today’s going to be a good day and what the heck are you guys doing hi Dash come here often oh good morning Dash what the heck is this did you guys move all the furniture from inside of the house outside to build a tower huh not all of it yeah your bed’s still there what what is the point of this guys this is this the kitchen table and the kitchen chairs K you’re going to fall what are you doing what no we’re trying to see how tall we can make it yeah we’re trying to get a new record um also Dash the power is out so we’re super boy oh so that’s why you guys are doing this wait wait hold on the power is out huh what talking about and oh oh yeah the power is out I can’t even turn on my computer are you serious yeah there’s nothing we can do besides making a kitchen table tower yeah wait you want to join us hold on a minute guys there’s still a lot of things we can do without power other than building a weird kitchen Tower this is the most useless waste of time I’ve ever seen in my life what dude we spent so long on this you’re going to have to clean this up your realize and put it back in the kitchen bro don’t knock it until you try it yes this is the best thing we could do since we can’t play video games no it is not okay how about we do something a little bit more productive with our time yeah since our power is out how about we do something um outside of the house what what can we do outside of the house that we need to do make a tower we can play fortnite in real life Ruby those are horrible ideas Ruby how are we going to play fortnite in real life and cam no we’re not building a tower I mean we can just build stuff with wood and stuff can we just do that you guys are not getting it no I’m saying how about we like uh go to the grocery store yeah we can like stock up on groceries you know do actually something productive with our time instead of building a tower a ew you want to do chores oh wait I can get pies if we go to the grocery store okay I’m down and yeah guys going to theoc grocery store is going to be a much better use of time than doing this all right well let’s go oh uh Dash you can’t go through the front door and huh what do you mean I can’t go through the front door what are you talking about oh wait since our power is out I can’t open our new doors yeah it sucks we just got them yesterday oh man why does the power go out literally the day after we got these new fancy doors are you kidding me we’ll just go through this door over here and oh we replaced this one too didn’t we a man wait what about the back door oh we replaced the back door as well how am I supposed to get out of the house how did you guys get out of the house we got out through the balconies yeah we jump off of the balcony well hold on a minute maybe your tower that you built is actually coming in useful for once I can just uh jump onto it and not take any fall damage oh oh actually never mind I still took fall damage your Tower was useless yeah I was going to say I don’t think you can make that dump buddy okay well anyways we should probably just head to the grocery store our power’s probably going to turn back on soon I’m going to get some juice I’m getting an apple pie and a blueberry pie and a pecan pie and a pumpkin pie and a cherry pie and a pear pie and an orange pie okay okay dude we get it we literally you talk about pies while we were running all the way to the store but we’re here now we’re here now okay okay okay I’m I’m ready to get my banana pie okay did they even make banana pie is that a thing yeah dude it’s great it has bananas and Pie and whipped cream stop oh my gosh okay well let’s just see if they even have that here cim that’s like a very weird looking pie they probably don’t even have it at this place it’s just a normal grocery store but ooh look at all the groceries they have guys they have apples we need some apples right we’re running low on those oh yeah we need apples for apple pie o and melons for melon pie okay okay okay we’ll get it chill out chill out and what is this wo o wait guys I think this is ice cream over here we should probably get one since it’s super sunny today uh yeah we’ll have to eat it as soon as possible though because our fridge doesn’t have power oh I’m going to get some bread and stuff for sandwiches and oh yeah yeah good idea oh yeah we can have some sandwiches today for lunch since you know you don’t need to use an oven for it or anything sandwiches could be really good do you guys see any meat here or or something I only see Fish um no I don’t see any meat is that D what the schina what are you doing here oh noina oh my God did you follow us again no I didn’t follow you I was just here grocery shopping but uh it’s nice to see you follow me we did not follow you know we just came to the grocery store as well I I guess we just saw each other by coincidence but what are you doing here what do you want nothing I’m just here to go grocery shopping look I bought flowers you want some um no I I don’t really want your flowers M can you go away you’re kind of weird why are you being mean I just want to give you flowers I don’t want your flowers how many times do I have to tell you I’m not into you okay I don’t I don’t like you like that hey Dash I got all the sandwich stuff and oh uh it’s and yeah H I think she followed us here again hey Ruby I like what you do with your hair oh uh thanks schina anyway schina we got to go can you can you just like leave us alone for a second we just we’re just going to go grocery shopping how about you stay on that side of the store we stay on this side how’s that sound oh come on I just want to give you flowers I don’t want your flowers how many times do I have to tell you dash are you done messing withina can we get like keep grocery shopping yet she keeps following me around can you just tell her to like go away or something dud she’s not going to listen to me she only listens to like you unless you tell her to go away oh come on D she’s like St the flowers she hasn’t done anything weird she’s just trying to be nice to you Ruby are you really siding with Shina right now she’s literally schina look at that what even is that what do you mean she looks great right right right you did your hair this morning huh I I I notice it’s different Ruby I’m not accepting a flower from how about you just like I said earlier go to that side of the store we go on this side we do our shopping and uh we’ll all leave and go our own ways just I want a date with Dash well I’m sorry to say but that’s never going to happen smina I’ll help you get a date with Dash just like one date right that can’t hurt anything come on Ruby I’m not going out a date with schina she’s