A Bunch of Strangers vs Terraria’s Hardest Seed

today we have a really simple objective beat the Wall of fresh on the get fix boy seed on Master difficulty while the members of my server are free to join at any time sure this means we’ll have more people but it also means the boss Health scaling is going to go crazy can we get to the wall of fresh in 4 hours or will we run out of time before we able to make it to Hard Mode there’s so many slimes help one funny thing about the GI fix boy seed is that a bunch of NPCs spawn and then die when the first night comes around or maybe after the first day and one of those NPCs is the tax collector and he can drop a weapon wait a minute oh sick I got the cane oh I’m set nice dude I’m busted oh and it’s got the Savage buff let’s go I honestly didn’t know this weapon was a thing maybe I’ve seen it once before but it rings a bell and it feels familiar but I’ve never actually gotten before and to my surprise it’s actually quite effective leags better than a copper shortsword and this is probably the one and only situation where you could actually get one when it’s viable after chopping down several trees I started building up to the caves above us ah wait what it me didn’t take long to find something useful oh that is a lot of ore hold up all this or is great but I’m stuck with the guy called Dr Millie who isn’t making things easy no stop mining the no stop mining the bottom block what are you doing Milly I will pour you in lava Milly was simply not going to allow me to mine any of this ore for reasons I cannot hope to explain waffles appeared and tried to help me which was nice but not enough Go waffles go DN you Millie it literally took a couple of minutes to mine this ore now I had to step aside for several minutes for some server maintenance and moderating so my viewers ended up making progress while I fell behind but I guess this means they did a lot of the hard work for me as I finally was able to ascend into the RGB gamer biome and up to the forest but still had to do some server related stuff and Dr Millie took advantage of my AFK moments to block swap some crispy honey under my feet so I’d burn to death guess I know who I should ban next I was finally able to get to exploring and me along with players tag in Orion started making our way to a treasure room we were hoping against hope that it hadn’t been looted but it had and the treasure chest was gone and everything turns out a mine cart track is right next door so whoever found this thing must have used the mine cart track to get there instead of like we did I decided to check the mine cart track out myself when someone mentioned a rather dangerous Discovery I found a queen should I break it absolutely be so I don’t want just go after you forever right do it we all want you know because there’s no way we’ll all despawn fast enough so much loose yeah it’ll just be on you forever anyways I was able to find a large ve of iron and this time there was no Dr Millie ruining my mining session so it was much nicer Orion was there but they aren’t Dr Millie who I should probably just trap in an eastone box or something I used the mine cart track some more and it brought me to the desert which reminded me of a particular feature of this seed time to raid the desert boyos why cuz oh I am in the dark if you don’t know the darkness punches you at least that’s how I describe it or in other words you die if you’re in the dark it sucks I was chilling killing a few slimes back at spawn when silly zilly casually walks over and hands me a storm spear so I guess there’s no need to raid the desert after all have kind of mixed feelings about getting the spear though because I rather enjoy using the cane I feel so fancy and whacking the taxes out of enemies is a good time the merchant had spawned in the houses I discovered earlier and I wanted to buy a bunch of torches but I have no money I was able to get some torches and 11 rope it really is not a lot it’s basically nothing really I need more money I kept going about my business Maybe can find somewhere money but somebody else ended up running into a queen bee larva is actually oh great boom stick M no I don’t want to die I just got up here you’re we’re going to be dying a lot time to get used to it game’s over guys why it go to me first we’ve lost oh no I auto you Auto torched Queen B into existence win wait 101,000 HP eventually it’ll die you just reset the server this wasn’t actually something I had fully thought through when starting this event how queen bee is just about impossible to not accidentally spawn and with the number of people on the server it’s actually quite unlikely queen bee will ever despawn the only way to keep on making progress is to just not die and get stuck at spawn with everyone else but that shouldn’t be a problem I found treasure ow stupid houses yeah some of the treasure chests have explosives in them and there’s no way of telling the difference between them as far as I’m aware and now I’m going to get stuck at spawn with this stupidly buffed queen bee everybody spawned with 300 health so that’s something that I guess helps but there’s no way that we’re actually going to kill this thing I guess we probably could give enough time but this is an event with my viewers and well they aren’t going to have any fun spending a solid hour being constantly killed by Queen Bee until we chiper down to zero so I guess we’re going to need to take an alternate routees oh wow where did the queen bee go who knows it just disappeared we get the treasure B then yeah everybody who did damage to Queen be did in fact get a treasure bag which does give most of if not the entire server quite the jump start in our 4 hours of get fixed voy to kill the wall of fresh but you know we need the help and um I don’t have any other excuses we’re just going to have some fun today and not take the challenge too seriously that doesn’t mean I’m not going to put in a good effort for uh semi- legit kill of the wall though I returned to the treasure chest that killed me and to