Having a DINOSAUR FAMILY In Minecraft!

today we’re going to be starting dinosaur families in Minecraft guys check it out we’re all dinosaurs it looks so cool wao this is so cool wait guys we all have awesome Tails check this out and I’m pink wait a second does that mean we can turn into dinosaurs yeah Daddy oh gosh I don’t really feel too good something’s happening to my body daddy oh no what’s happening what’s happening what the heck is a dinos dinosaur come here gooy no no no no no that’s not nice well guys why are you so scaring me you’re dinosaurs too wait so if you can turn into a dinosaur can we turn into the dinosaurs yes you just need to take a poop really hard and then you turn into a dinosaur you should try it uh I don’t think that’s how it works I’m going to try that do it Gooby do it what no Gooby you die a he’s extinct he just died wa that was crazy guys don’t worry I’m still alive o Gooby your dinosaur is so awesome looking you’re super blue and you’re really tall yeah I’m all the way in the sky wow your neck is huge wait do you have any cool abilities like this Haya or like this one waa tail whip keep that mouth away from me wo I want to see that oh oh yeah nice Gooby oh that is so awesome take this whoa hey calm down tail whipping you take that tail whip battle tail whip battle oh yeah take this well I want to turn into a dinosaur yeah guys what are you waiting for come on join us well I want to see what Daisy turns into dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur what the heck um uh Daisy why are you kind of fat wait I’m fat yeah you’re kind of fat no no don’t say that about my sister sorry Gooby but your sister is kind of fat now she’s cool she has a spiky back she’s got a big Club on her tail that’s actually really cool I’m not going to lie daddy what’s your dinosaur let me see dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur waa daddy oh you’re the smallest dinosaur haha no I wasn’t yep daddy you’re the smallest little baby dinosaur why are you so tiny yep daddy you’re the weakest I’m not tiny well guys I think I’m definitely the coolest dinosaur here no I don’t think so yeah I think so let’s go I’m the coolest dinosaur no I’m cool but guys now that we turned into dinosaurs we need to start a dinosaur family well how do we do that well guys everyone right now go to an island and there’s an egg waiting for us and we need to wait for it to hatch and then we’re going to have babies I’m going to be a mommy I’m going to be a daddy I’m going to be a grandpa Okay who wants to take my egg because I don’t want to be a father anymore what no Daddy you need to raise your dinosaur baby nope someone can take them I’m already taking care of you guys guys I don’t want to take care of another kid oh my goodness really daddy since we have our own babies then you’re not our daddy anymore what do you mean that mean oh no that means I’m a grandpa you’re Grandpa times three um you guys can keep all the kids I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to go to that Island to my right and I’m going to build a big poopy house all right Daddy just make sure you’re protecting your egg at all cost all right all right I’m going to use all my dinosaur poop all right come on guys everyone go to your Islands right now wo my egg is so cool let me just go back a human form this is so awesome ooh I want to pick up my egg wo I have the egg on my head this is so awesome wait what the heck there’s a dinosaur up there hey what are you doing on top of that tree hey Johnny nice egg what Becky is that you yeah I became a dinosaur so I can help you raise your baby dino egg oh my goodness that’s actually you Becky you’re a green dinosaur wo now we could be a dinosaur family together e no I don’t want to start a dinosaur family with you Becky this is my egg back away from it yes you’re the dino Daddy and I’m the dino mommy no okay you’re going to be Dino no one to get away from me come on Johnny don’t you want to raise this egg together no oh my goodness okay here look follow me Gooby gooby Where Are You O I just found my egg down here okay yeah Gooby look I got a little present for you it’s Becky wo Becky you’re a dinosaur too um yeah I’m going to be a dino mommy with Johnny what no you’re not you’re going to be a dino mommy with Gooby all right you’re going to stay with Gooby from now on what no I don’t want to do that yes because I’m not allowing you to help raise my egg all right so you’re going to have to figure out something else but Johnny I’m supposed to be with you no get away from me D don’t worry Becky you can be a dino mommy with me I guess