Mikey Family POOR vs JJ Family RICH SKYBLOCK With Only One Block in Minecraft (Maizen)

so now we’re looking at a situation where there are two Sky Blocks one will belong to Mikey the other will belong to JJ we can watch Mikey and his family fall right now onto the poor Sky Block it’s their job to survive here and use all the resources they have on the second Sky Block the rich one will be JJ and his family he’s a lot luckier because he has well it’s obvious that his Sky Block in the whole area looks a lot better than Mikey’s so let’s see how this all works and if JJ and Mikey can survive huh Mikey what the hell is this and where are we what is this place JJ look at this it looks like a glass bridge is starting to appear here waa what’s going on here I think we’re on some sky blocks and I got a rich I think we need to stay here so we can get out of here let’s look for something that can help us I wouldn’t mind finding a way out right now because I don’t want to be here you’re a lot luckier than I am look at your jewelry what what am I supposed to do with these riches how will they help me survive well let’s switch places if you don’t like it shall we no you know what Mikey yeah you’re right I think we’re in some kind of game a game what kind of game I like games actually well the way I see it in this game we have to survive on these Sky Blocks so I’ll be at your place and you go to your place hey I want to go to your place too let’s live together good luck Mikey May the best man win win one what are we competing JJ this place is really cool and look it looks like there’s a portal in here hauh a portal how do we activate this portal I also noticed that it’s not an easy portal ha is it like a diamond portal it’s very interesting even carrots and all sorts of other vegetables grow here wow I’m surprised actually you really feel like a rich man here I really like it here what else do I see here that there are some here huh let’s see what’s in them wao there’s a lot of diamonds and emeralds in here and it all belongs to us now oh there’s another chest just like it it’s really cool but don’t you think this is some kind of trap H what do you mean JJ you think we’re in someone’s house well H they couldn’t have built all this for us and what was that teleporter thing huh hard so weird but okay I think we’ll find out but for now we need to figure out out what we’re going to do next and how we’re going to get out of here H Mikey I don’t think that’s a good idea we should probably just survive I think J is right uh okay we’ll see what we can do later but first I’d like to take a look at what we’ve got uh-huh what’s a well it’s just a well with nothing to show for it and we have houses too it’s more like an abandoned building than a house basically if we fix this place up I think it’ll look pretty good actually wo I like your positivity but this whole thing looks so weird that huh uh what’s so interesting uh we have a stove and something else we’re not going to starve here we won’t yet we even have a little vegetable garden wao there’s nothing here but well we can conclude that this place must have been abandoned a long time ago but if you put your hand in it I think you can make a nice place out of it but I’m not going to do it huh what are you talking about Mikey what’s wrong we’ve got plenty of time to make a decent place to live here and we’ve got some resources I don’t want to do that when I know JJ has this kind of wealth look at that I think it’s a bad idea and I don’t want to get involved well and you as you know Mikey I think that JJ won’t be poor if I steal some diamonds from him especially look at his Sky Block it’s made of diamonds and there’s enough for all of us to last a few lifetimes so I’ve made up my mind I’m going to go out there and see what I can do you guys stay here so I don’t have to worry about you I’m not going to make any sudden moves just yet I like it here but it’s a little weird father urgently I think I’ve noticed some trace and we need to take a look at it huh what kind of footprints son what are you talking about that’s real there’s something here I wonder where they lead what’s even stranger is that there’s something there but I can’t figure out what it is well let’s see where it goes then but please be very careful what if it’s a trap maybe we shouldn’t go there it might be a trap but if we don’t recognize it we’ll be haunted by it forever we have to find out out what’s in there yeah what is it wao there’s a passage down there it looks like a magical barrier an invisible wall no we need to go down and see what’s waiting for us down there wao it looks like a interesting what is it it’s like we’re in someone’s what kind of Tomb is this hey I’m speechless but are there any secrets in here what if there’s a secret passage that leads even deeper down here Dad look there’s something here could be for that teleporter I see there’s a lot of ore here we’ll have to use tools to dig it up because we can’t do it now well then let’s hurry back home we need to take everything we need with us and see what we can find yes it’s all very interesting I didn’t expect such things to be there but I don’t fully understand what we found there hey stop are you