit this suit will give you superpowers let’s try it out okay I’ll put this on do you think this [Music] works oh I’m now inside the suit now you are an Iron Man yes I feel like a superhero now it’s time for tests meet me [Music] outside let’s get started try to do something okay now I’ll try to fly Yahoo wow it’s so cool you’re balancing in the air there is it dangerous everything will be okay look wow it’s amazing it’s just incredible you have jet engines you are so [Music] fast now let’s check the weapon get it hey watch out wow the ground exploded this is powerful I would like a suit like this too now I’m Invincible I will save this city I want to fly with you sorry Mikey but I’m flying into the city alone be careful JJ okay aliens hang in there I’m coming we need to find these aliens and deal with them All That Remains is to find this ship finally this spaceship is really huge do you think you can take over our city I’m against it I activate the weapon Target locked Target detected shot like this get it great I was able to destroy the Starship a little oh no they sent a hunter to catch me wow alien technology is amazing they use hoverboards oh I think I’ve pissed them off lasers are attacking me it’s getting hot here try to catch up like this and these are the great conquerors of the Galaxy you are weakly [Music] this is all I expected more ha gotcha my suit is better than a hoverboard one is ready who’s next JJ I’m here hold on Mikey this could be dangerous I’ve come to help you Mikey watch out oh no the alien noticed me how can I save Mikey ah I’m falling guys give it a like let’s save Mikey together I fell into some kind of tank I want Mikey to live now I’m very angry at the aliens I need to check on Mikey what kind of abomination is this Mikey where are you answer me I’m down here in a pool with with some kind of liquid I think so but this slurry it’s strange are you [Music] okay I want to help my friend I need to think of something we must not disappoint our captain come here get it you shouldn’t have attacked defenseless citizens of the city Mikey what’s wrong with you something is wrong I feel a surge of strength this is incredible I’m turning into a Hulk now you are a superhero too it seems that I have become much stronger the hunters are defeated okay let’s see what I can do we need to test your abilities try to destroy something like this wow I’m really powerful wow this is power the building collapses like a cookie oops I hope the police will not investigate this offense let’s get out of here let’s show the aliens that we are not to be trifled with the captain is back he wants to tell us something our planet needs us we are listening to you can you give us any advice huh he says we really need your strength JJ maybe we can team up exactly this will give us a better chance of defeating evil I agree together we are stronger I can jump long distances and I use my jet engines we need to find a way to stop the aliens I see an alien ship go ahead we need to hurry aliens want to destroy our city attack oh they use lasers I can’t find the moment to make an accurate shot I’m trying to they’re shooting at us this won’t stop me I’m Hulk watch out Mikey it’s too high I can’t jump We are failing how can we combine our superpowers I will help you fly higher Hold On Tight JJ find the starship’s weak point wow you are very heavy I am not guilty this is my superpower we are on the right track oh my sensors are going crazy JJ be patient a little jump onto the roof of the spaceship like this cool I’m here you can do it Mikey I’m very angry I cannot be stopped aliens don’t know how to defeat you Hulk smash oh no the spaceship is taking off off it’s about to fly off into space get out of there I’m not finished yet the aliens surrender they realized that they had lost this is the end Mikey is now in outer space my suit can’t fly in space I lost a [Music] friend I need to put the suit back in place hey what to do maybe you know the answer write it in the comments maybe they’ll say something about Mikey on TV thanks to Our Heroes alien attack prevented we are very grateful to JJ and Mikey for their help unfortunately Mikey did not return back to the planet it’s so sad what was it I heard some loud sound what Mikey are you back but how did you do it I’m the Hulk I’m super strong and Invincible you saved the city we were shown on the news this is great I hope I looked good on camera if you enjoyed our adventure then like this video And subscribe to our Channel see you again friends if you need our help we will come and save you huh huh what [Music]

Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: IRON MAN vs HULK CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation
We got super power In My WORLD!
Superheroes Speedrunner VS Hunter in Minecraft.
Today JJ and Mikey saved the Сity from aliens Minecraft.
Maizen new video NOOB vs PRO – Became SPIDERMAN mod.
We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video!
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Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial


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