I’ll just raise your egg to be like Johnny all right it’s time to protect this little baby dinosaur egg ooh I think I’m going to stick him in this cave right here but what are these cows doing here I need to kill them time to go into dinosaur mode all right Mr Cow do you have any last words take this oh my God I just destroyed that cow tail whip another tail whip hey come back here Mr Cow where are you going take that yep that’s the best way to kill cows in Minecraft all right this egg is looking pretty cozy in here uh I’m just going to fix the floor because I don’t want my egg to be on dirt I’m going to put my egg on some of these hay bowels okay I need to get rid of some things that are dangerous on this island to my egg like this fire we cannot have fire on this island also I can not have this lava I need to get rid of all this lava what if my baby hatches and then he runs into the lava and instantly dies that would be so sad and I’d be the worst dinosaur father ever all right there we go this is looking pretty good good now what I’m going to do is I’m going to add a big gate going around my Island cuz I cannot have Becky coming into my Island she’s going to try to steal my egg so I need to get a good gate all right I’m just going to do something like this and then we’ll fill the middle up with the fences oh yeah this is coming out so good wa Daisy what are you building over there that base looks so crazy I’m just building a wall oh my goodness you have so much space it’s just so my baby doesn’t get out wait um Daisy did you think of a name for your baby dinosaur yet or no no I haven’t o let me help you come up with a name um what about poopy butt I’m not naming my baby poopy butt H let me think uh carrot face that’s a horrible name well I’m trying all right Daisy you haven’t came up with a single name I’ll probably name it like Daisy Jor ew Daisy Jr that’s a terrible name I don’t know why you would name it that that’s my name nope it’s terrible you’re such a meanie weenie what daddy you’re building a bridge to the Middle Island uh yeah so we can all connect to one another Daddy I don’t want to connect to you why not my base is definitely the most secure right now here Dad let me sit on your egg real quick and warm it up hey wo you’re getting too close to the lava you crazy son of a gun daddy why do you have lava in your base anyways that’s dangerous for your baby I was just finishing my wall I’m going to get rid of it ooh Daddy yeah I got to add a wall too that’s what I was doing wait what are you doing on your base I’m adding a wall let me see your wall it’s coming out pretty good what the heck is this this so ugly no it’s coming out really good okay well Johnny I’m going to leave you and uh good luck making your stupid poopy face Daddy my base is not stupid and it’s definitely not poopy it’s way better than yours I’m making Jurassic Park over here Daddy I’m the better dinosaur than you everyone knows this no you’re not I have horns oh yeah well I got uh I’m yellow how about that worst color worst color it’s the bestest color keep telling yourself that Johnny well guess what my base is pretty much completed it’s looking amazing in here I just got to cut down some of these Vines there’s too many Vines everywhere baby dinosaurs are not going to like these Vines ooh I have a really good idea I’m going to add a pool for my dinosaur every dinosaur needs to take a bath especially baby dinosaurs all right we’re just going to break where this lava was and then we’re going to replace it with a bunch of water these going to look so amazing all right pool completed my base is done this is the perfect habitat for my dinosaur baby to grow up in I’m going to go find out what Gooby and Becky been up to I’m really curious of what they’re making in their little baby habitat guys what are you doing down here what the heck is going on Johnny and Becky’s future lovess Becky did you write this do you like it Johnny I made it for us no I hate it break it I tried to tell her that supposed to be for me and whole but um she just put my bed in a bunch of cobwebs well guys this looks absolutely terrible you should rip this down no Johnny look it’s yellow and it’s orange just like us oh my goodness wait Gooby where’s your baby egg at oh my egg is right here in the corner wait where what the heck what is he doing back there this is not a good area to grow up a baby dinosaur okay yeah you’re right Johnny let’s just go back to your Island and raise your baby no no no no no you are not being invited to My Island there’s a no Becky only there okay wait what is this I love Johnny so much