out of your mind hey hey Mikey what are you doing stop I said stop or you’ll regret what you’re doing leave me alone JJ don’t be so greedy I’ll take some diamonds so nothing bad happens to you and you don’t get poor hey he’s lost his fear what he’s doing and what he’s doing to himself come on JJ he’s right share it with him and don’t be greedy I’m greedy I think Mikey’s greedy for going so far as to rob me that’s who’s greedy and now I’m going to teach him a lesson you can’t take this so seriously he didn’t deserve it if he did it the first time I’m sure he’ll do it again not now but next time we’ll see something missing so our job now is to go and teach him a lesson because he’s too much all right maybe you’re right yeah just realize one thing if Mikey’s done something like this it’s a 100% chance of happening again so to prevent him from wanting to do it we’re going to go over there and smack him upside the head and of course return everything he stole from us he could have just asked for the diamonds but he took such a sneaky step oh no JJ what are you doing are you really going to beat me up over some diamonds it’s a matter of principle Mikey you’ve stooped to stealing things from me and if you don’t do it again you’re about to get your stupid head bashed in sit down and think about your behavior why and let pain be your greatest teacher I’m telling you Mikey you’re letting yourself go too far and if this continues the consequences will be even worse for you H maybe it’s cool but I just now realized that it’s only fair Mikey totally deserves it of course I did the right thing because well I wouldn’t have done the wrong thing if Mikey had done something normal I did what he absolutely deserved and his son falling into the abyss is all his fault what his son failed does Mikey know about this I have no idea but let’s not talk about that right now so our next task is to start digging up that rock and what do we have yeah that’s great and you son stay here because I need your vigilance make sure Mikey doesn’t come in here again well we have tools I got diamond tools because that’s what we need ha that’s a good one so what could be in that Rubble any ideas I have no idea honestly but that thing looks familiar well if that’s what I think it is then huh what do you think I think I seen it somewhere too but I can’t remember let’s dig up this wreckage first cuz I can see that there’s a lot of different ores in here hey whoo wao huh isn’t that the easiest obsidian portal ever JJ look at this huh so what we’ve dug up some kind of portal what do we do now should we go in there I think that I honestly don’t know what to tell you about it well in any case we do not have much choice so we have to do something I think that lets go h wa it’s like we’re in some kind of secret room and two chests couldn’t that mean there’s some kind of trap mechanism in here well I think it’s time to open them and find out what’s in here what’s JJ what’s so interesting whoa we got more advanced diamond weapons here we’ve got battle armor and a battle axe that’s what we’re going to need if Mikey’s planning something against us you’re getting all worked up about this like he’s standing there building gold Golems to attack us hey how do you know that can you see through walls or something it’s just my guess and it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen because I said so you know what based on the storyline in this game I’m really starting to think that the battle with Mikey is inevitable anyway I think if we’re armed we’re prepared for him to attack us again I think so H it’s weird that JJ and his wife are missing uh what would that mean I haven’t seen them either it seems like maybe they could have gone deep into their Sky Block and explored especially look at the well there’s a table with some kind of directional sign on it what are we supposed to jump there we’re not just going to jump in there we have to figure out what to do to get there uh you know what I have this weird feeling that there’s no water in the well what do you mean what makes you think that it’s blue liquid it’s blue but it’s not liquid what’s in the well doesn’t make it sound like liquid it’s like it’s like something’s wrong well let’s up all our stuff and try to get into that well maybe it’s some kind of secret come on let’s go see what Secrets there are there’s no way this Sky Block only has one surface wao you were right so there really was something at the bottom of that Sky Block yep and it’s like we’re in a secret room like I’m in some kind of cave right now oh yeah yeah that’s exactly what it is it’s like we’re in some kind of secret cave and let’s get this Rubble out of the way huh I don’t even understand what the point of this room is there’s got to be something here right uh well yeah maybe we can’t see it that’s why we need to clean it up a bit well come on then because I can see there’s a lot of cobblestones in here like there’s something in here what if there really is some secret we need to know right now huh well then let’s find it soon uh-huh like this look at what we have here it looks like a portal a portal maybe it’s a way out maybe this is our Salvation I don’t want to just walk out of