literally crazy do not remember all the time she’s followed us and done a bunch of crazy stuff she’s like a stalker yeah but like today’s a new day what if she’s different it’s still the same person Ruby you realize we’re talking about Shina that flower she has in her hand probably has a Tracker in it that’ll like tranquilize Dash and she’ll capture him blah blah blah blah blah yeah Ruby this is crazy you cannot be signing with schina schina is nice uhhuh I don’t know about all that Ruby I disagree but uh you do you if you want to be friends with Shelina that’s um that’s all you anyways uh I think we should probably just grab our stuff and check out now any how’s that sound hang on hang on hang on Are you seriously leaving Dash just one conversation with her just one I’m not having a conversation with Shel she look at her look at that face at tell me that again come on just one time get over here Ruby P me down P me down I’m not talking to schina yes you are r d you want to talk to me no no I don’t cim let’s just buy our stuff and get out of here Ruby’s gone crazy hi sir we’d like to check out for all of our stuff yeah we want cookies enchanted golden apples bread apples melons and uh whatever Ruby and dash have yeah yeah that’s all all right looks like that’ll be 10 diamonds all right uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 there we go all right all right well thank you very much uh we’re going to be leaving now Ruby see you later I guess we’ll see you back at the house if you want to hang out with Shino more Dash Are you seriously leaving right now no you’re staying here you’re going on one day with Shina and then we’re going home Ruby put me I’m not going on a DAT with Shina yo yo okay just a grocery store day it’s not that bad yes book it come on let’s go we got to go we got to go Ruby’s actually gone crazy Ruby if you want to hang out with schina that’s all you but I’m not doing that schina come on let’s go you and me come on back to the house back to the house back to the house run run run we got to go back to the house and lock them out they’re following us guys she’s not actually a really nice person get back here all right here we are at the house we just got to lock the girls out and uh we can sit inside and play video games by ourselves yeah and oh no one problem about that Dash oh gosh I forgot the power is out wait is the power still out can we still not open our doors the power is still out dude we still can’t open them hi guys we’re here you guys run really fast and oh gosh uh the girls are here cam I I I I think we should run we do not want to get cornered where do we even go now I don’t know let’s just look it try to survive me go Ruby said you wanted to go on a date with me what the heck Ruby’s lying Ruby stop spreading lies I didn’t say that I just said that maybe you would if if like he he could see how nice you are Ruby I’m never going on a day with Shina leave us alone Ruby promised me a d d come here just get to know her just a little bit okay we got to run away we got to run until the power turns back on then we can go back in our house and lock them out yeah hopefully it turns out soon I don’t know how much longer I can run for where are we even going going right now we’re like on the top of a mountain K we need to lose them we need to lose them somehow um into the water go go go way okay okay I think we’re good I don’t think they’re going to be able to see us from up there guys hello where are you do you see the mm yes we lost them let’s go I didn’t see them anywhere oh man they ditched us okay don’t worry SM I’m going to get you this date really oh yeah I’ll try SM being in dash forever Dash we got to get out of here dude they’re crazy yeah okay I don’t know what’s up with Ruby today she’s like being awfully nice to Shelina that is that is not normal but I wish the power comes on soon well I want to go home I don’t want to be running around in this heat yeah only the power would be back on then we could go back home we could uh lock the girls out and just uh play video games all day yeah but oh man when is the power even going to be back did did did we get like a schedule or something did they say when it’s going to be back uh I think they called us and said it won’t be back on uh until tomorrow what the heck that’s so long okay you know what K we we have to take this into our own hands I don’t want to be outside all day what are we going to do once I get it’s dark huh oh yeah you’re right hm wait I’ve got an idea why don’t we just go to the power plant and oh yeah that’s a good idea we got to take this into our own hands how about we just uh go to all of the Power Plants ourselves and we got to fix the power we got to fix the power before Shina and Ruby find us yep and then we can lock them out of the house and then chill out with our air conditioning and play fortnite it’s going to be sick oh heck yeah all right all right well uh hold on we got to head over to these power plants real quick do you know where any of them are yeah I have this map this might be able to tell us where all the power plants are wait you do okay okay perfect hold on let’s take a look at this maybe this has the information that we need and yo wait a minute hold on there’s a few checkpoints on this map and they’re all titled power plant oo let’s go I think there’s one close to us yeah it’s right there o all right all right let’s head over to this one then it looks like it’s only like a few hundred blocks away oh yeah we got this no problem all right let’s head over I think it’s this way all right let’s just go over here to this power plant turn it on and then hopefully this will be enough to have our house to have power wait Cam hold on I think we might have to go to multiple power plants according to the map it looks like there is one two 3 four five power plants oh gosh just over here is all in the water what the heck okay well it should be fine the power plants are all pretty close to each other so we just need to go to each power plant turn on the power and then our power should be good and okay I think we’re getting really close to this one over here yeah it looks like it’s just right there oh it’s kind of worn down and whoa look yeah there it is that’s the power plant okay that’s definitely it let’s just pull up to it and uh I’m guessing we just have to like flick some levers you know um maybe push some buttons and stuff and yeah the power will probably be back on in no time oh yeah this power’s about to be on wait wait wait hold on a minute what the the heck is that Ruby and Shino why are they at the power plant before us what are they doing here what the is Shino wearing a dress