The STRONGEST WEAPON in ALL of Terraria…

did we just find the strongest weapon in all of Terraria a weapon so powerful that it literally summons a black hole can some of the strongest bosses in mod Terraria live against it let’s find out today we are checking out greatness and what I mean by that is the black hole tone from the juice mod AKA one of the strongest hes in all of Terraria right next to the to of Greater manipulation but as we could tell by the name black hole tone Oh my God look at that if we read the description creates a controllable black hole that in creatures and annihilates them life regenerates an infinite immunity frames while held so not only does it insta kill things it supposedly makes me unkillable and we’re going to put that to the test here we’ve gathered some strong boys today from both the Calamity mod juice mod nois e death all of the above and I am ready to see it let’s just start with some vanilla bosses let’s throw like a pile of vanilla bosses down let’s go uh queen bee King Slime and we need one more one more deer clops Master mode by the way and let’s just go ahead and open up the black hole oh my God as we can see they are just getting sucked in and as soon as they hit the middle bye-bye see you later also another cool little detail is it does pick up items let’s keep it going let’s go into some hard mode enemies let’s do the Wall of Flesh actually cuz I do need to enter hard mode on this fresh new world I’ll make it night time and I’ll just throw in some nighttime dudes that don’t run away and let me throw in of course the Wall of Flesh I’m actually interested to see how this works yo it actually just pulls the Wall of Flesh around when have you ever seen something like that I don’t even think the to does that wait hold up yeah look I can’t even grab his body but the the the black hole just legit pulls them wherever it wants this thing’s got some power potentially might be stronger than the Tom of manipulation keep it going though let’s throw some vanilla bosses in here and let’s suck them up oh my God look at the Destroyer got his ass in there like some spaghetti my game is lagging though God damn wait he’s still alive bring his ass back in there I know when you’re eating spaghetti you got to spin your fork get all the noodles and stuff that’s what I’m doing to his ass right now took a little bit longer with him though now let’s see what we really wanted to see and that is some of the harder bosses from vanilla Terraria let’s do Empress the light uh we might as well throw Moon Lord in there and let’s just see what happens to these two the mo Lord look at him oh my God he’s literally getting tossed around low key he getting jiggy with it hold up my boy him that what move is that yeah yeah the empress light teleported back into it and there it goes see you later Moon Lord vanish emperess still alive she’s still Al oh not anymore now the last test from vanilla things I want to see here is the dungeon guardian let’s do it before the credits po up can’t we kill the dungeon guardi is it insta kill it’s an insta kill once he hit the center this music lowke bumping is this the usual music they use or is it because I got the clam Dem mon inst I don’t know uh we’re going to do daytime Skeletron see if that’s any different from the dungeon guardian nope still instantly dies amazing it’s time to start bringing in the Calamity bosses though we can start a little bit light in terms of the bosses we bring in you know bring in The Usual Suspects let’s do like the desert Scourge who looks very terrifying now uh let’s bring out crabulon why not who else is a very early boss I could bring out where’s the Slime Guy you know might as well bring these guys out and let’s just see what happens Dam tore the scourge into pieces look at him that boy is all discombobulated look at that like how’s he even getting out of it wait does he split into different worms I don’t know I haven’t fought him in forever but you know this the early game bosses that to be expected from like any overpowered weapon to kill them right but now let’s bring in some of the harder bosses if we look at Just Pure Health my boy dragon Folly here Foley however you say his name he’s got some decent Health let’s bring in him let’s bring in uh AST marus where’s the ravager let’s bring in the ravager and let’s see how they fare against this again just getting tossed around like nothing we hearing all kinds of noises too all kinds of squishy nasty noises that got to be the ravager and the ravager he’s still Last One Alive even though I think he had the least amount of Health out of all those dudes I don’t know actually now let’s go even higher let’s bring it up even higher let’s do Providence yarn Old Duke polter gas look at this lineup this is a big lineup right here as we keep their health bars are getting straight up evaporated annihilated like the description said nobody what’s up with the nobody could go against this weapon so far God damn that’s loud the music kind of bumping though yeah those were a lot of big boys there and they all just died hold up bring in the idolon worm or promot War my bad I know this dude ain’t the same as he used to be back in the day where he was like straight up a top five hardest boss back in the day wouldn’t die than any op weapons but nowadays you kind of eh slowly dying slowly [ __ ] I can’t even talk slowly he just dies like everyone else now let’s bring in the uh big three here aka the Dron Trio whatever the hell these guys are called where Aries at bringing my Bo Aries I want to see all of them and these dudes they usually all connect to like a certain area of the screen but not when the black hole to is out they’re not connecting to the top the bottom the left the right hell no they connect wherever I wanted to oh look Aries came back and my boy said round two getting sucked up by black hole either is the greatest feeling ever cuz like I’ve said in the past there’s no way there’s a bad type of sucking right but maybe a black hole is a bad type of sucking now that I think about it who do we even bring out I don’t even know how to bring out Supreme cow I wonder how Supreme cow work let’s just bring out I guess he didn’t want to come out let’s bring out Supreme Cal I’m very interested to see what happens oh my God it doesn’t even matter it doesn’t even matter that she has multiple hard loock phases she’s still just getting sucked up that’s crazy is