NOOB vs PRO: PRIME VENDING MACHINE House Build Challenge in Minecraft

we’ve been challenged to a new vus Pro Prime vending machine house build challenge which house will our celebrity special guest think is the best build and what will happen to the loser champ sugar me too it makes me run around and jump so high woohoo hey CH what is it Milo tallest BCE win oh you’re on Milo I have a huge Head Start look how high I’m bouncing thanks to how much energy I have from the sugar yeah but my sugar was making me go higher look at me wao Milo you’re going so much higher than me oh you definitely win the bounce off yeah and the prize for the winner is more sugar oh yes look Milo there’s the Sugar Chest so we can go check them and see that uh-oh Milo they’re empty huh what do you mean they’re empty I’m sure there was lots more in here and Oh Ship we’re out of sugar we ate it all quick we need to find sugar cane somewhere I’m sure there’s definitely some around right yeah and I I think I saw some over here uh Milo I don’t see any sugarcane plants anywhere this is terrible but hey wait a minute what’s that are you seeing what I’m saying yeah there’s like a big chest thing over here hang on let me go over and check it out um what’s inside hey there’s a book in Quail let me read it w it says Dear Milo and ship out of sugar build us two prime vending machine houses and the best build will be awarded a lifetime supply of prime hey let me see that uh show Milo but do you know what this means this means we get a lifetime supply of of sugary drinks oh my gosh chip a lifetime supply of sugary drinks ah chip this Pro is taking you down not if I can help it Milo come on I need to stop building right now I’m going to make PSI and Logan pul so proud the first step of building a prime vending machine house is to make the actual machine I’m going to use gray concrete for the very edge and the inside will be made out of super pro blocks like iron and quartz CH I gone f for play what Milo why not oh I’m just thinking about sugar it’s making me really want some sugar oh Milo you’re so crazy come on you got to channel the energy from your sugar rush into the energy you have building that’s what I’m doing right now okay yeah boy let’s do that hey I think my Sugar Rush is starting to wear off but hey I need to snap out of it I need to push forward with strict determination yeah determination and creation yeah determination to create the build that will totally win this thing okay I think this is a pretty good side for my vending machine to be oh yeah now instead of building it all the way back myself I’m going to use world edit to make this so much quicker that’s a very Pro thing to use Milo you should take notes chip I’m going to do something and you can’t get mad uh okay I don’t think I’ll get mad but what are you about to do I’m going to build my Prime vending machine facing away from you cuz I don’t want you to copy me because pretty much I want to win all the sugar from KSI and Logan Paul what Milo I’m building mine facing away from you too there is no way you’re going to be allowed to copy me Jack okay that’s good oh this is about to be so amazing now I can stack this side of the vending machine H I don’t know maybe a 100 blocks high wo this is so tall I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vending machine taller than this before this is about to be so crazy now I can go all the way over to this side and do the same thing wo Milo my vending machine is huge already yeah it’s Mega but mine’s going to actually be Su yeah it is going to be so big but mine will be and definitely not yours oh this is going to be so insane I can’t believe this now that I’ve made so much of my Prime vending machine I just need to make the back and then I will be able to get started on filling it with all different types of prime my Prime vending machine house will have one of every single flavor of prime I’m not going to miss a single one this is going to be so exciting now that I’ve made the back I can start adding in the quartz and wait maybe I’ll add iron instead just to make it that much more Pro so that I win and Logan Paul and KSI give me their supply of sugar when I drink prime it makes me so high energy and then I really like to do things uh Milo do you want to know something crazy what that’s actually why they call it Prime energy what I just thought they named it that because it sounds cool yeah it does sound pretty cool but also it totally gives you energy that’s why I really want some I won’t even need sugar ever again when I have all the Prime energy and I can be jumping off the walls from that I actually pretty much feel like energy just from thinking about prime yeah although Milo when you drink the real thing it’s a little bit different to that Milo I have really good news I’ve almost placed the entire outside section of my vending machine boom look the gloss has now been set up hey congratulations I’m actually doing mine pretty goodly too wo this is so impressive but H there’s definitely some more I need I need to add in some extra little details like maybe a selection area on this side oh this is going to be so good I can have a selection area a little payment area and all sorts of other things on this side of the Prime vending machine that way I leave the other side available for stocking with a bunch of delicious Prime drinks now over here I’m also going to make a collection area at the bottom where the prime drink bottles will fall down into this is going to be some important area I just know it now up here we are going to add the actual areas where the prime vending machine bottles will be kept we’re going to need to make some smooth quartz blocks bottle holders just like this this is like what they have inside real vending machines W they also need to come down slightly like this and then they could just go across wow this is so epic Milo I can’t believe we get to build Prime vending machine houses I can believe it what Milo how can you believe this this is so incredible well chip I actually forgot to tell you about it but me and KSI were hanging out the other week what you were hanging out with KSI Milo he’s one of my heroes yeah he’s also one of the siden W that is so amazing imagine getting to meet the siden because our Prime vending machine houses are that good y that would be amazing that’s making me want to build this even better oh yeah Milo I’ve wanted to build mine even better from the very start I’m so set on making this the best Prime energy house that was ever built ever yeah that sounds really good yeah it does sound pretty good doesn’t it hey look I’m already done making my first level of prime bottle holders this looks absolutely crazy oh wait actually I’m not done I forgot to build the back bit here there we go now it will properly work as a vending machine I’m also going to turn this wool into a selection menu let’s use world edit to do it so I can keep being the pro that does everything really quick and uh Milo is your Prime vending machine covered in dirt or is it built out of dirt that’s just built out of dirt Milo that’s a terrible idea are you sure that building a prime vending machine out of dirt is going to impress Logan or KSI yes chip it’s a really good idea oh my gosh Milo that would be terrible we don’t even know who’s coming I have a feeling it might be KSI and maybe even Logan PA but it could be anybody you don’t want to build a bad vending machine for the Sid men yeah well I’m not building a bad one I’m building a good one okay Milo I’m just really nervous for you but you know what you can build whatever you like I feel like it might end up pretty good now I’m also going to make a little selection menu where you can pick between all the different flavors of Prime on each side there will be different ones you can choose from this is about to be so good because there are going to be different levels to my Prime vending machine I’m going to need to make sure I leave the payment area with different options of what to pay with h next we’ll also make sure we add a little Prime logo above it just so that everybody knows this is a prime vending machine not a regular other vending machine yeah not regular because I would never build anything regular yeah Marlo you would always build something a little bit weird instead of building it regular what does that mean it means your build always a little bit silly it’s not a bad thing it’s just a thing I’ve noticed hey I build really good and you’re making me sad oh sorry Milo I think you build really good too but you also build silly there’s nothing wrong with building silly okay well I guess I’m going to build even more silly now oh my goodness what Milo I don’t need any more silly from your builds they’re already the silliest builds I’ve ever seen ha this is so fun I feel the sugar in my veins you feel the sugar in your veins oh boy maybe you don’t need to win this thing and get infinite Prime energy yeah I do I really really really do sugar sugar sugar oh no this is bad this is really bad Milo I hope the sugar doesn’t make you magically better at building yeah it does because I’m building so goodly right now oh no oh no this is really bad for me I hope can still win this thing even though you have the power of a sugar rush I don’t know how you have more sugar than me I guess that’s how you were jumping higher than me on the trampolines earlier yeah well I got to tell you something oh okay Milo what is it I actually snuck some sugar last night while you were sleeping what Milo you ate sugar in the middle of the night yeah I ate so much sugar it was the sherbet sugar