1. _LemonEater_ on

    Yeah, just use what you wanna use. Some of the most fun I’ve had playing MC was with keep inventory on, and some of the best laughs have been with it off (and my friend losing our dragon egg to the void). Both can be fun

  2. Chimerathesecond on

    But it literally isn’t cheating it’s a Gamerule, same with Mob griefing, Gamerule are the same as playing Uno with the ability to stack plus cards, it may not be in the official rules but it’s an option you can play with and that makes it a valid play style, it’s not like going into creative in the middle of a survival playthrough and while yes you need Cheats on to change game rules in the middle of the game if someone straight up goes “No you can’t play Plus cards on top of a plus card” after half the game with those rules that would be cheating, changing the rules in the middle of the game is cheating but you Can set the rules before making the world, so to Change the rules is to cheat, but to set the rules in the beginning that’s Not Cheating.

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