here JJ has so much wealth out there I have have to take something from him it’s about time you realize this could end badly especially like what happened to our son and it’s all because of you uh-huh now it’s my fault what happened huh well then you know what I’m not leaving here until I get my revenge on Jay now let’s see what’s in that portal yep uh-huh what’s in that portal uh I’m guessing it’s some kind of supply room right it looks like it maybe it’ll help us rebuild our home and make a normal life here I don’t want to build anything I want to fight I want to take wa JJ’s undeserved wealth who are you Mikey to decide what he deserves and what he doesn’t you need to grow up a little uh whatever what difference does it make we’ve got some supplies here and maybe it’ll help me with something I can use against JJ okay let’s get out of here I don’t think we have anything else to do here uh-huh yeah I think so too so let’s go I’ll see what else I can think of it’s about time we came up with something new isn’t it h Huh I like our new stuff I didn’t realize this Sky Block had such Secrets I wonder if Mikey has portals like that too maybe so but who cares we have everything we need to stand up to Mikey so oh no huh Mikey are you out of your mind all right family let’s get to the shelter I’ll take care of Mikey and his clowns myself huh JJ look what I’ve created the only reasonable thing to do in this situation is to surrender and give me everything you’ve got and then I promise you that no one will get hurt you know what Mikey I think I should give up because I have other plans for you I’m going to make Golems too just like yours only a little stronger as you can see these are Diamond Golems they’re much more durable than yours so it’s obvious who’s going to win you know that Jada J I’m not going to be intimidated by that so we’re going to fight then show me what you can do I’m going to stand here and watch my Golem’s beat you up I’m going to teach you a lesson once and for all get into someone else’s and steal my stuff this just disgusting and horrible acts that you clearly should not have done the fact that you got such jewelry at random is just your luck and nothing more so don’t think it belongs to you but at least it’s on my property so enough of this idle chatter it’s time to start fighting and let’s find out who’s right and who’s wrong come on stop standing there come on you can’t intimidate me like that JJ your threats don’t work on me yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah blah you’re the one who started this whole thing so you shouldn’t have attacked me and you should have just shared your jewelry with me but you didn’t even do that so you should have just asked me for it and what did you do you just attacked me in a sneaky way and that’s all you did I asked you but you made it clear that you wouldn’t share it with me I don’t want to hear any more of this especially look at this you see how your Golems are getting smaller and smaller you lost Mikey are you blind you’re the one with the the JJ problem even though my Golems are earn they stand up well to your Diamond Golems so I think you’re taking a much bigger loss than you are you’re just ashamed to admit it huh Mikey that’s it it’s your end I’ll destroy your stupid Golem it’s just a matter of time now what what are you going to do to me now yeah Jay get out of here you coward you got the wrong guy I’m defending myself against a dumb greedy clown like you because you’re too much for your own good my friend I do what I think is right JJ and your values will be my values whether you want them to be or not because of your greed you haven’t even noticed your alone think about what I said oh yeah well then thank you for one more reason to take revenge on you this isn’t over JJ I’ll come back to you my friend yeah right I’m not going to wait for you here so you better get ready for his next attack a dynamite cannon that’s it yeah I’m going to bombard Mikey’s base to do enough damage well that’s great great I think I’ve got everything working and now I can get to work right Mikey hey what are you doing stop it right now yeah Mikey what’s gotten into you you think you’re so smart it’s about time you realized you were wrong stop fighting yes JJ stop it you’re right stop all this what happened have you realized you were wrong yet you admit your guilt uh yes JJ I admit my guilt I’m sorry I attacked you I was wrong yeah that’s how it is what am I supposed to do now uh why don’t you stop fighting there’s no point in fighting between us I think it’s time to end it all yeah maybe you’re right but what I found out is that you stole something from me don’t you want what’s mine back God take it all back are you really sorry to give up the diamonds that’s it Mikey there’s no more war between us so we’re going to be okay whatever you want JJ but I’m sick of being on these Sky Blocks I’m going to be looking for a way out of here maybe jumping into them is the only way out of here we’ll figure something out [Music]

Mikey Family POOR vs JJ Family RICH SKYBLOCK With Only One Block in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – @maizenofficial

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