my surprise it remained unlooted with a band of regeneration inside I snagged a life Crystal and then skillfully opened this chest without being exploded magic mirror was all that was inside kind of disappointing but okay and then the dark punched me to death again I was on my way back but then a zombie dropped 40 gold likely because it picked up the money somebody else had dropped and that means I now have the funds necessary to stock up on the Torches and robe I wanted earlier I also found out somebody had seemingly made a noise machine guys having fun over here I was able to return to where I had previously died nothing particularly special but it looks like a place nobody has been to before this is the thing about any of the events that I host I have to find some way to get away from the rest of the crowd in order to find anything interesting it’s not a foolproof idea though because Dr Millie appeared and decided to follow me around okay Millie okay buddy boy I got my eyes on you yeah yeah yeah wasn’t you huh I ended up face to face with the desert again and after failing to raid it I again figured I’d give it another go it didn’t go very well maybe the desert isn’t the best for me with get fixed boy damage scaling and TNT barrels being everywhere maybe it’s not a good idea to go to the desert at all oh and the noise machine was going again I found a treasure room in the forest area where everybody had been traveling somehow people missed it so I feel pretty special for finding it oh sweet my fourth band of regen I’m stoked there was even another chest just a little bit off the beaten path this one was shoe spikes which was good this was also a conversation that happened I’m not that person Thorin you got the wrong guy who’s what person man I’m not the person with the beeswax beeswax get scammed what do I care about I’m the one asking for beeswax what do I care about beeswax anyway I died a slow and painful death hey watch out one Cru world it’s happening oh no the dark it’s going to happen event and there it is there it is the of the game on this seat is the absolute worst oh my goodness it’s Dr Millie again why do I keep running onto this person we both see the same thing a treasure chest just above us now it’s just a race to see who can collect the first that because and so the race begins only Dr Millie and I know where the treasure chest is and I need to get revenge for him trolling me and I can’t think of no better way than to beat him to the treasure chest it’s the race of the century oh wait no wrong one wrong path oh no Dr Millie remained right behind me until I got to the mine cart track where I suddenly had an Entourage hey it’san hey got no leave me alone leave me alone I’m I’m not here I’m not here how you guys come on let me die I’m not here yes I’ve escaped but I have a good lead over Millie and the treasure is all mine oh I think somebody actually got there before either of us yep somebody already got it no rosed it was a cloud bottle a I’m upset and I just got to say this seat has way too many [Music] explosives oh IV let’s go how did you survive now while I’ve been struggling with all this basic progression stuff fellow YouTuber oako had quietly joined the server and was messaging me saying that he’d found a voodoo doll and was considering throwing it into the lava to troll the entire well server I of course encouraged him to do so but no wall of fresh spawned very suspicious ious a mine cart track took me to the jungle and tundra biome at long last a new biome that fewer people had found probably so there will be probably more treasure not to mention that a lot of the materials that can be collected from the jungle can be used to craft some weapons accessories and armor it’s a good place to be but I wasn’t expecting my exploration here to go this well oh I just found three ice chests side by side what the heck come on they’re all fine and yeah I missed the whole queen bee thing wait is that two queen bees that’s two that’s two queen bees you should kill one of them I wasn’t going to do anything about it but then I died don’t worry guys I have god mode enabled let’s go God mode we’re cheating again against the boss let’s go what no this isn’t cheating the owner it occurred to me that I could use commands to forcibly kill the members of the server and so get Queen be to despawn without more or less cheating the gear that the be drops but after a couple of minutes of endlessly trying to kill everybody it’s not working oh silly what are you doing over there no I’m crazy going to play roale oh my God this is how beat forget it well that didn’t work oh well again this isn’t a serious challenge this whole event was just designed to have fun with the members of my Discord with a set goal to give people something to shoot for we did it 100% legit there was a whole side quest where zilly tossed me an extra conch and this resulted in a whole long thing of us trying to figure out the tunnel that generated under the corrupt Ocean on the right side of the world we would jump down the tunnel and it would just keep on going and going dude this is actually massive what the heck I don’t know I need a hook but I can’t breathe without a hook the reason I needed a hook was to Grapple to the ceiling where I could mine a breathing hole just having that would allow me to make it to the bottom of the tunnel never seen one of those go as long as this one so I have to know how deep it goes our journey was interrupted when someone spawned the eye and there’s just so many bees on the screen but we did get a legit kill sort of just got to ignore the queen be drops we probably shouldn’t have right now anyways we went back to the water tunnel took forever because mobs kept spawning underwater and killing us but I did eventually get to the bottom is there anything there there’s a single Treasure Chest it went down maybe a third of the world it’s crazy I actually love it I I want more long water tunnels like this I guess coming here did allow me to explore an area nobody had been to before so there