the sherbet sugar Milo that’s one of the sugariest kinds yeah exactly oh my goodness no wonder you’re so crazy today Milo feeling crazy feeling awesome yeah you’re feeling crazy especially though I don’t know I think the only awesome thing is going to be how amazing my Prime vending machine is look I’ve already built the Prime logo here on the side it doesn’t look exactly like the real Prime logo but you know what I think it looks so good now I’ll just outline a little bit at the top here just in case I need to add anything I never know what amazing things I might need to add to my super duper Pro Prime vending machine house but this one is looking so good I also definitely need to make a pay station I’m going to a little coin slot here for putting money in and of course I’m going to outline it with gold I’m not going to use any regular block to outline my coin slot perfect now that I’ve made the coin slot I should also probably make a little money slot as well Yep this is perfect the money slot can go right here the money slot is going to be where the green dollar bills can go inside to buy the Prime energy from the machine oh CH what is it mil I got something to tell you oh what is it well I’ve got an original idea and I think you’re going to like it oh I’m so excited to hear hey what’s your idea I’m actually going to be building the prime cans instead of just the little bottles what Milo are you sure building the prime cans is the best idea even though the bottles are the most famous and the best ones yeah I think it’s a really good idea for me uh okay Milo I’m a little nervous for you though that doesn’t sound very pro at all although hey I guess I’m the pro here so that’ll totally fit your Noob Prime vending machine yeah you’re going to regret saying that when I’m hanging out with KSI and Logan Paul what no way I’m going to be hanging out with them Milo when I beat you in this Prime vending machine build competition that’s funny funny cuz it’s so true I’m almost finished making the front I just need to add a little bit of a drink topens a section and then it’ll be totally ready yeah very ready judging on the speed of my building though I don’t think there was anybody more ready than me boom my Prime vending machine bottle dispenser is now absolutely complete um yeah well my machine is complete as well oh well then Milo this is the perfect opportunity for both of us to start working on the little rooms inside our Prime vending machine houses that is so true I can’t wait to win this as well the very first room I’m going to make inside my Prime vending machine house is going to be a strawberry and banana room wo this already looks so amazing I’m going to make sure I build this properly like a real Prime bottle of strawberry and banana flavor I can’t believe how good this is looking already I need to make sure I build this properly the strawberry and banana flavor of prime actually Shades in color it is more yellow towards the bottom just like a banana and then it actually goes pink towards the top that’s because it becomes strawberry flavor this is so cool it’s one of the most epic looking bottles of prime that’s why I want it to be the first one you see when you walk into my house these Prime bottles will only be able to be reached because of a water elevator going behind the Prime logo it’s a very sneaky trick but H I think I’m going to need a little bit more than just these blocks oh yeah this yellow stripped acacia wood will perfectly blend the colors of pink terracotta and the yellow concrete wow this is definitely the color palette I want now I need to make sure I add as much of this as possible this is going to be the best prime house ever I can also remove these inside blocks here this way there will be even more space on the inside of my Prime bottle I’ll be able to build even more things this is so epic I can’t believe this right now hey Milo what flavors of primer you doing inside your vending machine I haven’t even decided yet don’t stress me out wait Milo you have haven’t decided yet yeah I haven’t oh my gosh Milo that could be really really bad if you don’t manage to decide in time then how are you going to properly build your Prime house in order for Logan pole and KSI to enjoy it well because I’m going to think of it later I think I’ll probably do the blue Rasberry wo yeah cuz that color kind of looks like you a little bit yeah it does wow that’s so cool but Milo I’m not Building colors that look like me first I’m building the colors that are the best first that’s my strategy if I build the best flavors of prime then my Prime vending machine house will be Logan pole and KSI and whoever else come visits his favorites yeah that’s actually pretty smart and I’m going to copy you what hey Milo I wasn’t telling you that so you could copy me well too bad he oh my goodness Milo that’s so sneaky now I’m not going to be the only one building out of the best flavors of prime anymore I guess I’ll just have to beat you by making sure that my Prime house is absolutely and undeniably the best I don’t think that’ll be that hard to do I I just have to make the most epic Prime house anyone has ever seen I’m going to make sure I place down a bunch of this accasia wood once I add every single bottle of prime to my Prime vending machine house it is about to look so epic come on I’ll place down more of these blocks here like this wo this is looking really good hey I only have a couple more bits left to place in this little part of the house then I can start filling this room with h actually that’s a really good question what will I fill this room with maybe some sort of kitchen area because this is a prime house and Prime is kind of a food or mostly a drink you need to actually be able to cook things in here maybe even using prime that would be so funny imagine Prime flavored hamburgers that way we’ll need a kitchen to make it so I bet this first room can totally be a kitchen I might get rid of this top layer though because we don’t want the rooms to be too tall the taller they are the less rooms we can fit inside our Prime vending machine and the less space we’ll have that would be really bad imagine how newbie an over stuffed Prime vending machine would look that would be a zuster I’m not going to let that happen at all so instead I need to make sure that I properly control exactly how full each part of my Prime house is okay this is looking pretty good now I just need to make a lid for this Prime bottle and then we can start decorating the inside I’m going to use white concrete for the lid of this one oh yeah this is looking so good now I’ll just build it out like that wow I can’t believe what I’m making right now and how epic it is looking I think we need to make sure the entrance can be accessed from the back here I’ll make a little walkway through all of these different sections maybe the gaps in between can only have little bits of gloss that makes it look really really scary but since there is gloss it is safe okay this is looking really good now I need to make sure that these rooms can actually be entered from the back here just like that hey this is looking really good I’ll also make sure we build the floors over here wow I’ve never made a prime kitchen before this is going to be really really fun I wonder what we can put inside here hey maybe the kitchen area can be down the bottom oh I have a really good idea for this we’ll use bamboo stairs for the bottom because they are kind of like a strawberry banana color we’ll make sure the bamboo stairs go down like this wo these are so cool looking they totally match the color then the stairs will end down the bottom and we can make sure that the bottom is a kitchen area let’s grab a bunch of yellow kitchen equipment that way it definitely matches the yellow color of our strawberry banana Prime the kitchen can be mostly yellow because then above the kitchen we’re going to add a dining room area the dining room area will be a huge part of this strawberry banana Prime bottle it’ll be where everybody that visits my house comes and eats together let’s also make sure we include a fridge here we can’t forget a fridge in a prime house where else would you keep the prime this is looking so incredible now I’m going to make sure we actually add in some Acacia this Acacia is going to be so good but in order to make it we’re going to need to push this bamboo staircase a little bit further into the room that is because once you stand on it you’re going to need to be able to look back into the staircase now we can can make this Acacia staircase but we need to make sure that the bamboo one is pushed a little further into the room that’s because this Acacia staircase is going to go upwards and we don’t want it to block the bamboo staircase otherwise we won’t be able to go into the kitchen and enjoy all the things we can make in there it would be a total waste of a really wonderful room so that’s why we need to make sure we build it like we are now hey Milo how’s your first room going yeah it’s fantastic I’m really locked in really locked in W Milo you are in Focus mode are you really trying to win or are you just trying to trick me into thinking you are I’m really trying to win wo okay I’m excited to see how yours turns out but it will not turn out as well as mine that’s because I’m going to make my next level very strawberry looking by using Cherrywood we help make it look like it is a real strawberry wood table this is so cool when you really think about it Cherrywood and strawberry would kind of sound similar because cherry and strawberry are two of the best flavors of things wo this