what the heck okay Shina no saying any weird stuff like uh you smell nice that’s not good to say out on date okay okay I’m ready for the date what the heck is Ruby giving schina a dating of us how did they even know that we were going to be at the power plant I don’t know um okay well hold on this is going to be kind of tough we have to sneak around them somehow wait cam I’ve got an idea um me back over here what’s your idea we’re going to need to get some weapons we are not letting them get in our way oh boy yep we’re going to have to do this the hard way cuz uh I don’t think there’s any other way all right I’m going to get crafting table all right I’ve got wood for weapons all right all right nice and yo I’m going to go ahead and grab a little bit of stone I’ve seena’s forehead it’s pretty hard I might need to get a stone sword to defeat that thing dude you really don’t like schina do you she’s like a stalker she always follows me around and does weird stuff I don’t like her yeah not going to lie she is kind of weird but still all right there we go I’m just going to craft myself a stone sword real quick I’ll craft you one too there we go two Stone swords ready to go all right if they try to get in our way when we turn on the power they are going to get it oh yeah all right well anyways I think we should be ready to go now let’s go confront them hey guys um what are you doing here you’re just in time Dash all the food is on the table oh oh the food is here okay well um hold on on cam no violence yet first let’s go try turning on the power um guys we’re going to um just go over here real quick and C how do we how do we turn on the power I’ve never done this before I don’t know there’s a bunch of buttons here maybe if I just start stepping on them start pressing everything uh um do you guys need any help um uh no no we got we got this we got this we’re we’ll come to the date in a moment how did you even know we were going to be here oh I thought you guys would have shown up cuz our power is broken guys you come here to see me on the date no no I didn’t come here to see you on a date I’m just trying to turn this power back on and wait what just happened I think we got the power working let’s go let’s go okay well now you can set up the date right and um yeah yeah totally all right C we got to go we got to go to the next power plant run run run Josh it’s free food let’s go see you later n oh gosh cam cam Ruby’s got me Ruby’s got me hey put me down yes it’s free food just sit in the chair and eat okay let me go let me go put him down oh wait you guys try to take me out of dat then I’ll hit you with my sword yeah Are you seriously hitting me with the sword Dash I’m your friend come on dash come on come on come on four power plants left one power plant down now we just got to fix the other see you guys later oh they’re trying to fix all of the Power Plants Shina we have to stop them I just want this dat okay there we go we got power plant one successfully fixed hold on let me look on the map real quick and o wait can’t look the power plant is now green I think that means that we fixed it let’s go all right now we got to find these other power plants H which one do we go to and hm okay it looks like the next closest one is this one up over here I think let’s head over there let’s just uh turn this way yeah I think this is the right way oh gosh we should probably also grab a little bit of food on the way this one’s a little bit further away so uh we might run out of hunger yeah let’s hop in a boat it’ll be faster we won’t waste hunger um okay that seems like a good idea but cam this boat goes this way we’re supposed to be going that way uh never mind then all right to this power plant let’s go just got to keep on going this way hold on how close are we this power plant actually isn’t too far away it’s it’s only like um like a few hundred blocks away we got this yeah yeah we just got to go there and turn on the power hey guys where are you what the did you hear that was that Ruby I hear Ruby we need to run oh gosh wait Kim they’re run over there Ruby and strling are oh dude they have armor how do they have so much iron armor what the heck I don’t know let’s just run we have to get to the power play before them we have to turn the power on oh gosh they’re actually crazy okay we got to go we got to go we cannot let you go on this date okay smina even though we’re trying to chase them don’t get any dirt on your dress okay I’ll try I do get a dirty though what the heck was that Ruby did you not hear how schina just talked right there she has a cold no no that is not just a cold Ruby she is weird she is weird I just have a little cough it’s like an alien bro she can’t help it it’s fine okay okay well hold on cam we got kind of far away are they still following us um I think the Cod is clear let’s just keep on running hold on we should probably get some better gear for ourselves though they have iron armor um we’re going to need a little bit more than just Stone swords yeah if they have iron armor they’re totally going to like chase after us and put you in a suit and then take you wait on a date oh gosh that sounds horrible okay well um hold on it looks like there’s a little hole over here in the ground is this a cave oh that is not a cave we need to find a cave so that we can get some iron or something um I’m Scouting Around for caves I don’t see any maybe we should just keep our eyes that’s a bear wait there’s a bear over here can we bring this on the date oh gosh I can’t pick up the bear the bear is not friendly it’s trying to eat me run run run why would you try to pick up a bear why would a bear be friendly I was going to try to pick it up and bring it on the date maybe I could like feed to itly and wa what the okay let’s block ourselves off real quick what if that bear comes back but this is the perfect cave what in the world I think we found the mother of all caves and did you look at an Ender um no I didn’t look at that guy down there I think he’s just mad he’s a hater but let’s go this cave is actually sick we’re going to be able to get full iron armor down here and then schina and Ruby are not going to stand a chance we’re going to be able to get past them easily and repair all the power plants oh yeah this is going to be sweet uhoh Dam why did you fall you’re supposed to not fall I didn’t mean to what a NB what bro I’m kidding okay but hold on we need to get rid of this Enderman he’s causing problems if I fall from here I’m going to die I have like no Health oh gosh wait C can you K this over here he’s scary I’m kind of busy fighting every mob in the world beat him up already hold on how do I get down in this