Grinding For a Kitchen! Fishing, Chopping & Slashing! Part 10 – Stardew Valley playthrough (PC)

okay guys we are in the midst of a mining run although I have no energy so we’d have to have an incredible luck to basically get the ladder to show up uh on this oh I have a nice hat now this is cool I have to have incredible luck to basically get the ladder to show up here without having to mind so I don’t know what’s going to happen excuse me oh sorry about that was a big one damn it no luck all right and there’s nothing else to fight right so I’m probably going to have to backtrack I only have a few attempts that I can make to try to get the ladder to appear I got some interesting items what’s this a refined quartz a more pure form of quartz oh someone had said you need to refine the courts to make the better sprinklers that’s good another Omni Geo to save for a good luck day no cows or chickens nothing no coup yet I I’m going to make here’s what I’m going to do we’re going to finish this mining run which looks like we’re almost done now tomorrow is fishing day we’re going to fish like crazy and try to make tons of money then we’re going to use that money and wood to make a kitchen we’re going to use that kitchen to cook food so I can eventually do more down here cuz right now I have no ability to make good food to keep going in the mines all right once all that is done then the next thing we’ll do will be to make the coupe and get animals okay oh my God that was incredible luck can you believe that you believe that luck that was nuts we literally need one more can we do it I don’t know have low energy dude a hit frenzy began at the beach well good we’ll go to the beach try to get some halit tomorrow come on ladder [ __ ] man I’m going get right to the end and not be able to make progress this stinks this seriously stinks how do you get to the center wait a minute how do you get to the center of this room I didn’t see a way to get there did you anyone know how to get to the center I don’t don’t see an entrance to it look how do I get in there uh very confused there’s a bat in there I can’t get in there oh I supposed to keep going around I’m being told this stinks well I’m going to have to hurry too dude this takes forever oh I like my hat oh now I can’t do it I’m exhausted I’m done I got to get out of here yep so we can’t do it again I got to 59 I got to level 59 and I couldn’t finish it I ran out of energy oh no all right we got to get out of here it’s 10: p.m. already I got to hurry damn this stunk they gave me this floor on 59 it’s incredibly long timec consuming floor oh my second unsuccessful mining run that sucks that sucks yikes all right nothing I can do about it not going to cry over spilled milk come back stronger next time did I ever play Happy Wars on Xbox I have no idea what that is the answer is no I’m taking Jordan’s advice I’m going to take this New Path Jordan says higher mining levels will allow you to have have less stamina usage so it’s not a total loss okay wow that was easier I didn’t have to go through the whole town and a name that’s completely unpronouncable all right just said hold on think that’s it I that’s completely unpronouncable to a Super Chat and said I hope you play Hollow night again someday uh I might I own it I actually bought it ages ago played it for Halloween marathon once said I would play it again because I liked it and no one asked for it so we never did it this guy’s name is jdk DJ j d j d d KD what in the holy hell kind of name is that man you trying to kill me think I could be able to type that at my age come on man all right all right time to store and sleep and then time to fish so tomorrow it’s going to be all fishing so I need the inventory space for I’m going to fish the whole day wait bamboo pole is that the right one no I need the fiberglass rod and I need my bait right where’s my [Music] bait where is my bait uhoh here it is that’s all I need I don’t even need this yeah I won’t even need that I just need these two things and a watering can in the morning that’s what I’m going to do all right Happy Wars is a crash course free mini game Xbox giveaway oh I remember crash course I totally remember that for sure I remember that that was a fun game Doritos Crash Course bur sunny Tomorrow Good Humor spirits today a little bit of extra luck so you can find Dorado in Forest Rivers during the day rainbow trout in Forest rivers and mountains during the day puffer fish found in the ocean in early afternoon and octopus found in the ocean during the morning all right no need to water now what’s the fastest way to the beach be east and south correct let’s do it let’s do it only bummer I have no food so I can only fish till I’m tired and then I’m screwed so I might not be able to fish as much as I’d like but I still should be able to do a good amount Christian did another Super Chat he says huh that’s a weird way to spell my name let’s fix it Christian you fiber you said you were done with contributions for the day and we all believed you Eagle now you’ve gone back on your word thank you very much Christian for the Super Chat uh can you interact with the seagull or is it going to fly away all right we got the bait on there there we [Music] go here we go fishing time now Jordan did a Super Chat and said you believed him