oh heck no I’m breaking that sign what Johnny is so hunky hey Becky Becky you’re supposed to put signs about me up there uh no I don’t think I’m going to do that ew all right well I’m going to go check on everyone else’s bases come on guys follow me let’s go see what my daddy’s been working on yeah I want to see that Daddy what have you been doing over here I’m clearing out some space for my big Triceratops family oh my goodness really Daddy yeah we’re really big so we need a lot of room yeah you guys are pretty big big and fat hey you watch your m Mister well I’m going to I’m going to pull those T-Rex teeth out of your mouth well daddy this this is looking pretty bad over here so I’m going to go see what Daisy’s been doing come on guys it’s doesn’t look bad what are you talking about you need to make like a wheelhouse this is just a wall hey I I will make a real house you live in a volcano wait this actually looks really good Daisy where are you I’m downstairs wait Daisy Is this where you’re going to put your baby dinosaur at yeah it’s going to be his room oh my goodness this looks so good wow JG you made whole giant downstairs Secret Base in you yeah I’m trying to make it look really cool boo watch out for that bat don’t worry guys I’m going to kill it where are you Mr Bat come here I can’t fit I’m too fat Daisy y you’re too big in dinosaur form this is not made for a dinosaur it’s not made for a dinosaur you need to get rid of this base no I don’t it’s for a baby dinosaur your head’s just too big what does that mean you call me fat no I just think you have a big head Daisy call me fat I don’t want to be in this base anymore she’s mean wow Johnny Daisy just said so many mean things to you don’t you like me better than her honestly right now I do like you more than Daisy cuz she called me fat that was really mean oh yes you like me more than her we’re going to be married forever well I didn’t say all that Becky where did you getting that from Becky uh maybe you should just get married to me oh yeah you guys would be a perfect couple ew no Gooby I don’t like you I like Johnny well if I be a b dinosaur than him then you like me right uh no um guys when I was going back to my base there’s this random dinosaur block that just spawned in the middle of this island wa it looks really cool it looks like a Godzilla on there wait that’s not Godzilla that’s a T-Rex Gooby he’s destroying a whole city guys do you think I should break this block I wonder what’s going to happen oh yeah maybe there was like a cool dinosaur weapon in there oh yeah go you’re right okay I’m going to break it Haya what what just happened what just happened I here guys uh I don’t know there was a random Block in the middle and I hit it and that we just spawned here why would you hit it you dummy now we’re stuck here we’re caged we are caged this is like a zoo we’re zoo animals wait hold on guys I think this is like a mini game it’s a dinosaur mini game so what are we supposed to do oh my God it’s counting down I don’t know what we need to do let’s see hopefully we don’t die hunting time I think we have to kill the animals ooh you’re right oh oh I have won wo wo wo I got to win this I got to win this oh no I wasn’t winning the more animals you kill the more points you get so you need to kill the most amount of animals to win I’m going to kill the most animals so that Johnny loves me no get away from me hey Daisy I’m going to kill you oh God oh God you’re doing a lot of damage I’m a bigger dinosaur okay okay you’re a bigger dinosaur calm down if I eat MDI do I get lots of points no no hey who hit me ow ow I got to go this way there’s a bunch more animals over here daddyy how are you in front of me stop it stop it I need these animals never M yes yes yes give them to me no no my Daddy’s going to win there’s only 10 seconds left 10 seconds I’m the alpha what if I’m just really nice old animal do I get points no you’re in last you’re almost in last place Gooby yes yes yes that’s not fair daddy you’re cheating daddy you’re literally cheating you were getting to the animals first no I wasn’t cheating I was just faster yeah cuz my legs are bigger okay how about this guys how about we do another round and this time we’re going to beat my daddy okay sounds good yeah Johnny I’m going to beat him just for you no you’re not Becky okay I’m going to beat you and you’re going to be in last place again get ready to go get ready to go I’m going far from you guys so I can get more animals oh yes yes yes give me this animal give me this animal ow beigy just bit me oh my gosh give me this cat hey hey Becky no that was