Can I Beat Terraria Without Immunity Frames?

so I basically installed a mod that completely removes eye frames from the game so something like let’s say the copper shortsword can do this yeah but since I removed all eye frames from the game that means my eye frames are gone too so most of the time I got one shot that means that basically I get to do Insane damage to everything but everything does insane damage to me I guess a glass Cannon playthrough so let’s begin yeah baby okay so let’s can’t wait to get one shot okay so wait let’s see if this works hold on I don’t notice a difference what hold on let me see okay okay okay what oh okay okay never mind never mind we’re good we’re good never mind we are good okay so here’s the thing I decided to actually go Mage for this run now you might be saying Skeletron you despise Mage and you’ve never played it so why now well it’s because mage probably has the best weapons for this type of run and he’ll see why I’m so tired like I’m not even kidding I’m actually like so tired right now this is probably going to be a short stream oh wait I have Finch staff hold [Music] on uhoh hold on hold on wait there’s no way there’s no way hold on wait damn okay BL staff is useless it already ignores ey frames well yeah that’s the thing like a lot of a lot of summon weapons already now my plan was to bomb a few corruption orbs to maybe get myself a vilethorn why did I want a vilethorn you’ll see that is not the vorn and we’re about to die we’re about to die we’re about to die we’re about to die hold on leave me alone no use your fch staff I forgot about that I forgot about that I forgot the I forgot the finch no I’m so stupid uhoh Oh this is torture this this is actual torture okay all right let’s hope for the VOR let’s just keep bombing I guess oh oh wait wait I forgot about this I forgot about this I I actually completely forgot so wait wait is the finch the finch was going to Finch was going to [Music] solo yeah just jump scare me just just jump scare me get him get him Power Rangers vorne yeah [Music] baby look at this let’s go now we can hold on give me an En me give me an En me no remove the [Laughter] finch Chad this the solos the solos chat this this solos that that is yeah that is insane I tried going to the Jungle so I could get Life Crystals and potentially other good loot but I forgot one thing the jungle is absolute torture in this playthrough the fact that jungle enemies are insanely powerful is bad enough but now that all of them can basically one shot us this is going to be quite hard bro darts do twice the damage get away from me get away from me I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I don’t have Mana oh no I should have set up the bed I should have set up the bed no now I’m going to have to go back see how a mace would work okay what I mean we set up a spawn point so we’re fine give my gold back let’s go oh damn that does so just one shot what the all right round three third times a charm oh I guess there’s nobody here all right sure never mind never mind I didn’t go back because clearly going to the Jungle made no progress so instead I tried to summon the cthulu just to test my VOR out guys watch this watch watch this guys you totally won’t die let’s see how much damage you do to oh oh oh oh um and yet we still died so I went to the underground just so I could get myself some more Life Crystals and better accessories cuz clearly my weapon was good enough I just needed more health and Mobility let’s see how this is going to go go go go go let’s go easy guys that was such a hard boss fight oh my God that was insanely hard the Goblin Army eventually spawned so I did that too excuse me um okay okay I guess okay I guess I can’t do I’m getting spawn killed like our our spawn immunity frames are gone as well so we just we can just get spawn killed which is so funny but also annoying all right let’s just do this I had win guys right I should not lose this I should literally not lose this I should literally not lose this I don’t have Mana I don’t have Mana I don’t have Mana that’s an issue get these get these yeah okay nice from the King slim fight I knew that having a limited amount of Mana was going to be an issue so I made some Mana crystals to increase it so that issue is solved so I want to go fight the E of Worlds and the E of Worlds fight was interesting this is going to turn out either really good or really bad and there’s like e okay I mean hey turn out turn out well turn out well I guess yeah let’s go and meteor actually spawns so I want to go mine that up oh there it is okay nice you guys told me go right side and you guys were right awesome the chat is so smart with the help of Fargo’s mute mod I crafted enough Life Crystals to get myself to Max HP but after getting more upgrades I tried out the scalon fight this is literally not this could not go wrong this could not go wrong at [Music] all oh what the okay next night next night come back here rematch get the run back get the run back come on just defeat the hands and then you’re good Skeletron defeat the hands no just kill that oh okay we’re good GG’s