Becoming the MASTER ELEMENTAL in Minecraft!

hey guys what are we playing on are you right what’s the matter Aaron can’t save your own girlfriend I’ve got this I don’t got this fear my Raging Waters yeah a uh oh no what w stuck The Landing huh become the elemental Master choose your element oh water fire um let’s see mud and um clouds water fire earth and clouds those are the elements you know what I’m going to go the marshmallows what happened why do I keep falling into things wait did that thing just sneeze you out it’s a monster oh a master’s chosen we can use your help here I’m fine guys it’s got to be me I’m the elemental Master see how I fly around and fight just help kill this thing here you are bud I am eat my leaves I think this monster is uh he kicked the crystal guys he’s kicking the crystals and all of the Vibes are going to be bad if we don’t have the crystals together that even M get away from jeez you almost kicked me too I mean understandable I’m pretty sure but freaking my crystal dang it get away from that don’t step why is it this working blow them away just stop it I just help stop them before they’re all oh giant Elemental Titan it is me your master stop I don’t think you’re helping I don’t think it’s stop we need to work together let’s retrieve her right now the elemental crystals are gone we can still take it fine let me just make a path okay so let me get this straight that giant monster ate me and I’m an elemental Master yeah we yeah I wish a giant monster ate me what oh my gosh but I guess we got to find those crystals right yeah if we hope to have any chance we’re going to need them but I think we just found our Crystal over there that’s right a fire villain don’t get too excited take the crystal away definitely different babe this be careful if you’re walking behind me this is slippery kind of cool hey Kim you like flowers well bet you’ve never sniffed a fireflower before fireflower oh no it’s full a pain she died C you may want to set this one out his head is on fire you’re looking pretty hot over there oh I guess the elemental Master is also a pun master master Str yeah no more of that everything’s on fire we need to look Oh Aaron I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’ll just use my ability don’t melt like you melt my heart babe that doesn’t even make any sense all right let’s take a look for that Crystal but where could it be let’s see if I were a flaming this gym what a gym in a village never seen that before I don’t know let’s take a look inside and see what’s going oners can punch a boxing gy for villagers hey the crystal is actually here know okay as long as I’m in that ring the crystal is M okay let put the He Go sir please can I have it oh nice intimidating um again with the puns huh I’m trying okay give me a moment sing puns try to knock him out a bit and oh don’t worry I got this I’m a sure I can take him I’m water all right this is my fight Kim they’re in here a we got to knock another to get the crystal to fight without me waa try sneaking up on him here let me help sneak hey that’s a good plan look at that more fire got on the roope wait wait wait push him up push oh hey y nice oh wait we just had to push them out woo we did it all right can someone get me up there please up I’ll just throw you up there oh don’t worry I got use my tsunami P go wait we knocked it down oh it fell hey cool all right let’s see do we just right click or oh wait wait what’d you do wait huh ooh hey another the power was added to me fire why testing on me sorry I didn’t I thought you were water you’re supposed to not set on fire sorry why am I on fire I’m literally water that’s not my fault sounds like a you problem what you do to it me I I didn’t do anything I just wanted I wanted fire breath wait where’s the crystal at I think broke it you know I’ll deal with you later we got one of them let’s go find the others real quick right those Elemental Crystal aren’t going to find themselves let’s go wait ooh what’s that here we go over here it’s like a gross Village yeah it’s definitely Earth did you say it was gross oh ah it’s full of dir and stuff I don’t like getting dirty it’s natural things SP what the oh they’re spawning weird things must be guard oh it’s attacking okay you guys take care of that I’m going to fly away you coming thanks for uh blasting us careful maybe help us out a little bit more please well that takes work and yeah and you’re lazy we know all right let’s see got it Elemental Master oh he’s dead I’ll give you some gold if you do it Ian I’ll get the next one wow ooh is that cabbage cart cabbages even I think those are gross a look at this guy I wonder if some bone will Cal the Beast what Beast talking about who guys there are rocks falling okay