you amateur oh man oh man what is this fish whoa wow what is these fish it dominated me red snapper now Gabriel did a Super Chat and says no fam you put me up there we’re going to see going to give it a few seconds just in case someone else super chats but if not Gabriel will go on the leaderboard thank you guys for the super chats tonight ghost I hear another ghost I already fought ghosts it Mr game master not Super Chat he says late August early September is going to be crazy Star Wars [Music] uh Star Wars visions of Mana [Music] Wukong uh astrobot Warhammer 2 and I think you’re buying them all I don’t know if I’m getting all of those Star Wars is is probably a yes Vision Z Mana is a yes let’s try it is it on Game Pass done Game Pass I’ll try it Wukong I’m definitely interested in um nice we got a chest uh an emerald cool um let’s see here astrobot is a yes Warhammer 2 is a maybe but a a possible yes so and now JD kdj did Super Chat says I think there’s an audience for hollow night remember how well Metroid dread did you don’t have to type my name it’s long and annoying yeah but but I want to get people on the leaderboard so I’ll just type the first part of your name how about just jdk that way we know who it is he’s jdk wait now Christian did a Super Chat he said I did a little FIB hear some money to say I’m sorry thank you Christian for a super chat you guys are crazy thank you for the support [Music] tonight amazing thank you all recording stardew Valley chill stream man I missed I bet how much you want to bet that first bite I got was the octopus I wasn’t ready for it and I lost it like oh man I definitely want to get an octopus halit they did say there was a Feeding Frenzy of halit right that’s got to be the octopus dude there was no chance to get it at all there was literally not a chance to get it how was I supposed to get that that was insane I want the octopus but that’s just nuts a tilapia M I’ve had tilapia and it is [Music] delicious I’m going to probably get rid of seaweed Mark says with monor controls being so common with players have we Dum down fighting games too much I don’t know I’m I’m going to use them like I I refuse to use it I do feel like it’s a huge crutch especially for certain situations but I’ve also don’t think I’ve ever fought a modern player that’s like so Godly dominating or anything you know I’m glad you think that fishing is the best part of the stream Derek Jordan since puer fish are legendary and extremely hard to catch you think it’s a puffer fish then maybe that I’m not getting cuz I want to I mean they said the octopus was in the morning or tilapia says is a useful ingredient in cooking be sure to keep a few pieces well I need the inventory space for fish man I got to make the money or else I’ll never make I’ll never build a kitchen T is so common it’s not a big deal I can always just get it back later right now I need maximum [Music] fish that’s got to be octopus right oh that’s impossible you see how fast it moves there’s no way I can catch that it’s moving way too fast maybe I need more skill or better Rod or something there’s no way I can do that sucks I want whatever it is but I know way I’ll get it okay ooh a tuna I need it for the mission and we get in the chest a Geo not super special but hopefully we get something good out of it right little red snapper yeah more stupid seaweed I don’t need yeah I don’t know I’m going to run out of energy and I don’t have any way to rejuvenate it so this is not going to be as much of a fun fishing trip as previous ones plus they you give me stupid seaweed wasting my time kind of frustrating yes I’ve been fishing with my dad for real I’ve already explained this many times on streams previously literally on these very streams recently if you been watching this play through you know the answer [Music] okay what Lobby Edition have I had they used to have at this at this restaurant nearby they used to have a they show a Fisherman’s Platter and it was tilapia that was basically just bait and season it was also um some shrimp oh red mullet oh that’s cool there was also some shrimp and there was what it was three kinds of seafood I’m trying to remember what the other one was I think it might have just been like cod tilapia and shrimp if I remember so it was like a big variety and you dip it all into tartar sauce and and uh or or cocktail sauce it was really really good oh new record red snapper super good and I like the tilapia had some extra flavor on top of like it was better than the Cod the Cod didn’t it didn’t have as much flavor as the tilapia in my opinion maybe I’m wrong but I think that the I thought the tilapia just tasted a little better um that I know I probably had it in other things too but that’s the one I know I had it in another red mullet I guess I’m never going to get the fast one it’s gone it was it was likely the octopus is what I’m thinking it was it was the octopus lot of run mullets excuse me I wonder if I’m still using b or if I I ran out I should check huh I have 12 left wow I might actually have just enough because I’m probably going to run out of energy by then oh yes I’ve had many kinds of fish tacos before it various different restaurants they’re pretty good I’ve had breaded I’ve had unbreaded you know with very like a like a cilantro lime sauce is