Minecraft 2.0 Is Here… (realism craft)

how you doing everybody it’s me ice spice and today well to be honest today I don’t know what to expect this thing this beautiful being itself right here ever since this trailer slid into the deep sockets of my eyes I have not been able to get this off my brain what in the world is this is this Minecraft or is this like Minecraft 2.0 so today I had no clue how to go about this one but this is absolutely insane looking it’s called realism craft and this thing promises to do well like pretty much everything from 3D weapons visual effects custom structures animations and even to brand new Mobs too um I have to the only downside here tragically is this thing is coming at us for a a whopping price of 10 I can’t even say it $10 with a steep price usually I would recommend caution but spark universe is legit and I mean in your case you got this video right here you would check it out by the end you see if it works big important thing to note realism cra 1.0 is not an add-on instead it’s a mashup give our world an even better name and boom let’s go oh wow right off the bat it’s beautiful so I figured the best way to go about all of oh wow what the oh but listen listen oh and look and and listen and it’s beautiful the wind it blows the the Rays they trace in front of my eyes and most importantly my knees they sneak and Crouch and I wobble I walk around entirely different what in the world is that thing is that a black bear I mhm yes most definitely a black bear hi hi cow thing I meant to say you’re a cow how are you what’s up you don’t hurt me no you’re just a reskin vanilla cow all right oh my God this rock right here the mere sight of this thing with the moss on it and everything as I lean over it towering over like the tall King I am I’m I I grow emotional this is beautiful what even in the world is this thing oh it’s cocoa beans huh anyway before I was so rudely interrupted by the black bear and this insane sneaking thing I was saying today I figur we go ahead and jump in and blind react if you’re curious about it more in depth a stepbystep breakdown you let me know by tapping like on this video and we’ll see if we can make that happen oh wow you know what I look at the trees and immediately wait there’s birds in the sky I look at this scene right here and vividly my mind flashes back it’s like war or something oh just wow no question about it now 100% that’s duck look at that thing and when I hit it the feathers like fall off of it not for real it’s just an animation the raw chicken the azour the sugar cane what are you are you a pig you’re definitely a pig oh my God look at that sheep that’s adorable that’s Perfection oh wow and they come in different color ways too the other sheep you’re you’re I can’t even talk today I’m so sorry about this I’m just too excited by every single thing that I’ve seeing I don’t know what that was but it’s gone wow that hazy fog off in the distance that is stunning and gorgeous wao these trees right there too how that’s generating what is that a birch a staircase log I mean I guess at this point sure why not oh the Minecraft B that is so okay it’s gone but it was so familiar feeling roll that back you see that yeah it’s not too different okay wow I just now like it snaps inside of my head and I remember that we have custom generation here that’s why these trees are so stunning looking they’re all unique and different that’s crazy oh I hear a drown like screaming at me how does it look under the water wo wo wo wo wo okay a trident Dr right off the bat no thank you no no no please stop it stop it dude you hold that thing so [Music] cooly all right well I spawned with a book too but I guess we’ll never no all righty so sliding into the creative inventory right here first things first first thing I noticed those door textures right there that is so different looking shockingly though it doesn’t follow up or maybe it does and I is that different look I can’t can’t tell anyways creative inventory for 10 USD all the way near the bottom look at all of these different things that we now get a hold of hard and Clay Rock number three your dream rock ever yeah nees AKA torch flower yeah you dream it you got it bfx settings what in the world and Fallen log what in the world well well well would you take a look at that just like almost magic or something one solid sack of realism guidebook we drop this into the world and sort of just like an add-on we get a little bit more information as to what’s going on here I would love to see myself a rainbow that would be beautiful inside of this book you got all of the information on everything different mobs different biomes more of this feels so high quality Dynamic light beautiful Aurora anyways uh that’s enough of that why are you on the land send yourself back to the watery grave that you reside in all right so my next move of the day now is to hunker down lock in and focus beautiful light rays under the water aside more ground I mean it’s all over this world we need to start covering it let’s see what we can find oh and right off the bat let’s see what I can find a brand new beautiful gigantic looking structure inside of one of the most peaceful looking PLS biomes of all time wow hey also I found these chains and somewhere oh it’s it’s just the normal chain but that icon it looks so different all right so judging by the banners and some of the Ambiance noises that I’m hearing they sound a lot like villagers but I can’t see any I’m guessing that this has to be Outpost 2.0 look at how good that b looks without the border that kind of throws me back to those OG original ones you remember them diamond armor looks so good with this pack like I mean look at that and Swinging the sword that’s surprising I really thought there was going to be like a different animation I mean maybe it’s different I guess I can’t tell H but it’s time and beautifully at sunet the