Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 100 – Third Time’s the Charm?

hello again everyone welcome back to a stardew valley it is day three of winter it is lioness’s birthday and I do want to remember to give him a gift let check the weather report welcome to kou 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow expect a few inches of snow tomorrow and our special forecast of the fern Islands region it’s going to be clear and sunny all day welcome back to wellwick Oracle the spirits are very happy today they will do their best to shower everyone with Good Fortune maybe I want to run out to the um skull Cavern [Music] then let’s think about that greetings it is I the queen of sauce here to teach you a new mouthwatering recipe from my secret cookbook this week’s dish Plum Pudding little Jack hoer is champing at the bit for this ooey gooey delight and who can blame him the plums are floral and sweet with just the right amount of tartness to fully activate every last one of your eager T taste buds you’ll just have to try it and see for yourself already know how to cook Plum Pudding all right uh 2 24 crops are ready in the greenhouse and 39 machines are ready do I need to yes I do need to uh put them in there all right okay nothing’s ready yet so I could put in the 100 and then just work on getting that but if I don’t think I’m going to get the 100 then I need to not do that either um [Music] [Music] [Music] do I have a chest in here I do have a chest in here oh I do want to take you out there we go I can get rid of some of these things eventually leave that in here for now cuz I might use that um get into there [Music] [Music] right I think all our animals will be okay oo aridium Ruby and coal nice all right I never planted anything in here [Music] [Music] I should see what the um what’s going to be on [Music] sale with the desert Trader before I uh head over there just because there could be some things that I want to buy like I’d like to get the desert totem uh [Music] recipe uh if I [Music] can I’ll sell off some uh crops one of these days as well cuz uh I do need to do that there we go all right get some eggs a new baby lizard hatched [Music] um so you are going to be Dragon Bait A okay so he can actually start laying eggs right away um I don’t know what the time frame is typically I think it’s like a week but I’m not positive make sure okay and then truffle and wol sell those it is Linus’s birthday though um can I get to him pretty quick let me see where is he on a Wednesday so he should be inside his tent okay uh and he actually loves cactus fruit so we can go uh give him one of those all right what do we want to take um bombs do I want to push for [Music] level yeah I think we do want to push is there anything else in here that I need got 50 Omni geodes I should actually just have those on me I’m going to want those for other things okay there we go 64 uh Mega bombs that’s good okay foodwise let’s take the staircases um I do want life Elixir I could try my magic rock candy and this might be a thing where if I fail I reload so yes let’s do that let’s get you okay and then I’m going to want some things that I can eat for some basic energy is that good what else what else do I have just trying to think and I’ve got some Stone in case I need to uh make some more staircases can I get up to you know what let’s do this a little bit faster which I may have already wasted a little bit of time but Mountain warp totem [Music] [Music] [Music] a birthday gift that’s very kind to of you I love it I’m sure you understand why I’m cautious of strangers but let’s put that in the past okay you and I are friends now I think indeed we are all right it’s a little bit later than I would have liked let’s buy a ticket for gico desert and I did not look to see if there was anything good to get from the desert Trader oh well there’s other Wednesdays [Music] Diamond there we go down we go down we go perfect ow I just ran right into that thing all right already we are okay there’s a uh I we take that and come on jump in fell four levels all right nope down we go okay I will take all of this though that’s worth it Juke it down we go down we go down we go fell five levels [Applause] [Music] down we go fell nine levels ouch how am I doing on hit points I’m okay on hit points well let’s go aad and jump in six levels ooh there’s like a 25% chance to get get a prismatic Shard from one of those and I did not get it all right this is a lot of good stuff so I’m going to grab all of this before we go down since we see the way down all right well it’s right there perfect ooh three energy tonics okay we do want that but down we go all right uh let’s let’s go ahead and eat some cookies nope do not need to eat any more cookies lost our uh oh God there is a hole okay let’s jump in fell four levels [Music] I’ll take that and down we go [Music] 42 ow oh well I I know you’re not a uh an actual aridium vein [Applause] there we go all right disappointing let’s eat some cookies but there we go how we doing on uh space we are low on Space there anything else that I want to get rid of I can just wait until we uh have more nice really thank you dang it all right let’s get rid of you okay there’s some stairs this area is overrun with monsters nope oh we got a hole let’s go ahead and jump in six levels that’s what I like to see four levels not getting the uh luck for the Falls here unfortunately okay well we’re on 58 Oh I thought this was one of the small levels you guys have too many hit points shouldn’t be doing that but they do drop aridium okay I’ll