all right there we go the Trap is now done check it out check it out rage I eded this little extension up here so basically there’s this bridge and you can walk and then someone if they run iny theie open it open it I can’t open it God I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to hurt myself it doesn’t work it doesn’t work it doesn’t work it doesn’t work dude I right clicked it with I right clicked it with I’m just angry I’m going to break some I’ll get I’ll get us another zombie don’t worry I’ll get us a zombie yo birdie you do understand if that was your alternate right there you would have died zomie right here why can’t I touch it anymore this doesn’t make any sense it was working 5 minutes ago hurry fix it he hey hey come on come on fix come on run run dark come on come on come on ready boom oh come on yes we did it y so we just have to be ready to do that so wait if the alternate or the mimic show up we use this but if siren had shows up we just try to get him inside of like the big pit I see dark wait what the heck is that what’s dude that thing looked weird what that did not look like dark mean don’t freak me out bro what do you mean no no no I’m serious I’m serious I saw someone walking around over here huh was it the alate no no no doesn’t yours huh you saw right over here to see your footage bro cuz I got to show you talking about dude dark dark dark you know you know what the knocker looks like right yeah but the in a while dude the knocker hasn’t been on the world and I saw something walking around like the like like the knocker who killed my cat dark it wasn’t you’re trolling it was trolling I heard that no that was not me no you play that sound then played some played through your microphone that had some emotion to that wasn’t me I was not moving my lips my lips were cck your soundboard clicked your freaking soundboard my soundboard sounds like this okay and it sounds like this wait what is oh that’s just an end that’s my sound okay press cuz we’ll get demonetized what’s up let let me look at your face real quick yeah you got no mouth you don’t and I must scream dude bro I have no mouth and I must scream that’s a banger bro that it’s like uh HP Dickens or something HP Dickens that’s what H it’s a it’s a I I hey uh I’m sry to what yo I hear birdie again hey hey guys guys guys so so we we need to trap siren head today right yeah uh I contacted my guy you guys might want to come and see this come downstairs oh and I hear siren head so we should hurry up yeah I got a special delivery you’re dead to me dark you’re dead to me bro you’re dead to me you are such a little I hate you oh my god dud I knew you were going to to dodge that bro I was I was certain of your abilities were you trying to were you trying to trap to trap on me bro so I I called out my guik what kind of funky stuff are you on in your free time R what the I went on the dark web and I found this TR contacted my guys I bought some traps what bro we can set up some traps today by setting up like redstone traps and stuff this is going to be perfect I’m telling you um okay I think it’s time for me to uh uh confess something what what I don’t know how Redstone works so I’m just going to be watching you guys are you kidding me it’s not that hard dude here let me show you so you see this redstone torch right here that uh you sure you want to use that one yeah I don’t think we should I don’t think we should you can use it no no no no here here so so I’ll place down this trap right here ready so does it work wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on I mean I’ve never used it before so dude stop stepping on it I can’t no no hold on you even need a redstone for a bear trap don’t we need like a bear for that wo wao do you guys hear that though yep why doesn’t this work hold on I’m trying to make it work real quick why do you need rle for a bear CP what the heck why is it not working I swear it’s supposed to work guys all right fine then wait maybe you should test it on like oh that one works that one works yeah we got y maybe we should test it on like a zombie or something you want it yeah chicken this chicken right here hey we all got traps so let’s bring that guys look at this chicken bring some of yours chicken no all right fine fine chicken come over here come here chicken we’re going to test on the chicken no that chicken didn’t do nothing to you come on chicken chicken alone chicken he push it push it into there go go into the Trap no wait if it doesn’t trap us that’s perfect we can run on top of it and have that thing get trapped come on you stupid bird man go into the Trap go into the it worked it worked it worked oh my yo I know exactly what you need wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on I just I just want to I just want to point out the fact that this guy right here the guy right here