is looking very very fancy let’s add as many chairs as possible so people can really fit in this table area W this is looking so nice let’s also add some flower pots and I think I know exactly what flowers I want to add inside here we’ll do a dandelion for the yellow and we’ll do a pink tulip for the pink now it looks exactly like a strawberry and a banana flavored table this is so epic now we’ll just need to grab some nice little shelves and stop putting them on the walls that’s because we might need some extra stuff to decorate hm I think we can grab some flower pots luckily there is a yellow flower pot and a strawberry colored flower pot this is so perfect wow I really like this room a lot let’s also make sure we add some lamps in and wait I think this lamp is perfect it is yellow on the bottom and pink on the top just like the strawberry banana flavor of prime hey this is so cool I might actually put this down here in the kitchen as well not to mention some shelves for the kitchen too of course we can’t forget shelves in the kitchen that would just be embarrassing on the shelves because we won’t be able to get sugar from the prime I think we definitely should add in some candy and you know what we don’t need red candy we only need pink and yellow candy because it fits the colors of this room so well oh this is technically purple candy you know what I’m sure it’s fine it matches the color of the room great so I think this room is perfect now we have completed our very first bottle of prime this is going so well but H now we need to make the next room and I think I know exactly what flavor to make this one this next room is going to be lemon lime flavor and the color for that is a lime green one this is going to be so epic I can’t believe we get to live inside a lemon lime Prime bottle this one’s going to be easier to make as well because we don’t have to mix any colors it’s just lime all the way through this room is going to be so good but hm I wonder what we could possibly put in here hey because the color is green kind of like a movie Green Screen like they do in real film sets maybe we could do a movie room this would be so cool we can watch Green movies like like Shrek and maybe even the Grinch oh yeah this would be so perfect for a movie room Milo does your Prime vending machine House have a movie room I haven’t really thought about that yet what Milo you haven’t even thought about building a movie cinema yet no but I’m going to do an ice room an ice room hey that’s actually not a bad idea Milo if you do an ice room then all of your Prime bottles can be really chilled yeah but don’t copy me okay I won’t copy you and build an ice room I promise okay good because that’s something I really want to have all to myself what Milo you can’t have it all to yourself you need to show Logan Paul and KSI your Prime housee remember yeah well obviously they can look at it what you’re only letting you Logan Paul and KSI inside yeah because you’ll probably make it smelly if you come in here what Milo I smell great I’ve been building Prime bottles all day I smell like strawberry banana and lime well I smell like Prime as well uh Milo that’s because you never washed your hands after you drank Prime yeah because I like to have the stick stuff on my hands that’s Prime ew Milo that’s so gross wait a minute is this how you’re so good at rock climbing you just stick to the walls from all the sugar on your hands yeah exactly the prime makes my hands sticky for the rock climbing ew Milo that is so gross I can’t believe that maybe I should ban you from my Prime vending machine if you’re going to be all crazy sticky like that no okay fine I won’t ban you from my Prime vending machine but only if you don’t bend me from yours either all right fine I guess you can come have a look at mine with when the time is right hooray thanks Milo that is really nice of you I’m kind of excited to see what your Prime vending machine even looks like you building it out of other blocks that are not dirt on the inside yeah I’m actually using a lot of blue concrete hey that’s not bad Milo because blue concrete is like the blue raspberry Prime flavor that’s precisely what I’m thinking wo that’s epic I’m actually kind of excited to see how your Prime vending machine turns out well that’s good because I’m very excited for everyone to love at the mar H not the most Milo they’ll definitely love mine just a little bit more I am making a movie room let me remind you about that and that’s one of the coolest rooms ever yeah but why would I want to sit down and watch a movie when I could run around and be energy from the prime um that is actually a pretty good question but oh I know you could watch movies about Prime and you could drink Prime while watching a movie wow hey now that’s actually kind of smart yeah I think it definitely is really smart this is about to be so good and here is where I’m going to put the TV wo this already looks insane I’m going to make it huge and there are even Note Block speakers on either side I’m also going to grab a simple lime sofa and I’m just going to put it right here we’ll have two different rows this way there are four seats and wait I’m going to push them back slightly I don’t want to be sitting too closely to the TV and who something just hit me all at once what is a champ is in my hand no Milo it’s not your hand you’re really far away from me but Milo I think it was my Sugar Rush wearing off what oh man chip that’s not good for your building but guess what what Milo my cigar Rush is pretty much still going what that’s insane you’ve got a crazy Sugar Rush then yeah I’m very impressed Milo but hey my lemon lime movie theater is now done and now I can make a grape flavor enchanting room in library I’m going to need to grab some purple concrete for this one because the grape colored Prime is actually a purple color I love grape flavored things it’s one of my favorites yeah I like the grape as well well then you might like my Prime house more than you even like yours chip can I tell you one of my favorite flavors oh of course you can Milo well I really like the flavor Peach but I don’t think they have a peach flavored Prime oh Milo I don’t think they do either hey maybe they’ll make a peach flavored prime one day and then you can drink it all day oh yeah boy maybe if I see KSI and luran Paul I can say to them hey boys I really want the peach Prime yeah and I’m sure they’ll totally listen Peach is a really yummy flavor that’s right it’s scrumches yeah it totally is but wait a minute what do you think Logan pole and ksi’s favorite flavor of prime is well I actually happen to know what Milo how do you know well because I always talk to KSI especially in my dreams okay Milo if KSI is really the person you talk to why don’t you bring him here right now well he said he’s busy actually Milo there is no way that KSI is going to show up here if he does I’ll eat my hat whatever I just want to tell you what his favorite flavor is oh yeah sure what’s his favorite flavor Milo that’s blue raspberry blue raspberry huh it’s kind of weird that it so happens to be the same flavor that’s your favorite flavor Milo um yeah that is really cool and awesome huh I wonder what Logan Paul’s favorite flavor is oh it’s probably ice pop cuz that’s my favorite flavor is it really yeah my favorite flavor is totally ice pop I like how it has three different colors ice pop is pretty B yeah it totally is really based I really want to build something of it inside my Prime vending machine house oh I’m almost done making the outside of my great Prime bottle soon I’ll be able to make my library and my enchanting room my Prime vending machine house is about to get very smart and very fancy inside now I’m going to add a bunch more concrete here just like this oh boy that looks so epic wow I think it’s looking good from the front although I’m getting a little worried we might need to add a bit more extra space going upwards otherwise I’m not sure we’ll be able to fit every single one of these Prime bottles I guess we’ll see maybe we might have to put some on this side but oh that would be so embarrassing I’m going to try and make sure we don’t have to do that but first I need to put something inside here H I’ll need to make sure I do this properly first I’m going to grab some Oak stairs and then I’m also going to grab some Oak planks not to mention some bookshelves as well let’s also make sure we grab an enchanting table like this wo this is looking great we’ll place down the oak planks like this and then we’ll put the oak stairs on top of them then on the sides we’ll replace the oak planks with bookshelves so that we can actually read we’ll also need to make sure we add bookshelves going really high up in here the this is where we are going to place our enchanting table I wonder if there are custom Prime enchantments that would be so funny imagine if instead of fire aspect there was chill aspect and you could get super duper chilled Prime drinks at one hit of a sword that would be so cool and maybe instead of enchanting a bow with infinity you could enchant a bottle of Prime with infinity and get infinite Prime forever that would be so good imagine how easy it would be to get infinite sugar rushes from that I’m going to fill this entire back wall with bookshelves and then I’m going to add some amethyst crystals wao this is so cool this Prime bottle is so enchanted looking I can’t believe it now we’ll just add the amethyst crystals going down towards our little enchanting setup and wao this is so epic I can’t believe I’ve never built a prime enchanting table room like this