cave safely I’m going to die I have like barely any food oh gosh hold on hold on I’m making good progress I’m making my way down the cave oh yeah I think I can just go over here this way I don’t think I’ll die from this jump oh there we go oh that kind of hurt but I’m in I’m here Dash I cleared out my mobs all right all right nice I think this Enderman isn’t really bothered anymore so we should be good o we got to start mining all this iron now we are actually getting so stacked oh yeah we’re going to get super stacked and then uh keep turning on these power plants so we can play fortnite just made a stone pickaxe so here now we can start mining some of this iron and all right I think we need to get 30 iron each for full iron armor and gear and all that it’s so much it’s going to be worth it then we’re going to be able to get past Ruby and Shina no problem um do you see any more iron um not really hold on this cave looked really good at the start but I think we already mined up all the iron are you serious no way dude we just got in here there’s no way there’s that little iron oh oh wait hold on I just found a bunch more over here hold on there’s like a bunch down here oh yeah let’s grab this oh gosh there’s a skeleton shooting at me okay we are definitely not geared enough right now if a skeleton can take me out then I don’t even want to imagine what ruby andina can do oh die skeleton die take that boom yeah Ruby plus schina is a weird combo not going to lie yeah they are not the right Duo that that that’s a weird combination of people all right but here there’s a bunch of iron right over here let’s grab all this this might be enough for full iron oh heck yeah let’s go there’s also a bunch more over here I’ll grab this over here oh there’s two Endermen back there I am not going there do not look at them there’s also a skeleton wait we should craft a shield I’ll start making a furnace so that we can smelt our iron oh yeah good idea good idea wait a minute hold on did you bring a crafting table I left the old one back up there on the other uh yeah I did oh sick all right we’ll put it down I’ll make ourselves a furnace and then we should be good to start smelting the irone let’s go furnace complete now we can start smelting the irone all right Perfect all right uh now we have to get more iron yeah but hold on there’s kind of um we got a few problems over here you want to go fight that skeleton I don’t really want to get close to it bro sure I guess I’ll fight it come here you distract it I’ll get it from the back let’s go you kind of didn’t help there but sure okay okay but now we just got to get this iron over here we can just not look at these Ender this is fine as long as we don’t look at them it’s all good just got to constantly look down yo they’re looking they’re eyeing me right now they are eyeing me bro are you good I’m all good and ooh there’s some more iron over here let’s grab this oh my gosh what the wait what did you just go oh my gosh dude what happened there’s like seven skeletons over there dude what the heck seven skeletons what the heck oh gosh we definitely need to get shields oh there’s some more iron over here heck yeah hold on cam how much iron do you have um I have uh none on me it’s back in the furnace but here take this okay okay oh you’re here perfect you got a shield already do you have any spare wood I need some spare wood in order to craft a shield uh yeah I have some spare wood but wait a second what what do you mean oh there’s still mobs over here we got to be careful yeah please help I’m about to die oh gosh just use your Shield dude how are you going to die when you have a shield those things make everything easy I’m low what do you mean okay okay well hold on let’s go back to our furnace over here I think most of our iron finished melting so we can use it to craft some armor iron iron iron iron oh heck yeah I just got nine pieces of iron I’m going to make myself a chest plate and oh let’s go oh wait did you drop me a shield I didn’t even see that yeah I dropped you a shield D oh thank you all right well anyways it looks like we just need to wait for a little bit more iron to smell and then we should be good oh yeah we are actually looking great all right let’s try to find some more iron cuz we need enough for two full sets I think that’s like a stack of iron yeah it’s going to be rough okay let’s go over here in this part of the cave I don’t think we explored this area yet there could be some untapped iron o there is some untapped iron give me this I remember there was like a a boy band of skeletons over here uhoh boy band that’s a weird describer word of skeletons describer word that’s a weird describer word to use for describer word what are you saying okay let’s just start getting this iron this is getting this is getting confusing oh hi guys we finally found you what the heck who is that what the you guys are here yo yo what what do you want how did you find us um well we were going mining for armor and we kept on hearing you guys talking about stuff were you guys just talking about skeletons I smell oh yeah she’s also kind of good at tracking for some reason what the heck yo she’s like a Tracker dog C we got to go away I did not know smina has sniffing tracking capabilities did you seriously just call a girl a dog wait Dash What If instead of running we like fight them you know so they go away quicker oh yeah oh yeah it’s fight or flight time it’s time time to fight take that Ruby Boom oh oh oh oh hey hey hey quit it quit it quit it quit it Ruby you’re trying to get me to go on a date with this weird girl I not doing that you know what you guys are going down take that boom you know it doesn’t have to be a date you guys can just hang out as friends we are not hanging out you know what push him in the pit push him in the pit yeah let’s go oh that was sweet are you kidding me we got him but dude sh’s got sniffing skills she can sniff us out yeah I don’t doubt it look at the size of Hern come on let’s just mine this IR get out of this cave as quick as possible oh gosh okay yeah we got hurry up she’s like a dog she’s like a Tracker dog all right um let’s see we got to look around and get some more iron I’ve got 10 right now how much do you have uh I have one but there’s some over here wait wait hold on Kim we should go deeper in the cave maybe we could find some diamonds down over here I don’t know if that’s the greatest idea first we should probably just get full iron armor before we look for any diamonds here I’m heading back to the furnace what is this and what the I just got like a snowball thrown at me what the heck is this over here what is that thing oh gosh what is