usually really good with a like a fish taco [Music] L Jordan says pper fish are only during sunny weather from 12:00 to 4 p.m. during summer or classified as specialty fish so it had to have been the octopus before that was biting that we didn’t get I want this oh nice I think I’m going to get it that was a pain my eye ah I can’t see my eyes started burning so bad oh ah what’ I get a coal I did all that for a piece of coal oh my God what a waste what a [Music] waste oh why give me a chest with a freaking a piece of coal in it oh my bad boy for Christmas Santa’s mad at me or something red snapper and a dressed spinner fishing tackle metal Tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish increase the bite rate when fishing huh I can’t put it on my rod it doesn’t work on my rod I need to get a better Rod I guess the best Rod maybe you could use those on cuz I can’t I mean obviously that’s a rare item right that’s a good find [Music] okay sucks cuz right now I’m saving the money to get the kitchen upgrade if I had a kitchen upgrade I could eat food here and keep fishing all day see so the kitchen upgrade is kind of essential du all the recipes that I’ve been finding I’m going to hopefully make a lot of money selling all these fish all new kinds of fish right what with this seagull he’s still stuck around can I do anything with him can I interact with him stop with the I really wasted my time with that sewi perfect perfect you win perfect you know what they’re doing in Street Fighter 6 start tomorrow you can change when someone joins you for a match you know when it says like here comes a new Challenger ranked or custom you can change the music there now which is cool I’m thinking maybe it’s going to be like the classic music from old uh Street Fighter games like in Street Fighter 2 it was so I’m thinking maybe they’re going to let you use that tomorrow I can’t wait to find out perfect we’re almost out of time oh I am I’m about to be exhausted I could probably do like one more cast after this oh all right last one last [Music] cast yeah it’s definitely dust allergies that kills my eye like that I’m sitting here with the air conditioner blowing getting the you know air from outside probably a big gust of [ __ ] P right my face okay he flew away oh did I get anything great I did I did get three pink fish that’s good obviously actually Four no actually six I have six pink fish I got a rare uh Dressed spinner so that’s Obviously good probably sell some of these glasses I guess I’ll keep the seaweed right all right I don’t know about the Soggy newspaper we got a little bit of extra time yeah oh I found one of these I don’t know what these statues are for probably for something later probably a mission right we can head east here and uh we can pick up some items see is it a con shell what is it it is it’s a Rainbow Shell really who’s this guy old Mariner I got this old amulet to sell but something tells me you’re not ready for it lad really apparently I can’t get it yet I wonder what you do to be ready for the amulet H’s he talking about I don’t think you’re ready for this amulet I don’t think you’re ready for this amulet I don’t think you’re ready for this you’re not a salty seam man yet man wow that’s really bad it’s for you to marry someone what are you serious is that’s what it’s for for marriage wow well I think we’re going to go sell we can’t really do much else cuz I have zero energy like what can you do with zero energy right oh my nose that was a flower I could pick up nope wow I the whole chat shut up cuz I sang everyone got insanely quiet I guess my singing is that bad huh wow sorry about that no lie the whole chat’s quiet like what the hell was that there’s a new avgm it is Sim City all right I’ll check it out possibly when I get a chance I typically try to watch his new episodes but they’re very Hit or Miss like did one that was an insanely bad mobile game and he knew it but the episode was absolutely terrible it was like really bad and I was like what was he thinking making this episode wasn’t funny it was literally him just like yelling at the mobile game constantly and not like even like making good observations like oh I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I can’t believe it like that was it it was probably one of the worst episodes he’s ever done so then after that he did a follow-up episode on Castlevania that was a followup to his episode from like over a decade ago and it was super duper good and it’s like how does he put out such a different quality of product you can tell like when there’s one that there’s a lot of time and effort going into and there’s one that they’re just trying to rush as filler it’s it’s just completely different so I wonder if Sim City is good or not you never know because again he doesn’t write the episodes anymore literally it’s this company um his partner company I forget what they’re called they do it they write everything they do all of it like he just acts and he’s an actor that’s it so let’s sell oh no I don’t want to do that s all that hope make a ton of money and I maybe I’ll even have enough to to do the um Whatchamacallit to do the kitchen the question is do I have enough wood I need 400 wood and I currently hello please move I need 400 wood and I currently have 25 here let’s combine