before I’m also going to grab some flower pots and I’m going to grab some aliums because they are purple and they kind of look like grape wow this is groovy groovy like grape and I’m also going to grab some candles and some flint and steel because we need some lighting in here we don’t want it to be dark wo look at how vibrant those look that looks so cool I did not realize we’d be building something that epic looking it kind of looks like the candles blend in really well with the concrete as well this is so cool I’m really happy with this Prime house now I have finished three entire Prime rooms but I still need to make more and there needs to be a very good way of reaching the second floor that is why here I’m going to build a prime elevator this Prime elevator will send anybody shooting up through the vending machine system it will also look like one of the machines inside the vending machine helping it work this will be so good and very perfect I need to grab some Soul Sand so that this actually will work and the bubbles will push people up through the prime this is going to be so epic I just know it in order to make this work I’ll need to have one be Soul Sand and I think the other definitely needs to be magma that is because the magma will pull people down and the Soul Sand will push people up through the prime bottle flavors let’s make sure we add a bunch of glass All Around The Edge and hm you know what I do not think we are going to use regular water for this regular water can be really boring and since we’re building a prime house I think we definitely need to use prime instead of water that is going to be so fun Imagine taking an elevator but the elevator is actually made out of prime that would be one of the coolest elevators in history oh yeah I think I know exactly what my elevator is going to be like let’s add some science here so the energy drink kind of Ese and boom let’s add in our Prime hydration wo it’s a red color I wonder if this is grape flavor or cherry flavor by the way it looks very cool and look you can see the bubbles happening you can even see it transparently through the sides here it becomes like blue raspberry Prime that is so cool it’s not water because you can see it’s totally smooth it is way smoother than water is this is so epic now let’s make sure we add our Prime hydration to this side as well and look you can see the bubbles going down this is totally crazy let’s make this reach all the way to the top and then we can have it access each little room to get into the prime bottles oh yeah that is looking absolutely perfect this is so cool now we do need to make sure you can actually get off at this level otherwise it won’t be a very good elevator here we will have the first exit just like this and it will lead over into the area where you can walk into every single one of the Prime hydration rooms perfect this is looking so incredibly good let’s also make sure we bring this walking platform over to this side and we can even add a way to get in and out of this one too perfect just look at that this is so incredible let’s also make sure we add some glass barriers so that people can’t just fall off that would be a huge disaster I would not want to live here if people could fall off the side of my house that would be so ridiculous the next flavor of prime will be sitting right here because this flavor needs a whole another level just to be able to fit the next flavor I’m going to build is going to be tropical punch flavor this is about to be so cool I can’t wait to build the room idea I have for this one because it is nothing like the other rooms I’ve made in this Prime vending machine house and those have already been crazy this room is going to be an indoor swimming pool and most swimming pools are kind of boring cuz you just swim in water but this swimming pool will actually mean everybody inside will swim through Prime this is going to be so epic we need to make sure people can actually get to it so I’ll just place these little signs here like that and wo now we have an actual walkway to get over and I think I have the perfect flavor for this Prime bottle to be tropical punch flavored Prime is going to be so perfect for this thing now let’s make sure we make the whole bottle red just like the real tropical punch flavored Prime is let’s also make sure we make the floor because the floor is going to be very important in this room that’s because we’re going to make it a pool so we don’t want the floor to be really thin or really weak because then all the Prime energy will just flow out that would be terrible and it would make the entire vending machine sticky and there’s only one person around here who’s always sticky luckily it is not me it is actually Milo because his hands are always covered in Prime I still can’t believe that that’s so gross he should really wash his hands not in my vending machine though because we don’t have water we actually only have Prime I really hope I don’t become as sticky as he is he’s so crazy these walls are looking really really good though and hey Milo what are you doing just looking at you what Milo hey get out of my Prime you can’t come in here you’re seeing everything I’m doing I can smell something wait what can you smell hey what do you mean I can smell a loser a loser hey Milo that’s so mean you can’t smell a loser maybe the wind’s blowing your own smell back onto your face that’s really Rudd what Milo you just came in here and called me a loser I don’t think I’m the rude one here well now you’re interrupting me what Milo you came into my Prime vending machine I don’t know what’s going on with you but you’re acting crazy now this room is going to be very very simple and it’s literally going to be just a giant pool of prime this is so crazy wow I think Milo and Logan Paul and KSI are going to lose their minds when they see this because it’s so simple let’s also add a little Prime Fountain coming down from the top I think that would be so cool we’ll make sure we add the prime hydration right there and wow look at that this is so epic and you can even swim up it and then jump off to the sides this is so so epic 7 minutes remain oh my goodness we’re totally running out of time this is terrible I need to hurry on my final few Prime bottles wait what why do I hear Milo eating Milo are you eating something right now yummy what hey he’s not responding to me this is bad I need to find him in wait a minute Milo are you inside my Prime vending machine why are you eating my Prime hey Milo stop what are you doing it’s sugar I need my sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar oh my gosh Milo you’re going crazy that’s not even sugar that’s plastic you can’t eat plastic and oh my gosh you’re going crazy from your sugar rush I really want the sugar oh no I need to try and find a way to distract him but uh-oh this is really bad hey maybe I can use seeds bird seeds are his favorite thing this will totally work right hey Milo look bird seeds Milo look the Bad Seeds I’ll even throw them in front of you uh-oh is this not working I don’t want Bad Seeds I want sugar oh no this is terrible wait I can’t give Milo sugar now he’ll just eat it inside my vending machine I need to think of something oh I know I’m going to grab a dispenser a lever and a bunch of snowballs this might seem a little weird but it has to work all right here we go now I need to angle it so that it’s aiming at Milo’s house maybe I can even set up a chain of them all right this totally needs to work first this dispenser will have 16 snowballs then this one over here will need to have even more I’ll make sure this one is slightly higher off the ground as well all right here we go this one can be full this needs to work right now I just need to go over there and somehow distract Milo oh I know I’ll break a hole in my own Prime house and try and distract him with it hey Milo hey what Milo I have sugar for you look at this what really sugar yep now come over okay now we need to break that and quickly go down and Milo the sugar it fell outside what where is it I want my sugar look there’s sugar here except oh no this one just ran out look there’s one over here I’m sure you can get the sugar if you chase to where it’s Landing give me the sugar go on Milo you got this you got this I want the sugar where is it where is it look you’re surrounded by it Milo your sugars all around you oh okay the Sugar’s over here okay perfect there we go now Milo’s back to his build that was crazy I can’t believe that just happened and we only have 7 minutes left oh boy I need to repair a lot of the damage that Milo just did I can’t believe this is happening I need to make sure I fix this before Logan Paul and KSI hear about it they’re going to be so embarrassed that I’ve been destroying Prime well I haven’t been but Milo has my next flavor of Prime is going to be a prime Brewing Zone this is going to be so cool I’ve never seen a prime Brewing Zone before this one is going to be lemonade flavor oh boy this is going to be so good now I need to make sure that every single shelf in this really big yellow bottle looks exactly like a prime Brewing Zone here we are going to have our packs of prime where we can keep track of every single bottle of prime we make here then I’m going to need to grab an item frame we’re going to put the different flavors of Prime in these item frames just like this this is going to be so good let’s make sure we have shelves as well just to make sure all of the prime can keep safe and lost for a very long time here we go we’ll do that and then we’ll have even more Prime we’ll also need to make sure