What if JJ and Mikey Found Peppa Pig’s Security House in minecraft Maizen

dear friends I have some bad news for you a family of pigs has started coming out of the cave and is moving towards our village let’s see how we confronted them together the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what there’s a puppet that eats people at night lurking somewhere nearby wa that’s pretty scary I better be careful I hope I’m safe H oh that’s the doorbell who could it be oh Mikey JJ let me in what’s wrong there’s something weird with my house today I keep trying to take a nap but all these weird noises are keeping me up like what come look sure this is my house go in and look H it’s weird weird noises what could they be I can’t nap I don’t see anything strange huh really huh no way I can’t figure out not what it is oh hang on Mikey yeah there’s something under your bed huh something’s lurking under there H it’s what hang on Mikey huh I think it’s the dangerous puppet from the news what that thing was under my bed the whole time yikes that’s freaky are we going to be eating seriously it’s going to eat us it’s okay Mikey we’re safe for now huh why look at it it’s harmless during the day H it doesn’t attack during the day but at night it attacks and eats people so we’re safe for now oh then JJ let’s beat it before night falls is that all yep actually I have some lava back at my house yeah let’s dump lava on on the puppet to beat it good idea okay okay follow me let’s go all right all right Mikey got the lava use the lava to beat it to beat the puppet I’m so glad it’s all working out safely for us let’s beat it uh huh what where to go huh the puppet’s gone huh what now the puppet disappeared oh I’m scared seriously where did it disappear to where did it go you don’t think it went back to its own home do you that’s probably it right well we can’t be too careful at this point Mikey the puppet could still be lurking somewhere in the village oh we can’t underestimate it Mikey just in case let’s put up security cameras All Around The Village sure first let’s put one in your house one camera down I feel better already next up over here okay we’ll leave a security camera on this huge tree oh nice yep we can see the entire village with it that makes me feel safer still I’m scared can I stay at your house JJ oh sure you can Mikey [Music] thanks it’s night I guess it’s time to sleep actually Mikey H it’s still possible the puppet is in the village let’s check the security cameras before we sleep oh right let’s first check your house Mikey my house it looks just like it always does yep ha wonderful right it seems safe right huh h Huh the puppet was hiding in my closet what’s it doing huh what’s it trying to do what huh huh if I’d been sleeping at home I’d have been eating what maybe it was hunting you good thing you’re here oh oh the puppet left I’ll switch cameras uh what’s it doing what the puppets at that villager’s house huh huh it’s ringing the [Music] doorbell huh huh oh what I think it’s hiding in the shadows Please Mr villager don’t open the door oh it opened hang on no no Mr villager wow I slept really well it’s morning already time for my exercises uh or maybe not huh are those zombies why are there zombies everywhere oh man I’m surrounded this is bad what now what am I going to do huh huh wait a sec Mikey the Villager is full of zombies I’m so scared what do we do Mikey huh look over here oh hey Jinger it’s you don’t go outside it’s way too dangerous out there what are we going to do hang in there I’ll take care of the zombies huh I have a bow in here okay oh but I only have six arrows whatever let’s see if I can deal with these zombies I’m going to go up to the roof now good luck up there whoa they spotted me already oh man there’s way too many of them can you beat them I’ll try take this got one again yes it’s working can you beat all the zombies yeah oh uh-oh I ran out of arrows that’s no good Mikey I can’t shoot the zombies without ammo oh man what let’s try to join up where are you in my house wait a sec it would be really bad if I fell down there that’s Mikey’s house I’m going to try and jump onto his roof I’ll need a running start if I want to make it okay go wa that was close yikes those zombies would have beat me in a second let’s go down the chimney looks a little hot but I’ll just push through here we go ouch OU wa oh JJ Mikey this is terrible the village is full of zombies you’re right well breaking past all of the zombies to escape the village might be impossible does that mean we have to try and make a life here surrounded by them really I mean that might be our only option oh wait hm I just remembered I have some emergency supplies really that’s