Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE POKEMON!

today is my first day as a Pokemon trainer and I’m going to be the best that ever was with my best buddy Squirtle he’s my starter Pokemon and we’re going to join the tournament today to show who is the strongest Pokemon trainer ever it’s going to be so much fun because that’s what Pokemon is all about having fun with your pet Pokemon come on Squirtle and O look there’s some trainers over here hey guys are you guys enjoying Pokémon today you two need to quit Pokémon you two suck what me and my level five Charmander will destroy any competition wao that guy has a level five Charmander that is awesome yeah we’re not going to take any bullying from you Alexa check out my level 12 too wao this guy has a too that is so awesome these guys are really strong trainers I wonder what this girl’s talking about she’s acting like she could beat these two you know what I’m not going to just take on one of you I’m going to take on both of you at the same time what no trainer is able to beat two Pokemons at the same time what is this girl talking about what type of Pokemon does she have your Pokémon don’t stand up against my Rayquaza what the what is that a Shiny Rayquaza oh gosh Charmander try your best they’re actually about to battle and you know what I believe that if the trainer believes in their Pokemon enough anyone could be any Pokemon this guy got it I got destroyed in one hit wait what that girl beat him in one hit your next Trio come here wait uh how is she this strong you won’t be my Trio that easily one hit and he’s dead wait you mean to tell me she just took on two trainers in one hit how are you this powerful I wish someone could beat you well lucky for you green guy my name is SS and I’m training to become the number one trainer in the world and me and my Squirtle can defeat anybody hey you what’s your name the name’s Alexa and your name is going to be loser after I destroy you are you sure about that I could take on your Rayquaza easily Squirtle let’s do this you don’t want to go with me young man yeah I do Squirtle you’re going to hit her with a super duper powerful attack rapid spin it does 50 physical power with 100% accuracy hit him with everything you got huh that’s cute cuz you’re already dead what Squirtle no he fainted you just beat me in one hit yeah because I’m the best Pokémon trainer in the world and I’m improve it at the tournament today the tournament well I was going to join that tournament today to join the tournament you need three level 100 Pokémon and you don’t even have one what well me and Squirtle was going to train and get super strong listen up you three loser boys you need to give up on Pokémon and watch me at the tournament what give up on Pokemon I can’t do that Pokémon’s All I Ever Wanted whatever the tournament’s start in 2 hours bye okay bye rats I got destroyed in that Pokemon battle yes so did we she’s insanely powerful she’s the most powerful trainer in town but that’s not how Pokemon is you can’t just be a big meanie about it Pokemon’s about having fun and having a relationship with your Pokémon and fighting together yeah but my Pokémon is so weak yeah me too if only there was a way we could make our Pokémon a lot stronger what’s going on guys my name’s the professor whoa hi sir do you happen to know anything about Pokemon we just got destroyed in a battle why yes I’m the professor I can make any Pokemon the strongest It Ever Was wait are you serious yes me and my Squirtle want to join that tournament tonight me and my Charmander too me and myo as well yeah we’re new friends what’s your guys’s name by the way my name is trainer Luke and I’m here to become the most strongest Pokémon trainer ever wa looks like we have similar goals and what about you what’s your name my name is trainer Roxy and I’m also trying to be the best Pokemon trainer awesome three friends that have the same goals I’ll see which one of us can get to the top and it’s going to be a lot of fun battling other strong people but Professor how could we possibly get our Pokémon stronger the tournament isn’t less in 2 hours first of all we need to heal your Pokémon so throw them right into here wa is this a Pokemon healer Check It Out Boys it’s healing up my Squirtle he was fainted but now he’s back in business awesome sauce he’s level 14 thank you so much Professor a level 14 Pokemon is not going to cut in the tournament that Alexa girl had three Pokemon at level 100 she’s so powerful they don’t call me the professor for no reason check this out wa what is that it looks like a Pokemon wand yep it works like magic right click it and see what it does buddy um okay I guess I’ll give it a shot Pokemon editor it says Whoa Squirtle level 14 I can edit it and what guys I could give Squirtle any abilities I want yeah isn’t it pretty cool wait I can make him ginormous would that actually work hold up let me try and send him out and wa Squirtle he looks so much bigger than before right boys yeah let me try that all right here you go Roxy and Luke you could have one as well sendra Pokémons out and we could do whatever we want with them okay how about I do this I’m going to change his level to level 25 would that evolve my Squirtle Squirtle let me send you out and wait how do I evolve him Mr Professor here take some rare candy that should do the trick oh okay let me try it and guys look look Roxy my Squirtle it’s evolving wo I’ve never seen this before this is awesome oh my goodness gracious he is huge now and my Squirtle evolved into a war Turtle oh my gosh he’s as tall as me he’s so awesome thank you so much professor and wait a minute the Squirtle evolve again why of course he does keep upgrading him see what happens uh okay I’ll take my war total to level 99 and then I’ll rare candy him up would this actually work come on word tal are you level 99 and now if I give you a rare candy Roxy look my War turtle is evolving what is he going to turn into uh I hope he turns