Kim what is yeah why what happened you got pelted I didn’t feel a thing wait did you not it hurt her yeah whatever let’s just find this stupid Beast all right who I’m guessing that that’s him hey it’s an earth Titan it’s got the crystal what the w w all right Zane I need you to go look for some bow meal for that cabbage guy yep got it I’m 50 steps ahead of you perfect okay maybe not that much but I’m on it all right he’s the one who told us it’ll calm the Beast so we got to figure out is that Titan the Beast I’m not sure okay I got some oh really yeah take this yo that was fast thanks all right let’s see how to get up there Ian Ian where you at huh what what is it yo what you doing H don’t worry I already took care of all the spawners where you guys at oh really yeah over here there something else I need you to do H what is it okay so you need to take this bone meal and you see that Titan up there oh the Titan yes you’re going to use this to get him cuz he needs to calm down oh yeah yeah no no problem just let me the master of elements take care of it all right hello Titan wait is he actually helping or why do I think we’re doomed I can guarantee he’s not careful looks like more powers for me than yeah don’t you dare what is he what what what is he what what happened he stole my outfit you stole your outfit I don’t think so yours a cuor he got oh he can’t fly anymore he’s not an elemental Master we only get one power all right well he’s not going to do it I guess we all have to good idea Aon all right everyone come on come on I guess I had to betray us and couldn’t control it so I still got bone meal because honestly I thought something bad would happen here don’t worry I still have some of the other bone meal I’ll distract him you guys go get it all right let’s see yeah I’ll help distract actually thr the Rock at me Titan or Z whoa all right be careful be careful yeah I’m trying all right distracting is really not working for us down here oh yeah too focused over there guys careful be careful guys take it into the face I got this thing in bone me I don’t know why you need it but maybe it’s because you’re grass and you need the grass to calm down oh wait wa wait why did you do to it wait is he a bit Greener or he’s got his grass back he just wanted to feel pretty I don’t care can we take his Crystal or I know how that feels bro oh that’s great he looks pretty I can’t see him but can we hurry up and get out of this place I feel gross I want to shower all right guys I’m back Earth crystal in what are you I did get another Power look at that and my outfit changed Nate oh looking nice fantastic can we go now please all right come on whoa check it out a beach we don’t have time for this finally something that isn’t trying to kill us and nice looking geysers and everything and it’s so nice and War I don’t think you should go in yeah I saw that coming a is that you KC oh my gosh what are you doing here well having a beach day duh the water crystal made this place awesome wait you know where the crystal is uh kind of but it’s not easy to wow Z you look amazing oh hey Casey I was just um testing the sand I mean look at this sand it is very Sandy oh my gosh I can’t believe you’re a water element also oh you know I mean not as good as you but I have some pretty impressive water powers though a me too oh what are yours no no no let’s show each other yeah okay uh okay on three you go first you go first okay guys I would be careful if I were you over there in the water o oh Z I’m so scared oh W wo that was way cooler that was big a your wave was so cute Zane a Zane your little wave was cute Zane it’s okay it’s not about the size it’s how the water flows guys you got a tiny wave oh my goodness stop you’re making me laugh no please just go find the crystal now please sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry all right Casey can you show us where the crystal is yeah of course o let’s go thanks again for leading us to the crystal yeah no problem of course wait more cabbages excuse me uh where are you huh water park sure is great huh did you make a water park Casey mm- wasn’t me it just showed up when the crystal got here what look there’s a little tiny wave full over there you’re so funny Aon oh my gosh that was pretty funny all right so it’s not going to be easy I mean I I mean come on why can’t all of our Crystal quests be this easy this looks nice um wait you said it’s not easy what do you mean by that yeah the crystal used to be just sitting out but now it’s in the middle of the park and there’s lots of stuff in the way come on I’m sure we can handle it it’ll be fast okay in and out real quick come on let’s go y’all wait I found out don’t run H why not oh cuz that’s uh okay uh jet ski let’s go