I played 100% of Stardew Valley 1.6 – The Movie

just how jam-packed can a full 300 days of staru Valley be well with the 1.6 update it’s safe to say it is very jam-packed from humble beginnings to being on top of the world you will get to see it all in this 100% playthrough of stard Valley 1.6 that adventure begins here on the Midol lands Farm if you’ve never played staru before first of all what are you doing secondly The Story Goes that we left our dead end corporate job for the fresh air and delightful small town life and stardew Valley to run our late grandpa’s farm with the 1.6 update we got this brand spanking new Farm type the Midlands Farm the perks of this Farm include two chickens and a coupe who are promptly named princess and lady I say they lead a life of opulence with those names the cons well you don’t start with pnip seeds instead you get a bunch of hay and this Farm does not have a lot of room for crops however I like a challenge and I’m sure we can make do with this beautiful stretch of land in front of us in typical first day fashion I headed out beyond the confines of the farm and explored the valley picking up forage along the way since I’ll have to make up for the fact that I have zero parsnip seeds to my name I came across Haley while wandering the cindersap forest and she knows exactly how to warmly welcome a newcomer to the town I notice whenever I level up my skills now I get a little message saying I’ve got some ideas to sleep on a very nice touch over at Pi I handed over the forage for some extra coin and purchased as many parsnip seeds as my wallet would allow I took my 40 seeds back to the farm and made to start getting those suckers planted in the ground I got so close to watering all of the H dirt however my energy levels were critical and I went back out in search of more forage I found these massive trees a new addition to the update South of the farm and not to mention this hidden away door close by only accessible by a master of the five ways you you know what I didn’t find though more forage so I had to make do with the land I had watered earlier and I planted down some pnps anyway as the sun set on my first day I admired this waterfall for a moment and decided to call it a night which must mean it’s a brand new day while filling up my watering can this morning I made sure to pet lady and princess on the way past even the upper class needs some love every now and again my pnps got a healthy drink of water in my mailbox was a letter from Willie saying to meet him down at the beach and I planted the liftover parsnip seeds now that I had energy to do so I even added a row of mixed seeds to the field of crops too soon afterwards I got to chopping down trees around the farm for wood and I used the seeds they dropped to make and eat a couple of field snacks I need that energy for an activity we’ll all become familiar with that’s right it’s the exciting world of fishing thanks to Wily’s kind gesture to give me a rod for free I’m now able to catch as many fish as my heart desires while we’ve got a second to spear I should mention that the only mod I have installed for this playthrough is the UI info site mod it’s a quality of life mod that shows me the daily luck wither and a whole bunch of other things plus it shows how long crops have left to grow the radius of scarecrows and sprinklers my skill levels and how close I am to leveling up it’s a fantastic mod that I can’t really go without anymore I’ll link it in the description if you want to download it but apart from that it’s just pure vanilla 1.6 star je Valley as for the rest of the day fishing is what I lived and breathed Sebastian came out to keep me company later in the evening but I don’t think he really cared to keep me company for long and at 2: a.m. I had reached my limit and passed out in the middle of the Mountain Lake the rain today meant that I didn’t have to water my crops a marvelous feeling for any new be farmer I had kept all of my fish caught from yesterday to take down to Willie’s shop the training Rod is fine but I’m already after an upgrade unfortunately it wasn’t quite enough to afford the fiberglass Rod so I had to spend a bit of time outside on the pier catching a few more fish to meet the price tag eventually I sold enough fish to purchase my new rod and a stack of bait along with it back up to the mountain lake I went and I settled in for an afternoon filled with more fishing it was going pretty well having a quicker bite rate with the bait on my rod meant I could catch more fish and skill levels came with it too but as night started to roll around I migrated from the mountain lake down to the the river I wanted some time to try my luck catching some catfish which to my surprise went pretty well usually it doesn’t go so successfully but I knocked another fishing level out of the park which meant I got to choose the Fisher perk for reaching level five fishing Clint paid me a visit the next morning to show me all about furnaces he gave me some blueprints to make my own and I thought that was very nice of him what’s not so nice as having to water my crops again I shouldn’t complain though because very soon I’ll find out the watering 40 crops actually isn’t too bad but for now it was nice to see lady and princess have grown into adult chickens and I was a little embarrassed to read a letter from the Georgia Corporation saying they provided Medical Care free of charge because I’m broke and have no money but hey you can’t win them all instead I sold all of the breams I had caught last night in the river to purchase an even bigger stack of bait then I fished away the day up at the mountain lake forgive me for not doing anything else but fishing is all I’ve got at the moment so leave me alone I finished up early however to run all of my fish home it took a couple of trips and I had to ditch a few fish on the ground so I could collect up my chest and take it home but in the early hours of the morning I managed to safely escort all of my catches back to the farm and I was happy to call it a day after that I was visited by Mani on day five asking if I wanted to adopt this cute little kitty of course I said yes and I welcomed midnight the cat to the farm I was equally excited to to see most of my past UPS ready for Harvest instead of selling them right away i’ kept them with me because it was time to expand our scope of activities with a little something that we like to call the mines there was no time for mucking around I got straight to work hitting down the ladder and starting my Expedition I made sure to mine up copper ore along the way and I made it down to level five pretty quickly my tactic was to store things away in this chest every five levels via the elevator I had done lock I only got a little distracted with this cute fashionable hat in the afternoon I got down to level 10 that evening I pushed on to level 15 and got there with time to spare so I kept going and even got down to level 20 to round out a very successful day in the mines I ran home with a few materials I had collected leaving the rest in the chest outside the elevator I dumped all the fish I had caught into the shipping bin and smelted the copper ore into copper bars in the furnace I have to say for a bad luck day I had a pretty great day waking up the next day I picked the remaining past nips that had grown a day late and cleared out debris to make room for an overhaul of potatoes Lou showed me the old Community Center and look I don’t know what’s more ridiculous the junimos gaslighting me or this large fashionable hat on my head either way I read the unreadable scroll in the crafts room before taking off to Clint I was going to upgrade my pickaxe but I forgot the copper bars not to worry one quick detour for home did the trick and my pickaxe went in for a copper upgrade circling around to Piers meant I could watch all of my hard-earned gold fly out the window as I blew it all on potato seeds so for the next while I worked on setting up my field of potatoes I got a little taste of what it be like to water 126 seeds it sucks unlike the standard Farm the nearest water source is much further away it’s a whole thing but hey what can you do that night I was walking through town and happened to spot this rat thing [Music] I’m not too sure what it was but I used up the rest of my time fishing in the river on the other hand day seven was a lot less hectic after watering my field of potatoes again I gave up the day to fishing with the intention of catching as many fish as I could to use as food in a couple of days although I did see that rat thing again on my way home I’m starting to see it now as more of a raccoon or something I don’t know thank the good heavens for rain today I have never been happier to see a field of watered crops that I didn’t have to water that meant I had the time and energy to collect eggs from our chicken friends and pop around to Clint the blacksmith he had my pickaxe all ready for me to collect and you bet I was ready to take this bad boy for a spitting down in the mines my plans stayed about the same collect all the good resources on the way down and dump it all into the chest every five levels the only noteworthy item I found were carrot seeds one of four brand new crops added with the new update so after a day’s work hustling and bustling in the the mines I called it quits after making it down to level 35 as you can see I’ve now got some furnaces set up to smell TOS when I’m down exploring efficiency is my middle name after all it’s not I’m just kidding I’ll admit that the next day was pretty much a copy paste of yesterday watering potatoes followed by more cave diving however not everything was the same a new item has appeared before us and that item is a book no no no not a lost book but another book it’s called The Monster compendium and it gave the small chance for Monsters to drop double loot I was pumped as you can see there are quite a few books for me to find around the valley and as I continued down the mines I wondered what special powers and abilities they give me but it was getting late so I decided to call it quits level 50 and headit it home for sleepy times in fact for the next few days I kept this daily routine up potato watering did take up a good chunk of the day but that didn’t stop me returning to the mind every day to make head way down to the bottom apart from finally picking and selling the potatoes on day 12 just as the day turned to afternoon I had made my way down to level 80 the perfect floor to stop on and farm for gold you see I need gold in order to craft quality sprinklers which I’m hoping to craft soon for the strawberry seeds that I’ll be picking up at the egg Festival before running head first into that though I first had a visit from Demetrius he was asking whether I wanted fruit bats or mushrooms growing in the farm cave you know I usually go for fruit bats so this time I thought I’d be a little quirky and different and I opted for the mushrooms this time then I took some time to plan out where my strawberries would go figuring out how much land I had to work with and placing down wooden paths as markers for my sprinklers but I didn’t want to miss the festival so off I went here at the world famous and staru Valley egg Festival is where you can look cute in this cardboard bunny cutout it’s where I can yet again burn all my hard-earned cash on more seeds and it’s where I can smoke Jazz Vincent Abigail and Sam the EG hunt get clowned on you fools sorry sorry about that um some people have told me I I have a very very strong uh competitive Spirit anyway it was nice to see I had calculated the perfect amount of strawberry seeds to fill up my crop field the only problem is I wasn’t quite level six farming yet which disregards the whole quality sprinkler plan until I actually get level six which yes does mean more tedious manual labor please just assume I’m doing this every morning for a while because that’s how I start every day for the next about 8 days until they’re ready for picking today was the first day I had visited the traveling cart she visits every Friday and Sunday and I’ll be visiting often to see if she has any community center items for me just beyond the cart I popped by the Wizard’s Tower to go and get some advice about the unreadable scroll I found the other day alternatively I got a mouthful of forest juice I saw visions of the valley itself and hey would you look at that I can now read junimo I would have preferred a Duolingo listen but hey I guess this will do the first bundle I completed was the spring foraging bundle and down at Pi I dropped past to purchase some spring crop seeds which I then planted back on the farm to round out the day I went back to the usual Mountain Lake spot so I could drop off a largemouth bass a bullhead and a CP to the lake fish bundle then continued South to catch a few more fish and collected up some beach forage all to hand over to the fish tank bundles in the community center like I said you know how day 15 started to my surprise when entering the farm cave for the first time I found a new machine called the dehydrator alongside my mushrooms it can dehydrate fruits and forage but I wondered how profitable it’ll be considering it takes five items at once while I waited to find out I mooched around the valley making use of the salmon Berry season and picked up loose forage I found too back on the farm that evening I placed down a second scarecrow just to cover my bases and I stood in the field of strawberries contemplating all of my Life Choices up until this point but that didn’t last long though because it’s day 16 and we have things to do the rain really picked up my mood I’m sure you can guess why I found out this morning mushrooms no longer regenerate every day there’s a much longer cool down period before you can pick more and you know I I think that’s fair enough but I’m starting to sick and guess my choice of mushrooms over fruit bats for a short while I went back to the mines to get myself some copper ore which I then smelted into copper bars and turned over to Clint to get an upgrade on my ax with nothing much else to do I parked up on the pier and decided to fish my troubles away I found in willly shop you can now change your Bubba style Ah that’s so cool this so many to unlock I bet some of them are really cool I’m getting way too excited about this but I love it later on I changed locations to the river to catch a few different types of fish while it was still raining and I handed over a catfish a Shad a sardine and an eel to some of the tank fish bundles I reserved most of day 17 to all farming down in the mines I thought I might as well since I’ve got quality sprinklers to craft soon only taking a break late in the day to pay my first visit to the adventurers Guild here I can see my monster Slayer goals and access Marlin shop but that didn’t take too much of my time so it was back to collecting or and making my way further down in the mines the following day brought with it my brand new copper axe having an upgraded ax me I could now chop down the stumps on my farm for hardwood and pairing that hardwood with some normal wood and a bit of stone gave me the items I needed to complete the construction bundle in the community center finishing that bundle unlocked the Boiler Room scroll and because I had made it so far down in the mines already I practically had every item anyway so without wasting much time I ticked off all three bundles that the Boiler Room scroll asked for and I restored my first part of the center as I went to bed that night I got to see the Jun Unos having a wee Boogie well repairing the mine cart but the idea of them having a wee Boogie is much better and with the mine carts access readily available for me to use now the mine carts aided my efforts of returning everything from the mines back to the farm as the afternoon rolled around I killed Time by checking the traveling cart which had nothing of Interest collecting eggs from my Coupe watching midnight spaed out on the ground super cute might I add and wrapped up the day fishing out on the pier if you’re wondering yes I still have to water strawberries I love it so much I had a few things to take off my mental to-do list today that sounded bit ear in my head the first being to buy a few salads at the saloon I needed a better source of energy and salads are my go-to option next was to collect more Beach forage but it was as bare as my granddad’s bald head so instead I headed back to the mines to continue my journey to the bottom and collect resources along the way I did managed to get a crab down there so I was happy to hand that into the community center on my way home that night there’s a new vendor in town today and I am excited up a path just above the JoJo Mar set a man who sells books promptly named the book seller Marcelo and his great big balloon offers books for an extraordinary price holy moly I definitely don’t have the gold for that just yet but the abilities these books offer are quite exciting some offer skill experience points others offer the ability to run faster more speed while on a horse more speed when running through crops ah it’s all just so exciting I can even trade in books I find for items it’s just a shame that I have no books nor money to spare but I’d be back Marcelo mark my words after turning in a muscle to the community center and checking the traveling cart I filled my night strolling around the valley under the stars I actually came across a new item Moss I’m not too sure what it’s used for so I’ll keep collecting it until I do oh what a happy sight it was to see my strawberries right for picking thankfully this Harvest did push me over to level six farming meaning operation quality sprinklers was a go the only problem was I’d get it overnight which meant ironically I still had to order them but knowing I wouldn’t have to soon made it a little easier lady and princess were now producing large eggs for me and they made a great addition to the animal bundle in the community center I then watched Morris the JoJo representative yink away all of Pier’s customers let me just say K’s a moris K’s a I was actually here to get a backpack upgrade kind a man Splurge a little sometimes I think I deserved it I actually went back to the mines later on to pass the time I’m glad I did because when I landed on level 100 I picked out my first star drop from the chest waiting for me that’s a bit weird The Taste reminds me of subscribers make of that what you will the Fe stealing a full pockets of cash and placing quality sprinklers down made day 23 my favorite day so far it was my goal today to stock up on copper ore for future tappers and in the process I knocked off my first Monster Slayer goal that was a nice added bonus to the day so I spent most of the day getting the copper ore I needed it was later in the day when I returned home satisfied with my effort and I smelted all of it in my furnaces using these tappers on a maple Oak and pine tree will in return give me some maple syrup Oak risen and pinear all of which I need for Community Center bundles and while we wait for them to produce the goods I got to work clearing away more debris from around the farm the 24th of spring does mean it’s the flower Dance Festival however previous experiences has taught me that the only thing waiting for me there is rejection and I ain’t going to put myself through that again instead I spent time for myself down at the beach where I found my first artifact and some summer squash seeds a new summer crop I got comfy on the pier and I fished the day away I would much rather be here than at some stupid dance who needs him eh I’ve got my pal Willie I picked a couple of carrots this morning uh yeah I totally forgot I planted these and more exciting news I found myself back in the mines today diving down level by level slowly but surely getting closer to the bottom I made sure to grab everything valuable as I went as per usual and by the time I had called it quits I had made it down to level 15 so close but alas I’ll leave that for another day by day 26 my spring crops had all grown to harvest and I was content and using them for the spring crops bundle over in town the traveling cart was yet again refusing to offer me anything good so instead I wandered over to see Gunther at the Museum now I don’t usually make my museum look good oh my God which is kind of Rich coming from me but with a screenshot on my phone I got to placing my first minerals and artifacts down and following what another person had done I promise you I I’m not that smart but by the end it’ll look amazing I promise I got Clint to smash open some geod I had been haing from my Adventures down at the mines just to get a few extra additions and of course back to the museum I went to donate them in the name of preservation afterwards I retired back to the farm to clear more debris Robin got a visit from me shortly after where I bought a bunch of pathway crafting recipes and I collected forage I’m not too sure why I did that with the sun now gone I look like a mad man rambling on about the end of the world but I promise you I’m just planning out the future of the farm layout in my head like a normal person another round of strawberries greeted me this morning and what a great day it is to be me I could just smile the prophets with every strawber that I picked I noticed that lady and princess had now been living in a pen full of debris for 27 days straight not a very prim and proper environment to be thriving in now is it actually I should mention this new grass type called Blue Grass it’s icial to the Meadowlands Farm unless you purchase Blue Grass starter from key way later in the game animals that eat Blue Grass gain friendship points twice as fast and animals eat half the amount of toughs compared to regular grass so there’s a fun fact for those who wanted to know now you know I then dropped off a chewing stick to the museum I dropped off a lost axe to Robin Ah that’s why I collected forage last night it’ll makes sense now and decided to clear the final levels of the mine it didn’t take me long and before before I knew it I had dropped on to level 120 where I collected the skull key I ended up hting to bed early that night because it is already the final day of spring time flies when you’re making good profit I mean having fun the traveling cart proved itself worthy this morning she was selling a red cabbage the red cabbage is a crop that doesn’t become available until year 2 so to have that in my inventory in Spring of year 1 is a major win I didn’t want to hand it over just yet however I took things as step further by catching a chub up at the mountain lake and Mining up a frozen geode from the mines then after Gathering a few things from the farm I took off to the community center to make money moves the Exotic foraging bundle was immediately ticked off my list the die bundle got three items added to it including the red cabbage and finally the field research bundle got three items also in reflection I think this is probably one of the best first Springs I’ve ever had 46,000 gold to my name and a great crop field set up already things weren’t looking too shabby but I didn’t have much time to reflect because it was already [Music] [Applause] summer things are heating up here in the valley because it’s time for summer usually I’d be racing to Piers by now but I had been waiting to modify the sprinkler placement in favor of Aesthetics for a while now so I got to work and reposition them in the field pleased with the new setup I popped by peers in town to get my seeds which included 44 blueberry seeds a poppy and a sunflower seed 16 melon seeds 16 basic fertilizer and finally the summer crop seeds I then ran them all the way home where I got to planting the blueberry seeds took up every inch of the first field so I had to carve out another space nearby in order to plant