1. SnooRegrets3840 on

    I went for a Ruin temple thing on a converted mushroom island. I am getting the feeling I want but not quite. How do I Imporve it to look better and more temple like. The photos are not quite showing the whole thing for what it is but i hope its enough to give enough information. feel free to ask questions I would love your suggestions

  2. I feel like it would look more full and jungle-like if there were more plants on the ground and a larger variety of them too. from what I could see, its mostly just grass and bamboo with a flower or two so I would suggest ferns and taller grass and more flowers and moss and maybe some bushes. jungles also tend to have dense canopies so if you can, you could connect the tree tops with vines and leaves. logs and fallen trees, cocoa beans, melons, pumpkins, and animals like pandas, ocelots, and parrots can all add more detail and character to the island. I think I saw one in the background but if you havent already added one, a waterfall would also be a nice touch with some lillypads and frogs in the bodies of water.

    (sorry I wrote so much) these are all suggestions and are what I think a jungle should have. I hope some of these can help you 🙂

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