we have some fridges otherwise the prime will be totally warm and let’s also add some Brewing stands these Brewing stands will be how we make a lot of the Prime here okay this is looking good already but now we need to make sure we have every Prime flavor let’s grab ice pop lemonade strawberry wow there were so many we already have glow Berry so instead we need meta Moon and Forest Prime wow there were so many different flavors of prime and they’re all so epic CH oh what is it Milo I have something to tell you uhoh and that’s a really scary tone you’re using um what is it mil I’m getting really nervous about KSI and Lan pole coming to look at my Prime vending machine don’t be nervous Milo I’m sure they’re totally going to love it and hey they’re going to really love mine as well yeah I guess so but what if they make fun of me Milo KSI and Logan Paul are nice guys they’re not going to make fun of you okay I really hope so because I’m putting all my heart into this build Milo they are totally going to realize that and they’re going to be so grateful that you’ve worked so hot on it don’t worry Milo trust me I know they will really appreciate every single ounce of effort you put into your build yeah let’s go I’m really happy and Chip you know what what is it Milo I’m actually feeling really confident now and I think I could even take KSI and Logan Paul in a fight Milo that’s ridiculous there’s no way you could take Logan Paul or KSI in a fight yeah I actually could because I’m really good at fighting and I’m the strongest guy in the world Milo you’re just saying this because you’re still on a sugar rush no I’m not I’m saying it because I’m feeling confident in awesome oh my goodness Milo trust me you could not fight Logan Paul and Kaz a fight you probably shouldn’t even say that what if they hear you and try to prove you wrong by fighting you yeah I’ll fight them oh no hey Milo what are you hey don’t break my glass yeah cuz I’m just training for my fight Milo you got to build a fight training Zone if you want to do that my vending machine is not exactly a good test dummy fine oh boy Milo you really worry me sometimes I’m a little nervous what if you get really hurt in your fight with KSI and Logan Paul well I pretty much won’t get hurt because I have all the skills all the skills okay every single skill ever wow Milo that’s a lot of skills are you sure that sounds kind of crazy it’s not crazy it’s truthful wow Milo I did not know you had every single skill ever does that skill include building really good yeah which is actually what I’m doing right now really I don’t believe you Milo there’s no way I’m definitely building the best out of either of us well I’m actually building the bedrooms for KSI and Logan Paul wait you’re already building bedrooms for KSI and Logan Paul right now that’s right are you jealous oh my goodness yeah I am jealous that’s crazy I haven’t even finished some of my rooms yet I haven’t even started building bedrooms for them oh y you better hop to it oh my goodness you’re right Milo I totally better this could be really bad if I don’t get building a lot quicker than I am now I might be a Slowpoke and my Prime vending machine house might not even be done by the time they come over to judge it that’s what I was thinking uh-oh this could be really bad don’t worry Milo I’m about to get this so done I’m going to be so Speedy right now come on let’s go because you said that Milo I am now building a computer room for Logan Paul I realized I actually didn’t make any bedrooms or any rooms for them to do computer stuff on it was really silly of me and if they come in here right now I wouldn’t have had anything for them luckily you totally reminded me so now I know I can make a cherry freeze computer room just for Logan dang it why did I remind you Milo that was a really silly mistake but thanks it’s really nice of you to support me like this I really appreciate it now if I win I won’t be on a sugar rush around you I’ll just go somewhere else and do it so I don’t have to rub it in yeah whatever whatever indeed Marlo whatever it takes that’s what I’m going to do in order to make sure I win this thing and look the floor of my cherry Prime Logan pole computer room is done now I just need to start decorating now for the inside of Logan Po’s computer room I’m going to make this the most epic gamer setup ever he is actually going to have a red PC and a white one working together that’s how powerful his computer will be he’ll also have a giant computer screen up here and wow that really does look epic then you’ll have a little Channel down here and another little Channel there this is where he can do his YouTube research and this is where he can film his videos this is his gaming screen where he can actually play the games it is very very cool and of course you’ll need a nice chair for it I like this chair a lot now over here we’ll also need to have some old PCS he doesn’t use these anymore but he likes to remember back in the old days when he did use them wow that’s so cool he also really likes to play the PlayStation sometimes so we’ll have a PlayStation there as well wo this is looking really good but there is still more we can do we can have a little mini fridges for him where he can keep Prime bottles inside and W let’s also definitely add raspberry Prime here we need some prime packs as well of course because what else would we have inside this room here is how he remembers what drink he totally invented which was Prime of course oh yeah this is looking so so good right now let’s also make sure we add in some item frames as well so that we can display these primes perfectly on the wall wow just look at that this is insane although wait a minute let’s also make sure we grab the metam moon Prime that’s because the red and the white Prime look just like a cherry freeze Prime wow this computer room is looking epic but hey now I think I can make the next level of my Prime house this is so good and I know exactly what I want to build in it this next room is going to be a freezer room where I can keep every single piece of Prime in here freezing cold it makes sure that my Prime is icy to the touch and super nice and delicious and refreshing to drink I really like this room idea and I’m sure I didn’t copy it from anybody at all this is a completely original idea wow the entrance to this room can be a big snowfall that you need to climb to get back out because that’s how freezy and frosty it’s going to be in here oh boy this is so cool already just look at that it really looks like a snow bank now over here we’re going to have a bunch of blue ice going up the walls like this because it’s going to be that Frosty wo this really does look insanely chilly I would not want to be caught in here in the middle of winter good thing it’s totally summer right now perfect now we can add a bunch of ice icles coming down these are actually just ice fences but they totally look like icicles and they make this whole room feel a lot more chilly wow this is insane how good they look I wonder how epic it looks when we take a step back and look at all of it together we’ll just add a couple more icicles for good measure and then wo this room is looking insanely Frosty right now now we need to make sure we actually add in some of our Prime packs we’ll do that and now we can freeze some of the Prime packs in with ice just making them look even more chill this is so cool building a meta Moon flavor is also perfect because the Moon is also very very cold let’s add some glow item frames with some ice Pop primes inside because they’re ice pop primes of course they need to be frozen we’ll even give them funny little pattern like we can make these do a nice zigzag upwards hey it kind of looks like they’re dancing that’s so funny this Prime called storage room is now complete and we can move on to the next room oh wow I’m so excited to make this one this room is going to be ksi’s computer room I think I know exactly what flavor to make this one and it kind of matches me a little bit that’s because this room is going to be made out of orange Prime flavor even though my favorite Prime is definitely ice pop I’m so excited to be building an orange room for KSI that means he’s just like me living inside something orange cuz that’s my house over there maybe if I build this good enough KSI and Logan pole might let me live inside the prime vending machine with them that would be so cool and epic yeah I definitely want that to happen now we need to make ksis computer room this is so exciting because once we make this we will have a computer room for both KSI and Logan Paul they are totally going to really like them we’ll give KSI the same news and YouTube channel that we gave Logan pole and of course they need to be playing Minecraft otherwise what do they even doing we’ll give KSI two PCS but we’ll give them one on either end and actually KSI can get four or maybe even six entire gam of PCS that look so intense wow and we’ll even give KSI a bunch of fridges KS size fridge can be really tall and look you can even see inside let’s fill this one with metam moon Prime even though we’re in an orange Prime bottle I think metam Moon Prime would fit really really well this is so exciting I bet KSI is totally going to love this and to keep it cool we’re going to surround the bottom level of Prime with a bunch of snowballs that’s so funny now we’ll add a bunch of prime packs to this wall here just so that KSI knows this is a prime fridge not any other kind of fridge KSI also really likes Xbox so he plays Minecraft on there too we could have a little Xbox section over