the other seeds I got it done by Nightfall and I was all set for a great summer moving on to the following day I handed over some Oak resin to the community center I did some fishing off the peir for a while handed over a prehistoric tool to Gunther at the Museum got in some more fishing this time in the river and continued that Trend up to the mountain lake to do more fishing don’t get the idea it was all for nothing though I handed over most of the fish I had caught to the fish tank bundles in doing so I ticked off the lake fish bundle there was time still left in the day however time that can be productive so I went for a wander around the valley picking up the forage I came across luckily it was everything I needed to complete the summer forage bundle you may be wondering wondering what I’m trying to do here well this chicken is trying to move out of the way however it’s pathing decided to move it up rather than down you see I could trap it with my CPE but that wouldn’t be very nice I just want to move over the C so I can fit in a barn ah there we go wait a minute I can move my house and my shipping bin okay okay okay okay look now my house is in the middle of the farm I was so excited that I threw everything I was going to do today out the window to redecorate and move everything over from my new house location I also got the big chest recipe while I was at Robin’s this morning and look I have big chest now please don’t take that out of context this update just keeps providing and I love it as you can imagine my night was spent organizing everything back into my new chests from the old ones I have to admit yesterday was very exciting but it’s time to get back to business no more falling around I began the day clearing out more trees and rocks from around the farm before visiting again to get that Barn Commissioned I then dropped off some maple syrup for the chef’s bundle and spent the rest of the day assembling a tree farm I usually make a tree farm to tap them for resources mainly Oak risen for kigs and as a bonus I got to fill the empty space up here with the house used to be is is this green rain is it raining green right now you heard me right what is going on in the valley right now it seems this green rain has brought with it a whole new range of fora wild bushes that can be broken for fiber and Moss and crazy looking trees it even FASTT tracked to Growing some of the trees in my newly constructed tree farm this strange phenomenon has spread all throughout the whole valley the cindersap forest was covered in it while chopping through bushes I got a Mossy seed which I will keep a hold of I also found these fern trees that drop fiddlehead ferns when chopped down circling around into town I found most of the township hiding away in the saloon some were confused some weren’t worried at all and here I was just walking around in it the creepiest place to be was the mines why does it look like this but not to worry the next day all had been reverted back to normal the only remnance of the green rain was the Moss stuck to my trees up at the mountain lake I had a crab pot place down because I needed one more Crab Pot item to finish the bundle so forgive me if I was a little annoyed at getting some trash never to mind I put all the frustration into chopping down trees in the cindersap forest for wood I found a book that gave me extra farming experience and a little little later on I got an aridian breastplate from tree chopping I think it really brings out my eyes but I also had an oak in table how one gets a book an aidian breastplate and an oak in table stuck in a tree baffles me but hey we just had green rain yesterday so I guess I can’t complain sometimes there are just no explanations day 35 began waiting outside man’s Ranch old viewers will know me as a sarcastic overly patient but not really patient farmer but I’ve changed I exchanged some of my cash with money to purchase a cow for my newly constructed Barn who I named piggy across the way at the traveling cart I bought an apple she was selling I need about four for the community center so one is a good start afterwards I stopped off at the mines to farm the higher levels for copper I’m going to need a bunch of it for all the tappers I’ll be crafting soon so it’s no surprise that this is where I spent the rest of my day overnight I saw a crop Fairy come and sprinkle some magic over my blue blueberries and that was very nice of her I got to put that copper to use the following morning tapping a bunch of trees in my tree farm and afterwards I paid Robin a visit to commission an upgrade for my Coupe down in the town I popped by the museum to donate another dwarf scroll and my Crab Pot had finally caught something that wasn’t trash the crayfish I used for the Crab Pot bundle tied it all together and another bundle was ticked off it turns out I had depleted most of my wood stock on the tappers this morning so I tried to make up for that by chopping down more trees around the valley as the day started to wrap up the rain was pouring the next day accompanied by some thunder and lightning I thought I’d better craft and place down some lightning rods to catch some of the lightning bolts mostly to protect the crops but also to get some batteries for the near future Marcelo the book seller was back again today however my lack of funds made it very hard to purchase any books maybe another day Marcelo maybe another day down at the beach I made it my mission to catch a r red snapper it took me a couple of tries but we got one eventually I then caught a ghost fish on level 20 of the mines I picked my two flowers the poppy and the sunflower back on the farm gathered a single Fiddle Head Fern on the way out and donated them all to the community center cuse the red snapper was also the last fish I needed to complete the ocean fish bundle speaking of ocean fish I caught more of them on the pier into the night for more money in my pocket this morning I picked the fury grown blue series Because by the time they’re ready again all of the others will be too and I won’t argue about a little extra profit I popped by manies as she opened up her shop to purchase myself Philip the duck now that the upgraded Coupe allowed for more animals and after waiting for iron ore to smelt into iron bars I used some of them over at Clint to get an upgrade for my axe but I noticed that I was lacking basic materials in the mining chest so to remedy that I used up what time I had left in the day down in the mines slaying dust Sprite for coal and Mining iron whenever I came across it as I went to get some sleep that night a broomstick flying witch flew over my C and dropped a curse on it well less of a curse more of a void egg situation you really got me with that one miss witch luckily the big Coupe comes with an incubator so I put the egg safely inside and sure enough in time I’ll have my very own void chicken while we waited for our friend to hatch it was back to the mines this time I stayed around the copper levels to of course collect copper ore I think because I had planned to make more kigs for fall it meant I needed lots of copper and iron which makes a lot of sense as to why I’m spending a lot of time down here I took a much needed break from the mines on day 40 my head was starting to spin from all of the Dust my morning was spent buying an orange from the traveling cart donating a couple of artifacts I had found over the last couple of days collecting my iron Ax from Clint and using it to gain access to the secret Woods in the secret Woods are stump that regrow every day and they give you hardwood and the wood skip fish which I caught from the pond after Scavenging the beach for all of its forage I took a few things to hand off to the community center including the wood skip a sea urchin and the apple and orange I actually put towards the Artisan bundle as for what I spent the night doing truthfully it was spent smelting ores I should note I got a preserve jar going to make some jelly though the thunderstorms may be back but that wouldn’t hinder my good mood seeing my melons ready for Harvest I ended up getting four gold star melons and for the quality crops bundle I need five I didn’t pick this one because it’s for the summer crops but I kept a single melon just in case that one melon happens to be gold quality I had also managed to reach level seven foraging last night giving me the crafting recipe for tree fertilizer so I slapped a bunch of that on the tree still yet to grow in my tree farm I wasn’t taking any chances with the melons though I was happy to plant another another round just to be sure what proceeded was fishing away the day in the rain when and doubt fish it out as I always say I’ve actually never said that I awoke to a sea of blue on day 42 I’m blue du D du die I collected batteries and picked a field full of blueberries you also won’t believe this but the one melon I left and didn’t pick yesterday actually was a gold quality melon what are the chances seriously what are the chances thank goodness I kept an extra one over in the community center I handed over the five gold melons and completed the summer crops bundle the blueberries I sold straight to Piers because who can be bothered waiting a whole day for profits am all right I’m shocked to say the traveling cart yet again sold me something worthwhile she sold me a truffle which would save me 16 Grand now that I didn’t need a pig I headed that to the chef’s bundle right away back at peers for the second time today I got myself some wheat seeds and a couple of fruit tree saplings and back on the farm I popped down the apple and pomegranate trees then planted the wheat seeds down next to the growing melons continuing on I paid a visit to Robin again and got a deluxe Coupe upgrade commissioned and I rounded out the day fishing down in the ocean win and doubt fish it out yeah now I’m trying to turn it into a thing and it’s a little embarrassing I figured out a good use for Moss combining it with regular bait gives you Deluxe bait and I use that bait to go mining no no silly I’m just kidding to go fishing of course when in doubt fish it no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll stop I noticed I was close to level 10 fishing so I fished until I had it then I kept on fishing after that all the way until bedtime of course I chose the angler perk to make the fish worth more and I waited specifically to have that perk unlocked before selling all the fish I had caught over the last couple of days see I’m not just a pretty face I took care of a couple of edman tasks like giving the jelly I had made to The Artisan bundle and donating some glass shards to the museum then I checked in on my animals don’t think because I hardly mention it that I’m not doing it I take good care of my animals thank you very much I even added another to the family by purchasing it from man marur the rabbit back home I took some time to chop down trees for wood which I used for more tappers and I tapped a few more trees that had grown now because all the wood went towards the tapers you bet I went back to chopping more trees down it’s a never ending cycle I swear but I got enough to make my first lot of kigs which I put down just below the blueberry fields on day 45 my wheat was already gone for Harvest and our void chicken friend finally hatched I named him Bert to the community center is where I hied next I handed over an egg that Philip had laid to the animal bundle and the wheat and hay went to the fod bundle surprise surprise I found myself back at the beach you know what I want to say and I want to say it too but I’m not going to when and down another round of blueberries was ready for Harvest the following morning the sound just itches my brain does anyone else get that feeling I chucked a few into my kigs because hey why the hick not and the rest of them I shoved into the shipping bin since piggy was giving me large jugs of milk now I was happy to spear one to the animal bundle in the community center Marcelo was back yet again I did have more funds this time but I wanted to save them for urgent purchases so unfortunately Marcelo did not get any business from me today instead I donated a strange doll I fished up yesterday to the museum tapped the final trees left to tap back home and went fishing again my Bobba is a duck by the way it’s been like that for a while now but I thought it was important to mention from the crop Harvest and fishing the dough in my pocket was racking up so what better way to spend it all than on the Vault bundles and the community center 42,500 gold gone just like that but it was for a worthy cause while I was chopping down trees later on I came across a sign in the cindersap forest it was about a Trout Derby coming up over the next couple of days you’d think I’d be done with fishing considering the amount of time I’ve spent doing it but no you’d be wrong the Trout Derby was in full swing when I got down there this morning I joined in on the edge of the river and I got to work the goal is to try and catch rainbow trout when you do you get a chance at finding a golden tag these golden tags can be exchanged for prizes at the Derby Booth it was a riveting experience battling it out against my fellow competitors overall I caught eight rainbow trout and I walked away with two golden tags the first I traded in earlier for a tint kit and the second one I got three mystery boxes in return the Trout Derby ended at two so I used the rest of the day to get a big bar upgrade commission from Robins I opened the mystery boxes at clints and got some fairly regular items I replaced the decaying wood fences around the animal area with hardwood fences and I put some milk in a cheese press just outside the bus stop the next day I dug up some broccoli seeds a new Full crop I figured out because I can read and I’m super smart the cheese I ran up to the community center and added it to The Artisan bundle and afterwards I took my first trip out to the desert via the new renovated bus service all thanks to completing the Vault bundles I was both terrified and confused as to what the skull looking thing was I’m just here to unlock the skull kevans please don’t hurt me the desert Trader has all the usual stock and a few extra new items added to the list I met Sandy at the Oasis shop I noticed she sells mannequins now and that sounds like a fun Venture for a seasoned decorator like myself all in good time however I caught myself a sandfish from the desert Pond before taking the bus back to the valley which I of course immediately took to the community center and finished the special fish bundle I then finished up the day back down in the mines I probably needed more materials for gigs it is day 50 a day to celebrate with hard work and focus I’m still grinding away here people that included such activities like blueberry picking completing the animal bundle with one of Martha’s toughs of wool and collecting more K related materials from the mines if anything the day was celebrated by Mr key dropping mystery boxes from a bip plane that’s right you heard me look at him go that’s an ominous message for something that’s kind of fun I don’t know put some fireworks behind it or something at least a lot of this morning was taken up smelting ores and standing unnervingly still I promise you I was just working out more Farm layout stuff in my head or I went to get food and I forgot to pause the game who knows at this point truthfully this is what I did all day you know sometimes it takes a while for things to settle properly in my head but when it does you know it’s going to be good breaking news my duck is swimming in the river I repeat Phillip is being a class 5 cutie and swimming in the river that’s it for breaking news back to the regular scheduled programs I got Clint to open up a few geod so I could slowly add on to the museum collection that’s somewhat taking shape now afterwards I went back to the farm and waited for my blueberry wine to be ready notice how they’re the same color as the fruit now a very nice touch I shipped all but one bottle as that was to be relinquished to the enchanters bundle back home on the farm I decided to start laying out some paths and getting an idea of what works and what doesn’t it was a small portion of the farm itself but it’s a pretty good start by this point in summer I’m now gearing up for the change in seasons and that included expanding the crop field now below my house if I wanted to make the big bucks I bit Ah have the space and sprinklers to accommodate it I basically repeated the other field but I just did it going down rather than a cross so it’s foolproof except when I missed a line on the bottom but hey pretty good for a guy with 950 hours of stard you under his belt to ensure these fields would be primed for The Fall season I filled them with a bunch of wheat perfectly timed to be ready on the first day of fall the last Harvest of blueberries were ready to be picked this morning an added bonus was that I got level 10 farming from this Harvest I hate to say it but the only things that happened today we’re giving up a rabbit’s foot to the enchanters bundle and placing down more kigs plus choosing the Artisan perk for getting Level tin farming of course I can’t say day 55 was any more exciting I changed my Boba style to a slime made a bunch of deluxe bait and I fished the whole day at least the pay chick was worth it yet again we are at the end of another season and although it’s sad to see it go by so quickly we still had things to do things like turning in a duck fither to finish the Dy bundle clearing out this patch of land across the river and finding a note on my late Grandpa’s grave getting a rare seed from the traveling cart to grow in the fall and last but not least attend a festival that we like to call the Moonlight jellies as the light of Summer Fades away we watch the Moonlight jellies visit the beach once a year and we indulge our ears in musical brilliance [Music] would you believe it but we are now in my favorite season Fall first up on today’s cards was to sort out the crop situation which included prepping the fields from last season popping by PS to purchase all my seeds then getting them all planted back down on the farm second was to make some goat cheese and a cheese press and to take it into town I just need one more Artis and good to f finished the bundle but they would have to wait because I needed my beauty sleep before I knew it it was already the next day arriving in town that morning I found Robin and Lewis putting up the special quests board these quests are going to be great for keeping me busy this fall season and the first one I picked was the cave Patrol Quest from Clint down in the river I caught one of the final fish I needed for the fish tank a tiger trout and across at clints I handed over my hoe to Clint for an upgrade on the farm that afternoon I put a piece of wool through through a loom and I turned it into a piece of cloth that cloth I then took to the community center and I finally ticked off The Artisan bundle afterwards I popped by the mines to make a start on the cave Patrol Quest and I didn’t come back out again until the late hours of the night I found Emily at my door this morning she somehow sensed I had found or made Wool by now I made it yesterday how did you know that who are you working for she just wanted to let me know I could use her sewing machine so that’s nice I guess quick side note I can see all my animals in the menu I didn’t know that very cool anyway sorry there’s not much else to say except I went back to the mines for dust Sprite slaying and kig material collecting after a short wait for Clint to open on day 60 I got to swap out my copper ho for a copper watering can upgrade I thought I might as well get them all upgraded while I didn’t really need them shortly afterwards I went around the valley collecting any forage I could find fortunately I managed to find at least one of The Season’s bounties which meant I could finish the full foraging bundle later on I found myself back in the mines just to finish off Clint’s Quest and I did get it done so I had some time left over to watch the glow of my furnaces as they smelted ores into bars my reward for completing my first special Quest was a crafting recipe for a geod Crusher now I did think the update changed how these machines worked maybe I’ll have to look into it later but for now I paid a visit to the traveling cart who once again was providing Beyond expectation this playr she sold me a pomegranate before you ask yes I am growing a pomegranate tree already but who am I going to say no to anyone now I ran it all the way to the community center and finished my second bundle from the bulletin board bundles I then spent some time chopping down trees for wood so that I could take a stack of it up to Robins I needed an upgrade on my house and an upgrade is exactly what I got I continued to chop trees down for wood for the rest of the night because wood is a hot commodity right now and I really don’t feel like blowing all of my hard- earned cash buying it the following day I just happened to be mooching around town when I found a prize ticket waiting for me by the special quests board I took it into Louis’s house just like it said and there’s a little machine there to redeem prizes for completing a quest I have to admit I like this addition very much down at the beach I passed by willly shop to get me an aridium fishing rod and my third visit to Clint this week had me swapping out my watering can for a steel pickaxe upgrade back home I decided to watch over Robin as she worked not in a creepy way just thought she’d like some company a I actually took a bus right out to the desert because I had been doing some research and it turns out yes you can trade spring seeds for winter seeds at the desert Trader so I’ll keep these nicely tucked away for when I get the greenhouse up and running I did a lot of fishing on day 63 I wish I could say more happened but I can’t so let’s move on to the next one I’m back at Clint yet again again picking up my steel pickaxe and swapping it out for a steel hoe upgrade I then paid a visit to Robin and commissioned a fish pond to be built on the farm I used a new sonar bobber to see what fish I was catching in the river so I knew exactly when I was catching a walleye an important fish to get my hands on because it was the last one I needed to complete the fish tank I tied off another renovated room in the community center and I have to point this out but the fish tank is actually a real fish tank now I can show off all of my B cat to everyone who visits I also didn’t know this but junimos follow you around after finishing a golden scroll and I just think that’s super cute now that I had a kitchen in my farmhouse I could become the chef I was always destined to be and that started with making a fried egg and a Marky roll two dishes I needed to finish off the shi’s bundle at the community center being a new week meant new special quests on the board I accepted Robin’s resource Rush which tasked me to get 1,000 wood I won’t lie though the in the set forest was looking a little B but I did manage to get a fair bit of wood from it it was that night I met up with Willie by the mine entrance and received one of his spare copper pans I think I have use for this for something but I’m not too sure this is not a drill people my cat can wear hats midnight in a hat it’s midnight in a hat with my fish pond now built I popped in an oyster of all things a weird choice to some but for me I knew I needed a naous shell d a beach forage item that only spawns in winter but if the oyster Pond population gets to 9 before winter then there’s a chance of them producing a naous shell so now we just wait okay but we should do other things to pass the time like swapping out my steel ho for a steel pan upgrade what okay I went with the steel watering can upgrade