all right come on come on let’s go I’m driving run K see you can go slow oh je gotad what wow they hurt are you all right oh they do hurt why do the pads hurt thank God those life cards and follow us I hope not that would be weird St H every that was fun I don’t know you I’m taking damage maybe I should be driving no no no no I am a good driver just because I’ve crashed a few cars in my life driver there sorry sorry sorry sorry okay we can wiggle it we can wiggle it what’s the flamingo get the flamingo out of here get the we just swim okay all right let’s just swim up to it all right walk over all right where k a come on okay um huh wait a dolphin finally so cute this got nothing to do with a crystal though babe yeah but they are adorable look at the babies all right come on let’s go I don’t trust them wait what a you’re leaving yeah we got to go get this Crystal Casey it’s kind of important you know it’s a part of the whole mission and everything to become the elemental Master thing and plus we could always use more help if you want to join us I’ll just stay here with the cute lifeguard what looks like some kind of latch or something all right just hold your okay keep moving guys we got to get all these crystals that ooh hey I see it oh the crystal yeah it’s like purifying something let’s see up H oh hey check it out I got four powers now wow impressive what do they do yeah what does it do oh ooh hang on hey she melted I’m a puddle some Elemental Master yeah who knew you could get shorter oh you’re okay okay this should be pretty useful H where is everyone here yeah this place looks a little bit abandoned abandoned yeah they really let this place go interesting hello wait what’s that what what was it wait you see this thing over here the tiny they like little boogies little bugs yeah little boogie let’s see do we have time for bugs H oh look at them they’re adorable oh oh there’s more over here wait is that the crystal thing what I think it’s a pedestal the pedestal thingy oh yeah you’re right yeah yeah that definitely looks like it h doesn’t have a crystal though is it in the fire or what is this thing doing un of all places I don’t know but it couldn’t have been that easy H hey hey hey hey put me down what’s going on oh my gosh get the fire oh no I guess we know what happened to the villagers I mean he was an ice cube there’s not much we can do for him hey you melted oh great now I’m the puddle wait all right I can’t even move that fast this is wonderful okay okay you’re doing the thing that after yeah we already said that Kim guys we that’s the Cabbage Dude cabbage guy what is he doing here hey lend us your wi you got permit to sell here there oh man I sure wish someone would clean up this town really I mean I like cleaning how are we going to clean all this up I don’t know all right well I don’t suppose anyone brought a vacuum uh we don’t need a vacuum we’re going to use our hands the good old fashioned way let me see this thing right here here the dirt Elemental clean this place up I’m an earth Elemental and so are you why don’t you do it the S spr it’s my first day oh guys this is a bottle grab the S Sprites and put them in they threw Aaron into a fire pit I’m not sure if they’re cute little troublemakers look look look he’s fine he was so hot he melted okay I think it’s okay they threw him in a fire I say they do it again finally I’m not a puddle anymore ooh what happened I got a smoke jar wait what did you guys do um so those S Sprite thingies needed to go into a jar and then we got this smoke jar yeah we got a Jar full of soot that’s so great what do we do with it now I don’t know let’s see yeah more dirt Powers your dirt is what you know what you’re right you can have all the dirt for yourself just a second where’s the all right there’s some more s Sprites around here I wonder if I were to put it in here what they made a crystal all right let’s see if I can use this and smoke smoke what oh look at another outfit and it’s called Smoke bind all right use it on Ian Ian I can’t see jez guys okay hello I think that should do it right Kim all right I’m going to try something else no Kim it’s just Kim that’s so cool no fear flying used to be my power you look smoking Kim look at you thanks you’re right Ian flying is fun what how want my firef flying B okay you know what we should probably calm him down well I mean we don’t have to do we just let him kill each other or all right give me hey stop it give me it where’d you go all right I think the next pistol should be here this has been taking forever chill out okay we’re in a chill environment did you really say that here in the ice section of course I did okay it’s called a pun get used to it huh o p ship maybe it’s in there H yeah let’s give