he doing what is he doing he’s spawning in minions yo fight it fight it oh my gosh beat him up we only have his minions now oh take that boom all right let’s go back to the furnace oh gosh I can’t even run anymore I’m so out of food okay but hold on I think our furnace probably smells out a lot of iron by now let’s take a look and uh o yeah we got 18 iron in here I’m taking that bro you have all the iron don’t worry I’ll use some of it on you I just crafted you an iron chest plate oh oh you already have one I already have one are you serious dude you just wasted eight iron that’s so much well hold on now we have an extra chest plate in case um the other one breaks okay but here we’re also going to need some better weapons I’m going to craft an iron sword real quick there we go schina and Ruby had like chain armor I don’t even even know where they got that from they also had like iron swords and stuff we they were so much gear than us yeah Ruby had an iron axe it was it was rough all right but here I think we should be almost done mining do we have enough iron for full gear um yeah we have enough all right I just got to craft boots and then I should be fully geared out all right there we go four iron has been smelted let me go ahead and craft some boots there we go and okay I think I’m fully geared out you ready yep that’s everything let’s get out of here all right yeah let’s get down to business we need to go get some food though cuz I’m uh I’m running very low oh here I have some food for you but you do oh perfect yeah remember we went grocery shopping oh heck yeah I forgot about that all right well here let’s pull up to the next power station are we close right now let me take a look and oh um G the map is very dark I think it’s because we’re in a cave oh yeah let’s get out of this cave and then let’s look at the map yeah okay we got to go back up to the surface we better hurry up though before schina sniff us out againn out wait cam I have an idea for how we can get out of this cave why don’t we kill the Enderman and then throw an ender pearl up there to where we came from all right well we’re going to need more than one ender pearl I hope you’re oh my gosh are you saying oh my gosh it’s just a few Endermen that’s not the case dude there’s every mob in existence on me right now I’ve only got one skeleton and one Enderman on me speaking about that end where did it go I just teleported away only got one skeleton and one end on me that’s how you sound like right now that’s what you sound like right now got every single mob in the cave ever hey I do not sound like that okay hold on let me fight this Enderman over here real quick hopefully it gives me an end Pearl come on give me an end Pearl a I didn’t even drop an end Pearl you know what okay forget the end Pearl strategy how about we just go build ourselves up over here again help help help help help help help are you dying to the mobs cam they’re just mobs come on if you can’t beat up mobs how are you going to beat up Shina and Ruby well I’m already up here and you’re not so whatever well hold on hold on I’m going to be there in a moment I’m still trying this ender pearl strategy I need to get an ender pearl already come on there’s so many mobs over here oh my gosh just give me an end Pearl please I just need one ender pearl oh gosh I’m running really low I’m running really low on health and the Enderman just teleported away okay never mind oh the end’s back the end’s back oh give me an ender pearl give me an end Pearl please yes I got an ender pearl all right cam you know what that means I can get up here really quickly come on just got to toss the ender pearl come on where am I right now am I in a wall you’re in the wall you’re in the wall oh oh all right well I’m here now let’s go dude look at how many mobs are down there what the heck I know there was a crazy amount of mobs all right now we just got to get out of this place and what the heck is this roses are red apples are red you smell good love smell Vina this doesn’t even rhyme roses are red apples are red you smell good what the heck oh gosh Shina is really going crazy she really thinks she can date me I can’t believe Ruby’s allowing this we need to just go to this power plant come on yeah Ruby is insane okay let’s just go to this next power plant are we close right now let me take a look and um okay we’re kind of close we just got to keep on going yeah we’ve got armor so there should not be any more stops yeah we can just go from power plant to power plant and repair all oh come on power plant time go go go and okay Cam I think we’re getting pretty close to the next power plant look there it is it’s right over there okay perfect I see it let’s go um oh no I also see Ruby and Shina right there with a roller coaster okay Shina do you remember everything that we practice uhhuh I remember what the heck they at this power plant too take him on the roller coaster date and then fall in love at the top and don’t say that he smells nice uhhuh uh-huh don’t smell nice uhhuh smell great what the heck are they planning like a roller coaster date did they really build a roller coaster at the power plant that I don’t think they’re allowed to do that yeah this has to be illegal bro they definitely not allowed to do that okay well um okay we just got to sneak in and uh repair the power and just go we don’t have to go on the roller coaster or anything oh man if only I still had that ender pearl I could have just tossed it there flicked the levers fixed the power and then dipped yeah too bad you had to use it to escape a cave that I already escaped without an ender pearl yeah yeah yeah whatever whatever but oh my gosh they’re literally guarding the entrance how do we get in what if we Tower up real high and then jump in and um that’s not really I don’t know about all that I don’t really have that many blocks do you uh I have a bit maybe not enough but I have a I have a bit okay okay well that strategy could work hold on do you have any strings yeah I’ve got two why wait you do okay okay that’s actually perfect hold on put down a crafting table I have an idea okay let me just go ahead and make myself a few extra sticks and all right could you hand me those two pieces of string yeah what do you need them for you’ll see you’ll see what we’re going to do is make a bow and then using the bow we can shoot some arrows and like distract them so they get out of the power plant oh wait that’s a good idea okay okay hold on check this out I just crafted a boat and now we can try distracting them what the heck are they doing what I like it when you play Fish it’s funny are they playing what the heck okay you know what that’s