into something super good so we could beat Alexa yeah and who guys look at this my War Turtle has evolved into a Blastoise and he could learn a new move called flash Cannon it does 80 power I’m going to replace that with withdraw and he is so awesome looking Mr Professor what else can I do to my Pokémon to make them more powerful you can evolve them what evolve them past this but how can I evolve my Blastoise even more he’s level 100 what else is there to evolve it’s called Mega Evolution Mega Evolution let me see where is that is it in the bottom where it says form I can make him into a mega or a gigant Max I’m going to try out Mega first to see what that looks like bloa oh my gosh Luke Roxy check out my Blastoise he is huge dude he looks so powerful oh my goodness gracious Professor thank you wa I’m inside him right now I’m inside his Canon this is dope Luke did you mega evolve your skepti he’s awesome yes s skate and I even made him shiny and giant wait shiny hold up can I do that with my Blastoise let’s see over here pallets shiny or zombie Hold Up Wait what is zombie on a Pokemon let me test this out and he looks like a ninja turtle oh no that is fire let me make mine into a zombie wait let me see how it looks like as a shiny to see which one is the best w he looks so cool ly the purple is so nice and uh I think mine looks better in normal form yes sir that makes him look super juicy I know right boom Blastoise you’re looking awesome and wait let me just make sure to Mega wait what about gigant mask what does this do if I throw him out oh my goodness gracious Luke Roxy check out my blast toys she’s looking insane right now oh no Alexa literally has nothing on us yeah but I think my favorite form would have to be the mega form Blastoise boom she’s going down and whoa Roxy did your Charmander already evolved into a charmeleon yeah and I’m about to edit him nice make sure to edit him into a Charizard but Professor we have a huge problem I only have one Pokémon you need three to enter the tournament I guess my Pokemon dreams are never going to happen me and Blastoise are just going to go on a different Adventure buddy with the magic wand you could get yourself any Pokemon you want wait a minute you’re actually right I could get any Pokemon I want waa this is awesome but uh I added a new one and I got a Magikarp I don’t want a Magikarp are you sure about that check what happens when you evolve him um okay I’ll set him to level 99 and now fight sent him out he’s just a normal fish yeah magikarps are the weakest Pokémon in the game what do I do with this guy uh level him up and evolve him um okay and what Luke Roxy did you guys know that a Magikarp could evolve what what does he turn into let me see oh my gosh he is huge is that a kados w he looks awesome Professor yep never judge a book by its cover and wait a minute not only that I can make him ginormous and not only that it looks like he has a mega form as well yep he’s very powerful most people don’t know that okay let me try and throw him out and a I can’t even see his face he’s that big I’m going to have to step out for this one let me throw this bad boy what the what wait he’s not Mega anymore Gyarados I to see your mega for him dude and I can also make him shiny so Mega Shiny Gyarados Boop and wao he’s red that is so cool I love it so much and Roxy you should try using rare candies to evolve your Charmander that’s what I’m doing wo wo yes sir and he’s already 30 dude you’re so close nice and now Professor I need one more Pokémon but I need your recommendation what’s something strong that I could use you have to use a legendary my friend a legendary Pokemon just like Alexa Rayquaza wao what legendary Pokemon should I use to beat her a super powerful one is gutina uh okay I’ll believe you on this cuz I don’t know let me do/ poke gift then myself and I’m going to make it a gar rotina wo guys oh my gosh look at this guy he’s huge I literally have to step out to see him what the what is that huh oh no OHS you might actually be the most powerful one in town now maybe and I could even make him ginormous and there’s two forms origin and altered that is awesome and there’s a shiny form let me see how he looks looks like in origin and shiny oh my gosh guys this guy is ginormous dude he is actually insane I know and am I able to fly on him he’s so big I can’t even find where his head is that is sick and O Roxy your Charizard is looking awesome and everyone I think we’re now ready for the Pokémon tournament good luck guys I’ll be watching we made it to the tournament and Alexa is that you ain’t no way you boy showed up this is going to be a breeze who’s going to go against me oh it looks like guys the only ones in the tournament is us so who wants to go up against Alexa I will I have my new level 100 Charizard wao he’s serious yeah Alexa we did a little bit of upgrading yeah yeah come on Roxy we’ll fight on this side and you two fight on that side wait Luke I didn’t even realize we’re going to have to fight each other oh gosh I’m going to try my best cuz I do want to be the best trainer yeah me too let’s have fun in battle ly I’m going to start with my level 100 Blastoise let’s do this buddy I’mma send out my level 100 Pia what you have a level 100 Pia hm well that won’t be enough wao he is huge but that’s not enough to get me in my Blastoise down Blastoise H since that is a pokia we’re going to have to hit him with our strongest move let’s go with water gun yes sir oh yeah but I hit you with the AOS spere oh gosh your aura is CR Z did I just do 3% damage to you oh no bro it’s not even a challenge Blastoise flash Kon I hit you with the scary face that decreases your speed uh well luckily uh I’m barely doing any damage to you Blastoise no this isn’t good I might actually lose to him SS you could swap out your Pokemon oh yeah thanks for letting me know I need something that’s strong against Pia which is a dragon type and hold up I have my dragon type gutina let’s do this not