but I will be back to upgrade my pan as for the rest of the day I actually took a bus to the desert and spent it down on the skull Kevin I took my time slaying monsters and collecting resources but I managed to get down pretty far getting low enough to mine some aridium nodes where I ended up finding my first Prismatic Shard I don’t I really don’t I just don’t want this day to end but unfortunately it did because it’s already the next day in my mail box was a letter and 10,000 gold from Mr key for getting past level 25 the Kevin I won’t say no to that over in town I got to donate a couple of artifacts to the museum I found while exploring yesterday circling around to Piers I used Key’s 10,000 gold on the final backpack upgrade and I took my Prismatic Shard all the way back out to the desert so I could use it to get the infamous Galaxy sword and while I was out there I managed to find another book with the ability for plus one defense and I took out all the trees for wood towards Robin’s Quest a bus ride took me back to the the gloomy day in the valley and I spent my time sheltered from the rain down in the mines collecting resources for kigs and funnily enough I got my second Prismatic Shard just before bedtime I got to put down a few more kigs on the farm and I got some much needed rest day 68 consisted of donating that Prismatic Shard I stumbled upon yesterday to Gunther getting my steel watering can back from Clint chopping down what little trees there were growing in the cindersap forest and finding midnight with her Chic hat flying down in my field of pumpkins like the class A cutie bootie that she is to be honest I actually wasn’t far off from finishing Robin’s Quest so I ventured South once again and destroyed half growing trees for the little amount of wood they give the situation seemed dire but I’ll tell you what it worked after handing over my copper pan to be upgraded by Clint I found another prize ticket waiting for me by the board I used it to get an orange sapling from the prize machine and to finish up the day well if I’m ever in doubt I think you know what I do I awoke to a wonderful sight this morning my Fields full of ready to harvest pumpkins and my ears were starting to ring with the sound of prophets after picking them all I didn’t sell any of them because they were all going to be turned into pumpkin juice over at peers I had to sell my gold quality pumpkins for a bit of cash so that I could afford a second round of seeds and back on the farm I went around planting them all down I then went back to the skull Kevin to fill the rest of the day the the day after that my corn was also ready to harvest and now I had everything to complete the pantry five gold quality pumpkins and five gold quality corn finished off the quality crops bundle and a pumpkin an eggplant a gam and a corn finished off the full crops bundle the pantry was now back to the way it once was and I only had two Scrolls left to fulfill down at Clint I picked up my shiny new steel pan and decided to bus out to the desert because I wanted to explore the Kevin yet again if you’re wondering why it’s because I want to get as much rium as I can for future projects actually I was able to smell seven bars that night when I got home and I got to see the greenhouse being brought back to life thanks to our junimo friends the 16th of fall can only mean that it’s Valley Fair day before taking off I had to hand over some clay to the oysters I’m not sure what they’ll use that for but if it means I get the nautilus shell then I will take it and I got a bunch of items for my Grange display in Pelican Town Square the Valley Fair was in full swing Lewis went along just ing our gra displays and surprisingly I actually won it Y which gave me a new achievement with the update called Blue Ribbon to get some more star tokens I played the fishing mini game then gambled it all on green at the wheel spinner I had to gamble for more tokens than usual because there was an extra prize ticket to get along with the usual rarecrow and stardrop I’d say that was a pretty successful day at the fair after a whole season of growing my fruit trees were bearing fruit finally that me I could drop off three apples to the community center completing yet another bundle afterwards I accepted Linus’s community cleanup Quest and I popped into Lewis’s to use the prize ticket machine I got some mixed flower seeds level 100 in the mines is notorious for being filled with trash and I thought it would be an easy way to finish Linus’s Quest it was and back to Lewis’s I went to hand over yet another prize ticket this one gave me some mystery boxes back on the front with my brand new Greenhouse ready for use I popped down and idium sprinkler and H out a spot for my winter seeds yes that’s right you can hop around while hoing dirt it looks super goofy but it’s also super handy I got my winter seeds planted down and sprinkled a bit of speed grow why well because I’m a super patient farmer the first round of pumpkin juice was ready today so I started my morning collecting it up and dumping a second load into the kigs I found a note in my mailbox from lonus with the crafting recipe for fiber seeds my reward for finishing his quest Beyond the farm I headed to the secret Woods to chop down stumps for hardwood I should know I’ll be doing this pretty much every day from now on until the end of the season because I need a lot of it for a particular in the near future project by now I had collected quite a few mystery boxes so I thought I’d get Clint to open them all I got a range of things from food to seeds to bombs and all the way to a mystery themed hat just call me the Riddler but I don’t want to talk about what I did for the rest of the day because truthfully I C played a statue and I did nothing so let’s move on to day 75 it was a day spent back in the skull Kevin I wanted to make use of a very good luck day so I slayed monsters and I hunted for more aridium along the way however one exciting thing did happen I managed to get my hands on a dyo egg I made sure to incubate this precious artifact so that we can have our very own Dino friend I found granny Evelyn on my doorstep the following morning she was here to tell me about the fascinating world of garden pots and was kind enough to give me my own garden pot after Evelyn left I waited ever so patiently outside of Clint that was so I could get my pan a gold upgrade screw upgrading my tools it’s me of course the pan gets priority as the day was wrapping up I got to constructing more paths through the farm you’ll notice the pond got moved and so did the greenhouse it’s starting to take shape but all in good time my friends a decorator has their processes might noticed something peculiar this morning last night a big gust of wind blew through and suddenly this morning I found a big tree stump in the cindersap forest I need 100 pieces of hardwood to fix it up but I’m sure I won’t forget about it right that is definitely not in my nature truth be told most of today I spent working on sprucing up my chest area it wasn’t until the next day that I managed to finish it off and I was pretty happy with it actually not to mention I sorted out another round of pumpkin juice for each batch I get 57,000 gold by the way we’re going to be that Ridge kind of rid you know what I mean now that I had more chests I did a bit of organizing my brain just works way better when everything has its place then to finish off the day I went back to the mines and farmed for copper you see even wealthy Farmers have to GA their own resources sometimes we just got a letter we just got a letter I wonder who it’s from it’s a very exciting letter today from Mani she wrote to me saying that I can have multiple pets oh my God all I need is another pit ball from Robin and I could get one which is very exciting and I will be doing that as soon as I can for now my winter seeds had grown in Fall it’s yeah it’s a weird sentence to be saying but anyway nonetheless it’s true to the community center I went and I ticked off the last of the crafts room bundle one down only one scroll to go go junos go junos go junos yeah with the Quarry now accessible I took a lot of time today clearing it out I was lacking on materials and this was a big help I’m also not too sure if these coal nodes are new I cannot ever remember seeing them so I assume they’re new to 1.6 however if they’re not please let me know in the comments below after polishing off the Quarry I putted down to the blacksmith to pick up my sparkling gold pen dear I say it’s a thing of beauty nearby at the special Quest board I picked up Gunther’s fragments of the Past Quest to collect 100 bone fragments and I just decided to call it a day after after that awaiting me in my crop Fields this morning was a lone Sweet gy Berry it’s been growing all season and I’ve only just been able to pick it now but it’s been worth the wait because taking it to the master canoli statue in the secret Woods gave me my second stardrop I did have a special quest to complete on the other hand so to the minds I went and stayed for the day slaying not only my outfit but skeletons for bone fragments too I even knocked off another monster Slayer goal a third round of pumpkin juice needed collecting on day 82 I’ve got to wait one more day for my pumpkins to be ready so I didn’t keg any more juice today I also found this cool trick where you can place a big chest in place of a normal one without having to take all of the stuff out and put it all back not important but I thought you’d like to know after donating the final dwarf scroll to the museum I went back to the mines to continue my quest of collecting bone fragments this continued to the next day as I didn’t get enough yesterday I did of course Harvest all of my pumpkins and kick a few of them but in the mid afternoon I got the final few fragments needed and I went back home to hang out with midnight for a while she may not speak much but she’s great company I was just burning time because it was the spirits Eve Festival that night a staru veteran like myself can zip through the Hedge maze with little complications I got my golden pumpkin at the end and I tell you what it was kind of nice to have a shortcut all the way back to the start it does pain me to say that we’re already on the final day of fall the rain is really simpol iic of my mood but alas we still have things to do before the seasons change such as giving my oysters a solar Essence I don’t think they’ll be giving me a nautilus shell before winter I’m afraid paying a visit to Gunther to donate a chicken statue and handing over the bone fragments he requested the prize machine at Lewis’s gave me a star drop tea which seems to make a great gift for any villager up at Robins I commissioned a silo to be built beside my animal area I found and gave back Linus’s basket he lost a while past BlackBerry season but hey better now than never I donated an arrowhead artifact I dug up at the mountains to Gunther right after that and I watched the final hours of light from the porch of my farmhouse I really don’t want to leave fall please don’t cut it oh thank God he actually didn’t [Music] cut my toes are feeling a little nippy which must mean it’s winter time unfortunately not a lot can grow in winter the one thing I do know will grow is winter needs another thing to note is grass days during winter now later on in town I popped by the special Quest board and picked up Emily’s Rock Rejuvenation Quest and I got to see firsthand the new winter outfits the villagers wear looking good money looking good beside the bus stop I ran into a familiar shadowy character following the footsteps up to the playground led me to finding him behind a bush so he threw a magnifying glass at me and ran away with it I can now find secret notes around around the valley but I had some rocks to drop off and I intruded on Emily’s shift at the star drop Saloon to hand them to her and the last thing I’ll note is the sun sets earlier in Winter a very nice touch Midnight’s bowl is beside the house I’m not too sure when I did that but it’s cool to know that you can move them around having completed Emily’s Quest meant I had a prize ticket waiting for me by the board I got a blue pinstripe bid in return I’ll be sleeping in style tonight unfortunately a orderless shell hadn’t spawned in just yet but I did find a new winter crop seed they’re called powder melons so I thought I better plant some back on the farm it feels quite exciting to be growing an actual crop this winter afterwards I went for a little Adventure down into the Quarry mine Al that I could pick up the golden Scythe at the end of it but I did notice a blocked off path to the side that I’ve never seen before H I’ll come back for you sometime soon but for now I got some sleep in my new fancy bed another round of pumpkin juice was ready for me the following morning it feels good to be making good money through winter I then went to check the beach with held breath and would you believe it there it was one single nautilus shell I ran as fast as my little legs would allow all the way to the community center I finished off the final bundle and after 87 days of hard work and a little bit of luck the community center had been restored to its former glory I welcomed our new dino friend to the family this morning I named him Wyatt because Wyatt not a I’m sorry yeah that was that one was pretty bad anyway over in town I found the villagers celebrating the return of the community center I got my staru hero Trophy and I watched Pi knock Morris into Next Century with a Wombo Combo like I’ve never seen before afterwards I popped by Robins to get her help constructing a second pitball that’s right I got myself a sick pit baby everyone meet Lola the dog a I got her a green bow because she deserves to look like a star Willie apparently had something to show me in the back room of his boat house so I wasted no time and headed down to the beach right away remember that in the near future project I had mentioned well this is it the boat to Ginger Island I needed 200 hardwood five aridium bars and five batteries to fix it up and uh well I didn’t have any of that on me no I’m just kidding of course I did so I handed it all over to the boat and I just got to wait for it to be fixed overnight in the meantime I bought some tree saplings from piers and filled my Greenhouse with all the fruit trees the ones I had already grown dropped saplings when I cut them down so that made it a lot easier and I watched over my farm for a while you know just to take it all in it was not surprising to say that day 90 I was headded for the fern Islands leaving the Frosty Valley behind me in favor of a warm tropical island this actually popped the achievement distant Shore another new achievement added with the update on the island I met with Leo who wasn’t going to talk unless I got the approval of the birds to do that I needed golden walnuts and I think a montage would be quite appropriate here don’t you think [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was quite fun wasn’t it before heading back to the Island Pier popped by my farm to let me know if his update stock list for next year and I took care of another round of pumpkin juice today’s adventure on Ginger Island was a trip through the volcano dungeon after a long adventure through the dungeon I made it to the top the volcano Caldera up here lies a chest with a prismatic Shard the forge which I will get into later when it’s important and a couple of golden walnuts with the forge now accessible from the bottom of the volcano I headed back home it must be new to the update at least I think it is but I noticed the fairy lights around town when I was passing through and it was quite lovely actually day 92 I decided to take a break from the island for a bit just to catch up on a few things like sorting out the winter seeds and my powder melons that had grown on the farm and taking another special Quest from Robin to collect 0 hardwood for her while waiting for the boat to Ginger Island the next morning I saw a sign for squid fist another fishing event that’s taking place soon I’ll keep that in mind but right now I had something important to do something on Ginger Island something that involved opening up the dig site something that involved clearing out the dig site oh yeah that’s right it’s the thrilling return of season 4 of the world renowned Oscar nominated segment that you all know and love it can only be panning with tox if you are new to this segment it works a little something like this I pan across the big side here on Ginger Island in search of a lucky ring it’s as simple as that the upgraded pans added to the 1.6 update actually add an invisible reaching effect making it much easier to pan the spots that spawn far across the river plus it gives a bonus to the resources that you pan up Unfortunately today wasn’t the day to get my first lucky ring but Hey where’s the fun in that I can’t give away the excitement too early on now can we on Day 94 I found myself back on Ginger Island this time to catch up on Golden Walnut collecting which included finding the walnuts around the dig site and helping Professor snail with his research this in turn got me a few more walnuts which I used to unlock the island Trader I found Birdie on the other side of the island who asked me to find her a momento of a late pirate husband however it dawned on me that without a certain villager in the Valley just yet this would be impossible to complete until then so back home and bed I went where yes I about how awesome I am it’d be rude if I didn’t day 95 began with more juice collecting I didn’t have a lot of pumpkins left but I was still going strong on the juice making I took a boat ride to the island to cut down mahogany trees for the hardwood and after chopping down stumps on the island Farm I returned to the valley so I could take it all to robins and I dropped it into her wood pile completing yet another special Quest the prize machine gave me four mushroom logs not too sure what they’re for but I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough while Meandering around that evening I wanted to go and see a train that was passing up by the railroad but when I got there a cut scene with Magna started playing so I I didn’t even see the train I could only hear it and I could see the smoke coming out the top of it but it was invisible Magnus just wanted his Magic ink back but that would have to wait since I don’t quite have access to the sewers just yet it was day one of two of squid Fest down at the beach today I dialed into my inner fisherman for this and tried my best to catch as many squid as I possibly could unlike the the Trout Derby squid Fest lasts all day and it’s about how many you catch not how many tags you happen to find I stayed for most of the day and I only managed to catch three squid in total my rewards were Deluxe bait three mystery boxes and a dish of the sea look I’ll take it day 97 and day 98 were days I spent back on Ginger Island participating in more Shenanigans at the dig site yes of course it’s time for more and say it with me now panning with oxio it took until day 98 for something incredible to happen but locked in with my shiny gold pen and the panning Gods looking down for me for good luck we managed to pull our first lucky ring of the season that’s right 2 days away from day 100 we pulled a miracle out of nowhere and bagged lucky ring number one God what an incredible time to be alive we are so close to the end yet on May 99 I was still out here grinding winter seeds needed to be picked turned back into seeds and replanted in the fields my pumpkin juice needed collecting and the second to last round of pumpkins were dumped back into the kigs not to mention my powder melons were ready for Harvest I put them all through a seed maker to plant even more across my second crop field I got Clint to open a bunch of geodes I had been hoarding to find additions I could make for Gunther in the museum and to finish it all off the night market was in full swing when I got there that evening I spent it all down in the submarine catching three deep sea fish the spook fish a blob fish and a midnight squid but before I knew it we were here on day 100 and as is tradition in all of my 100 Days videos I take the final day to relax unwind and reflect on what has been an incredible journey so far in the spa the 1.6 update has brought so many new things to the table that green rain event was crazy the two new fishing deres were so much fun the quality of life changes and seeing how awesome winter is now was such a BRI of fresh air not to mention we got our first lucky ring I have to say it’s been a pretty good first 100 days but I tell you what there is so much more to explore and I’m so excited to find all the other goodies hiding in this update but for now please let me know what you enjoyed most about this update if you were able to play it and I’m just going to keep relaxing here for a while if you don’t mind [Music] [Music] the Adventure Continues exactly where we left off last time freezing my little tootsies off in the cold valley winter today was about getting back into the swing of things like saying good morning to my two adorable pits Lola my dog and midnight my cat and making sure my coup and barn animals were thriving despite the chilly atmosphere outside one thing I will be doing this time around is giving up birthday gifts apologies to The Villages of pelicant town but I was very profit orientated then alas I needed everyone to Max friendship for Perfection so what better time to start than right now as the afternoon rolled around I fixed up that tree stump I had forgotten about last time with some hardwood and talk about craftsmanship wow we have a brand new home for some loving Critters to occupy while we wait for someone to secure a down payment I pop to the beach for the final night of the Night Market when I got there I looked for a garlic seed but quickly realized I had missed it a couple of days ago never to mind though I’ve already moved on to the next day so I can’t dwell on how foolish I am it seems a lone raccoon has found his way to the newly renovated tree stump he gave me the task of finding him five clams and a smoked red mullet I found myself in town soon after where I duck up a rusty spoon and since I was right there I thought I might as well donate it to the museum as I passed the special Quest board I picked up Gus’s famous omelet Quest I was on my way to the beach to do some foraging and to purchase the fish smoker recipe from Willie I’m very excited to try this new machine added in the update all in good time however I may be entering my friend’s era but I’m still caught up in my profits era so much so that I’m turning my Ginger Island Farm into a prophet Metropolis that starts with a whole bunch of aridium sprinklers and I think we may be on to something here people speaking of prophets waiting for me outside this morning was another round of pumpkin juice although I’m sad to say that this was our last full batch as we were now down to our final pumpkins but that’s okay because I was gearing up for the island Farm to take over all the hard work it’s me though so I had to make it look nice with a border of rustic plank flooring I mean what’s the point of all of this if it doesn’t look good am I right before taking off I used a few golden walnuts to unlock the mailbox by the island Farmhouse and spent the rest of the day diving through the volcano dungeon I was here to gather anything I could get my hands on things like Dragon Teeth extra golden walnuts and Cinder shards amongst other things after a successful dungeon dive last night it was already day 104 I don’t think I mentioned this last video but when your pits reach Max Hearts they now have a chance to drop gifts for you a isn’t that just the cutest thing ever thank you for my gift