sun slowly sets inside of my world this gigantic massive looking Tower in the background another thing on the Horizon by the flaring sun over there but let’s see that Aurora baby look at the birds the geese Canadian Gees oh hey horse friend look at you you look actually pretty familiar definitely different animations with that tail wagging and walking around but wow that’s so cool Dynamic lighting holding a torch in my hand this is one of the most beautiful experiences that I have ever had inside of Minecraft I mean look at that the Flames actually burn and the light as I walk around I mean it actually lights H so I didn’t really think to give myself any blocks to you know like get away from these things but what’s the explosion look like oh W oh Aurora beautiful Aurora it’s nowhere wait wao is that how that is on Bedrock normally that’s crazy one more Creeper explosion aside a Briden early the next day I think it’s about time we go ahead and check out structure number one that we found moving up to this thing oh 100% we got a little bit of road walking in that’s pretty cool and an iron golem sitting around it’s got that total Outpost Vibe what are you a guard man in the tower with a scaffolding that’s such a clever use I got to remember that design anyways though couple more iron golem prisoners not my problem let’s go ahead and move our way into the structure oh it’s cramped it’s small but it’s got like wood Fortress Vibes all over that’s fire garbage piece of garbage get out of here what in the world is this a spawner up here no no no I don’t think so I wish I had a pickaxe about now um no no no I don’t think so please exit exit the perimeter all right so anyways a lud asde bottle of enchanting wheat and a couple of hooks was it worth it well no stay calm stay cool nice and collected don’t fall into take fall damage and lose everything back at almost square one I figured our next move of the day is to climb the world’s tallest hill right over here and see what else we can find H so one thing that I’m very curious about is world seed how does this work is this going to be different like every single time I mean there’s my seed maybe one of you that is way more genius with that stuff could let me know thank you oh wow look at the attention to detail here so at the bottom of the tree the like the Moss kind of Fades in this is version 1.0 I don’t know if this is a bug or int or what but I think it’s quite strange that every single time I break one of these cool custom plants instead of getting like the cool custom plant uh for example small Fallen log I break it I pick it up I get the normal Birch log I don’t know if it’s meant to like work like that or what but fair enough oh no I just realized one of the great tragedies of this um if I look up some of the new 1.21 stuff it’s not existing quite yet oh man a little bit of time later and I’ve now found myself in what I believe to be a mega Tiger Biome look at these trees these are like the spruce trees on steroids they look so good and the separate branches though I know a thing about two two about threes at least I think I do and that doesn’t that’s not right is it ah but yes the question you’ve all been waiting for if I break strange tree staircase look at that very very quickly it just kind of like disappears when I pick it up I get a stick actually meanwhile on the other hand the tree trunk I would never leave a tree Flo loading but if I break the tree trunk just like you would typically expect it’s a log next up for my next move down under the ground what in the world is going on let’s check it out so from the looks of things first impression here these are normal vanilla Minecraft cave shapes totally I also kind of found pretty much the perfect spot I mean it’s crazy dark right here but we got the DP Stone caves biome there’s not too much going on other than well Darkness but then the most beautiful cave biome of all time and maybe the most beautiful shot of it take a look at this place right here and listen to the Yom like gets all of a sudden Echo you could tell you’re inside of a large space um I don’t know exactly what that was the Deep slate is so different looking but yeah the atmosphere and the Ambiance is insane here and this running animation it was shocking at first at first but the more I get used to it the more I love it h alone inside of a m shaft completely naked is it a good idea only time will tell who look at that mine cart this is the trippiest thing for me try to get used to how all of these different items look like you have to relearn literally everything in the game from the looks of things though this is just normal M shaft loot wa look at that skeleton that’s terrifying looking ah oh that’s crazy looking not so fast buddy get out of here that’s so cool looking it’s like haunted the ores wow those stand out like crazy amongst all of this H so anyways back to the creative inventory let’s take a look at some stuff here because a lot of different items in the game have been retextured however interestingly some stuff seems to be pretty similar to how it was before like maybe touched up a little bit but at the same time it’s hard to tell back up on the surface Sky walking around the world just to check out and see what we have here the forest is absolutely insane looking and taking a look a little closer I don’t know if this used to be the dark oak forest or what but check out these beautiful gigantic mushrooms and the stunningly whopping aelia tree the Ambiance changes so significantly from biome to biome 2 like check this out inside of this biome it’s really really hazy and blue but then as soon as I move into the lake and into a different biome I mean it’s like way more brighter feeling so that’s got to be the old dark oak right oh that’s so cool looking I think that’s pretty much essentially vanilla ruin portal generation but wow that’s so cool looking and look at how crazy dark