it all [ __ ] haed we all do the geod today depends on my luck tomorrow my luck today was was decent but not amazing no wood in this one f everything here no geod right nope here’s the wood so I only have no I only have 157 so I got to spend time chopping wood so I’m waiting for my axe to complete perhaps it’ll be done very soon and if so then I should be good to go OMG says I wish avgm would do the writing again yeah I mean it’s it’s a sad story where he got super popular way early right at a time before like YouTube prominence and all of that and then what ended up happening was he got so popular he wanted to make his own movie and he went to make the movie took like a year off from making videos the movie was atrociously bad it crushed him because he put so much effort into it and after that he fell off like he made he did make some more that were pretty good but apparently from what I’m understand it was like maybe like six seven years ago he was outright done and didn’t want to do it anymore he don’t want to make any more videos and then basically the company his partnership Company on YouTube were like well you’re like the only dude who we have that makes us money so we’ll just do everything like we’ll literally we’ll write the episodes we’ll film the episodes we’ll Finance the episodes all you have to do is act in them that’s it and if you basically you know I saw I actually saw a documentary on this it was funny because like his friends used to show up in his videos Mike mate his friend used to be the actor who would act all the characters in his videos or he had a musician that would come by I think his name was Kyle Justin who would do the theme song and everything and basically after the movie and he got all burnt out they were all still friends but then like when he decided that I don’t want any involvement any anymore and then he was convinced to keep doing it by this company um he just like they just like stopped being involved with this stuff it’s like they’re not even involved at all anymore just him making these episodes that a lot of them are really soulless you know that sucks to see he’s still continuing but half his episodes stink that’s that’s bad you know I to be honest wouldn’t you rather have it be maybe AVGN James Ral put does like four episodes a year he does won for like like first quarter summertime Halloween Christmas four big episodes right but each episode he actually writes he works with his friends just like the old times and they’re all really good episodes as opposed to to now half the episodes he puts out are atrocious like I couldn’t believe that mobile episode I saw it’s a stupid mobile dating game where a girl is dating a horse I’m not kidding you that’s the game and it’s the worst thing he’s ever put out on the Internet it’s so bad it’s unwatchable like it’s watchable because it’s cringe you just cringe the whole time how bad the episode is it’s like I cannot believe he put this out like he knows it’s bad he knows it’s schlock he just doesn’t care because he’s getting paid you know what I’m saying and it’s like oh man anyway look what we just got level six fishing fishing rod Prof proficiency up crafting re recipe for a bait maker so I guess you can make your own bait now crafting recipe for a spinner we already have a better spinner trap bobber and sonar bobber so all this fishing stuff now wow oh I’m 800 short 800 short but I have oh wait I had a tuna and I didn’t turn it in for the mission oh no I needed a tuna for the mission oh what are these symbols what are these guys can I do something with these if I click on this what happens oh it shows you what you did the Rainbow Shell was worth 300 let’s take a look at the fishing wow dang it I wish I kept the tuna the broken glasses were zero gee thanks zero I am so close to having enough to make the uh make the kitchen look how close I am 800 sure God damn it all right the copper ax is ready we can go pick it up I’ll probably do that we’ll probably get copper ax and just cut down wood all day that’s probably what I’ll do I also need the water plants right I can also do the GEOS what was my luck today let’s find out clear and sunny all tomorrow cre are in Good Humor so maybe we’ll do the geod today [Music] I just get the axe save broken glasses and CDs that can be recycled to make refined quarts yeah but you guys tell me to save everything and I can’t do that right I can’t I literally cannot save every item if I do I’ll have no inventory space ever is that wheat ready to go I think it is if I get the side can I harvest that wheat [Music] [Music] yes I got it nice okay [Music] cool music is so good I love it I can’t believe one person made this game man there there’s so many moving parts to this game when it comes to the things you can do it’s fascinating you get one person Dev teams doing games like this don’t worry Dudley I’m going to come give you water too no Jordan no sprinklers I keep telling you I’ve been just told told by a million people don’t do the the the early sprinklers do better ones I don’t have the ability to do the better ones yet right until I can do the better sprinklers I’m not doing it do this every day is [Music] fine did I do what did I ever play The Goonies one and two no I never played The Goonies one to I really wasn’t into heavy console