here and two little chairs as well wow ksi’s computer room is looking so good but now we definitely need to make some sort of other room but H I wonder what we could even make 3 minutes remain oh my goodness whatever I decide to build here I’m going to need to decide it very quick because we don’t have a lot of time until whoever sent us that note comes back to look at our Prime vending machine houses oh man 3 minutes isn’t long at all no it’s not especially not if the person that left that note was Logan or KSI they are going to demand absolute perfection in their Prime houses so we need to build them perfectly it’s nearly time for sugar oh my goodness I hope I win I hope I win so much this room is going to have to be Logan Paul’s bedroom and I think I’m going to build it out of blue raspberry Prime which means I’ll need to use light blue colored concrete for the sides come on I go to do this quick there’s not much time left I wonder what I could even put inside Logan Paul’s bedroom it is crazy crazy that we even get to build this right now because he’s so important he needs to have the best most fancy bedroom ever like a fstar one Milo I haven’t seen your vending machine in a while how is it going well it’s really good really good what Milo that’s terrifying because if mine is not as good as yours then I will lose and I won’t have the best prime vending machine house at all I’m actually doing a prime dance right now to make my place even better a prime dance do you mean you’re building a dance floor or are you you’re doing a silly little dance just doing a crazy dance and also does something else wait what is it Milo you’re just going to have to wait 5 Seconds what okay Milo that’s really suspenseful I’m kind of nervous to find out what it is okay are you ready yes I’m totally ready what is it Milo coming over okay I’m really nervous I’m still building my blue Prime bottle for Logan Paul’s bedroom but if I see you say hi hello oh I see you in Milo what are you doing I’m driving with my Sugar Rush Milo you’re driving on a pumpkin there’s not much sugar in a pumpkin yeah there is oh my goodness did you turn that into a candy pumpkin like on Halloween oh yeah boy oh my goodness Milo you went trick or treating and now you can do some sick tricks with that super cool pumpkin car I’m doing the burnouts wa Milo that’s crazy hey not on my grass oh yeah boy I’m tearing up your grass oh Milo get out of here fine I’ll go back to my area oh my goodness Milo you’re insane you better keep that crazy little pumpkin C off of my side of this building area otherwise I might go crazy yeah we’ll see about that and I just crashed oh no Milo are you okay yeah I’m fine but that really hurt okay Milo maybe that’s a lesson not to drive pumpkin cars on my side of the build area hey don’t tell me what to do okay fine I won’t I’ll just lightly suggest that you don’t drive pumpkin cars on my side of the build area on the bright side though look this part of the build is almost complete soon I will be able to make Logan pole and ksi’s bedroom I’ll make make them different ones so that they have the most amount of space they possibly can besides I still have one lost level of my Prime vending machine shelf that I need to fill okay this outside area is looking great now we just need to fill the bottom of the bottle to make the room I think we make the very bottom into a little fish tank imagine having your bedroom on top of a fish tank that would be so fancy I think that’s exactly what we’re going to have to do here let’s add a bunch of glass down so that we can turn this into a proper fish tank and oh yeah Logan Paul is going to love this where going to need to grab some prime hydration for this because these fish are going to need to have some real big energy if they want to keep up with Logan Paul and KSI not to mention me and you Milo here we go now the fish will definitely enjoy being inside a Prime energy fish tank I don’t think you can see the fish actually you know what maybe I won’t put fish in here we can just have a Prime energy floor that is so cool and now of course we’re going to need the bed I think this bed looks really fancy and we can even make it three wide we’ll also need a bunch of shulka boxes and a bunch of of prime bottles this is so epic but we also should probably have some prime signs this way Logan pole can wake up and be motivated by them they’re upside down so he’ll be able to read them while he’s lying down although wait I don’t think that’s how it works at all actually you know what this one’s fine I guess we’ll just have one prime sign unless am I placing these wrong oh I totally am that’s really weird I need to place them facing this way that way he’ll actually be able to read them perfect now that we’ve placed down a bunch of prime signs we should add a bunch of light blue Sher boxes now he will be able to store all of his stuff let’s also grab a bookshelf too so that he can actually read I wonder if he does read probably let’s make sure we don’t add any computer parts because he has a computer room you should never have a computer and a bedroom in the same place cuz it can be really bad for your eyes here we go now we’ll add a bunch of carpets down there and wao this place is looking really good it’s just missing something and that’s something is a bunch of prime packs because we are building a prime vending machine house we need to add so much of this stuff wow this is seriously looking good but there’s a little bit missing we need to add a lot more Prime and I think the blue raspberry Prime is absolutely perfect let’s make sure we fill the walls with it Logan Paul should be able to have Prime any time of the day he wants because he’s Logan Paul he invented Prime there we go this is looking so amazing now I just need to grab an iron chain and then I need to grab a chandelier I think a white chandelier fits in perfectly with the colors we’ve chosen for this room oh yeah this is the fanciest Prime bedroom I think I ever seen now I need to make the next level where we will even make ksi’s bedroom we just need to go really quick now ksi’s bedroom needs to be the ice pop flavor of prime and wait a minute I’m doing this totally wrong if I look at the ice pop flavor of prime I can see that it’s blue on the bottom we need to grab blue concrete and start replacing the bottom of this Prime bottle with it instantly otherwise we will run out of time and KSI will not have a proper Prime flavor for his bedroom that would be terrible he would probably refuse to sleep in it and go try and sleep somewhere else like uh-oh your Prime vending machine Milo then KSI wouldn’t be in my Prime vending machine house and he totally leave and never come back and rate it a zero out of 10 yeah that’s right they really are going to be over here in my vending machine not if I can make my KSI Prime bedroom absolutely perfect and that starts with making sure it’s an actual flavor of prime like the ice pop Prime all right I totally got this I just know it now that we’ve replaced a bunch of that white concrete with this super cool light blue concrete we need to make sure we add the red to the very top this is going to be very challenging otherwise it won’t fit the colors that we need come on we’ve totally got this we don’t have a lot of time though hey Milo how close are you to finishing your Prime vending machine house you’re not going to like what I have to say uh-oh I’m a little afraid about what you’re going to say but sure what is it Milo I’m pretty much nearly done Milo what you’re nearly done that’s insane how are you so far ahead of me I’m just feeling so proud okay I’m I’m proud of you too but Milo I’m also really worried if I can’t get my Prime house done at the same time that yours is then oh boy I don’t think I’ll be able to win this thing at all yeah you’re probably already going to learn so you might as well just deal with it no way Milo I’m not dealing with anything except the price that comes with winning now I’m going to make sure ksi’s bedroom is the best bedroom in the history of the world first we need to give KSI his very own bathroom and I think having a little toilet room is perfect for it here we go we’ll make sure that bathroom’s actually in the front yep that is perfect here we go we’ll put one toilet here and we can even put the toilet paper at the back now we’ll make sure we actually block off the top otherwise it would be really embarrassing and what if KSI has friends over and they need to go to the toilet too we should probably put a toilet on the other side of kiz bedroom now we’re going to need to grab a door and I think the light blue concrete door is perfect because it Blends in so well with the light blue concrete you won’t even be able to tell there’s a toilet here until you open the door that’s how KSI likes it now up the very back we’re going to need to grab some red bamboo beds that is because this bed is going to be up the back here it’s going to be so epic we’ll also need to grab some smooth quartz stairs so that we can make a proper fancy staircase for KSI he deserves only the best prime room so we’re going to give him the absolute best one we can oh wow this already looks so incredibly amazing let’s also grab some bookshelves to put on the other side so KSI can do some nice reading as well wao look at that this is so cool and even though they’re not allowed computers in their bedrooms they do love to have a TV that’s why they like watching the chicken show on their TV in their bedrooms hey this looks so cool let’s also add some flower pots inside ksi’s bedroom and I think a Cornflower is the absolute perfect