my cat sorry Johnny I have to beat your daddy so that you love me take that Gooby that’s mine get away from me Becky why are you hitting me you are not allowed to kill any of these animals they’re all mine well Becky I’m going to kill you hey stop that ouch oh kill him yeah I just stomped on them I’m in first I have 10 I have 10 yes yes yes this is not fair my dinosaur is not made to eat other people it’s made to eat plants plants your dinosaur is a plant eater I think mine is two mine is is also a PL eater ah who’s biting me in the butt come on come on I need more I need more yes yes yes I’m in first I’m a velociraptor hey Becky how are you in front of me I’m the deadliest Predator ever made oh my gosh guys Becky just won how did you let her win I don’t know she’s cheating looks like I’m the best and Johnny has to marry me ew no I’m not doing that I had a win I won wa guys we’re back to our Islands now that was a really fun mini game I know I won around I’m so good yeah too bad my daddy and Becky cheated what are you talking about I didn’t cheat I just used the power of love it’s the strongest power ever that’s so cringy yeah that is so cringe don’t ever say that again Becky meteors Inc coming um does anyone see that what do that mean oh yeah there’s a Time 5 minutes but are babies oh my goodness there’s 5 minutes on the top counting down and meteors are going to come in protect your egg Ione get to your bases and for it Daisy’s right we need to protect our eggs everyone quick go back to your base and protect your eggs Becky what are you doing over here I have to protect our baby Johnny okay fine Becky you want to help me protect my baby yes all right fine you could just stay there and build at of really strong blocks so if the meteors come and hit us it won’t destroy stuff all right okay okay you work over there and I’m going to work on making this way better with stronger blocks I am not going to have a meteor destroy my baby uh-uh not today I’m going to use some obsidian yes obsidian is actually the strongest Block in the game oh my goodness we only have 4 minutes left everyone needs to hurry up the meteors are coming I’m trying to build this is super scary daddy now is not a time to be scared now you need to be brave I am brave but I’m also scared at the same time I’m a brave scared all right there we go now this is looking pretty good and my baby shouldn’t die I’m also going to replace the flooring with obsidian there we go oh God he kind of went into a little hole wait that’s actually kind of good okay let me just put a trapo above my little baby boom now he’s hidden from all the meteors whoa I like what you’re doing here Becky too now we have like a little entrance I’m just going to replace all the floor with obsidian cuz it’s super strong wow you like it you actually like it yes I like what you’re doing here get out of the way though Becky get out of the way that means you like me no I never said that okay I just like what you built that’s what you thought guys we have 2 minutes and 30 seconds remaining keep building it’s going too quick this is really scary okay what else can I add to my base wait we need a roof Becky we need to add a roof up here oh my goodness oh yeah you got to do that cuz you’re really strong one meteor is going to destroy my entire base if we don’t have a roof so I’m just going to fill all this up there we go this is looking super protected now and I’m just going to put a bunch more obsidian over here I’m just going to start doubling layers of obsidian oh my gosh I’m a freaking genus yes you really are a Johnny guys how are your Bas is coming along we only have 1 minute left I think mine’s almost done ooh daddy would you add to your base added this little Barn daddy that is poop one meteor is going to destroy that here come check out mine no it’s not it’s really strong me and Becky built out of obsidian it’s super super strong daddy wa that’s smart making the roof a block that can’t break yep daddy genius is Right W it goes all the way back here where do this go wait hold on Gooby what are you building what is that that it’s my dinosaur oh my goodness really Gooby that looks so bad no it looks really good it’s made of diamonds so super hard to break well guys we only have 15 seconds until the meteors come so everyone quick go inside your bases right now go go go I’m going oh no oh no Becky get in here 5 Seconds Johnny Hold Me I’m Scared guys are the meteors spawning yet oh my God oh my God there’s actual meteors they the G dra oh my goodness oh God right on our house oh my gosh oh my gosh this is not safe out here they’re like