were some ores and treasure but neither of the treasure chest had anything that was actually worthwhile back in the base somebody had made a house that was actually looking kind of nice but they used hay for the house don’t think I’ve ever seen someone knew this before pretty sure this is hey wait is it now I’m second guessing myself whatever the case I think it’s time to start taking things seriously I head back to the tundra jungle I keep mining I find a Boomstick and oh that was an accident that was to that was an accident I genuinely tried to leave queen bee alone and trusted the server to be able to kill it in a reasonable time but then a second queen bee appeared uh we gave it a good fight but then I figured I should just butcher them since everybody already has Queen be gear there’s no no reason to to suffer through this or then again I could mysteriously appear beside zilly who is looking for the dungeon and leave the rest of my viewers to deal with killing queen bee both of those are legitimate options I think so I hope zilly with finding the dungeon and end up coming across it but I can’t actually get into the dungeon because a treasure chest is in the way and I don’t have inventory space for all the stuff inside it so now there’s an invincible treasure chest in the way of the dungeon entrance yes I trashed and looted the chest but I just think the placement of the chest is Goofy we removed the chest and we were able to freely enter the dungeon do I SP it I no why not cuz there’s no Arena not nothing what you call getting toasted and that’s when my decision to abandon my viewers came back to bite me oh queen bee what she doing up here no we found the dungeon I did try to find them again alongside my peoples and by that I mean mostly alone so I guess we’ll just have to butcher them again I mean we killed them legitimately yep that’s what happened boom guys told you I’d K I told you I was able to kill them I did it you’re welcome we returned to the dungeon to get ready to kill Skeletron we’re just over 2 hours in and we’re not exactly very close to being able to kill the wall all we’ve done is kill the eye and Queen B using totally illegitimate means we got to start making some more progress and killing Skeletron would go a long way towards killing the Wall we set up a couple of houses so we could eventually have have a spawn point here we just don’t have a bed yet we also explored the surrounding area and remember how I mentioned uh how Oka had a voodoo doll well not okay oh hey guys all fresh let’s take them down it’s not like I’m in hell anyway Oka died like 5 seconds after spawning the thing and nobody else was in the area and the wall decided to just despawn after Oka died which might make this one of the single most failed troll attempts I’ve have ever witnessed pooraka I returned to the dungeon with a bunch of dynamite in hand boom BW up a worm get wormed d boy zil set up a bed at the house so I don’t have to worry much about dying and I’m free to toss Dynamite with Reckless abandon until I think we’ve carved up enough an area for a Skeletron Arena we actually had something nice going a good amount of blocks were blown up we were placing platforms but as we did there was a group of people who were making a what surface evader I guess we’ll call it in an effort to make a simple path to the corruption or Crimson whichever happened to be above spawn in hindsight killing one of the evil boss is makes a lot more sense than Skeletron a nightmare or deathbringer pickaxe will let us mine health stone which could be enough to kill the wall Skeletron might just be unnecessary really so I figured i’ join the server as they mined up but mining up in this seed is a bit of an issue as you keep running into crispy honey that will drop a lava on your faces uh so I decided to do a smart and go around some of the side paths I actually have quite a lot of Mobility so this wasn’t actually all that difficult for me to do when I was high enough I figured I’d help the miners by tossing Dynamite above them this would clear a bunch of the blocks all once rather than little by little and hopefully make the whole uh elevator mining a little less painful did they all die yes lava is still going to pour down the elevator after all one fun fact one fun fact that they taught me however is that although regular rope is not immune to Lava web rope or rope made from cobwebs is in fact immune to Lava I had no idea this was the thing that’s genius we did still have to wait for the lava to drain and somebody spawn queen bee again but she decided to just uh appear for reasons and at last we made it to the corruption where I could start carpet bombing the place to free up room for killing the Eater of world I probably should have just paid more attention to where I was throwing the explosives oh wait that might have been me on accident there’s so much lava why is there so much lava C the best thumbnail idea guys theater of Worlds spawned yeah so the battle didn’t go so well but nobody was around to actually fight the thing so that was to be expected oh and the lava is still coming down the surface ofat I continued the bombing campaign but with a little more care and precision ah please please and not very long after we had something that looked vaguely like an arena a bed was set up so our sheer numbers alone should be enough to kill this worm and so it’s time to force the server to kill this thing we only have 1 hour remaining so we got to do this fast let’s summon this bad boy wait what are we summoning the worm two three people I’m in the desert get over here fast I have worm I don’t have any trust and you guys are beating it so I think I’ll be fine dorin wait for me to suffocate myself so I can get over there all right only one more orb here comes the worm There’s No Going Back where’s the spawn point find it yes allit this is good this is good hold up this is not good is this good hear me out Queen can damage you to we’ve almost broken some segments somebody we actually done a lot of damage right now assed