choice here cuz it’s blue kind of like the prime flavor wow now we also need to remember to add in an iron chain from the very ceiling so that KSI can have a chandelier of his own we’ll make sure it’s a little higher than Logan P’s one because otherwise ksi’s chandelier will totally block his view of the TV let’s also grab some carpets as well just like this wow this is looking so incredible we’ll have some carpets around the floor here and maybe even some on the sides oh yeah that is looking perfect let’s make sure we give KSI some chests too otherwise he won’t be able to store any of his things wow this is looking more complete than ever the second last Prime room will be a Money Vault Prime room that is why it uses the golden Prime flavor wo this is so intense now we need to make sure that we include every single block that’s really really rare and very valuable in here otherwise it won’t be a proper room we need to have lots of beacons and maybe even the dragon egg wo this is crazy not to mention we definitely also should add a bunch of prime packs in here first we’re going to add the diamonds wo those look so fancy except uh-oh I don’t want to break the sides it needs to look just like a regular flavor of golden Prime from the outside otherwise it will be way too easy to tell what’s hidden in here that’s exactly what the thieves want that’s why it’s so high up as well so it’s really hot to get to now we’ll also add in some beacons like this W this looks so cool we should also definitely not forget the dragon egg let’s make little purchase for the dragon egg and hey we can even have a couple that’s just how rich Logan Paul and KSI are from selling all their Prime wo these look so epic I can’t believe it now we should also finally add in a bunch of prime packs like this they are really going to enjoy these I can just feel it now it is time to make the very final Prime bottle this Prime bottle will be the strawberry watermelon FL I’m not going to reveal what I’ve put inside of that because it needs to stay a secret but it will be shown to Logan Paul and KSI when they least expected then they will totally appreciate my entire Prime vending machine and they will be so surprised and Amazed by it I can just tell F we need to build the bottle but uh-oh if we only have 3 minutes left then we need to hurry okay the final room has been finished and I’ve done the insights for it I need to keep it a secret but I’m almost done I just need to add in some God rails and then my Prime house will be complete chip chip it’s time it’s time oh no Milo is the timer up yes it’s up and I think Logan Paul and KSI are here oh my goodness it’s Prime Time Milo come on we totally got this Milo the celebrity guest is going to appear in 10 seconds oh my gosh I’m really excited this is crazy wow I’ve always wanted to meet you guys hi guys I’m a really big fan and I really want some sugar yeah me too Milo they are going to judge our builds and see who’s is the best and deserves an infinite lifetime supply of prime yeah and it’s definitely me so everyone come over here Milo your vending machine is looking a little um dirty he that’s rude they’re really going to love it actually I don’t know hey look they’re coming inside though come on guys wow you have a ladder to get in Milo that’s kind of lame here come up in here guys look here it says hi Milo this is the entire level of your Prime machine and all you’ve put is a word yeah well I can’t of think of anything else oh my goodness at least it’s a nice word I guess you say hi KSI and hello Logan exactly and let’s go up to this level because this is actually the really coolest one wo hey look we’re all here together this is so cool except wao Milo what’s happening here what do you mean this place is crazy is these the cans of prime yeah and pretty much everyone come to where I am right now okay come on guys we can totally do this Milo you made this very confusing hey I don’t want your judgment I’m only meant to be judged by Logan Paul and KSI okay you’re right Milo I think they kind of like it a little that’s a little bit scary to me yeah that’s right all right guys come in here this is the kitchen wa Milo they totally like it Logan Po’s freaking out he loves the kitchen and wao that’s a huge basket of berries yeah and pretty much this is a really good Prime kitchen because there’s so much Prime in here wo and hey look there’s a whole eating area up here this is crazy exactly it’s really nice now we can move on to the next one oh but Milo chaos I just got to the eating area oh chaos I is a little bit of a PK Milo be nice to our celebrity guests they’re really important remember I’m sorry KSI I didn’t mean to be rud anyway this is the next place it’s actually the flower farm and W okay something went wrong here yeah I don’t understand there was a hole in and what Milo your wool keeps disappearing and reappearing yeah something’s glitching about this place oh my goodness that’s insane but Milo what else is that hey is this another flower farm yeah I think I’m actually just really hyper from all the sugar which is why stuff’s going weird oh my goodness Milo that’s insane you built this really really crazily cuz you were so crazy from all the sugar oh my goodness I really hope the rest of your place isn’t this crazy yeah and this is the hay room what oh my goodness Milo KSI has a hay allergy what I didn’t know that oh my goodness it’s not KSI it’s going to be kachu that’s funny okay the next one oh my goodness Milo what else could you possibly have made here it’s okay KSI we’ll get you tissues later this place is the trampoline wao Okay Milo you know what this actually is really fun and hey KS I and Logan Paul really like this room of course they do because my pre build is amazing and guys there’s another one on this level wao I can’t wait for them to see it they’re going to totally be excited and what Milo this is just a room full of ice yeah just in case you need some ice with your Prime uh Milo there’s no Prime in here they look really confused yeah but you can break bring your Prime in here chips don’t be so silly oh okay I guess that does make sense but Milo I saw a second level in your vending machine how do we get to that obviously the even KSI and Lan Paul not that W I guess that is true look you guys are all climbing the ladder I can’t believe I’m on the same ladder as KSI yeah this is amazing I’m really Star Struck yeah me too but Milo what is that in that room is that lava Yep this is lava because this is the prime parkour Prim parkour oh my goodness guys why don’t you go ahead and take a go at this parkour I really hope they can do it Milo otherwise you might have an angry celebrity on your hands wow it’s actually really difficult oh my goodness Milo this is insane oh Logan pole fell off but luckily he landed on the concrete on the side well we don’t really have to dwell on this room pretty much you just collect Prime as you go up but I think you guys are going to like this next one even more wo okay come on guys let’s go look at this next room wow Milo this is so exciting in I wonder what you’ve done here I just hope it’s not lava um well come in Meo what is this is this a group toilet Yep this is the toilet room Milo this is disgusting and wo that is a lot of toilet paper yep we’re never running out of toilet paper in this place yeah Milo KSI hates the group toilet he only wants to go to the toilet by himself now I think he actually liked it and welcome to the computer room wow this is cool except Milo most of these computers aren’t very powerful only this one isn’t this one’s an old computer it can’t even run Minecraft yeah but it’s good for carding oh Milo you’re crazy uh-oh this is not good I don’t think they like this one guys there’s only two more rooms left and you’re going to love them wo hey it’s a bedroom wow and the bed’s really big you could totally bounce on it yeah this room is for KSI he’s even got a little upstairs area wow ksi’s room is actually pretty cool Milo I think he likes this one yeah and he’s got the PlayStation 5 so he should be really happy wa that’s so cool and Logan’s excited to play on it as well okay Milo you might have done ksi’s room pretty good but have you done Logan’s room oh yeah boy wait till you see it oh my goodness guys come on I really hope it’s not perfect and oh it’s really good yeah here it is and look it’s even got his name there uh Milo Logan pool is really upset what why because you’ve written Logan pool pool is the thing you swim in what I thought how you spell his name Milo it says Paul it says it right here I’m really confused so I think we should go up upstairs oh my goodness sorry Logan don’t worry I really hope this hasn’t offended you all right what’s upstairs I really hope it’s not as bad as that yep here it is and also there’s not so many books here because Logan Paul doesn’t really like to read whoa Milo that’s crazy but huh I guess that might be true I don’t know I guess we’ll find out based on who he ranks higher yeah and he’s got the Xbox wa I think KSI likes the Netflix they could totally watch the favorite shows oh yeah boy and that’s one more thing I really kind of want to show you guys wo what could it even be come on guys let’s go check it out okay up this SL oh wow Milo we’re getting really high up in your vending machine are you sure it’s safe to climb up even though it’s made out of dirt yes very safe okay I totally trust you I just hope Logan Po and KSI trust you and wait why do I he machines welcome to the faster Milo there are two people here and you’ve only made enough seats for one person yeah because everyone has to take