it a shot I haven’t seen something like this but I’m not sure if I like the look of it h and there’s an opening of the glacier too it don’t look too friendly maybe it’s in one of these things well it is a crash ship in an Ice Cube or whatever ice Pirates all right maybe we should sck into the cave or something oh yeah there they’re there’re skeletons ooh those aren just skeletons I think they’re Strays oo even worse all right let’s not worry about that right now Focus come on yeah let’s uh get over this way up here um o look at this all righty this like a little ice cabern guys oh my goodness they’re blue yetis hi we send the ice guy talk to yeah I vote for that too just cuz I’m made of ice doesn’t mean I can talk to yetis come on your ice they’re ice how my goodness stop you talking little together okay let’s go and see if we can sneak past them be quiet sneak past them their eyes are wide opening they got tummies oh move big can’t movement I thought I heard you over there what’s up no what you doing all the way out here I was out here getting these really cool ice powers and I kind of got stuck down here so just been chilling out with these guys oh chilling we can get you out of here Let’s uh maybe we can make some Yeti spaghetti wo be chill don’t worry these guys won’t hurt anyone they’re okay I promise but we got some more trouble down this way I’ll show you trouble uh what you talking about excuse me don’t mind us scoozy scoozy oh they’re nice all right oh hey a crystal yeah but we got a problem for oh oh I see what’s going on oh boy yeah those guys turned me into a ice Kebab really H well let’s see I think I might be able to get get rid of them yeah everyone can take one yep I think all of us working together should be able to get them all out and chill oh man they are have my heal are helping with that one okay sorry I’m going to use this to go under them guys you take care of it oh the heart I got it Kim how do I use it these dirt Powers good what that’s not helpful oh got it got it got it got it and oh o got aable don’t the way okay oh don’t worry there’s a puddle coming this way man that’s a small guys stop making fun of and see what happens an ice knife knife I mean knce ooh I think I have all the elements you did it all right so who’s ready to go check that Titan out oh yeah give him a taste of his own medicine sending us on this Quest let kill it um how do we get out of here no very carefully okay all right guys there’s a Titan right there and there’s a cabbage why is he here still it’s now or never do or die got it all do your best Z you do your best especially I can’t do this okay we’re going to make a big destrction I did it I’m not useless anymore big wave I’m so proud of you Aaron he growing up not get our hopes up we only did it once we got this Elemental together think I learn how to do he’s Shing get him and one more should do it Swift not so big now are you let me take care oh oh you boy all an elemental woman looks like you’re get Time to Say Goodbye then wao W that was awesome all right is it gone we won wait are you going to still like that forever now or um I am giant now I can look down on you but well I mean I’m not going to complain I kind of like noet I am going to be tall for the rest of my existence is that okay with you guys actually now that you point out I don’t know if I like you being taller than me perfect all right now that I’m fully an elemental you guys can show me the ropes a bit more I want you to make a big waves Z you did pretty good dude thank you finally some recognition for my talents hey did you guys hear something hear what must have just been water splashing in a puddle stop ignoring me

It’s the Clash of the (elemental) Titans!
💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


  1. 🔥☄️🧯🚒🐦‍🔥🕯️🧑‍🚒👩‍🚒👨‍🚒❤️‍🔥🧨🪵🎆🎇🥶❄️🍦🍨🍧🧊⛸️☁️🌤️🌥️⛅️🌦️🌧️🌨️⛈️🌩️💨🌁🌪️🌫️😶‍🌫️💦🌊💧🐟🦆🐠🦀🐙🐬🐳🚿🐧🎣🐡🦞🛁🦐🔥💨🚬🚭

  2. Jess I love your videos and I’m so glad you brought Rhys back, could you bring back leaf and ash with pierce and noi so we can see them all together again please, also you and Jason are adorable and your children are so cute I love you

  3. No DJ guy to hi to visit disk k DJ kiddo sh less n back pic USB Ian tax FL loan i yeah pick up i GCB o idk DJ k idk pick foo y'all p idk ouch luck to own music go fish j to kidnap ju it so keep y so own so too ldk my DJ ha so NC CNN NC cm n NC cm m NC cm NC chance CJC cock cm DJ NC CNN vs fox k is dj j JD to kg to if yo sh sh hey do day tv di Reddick just three hi Ii USS do all dogs so ha an didn't do it 17:49 17:49 17:49 17:49 17:50 17:50 17:50 17:50 17:50 17:51 17:51 17:51 17:51 17:52 17:52 17:52 17:52 17:53 17:53 17:53 17:53 17:53 17:54 17:54 17:54 17:54 FL CDI flex❤❤❤❤ blush

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