midnight funnily enough I was waiting outside Clint this morning to get a toall upgrade then realized I forgot to bring the five gold bars an exact repeat of what I did in the first video time moves on and while you think I’d get smarter sometimes we all wish for things that will never happen but hey my pickaxe is getting an upgrade and that’s all that matters afterwards I took a bus trip out to the desert I paid Sandy a visit to Splash a third of my pumpkin juice earnings on purchasing a whopping 288 starfruit seeds it was no surprise that I then spent the rest of the day getting them all planted down on the island Farm you’ll notice I LIF one sprinkler without crops that’s a just in case of an emergency sprinkler I like to Future proof myself for obvious reasons however by the end of the day I had a full crop of star fruit growing my one regret is I didn’t have any time to give Granny Evelyn her birthday gift and I feel terrible I’ll have to make up for it another day because we’re moving onwards and upwards I popped by The Traveling cart this morning just for funsies and I happened to see that she was selling a junimo catalog The Decorator inside of me was fighting very hard to overpower my common sense it was 70,000 gold and I was tossing up this decision for a while safe to say I caved The Decorator inside me won and I got the junimo catalog I wasn’t done spending though up at Robins I commissioned a stable to be built on my farm probably a bit more practical than a catalog but I digress the time remaining in the day was spent cave fishing actually for a couple of reasons I had to take off catching a few new fish for the fishing collection from the various floors including the elusive lava eel and I wanted to get cave jelly you may have noticed last time that I had sea jelly and River jelly from all the fishing I did well cave jelly is the third type of jelly that you can fish up I just needed to make those fish smokers before I could make them I had some powder melons to harvest this morning not to mention a field full of winter forage thanks to my winter seeds with the change of seasons soon approaching I decided to cover all my fields and winter seed I ran my powder melons through my seed makers and I made the two fish smokers in the meantime I popped into town to donate a couple of artifacts I had come across to pick up my shiny new pickaxe and I accepted the Wizard’s Prismatic jelly special Quest from the board down on the beach I was foraging around the tide pools and got the final foraging level then I ran Ed the day off smoking the fish I caught yesterday and turning the rest of my powder melons into seeds for the next winter I got 12 grand for those fish by the way I smell potential who was at my door the following morning but none other than my main man Gunther he was here to tell me we were getting awarded for our efforts and preservation at the Museum and what’s my reward a rusty key this will give us access to the sewers finally so I guess it’s not too bad also I now have a horse Robin finished the stable and I named my Noble Steed cookie I was very excited as you can see after dumping the final lot of pumpkin juice into the shipping bin cookie and I took off into town I handed over my ax to Clint for an upgrade then I fished up a red mullet from the ocean shortly after which I smoked in one of my fish smokers with that and five clams I finished the first raccoon Quest and in return I got 25 carrot seeds back in town I used the rusty key to gain access to the sewers kobus the shadowy figure from the last video opened up the mutant bugli for me to venture through this was so I could collect the dark Talisman at the end of it the Talisman I used to access the witch’s swamp the hingan stood in the way between me and the Wizard’s magical ink but luckily I had prepared some void Mayo earlier and he left without a fuss the Magic ink was now in my position and the wizard was very grateful to have it back as a W I got access to the book of summoning this is where I can blow millions of gold on Golden clocks obelisks and junimo Huts if I so feel like it and to top it all off today was Leah’s birthday so I gave her some goat cheese on the other hand day8 was a lot less hectic it was spent down in the mines searching for a certain color changing slime the only other things to note were the new mine levels I’m actually quite happy we got new mine layouts look how cool they are and a gold slime that gives you a little bit of gold when you slay it the 25th of winter can only mean one thing it’s the Feast of the winter star Festival everyone was looking so cozy in their winter outfits the food smelled delicious and it was time to give out some presents Penny was my person this year so I gave her an emerald which she was very pleased with Pierre had me and be in mind this man has made tens of thousands of gold from me over the past year and he has the audacity to give me a pink cake if Pierre has no haters then I’m dead oh my God that’s so mean I had the idea to feed cookie one of my carrots and I was stoked that it actually worked it’s the little things that make life joyous I had some business to conduct at Clint’s this morning so imagine my displeasure when I saw him run away from his own shop to go stare at a fness in the community center for the day you’ll be getting a one out of five star review on Yelp from me Clint and best believe it’s going to be super passive aggressive it was his birthday though so maybe I’ll write that review tomorrow I took all my frustration out in the mines searching once again for magnus’s prosmetic slime unfortunately I didn’t find it with Clint back on the till today I was able to finally pick up my new axe before heading back down to the mines to continue the hunt it took most of the day to run into it but in the late afternoon on a random dungeon floor I found it and didn’t see the light of day for long cookie and I went for a nighttime ride down to the Wizard’s Tower Prismatic jelly in hand I gave it over to him then I circled into town to drop off Gus’s eggs that he had requested for his omelet and with that I knocked two birds with one stone and ticked off two special quests I can’t believe it but somehow we’re at the end of another season in my mailbox sat a litter from Magnus with the recipe for Monster musk and Gus somehow man managed to fit a whole mini fridge in there my two rewards for completing those special quests my morning was taken up chopping trees down for wood so that I could go and commission a shed from Robin my first of two sheds that will hold all of my kigs while I was there I thought I might as well stock up on wood before the price increases too which I will not regret I’m not being sarcastic about that either it was genuinely a good idea back on the farm I pop down three stone chests these will hold all of my seasonal crops that I’ll grow in my second year in the valley cookie and I did laps of the farm as I planned out the future of the meow lands farm and I watched the snowfall on the final night of year [Music] 1 the ice had melted away I’m not being blinded by pure white snow it must be spring again a new villager by the name of Kint came to visit the farm this morning just popping by to say hi and that he’d be here to stay so that was nice while I waited for peers to open this morning I went around scything away the dead crops from Winter and I cleaned up the farm from the loose debris that had spawned overnight this year I’ll be growing every crop there is hence why I was setting up the three chests yesterday considering I need every crop for the shipping collection and a lot for the cooking collection I find year two is a good time to grow them all and store them away for later with that taking care of I decided a productive use of time would be spent smelting ores so that’s what I did I woke up woke up the next morning to a brand spanking new shed and what I can only describe as a slap in the face a nautilus shell produced by my oysters you’re about a season too late it’s the thought that counts I guess I took off to the fern Islands afterwards and I’m glad I did because the Weeds on the island Farm had gotten a little too close for comfort luckily I was able to fix it up without any crop casualties and I planted down a melon a garlic and some wheat three crops I need to grow for the gouron frog Quest I still had to wait a few days for the star fruit to be ready so in the meantime I headed back to the valley where I picked up my two prize tickets waiting for me by the special Quest board the prize machine gave me a pomegranate sapling and a new book called friendship 101 which makes it a little easier to become friends with villagers I picked a new special quest to sink my teeth into carolin’s Island ingredients quest which tasked me to grow and ship 100 Taro Roots back on the island for the second time I planted down all the tarot tubers I had collected thus far to make a start Hey look it’s me doing donuts on cookie I was here at Robin’s because I wanted to give my animals some more room plus my is fine but it’d be better with an upgrade that’s right my animals were getting a little bit squashed in that small corner of the farm and I wanted to give them a bit more space to roam around and after rejigging the fence line a bit and adding some torches around the place I was pretty happy with how it turned out ooh scary I was met with rain on day 116 did I move my animal chest all the way across the farm with my axe yes I did did I know that if you do it with a pickaxe it wouldn’t destroy the pathing No No I did not but hey it worked after handing over a birthday gift to Kint I paid a visit to our raccoon friend who has a wife now she runs a shop that currently sells the four new crops I think it’ll upgrade with every request I complete the next one required me to get strawberry jelly and dried Cactus fruits but that would have to wait because I was on a mission I get up at Willies grabbing the essentials made my way up to the mountain lake and buckled in for one hell of a ride I wanted to catch the first legendary fish the legend the hardest legendary fish to catch um yeah uh yeah took like it took me like 13 seconds I genuinely think that may be the most painless Legion catch in the history of staru Valley I took it down to the community center and added it to the fish tank I was not expecting to have this much time left in the day so I filled it with buying a few extra carrot seeds from the raccoons for some maple seeds and getting a good night’s sleep the following day began harvesting garlic and replacing it with those carrot seeds then harvesting parsnips which I replaced with some rhubarb seeds afterwards I us used the wood I bought last season along with the bars of copper and iron I had smelted to craft a bunch more kigs I had just enough to completely fell the first shed and one leftover for outside up at Robins I moved the silo from its old spot across to the new animal area and I popped across to Ginger Island because all of my star fruit was finally ready for Harvest after picking it all I had to race back to the valley where I sold all the gold quality fruit to Pierre so that when I bust into the desert I had enough gold to Pur just another round of seeds with the help of cookie I made it back to the boat in time so that I could make my way to the island to plant down another round with the stressful stuff out of the way I was able to mooch back home and make use of my K shed dumping the leftover fruit into the kigs I said what a delightful sight of ensuing profit for the next couple of days I grinded down in the skull Kevin’s no I wasn’t here for the resources in fact I was here for combat XP it’s the last skill I need to get to level 10 in and I thought the monsters down here would give me the most XP for slaying them although I should mention that I swapped out my potatoes with blue Jazz seeds and I gave Louis a cactus fruit for his birthday but I was grinding nonetheless it took all 2 days to fill that XP but after 2 Days in the cevin I finally got the level up that I needed and I think I just became a master of the five ways that door in the cindersap forest that once lay a mystery so many seasons ago was now ours to open inside I found a wall of Mastery a note from Grandpa told me about the tips recipes and tools that lay in the secret room mining fishing farming foraging and combat the five Mastery paths to unlock I’ll explain each path as I unlocked them saves me a lot of time trying to explain it now but essentially all XP gained from each skill is now combined into one progress bar for each level you need to reach a certain amount of XP 10,000 for the first level 15,000 for the second 20,000 for the 3D 25 for the 4th and 30 for the final level totaling a staggering 100,000 XP for all five this is all very exciting but unfortunately I still had regular things to do such as getting a barn upgrade commissioned from Robin and fishing for cave jelly I wanted to craft more fish smokers but in the 10 real life minutes that I fished today I got one I got one cave jelly a singular cave jelly seriously just one cave jelly I found myself back on the island Farm the next day I was here to check on my crops for the gouron Frog but my tyo roots were ready to be harvested so that was a nice little bonus afterwards I chopped trees down back in the valley since the stockpile on the farm was looking a bit sparse and the rest of the night was spent turning the Taro Roots back into Taro tuba I have to admit today is an EXC exciting day is it because it’s Vincent’s birthday no not quite is it because I’m spending time at the Dig side on Ginger Island why yes it is the continuation of season 4 of your favorite segment of all time is back it’s time for panning with Hox I am in love with the changes made to panning in this update I think it’s actually worth panning for once like look at this cool gold shirt I got so many goodies and resources but most importantly and the ring that rises above all the others the lucky ring that’s right a single lucky ring Shan through and we can add number two to our collection good God there is just nothing like the rush of panning up a lucky ring I decided to hang around the island because I had some tarot tuba to plant and I didn’t fancy interrupting our secred Penning with pox seil with some menial task I managed to trade more tarot tuba with the island Trader for bone fragment so I have more than enough planted down to meet the special Quest quota before I left I showed the gouron Frog the melon garlic and wheat growing on the farm and for all three I managed to secure 15 golden walnuts I put the first gem on the gym puzzle podiums and finally I unlocked the beach resort with the golden walnuts having made it back home I went around dealing with a few chores I had missed out on over the last couple of days before calling it a night the rain continued through to day 120 before but I didn’t mind because I had a shed full of starfruit [Laughter] wine my Coupe needed a bit of cleaning clearly so I sorted that out before working on Bird’s Quest if you take the war momento to Kint The Gourmet tomato salt to Gus the stardew valley Rose to Sandy the universal remote to George the Arctic Shard to Magnus and finally the wriggly worm to Willie you’ll get the pirate locket I took the locket all the way back to birdie who was very thankful for us finding it in return I got taught how to make faury dust and a few golden walnuts to go with it I kept the golden Walnut collecting going by finding a couple in Shell stones on the beach a couple just outside the Pirate Cove unlocked from building the resort and a few inside the Pirate Cove which included me destroying this guy at a few games of darts I got out of there before he made me walk the plank or worse make me illegally download a movie from the early 2000s it was egg Festival day today however before I could attend I had to take care of a few odd jobs on the farm that did include harvesting crops and flowers and filling the greenhouse with aridium sprinklers but it was time to show my face in town as the reigning EG hunt Champion first and foremost I got myself a bunch of strawberry seeds from Pier’s stall then it was time to start the hunt did I know the eggs would be placed differently this time no I did not and that really threw me off my game I thought this flower was an egg it definitely was not and I managed to get eight eggs total which is totally enough to win right right now there’s a lot of words that I would like to use to articulate how I’m feeling right now however at the risk of demonetizing my channel I will refrain from doing so instead I’ll just plant down my strawberries like the good little farmer that I am I hate AB I was a happy chap on day 126 I had some blue Jazz flowers to pick and I commissioned another to the farm for future kigs today was actually Haley’s birthday and I was intrigued to see what it would be like to give her an idum quality gift along with that star drop tea I got a while ago so I handed them both over as she came out of her room and holy crap I think I love star drop te’s now I was passing by the bus stop shortly after and I saw a written sign from Pam I thought I’d write a little message back to her when she picks it up later a a while later I found myself down at the beach helping Haley find her Grandma’s necklace I then purchased a star drop from kobis I’m a little embarrassed to say it took me a while to remember he sold one of these afterwards I tried to fish up at the mountain lake accompanied by my fish smokers however I forgot they needed coal so I went back home to get coal and then by the time I got back it was already dark so I I just gave up I didn’t mind because for the next couple of days I got to indulge in a brand new desert festival for a few days the desert hosts all sorts of stores activities and challenges and I was super excited to check it all out there’s a chef here who will prepare a made to order meal for you there’s a race between competitors that you can bit on as they race around a track just just don’t bit on the snail just trust me don’t do it Willie has a fishing challenge Marlon and Gil are here to give out skull Kevin challenges I even found Pier sniffing Hal wait wait what hold on wait what keep that up mister and I’m telling Caroline Emily has an outfit exchange don’t worry I get to keep my old look but gosh don’t I look sney you can also get a free Cactus all of these games and challenges give you Calico eggs Calico eggs are the prize tokens that you can exchange for prizes at the various shops during the festival after Bing on a few more races and losing all of them I used my Calico eggs to purchase the mystery boxes I didn’t fancy anything else on sale but now that I know how it all worked I’ll definitely be back next year for more I took cookie on a stroll around the valley the following day picking salmon berries around the cindersap forest we were having a jolly old time and it got even better when we found a pot of gold by the waterfall soon after I popped around to Haley’s place to help her open a jar and to ask her to be my girlfriend thank the heavens she said yes being rejected from would have sent me down a very dark Rabbit Hole I then circled up to Robins to commission a big upgrade and I got comfy at the mountain lake fishing and smelling the waft of freshly smoked fish I wanted to test the smokers out in a normal situation just to see how that affected the paycheck at the end of the day and look 16 Grand from one day of fishing is actually not too shabby I have a leprecorn hat I didn’t even realize I had it until last night so there you go anyway my morning today was filled up with picking rubab from my cropfields taking some wonderful and maybe not so wonderful photos with Haley on man’s Ranch and handing over a cactus fruit to Pam for her birthday and all of this was followed by star fruit picking star fruit replanting and taro root harvesting over on Ginger Island what’s very exciting is during all of this I managed to get my first Mastery level but before I could get ahead of myself I dumped enough Taro route into the shipping bin to complete Caroline’s Quest and I had to K all of the staff route in my K shed back back home the leftovers I just shoved into the shipping bin I found my special Quest reward in the mailbox this morning oh no that’s just a cheese cauliflower recipe from Pam okay here it no that’s just a cute letter from Haley okay this time no that’s from Robin with some wood ah here we go a solar panel crafting recipe now I had a choice to make what skill was I going to invest my first Mastery level in I weighed up the options and after much thought decided to pick the farming tree first having claimed Mastery of farming I got the aridium Scythe which can be used to harvest crops no more picking them like a peasant farmer the statue of blessings crafting recipe which will give me a random blessing each day and the ability to find animal crackers which will permanently double a farm animals produce pigs are excluded from this perk however my first Mastery skill was now under my belt and that felt good afterwards I rode cookie into town where I got another prize from the prize machine and remembered Clint hates me because he doesn’t work on a Friday I then popped by manies to get two new animals pixie the pig and Grant the Sheep you’ll also notice that you can buy an animal catalog so if man isn’t around then I can still purchase animals and supplies someone get Clint that same damn book before I bloody throw one at them not to mention I got Auto collectors that I placed in both the coupe and the barn not all L happened throughout the afternoon however I did smelt ORS to finish the day off and that carried on to day 132 basically I just spent the morning prepping myself to make a lot of kigs unfortunately I was lacking on Oak risen out of all things but that’s okay I got a good section of the shed fill and when I eventually get more Oak risen I can add more slowly but surely I paid a visit to the saloon later that evening to give Shane a little birthday gift and in the dead of night Cho stumps in the secret Woods I was lacking on hardwood critical levels if if you will so just before bed I made use of the old animal area and planted a few rows of mahogany seeds sprinkled with a bit of tree fertilizer and will be good on hardwood in no time I used the Harvest with Scythe mod in the mega modded series but having it in the base game now is just I love it I spent the day over on Ginger Island I saw I was pretty close to Key’s 100 golden Walnut gold so I decided to dive through the volcano dungeon would be a good use of my time to find gold walnuts of course but any other goodies that I came across wouldn’t go a Miss that’s for sure plus I managed to take off another monster Slayer goal while I was in there what a relief it was to see Clint running his business this morning I could finally pick up my gold hoe and swap it out for a gold watering can upgrade I spent a lot of time today working out an upgraded crop field sure the quality sprinklers are fine but I’m a farmer of wealth now and I need to show that wealth with the rium sprinklers yes I do have strawberries in the green house believe it or not my YouTuber luck ran out when it came to ancient seeds so this is my backup idea I popped by the dwarf and the mines shortly after so that I could get some bombs and as an added bonus I got a book that makes bombs deal 25% less damage to myself that is because that’s right I’m spending the day in the skull Kevin’s my one and only goal today was to gather as much Arium as I could I’m running low and I need more to upgrade the second crop field with aridium sprinklers and so it was down here in the Kevin where I gathered that aridium on a mediocre luck day I managed to get 94 aridium ore which is actually a pretty good effort if you ask me with