turns what Milo that’s so Layman hey I guess you have written Prime on the roof that’s kind of cool yeah and did I spell it correctly p a i m e yes wow Milo you spelled it right guys I spell it correctly okay it’s really time for you guys to rate my build wo this is so exciting I wonder what you guys could have possibly rided it Milo I think they’re ready to give this score they’re deliberating and all right are you ready to hear it from them I’m really ready let’s see what it is wo I have no idea what this is going to be what Milo your scores are two out of five ho that is the best score ever I’m very confident that I won now can you please give me the sugar please please please please oh my gosh Milo you’re going crazy KSI Logan come on follow me we need to get out of here you guys need to come and see my Prime vending machine house it’s way less crazyer than Milo’s is come on guys you got this hey not fair chip you took them away from giving me sugar Milo they’re about to come see my Prime vending machine and I have a feeling they are going to like it a lot I hope our celebrity guests really I do like it because this all counts on what’s going to happen yeah Milo exactly welcome everybody to the pro Prime vending machine house look how incredible it looks from the front incredible it looks barely credible what Milo it looks super credible and it’s not just credit you can also use cash cuz this is a real vending machine I don’t like it oh well Milo you’re going to like it and so will KSI and Logan pull they look so excited come on guys the way in is just through this little coin return slot then you just need to come up through this bubble elevator make sure you quickly leave though otherwise you might go up a little bit too high I am not going up there uh-oh ksi’s gotten lost in the bubble elevator and so is Logan pole uh-oh this is getting crazy y we’re not going in here what Milo you’re in here right now yeah but we don’t want to be in here because we just got wet Milo are you wet now no you’re totally dry because I use special technology on my oh wow we really have lost Logan Logan don’t worry I’ll go get him hey Logan don’t worry I will totally save you I really hope he enjoys this because it is a prime water elevator after all not a regular one here you go Logan I can pick you up actually don’t worry if you just stand still I should be able to do this and then we can swim down all right Logan we totally got this we just need to make it all the way to the bottom and we’ve almost made it now wow Logan’s really difficult what Milo don’t be rude these are celebrity guests and speaking of celebrity guests I have a home that I think you would really like first we have a special room this is the kitchen and dining room the flavor is strawberry and banana Prime wow chip this is actually amazing yeah it’s pretty cool and up here is the dining room section as well I know you guys like to eat a lot so I figured I’d make a table where you can invite all the siden yeah and you can invite me yeah Milo you can be invited as well and over here we also have another very important room this is the TV watching Room everybody can sit and watch TV and it’s so big with such fancy speakers you can watch any show you like Milo look I think they really like it I like it as well you’re actually doing a pretty good job chippy thanks Milo and hey don’t call me chippy in front of Logan and KSI it’s embarrassing that’s funny here we have the enchanting room and the library room even though I recently found out that you guys don’t actually like to read it’s still there if you want it yeah well they won’t like it cuz they don’t like books oh my goodness well uh up to the next level there’s some seriously awesome stuff up there I’d like to show you guys up here we have some seriously epic rooms and this one I I think you’re particularly going to love um chip what the what Milo just walk in try and stand anywhere in this room I’m in water and I’m sinking into the prime water Milo it’s not water and it’s not prime water it’s just Prime we have a prime swimming pool for everybody to enjoy wow this is actually so awesome but hey I’m feeling kind of sticky yeah you guys better get out quick otherwise you’ll be too sticky from spending too long in the prime swimming pool and over here there’s a room that you can come and relax in we have a prime Brewing centa you can have any flavor of prime you want wow I can even make a mystery Prime bottle exactly and since you guys are the owners of prime you can make any flavor you could possibly dream of using the technology in this lab um I have a question for lgan p and KSI oh my goodness Milo what’s your question I’m sure they’ll totally answer I’m a little bit nervous don’t be nervous Milo Logan and KSI are really nice so they’ll answer whatever you have to ask okay guys pretty much I want peach flavor oh my goodness Milo I don’t know H they’re talking about it and it doesn’t look like oh wait hang on it looks like they might actually add Peach flavor oh yeah boy let’s go come on moving on okay guys don’t worry I won’t tell him that you actually said no anyway next here we have Logan Paul’s gaming room this is a cherry freeze Prime flavor look at how cool it is you even have technology and your computer is very powerful with two whole computer machines yeah I guess this actually is pretty cool but hey you have the Vintage computers as well yeah that’s cuz they’re his old ones he likes to look at them for the Memories Milo he doesn’t actually use them so when you do it it’s okay because Milo you didn’t have any other computers to use instead you only had the old one and two others I don’t like what’s going on here what me winning huh I wouldn’t like it if I were you either because this next level is going to blow your mind over here we have the gray Prime bottle and Milo this is how you make a real ice room you got to put the prime inside so it actually freezes properly yeah whatever you say buddy yeah we have a snow bank that you can get in and out of this room with it’s very very cool wao do you guys like this room there’s no padded snow uh yeah Milo cuz I don’t want them falling in and getting their feet cold that would suck yeah but I love hanging out in paded snow I know Milo you can use your own Prime vending machine house for it but mine is going to have unlimited Prime when I win and oh KSI did I mention this is your gaming room you have a custom Xbox and a massive six computer setup you also have a giant Prime fridge with a bunch of prime inside of course six computers what yeah it’s very overpowered now I’m sure you’ll totally enjoy that but you will also enjoy Logan Paul’s bedroom look you have a chandelier and as much prime as you could possibly ever want watch it this place is fancy yeah it is pretty epic and W Logan Paul is having so much fun now you guys will also enjoy the next floor because it is my last and we have something ser seriously epic up there what going it be well Milo I have an answer for you this room also has KSI bedroom in it and this might look like just an ordinary bedroom with nothing extra inside other than of course a chandelier and a TV but downstairs there is also a secret hidden onsuite bathroom what they have the B on bathrooms exactly KSI actually has two because in case he needs to go to the bathroom twice or if Logan needs to borrow it yeah that’s very nice thanks and over here we have my second second last room this room is a crazy storage room where you can keep all of your valuables and your fortunes that you get from selling Prime and becoming really rich this is the richest Prime room I’ve ever seen yeah it’s pretty epic huh W Milo they’re totally freaking out it’s like they’ve got sugar rushes of their own Mama Mia well guys it is time for me to show you the very final room I’m a little nervous that they won’t like it enough for me to win but don’t worry here is the final final room is it what is it this is the boxing ring and it is Logan Paul and KSI themed you can even see them at the back here hauling all the different flavors of prime wow I love them so much they’re pretty much my favorite boys ever oh yeah wait Milo look it looks like they totally love the final room oh my gosh chip I think we should head back to the beacon to find out who won yeah I definitely think so too come on guys oh my goodness it is really scoring time I’m so excited to find out what score you got guys are going to give my Pro Prime vending machine house oh my goodness and wo a five out of five that’s incredible this means I win and I get a lifetime supply of Prime thank you guys I need to tell Milo right now and Milo are you asleep oh my goodness he fell asleep from the Sugar Rush that is so funny

Milo has challenged Chip to a Noob vs Pro PRIME VENDING MACHINE Build battle! But what happens when 2 guest judges show up at the end?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😮😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  2. I like prime I want to try all the prime it sounds good and especially ice pop prime. It looks scrumptious and delicious. Yummy yummy prime. I love prime.

  3. Trip I have an idea for the next video can you please do a realistic build challenge yourself so the first bill are you going to build is Milo1 the second they're just going to be chip2 and the third builder challenge is going to be 3 crazy fan girl

  4. Is that normal Minecraft or is it a special Minecraft please tell me I've been dying to get my hands on that with the special stuff please answer me❤ I also love your channel 💗💗💗

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