it is in this Forest that makes the biome actually questionable that actually makes the biome like questionable just to charge into and run through like like I’ve always thought it would be cool to have random Overworld biomes where maybe early game you don’t exactly want to head there even up on the surface because it could be a little bit difficult one of my other favorite changes that this pack makes is spawn eggs for once in our lives spawn eggs are actually not lazily copy and paste the spawn eggs with different colors you can actually interpret and understand them like clearly that’s a shark and so he’s done it after years and years of walking and almost losing it all after traveling high and low and discovering none other than a beautiful of butterfly I’ve made my way so far and look at this generation like the land shaping themselves I mean I don’t know if that’s custom too but that’s really early Minecraft feeling especially these Cliffs over here but the village I found I think the most perfectly located Village before we check out the village though I also found myself a small shack a completely new structure sitting just on its Lonesome inside of the plains biome oh also I found a grizzly bear that looks like it’s from the naturalist data all right so I’m very curious are you my friend or are you just a new mob you don’t really care about me what if I hit you oh yeah then you’re mad at me then you’re definitely mad at me I’m so sorry about this look I I didn’t mean to what was that though like is it actually a new mob cuz it kind of look like it bear looking a bear in here I only have a polar bear is that perhaps maybe just a brand new biome variant aha a brand new biome variant of the bear that’s such a cool idea oh wow I’m going to go back to that structure in just a second here but look at that generation that is stunning that’s so cool looking so I’m not taking any chances with this one just in case we set her spawn right outside of it because this Shack is not a Shack in the ground wo that’s deep instead it seems to be a m shaft that cuts all the way down to Diamonds the bottom of the world oh who that’s dangerous pointed dripstone at the bottom that’s a trap oh it’s the new M shaft structure look at that imagine being able to find a m shaft in vanilla Minecraft where you could like just drop straight down that is so dangerous that’s evil spark how do you do that okay even worse once you start falling down the M shaft you’re kind of like stuck too because the ladders they like go and they stop but I can’t be tricked carefully like the professional I am we parkour our way back up and slide over now that I’m a little bit further into the shaft here take a look at this thing it’s multistory with brand new loot chest for sure this time around this is sort of like a o That’s dangerous this is sort of like a big maze that it oh it’s it’s a big maze all right so right down there it looks like the whoever set this m shaft up was going to continue exploring pressure plates and disgusting no oh that’s vicious that’s so evil even more exploration going on here though or at least at one point there was oh this is so cool Tippy Toe My Way backwards through the structure eventually I find a new hallway that I haven’t gone down quite yet and I I think maybe for the most part I’ve seen just about all there is to see with this structure it’s a couple different hallways with some loot down there a couple fun traps and yeah just in general you better be careful otherwise you’re fake is not good there’s one final thing that I’d like to do so you guys are my boss right that’s how it’s been for years I make what you want to see there is nothing more that I want to make in a world than even more of whatever all this is the Fate is solely inside of your hands right now right here if you would like to see even more exploration of essentially Minecraft 2.0 structures biomes mobs and more all you got to do to let me know is tap like on this video right here oh that’s interesting I was curious how the villagers were going to look they just look B basically same old same old plain old but that’s a new structure for sure if you guys enjoy this video enough then I will absolutely be making a part two I think what happened here is maybe a little bit of an error a mishap or something because this is definitely a vanilla building but then this thing right here that’s totally different it almost looks like a like a ship or something realism craft a brand new most beautiful way to experience Minecraft ever thank you all so much for taking the time to watch today’s video I’ve had so much fun making this one it’s been me w I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye [Music]

Minecraft Realism Craft is a brand new dynamic world experience for Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock. Dynamic worlds are unlike any other Minecraft experience. They are not mods. They are not addons. They are not world packs. They are everything.

💖 Realism Craft 1.0 https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=5eddc134-bdf3-4a84-b7c5-ee0504402be9

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Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI
Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9
Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment “wow”


  1. if you could add anything from realismcraft to vanilla what would it be?! how about those birds?!? 🥺🥺🥺


  2. Whilst for Vanilla Minecraft the higher resolution texture might be a bit strange and maybe the lens flares from the sun could do with tweaking, everything else in this pack is exactly what I wish Vanilla Minecraft had, especially with that ambience!!! The diverse range of animals and environments and structures, taller trees, bright colours and animations… it's.. it's beautiful 🥹

    Spark Universe, you are incredible!!

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