great it’s good to be prepared where are your emergency supplies Mikey they’re buried here here’s a shovel thanks I’m sure it’s around here watch out ouch that hurt try to stay out of their reach all right let’s see so you buried your emergency supplies in your yard found it oops you okay yes here it is uh it’s all here what is it well Tada is that it uh-huh it’s cookies let’s eat them together we’ll split them yeah thank you Mikey let’s eat yummy oh wow these really hit the spot definitely H this is my entire emergency supply you saved us with your cookies mm these could last for days you think so H let’s stay in your house until all the zombies go away all [Music] right all right let’s live underground in the underground Kingdom we’ll be safe from zombies nice Mikey let’s live down here in our safe zombie free underground Kingdom sounds [Music] great all right our kingdom is really shaping up huh yeah let’s take a look mhm here’s the entrance to Mikey’s house yep then over here is my house each house is connected by the tunnel that’s the idea but there’s more look over here it’s our underground living room oh nice and over here is our bedroom see it’s cozy mm mm it’s perfect and now now look at this our farm has expanded quite a bit see we have plenty of carrots and potatoes in storage oh the baked potatoes are done let’s eat yummy what do you think honestly it’s perfect we have no shortage of food or water we can live here forever Mikey yeah it’s so great hang on what’s that sound H what is that huh behind you zombies what Mikey hurry no way it’s a zombie attack run they’re inside we got to go seriously wao man sheesh our underground Kingdom has been taken over by zombies we need to keep this closed hey I just realized something yeah we left all our food behind mind no oh we’re going to starve to [Music] death we can’t go back down there what do we do now we’re surrounded by zombies what can we do plus we have no [Music] food all right looks like the night is come already wait a minute that’s a lot of zombies seriously yep now I’m going to draw them towards us let’s do this thing huh are you kidding is this safe I’ll try and get them to notice me time to use our security measures yeah our security measures will wipe them all out wow there’s so many W they’re following me it’s a zombie parade ouch uh-oh I’ve been hit you good I’ll be fine because this place is equipped with traps yeah nice watch this well bring it on zombies how’s it look I have some time to eat it worked oh look at that wow amazing hang on a sec they’re breaking through make them cross it again sure wait what about the pitfall trap drop them down there W more zombies just spawned seriously this isn’t good but the traps are catching most of them Mikey stay further back right around here they’re fall in it’s working that’s incredible got him I want more to drop in even more they keep spawning I think they’re spawning faster and faster what do we do wait Mikey try not to fall in the oh Mikey this is bad I’m coming to save you Mikey oh no the zombies got you they actually got me I’m dead check out the automatic arrows Mikey come look at this that’s awesome H it works sweet it’s working not for these two nice job now it’s finally working well Mikey the zombies are going down but we’re getting caught in the crossfire will’ll we be fine it’s hitting us oh ouch that hurts we’re definitely getting caught in the middle let’s just exterminate the rest of the zombies let’s do it punch that zombie into the arrows I’m on it nice job now dash through while it’s clear I can make it yes almost ouch that hurts ouchie that was rough what’s the plan hold on a sec wait when did they get here things are getting bad real fast oh hang on they’re in it’s time to gear up I messed it up my turn go it worked I can’t really tell did it yep great there are way more zombies in here than I’m comfortable with too many oh d no use hurry the lever lever if we must get out of the way I have to reach it get it I hit it go go go they’re burning how did we even get to this point activating the last resort wasn’t a problem it’s actually just flamethrowers oh what everything’s on fire true Mikey but that means the house is on fire too that’s not good get to the roof great who hang on Mikey come on here we go launch get on Mikey I’m on close one get on the honey blocks okay wa look at that stay on we made it out good job our house is completely on fire our last resort was a bit much so fiery yeah this got messy so we beat the zombies yep but it looks like some of them are still trying to follow us no big deal

Minecraft JJ and Mikey NOOB vs PRO:Mikey Pranked JJ PEPPA PIG.EXE

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