they’re like rockets guys I’m scared oh my gosh Becky get inside Johnny protect me I can’t do anything against a natural disaster Becky we just got to come in here and pray whoa the giant me are coming oh I got to go inside oh it’s breaking things oh God guys a big Chuck of my just exploded oh my goodness guys we have 5 minutes until the meteors stop this is going to be insane oh God don’t worry I have a sword I’m going to just hit the meteors take that you’re going to hit the meteors what are you talking about Gooby you can’t hit meteors with swords yes if it tries to hurt my base I’m just going to punch it in the face okay really Gooby yes oh my gosh one just blew up next to me oh my goodness oh my gosh daddy there’s one right on your house what there’s one on my house yes daddy it landed on your face oh God wa I think still getting more can anyone see my house yes there’s a lot of them landing on your house right now Daisy well my Bunker’s fine Becky what are you doing outside get in here Johnny I’m really scared all right Becky I need you to do something I need you to go check on Gooby for me and make sure that he’s safe what no I don’t care about him yes you need to go over there and go check on Gooby he’s my bestest friend and I need to make sure that he’s safe from the meteor so go out there are you sure about this what if I get hit by a meteor listen here if you really love me then you’d go out there and see if my friend’s okay all right Johnny I’ll do it for you go Becky go go Becky go I’ll be watching you from the door yes go Becky go Gooby are you all right Gooby oh my gosh watch out Becky oh no oh my God guys Becky just fell and died wait did I heal Becky and dangel R right P Becky see you never yeah Gooby she already died no she’s already dead don’t worry don’t worry Becky I’m Coming For You no no what are you doing oh my goodness now we just lost two dinosaurs all right now we just got to wait until all these meteors are over oh my gosh that one almost just blew up my base I’m going to just stay in here for the last 2 minutes all right guys the meteors are done let’s check out the damage oh my goodness my whole island is blown up mine too and there’s lava Johnny what just happened to me I’m coming over this is really not good guys those meteors almost took out all the dinosaur doors oh no my B’s head got blown up yeah that’s crazy Gooby but guys wait hold on what is this in the middle it’s like a t-rex with meteors behind it oh no I think it might be another mini game or it’s a boss battle it cannot be a boss battle guys I don’t know I’m a little scared to break this block maybe before we break it this time we should get some armor and weapons oh it’s a good idea we definitely should do that all right guys everyone get some armor right now what armor should I wear I’m just going to get the best armor in the game netherite all right guys now that we all have armor and some weapons everyone needs to transform into their dinosaur roar oh yeah this is so awesome yeah now we can finally fight together Johnny exactly if we all use all of our special dinosaur Powers then we’ll be able to destroy this scary boss oh yeah I’m going to hit him with my neck like this oh gosh Gooby okay don’t hurt yourself that’s my only weapons all right guys guys there’s no more time to wait we’re going to break this block in three 2 1 Haya oh gosh um guys where are we I don’t know uh I have no clue uh-oh this looks like a big old cave H this looks a little suspicious I don’t know guys I’m a little scared I’m scared too what’s going to come out of that gate wao look over there this T oh my goodness guys that’s a big dinosaur that’s a T-Rex oh my God like your daddy Johnny Daddy this is really scary I don’t like this is he going to try and eat us no he’s not going to eat us cuz we’re going to eat him everyone charge him oh my gosh go go go everyone attack him attack him ow take this big dinosaur ow ow his tail whip hurts hurt come here oh no he’s really strong you guys you like that tail whip tail whip I’m going to use my neck attack take this oh gosh Gooby oh yeah guys we’re doing some massive damage get him get him get him yes yes I think we killed them yeah oh yeah wait what the heck um guys why is there a bunch of zombies and scary things spawning I think it’s cuz it’s dark in here I think it’s cuz we killed them oh my gosh they do a lot of damage just kill them just tail whip tail whip tail whip you like that oh no the skeletons are shooting arrows yes guys we did it we defeated all the monsters but uh am I the only one that has this red gem in my inventory no I have it