Stardew Valley 1.6 – Let’s Play Ep 100

good morning friends and fellow Farmers the spreading weeds have caused damage to my farm that’s not good uh it is raining out today yeah so I mean frankly we didn’t have anything out in the yard growing yet so not too concerned about that um pretty lazy this year with the farming again now that we have the greenhouse I think I’m just focusing on all these other things Sprites are somewhat annoyed today hey kitty cat sprit are somewhat annoying today [Music] fine okay so let’s get out there we’ve got stuff to do for rubbing and then uh fill that in there put the rest of these here cuz we’re not going to use them all right and then we’ll grab our decent pile of coffee beans here I think I’m going to leave everything else and just get going um I think we’re good uh I should just check here how many we got two two four five six do we have maybe I do have room in here for one I’m just can I put the void egg in 2 4 6 7 I think I can oh my gosh okay well let’s go do that then I was thinking for sure I was going to have to update that before I could do anything um put those there let’s go get our void [Music] egg well that that’s cool if that works out oh my gosh there we go I hope I said hi to everybody I don’t even know that I did I feel like I was just being rude to all the the critters um I should at least come say hi I forgot my tools that’s okay we’re going to miss a day I’m going hurry what I say hi to piggy yeah keep getting big okay that’s that I’m I’m running we got things to do okay okay let’s sell off a couple of stuff here that’s fine put this on this and guess we’ll leave those there okay I’m going to put my um fishing rod Axe and watering can [Music] there all right bring those along um and we’ll get any more cups of coffee we have cuz we we are going to need it there we go so we’ve got a couple for today but let’s get out there and let’s get yeah everything else going this is good I feel U we’ve made pretty good progress here what do we wi uh we are yeah I got to go a big forging run here too as soon as I’m done with the uh this resource thing okay um maybe I’ll try 20 [Music] okay I don’t think I’m going to worry too much about lowle stuff except you know finding our way out of this and I’m also going to drink some coffee now U let’s go and see oh there’s a uh oh I finished I think we finished with dogies in here hey buddy okay uh there’s my exit okay fine I’ll get the copper because I’m standing above it oh man okay come on there we go see this is what I’m talking about like two giant Stones right back to back that’s great then we’re going to like less chance of getting murdered here as well I think I’m just going to leave the mushrooms cuz really really I just want to go home yeah what the heck I’ll get it cuz for Pete sakes [Applause] there we go that’s what we’re looking for all [Applause] right when I get murdered by bugs that’s what’s going to happen [Applause] um all right and what are we my brain just went it’s like I got stuck in the uh I was like H what are we what are we doing here completely obliterated my thought process all right thoughts come back to me I find when you grind on these these quests where you’re just like grinding on stuff I I they’re enjoyable because you use space out um I I find I space out won’t implicate everybody in this I completely space out when I do these ones which is not great cuz you’re like you get a little too task focused but they’re they’re fun when you’re doing them okay so what are we looking at 663 nice to get up to yeah like I’m sure we can easily do 700 but it’d be nice to go beyond that so now yeah I’m just taking the obvious um gry Stones here cuz it’s we need it okay here we go here’s a pile might only be eight stones but it adds up all right come on there we go it’s being to think is this the thing where I’ve already like run into an exit those ones where you think I must have already done everything what we got here all right come on guess we could have some more coffee I’d like an exit please exit would be good exit strategy can I have let’s go there we go like it suddenly goes like I think the more you we want to get the thing the quieter gets yeah we know what you’re looking for Buddy Stone we’ve hidden it away okay um let’s have some food here wow we’re actually just tired like not like um injured tired more like just hey it’s been a long day why don’t you have a lay down what I wanted to see was if there’s anything else good down here no not really I’m not going to bother with that let’s get up get that ladder we had already all right what what do we have over here there’s some big rocks over here come on I’m waiting for the crab okay anything over here okay well there at least is a there’s a escape button here so I guess we’ll take that what do we add 768 yeah I mean it just it does add up even this taking the small stuff cuz we’re not seeing a ton of big stones at this point but it’s still we’re making a dent okay let’s have another coffee is this my oh it’s my second last one okay so I got to save this last one I think okay um I guess I should be mining those I’m just in a hurry I don’t feel like doing everything here oh there’s some coal hey okay I will take the coal all right what else do we have here got a more here oh my gosh this is one of those like you’re going to have to murder everything in the mine before we’ll give you an exit no not quite 700 p.m. though see I feel like if we get our coffee production like a little bit higher that would be nice cuz I don’t like being uh as soon as you hit slow mode it’s like oh it just feels exhausting we want to go fasty there we go okay come on do we have any good things here maybe what’s down here every time I see this color now I keep thinking it’s grubs okay this might be good what do we got five [Applause] Stone they do so little damage that I’m I was not inclined to bother [Applause] [Applause] okay we’re at 850 in stone I didn’t think we’d get to that like I thought we might get like yeah a small amount despite it not being like really good drops here it’s consistent enough it’s just steady which is thank goodness this here oh okay this seems like this is giving me come here don’t be shy all right no okay we’ll go find these ones oh right you have the globing that’s what’s helping forgot about that perfect all right and then let’s go and uh see what’s here what do we have oh no thank you okay 11:00 what are we at 867 yeah I wonder if we can get to 900 come on buddy maybe you have a ladder no all right we’re out of here soon yeah all these onesie two $8.99 so there we go oh 900 like did not expect to make uh yeah we into 900 here so this is going be quite easy the next time we come down we want to take a hit at all this um I think we’ll just stop there okay it’s like uh I’ve been stunned like right what am I doing um do we already gift I feel like we already gifted two things so yeah we gifted two things to buddy I’m just going to get going home wow that was kind of like mesmerizing what the this one is is 909 so not even that much it’s not I don’t really like this one that much I don’t hate it but it is like very you’re an autopilot the whole time at least I I am when I do it it feels very like rot like you’re just like okay want to get moving on um all right let’s get there we go so we’re slowly making a dent in the gold ore just simply because I’m not getting anymore so I’m using up 15 at a time here so I got 29 bars of gold that’s good uh I mean we don’t need it for any of our tools um but we will use it for you know now that we can make crystarium and all that jazz I should be getting going on those soon here that would be a wise idea and how are we looking on here 139 oh look at this cherries uh pears oh apricots oh my gosh know your fruit clearly I don’t eat apricots I’m not a huge fan um right and we already did this one anyway but I like it now that we’re getting all the stuff that’s kind of cool um yeah I think that was uh that made a good dent in that so let’s see here we’re Thursday so wizard Pam and Linus are all I mean close and and then after that I mean it’s then I guess it’s Abigail Maru wow I mean there’s still a lot of people left especially now that we had a kobus to the mix and so but then again once I start getting some of the favorites going here again uh I think we’ll make pretty Swift work of a lot of this just focusing and it’s hard to focus on one thing at a time um you kind of neglect everything else it’s all hard to focus on everything cuz it’s you don’t have enough data to do it but we’ll get there all right we’ll see see you next time till then bye-bye

Let’s power through a bunch of Robin’s Resource Rush!

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