strawberries under my belt now I made sure to dump one into a preserve jar and some cactus fruit into the hydrator for the raccoon Quest before heading off to the flower dance yeah I decided to go this time around I made sure to purchase a couple of important things from Pier stall and I know I said all this Festival brings as rection but I have a girlfriend now so there’s no rejection for me take that Alex you little punk the morning of day 137 consisted of placing a few more kigs down in my kig shed collecting and shipping off a batch of starf fruit wine that was done fermenting harvesting a field full of strawberries with my aridium Scythe picking up my gold watering can from Clint and making a start on crop field upgrade number two I ended up going with this sort of Zid pattern beside the pond because it’s probably the biggest area that I can cultivate on in the corners I placed down brick paths to outline where future junimo Huts will go and I outlined it all with rustic planks like I did with the other one I have to say I’m actually really happy with how seamless this turned out for a layout that limits places to grow crops I think it looks pretty cool and to top it all off just get a load of that paycheck majority of this morning was used up prepping my new crop Fields I got a bunch of parsnip seeds from Piers so that in a few days when the seasons change over I’ll just have to site the dead crops away instead of having the monotonous task of hoing and watering everything and pnip seeds are pretty cheap anyway so I didn’t mind I almost forgot to mention I gave Pierre a birthday gift forgive me if I’m still a little bit upset about that pink cake present not a lot went down that afternoon I just spent some quality time with cookie but later that evening I waited for my strawberry jelly to be ready so that I could hand it over to my raccoon neighbors my reward was the raccoon Journal book reading it mint Weeds now have a greater chance to yield MC seeds the next day began outside Haley’s house I wanted to give her a coconut because she deserves it and I yeah I wanted to get her to 10 Hearts it was also Emily’s birthday so I thought I’d hang around to give her some wool I popped by Robins afterwards to move the K sheds I think they were in the way a bit and I like the new spot below the animal area much better of course I could not leave it unpathed so I took some time to extend the main path and add a cute little star path to both of the sheds someone tell me where does time go the last day of spring is already here but we still had some things to do things like finishing off the gym puzzle on Ginger Island for a few of those precious golden walnuts using those walnuts I got the warp Obelisk back to the valley and I got a warp totem to the island a nice little touch having over 100 of them meant I was able to pass through into Key’s Walnut Room in here is a quest board a machine to trade key gems for rear and Powerful rewards and a Perfection tracker I’d like to not touch on the Perfection tracker quite yet cuz uh I’ve got quite a bit of work to do alas back home I took care of another strawberry harvest in the greenhouse which ended up giving me another Mastery level so I was right off to the Mastery cave where I claimed fishing as my second Mastery skill giving me the advanced aridium Rod which lets me use two Bobbers at once the recipe for challenge bait and now I can encounter golden fishing chest which will hold rare items of court all very exciting stuff and as the final day of spring was wrapping up I quickly popped into Clint to get an aridium upgrade for my pan of course the pan takes full priority and I watched the last glimpses of the spring sun fall below the Horizon on top of cookie get your sunscreen ready folks cuz we’re getting back into [Music] summer considering how spring started I’m sure you can imagine how the first day of summer went it was pretty much a carbon copy getting rid of old crops cleaning up the farm purchasing all the seeds and planting them back down on the farm the only difference is I did get a very ominous message in my mailbox about meeting someone called Fizz on Ginger island with everything planted and not much else to do I thought I better go and check it out turns out Fizz is a joa associate under the guys of Specialty Service this guy offers papers that grants one 1% towards Perfection and for each paper it’s half a million gold per Pop I don’t know man I I don’t think I trust that face cookie and I started the following day waiting outside of Clint I actually didn’t mind because just look at that beautiful shiny aridium pan yesterday I managed to pick up another special Quest this time from Willie it was to catch five of each Ginger Island fish and I was happy to reserve the day for such a task I caught five lion fish in the ocean I caught five blue discus in the river and I caught five stingrays in the Pirate Cove too easy done and dusted another Quest ticked off the list the prize machine gave me a cute sports hat if you wanted to know and as nighttime rolled around I thought I might as well smoke the fish I caught today I certainly won’t be picky about a bit of extra profit I have to admit most of day 143 was lost to dealing with another star fruit Harvest but hearing the sound of kegging is just like money to my ears however not all of it was lost I still had time to construct three separate junimo Huts one for the top crop field and two for this second crop field and that night I swapped out my magnet and glow ring for the aridium band a ring that gives a glowing effect a magnetic effect and an attack damage boost Allin one and a lucky ring to go with it didn’t sound too bad either before tackling the mines today I had a couple of things to check off those being Jazz’s birthday I gave her a rabbit foot and spending time at the forge at the volcano Caldera combining my aridian band with a lucky ring and infusing three rubies into my Galaxy sword for increased overall damage I went to the mines afterwards with the intention of slaying slimes and dust spres towards their respective monster Slayer goals I just really wanted the burglar’s ring and the Slime charmer ring I will say though in the middle of all this monster slaying I happened upon my first animal cracker and I ticked off another monster Slayer goal I I think for the bats it’s hard to tell but I don’t think it was for the dust Brides to begin the next day I said good morning to my animals as I have been doing for most days please don’t be concerned I promise they’re well looked after I harvested some wheat and swapped it out for another round of wheat seeds I got a copper upgrade on my trash can of all things yes it is Friday but it’s raining so Clint decided to stay in today thank God I don’t know what I would have done but it wouldn’t have been pretty all but one mahogany tree had grown Above The Farmhouse so I thought I might as well chop it all down I needed some of that hardwood to get an upgrade on my house and that’s exactly what I commissioned from Robin soon after another round of strawberries from my Greenhouse were harvested right after that I added the final two big chests to the hub area and to finish off a busy day I thought I might as well buy a mermaid pendant and I proposed to Haley very romantically in the pouring rain and she said yes it only took 19 days to go from zero Hearts to getting married but hey what can I say I’m quite the charmer to keep the celebrations going I decided to spin today at the dig site for another episode of your favorite segment of all time panning with hoio and what a way to keep this party train chugging along by panning up Lucky ring number three I’m just kidding I got two baby this one’s for you Haley that’s right that brings our total to four lucky rings for season season 4 and God I am loving it the energy kept rolling on to day 147 I reserved it for another dive down into the skull Kevin since it’d be rude of me not to waste a very good luck day so down the Kevin I went slaying slimes towards the monster Slayer goal carpet bombing lower floors for lots of aridium copper iron and gold and drinking aridium snake milk that’s right apparently key had been waiting for me on floor 100 to see if I made it all in one piece I did and I got a Perman an increase to my health after a very successful day in the Cavin yesterday it was nice to change it up today with a wedding Haley and I got married in the middle of the Town Square what a lovely day to celebrate love it’ll be nice to have some company on the farm actually as a freshly acquired husband I got to work planting more seeds on the farm including some summer squash seeds I then popped by the saloon to hand Gus a rabbit’s foot for his birthday I watched a bird find out what happens when you fly head first and into a window over at Clint I picked up my copper trash can and afterwards I parked up on the tide pool’s Pier to try my luck catching another legendary fish before I could though I got my first golden fishing chest which was quite exciting I did eventually catch the legendary Crimson fish but I wanted more the sewers also held the legendary fish the mutant carp which actually wasn’t too hard of a catch but I wanted more the water falls down in the cant Forest a brand new fish it’s called a gobby and it took me a while to reel one in but I wanted more in the bugli I caught a slime Jack it’s not as cool as the others but I need it for the fishing collection but I wanted more no I’m just kidding I’m actually done now Gus paid the farmer visit the following morning he was here to drop off a mini jukebox and some blueprints to craft more if I so wish to it seems like I actually did one more because I ended up catching a void salmon in the witch’s swamp that was the last one I think I’ve done my Dash fishing that being said I did pop by the community center to hand over the latest two legendary fish I had caught to the fish tank then for the rest of the day I popped a monster musk and went to town slaying monsters in the mines it didn’t take long for me to achieve the dust Bright Monster Slayer goal so I thought I might as well keep it going on the higher levels day 150 marks the halfway point but like last time there’s no time for celebration there there is time for being productive though being maru’s birthday I met her down the hallway in her house and gave her a strawberry and back on the farm I planted down seeds and place of the crops that were harvested by my junimos I guess I could celebrate with a bottle of star fruit wine but I do need every bottle sold for maximum profits and I guess slaying slimes is pretty satisfying oh well a paycheck like that is celebration enough for me Haley made me a fried egg this morning aw isn’t that just the sweetest it seems I had acquired another Mastery level over the last few days and it was time to make another decision this time I decided to claim foraging Mastery this gives the Mystic tree seed recipe a new special type of tree the treasure totem recipe which when used summons A Rang of treasure spots on the ground and the ability to find golden mystery boxes which will give rarer items when opened now that I had three Mastery levels down it was time to join the community down at the beach for the annual luau I had bought an idium quality truffle to add to the potluck soup and when the governor got a taste of that delicious soup I actually popped a new achievement with the update called an unforgettable soup our favorite book seller Marcelo and the big old balloon was back in town the next day with a lot more disposable income under my belt I was happy to purchase some books today so I got the way of the Wind part one horse the book Old Slither legs and the queen of source cookbook these books gave me the ability to run faster move quicker on Horseback run quicker through crops and grass and gave me the remaining queen of sauce recipes respectively I can only imagine Marcelo is thinking thank God this guy finally bought something soon afterwards I handed over a rabbit’s foot to a JoJo truck driver this is hinted at in one of the secret notes but it gives me the special charm which permanently boosts daily luck back on the farm I tried my best at setting up a mushroom log Farm I heard if you set mushroom logs around Mystic trees it gives you purple mushrooms which if you dehydrate will give you lots of profits so fingers crossed this somewhat Works ironically the next raccoon Quest needed dried purple mushrooms how did you know Mr Raccoon how did you know cookie and I took a ride through the rain the following day because I had to intrude on Alex’s morning to give him a birthday present afterwards I patched up some empty spots in the crop Fields with blueberry seeds I had bought from here then I popped by Clint to get an upgrade on my pickaxe all before putting my ax to work in the cindersap forest I needed the materials and I didn’t mind the foraging XP that was going towards my next Mastery level either the materials actually went towards more kigs and I was that much closer to a full shed despite being a gorgeous day in the valley I couldn’t quite say the same about Ginger Island the YouTuber luck was back again though seriously get a load of this okay so I dig up an artifact spot and wow there’s a Snak spine I need two of them for Professor snail they’re usually pretty elusive I find another artifact spot at the end of the beach and boom two snake spines in one day what what are the chances I actually had a snake skull in my inventory so I got to finish the snake display for the professor then and there and since I got a mango tree sapling as a reward I thought I’d planted down on the island farm and afterwards I got a couple of golden walnuts from secret notes I’d found on the Island to round out the day I was back at home when I remembered that we could place floorings under buildings now so that’s exactly what I did for the Juno Hut I began day 155 waiting for our how shall I say it fond acquaintance Clint to WIP open up the shot that’s right I’m holding a grudge against him simply because I can he did hand over my brand new aridian pickaxe and I swapped it out for an aridum X upgrade I did this before heading back over to Ginger Island yes I am in the dig site but not for the reason we all want it to be I’m searching for a pier of fossilized ribs but unfortunately I couldn’t find any so instead I retired to the volcano dungeon for the day only things to note were my very first gold mystery boxes and a bunch of valuable resources I collected along the way with star fruit ripe and ready for Harvest it was no surprise that a lot of today was been dealing with that very task I have to say though all of this star fruit wine has been doing wonders for my wallet throw a quick strawberry Harvest from the greenhouse in there and you pretty much have the whole day covered so I think it’s best if we move on to the next day the rain it seemed had followed me across the gy sea to the valley watching a movie snuggled up in bed with Haley sounded really good right now actually but unfortunately I had things to do like swapping out my aridium axe for a hoe upgrade over at Clint commissioning a slime Hutch to be built on my farm courtesy of Robin Services giving Sam a cactus fruit for his birthday and patching up a few more patches in the crop Fields with more blueberries as the afternoon rolled around I worked away in the downpour connecting up Pathways around the farm now that I knew where the Slime Hutch was going it felt really good to finally have that all connected I thought my eyes had deceived me this morning but no the green rain phenomenon had returned to the valley once again quick side note my mushroom logs did not produce purple mushrooms like I thought they would so I moved them closer let’s hope that changes the as for how I spent this peculiar day well it was to my understanding that the statue of blessings required a hefty amount of crafting materials as in it needs 999 step 999 Stone 999 fiber and 333 moss and what better time to collect fiber and Moss than when there is an abundance of it around the valley so yeah this is what I did all day not to worry all traces of green rain had disappeared by the next day Marlon paid a visit to the farm this morning to give me a green slime egg and to joke about how he got his eye patch uh thanks I guess cookie and I rode into town to get my idum pick damn it Clint do your job man it’s totally not my fault for forgetting he takes a day off cookie and I rode up to Robins where I commissioned another Pond for the farm and while I was there I gave Demetrius a strawberry for his birthday that afternoon I got myself prepped for the Trout Derby kicking off tomorrow with the knowledge I now have about how it works I got everything I needed for success and a lot of dressed spinner Bobbers I should also say that I made the Statue of blessings finally and a quick side note I think midnight tried to pounce at me that was kind of cute actually I was so prepared for the Derby that I even tried putting up a tint in the cinder set forest for a head start tomorrow but it wouldn’t let me so whoever told me that in the comments section of the last video you were wrong not to worry though having slept in the tent at the bottom of the farm I had a pretty good start to the derby anyway now let’s peep the setup we know about the absurd amount of dress spinner Bobbers however this thing next to me is called the bait maker when I put a rainbow trout into it I get rainbow trout bait which will increase my chance of catching more rainbow trout I’ll tell you what this thing came in clutch by 2: p.m. I had already tripled the amount of golden tags I got last year and yes a lot of you let me know in the comments in the last video that the Derby does in fact Go the whole day not just until 2:00 p.m. I felt like a bit of a silly goof but nonetheless we press on I kept this going until the evening when I decided to retire with a solid 15 golden tags I was very happy to receive all of my goodies from the Derby tent that night including a mounted trout that I placed right above our bed in The Farmhouse we are now forever being watched over safe to say I was trout Doby out after yesterday I used the statue of blessings for the first time today I got a little luck blessing cookie and I set off into town this morning so that I could donate an artifact to the museum and to pick up my new aridium Hoe from Clint just to swap it out for a watering can upgrade I won’t lie the rest of the day consisted of fishing out the oysters from my pond replacing them with a slime Jack and trying to fish up a sturgeon I got another stardrop tea by the way and also a golden tag interesting to know that the Derby spans across to the mountain lake today was the dwarf’s birthday last night I fished up a lava eel from the mines and for his birthday I handed that over along with a stardrop tea he’s always a bit of a tricky fellow to get to Max Hearts so it was worth using the T4 I didn’t quite manage to catch a sturgeon yesterday so I took some time to hook one I needed it for the other fish pond my mushroom logs had produced purple mushrooms this time I must have done something right then either way I was sick of looking out over a dull looking Farm The Decorator inside of me was screaming and let’s be fair Haley really did deserve to be living on a farm that made her [Music] expectations and as the night rolled around I finally got some use out of my Juno catalog some of these decorations were a perfect fit for the farm the purple mushrooms I had been dehydrating finished overnight and along with some white Elie I completed yet another raccoon Fitch Quest I got a little raccoon head as a reward before I could get back to decorating however I had a round of starfruit wine to collect up from my sheds I sold them off to PE because I wanted to purchase the furniture catalog from Robins along with all of her crafting recipes I felt very confident to continue decorating [Music] now the hall of day 164 was weirdly centered around Willie except when I went to pick up my watering can from Clint but it was his birthday so I dropped off a diamond for him and I spent the day down in the mines collecting bug meat for a special Quest I had picked up this morning you won’t believe this either but I got my first ancient seed it only took 164 days another thing that took 164 days was the Slime Monster Slayer goal by the time night had rolled around I had farmed enough bug meat for Willie I dropped by the adventurers Guild to pick up the Slime charmer ring and I dropped off the bug meat outside willly shop the next day began with a bit of farm planning I figured my old animal area could be my future golden clock SL Obelisk area so I mapped out where they’d go with stone flooring cookie and I rode into town afterwards where I paid Marcel a visit he had part two of The Way of the wind and I feel a little faster already that ancient seed I got yesterday went straight to the museum the prize machine gave me another dehydrator I saw what all that bug meat went towards could God what does that smell and I see goodbye to cookie for a while as I took a boat across to Ginger Island over here I pop down my first plantable ancient seed five gold quality ancient fruits are like the only thing left I need for the missing bundle so it’s good to have that in place and up at the forge I combined the Slime charmer ring with the burglar’s ring I kind of just chopped down trees and mooched around the farm back in the valley to close out the day some odd jobs helped me get going this morning including cracking open my first golden coconut thanks to Clint whacking it with a hammer and finally filling up my sick and with the last remaining kigs it needed my afternoon was then taken up with a trip to the island to trade some coconuts with the island Trader for a couple more golden coconuts these I took back to Clint with fingers crossed and thank goodness I got the fossilized skull I made a decision afterwards yes I gave up the mushroom logs I gave them up faster than I gave up going to the gym as my new year resolution I did tap the Mystic trees however I’ll need the Mystic syrup later on but I just couldn’t get behind the mushroom log hype maybe you can let me know in the comments what I was doing wrong and I’ll try again next time all I can say that happened on day 167 was I built a jade shed I smelted quartz I handed over the fossilized skull to Professor snail and I ran through the volcano dungeon for resources day 168 on the other hand marks the end of another season and to see the summer season I used the island warp totem I got ages ago so I could trade some dragon teeth with the island Trader for a banana tree sapling I planted that bad boy right next to the mango tree afterwards I moped around the farm working on some pathing between the fish ponds in the crop field Illuminating the place up a bit with some torches and adding some cool pathing around the fish ponds of course it wouldn’t be the end of summer without the famous Moonlight jellies so all I ask is that you please sit back and with Haley and I as we spoil our ears with musical Transcendence [Music] what better way to start the full season then with a star drop that’s right we are back in my favorite season probably to no one’s surprise that today was very similar to the start of the previous Seasons the summer crops were a success and I’m sure the full crops will follow suit full crops when the only thing being planted today another round of star fruit was ready for Harvest on the island farm this time I popped down a mix of speed grow into the soil so now instead of 13 days the star fruit would grow in nine this was of course immediately followed by kiing it all back at home I kicked off the next day checking in with our raccoon friend he wanted me to fetch him broccoli juice and pickled bok choy M yummy so I bought some