too I have one too I also have one me too Johnny what is it for I don’t know but it looks like we got it right when we defeated that giant red dinosaur maybe we could spawn in our babies finally you think they actually hatch with these yes daddy you need to give this gem to your baby and then they’re going to hatch oh I want to see my baby all right well guys we need to escape this place and go back to our Island so everyone follow me this way let’s get out of here all right guys we made it back to our Islands now everyone go collect your eggs and bring them to the middle we’re about to hatch all of these eggs into little baby dinosaurs I’m excited to see them wait but guys uh where’ Gooby go for my egg hold on Gooby gooby where are you you guys check it out my baby already hat what the where’s your baby what do you mean it already have what is that thing it’s a caveman it’s my baby what is that thing it’s so ugly no he’s cute look at him he’s got my eyes he looks like a dog ew that thing looks weird looks just like you get it away yeah Gooby that thing is really weird looking I don’t know if I like it no he’s friendly see Ni I’m an ant I’m an actual ant no you’re a dinosaur you’re not an ant I mean this is my nephew cuz you’re my brother oh duh yes well guys I want to hatch my eggs yo I’m going to get it real quick everyone bring your eggs to the middle I’m going to get mine too all right let me just make sure my egg has been doing good in here where are you Mr eggy there you are come here here all right just going to bring it over here all right guys now everyone get your red Gem and click on your egg in three 2 1 go wao what’s happening what’s happening So Co they’re hatching wao oh my goodness I have a baby wait what Daisy why does your baby look just like mine your baby looks just like mine no you stole my baby’s look no I didn’t it’s pink Johnny did you have a baby with Daisy instead of me no oh no this is just accidental I don’t know what happened look it’s pink and yellow It’s a combination of both of you Becky I don’t know why they look exactly the same okay they must be twins or something I can’t believe this why didn’t you have a baby with me Becky I don’t like you okay that’s why I didn’t want to have a baby with you Becky uh maybe this is all baby right here that disgusting freak this thing is garbage wo wao hey no oh my God oh my God he’s going to die now why don’t you go catch them no they just died Becky why would you do such a thing they were both gross well you’re gross well you’re gross Daisy get your weird pink shell thing off of beautiful baby Johnny um hey don’t hit my baby hey hey Becky chill Becky stop I can’t believe this I was supposed to have a baby not you oh no guys why is it raining what happened um I don’t know but I can’t move you guys it’s really cold in here yeah why is this rain cold oh my God it just turned to snow why did turn ice the Ice Age It’s the Ice Age come here Mr Dinosaur dinosaurs die in the Ice Age no they don’t Daddy it’s just a little bit of ice all right I’m going back to my base oh gosh it’s really cold snow on the ground I died why is there’s so much ice what is going on this is really weird guys um what just happened to me I turned into ice guys you turned into ice too what is happening I think we’re Frozen this is really not good we’re going to die no I’m going to get a cold from this no this is not good guys I think my baby died and fell off the cliff my baby’s Frozen too no everything froze oh my goodness the dinosaurs die in the Ice Age so I guess this the end guys we had a good run with a family yeah I guess so got to wait a thousand years for all this uh melt well if you guys made it to the end of this video then make sure to leave a like and everyone hit subscribe right now I guess we’ll see you guys in 1 thousand years bye later

Today, Johnny and his friends turn into DINOSAURS and have to start a dinosaur family! Will the survive extinction? Watch to the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod



    10 likes a belt
    20 likes a bat
    30 likes a rpg
    40 likes a knife
    100 likes a spikes
    190426M likes a lighting sword

  2. You dragon you paint you need to friends more map minecraft security song screen lock in the morning i want to be you melody by united game sino ito minecraft i will do that flying house funny funny in ita boxing toxic tuho smoke

  3. You need to get out of her back and Becky, who does not like you you stinky rude me you breaking the house you stinky Becky like like you being real rude privacy



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