thought a bear trap worked with redstone hey man why would a why would a bear trap need a redstone have you ever seen real life uses electricity hey man don’t hey I I didn’t make this all right the the the the guy on the dark web the guy the guy that I’m going to put these outside before I want to pull it in dark’s face yeah yeah for real he’s just making of to piss me off right birdie dude I literally went on the dark web and had to go out of my way to order it and he’s over here he’s just making fun of you yeah you went out of your way put the F watch out for that he tried to kill me boom we got trapped here we go I’m going to put one it’s going to work it’s going to work right here I put a random out here just to see what we can catch dude this is going to be perfect I’m going put some oh dude spikes spikes let’s put some spikes on the side I forgot to grab stuff let me grab some come on man too busy making fun of me that’s true help dude I need your help uhoh bro dark is Goofy heyy there we go what are they talking about up there the freaking ton I’m going to fix this what there we go this what’s this that’s a fan you ever get sucked into a fan oh I love getting sucked I into a fan how does this work do you have Redstone see I told you you need Redstone dud we could put this on the sides oh yo yo yo yo birdie come look at this yo you can get blown away W no we got to wait hold on hold on it can it can mess us up too though wait but then we could just set the Redstone up on top of our platform up there wait rage rage put the Redstone right here I got to test something oh my God you’re genius all right I got you I got you ready all right try it kind of works this man fla yeah kind oh dude we’re about to make the most secure base in the whole world what what do you wantd no I didn’t say anything that wasn’t me hey you guys got more fans hey how should we activate this I think we go up on top and we run Redstone down so I’m going to start I got you I got you um where you to put no no that’s not going to be smart though because that that means they can jump on it no no no no no if we put them like yeah I have an idea I have an idea yo you’re a genius you’re a genius yeah what we could do yeah yeah yeah yeah right there and then we can run the Redstone down from right up here dude how are you so smart man dude I don’t know I just I just it’s natural wait uh should should we uh put this on the other side yeah um the the fans we should only have them on oh yeah like different areas different areas like the next one would be like right here on this trap what the dude you just wasted a trap wait you can’t use it anymore I mean you can I guess how can you waste it just right click it right right click the Trap and it’ll reset the spring rage no no oh my God my sweet pumpkin pie he’s going myself today no stop man stop burn chill now you know how I fell in it’s cuz I had no hunger a oh dude okay now you’re just bad dark you’re just bad I’m Chuck I’m stuck I mean who’s Chuck you’re just bad this man does not know how to do parkour does anybody have Cobblestone I’m building the Redstone contration I got you I got you man I got you don’t even worry about it here let’s let’s build this thing oh but we need repeaters though we need repeaters um we could have two levers oh shoot I hear giant Alex guys so you’re sure that that only giant Alex makes that sound hey I’m hearing footsteps now guys you are hey watch out watch I’m going to activate this I’m going to activate this okay I’m going to see if I can lure the footsteps oh it’s working it’s working careful woo we got to be real careful with that I got you I got you uh and then this one we got God he sounds close I’m going to see if I H we got to hurry no dude he’s going destroy he’s going to destroy everything what what happened what happened oh I missed the Cobblestone can you place one right here I don’t have one here’s wood that works I see y we got to hurry guys we got to hurry oh God I almost pushed you in guys should I bring him over no no this isn’t set up for him yet we’re not even ready yet hold on hold on watch closer you got Redstone hook me up hook me up I I don’t have any I don’t oh I have one I have one we’re screwed have nothing I’m dude birdie you’re you’re pushing me in sorry sorry sorry sorry need more Redstone I need more Redstone I need to get rid of all this junk in my inventory I’m getting rid of all this junk in my inventory all this stuff that I don’t need did I just hear Whispers n my mind hey it’s me guys guys guys guys we have a problem get under get underground get undergr get underground he’s here he’s here don’t go up don’t go up don’t go up what no not yet siren head siren head’s here we got to trap him though we got to trap him right I mean yeah we can but oh man we’re not done setting Clos he’s really close guys all right we’re not done