it I’m I’m about to pop this fish I’m going to shoot a boat take that yes I just hit Ruby okay okay now we got to hide now we got to hide what was that noise do not let them see us did you put this arrow down here smell no I didn’t do any arrows I was supposed to play Fish okay I think it’s working they’re following the arrows wait let me shoot another one right over here boom there’s another one wo yeah what’s going on yeah what’s going on um let’s uh look where it came from did it was it coming from over here wait Dash how much hours do you have left uh I got four I got plenty okay it looks like they’re going out of the power plant though I’m just going to toss another arrow wait I’m going to shoot it in’s face boom take that all right now we got to run my face go we got to go fix the power PL and oh gosh they see us they see us I’m here boyfriend oh gosh oh gosh guys leave us alone we’re trying to repair the power if you hey put me down what are you doing get in the elevator get in the elevator yo yo yo Ruby get me out of here K Ruby just put me in an elevator what is this ah schina put me in the elevator what’s happening uh uh why are we up here right now huh what the heck is this schina what are you doing me and you are going to fall in love what the no we are not Kim how do we get out of here oh there’s mine carts quick we got to take the mine carts these roller coasters don’t even work ah I’m at half a heart okay Kim we just got to repair this and go come on we just got to flick the levers uh do we got is it working hey why didn’t you go on the roller coaster your roller coaster was horrible it didn’t even work for me what do you mean it didn’t work I worked hard on that stay back stay back you guys are weird get out here stop it comeu can you just chill and I told you to put that fishing rod away I’m tring the kids F oh c they’re trying to fight me I’m at half a heart hold on uh uh one of these one of those one of that and then this one that should work is the power plant fixed in we fixed it let’s go okay okay now we just got to run out of here I’m literally at like two hearts right now if I get hit it’s over me yes come here you’re mine what the heck G we got to go come on come on come on come on come on let’s two down J you are going on this day no I’m not Ruby go away okay we got to out run them we got to out run them again hold on where’s the next power plant at let me pull out this map uh let’s see let’s see it looks like it’s oh gosh over here in the water are you serious we were just trying to give you a free trip to an amusement park why’d you leave Ru I I wasn’t in the mood for being amused okay and um oh okay you got a boat perfect let me hop in hop in hop in hop in come on let’s go we can use this B out run them okay perfect you said the next one’s in the water right yeah it looks like the next power plant is in the water but I think we’re going the right way it’s all the way up over here why is there a power plant in the middle of the water you’re going to have to be my directions I’m in the middle of driving to boat okay okay well actually you’re doing pretty good you just got to keep on going straight it looks like this river that we’re going down might actually lead to this power plant over here this perfect oh let’s go and oh oh it looks like that other power plant that we just visited is now repaired it is green let’s go all right that’s good that means that it’s working yep now we just got to pull up to this water run over here man why why do they even need a power plant in the middle of the water who are they going to be powering out there fish I guess the electric eels need to get their batteries charged somewhere that’s that’s where they come from you know uh Dash get out the boat and huh what do you mean get out of the boat what the what happened to the boat oh did we reach a dead end yeah we’re stuck in a river oh okay okay well let’s go over here this way we can just continue here right yeah this should be good enough let’s go all right time to keep on driving out the river are we still going the right way does this River still lead to the power plant I don’t know you’re the one with the map oh yeah you’re right hold on let me take a look and um yeah it looks like this River could take us there we just just got to go out into the ocean and then we got to go up bro there’s no way you’re real what do you mean you have the map how’ you get lost I didn’t get lost I said we’re going the right way okay okay hold on let me take another look are we close oh yeah this is actually perfect we just got to go out over here into the big open sea and then we got to go straight to the power plants Jam you want to know what some people call power plants uh spaghetti no they call them peep pees okay but here it looks like we’re out in the big open ocean now this is perfect we’re really close to the power plant this one was actually easier to get to than I thought it would be we literally just to go straight wait you know what being in an open ocean calls for a see Shanty sailing on the oan you trying to sing a sea no okay dude come on now not not not not today not today not yo chill out what do you mean dude I’m seeing a sea shanty that c Shanty was more like like an air Shanty it was not good what and okay Cam I think we’re getting really close and there it is there’s the power plant right there let’s go we made it oh all right this is number three we’re already like halfway done we’re pretty much done with this but wait wait hold on a second uh Ruby and Shina are here too how do they keep getting to All these power plants before us I don’t understand bro okay no way this is going to fail everyone loves a shark petting zoo what the heck they built a shark petting zoo I don’t even see any sharks around here actually I do see like one we can just boat around them though they did not set up a shark petting zoo properly hey hey and what don’t go away so fast hey hey hey hey why don’t you and Sh share a bow um no that’s not going to happen well now you don’t want to share a b with me I can be behind you no no no no no that’s not going to happen you know what we just got to hurry up we just got to hurry up go go go hang on hang on hang on get over here right now quick we just got to go over here and repair the power and get out of this place oh it looks like it’s the same one from earlier okay okay smina I took their boat and what the heck they stole our boat Kim do we have any extra wood oh I’ve got no extra wood oh I don’t either but it’s fine there’s trees on the island let’s just fix this first oh yeah you’re right there is some more trees here I guess we can just craft another boat if that’s