extra broccoli seeds from his wife just in case I then found Penny hanging out in the museum so I handed her a birthday gift before Jazz and Vincent got there for their tutoring just to the north of town where the Lake meets the river I managed to fish up the fourth legendary fish the angler you may have noticed that yesterday I got another Mastery level while harvesting my star fruit so I had a decision to make between mining Mastery and combat Mastery and I ended up picking combat Mastery which gives me two new crafting recipes for an anvil and a mini Forge and the ability to equip trinkets you’ll see what they look like very soon and to wrap up the day I fished up a midnight carp under the stars all to add to my fish collection I was back to the skull Kevin today grinding for some of those juicy materials I managed to get my first trinket today it’s called a fairy box and I get a little fairy that follows me around healing me I mean hey how cool is that I managed to take off another monster Slayer goal and I made it back to my bed that night just in the neck of time I found a meteor on my farm this morning luckily no animals were caught underneath it the rush of skull Kevin diving was gone today it was instead replaced with things like donating artifacts and making my slime Hutch area look nice you may notice the Slime Hutch is a lot smaller after the update and that’s simply because it is look at the cute itty bitty little slime hch I took out the rest of the day doing it up but I now had a good place for my lightning rods and a cool space for my Anvil and mini Forge these things were not cheap to craft but now I have my own atome Forge the Anvil I’ll figure that out later the morning of day 173 was spent giving my slime Jackson bug meat gifting aliot a duck feather for his birthday and collecting Mystic syrup from my Mystic trees wait wait wait wait wait hold up they’re worth 1,000 gold each does anyone smell that does that smell like profit maybe it does maybe it doesn’t but for now I’ll just hold on to them except one that I used for making a treasure totem I used this on Ginger Island I totally blew it I didn’t realize I picked a horrible spot to use it on but I got the fossilized ribs nonetheless and that’s all that matters which meant I was able to finally finish off the professor’s fossil exhibition for my efforts I got the crafting recipe for an ostrich incubator and some golden walnuts I decided that since I was around on the island I might as well do a run through the volcano dungeon one thing to note is I got another trinket the parrot egg which summons a parrot who grants a low chance of finding gold when I slay enemies not a lot was happening the following day I did touch up a bit more of the farm with with my signature decorated touch and I added a little beehive area that night just below the greenhouse I thought it was a nice way to fill in some empty land after filling in more grass and planting some broccoli seeds down on the farm I decided to take my business to the island of Ginger that’s right it’s another episode of panning with hoio despite my best effs today for the first time in this video I was unsuccessful in my panning endeavors I know I know even though it was a good luck day the Penning spots just weren’t popping up for me today although I believe I have neglected to tell you something about panning in the 1.6 update the more you upgrade your Pan the higher the chance you have of chaining panning spots together it’s very satisfying to get like four in a row it’s always a great start to the day when I get to gather up around of starfruit wine and imagine Lewis trying to carry 276 bottles of wine in the middle of the night cookie and I pay to visit to Robin to get an upgrade on my jade stone shed I call it that because I’m going to eventually fill it with crystarium that produce Jade stone and with an upgrade on the way I concluded it needed to look the part so I put my decorator hat back on and to work I went it didn’t need much attention but a little goes a long way I made a few solar panels for it too since crystarium need batteries to craft a few chores needed attending to this morning sometimes it’s the little things in staru Valley that make it such a great game the star fruit wine profits had recently put my bank account into a very good place so I wasn’t too worried about erecting two brand new obelisks for the farm the first was the earth Obelisk closely followed by the water Obelisk between them I spent a cool 1 million gold but I did need them and let’s be honest that is nothing compared to what the golden clock costs over in town I picked up the special Quest a curious substance since I hadn’t picked one up from the board in a while but that would have to wait for now because it was all about the star fruit this morning after getting more seeds from Sandy harvesting it all replanting the seeds and dumping it all safely into my kigs I felt content spending even more of my wine money on a third Farmhouse upgrade it wasn’t until the next day that I plundered the mines in search of ectoplasm for magnus’s special Quest I should note I did give jod a present for her birthday but with the fragrance of monster musk number five wafting through the mines today it was only a matter of time before I got a ghost to drop what I needed it took most of the day but I got what I was looking for late into the evening and Magnus was very pleased to receive the ectoplasm that night I’m starting to form quite a nice morning routine now I think I’ve set everything up quite nicely that I can just jump on cookie and do the rounds of the farm with the morning rounds out of the way I popped by the prize machine and got some mystery boxes before getting cozy at the pier with my four fish smokers behind me you could say I was in doubt and what does one do when one is in one’s doubt that’s right fish it out I walked right past Pierre this morning because his daughter was celebrating a birthday I gave Abigail a puffer fish and a spear star drop tea I had back on the farm I replaced a few harvested crops with more fall seeds and I use some fairy dust I had acquired recently to make pickled the bok choy and broccoli juice disgusting I know however not for our raccoon family I ticked off another Quest and got some FY dust back but it’s hard to keep me away from that sweet smell of the ocean for the second day in a row I wrapped up the day smoking that good I mean fish as I caught them obviously when I got home that night I dumped them all into the shipping bin and hey 32 Grand ain’t too shabby after a morning spent doing the rounds again on the farm taking care of my mini bits and Bobs I got a sick and barn commissioned for the farm you may be wondering why that is well I’ll tell you starf fruit wine is great but I wanted a couple of extra sort of passive income schemes one of them being goat cheese if I fill a barn full of goats and feed them animal crackers I can turn their large milk into goat cheese the gold chees I’ll age in cks down in my basement and that’s at least an extra 100 Grand a week I hear what you’re saying though I could just overhaul the star fruit or go the truffle oil route but that’s no fun I’ve been there I’ve done that plus I want to make good use of the new animal crackers anyway I’ve been sprucing up the animal area while I’ve been ranting and someone please send help I think I broke my goat I caught myself busing into the desert the next day it was s’s birthday and I wanted to give her a birthday gift it also seems my junimos have been hard at work picking crops for me don’t worry they get paid in exposure most of the day we spent in my slime Hutch setting up the perfect breeding ground for my slimes if you’ve seen my other star ju series it’s pretty much the same setup why try to fix it if it ain’t broke you know what I mean so the 16th of fall is Valley Fair Day and After experiencing the Heartbreak that was squandering my reigning egg hunt champion title to the likes of Abigail the valley feir quite frankly is all I have left so I went hard this year on The Grange display showing off the very best from the Meadowlands Farm it paid off because I kept that title and I was very relieved I then thought it would be funny to go and gamble all of the Star tokens I had until I lost it all and For the Love of All that is good in this world I did not lose a single time on my life this is dead true in fact I won so many times on green that I actually maxed out my star tokens at 99,999 I thought I better leave just in case that wealth got to my head speaking of wealth I was ecstatic to see another round of starfruit wine ready to be collected that will make a nice little addition to my wallet overnight cookie and I then made our way over to Clint with a bunch of gold mystery boxes I had my fingers crossed that just one of them would give me an auto pit for the soon to be goat barn but it seems I had used up all of my luck at the faar yesterday so no Auto P this time I can’t say much else happened for the rest of the day so we might as well carry on to day 186 after popping by manies to hand her a rabbit’s foot for her birthday I commissioned a big farm upgrade from Robin and spent the day figuring out the best Cask set up in the basement all up I managed to squeeze about 100 17 cks in which I know isn’t quite the maximum but my brain was hurting and it wasn’t my main money Source anyway so I was happy with whatever I could get I ran into man on my doorstep this morning she had braved the rain to ask me for a cave carrot I won’t lie you could have just mailed that to me but hey I’ll add it to the backlog of fit quests I haven’t even started most of today was spent with another Harvest of star fruit is that another Mastery level you see before your very eyes I think it is so after dumping all the starf fruit back into my kigs I raced off to the Mastery cave it was a pretty easy choice to make mining was the final skill to claim master in torches lit up across all five of the plaques and I could feel Grandpa petting my shoulder you know I didn’t think it was a bit chilly in here mining Mastery gives me two more crafting recipes the statue of the dwarf King which gives me the choice between two mining related Powers each day the heavy furnace recipe and the ability for Gem bearing rocks to Grant twice the gems when mined also I clicked on the junimo in the menu and something happened so that’s fun put simply crafting the statue of the dwarf King was costly taking 20 aridium bars but I did have some to spear and it looked good next to my statue of blessings the powers you can get are pretty good too today consisted of getting the final Barn upgrade commissioned from our good friend Robin incubating a few slime eggs in the Slime Hutch and watching the sunset while I made goat cheese I’m serious I didn’t have anything better to do I had a panic because I thought I actually wouldn’t be able to give it to Robin today considering I had her slogging away on the farm on her birthday but I was very glad to see that I could I decided a good use of my time could be spent diving through the skull Kevin for materials so that’s what I did between you and me my Kevin setup was pretty gnarly I had the fairy box trinket for healing my dwarf King statue gave me immunity to bombs for the day and the blessing statue gave me an increased crit chance boost I had some good oldfashioned fun today as I awoke the next morning I activated the statue of blessings as I usually do and I got a new blessing I hadn’t seen before called blessing of the butterfly and after quickly seeing to my tasks around the farm cookie and I sit out into the valley to find this Prismatic butterfly quick side note I lost one of my fish smokers to the ocean it was very sad but anyway we eventually found the butterfly chilling in the cindersap forest and for finding this beautiful fly I got just over 25,000 gold and a prismatic Shard that was well worth the pursuit I’d say on the other hand I got absolutely scammed after this remember in the last video how I was like I found this passageway in the Quarry mine I’d never seen before but I did notice a blocked off path to the side that I’ve never seen before well I went to check it out and there’s nothing here what was the point heading into the Slime Hutch this morning I saw that I had my first slimes I thought thought I’d use up the rest of my slime eggs and give them some friends the next raccoon Quest was pretty simple actually all they wanted were five Frozen geod and 20 bug meat as a reward I got a jungle tank I’m very curious to see what I can do with this thing thanks to the animal catalog I was able to purchase animals without money being there someone tell Clint he should do the same damn thing and she’ll be glad I did because I purchased 12 goats promptly named Barry Carry Perry ner Gary Harry Jerry warry Mary Terry Zer and Quarry afterwards I paid a visit to the quar because I wanted to throw down some Mega bombs to see what would happen turns out it was very satisfying and around the day off I added some more crystarium to the Jade stone shed now that I had my barn full of goats I handed out all nine animal crackers I had collected thus far I’ll need three more but that’ll do for now today marked George’s birthday so I gave him one of his favorites a leak afterwards I popped by Robin’s place where she taught me how to make flute and drum blocks however a certain lack of fiber made it hard to craft some so I spent the rest of the day farming level 80 in the mines for fiber look the statue of blessings really did a number on my fiber I need more okay not to worry though because on the next day I had everything to craft five of them which helped me charm a mermaid into handing over some golden walnuts [Music] it was a good luck day and being on Ginger Island made it pretty impossible to look past the dig site so the dig site is where I stayed for another episode of panning with pox we had to make up for last episode how dare I not get any rings so armed with a lucky lunch I got to work not only did I pan up Lucky ring number five but I doubled it just for good fun and got number six one while I was at it I’m going to say the fury gave me a little extra luck today day 194 is probably one of the most ridiculous days I’ve ever experienced and to be frank it was my own fault believe me when I say I was meant to go and put a shirt I panned up yesterday into my drawers but I just walked into my house and went straight to sleep huh I have it on record that in this moment I said what the am I doing oh my God I just went to bed by accident what’s even funnier is overnight we got our baby boy I called him titty the shirt was put away just a day later most of today was spent with odd jobs collecting and shipping away another round of star fruit wine decorating the pit area with a dog house and a cat tree repopulating the animal area with more grass and attending the spirits Eve Festival this year the maze had changed but it was quite fun to figure out a new maze the reward for making it to the end this year was a prize ticket and with that here we are on the final day of fall if I’m being honest star fruit harvesting and dumping it all into kigs took up majority of the day not to mention I got to expand the ancient fra wee bit too slow and steady wins the race it seems there’s only a few more days left in this video so I think we should just leave it here I don’t want the valley to be all cold and wintry anyway so let’s just leave it oh wow he didn’t cut it you know what I actually really hate it when editing pox SE cut the winter seeds and powder melon seeds left over from the last winter were once again the only things I could grow in the frosty season at least at something though it didn’t take me long to get them planted down so I made it my mission today to finish the fishing collection there were three fish I had left to catch the first was a perch that I caught up at the mountain lake the second was a ling cod I caught this feisty lad down in the river and last but not least was the Beast we like to call the glacier fish the fifth and Final legendary fish this sucker put up quite the fight honestly I had an easier time catching the legend way back in Spring but eventually I Reed it in and that was the first of many tasks to take off for Perfection day 198 began with another star drop my reward for collecting every fish I then tried completing a help wanted quest for Willie which was to catch four perch because I was told it would give me a prize ticket only it didn’t so whoever told me that is a big old day 199 was Linus’s birthday so I paid him a visit to his tent to hand over a coconut and a spare star drop tea I had for those juicy friendship points and I actually cannot believe it but here we are on day 200 as is tradition in all of my 100 Days videos I take the final day off to spend relaxing and recuperating in the spa the last 100 days were nothing short of crazy but let’s be real I wouldn’t expect anything less we managed to become a master of all five skills we got married to our sweetheart Haley we got to explore a brand new festival and don’t even get me started on panting with poxel I have to say we are running full steam ahead towards Perfection but unfortunately for that my friends you’re just going to have to wait for what I hope will be the thrilling conclusion to our 1.6 adventure for now I think I’m just going to stay here a while and maybe sip away on a stardrop tea just to see what all the fuss is [Music] [Music] about the snow covered Valley is where we ended last time so it’s only fitting that it’s exactly where we kick off the beginning of the end there’s no time to be said though we’ve got a lot to accomplish in the next 100 days and that starts with greeting my wife wonderful pits midnight my cat Lola my dog and new addition cookie my trusty Noble Steed as I did my daily rounds of the farm reconnecting with the layout and all the bets and Bobs I’d set up I thought of all the tasks I’d have to take off for Perfection there was a lot to do but I knew I’d just have to take it all one step at a time so you’d think that my first day back would be spent doing something productive right wrong it’s me so of course I didn’t I took cookie on a wild Chase around the valley to find another pretty Prismatic butterfly although I did see Haley overhearing a conversation with Penny and the kids they were sad they couldn’t afford new school books well most of them were never to mind I’m already moving on so I can’t dwell on it I said my good mornings to Larry Harry ner Zary actually I’m just going to say the goats I don’t want to have to list them all every time I pit them because I do that every day to make up for the lack of productivity yesterday I rolled up my sleeves and worked down the shipping collection the hoarder Within Me finally paid its dues today I went around the farm rans sacking every chest for one of each material resource product crop and any miscellaneous items the shipping collection needed some spear fairy dust helped me to collect missing jellies and mayos I needed too I have to say I made quite the dent yesterday but I still had a few things to ship off as we go along in my daily rounds I collected Mystic syrup picked up up some raisins and dried purple mushrooms and I got together a round of starfruit wine leftover from last time yes I will be continuing to utilize my star fruit crop as well as starting that goat cheese side hustle I mentioned in the last video I’ve still got two obelisks and a golden clock to save up for Caroline was celebrating a birthday today so I gave her a summer spangle and a spare stardrop tea to boost up those friendship points afterwards I popped by the raccoons to finish another fetch Quest I got a green bean which I later found out that the fit quests can give items that you haven’t tied off from the shipping collection yes I forgot to grow a green bean I don’t want to talk about it the wife shop expanded too allowing me to trade in regular mystery boxes for Golden ones and to trade golden mystery boxes for magic rock candies back on the farm along with the raisins I shipped off a few things that I had missed yesterday actually I shipped off a few lures along with them too to round the day off I got a hi start in the Mysterious Mr key quest which had me take a battery to the Box inside the road tunnel a Rainbow Shell to the Box up by the railroad and beats into ls’s fridge but for some reason it wasn’t letting me I thought because Lewis was there it wouldn’t let me so I just gave up and I called it a night you may be shocked to know that this single giant powder melon is the first giant crop that I’ve ever had wow even 1,000 hours in and I’m still encountering things for the the first time it should be to no surprise that I had some winter crops to take care of I quickly realized that Louis’s was locked up today since the Ice Festival was taking place beside Marty’s Ranch strange because I walk into people’s unoccupied houses every other day actually maybe don’t tell them that with nothing much else on my plate I thought I might as well go and check it out safe to say I absolutely smoked the competition and even my wife Haley got some stunning shots of her husband’s Triumph [Music] I gave my sailor’s hat over to cookie the next morning and now all of my animals have hats that is just freaking adorable it had been a hot minute since I had last done a star fruit Harvest so instead of seeing Sandy for the seeds first I went straight to Ginger Island first then I had to backtrack to the desert for seeds after harvesting the fruit then go all the way back to plant them down but hey we got them planted and that’s what matters I got to seed up another ancient fruit I had to clear up some of the weeds and fix up the path too and I planted some pineapple just to grow for the shipping collection on the way home I once again tried to do the same thing with the Beats hoping for a different outcome we all know how that ended so fed up I headed home for the night luckily I didn’t forget to keg the star fruit but I almost did and around off the day I added a bunch of cheese makers to the goat’s Barn unfortunately you can’t just age goat milk and CK you kind of have to turn it into cheese first I won’t lie this beat Quest was starting to get up my goat as it were for those unfamiliar with that phrase I’ll put it simply it was peeving me off to cool off I took a ride through the wintry air up to Robins where I purchased a workbench and a couple of mini fridges prepping my fridges full of crops and products was the perfect distraction the cooking collection was looking a bit dismal at the moment but filling these fridges would make ticking off recipes of Breeze in the future in the middle of all of this Haley made a request to me to bring a chocolate cake to the town square we weather dependent so of course I said yes not to mention today was also Sebastian’s birthday so it was back to Robins to hand him a void egg circling down to Pi I popped in to purchase a few cooking things that I could take back to the farm and later that night I made a realization that would make Mr Bean look like the next Albert Einstein I was trying to put rubab in Louis’s fridge not beats well uh that’s a that’s a real low point for me anyway to take my mind off the pure disappointment csing through my body I used today to make a start on another collection this time it was the crafting collection Perfection makes you craft at least one of everything and I’ve learned in the past that not using a workbench sucks so with one of them between a few of my main chests I was able to craft with efficiency unseen by the likes of well me I guess most of the things I trashed because I didn’t need it but a few I kept like these signs you can ride on I managed to craft quite a lot however the lack of hardwood made it a bit tricky towards the end of the day