gaming until SNES I owned uh uh Atari 7800 but I only owned the games that my uncle donated to me that was it and then I had an NES but I got an NES uh I got an NES for way late basically later than most people so for me console gaming wasn’t until like full swing till SNES time all right so wheat obviously it’s a baking ingredient right all right let’s go do the quartz let’s get the axe let’s come back let’s chop wood and then I don’t know I need 800 gold I don’t know how I’m going to get it I need 800 gold in order to uh to build the kitchen but I’m still short I’m still freaking short okay we get the axe the better axe this [Music] time the refined quarts from broken Cs and and broken Cs and glasses makes the better sprinkling you receive the copper axe thank you so much see what else he can do process the geod what is that calite cool don’t have that yet okay I think we could bring calite to the museum I’m just curious what are the other costs so you could do a a steel axe once I finally get I have five iron bars I do so I could do this if I actually wanted to but I don’t want I want to save for the kitchen right now a copper trash can when you trash an item you CL 50% of the value you oh okay Derek all right I won’t see you tomorrow all right you have a good day I’ll see you later in the week [Music] [Music] then hell [Music] sight new reward what did I get [Music] I got what did I get collect rewards a night on Echo Hill piece of furniture you can put in your house why do I want that why on Earth would I want that excuse me jade yes tomorrow if I win with bison and Street Fighter I’ll say a lot of different Street Fighter related quotes with bison how about that I’ll say tons I’ll say game over I’ll say for me it was Tuesday I’ll say yes yes I’ll sure what else what are all the Bison quotes I’ll say all the Bison quotes Generation Z yes I can see your comments I don’t know what you’re talking about he says apparently my comments are being deleted I don’t see your comments being deleted uh no we can see your comment all your comments are visible what are you talking about yeah I don’t think a single one of your comments was deleted I stopped talking because apparently I’m a ghost or dead to everyone I’m just chilling love to see use bison versus Brian’s Mano I think I just missed your I think I just personally missed some of your messages is what it is I didn’t see them I didn’t catch them okay it’s like I told you guys I’ll be focusing on bison tomorrow and then probably for a few Street Fighter streams after that once we figure that out if I like the character or not then I will probably set up another stream with Brian uh probably maybe maybe next week we’ll see maybe a late stream next week perhaps nope can’t do that yet I need steel axe to do this [Music] anyone have recommendations on how to do this I think I could be doing better to get more wood or is this just the way to go cuz look my energy is going down at a rapid Pace man this is the better axe my energy is still going down so I don’t know what’s going on [Music] on should I simply chop down the big trees first wor about the stumps later guys don’t way looking forward to the silent Health to remake of course I am I hope it’s great [Music] dang I don’t think we’re going to have enough uh wood and I’m going to have no energy so I’m going to be able to do nothing today have no energy and no way to recuperate it [Music] [Music] oh does this refresh in my pallet after Elden ring yeah but although admittedly I’ve had a lot of fun with Elden ring the last couple days it was really after that first day and the second day of playing Elden ring that I kind of was getting burned out out but then when I resp and now I’m actually kicking butt and having fun exploring and everything I’m having a good time for those who don’t know I beat a boss today in Elden ring the DLC the shadow of the earth tree that literally everyone on the internet was saying was the hardest boss of the DLC even though it’s early on people were saying oh this boss is as hard as Melania or melenia or whatever I beat her in like five tries four tries I beat her like 15 minutes it wasn’t even a big deal I said to everyone what’s so hard about that and people were like damn it took me three hours to beat her and I’m like I don’t get it and you know what it all is it’s all about the build you know what I’m saying it really is all about the build it’s not about necessarily skill and sometimes a certain build will do better than others in a game like that and I think that’s exactly what happened I had the build to beat this particular boss that was a pain in the ass for everyone else who’s trying different other builds I just happened to have the good one so now people will now see someone like me kick this boss’s ass right and probably go after the boss in that manner in the future because it was so effective so yeah that’s in the videos from also today I fought an incredibly unique and fun Dragon boss the in my opinion the coolest dragon boss that’s ever been in Elden ring P of lore really cool design I couldn’t even believe when I was fighting this boss I was like dude there’s something wedged in the boss that’s part of the plot of Elden ring from the first game before the DLC I was like dude this is so amazing it’s so cool so I recommend