she dead she’s gone she’s not even here anymore I also want to see another certain boss from Supreme cow and that’s the uh spuler because the spuler is one of those things that’s pretty hard to kill so if he dies of this oh it looked like he was dying too before you ran off yeah I killed Supreme cow so badly the game is glitching out we’re starting to get to the bosses that I’m genuinely afraid of the ones that could probably kill me and ones that just won’t disappear but before we do that we might as well throw some juice mod bosses it’s from the juice mod so we might as well check out the bosses from it go ahead and wipe them out uh who else is from there SX where’s SX boom let’s see I expect these dudes to get annihilated no problem it’s the mod they got to get killed by it right unless you’re like noxus with the noxus sprayer then I don’t see you living to this thing when it’s from your own mod taking a little bit though but now it’s time to bring the big boys the one I’m terrified the most y’all ready it’s Lord the Lord I’m very terrified of Lord that’s probably the scariest boss from Calamity but let’s bring in the Lord oh God I can’t even fly wait oh my God it’s actually killing the Lord I’ve never killed the Lord at least as of recently with weapons I’ve tried I don’t think I’ve killed it so this is actually amazing I can’t even despawn the Lord usually I have to leave the game 90% of the time and just like that gone beautiful that was beautiful I can’t fly is it still alive somewhere where is it I don’t even what the hell what’s up with the treasure B keep [ __ ] let’s keep it going who is next I think it’s time we take on some more big boys here one of them being noxus and the nameless D let’s start with noxus though I really do not have a clue if noxus will die or not let’s uh let’s bring out the second form if possible there we go might be a little bit loud but will noxis one of the top five Super bosses probably will to die to the black hole it’s looking like it my boy is tweaking off the perk where is he I don’t even know where he’s at I think he’s dead he’s dead get his ass out of here chop him up yep yep all right on to the nameless deity this one I’m actually I I really don’t know will it die or will it not die I I’m honestly perplexed I’m in complete shock in terms of will this boss die will it not I I’m just I really don’t know if we could kill the Lord though I feel like we could kill the nameless deity so let’s let’s bring it in what you got for us I turned down the volume like a lot cuz this boss is kind of loud so hopefully you can hear me oh my God it’s looking good bro it’s looking good so far this is crazy this weapon is trying to become the greatest Terr weapon ever what is happening I don’t know what’s going on and there it is boss is dead my game actually crashed like legitimately crashed I don’t think you’re supposed to use that weapon on here I’m back from my game crashing the desktop and literally exploding now usually the name was DD does that like he fakes crashes your game but that time he actually crashed it like I had to relaunch and everything but as we can see the black hole home has pretty much conquered 90% of things what what has it not beaten I wasn’t really paying attention fully cuz it was pretty much dominating everything but we got one of the best for last you know that he’s made a return recently but before we do that let’s just let’s just fight a couple of others from the mod one of them being gun Terra oh my God this is going to crash my game why is it is this even a boss uh I don’t think I can kill this the weapon is just my weapon is not working because there’s so many projectiles on the screen that my weapon just doesn’t activate the amount of times I’ve logged in and out of this world is kind of like a new record for videos I think I’ve logged in and out of this world like 30 times for this video all right and then we got the cealing of moon Lord which is the wall of flesh but vertically horizontally ver no vertically horizontally I don’t know it lays horizontally but you’re fighting it vertically kill it pretty easily and then of course last but not least my favorite alltime super boss that is Young e death Les’s do it bring in big old e oh my God e death we just did a video about you I don’t even remember if we killed you with this or not but it’s looking very good so far it’s looking pretty good he does got a phase two though and his face oh my God his phase two is actually terrifying hold up I got to get him in the center I got to get him in the center I I don’t know if this is working y’all I don’t know if this is working and once he covers the whole camera it’s kind of over for me like I’m straight up dead I am gone so hopefully he’s not even taking any damage I guess we’re just seeing how big can e death get oh my God oh my God he’s covered the whole screen bro he’s going to hit me any second I don’t even know what to do I don’t know how to get away from him I can’t hold him back any further than this it’s over any second now and he’s going to eat my ass pause I’m surprised we’re still alive we’re actually still alive oh guess I spoke too damn soon now I’m caught in the black hole be yeah this is easily probably one of the strongest weapons ever in terrara still didn’t beat e death but e death he’s a spectacle but it pretty much defeated everything else that I had lined up for which is kind of crazy if you guys got any suggestions for not only other op weapons to check out but bosses that you think this weapon maybe can’t kill then let me know in the comments again this weapon is from the juice monster shout out juice but yeah I hope youall enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you don’t miss future videos hey make sure to follow my twitch too cuz I’ll be streaming Terraria all kinds of stuff on there but thank y’all for coming I will see y’all in the next video have a good one

This might be the Greatest Terraria Weapon ever made.

Joost Mod is in Beta for select people, it will be released soon!

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  1. Hey gameraiders I made a mod that adds what I think might the strongest weapon in terraria. The mod is called Better Classes and it adds in "The Eraser" which just deletes any enemy from existence. The mod also adds in some new weapons for every class, I think you should check it out.

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