it caught me a little off guard this morning when I saw the squid fist was on today so I quickly changed my plans for the day I grabbed my bait maker and headed down to the beach one of my side goals was to find all of the Power books added in the update and Squid fist hands out one of them as a prize in order to get it I need to fish up eight squid but armed with the bait maker I don’t think I was going to have many problems I wasn’t wrong because just as the afternoon rolled around I caught the last squid I needed I passed by the ttin to collect up my prizes and I added another book to the collection this one giving me a 25% chance for crab pots to yield a double catch afterwards I popped into Louis’s house this time with Beats and not rhubarb and wow look at that it worked who would have gu the final task was to feed the bones of a dragon a solar Essence out in the desert which led me all the way back home and I picked up the club card from my very own wood pile I’ll be making use of this a little later on for now I made more cheese in Goat Heaven yes that’s what I called it why I have no idea to be honest I know one thing for sure it beat saying Larry hairy ner Zary wary I was riding cookie into town on day 209 when I stumbled into Haley’s cake roulette happening in the Town Square some people got cakes that sounded very interesting some got cakes that sounded like a fun time and Pam got my chocolate cake the money Haley raised was going towards new school books for Penny and the kids and I just think that is the sweetest thing ever I was on my way to Clint because he’d have the honor of opening a stack of 200 plus Omni geod for me I was paying him to do it so I can’t say it’s Revenge by any means maybe I should pop a rain totem every Thursday so he never has a day off revenge plans aside I spent a while getting the geod cracked open donating any new materials and artifacts to the museum then dumping the remaining stones into my shipping bin back on the farm I did this four times total and Gunther was probably having a field day with all the donations coming in when the geodes were all gone I only had three minerals left to find then back on the farm that evening I planted and fertilized a few mahogany tree seeds you know for the lack of hardwood goat hien had produced enough cheese for me to CK my first lot down in the basement of The Farmhouse don’t worry they aren’t gold quality just yet because my goats aren’t producing large milk they just need a little extra love and care first today was also Harvey’s birthday so I paid him a visit in the clinic to hand over a rabbit’s foot close by I found Caroline amongst her Greenhouse out the back of her home and yes I got to see the cutscene you know the one I’m talking about Hi how are you and afterwards I took a bus right out to the desert the club car they had found the other the day got me past the bouncer in the Oasis shop out the back is a little Casino ran by the man himself Mr key I was here to gamble so I inhaled a lucky lunch I bought myself some key coins and I hit the slot machines success came in the form of a rainbow trout jackpot which allowed me to get the last RAR Crow I needed and I put it back down on the farm with time still left in the day I got a start on the cooking collection I did still have to go out and grab random stuff for some recipes but those fr I bought were making it so much easier not a lot was going on the next morning just a bunch of winter seed planting and yeah I’m keeping the giant powder melon because I think it looks cool I won’t lie I wanted to craft a deluxe scarecrow I got the recipe in the mail this morning for finding all the rare crows but I had zero fiber so I did have to stop off in the mines for a bit to get some but eventually I got to make it later on the night market was back that night along with a big portrait of my wife that I bought watched the mermaid show then I used a secret note to get a pearl it’s no longer only the fish that’ll always be watching me it’s always a great start to the day when I get together another round of ancient fruit wine it’s star fruit wine I might not be a millionaire in real life but in the valley I am a tycoon faced with a very good luck day I thought I should spend my time down in the skull Kevin I was down here for materials for the most part however I had monster Slayer goals looming over my head for Perfection anyway so I wasn’t going to pass up on an opportunity to whittle them down a little bit to say it was unsuccessful would be an outrage just look at all that good loot the 17th of winter is magnus’s birthday so I rode cookie down to his Tower so I could drop off a purple mushroom I then got a couple of items together to hand over to the raccoons again I noticed that they gain a raccoon baby every time I completed a quest so I guess I’ll just keep going until they run out of room additionally I got some unmilled rice another crop I can take off for the shipping kill ction that afternoon I sailed across the gym sea to the island so that I could trade a gorilla one banana for a few golden walnuts and I was going to search the volcano dungeon for walnuts but I quickly realized that I forgot my watering can so it was back to the valley for now and off to bed shortly after I had things the right way around this time I purchased the seeds before heading over to Ginger Island and we can all give poxel a round of applause for being competent yay y he’s competent woo star fruit harvesting and Seed planting is what followed finished off with star fruit kiing and I had another successful star fruit day under my belt that night I was mooching around the farm knocking off a few things towards the different collections I used some FY dust purchased from the raccoons for Mystic syrup to make mayo that was a big help for making more cooking recipes one other aspect of perfection I was close to finishing were the golden walnuts believe it or not I only had had two left to find one according to Leo’s bird was in the volcano dungeon treasure chests the other would be revealed in a secret note so I reserved today for the volcano dungeon the good news I managed to get the treasure Walnut no worries the bad news the secret page was nowhere to be found now don’t get too excited but I did clear out the dig site you’ll get your Penning fixed soon enough don’t you worry but the note still wasn’t showing up so the next day after chopping down some G mahogany trees and using some of the hardwood to make treasure totems and then giving elyn a birthday gift I didn’t forget this time I used the treasure totems and hopes of finding the note well that sucks no matter what I did or how hard I tried it just wasn’t meant to be so I just bought it that’s right I can pay off the birds to find it for me I still have to find the note at some point but I’ll leave that problem for future pxil for now I guess finding a prismatic butterfly on the way home was some type of compensation and overnight I got to see Morris sitting on a pile of gold while the birds flow around finding the walnuts when in reality I only paid him 10,000 to find one single Walnut so who’s really laughing now Morris which means that technically I can cross off golden walnuts from my list one down many many more to go to begin my day I added a few more crystarium to the Jade stone shed which will double the Jade production I then made use of my mini Forge something I crafted at the end of the last video how convenient is it that I can enchant all of my tools from the comfort of my own home the enchants included Crusader for my sword which does 50% more damage to mummies ghosts skeletons and void Spirits Swift for my pickaxe tool use is 33% faster Swift also for my axe reaching on my hoe increasing charge up capacity for greater area of effect efficient on my watering can no energy drain when using it and the same for my fishing rod with the backpack full of Enchanted tools I headed up to the adventurer’s guild to have a quick Gander at the monster Slayer goals I noticed void Spirits needed some work so I popped a monster musk and spent the rest of the day down in the mines slaying the slaying continued onto day 218 the more perceptive of you might have seen I have a magical quiver aiding my crusade that’s because I have a new trinket promptly called the magic quiver this trinket was a great help in completing another monster Slayer goal I didn’t quite get around to it yesterday so this morning was spent sorting another round of winter seeds and finding Leah tucked away in her Cozy home to give her a truffle for her birthday she somehow bit me back home and gave me the sculpture that she was just working on seriously Leah how did you do that I popped her down for some decoration on the farm to fill in the afternoon I traded some Omni geodes at the desert Trader I then got Clint to do a big artifact Trove / geode unboxing for me I got a few more donations for the museum which I’m sure Gunther will be pleased with plus I got a new power I read the treasure appraisal guide which will fetch me a better price for selling artifacts but those last three minerals were starting to become quite the Rarity funnily enough I found a stack of more troves back on the farm it was too late to go back though instead I spent the night time adding part under my sprinklers and coming up with a game plan for the remaining artifacts I’m excited to say my goats and goat Heaven are feeling loved enough to produce large milk now this is going to make aging cheese so much quicker as for that artifact plan a couple I got from secret spots around the valley and then it was back to Clint to open the remaining artifact troves a couple more donations followed which you know I can’t complain about the Quest for artifacts took me back out to the desert two treasure totems helped me dig up two more undiscovered relics of the valley one final effort with treasure totems right outside Robin’s Place had me dig up an ancient doll with only two artifacts left to find and three minerals I was honing in on that final star drop pretty quickly but before I can get ahead of myself it’s Santa look it’s Santa you know what that means it means I accused my mother of adultery for kissing Santa underneath the missil toe last night hold on wait a minute no that’s not it no actually it’s the Feast of the winter star my bad and what a treat it was to wake up to starf fruit wine under the Christmas tree this year or maybe under the roof of a k shed but you know same thing I hate to say it but Clint was my secret person this year we’ve had our ups and downs so to reconcile our friendship I gave him a ruby Demetrius on the other hand gave me a blueberry cobbler yeah I’ve received worth I’m looking at you P it was nice to see titty out and about this morning some of you Prim due to the auto captions on the last video thought I named him titty I did not it’s titd like a teddy bear it’s my kiwi acent okay anyway it’s funny that today is Clint’s birthday so I’m sure he’s feeling all the love right about now I was on my way to the museum to drop off that strange doll I duck up the other night and afterwards I returned home to gather A random assortment of items Not So Random when I tell you they were for the Fitch quests I hadn’t looked at in almost 3 years the rest of the day we spent handing out these long overdue items to The Villages of pelicant town I should note that I saw that rat thing again which you have all told me is a possum I broke my goat in the last video and I think I’ve now somehow broken titty That’s my boy father help it seems my little gifting tiate yesterday has made me quite a popular guy just look at all of these cooking recipes the last couple of days I’ve been sneaking into Caroline’s Greenhouse to yoink Tea Leaves which I’ll use for the shipping collection just don’t tell her today was another day spent harvesting and kegging a crop of star fruit and I could also take pineapple off from the shipping collection day 224 marks the end of another winter season but also the end of my second year in the valley to Mark the occasion I was treated to a basement full of aridium quality goat’s cheese the goat cheese side hustle I’m pleased to say was now in full swing I then popped out to the desert to trade a stack of Jade stone for staircases I’ll be diving into some of key Quest soon and I want to be prepared that afternoon I popped back out to the desert Trader to trade some Meridian bars for the desert totem crafting recipe and back on the farm I hooked into the workbench and crafted some more items now that I had the hardwood to do so I sat a top cookie that evening watching the last glimmers of winter across the farm yet overnight I was visited by the ghost of my grandpa exclaiming how proud he was of me which was certainly a nice way to finish out another year in the valley [Music] thus begins year number three I got to see the candles around Grandpa’s Shrine all lighted up and upon investigation I got the statue of perfection I did say that I’d be starting to undertake key challenges this year so the very first one I picked up was Keys hungry challenge which tasked me to get level 100 in the skull Kevin without eating also because I grew each and every crop last year you may be wondering what I’ll be doing with the crop fields on my farm this time around uh giant crops is my answer the powder melon inspired me to get all of the giant crops to round out the first day of spring I fished out on the pier I wasn’t in doubt don’t get me wrong we all know what to do when you’re in doubt but I needed to finish demetrius’s biome balance special quest which I did with the help of some spear challenge bait I had completing it gave me one of the few crafting recipes left to find the farm computer today’s mission was to head to the skull heavens and finished the key Quest getting through it in one day was made very easy with the stack of staircases I brought with me because of this luxury it meant I had time to stop off on mummy floors to slay mummies towards their monster Slayer goal and I mean hey who’s to say no to a bit of a rum am I right eventually I landed on level 100 and the first lot of key gems were all mine and to top it all off I got an auto P this will make a perfect addition to Goat hien oh God why did I choose that name there’s no turn back now I guess sorry Larry Harry ner Zary warry I paid a quick visit to Robin this morning so I could get some stone that stone I used to craft some more crystarium and I expanded my jade stone shed by a few more soon afterwards I shipped off tea leaves and green tea to take off the shipping collection and I finished yet another Fitch Quest For the raccoons their family was growing but I think they had more in them so I’ll be back soon Mr and Mrs raccoon over at Louis’s the prize machine gave me a star drop tea always good to have a spear one just in case as for the rest of the day I can’t say too much happened I was just browsing my collections tabs wishing they just magically finished themselves unfortunately a miracle like that is very unlikely sometimes you got to do the old fashion thing like going out there and doing it yourself so I took it upon myself to get things done and I headed to the volcano dungeon for the day the reasons for being here were plenty first of all I needed to rack up magma Sprite numbers towards their monster Slayer goal I needed to find that elusive secret note and some more Dragon Teeth would be nice that being said I’m pleased to say the magma Sprites were slayed the secret note was finally found and I traded a book from the dwarf on level five for 10 diamonds this book makes all stones that are mined by hand have a chance to drop a diamond and I did get one Dragon tooth along the way I have to say not too shabby not too shabby on the other hand day 229 was spent gift giving I was focusing more on the villagers who had next to no hearts or whose birthdays had been gone in the middle of all the gift giving I dug up that secret note spot for an ostrich egg and after the second half of gift giving was finished I put it into its own special incubator back on the farm with time still left in the day I spent at getting a rare seed from the traveling cart trading Omni geod for artifact troves at the desert Trader taking off a couple more cooking recipes in the kitchen and sitting very very still I always get a lot of comments about how funny it is when I say k so for all my American viewers out there I gathered another round of star fruit wine from my keg shed this morning in other news I’m back to hating plent again I gave him 11 chances to give me two artifacts I needed he gave me a solid zero in return Thanks For Nothing Clint so I went back to gift giving for the day not to mention I planted green beans restocked my fridge of cooking ingredients and caught fish around the valley so that I could whip up some greatness in the kitchen but before I knew it it was already the next day I was met with more odd jobs this morning like giving our very own May Lewis a birthday gift trading another stack of Jade stone with the desert Trader for even more staircases and aging another round of goat cheese down in the basement this time they were all gold quality so it only takes a week to age to aridium using my trademark poetri totem and hope I get the right artifact method is exactly how I found one of the final artifacts I needed if it ain’t broke am I right afterwards I popped down to the lower levels of the mines just so I could mine for magma geodes and I ended up stumbling upon a new trinket called the Golden Spur I did want to continue farming for magma geod however something much more important required my attention that was of course another star fruit Harvest before leaving the island I passed by Key’s Walnut Room where I picked up the extens family quest which basically gets you to catch all five legendary fish again however this was an opportunity for profits and I’ll tell you how when the quest is active you can catch multiple of each legendary fish so if I try to catch as many Legion two fish from the mountain lake then I could smoke them for massive profits up at the lake I caught my first one and turned it into bait using the bait maker just to see if it would help me to catch more but uh it didn’t really if every bit of bait got wasted so I rolled out that option pretty quickly I put my foot to the grindstone the next day and spent it all catching and smoking every fish I caught four of them were Legion twos and I was catching every fish with a cork bobber and a trap bobber so if I did hook a legion 2 then I’d have the most chance of catching it on the final day of the quest I went around the valley catching every other legendary fish I thought I might as well since I’ll need the key gems I should also note that I didn’t forget about our little lad Vincent’s birthday plus I smoked all of the other legendary fish for some more cash I kept fishing in hopes of catching a final few Legends but I think they disappear as soon as the quest is finished because I didn’t catch anymore never to mind the grand total for a couple of days of catching and smoking legendary fish was 183,000 gold I think if you managed to get this Quest and utilize all 3 days purely catching and smoking Legion toos you would easily make half a million gold in 3 days not a bad side hustle if you’re a keen Fisher like myself today it was back to normality I had a few chores around the farm to catch up on having been sucked up into the excitement of Extreme fishing over the last couple of days my ostrich had hatched too so that’s fun and a fun turn of events I was down in the mind’s grinding for more magma geod when all of a sudden a slain void Spirit dropped a RAR disc the final artifact I needed it’s like they heard my complaints about Clint all the way down here that was all the excitement I got though magma geod hunting took up the rest of the day our favorite big ballooned book selling vendor was back in town today I was hoping for a new book but he wasn’t selling any new ones today so from one useless vendor to the next I stopped by Clint with my mega magod and to my surprise I got not one but two of the final three minerals who would have thought so now I have one single mineral left to find and clearly I was super stalked about that since was on my mind back to the minds I went to gather regular geodes in hopes of one of them would crack open the missing mineral I got a giant cauliflower woohoo and a quick side note the parrot trinket sits on your head and it does a little boogie unfortunately I couldn’t do any more geod related tasks today because it’s egg Festival day showing up in town today I felt like a disgraced hero I’m sure we’re all well aware of what what happened last time however it was time to prove myself the eggs were back in their usual places and you bet your sweet tushies I reclaimed my egg hunt title following that redeeming victory was another round of aged goat cheese down in the basement and it seems a meteor has hit my farm once again luckily I wasn’t so close to the animals this time you should know I’m back to hating Clint again I gave him 13 chances to give me the last mineral and he disappointed me yet again I’m getting very close to writing that passive aggressive yel review Clint there’s not much else I can do I guess except fill the now empty cropfields with strawberries I had bought yesterday gather the cauliflower by Judo had picked for me and whip up some jelly and dried coconuts to finish off another raccoon fch Quest I got a star drop tea in return which is always a welcome reward I’m sad to say that the parrot doesn’t perch when you’re on a horse we could have been like a cute totem pole or something I love starting a day with star fruit wine and day 20 39 was no exception after shipping it off I took a quick trip over to Ginger Island being a new week meant new key quests and I accepted the skull Kevin Invasion Quest the 15th of spring marked the return of the desert Festival last year I got acquainted with it and this year I was going to smash it I got my skull Kevin Challenge from Maron and hid it inside bringing staircases with me was a brilliant idea and as I dive down the Kevin I was not only collecting Calico eggs but I was also slaying monsters for Monster Slayer goals I’m pleased to say that I did take off the mummy monster Slayer goal all the while trying to get to level 100 for the key Quest I won’t lie to you though I was thriving I passed level 100 in no time at all heading on to my pile of key gems and Calico eggs were being gathered by the dozens I appeared topside again later that night and Gil was so impressed with my work that he gave me 250 Calico eggs on top of the eggs I gathered in the Cavin and answering all the questions to this Scholar’s quiz it brought my total to 500 eggs for the day the trouble is I had to spin them all now I waited until the afternoon for the two random villager vendors to show up and today we have George and Alex Alex sold me something called magic hair gel it’s a trinket and it makes my hair Prismatic how cool is that the rest of the eggs went towards mystery boxes bows and a few random things from George way later in the day cookie and I took a ride through the downpour to finish the final bundle in the broken down jojamart the missing bundle in a flash of stars and sparkles the final junimo was sent home to the others and a new building would be replacing this one very soon the bows I bought yesterday from the desert Festival went straight to my pets this morning now they all kind of match today was meant to be another star fruit Harvest hence the random star fruit in my toolbar but the excitement of the desert Festival still going on meant that Sandy wasn’t working in the Oasis shop today I did get a free Cactus so it felt like I left with at least something I’m back to not hating Clint by the way I gave him so many chances to give