you check out today’s videos they’re really really good thank you Jordan for telling me I could do this and not use any energy at least I have something to do do today right I got some different seeds what kind of seeds are those maybe I’ll go plant them mix flower seeds and mixed seeds you plant them at any time oh cool I’ll probably plant them and I’ll see if I get some bonus uh crops I need the money right now I’m going to make no money today so even though I might have enough wood I’m not going to have enough uh I’m not going to have enough money to build the kitchen yet I’m still waiting you’re trying out Shield counter build it’s stupid good yeah like that again that’s they have a lot of items now that buff your Counterattack if you block and then counter hit right I think that’s what the shields are really for in the game you block and then you counter hit it does like insane critical hit damage or something I bet that’s really sick I wonder I wonder how far you can get in the game just doing that Jordan is being mean to you what is Jordan doing don’t be Jordan don’t be mean the generations be nice J Mrs Jasper well Jasper will be in here on and off as you know uh not probably not till next week at this point boy was he prominent on the stream yesterday right he was here over the entire podcast he was jumping all over me he was right on camera this is cool you’re able to do this and get all this bonus [ __ ] without using any energy Jordan stop being me to Generation Z right now seriously I mean it now come on man we’re all we’re all friends here we’re all nice to each other please be nice I got Moss I got Moss off of the tree I didn’t even know you could do that I like Metallica eh I like some of their earlier songs I think the last song I heard of there that I liked was uh uh some was the one about clovers something something Clover it’s the one where they did the collab with the uh the orchestra that was probably the last one I liked I haven’t really heard much since then nor do I care to dur that entire time of Napster and stuff on the internet they basically uh kind of became real jerks to their fans because people were using Napster to download their music and uh like here’s the thing like I can understand if like you come out you’re like listen overall stealing music is not going to be good for the industry prices are going to go up things will change you have to understand this is not good instead they totally came out acting like [ __ ] to the fans like ah [ __ ] all you guys stilling our [ __ ] music man it’s like dude these guys are like ridiculously Rich right off of doing this music and they’re complaining because people are are now putting their music on Napster so you know they can’t buy their 17th Manion or something it’s like dude what the [ __ ] they just came off really really bad at that time and since then I just never really listened to their [ __ ] like ever again I just it it stopped that was also the time let’s be honest early 2000s was the time when rock music really stopped being prominently featured anywhere like you never really hear it on the radio unless you’re on a a whole rock station it stopped being on MTV you know what I mean like it was just the time when all rock music just sto being pertinent in the pop culture Spectrum so I didn’t really hear much about them after that anyway yeah oh I remember the blimp says cell Park had a great episode about that during that time I totally remember 100% I remember they they totally ripped them an new one South Park was definitely the cartoon that did that to every single popor that was going on South Park was good at that for sure this day they still do is just that it’s so old I don’t really watch the show anymore like I don’t think I would ever go back and actively start watching South Park again at this time in my life you know water it quick oh I can’t water oh man I blew it I forgot that watering takes stamina ah a I really blew it I blew it so bad excuse me I have 311 I need 400 this sucks I’m going to have a with less than maximum stamina this is really bad W I’m like no stamina I have no energy at all oh it’s terrible I have no energy at all I can’t put this anywhere I put it behind the fireplace you can’t even see it great job Smooth Move come by the shop and check out the new rods I’m selling they’re the best money can buy and you can equip them with different kinds of tackle so I think Willie saying basically now he have the best rods so I’ll be able to go do those H we have our first harvest oh what is that a hot pepper got them hot peppers yeah who doesn’t like hot peppers resetti from ACNL what in the hell is ACNL buying food from the saloon helps too oh yeah uh we’re we’re almost there I need 800 more to get the kitchen I think we’re just going to do that I’ll probably just water all the plants and then probably just just blow the day there’s nothing I can really do here right I’m not going to have any stamina for anything [Music] today still my one pepper I’m using all my stamina now watering all these plants which was my concern when people said to plant so many I now feel like it’s a backfiring effort and I shouldn’t have done [Music] this like I have no stamina to get wood and I don’t have enough wood for the day oh my god look how much stamina that [Music] used H starting to get more complicated now it’s not good honestly cuz I’m going to start making mistakes with my time [Music] watch what is the cat eating I never feed it what the hell does that cat [Music] eat there I need money I need money M right now no I don’t have the the crafting recipe for Quality sprinkler I don’t know how you get it I don’t have it I just have the regular sprinkler see that’s it I have no clue how you would get quality sprinkler there the bait Maker Place a fish inside it makes the targeted bait for that particular kind of fish cool she was bothering me to begin with yeah I I need like 80 more wood and I can’t I don’t have enough stamina my day is over I literally have no stamina my day is over what’s up Game Boy good evening how you doing what any recommendations guys and what I should do besides just sizing everything cuz I have zero stamina I I can’t do anything today I just go side everything Christian just did another Super Chat he says you need more money okay here you go thank you Christian I wasn’t saying anything but I I appreciate the support thank you Christian if I visit the saloon I have to pay money the whole point is I’m saving money for the kitchen I need 800 more if I spend money I’m not saving for the kitchen right right am I right or am I right come on guys am I right or am I right boss nice wonder what kind of flowers you get from the mixed flower seeds Jordan says the solute cost money to enter yeah you have to buy food right says you have to spend money to make money yes but you have to have money to spend money you have to have money to spend money you have to spend money to make money and once you make money you have to spend that money to enjoy the money what is that the say that how it goes no actually once you have the money you have to spend the money to ensure not only do you keep the money but you continuously generate the money and you make sure absolutely no one else could ever possibly make money only you that’s actually the truth of the American way that’s how the world really works once you have the money you just control the economy to make sure no one else could possibly get as much money as you and you’re always in charge and in power of everything that’s how it works actually but no one tells you that when you’re growing [Music] up what’s this Grandpa Shrine oh [ __ ] I didn’t even know that was back there Granda has a shrine here it was over overgrown I couldn’t see it wow if you lay in bed you’ll slowly regen stamina is that true I’ve certainly cleared a lot of the land here I didn’t go all the way North to the spa someone had said it’s open now maybe I should go check it out you want to do that let’s do that let’s go for a quick walk North to the railroad and see what it is and then come back for the day at least then we’ll get to explore by the way we’re at the end of the stream guys this is our final day for today I want to say thank you all you’ve been a great audience you’ve been very chill very interactive and very supportive oh oh grapes I need that wait a minute what’s this that’s the thing I need both of those are the things I need for the community center holy [ __ ] out of nowhere I found the two items I need for the community center maybe I should just go do that what do you think should I just go right to the community center now and trade them in I don’t know how important that is if I should just go there right now and do it what were the chances they would just be sitting there on the road like that yes do that okay there’s another one and now I have new ideas [Music] cool tasty grapes and the spicy berries here’s the railroad let’s run in here quick look at this the bath ale Alex’s Locker there’s a bunch of pictures of bodybuilders Saed inside the door what the showers I do this whoa I’m taking a steamy bath oh boy what am I doing what’s the point of doing this exactly do I have to do anything here or do I just get my energy back I do I get my energy back by standing here look at this have a good night vames comrade look at that and only it’s going to cost like an hour but I’m going to get all my energy back does anyone in town know about this seems like there’s nobody here but me am I the only one who’s aware of this now yeah it took about an hour and I got all my energy back wow that’s awesome that’s really awesome okay oh well let’s also take a look at the ra they said some you get random items off of the train cars correct so let’s uh head over there and see if you could get anything random if I have time I’ll go to the community center I don’t know if I’m going to have time though I don’t really see anything dumpster this is blocks we can’t do this Kazuma is in there who’s Kazuma there yeah don’t want to do that now I don’t see anything here right Jin from goost to sushima there you go that makes sense oh look where we are I Me by myself you know you know what I’m going to be nice I’m going to give him a grape cuz I have more than one I’m going to give him a high quality great actually no let me make sure that I give the community center first where’s the community center [ __ ] oh do you mean Cosa curu you think curu would like it probably relaxing steam bath Jordan says tell me you using the hoe on worms no we haven’t seen any worms since I had the hoe