carrying right now noed I don’t even have using any cuz I know we have no chance no l you’re going to die immedately 23 Health 23 Health we’ve almost broken some segments in who keeps destroying the spa Point wait what destroy the SP yeah you know there’s going to be someone who thinks it’s funny to troll this is a tangent but why do people enjoy trolling like this you’re just being a jerk nobody thinks you’re funny anyways the whole battle is a mess but we are surviving enough for the worm to not despawn and that’s all that matters oaka tried to troll Again by summoning the wall but once again he was the only one around and the wall just killed him um I almost feel sorry for this several minutes later and despite our long scuffed but well fought battle the worm despawned and we didn’t have a single Shadow scale to our name but that fight had a queen bee flying around making things so much more difficult than it needed to be there was also the troll who had since been kicked so now we wouldn’t have somebody trolling and making things worse and only one boss which should make the battle much more manageable and indeed it was we still a little undergeared All Things Considered but our sheer numbers were enough to kill the worm this is it this is it let’s go rush to the dungeon thinking we should kill Skeletron before the wall in hindsight we only had about 40 minutes to kill the wall and it would take that long to kill Skeletron in all likelihood so this is really just the wrong place to be putting my attention inevitably we lost so it was time to rush to the far side of the world so we can summon the wall of fresh and maybe just maybe beat this challenge in the most scuffed way possible but getting to the far end of the world is no easy task especially with giant bone serpents and massive lava pools blocking the path we slowly were able to build a the bridge and be killed King Slime for reasons I cannot hope to explain what I can’t explain is why we killed the Goblin Army though we might only have half an hour remaining but this is get fixed boy and so the wall is going to be stupidly hard to beat the idea behind beating the Army is to get the Goblin tinkerer to spawn and buy rocket boots and the Tinker Workshop these will allow everybody to get at least some kind of upgrade and greatly increase the odds of us actually taking down the wall only 20 minutes remaining and as far as I’m aware uh nobody was actually able to find the goblin tinkerer so the Army might have actually been just a waste of time but trying to get to the far side of the world only to end up dead is equally as much a waste of time but we have a genius idea we’re going to make the wall a cakewalk we are going to have every person in the server leave and then I will spawn the wall once the wall is spawned they will all join back in this way the wall will only spawn with the health scaling of one player but then we’ll have some 20ish people all joining in on the fight this will hopefully level the playing field and give us a fighting chance it’s cheese yes but it’s our only chance everybody left or mostly everybody and I threw the voodoo doll into the lava all right ready we didn’t get any items oh the guide’s not around oh no there’s no way how are we going to fight the wall without the guide I don’t have a clock I don’t know what time it is when will the guide move in how much time are we going to lose can we do it I tried doing a little bit more of a shenanigans but to fori make the wall spawn or the guide to spawn but uh none of the commands uh were working after several wasted minutes the guy thankfully arrived he’s here he’s here he just arrived he arrived naturally all right that works oh my goodness this is the most scuff thing ever all right it’s alive go go go go go go spawn yet it’s spawn yes we we all in I it’s only got 28,000 it’s only 28,000 this is doable this is doable oh God Focus the eyeballs as much as you can I can’t see the boss ey so small you don’t need to actually see the boss so fast so many bees the hungries are after me can I go ahead and and make sure the bridge is safe to go oh oh gosh imp imp are after me all you got to do I’m dead I’m going to die I see someone Frozen in cobweb I just see someone Frozen in cobweb over there good we got 7,000 of it health it’s assorted and official assorted get carry assorted I’m stuck at a floor I got Dred to the wall oh no going to happen when you respawn just don’t get too close to it when you go back shoot from a distance it’s going to reach the wall the edge of the map up and actually tries we’re going to try oh I got sucked up oh but I’m alive I’m alive let’s go it’s halfway we have half we’re halfway one moves you taking out almost a third of its health and it’s already platforms shoot at it we don’t need no stank and platform needless to say we failed no I’m not going to butcher the wall of fresh actually maybe that would have been a good idea considering how this whole video and run is one big scuffed joke oh well I hope you enjoyed the video [Music]

I decided to invite a bunch of the people from my discord to try and kill the wall of fresh in the GetFixedBoi seed on master difficulty. We only have four hours. Sure hope we’re able to do it.
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBO2h-GzDvIazWs1jFf0QwzLjKqTW5w5a
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:* https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIkIdl6mePBshFxcxazePZxgBNq2oxWo2
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:* https://soundcloud.com/dm-dokuro/sets/the-calamity-mod-ost
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzKXyrhs_w8UC0yQ7p42XTwgAplYw4SnR
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDCZZR-i5z4
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. Dang I never knew that there was such a massive ocean tunnel :0

    I've played get fixed boi (master) only once with my friends and uhhhhhh…we only got past the eye and king slime…the eater of worlds was impossible :/

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