take that all right I don’t care about slime well my uh Magic rock candy Buffs are about to expire so let’s go ahead and get you up [Music] here so that is very disappointing we have gotten some good things along the way but not as much as we would like okay let’s hope that there we go stairs [Applause] down oh there’s a I would like some of those [Music] things no actually you know what just do that um what don’t I care about I don’t need this much just a little bit of bone I’ll take that all right hole three levels only that is very [Music] disappointing take a sip so we’re at 67 oh my God that is a lot of [Music] [Music] ghosts good jump in five levels all right oh good another uh shaft Seven Levels okay that was a little bit too much damage but eat some cookies oh God hey made back my life Elixir all right um now what don’t I care about red mushrooms that’s it all right uh I do kind of want powder melon seeds but I don’t know if I want them that badly no I can always actually you know what I’m I’m I’m dumb I can get them from the raccoon okay that I definitely do want I can buy miners treats get down it’s getting late okay uh I need more Stone so the easiest thing to do is to do that come on shaft give me give me double digits please five levels that’s not double digits [Music] good there’s a shaft two shafts I’m going to take that what is that down there oh dinosaur it’s okay jump in three levels only all right I’ll take that three life Elixir all right I’ll take that damage this is dumb there we go well well well you made it come closer now don’t be shy I mean it took my uh um magic rock candy and I did not get my uh um I did not get the uh um any Prismatic shards at all I heard you were attempting a deep dive into these CA Caverns today I had to see for myself impressive very impressive you passed my test with flying colors kid I’m very pleased that you challenged yourself and came down the honorable way instead of skipping all the levels by crafting staircases I mean I did a few that shows you’re the real deal kid you’ve got principles you understand the importance of challenging yourself and holding yourself to the highest standard even if no one is watching um hate hate to break it to you but there’s there’s people watching that’s why you’re special kid see you lead by example I like that now go over to the table and drink this special milk I’ve prepared for you I don’t know if I want it it’s called aridium snake milk one healthy Swig of that and you’ll become even more powerful The Taste is awful and the texture is even worse but your health is permanently increased by 25 good luck out there kid nope well we fall asleep but I would say that that was a success I would say that that was a success we got down to what level 100 didn’t need to use too many resources to do it I mean I ate most like all my cookies but still 7,184 and I could have gotten a little bit deeper if I had pushed harder but I think that’s okay my energy is uh maxed out let’s check the weather report welcome to K 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny all day yeah and a special forecast for the fern Islands region it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow who I see a glimmer within my scrine or A Shard of Knowledge from the future the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side and living off the land welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another Tiffy all now listen up item Spotlight Crystal Arium this amazing machine could create infinite copies of any kind of gemstone just place the gemstone you’d like to copy in the machine and let it do its thing might take a while but hey that’s pure profit thanks for telling me about the crystal Arium sir all right 54 crops are ready 16 ready in the greenhouse 76 machines ready and the farm cave is ready nothing’s ready in there okay those are all ready Gman trer you’re lucky I found you last night you were unconscious and someone was searching your pockets I have no idea how much money they took they ran away as soon as I approached be more careful what were you doing at level 101 of the uh skull Cavern lus dear valued customer thanks for visiting Pierre’s enclosed as your cash back Rewards program reate see you soon Pierre P sorry for the stock message El Drea enjoy thanks I don’t know why I’m getting another one of those but whatever it’s fine with me I did use a bunch of staircases but I do have 16 Jade now so that’s not too shabby let’s get all of those in there I did get 20 Omni geodes uh all told [Music] right triple shot espresso goes [Music] [Music] there how much aridium did we get 133 all right that’s pretty good it’s uh it’s nothing to sneeze at also I have not looked at the recipe for the blessing statue cuz uh I actually completely forgot about that 999 Stone 999 fiber 999 sap and 333 Moss I actually cannot do that yet because I don’t have the [Music] stone oh I guess I need [Music] 40 we’ll get more chantells [Music] all right well let’s go check on our animals [Music] there we go all right sell some things age smallmouth bass row 154 there we go nope where’s my dinosaur there’s my dinosaur also I’m not sure if you are maxed out yet all right more eggs got another lucky rabbit’s foot [Music] [Applause] [Music] try to make sure that our cows are happy all right [Music] um I think that’s enough uh rainbow trout row no I need uh 14 uh 15 do lava eel row I don’t know that we’ve done lava eel row yet here we go all right so what are we going to do today besides try to take over the world got some wormies up here nice do have some