me the last mineral and he managed to crack open a single piece of Celestine I ran it back to the museum and filled in the final spot for completing the museum I got the final star drop so I can take that off the Perfection to-do list and just get a load of that museum layout God doesn’t that just make your eyes Happy on the way home afterwards I noticed the new building left in place of the old jojamart was a movie theater the following day after handing pamama pnip for her birthday I had to make up for that M star fruit day yesterday which took up most of the day as it usually does I did notice that I only had two books left to find one I would find hidden outside the fences to the right of Clint and the other I’d find in Marlon and Gil’s bedroom of all places the alleyway Buffet gives me a greater chance to find items in the trash and the maping cave systems book gives me a 50% discount to Marlon’s retrieval service having read both books I got a new achievement called well read for reading every book my ostrich had laid her first egg this morning I put it into the shipping bin because I hadn’t shipped one yet and the one and only time I’ll be making use of the movie theater is today I took Jazz to see The Brave Little sapling I needed a few extra hearts with jazz and I heard this was her favorite movie plus I got another new achievement two thumbs up for seeing a movie not too sure what to do with the remaining Remer of the day I retired to the volcano dungeon where I collected dragon teeth and gave some magma Sprites a taste of the end of my sword before heading back again I had a couple of things to do which included gifting Shane a hot pepper for his birthday and dumping goat cheese into my basement full of cks on the way past the island Trader I traded some Cinder shards for a crafting recipe then it was back to magma Sprite slaying it took most of the day but I did slay enough magma Sprites to finish off the monster Slayer goal the two remain monster Slayer gos were lying down in the skull Kevin’s with the help of some handy dandy staircases I found a Piper’s infested LEL which was all I needed to take one of them off then about 20 seconds after that I slayed the final Serpent and got the final monster Slayer goal which takes off another task from my perfection agenda I caught lonus on the way home and he taught me how to make wild bait weird interactions aside it was Monday so I found myself Hing to Key’s Walnut Room the chall I picked up this week was the danger in the Deep quest which resets the elevator and the mines and makes you dive through a more dangerous version of the mines staircases however turn this challenge into an absolute Cakewalk I did make sure to grab some radioactive or on the way down I’ll need it for some crafting recipes and the shipping collection soon enough I had made it all the way down to level 120 where I received my 50 key gims and another achievement promptly called danger in the Deep very on brand I had one one more achievement to get that night when I went to Chicken on the raccoons I got the good neighbors achievement it seems my raccoon friends had every part of their family and it’s nice to have some friendly neighbors it’s safe to say I did a whole lot of nothing on day 247 and there’s not a word of a lie I did a lot of indis garding for things I might have missed but that’s about it I’d make up for that twofold today hold on to your hats folks because we are back at the dig site on Ginger Island for your favorite segment of all time that’s right everybody it’s time for and say it with me now Penning with poxo I must say I am very happy with how season 4 of Penning with poil is going I was hoping that I could continue that Trend as the day pushed on I was getting quite unlucky which is ironic because it was a really good luck day and I had inhaled a lucky lunch and a ginger ale for a luck buff but long after the sun had set when I thought it was all over the last painting spot of the day produced lucky ring number seven and I breathed in a very heavy sigh of relief I kept the good times rolling with a couple of sheds full of star fruit wine this morning over the gyc I popped into Key’s Walnut Room to have a peek at the rewards machine I had crafting recipes to purchase but I needed 180 key gems for all of them just got to keep grinding those challenges for a little while longer later on I wanted to make use of my Anvil you use a bars to roll trinkets in hopes that you can get it to the max level or the best stat roll I wanted to try for a Max Level Fury and this is about how well it [Music] went and yet still no level five Fury not even a level four I feel scammed day 250 marks the halfway point but if we’ve learned anything then you’ll know the only way to celebrate is through hard work that sweet gim Berry I bought ages ago had grown to the point of harvest so I dumped that into the shipping bin and believe it or not that was the final item I needed for the shipping collection so I guess I can take that off my list now I might not have managed to forge a Max Level Fury but one trinket I did have was a Max Level parrot and I had some plans with this bad boy I’d seen that a level four parrot in the Dangerous Minds can make you some serious profits diving through levels 40 to 50 with a monster musk and the parrot trinket could be a serious money maker so I tried it out for the day and I made just under 50,000 gold even for a late start I think the results speak for themselves heading down to the cindersap forest the next morning I got a cute little cut scene with all the raccoons uh but I don’t record with music so enjoy whatever I decide to put over top of this [Music] I was actually on my way to give Emily some wool for her birthday afterwards my time was once again taken up dealing with another star fruit Harvest it’s getting a little tedious but my wallet was looking very healthy and that’s all thanks to these little suckers right here so I can’t really complain today is day 252 the end of another wonderful spring season the goat cheese side down in the basement had produced another round of age cheese I made no hesitation to Chuck it into the shipping bin I thought a fun way to finish off this season would be to explore Louis’s basement and fighting off a pair of flying purple shorts yes you just heard me right Lewis has a basement maze dedicated to his purple shorts and yes a pair of purple shorts attack you on the way out God I love goofy things like that to round out the day I cooked a few more dishes so I at least did something productive and set in the rain with cookie waiting for [Music] summer two seasons worth of successful giant crops gave me the confidence to go for a third so my crop Fields were covered in a whole load of melons fingers crossed that I now get a giant crop I was right to Key’s Walnut Room afterwards new challenges mean new chances for key Jims I decided between the two to pick Key’s Prismatic Grange challenge which tasks me to find 100 items of each color and give them to Mr key and that’s what I tried to do I ran the joa soda machine dry buying 100 joa colas and back on the farm I tried to gather the rest of what I needed the next day started off with aging another lot of goat cheese in the basement and handing over the items for Key’s Quest only the maple syrup and Speedo didn’t count as items which is a shame because I had to waste time going back to the valley finding replacements for those items then going all the way back to finish it off but we got there eventually I say wasting time because for the next few days the parrot trinket came back out and levels 40 to 50 in the Dangerous Minds were the location of some serious money making on top of the gold I was making monsters had a chance to drop extra key gems and Galaxy Souls Galaxy Souls were seriously great to get because at means I didn’t have to buy them from key I’m loving these little side hustles I should also mention I gave Jazz a birthday present too over the course of those 3 days three G Souls dropped for me which was the perfect amount of souls needed to craft the Infinity Blade one of the most powerful weapons in the game in doing so actually got me the new infinite power achievement and of course I took it for a spin in the mines I couldn’t help myself by the end of this 4-day Crusade I had made just over 257,000 gold total which is double of what my goat cheese makes in a single week but I decided to put the parrot Away by day 20 58 I done my Dash in the mines for a while I also had another round of starfruit wine to collect up I had gold coming out of my ears by this point all of those extra key gems from my Dangerous Minds Expeditions meant I was able to afford all the crafting recipes from Key prize machine as soon as I made it back home I got right onto crafting them all the green rain phenomenon had returned to the valley the next day I made it my mission to gather as much fiber and Moss as I possibly could because I would need the materials for a future project it’s about all I did today but it’ll be worth it I promise as for the day after well after my usual morning rounds on the farm I tended to a star fruit Harvest on the island Farm I accepted another danger in the Deep Quest on behalf of Mr key I passed by the saloon to drop off a birthday gift to Gus utilized my uh how shall I say CAG shads for more starfruit wine and hung out with my cutie bti pets I started this morning down in the basement collecting up a batch of quality goat chees and after shipping it off I made a pretty big decision I was sick and taking local transport to the island in the desert why even support local when I can just teleport there myself so yes I got the last two obelisks from the Wizard’s book of summoning the island Obelisk and the desert Obelisk afterwards I popped off to the mines for a while to finish up Key’s Quest I picked up yesterday after hitting the bottom I teleported off to the island where I used the key gems to get P missing stock list which meant that the following day after handing Maru a birthday prison no less that I could hand it over to Pierre unlocking his inventory to be sold all year round I needed this in particular to purchase four specific flower seeds those flower seeds I took back home I used them to craft the tub of flowers and oh wait a minute I thought that was the last recipe I needed hold on a sec let me just go through all the craftables again no no no not that one come on where is it where is it where is it where ah there as I say I forgot to craft wild bait there we are people craft Master is mine and we get to take off another Perfection goal the rest of the day I spent preparing for a decorator’s greatest dream an empty blank canvas of a farmhouse and I purchased the Wizard’s catalog from kobus with everything now in place to decorate I think we better jump to a montage [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well what a ride that was and I must say I think this might be my best work yet Beyond content with how my farmhouse came out I spent today tending to the chores I had neglected over the last few days and I watched the top of my head change color for a while the starf fruit wine was was attended to this morning and so was the start of another goat cheese aging process he was offering danger in the Deep yet again this week and I took it because it’s easy and it gives the most gy gems so I’m sure you can guess what I did next the gems I used to purchase the key to the town and a few mushroom tree seeds the seeds I bought because I’m continuing to decorate the rest of the farm The Decorator bug has bitten and I just can’t stop I’ve had this idea for a while now since I saw the Juno catalog sell Juno Huns the Juno Village looks so cool I have my own mini junimo Village on my farm the next morning after handing Sam a cagus fruit for his birthday I placed the final toughs of grass around the village since I ran out last night and I am obsessed Unfortunately The Decorator train had to come to a halt after this prophets were a calling and those star fruit weren’t going to harvest themselves let’s hope for an automatic collector in a 1.7 update in the future shall we You Can’t Stop The Decorator train for long though let’s roll that mini [Music] Montage well now would you look at the that that’s one big juicy look melon R I got over here Demetrius was celebrating his birthday today so I dropped in to give him a strawberry circling down to Piers I bought some blueberry seeds and grass starter and back on the farm I used the grass starter to fill in the rest of the mushroom Forest the blueberries I planted to replace the melons I fixed the pathing between the K sheds and the mushroom Forest this morning it looked a little weird with just grass I kept The Decorator train rolling along today [Music] genuinely all I did today was fix up the blue grass and the normal grass mix for this part of the junimo village and I planted a mini Orchard in the corner of the farm I kind of had no idea what to do with it so a little Orchard it is and I moved all the obelisks over by one single tile because even though the golden clock was still on the wish list I wanted to finally do up the Obelisk area and I can’t forget that I gave the dwarf a birthday present but I will admit it does look a little odd to start with but once you put a few details in and you have a little faith in the process it can turn out even better than you imagined to really seal the deal I needed all the secret statues from around the valley so I got Louis’s gold statue from behind his house the stone Judo from behind the community center building the pinky lemon statue from the saloon the hmtgf statue from the hidden box above clints the fog man statue from Vincent’s toy box and I finished up an aridium kobus in front of the were great lining up all of these statues in front of the Obelisk really gave it that little extra bit of zest I strapped two quality Bobbers onto my rod the following day I used them to catch an aridium quality sturgeon what for well it’s Willie’s birthday and he deserves the best really I just needed an aridium quality gift to get him to Full Hearts back on the farm I collected another root and toot and round of starfruit wine to be shipped off and I finished up the day by adding some final details to the soon to be golden clock area the farm needed one final touch that touch was a lick of paint who wants to look at boring vanilla colors when I can make my buildings any color I want I was very happy with the colors I picked except the yellow E I changed that to Orange the next day so please don’t stress I then hit the kitchen and ticked off a few more cooking recipes before tending to one of my bleeding sign hustles get get it cuz cuz goats bleed and I’m I’m iming goat cheese down in the basement I’m sorry I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I completely missed Leo’s birthday last year so to make it up to him this year I got him a quality prison and a star drop te which I am happy to say absolutely skyrocketed his friendship points and while I was over here I thought I might as well deal with another starf Fruit Harvest I guess I have to keep making money if I want that golden clock also you can see the orange I picked on the animal buildings no more of that kind of yellow this is not going to be easy for me to say it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that today is the final episode of season 4 of your favorite segment of all time I know I know it’s hard for all of us to accept that this has to come to an end so for the final time this season this is and say it with me now Penning with poxo and seeing as this is the final episode I had to end it on a banger of an episode and a banger of an episode is what we got to boost the luck for today I drank a ginger ale and down a lucky lunch and got to work a rum pan in hand I managed to pan up Lucky ring number eight quickly following that we panned up another lucky ring number nine then to bring it all home taking the total up to double digits we got the last one the big 1 is the final number of Lucky Rings we got over season 4 of Penning with poxel and I have to say what a treat this season has been for us all and you will be missed during the last star fruit Harvest a couple of days ago I forgot to mention I had picked up key Prismatic Grange Quest again and with only one day left in the season I thought I better get on to it and finish that off before I lose the opportunity quick side note we also convince Leo to move to the mainland he’ll be joining line us up beside his tent in his very own Treehouse but it wouldn’t be the end of summer without the Moonlight jellies a festival I’m sure that we are all familiar with at this point I’m truly running out of words to describe how beautiful this piece of music is so please enjoy it as much as the dancing cat does [Music] by now it was day 281 and with only 20 days left until the big three o Milestone I’d hit that part of the playthrough where I was just going through the motions to get as close to that juicy 100% as I could it made me happy to see that the parrot does in fact sit on my shoulder when I’m sitting on cookie and Haley and I had our second child we named our girl poppy going through the motions meant giving gifts and slowly checking off the cooking recipes there were a few birthdays left for me to take advantage of and I was still completing key quests for key gems not to mention my two side hustles were in full swing I opted to return to the mines again with my trusty coin parot beside me as I went the star fruit wine was still as profitable as ever and I got to give aliot a birthday present because farming the dangerous mines gives so many golden mystery boxes I thought to trade them with the raccoons for magic rock candies which made my Expeditions down into the mines all that more enjoyable in fact I was doing so many of these mine Crusades that I just decided that when I got back home from them each night I’d just sell everything I was so close to 10 million gold so I was doing everything in my power to get it the side Hustle were certainly hustling and I just couldn’t get enough of the mines but what’s crazy is that all of these money-making schemes were working over the last 10 days I had made 1.5 million gold between the wine the cheese and the parrot now with only 10 days to go it was down to the final stretch I’ll admit a lot of it was giftgiving but I finally got the Horse flute from Key’s prize machine now I can bring cookie with me everywhere I made sure to collect a round of goat cheese because we are inching our way to 10 million and I got a pair of junimo chests from Key’s prize machine I didn’t forget about Abigail’s birthday but man I was doing a lot of gift giving it was tough because some people were half a heart from Max hearts or they were like four away and there was no in between after collecting a round of starfruit wine I decided to rumage through my chest and sell quite literally anything I had to spear and I crossed my fingers hoping that it would just be enough on day 296 I cooked the second to last recipe for the cooking collection day 297 I took care of another star fruit Harvest on Ginger Island on day 298 I gave man a birthday gift day 299 one day away from the end I was able to purchase myself the FED golden clock and thank you but I can take that one off my perfection list and here we are folks on day 300 as is tradition in all of my 100 Days videos I head up to the spot to reflect on what has been the last 100 days and well it’s been pretty crazy but I wouldn’t have expected anything less we managed to take off so many things on our journey to Perfection I am so happy I got to come up with so many money-making schemes the farm and The Farmhouse look absolutely incredible and we got to send off another season of Penning with poxel in the best way possible you may be sitting there thinking but poxel you you didn’t get Perfection and that is a fair statement I checked the Perfection tracker and I’m currently at 97 % now I’m not going to play another 100 days when I only have 3% left and looking at the runtime you may have already guessed what’s coming I think it’s time for an [Music] epilogue believe it or not I’m no stranger to epilogues it’s kind of fitting that this Series has one because the very first aru Valley series I ever did had one too long gone now with the days of playing each day out I could now sleep for as long as I wanted to pretty much so I could just wake up and give birthday gifts in between giving out the final presents to villagers for Mex friendship I sprinkled in a few starf fruit harvests to get a bit of extra gold what you think because it’s an niog I’m going to stop making money eventually I did get Max friendships with all the Villages of palant town but before we could head to the summit I had a few things to do the first was the food beer I always like feeding this big fuzzy guy so he can clean up the valley for me next was a turtle named EJ my wonderful fiance request Reed that I name a pet after her now you know why I needed the funds it was to purchase the purple turtle worth half a million gold and I think she makes a lovely addition to my farm another item I wanted was the return septer it’s a staff that can teleport you home anywhere at any time and finally I wanted to get Pam and Penny a community upgrade it always feels nice to see them in their own house and so with my list completed and everything ticked off the 6th of spring year 4 was the day I C to the final cooking recipe and as I awoke the next day I walked outside to the sight of tropical birds flying past and the sound of a rumble in the distance cookie and I rode up past the railroad onto the path up to the summit who was waiting there for me but Haley we had a chat about all that we had achieved over the last few years and how far we’ve come and the final new achievement popped up called Perfection a very fitting way to conclude this incredible Adventure the credits rolled and I’m happy to say that our journey through stardew Valley 1.6 has come to its end all good things must come to an end as they say so let’s look back on the joury that was 300 days of starw Valley 1.6 we ended up spending 82 hours total on this playthrough of course we managed to get Perfection and that big 100% completion between all of our money hustles we managed to make 24 million gold total we got all the special items and Powers all of the secret statues and all of the new achievements that came with the update like I said before the farm turned out way better than I could have imagined I’ll link where you can find a proper screenshot of both the farm and The Farmhouse down in the comments below if you did enjoy the 1.6 series then leaving a like on the video and subscribing to the channel would be amazing it really does help me out and it’s weird to think but that’s about all I have left to say except you’re all wonderful people so have a wonderful day and thanks for watching [Music]

Of course I had to turn this series into a movie for you all. Here is all 300 days of Stardew Valley 1.6! If you enjoy the video then don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel, and thanks for watching! 💜

➡️ Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TH6YNGA-2I
➡️ Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9PI_5MU9aQ
➡️ Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd-TSpjIfZw

➡️ Discord: https://discord.gg/poxial
➡️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PoxialYT
➡️ Music: epidemicsound.com

➡️ UI Info Suite Mod: https://github.com/Annosz/UIInfoSuite2/releases

Channel Badges by Reii


0:00 100 Days
1:08:35 200 Days
2:19:00 300 Days


  1. NOT EVEN JOKING,,, just was watching the 200 day video to fall asleep to last night! Was literally wondering when the movie upload would show up and voila!

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