in my inventory basically [Music] so bundle complete reward Bridge repair what bridge I got summer seeds ooh a su assortment of wild summer seeds that’s fun oh you have to do all of them to get the bridge repaired oh all right well I wish I kind of know we have some of these like I have this one of these mushrooms I think and I think we have the cave carrot we definitely don’t have all of these and the wood I need right now for building so that’s a nogo wall what’s this grapes oh blackberries okay excuse me winter yeah so these winter route we have from the caves but that’s the only one we have so far 30 summer seeds is pretty neat oh look at this what happened a new room opened up what is going on here oh there’s even new different stuff look at this summer crops tomato hot pepper blueberry and a melon ooh okay high quality crops wow this is all we probably make in the kitchen this is animal products so we won’t have these yet okay and what’s the other one no I did not know Metallica was first called metal Mania Fish Lake fish night fishing crabs basically all shellfish ocean fish sardine tuna red snapper tilapa IA glittering Boulder removed look at that that’s the reward here P fish go ghostfish sandfish and wood skit River fish wow there’s so many things to do for this community center huh that’s a ton all right it’s 7 o’cl what should I do funny part is I have all my energy back so what let’s just go back home and let’s uh let’s just cut down some Woods really quickly as much as we can before I got to go to sleep that’ll be it for tonight and we play again this weekend uh we will focus on getting the kitchen cuz once I get the kitchen right then I can actually uh make food which will allow me to play longer and and spend longer out while I’m out right now not having food is really hampering my experience okay by the way Jordan thank you for that last Super Chat I’m sorry I didn’t get you on the leaderboard obviously I got very occupied here hope you forgive me Jordan Christian is it another Super Chat he say for real this is my last Super Chat of the stream it’s been a nice chill night I’m looking forward to attending more the next stard Valley Stream will be Saturday night same time here on the channel so if you like stard and you want to chill with me please come back Saturday night tomorrow I’m doing Street Fighter 6 all day because mice and the new character releases and then F I’m off Thursdays and then Friday is uh more Elden ring DLC and more Street Fighter so that’s why Saturday night is when I’m playing this next okay cool thank you Christian really appreciate all the support tonight really don’t know why stardo gets as much support as it does but I’m just happy I’m not I’m certainly not criticizing or you know saying anything negative is awesome I I have a ton of fun hanging out with you guys having a fun conversation learning about the game right so I’m always improving with all these new things says what bundle am I going to get for Street Fighter I think I might get the bigger one I mean considering the fact that I had a really supportive stream here tonight I had a supportive Elder ring stream earlier today uh I think I’ll probably get the bigger one and I’ll get that way I’ll get all the outfits I’ll get the classic outfit for bison tomorrow which I really want to use I actually don’t want to use the new one I want the classic bison outfit I’ll probably spend the little bit extra look how much energy it takes to chop the trees down it’s an incredible amount of energy I’ve only been doing it for like an hour and I almost have used my entire energy bar good news is I’m getting a ton of wood I should be good now I just need to get to 10,000 gold now right all right let’s go drop stuff off so let’s drop off all this stuff let’s drop off oh I can sell all this I’m going to sell all this drop off all the seeds drop this off drop off the side drop off all these fern seeds yeah all this stuff drop it all off in that box okay sells this way I’ll make a little bit of money it ain’t going to be 800 but it’ll at least be something right be something to get me closer how I always H in the wrong box I did it again where’s my wood what box has my wood am I blind there it is so I have enough wood I just need the money now okay all right it’s time for Sleep actually hold on one more thing beautiful sunny day actually I don’t care what my fortune is all right this will save we end tonight I can’t I can’t sleep there we go doesn’t let me do it level four foraging obtain axe proficiency up wild berry harvesting up new crafting Trapper new crafting mushroom log new crafting wild seeds for the summer wow that’s good stuff look how close look how close I was I’m only like 300 gold off from getting the kitchen now dang dang all right guys this is where we’re going to call it a night look at my stats I’m doing pretty darn good right I feel like I am I’m really improving well here thank you all for chilling with me here tonight in stardew Valley and those who Watching On Demand I appreciate you guys watching as well uh thank thank you so much another great supportive fun interactive night until next time see you then peace out and safe

This is my playthrough of Stardew Valley on the PC, with live commentary!

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