it’s GG’s it’s GG’s this is GG’s it’s GG’s all right hey we got a Skeletron mask let’s go two of them two of them will for sure help me guys cannibalism all right man I wanted to go inside the dungeon to get a water bolt so I how do I get a water bolt is it just destroying books guys I’ve never played Mage before I’ve never used a water bolt ever in my entire life how do I how do I get a water bolt on bookshelves all right so I just keep destroying these we’re good okay you know what let’s test Let’s test this out chat let’s King Slime let’s see I mean I don’t know if this is better okay so here’s the thing the vorne is better for close range but when we’re long range we can use the waterball Bor is better close range so then my chat forced me to fight the queen bee so I guess I did just that we just got to get a good a good like time where she’s like just standing still stand still stand still stand still come on stand still I need I need you to stand still like just one one point where she’s standing still and like spawning out the bees then I’ll be good yes easy easy so I used an instant bridge to make an arena in the Underworld ah you stupid fish die you stupid fish you don’t deserve to live you stupid fish all right just just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die just die yeah baby what’s what’s the plan next chat what’s the what’s the plan for mage I don’t I don’t play Mage again I I’m not a mage player what’s the plan now vard oh yeah wait true wait you guys are actually right this is going to damn all right sure I spent a while mining for hard modor damn don’t die to Lava Skeletron what the are you this man just juggled me what it just juggled me all right all right all right after mining enough hard mode ore I went ahead and started trying to get the crystal V Shard and on my first H mimic come on first try guys manifest manifest manifest manifest come on guys manifest it oh yeah and it’s mythical too oh my God wait that that’s so good mythical V Shard easy actually easy this is going to carry hold on hold on chat hold on chat hold on chat Let’s test this out it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s it’s over you see that you see that we we got a mechanical worm okay yo wait chat hold on hold on chat hold on chat hear me out hear me hear me out hear me out hear me out hear me out perfectly balanced as all things should be oh my God 4 seconds it took me 4 seconds perfectly balanced as all things should be okay hold on we got to get some upgrades first like we actually have to get some upgrades I upgraded my gear by getting wings and a few other Mage accessories then I decided to try Duke fish on prax for fun yeey okay but we can’t get I don’t think we we can get hit by that cursed flame like once dude I killed them both at the same time you you next you next you are you are next Mr Skeletron Prime the cheap coffee exactly uh let’s see how this is going to go ooh ooh ooh ooh okay I guess we just summon Golem we got this guys we can’t possibly lose to Golem we can’t possibly lose to Golem guys right or two seconds two seconds that was worse that’s even that’s took even less time than the Destroyer damn 2 seconds perfectly balanced hey Mr cultist I got to use razor blade typhoon actually actually I’ll only use the GG’s just fight the pillars at this wait the pillars are going to be like actually like insanely annoying the pillars are going to be very annoying probably uh I’ll actually go for the go for the nebula pillar first I went for the pillars and I died a lot but hey I won’t get too much into it go go how did I not get hit whoa I got to I got a regen regen Mana regen Mana regen okay at least the lasers only hit me once that’s that’s great that’s great that’s great oh my God how did I dodge that o okay Lord head is down I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead it’s just that one just that one just that one just and then the core what the just use razor blade just keep using razor blade oh you know what no that is sad that is sad that is sad no oo go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go let’s go let’s go let’s go easy GG’s GG’s all right GG’s pretty good stream I didn’t think I would beat it today but we just went insanely fast so you know what it was good thank you guys for watching that’s it for this video it was an interesting playthrough to say the least make sure to like comment and subscribe since I am insanely close to 100K Subs like really close thanks for watching and see you

immunity frames suck

Intro Music: Accumula Town

Other music used includes terraria soundtracks and Celeste

Thanks for watching! If you like my videos, make sure to like and subscribe, as I want to get 100k subs.

This isnt me playing terraria’s calamity mod in hardcore mode, or playing terraria’s masochist mode, this is me trying to beat terraria without immunity frames

tags: #terraria #gaming #calamity


  1. i hope you used the shadowbeam staff lol
    also, dragon ball terraria WITH no iframes AND much more progression ('cuz you did ki class already)?

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