what it comes to but how do we turn this power back on do we just Spam the buttons and what the you guys are trying to fight me get over here you are going on this date whether you like it or not Dash C they’re trying to fight they’re getting aggressive yeah come on we have to fight back Dash as your friend sometimes you just got to go on dates just to try it out okay no you don’t I’m not going on a date with SH I’ll go on a date with like any other human you realize you’re talking about Shina here right like not anyone else here take my flower I don’t want your flower Shina it’s probably got boogers in it no no it doesn’t have boogers see I’m holding it right now it doesn’t have boogers oh Ruby stay away from me you have the a touch it’s got my PE in it what what what did you just say did you try to put a fishing rod on me we got to go I said the flowers got my pee in it B come on let’s just fix this thing and then let’s get a boat and get out of here come on come on we just got to we just got to press all the buttons a Ruby’s hitting me with her axe Ruby you realize if you smack me with your axx I can’t go on a date right wait that’s I think it fixed itself and wait it’s working let’s go all right power plant has been fixed let’s go and oh we don’t have a boat we don’t have a boat we got to get M wood if you want to leave on a boat you’re going to have to go through oh gosh stay away stay away cam I’m getting some wood over here but is in my way she’s trying to use her fishing rod on me what the heck I got enough I got enough I got enough oh no you don’t Kim I’m made a crafting table Dash make a boat I’m trying I’m trying come on come on yes I just made a boat let’s go all right Kim get in get in get in get in go go go go go go guys let’s go see you later no wait for me it didn’t work Ry I don’t know I’m trying don’t yell at me you promised me a day was done [Applause] no I said that it could happen it wasn’t a promise this is too easy cam oh few but wait what was that like three four how many are we on oh I’m so confused hold hold let me take a look at the map that was our third power plant that we repaired now we just got to fix two more and okay these other two over here should be pretty easy to get let’s head over to um this one over here first all right this should be the fourth one we’re almost done all right here we just got to turn ourselves facing the pirate plants oh all right we’re facing it perfectly now we just got to go this way let’s go oh gosh they’re following us yo Ruby Shina go away no you’re TR be mom forever Shina can you please drive the boat a little better I’m getting boat sick sorry what the heck is going on there Ruby you know it’s not too late to switch sides I’m just trying to help a girl out it’s Girl Code what the heck come on dash we’re supposed to be together forever no we’re not go away hold on how close are we is that a whale what the heck oh my gosh Dash come on let’s just go waito you should use your fishing rod on that whale maybe you can catch it no I want to use my fishing rod on your big muscles what the heck oh gosh damn they’re still following us how do we like lose them hold on give me your jacket give me your jacket no I’m not taking off my jacket it’s going to get cold and oh it looks like we’re approaching land awesome all right we should be close to the power plant right yeah yeah we should be but hold on and Ruby are still following us this is intense we got to go we got to go let me check the map real quick how close are we oh we still kind of got like a few blocks to go come on let’s just go then come on we’re right behind you D you can’t run forever come on and wait there’s a village over here hold on hold on maybe we can get some more loot from this Village oh maybe we can find some better swords oh heck yeah this Village is huge all right we got to check it out quickly before Ruby and Shina get here wait cam look there’s like weird tower buildings over here I’ve never seen these at a village before yeah they look new there’s two of them I’m going in this one over here all right I’ll check out this one over here maybe there’s something good at the top ooh there’s chests whoa wait Kim this chest has a potion of instant healing and some emeralds in it wao o wait hold on let me go to the top of my tower I’m just going to grab all of the useful stuff in here there’s also a bunch of random stuff like ink um I don’t think I’m going to need that oh yeah I see that too anything up over here that top oh there’s another chest up over here Kim I found a diamond sword oh heck yeah mine has a diamond sword too yo these towers are op what the heck okay this is going to be really good for fending off Ruby and Shina and oh wait Kim there’s also cobwebs in my tower and a bunch of corn okay um this could be good oh wait it’s not a normal diamond sword Dash uh I have something even better huh wait what did you get let me take a look it’s called a diamond sigh what the heck is dude it looks like a fork I don’t know it does a lot of attack speed and attack damage actually does look pretty cool I’m not going to lie all right we should probably get going now and what what the heck wait cam there’s someone up on my tower is this another mob what the yo it’s schita I just got schita pranked yo we got to go no just jump scared me oh I’m in the basement I’m in the basement of the tower right now yo Shina go away actually get out of here get out of here I’m blocking you up Das you’re in the prison what come here I went in the basement of the tower um I got to get down I got to get down oh here I am how did you get out come on get over here I wanted you to talk to her come here please guys go away go away I have a sword now stay back we just got to go repair these last two power plants how did he get a diamond sword don’t worry about it where’s the power plant I think we’re pretty close and yes that’s the power plant right over there oh heck yeah all right it’s time this time we’re going to get this power plant without having to deal with Ruby or sh finally going to make it to the power plant before them yeah I think they’re still behind us though let’s just keep running let’s repair this and get out of here yeah let’s just get it over with we’ve only got to fix one more power plants after this and then we’re going to be able to go back to our house and play video games let’s go you know what I’m not pressing what the heck are you going down here what is this I don’t know there’s a bunch of random stuff here uh I’m just going to start flicking buttons and stuff I think it’d be faster if we just pressed these random buttons up over here I’m not going to lie I don’t think going down