crops ready in here oh my God I have forgotten again okay cuz I have to come back in anyway we are going to get some seeds 16 there we go okay let’s grab all of this stuff first I might run to Robin and byy stone we’re crying out loud do you mind that did not grow into the uh the right thing which is okay we’ll survive but for now let’s go drop some things off uh over [Music] here that was not the right thing [Music] okay so [Music] um I do want to swing over [Music] to get let’s get the axe upgraded I get the golden Mystery Box uh cracked open as well am I missing any minerals yes [Music] [Music] two okay to town [Music] oh cork bobber that’s not too bad mining monthly book of mysteries that’s new okay we’ll get some of these cracked open [Music] maybe until I uh fill up my inventory I suppose I could just sell him stuff yay clay yay clay I don’t actually know what I’m missing suppose I could look that up I mean I do need these for um for trading uh purposes but I’m looking to see if I can fresh my memory on what I have not gotten and I’m not sure I have not gotten Limestone apparently well there’s [Music] [Music] one okay let’s go turn that in right [Music] away all right so Prismatic Shard is still something that I need to find [Music] um holy cow that’s petrified slime that’s like one of the easiest ones to get I [Music] think um yeah so we can get that from regular Geo as well I will hold off on on cracking anything else open it’s never mind okay Bust Stop we need to go back into the mines I have also just remembered get that book in there there we go so this is full I should probably sell some of these um I need to look and remind myself what is used for like the marble is used for some some things um I think most other things aren’t really used for anything cork bobber can go in there I mean it’s a good one when I’m ready to uh go for the see you have a slightly greater chance to find Mystery Boxes nice learned a new power all right there it is so there’s three books that I have not gotten yet I’m not sure which ones they are and then there’s that and there’s that and these two these two way obviously know how we’re going to get uh I know what that is I think we get that from Leah I don’t know what that is off hand that’s fine all right [Music] um is there anything else that I want to do I’ll get enough Stone uh in the mine actually CU I just want to get the uh the bones Here’s a thought though what about in here nah I’d have to I’d have to really hoof it to find to get to the end of that that’s fine all right mines down we go I will take that I will take that do need Stone I do need uh Frozen geod as well now the bats can drop a um an artifact that I have not gotten yet so I might want to fight any of them that show up as well not seeing any skeletons okay this was a waste of time I should have uh there we go what are we looking at in terms of that 56 out of 100 so we’re over halfway through but go to 75 there we go and there’s a diamond can I find a way down please [Music] yes all right well there’s a way [Applause] down but we do have skeletons I am not getting many bone fragments and then I just got eight batw these all right well let’s get back to our staircase here or ladder all right there’s another way down yeah you can tell that this is an unlucky day cuz I am getting poor drops on stuff I do want Stone these could have uh some in them and they do not 77 all right so I think if we do this tomorrow we will uh definitely get what we need we do not have any there unfortunately 75 excellent I approve of that staircase I do not approve of them not dropping uh bone [Music] fragments all right well guess we uh go ahead and leave the mine [Music] one whole bone fragment I still have to catch a squid for for Willie well we do have squid Fest coming up all right so I only need 15 all right let’s look to see if there’s a skeleton down here there is there is oh good glass I came to look nope all right leave the mine and go to 75 all right there is one five bone fragments excellent there a lot of stone over here I would like to find some more Frozen geodes there we go that is perfect all right well I got some time see if we can get some Frozen geod more stone that kind of [Music] thing there’s one two I think we already had one oh right it’s on my I got five so there we [Music] go go and leave the mine and anything that I want to leave here yes ah this reminds me of home you’re not a spy sent by the shadow people are you I’m keeping my eye on you what about your other eye bust up come along horsey let’s get on home there we go and give a kitty a pet good pancakes I mean uh corn flakes let’s go to seat for the night I have pancakes on the mind I’m hungry all right 16,000 very nice got our caviar got our cheese mayonnaise dried common [Music] mushrooms oh but uh that is about where I’m going to be wrapping it up I accidentally hit that button so that is going to wrap us up I’ve got a lot of money and I need to spend some of it on some various things um obviously I could save up for the return scepter um I could make a big dent on that by just selling a lot of stuff that I’m I’m hoarding but I mean I’m a dragon I have to hoard um but I do want to get a shed built so we can start working on filling that up with uh with stuff but that is going to have to wait until next time see you then everyone

We head once again into the Skull Cavern for another attempt at getting to level 100. Will the third time be the charm?


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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