before I could do some damage to Blastoise oh no Blastoise please Retreat and let’s go he retreated time and oh my gosh my Gua is gigantic that might actually be a problem yeah it is a problem but he’s underleveled he’s 70 and you’re what just happened am I did I just one tap you I have four Health left gtino hold on this isn’t good I’m going to have to hit you with something that’s strong Dragon claw I hope that doesn’t do too much damage it has to come on Pia you have to go down we got this gutina and it was super effective come on oh no you’re still at 52% this is not good at all let’s go I’mma finish you off once and for all gutina hold on hold on don’t get down and did you just use scary face no I didn’t mean to use that one perfect gutina we need a critical hit to take down pokeon let’s do it 10% yes that’s true super duper low what are you going to do luk I could do anything and I’ll finish you off boy not happening let’s do this gutina hit huh oh no G gutina let’s go say bye-bye to your Pokemon that’s not enough blasto you’re coming back out let’s hit him strong with a bite what are you going to do about this one Luca I already know what I’m going to do I’m going to hit you with something new the dragon claw oh no that sounds serious Blastoise hold on you just have to do 10% and he did it yes Blastoise good job haha Luke my Blastoise did a ton of damage uh impossible he’s supposed to be a little baby butt he’s not a baby button waa did you just send out a celab he’s so tiny and isn’t that a legendary Pokémon yeah he’s tiny but he’s Mighty all right well Blastoise let’s bite that little celery stick go oh and did you just use confusion yeah that did a lot of damage oh no and my bite was a critical hit yes you’re only at 60% left Luke what are you going to do about that oh gosh I’mma finish you off once and for all with the magical Leaf magical Lo no this is not good did Blastoise just get destroyed yes sir say bye-bye to your favorite pets well now all that’s left is my Gyarados and I’m going to use the power of My Pokemon spirit to beat you Luke let’s do this Gyarados bite I used my heel Bell so I should be healing up well not in time cuz Gyarados bit you we need one more to take you out buddy oh gosh that was super effective yes sir there’s nothing you can do about this one ly Gyarados let’s do it finish off C Y no way he’s not him come on Gyarados just hang in there and did we take out your celby yes good job shiny Gyarados oh no is that a skepti this is going to be isn’t he really good against you yeah he is I’m not going to lose that easily Luke Gyarados let’s hit him with a bite you got this buddy we can’t lose we came too farad did I just avord your attack Impossible how because me and Gyarados is spirit is too strong good job Gyarados hang in there buddy we just have to beat this Mega skep tile and I promise you we will we will get to that final battle and we will show the world that friendship is how you win battles not being mean I promise you I’m a pack-a-punch with this one what move did you use pound come here boy oh gosh Gyarados hang in there and bite even harder than before was a critical hit you’re super low this is all I have to do Gyarados one more bite and we win this please critical hit please not like this Gyarados he hung in there and wait a minute skepti fainted did I just win my first Pokemon battle Gyarados you did it buddy thank you so much you clutched up for the team I just beat Roxy so you’re next buddy we could heal up over here H I’m not going to let you win Alexa you’re a big bully Roxy how was your battle dude she destroyed Mees her Pokemon are so insane well Alexa I’ll have you know it’s not going to be enough and I need a rare candy up my gutina so I could be even stronger than ever yeah no matter how powerful you are you’ll still never be anything compared to me are you sure about that me and my Pokémon spirit is super powerful let’s do this gutina I’m sending you out first first uh oh yeah I’m sending on my Rayquaza Rayquaza h a normal Rayquaza isn’t going to do anything let’s do this Alexa are you sure about that what if I hit you with an air slash an air slash well what if I hit you with a dragon claw that should not do anything are you sure cuz that was super effective one tapped there’s literally no way how because the spear with me and my Pokémon are higher than yours and is that a shiny suaby Luke had one of those and I remember slash should do a lot of damage let’s do this well I used a very good attack future sight you foresaw my attack well did you foree this 20% damage not bad ktina not bad at all yeah you know it’s going to be really bad when I hit you with the magical Leaf well what about if I hit you with a dragon claw it shouldn’t do anything are you sure about that come on let’s go and wait it hit you with 50% left wait a second you’re actually cooking me up for breakfast yeah I am because I’m not going to lose to you Alexa you’re a big meanie patini I failed yes sir come on we’re so close 19% Luke I could do it oh no you’re showing Alexa she’s not that good Belle yes sir ski let’s finish her off with the shadow clock gutina go hit strong and hit what did you just do I had some life de to save myself whoa what is that uh his name is Verizion wow for Rion let’s see how he likes my dragon type move let’s go gutina hit him hard oh gosh please don’t make me embarrassed it’s going to be embarrassing cuz gutina is super powerful let’s go half Health Luke Roxy I I think I actually just did it I think I just woned the tournament so oh no you still have to finish strong well guess what gutina finish her off with dragon claw wait did did I just do it did I just beat Alexa in a Pokémon battle this is impossible how did you do it because I believe that me and my poke came on our friends and I did it for my new friends Roxy and Luke we did it boys yay and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE POKEMON!


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