there helps hello guys hello oh gosh I hear Ruby she’s probably around here somewhere okay we just got to get this over with quick and then get out of here and oh gosh cam they’re right over there they’re right over there guys come on I I’ve made it clear that I don’t want to go on a date with you you guys got to leave me alone you haven’t even tried yet dude what do you mean haven’t tried yet Ruby I’m not going to try it and why is prob getting closer to me CAM Ruby blocking off the exit um uh I I can’t get out of here for now dude you’re you’re alone up there what the no I’m dropping you some blocks just get out of there get out of there oh gosh is getting closer what what are you doing go away D I wanted to ask you a question for a very long time what do you want to ask huh what is it see I’ve liked you for for a little while now and I was wondering if me and you could go on a DAT yo okay hold on keep your 5T away from me um no answer is no for the 50th time you’re doing good SM come on I’m trying to ask normally look if we go on the DAT I’ll leave you alone for the rest of your life forever and ever and why are you doing this to me why are you doing this stop stop U hold on I have an idea I’m just going to put her in a box there we go I just cobwebbed her all right quick we got to fix the power PL oh gosh she’s getting really bad yo yo all right I think I fixed it oh perfect then I’m mad now what the heck me and you forever Dido just blow up um I I think so but I think it’s on oh gosh oh gosh well the power plant has been fixed but yo sh’s mad we got to go Ruby just blocked off the exit Ruby what are you doing you are staying here until the date is over uh Ruby you just trapped me in a box with a wild animal you realize what you’ve done a wild animal don’t call her that and don’t jump off of the fence stop it now there’s a man now me and you are going to live forever oh gosh oh gosh just following me I got to go yo Ruby don’t block this off come on let me go let me go no NOP Noe no no no no all right dash I got pushed outside you’re alone in there d m the walls or something mine the walls let me out let me out Qui quick and I can put cob over here yes let’s go sh has been trapped all right we got to go we got to go oh my gosh you guys one power play left we’re almost done we got to go I’m drinking this potion of healing that fight got me low that’s it time for super smina what the heck is schina doing I don’t know I don’t want to stick around and find out let’s go to this next power plant yeah let’s just run hold on how far is it oh wait this one’s actually really close we just got to go uh this way all right go go go and okay I think we finally made it to the last power plant and what the heck is this what they meant by sub shellina uh I I I think so why is she so huge umina I know you’re like super powerful and stuff but don’t hurt my friends too much okay they’re nice okay no last forever oh gosh um okay Jam I think Ruby messed up by trying to become friends with SCH you you think let’s just try and sneak in oh wait do you have any invisibility potions um no I’ve only got this one potion of healing I’m going to keep this on hand in case anything goes wrong but hold on maybe we can try sneaking in from the left side over here maybe they won’t see us that way maybe H what if we sneak in right behind the power thing yeah yeah we got to sneak in from over here we got to be really really strategical oh gosh how did you even get so how is this physically possible I don’t know let’s just not worry about that oh she’s standing right on the power thing I think she’s holding a grenade launcher oh gosh okay this is really bad this is really bad let’s just um sneak our way in over here where are you I can smell your close by she get sniff as close by oh my gosh I told you no more sniffing smell and yo yo she just shot a rocket at us she she just shot a grenade okay I think she might know where we are right oh she’s looking at us she definitely knows where we are I can see you oh gosh forever now she’s throwing more grenades K we got to go we got to go come on come on hit the Buns hit the Buns the mon J I really just think that you should go on this dat this is getting kind of dangerous I know that Ruby you should not have tried to become friends with Trina she’s literally crazy well it’s too late what do I do now oh my gosh well it’s not too late to switch S Ruby help us fight schina she’s going insane okay but how are we supposed to fight her I don’t know we just got to beat her up take this sh yeah oh my gosh she’s too fast hold on I’m messing with wires down here let me fix this L power I’m holding s off I don’t think she can mess with you oh gosh cam she’s trying to throw grenades in there oh oh she just boosted herself up what is she doing what is she even saying and wait did the power get fixed did I fix it did that work I think it worked I think it worked all right all right I’m getting out now okay guys come on let’s go guys I don’t think we can run I think we have to fight schina yeah where are we going to go where Shina can’t follow us oh I’m going to try to get her stuck in these cobwebs take that take that come here yeah yeah yes we just got to put these cobwebs around here she’s going to get stuck at them yes let’s go okay guys I’m going to um try to block off the entrance so only we can get out okay okay she’s stuck in comas right now I think we might actually be good to go run run run come on come on come on I’m going to try to block the entrance and can’t K you don’t have to be fighting her right now I think she’s like actually stuck in there I don’t think she’s smart enough to get out oh my goodness y grenades oh god dude there’s explosion right behind you don’t turn around don’t don’t look at the explosions come on get out get out I’m aware of that I’m aware of that let’s just get out of here let’s block this off let’s block this off okay they should hold her off for now let’s just go okay okay run where are you going you leave small alone go go go guys we got to go back to our house Shina doesn’t know where we live right I don’t think so but let’s just hurry back home I’m sorry I tried to help her guys I thought she was trying to be nice and no Ruby you can never mess with a Shina that’s the lesson learned yeah no kidding that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now


This video Dash, and Cam are running away from Ruby and Shmelvina who are trying to hunt Dash down and get him to go on a date with Shmelvina! Will Dash and Cam get away or will Dash have to go on this date… Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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