setting up yet though crap really sucks standing there right now wait wait I don’t think he realizes we set a trip yet hey uh I have an idea first we make siren head go away right then we test these traps out on smaller objects like dark and birdie no no uh you guys your your mimics and altern why don’t we use on your mimic yeah why don’t we use it on your mimic shaking got to lure away guys we got to lure him away somehow we’re screwed the world shaking no dude dark we’re done oh he’s at our Fort he’s literally here he’s literally here he’s going to break our building there he is God dang it get away from our building he’s yeah he’s breaking the building he’s going to oh my God exit exit guys this way breaking the building he’s breaking our building dude it’s like he knows dude siren head knows that we’re trying to trap him that’s probably why can hear me he’s gone wait what did you find no nothing that wasn’t me that wasn’t me that wasn’t me dude our house no I think it’s fine I think I think it survived I think it’s good I checked the camera he didn’t destroy it he was climbing on it that’s weird he was like stomping on it wait wait he set off this trap he set off this bear trap he did oh shoot it didn’t do anything to him though yeah no it did hit it did hurt him a little I saw him like jump yeah cuz he ran back off he probably stoed his th on it wait wait wait you saw him get hurt yeah holy so cuz you ran out dark do you have extra uh no I have idea I have a few just a few bro I have an idea just place them around no no just place them around all you got to do is place them all right I’m going to place down my bear traps as well birdie you got spikes uh no I’m just trying to work on this Redstone do you have any red stone I’m I’m trying to I’m I’m about to die yeah I got some Redstone okay I’m I’m getting this working I got you man so it needs it’s connected yeah uh let’s put the activator lever like right here then for this one cuz it cuz it can’t reach too far see yeah okay oh wait it’s working it’s working though okay perfect you got both of them activated yo it’s actually working the fact we have it fully set up uh oh that Wood’s on fire it’s fine though it should be fine uhoh are you good um I got it I fixed it you’re welcome perfect thank you oh it’s because of the lava bro yeah I know I didn’t have any Cobblestone I’m kind of deactivate it for now let me deactivate the fans just remember to activate both of them yeah I will I will dude this is such a good setup oh man a dude it’s on fire again man what is oh crap hold on I’m going come on here let’s not even use wood the fan is pushing me down the fan the demons the demons I to hide it’s pushing me it’s yeah how does it feel dark no yo do you have any Redstone to fix this with I got you I got you wait was that my mimic that killed dark are we ever going to stop these Crees if we both if all three of us literally fall for the same mistake who activated the fan dude birdie was that you who activated it I no because I died to it I literally died to it I’m upset too wait why is the fan still on look why is the fan still on what that it’s connected to something else I think oh no no it isn’t oh look what the guys infinite power wait is it just glitched hey hey he hey turn it off turn it off turn it off it’s ow it’s not glitch huh what the hell bro our base our base is to here we keep dying by it bro I know I’m not scared of nothing be quiet for a second giant Alex I’m going start taking this huh whoa birdie why did you sign like the you sounded like the cursed villager yo who needs these cameras and I am just so excited to go find the mimic oh my God what the heck is he on about yo guys it’s scary survival brain [Music] Edition bro you have to understand I’m waiting for you what what was that officer down officer down shots fired shots fired all right you guys are doing too much now dark please help me I missed the old dark Corners I can’t believe what he turned into this is just so sad we got we got to chill we got to chill we got to chill that that wasn’t me that was not me that was not you need some help bro you do need some help that wasn’t me that wasn’t me I’m good guys I feel useless do can I do something wait there’s a dude dude dude look look it look it it’s pissed it’s piss trap time trap tra trap time tra there it is there’s the cursed villager get him in Get Him in oh it fell in it fell in it fell in yes it worked no way way wait guys yeah yo guys did it did it step on the bear traps too yeah it stepped on the Trap I heard it get hurt first yo all right reenable the traps reenable the traps here all you got to do is right click them literally just right click them when they really yeah yeah it’ll pull them back down nice wait what is that what is that noise giant Alex out in the woods out in the woods oh shoot let’s do it let’s do it guys this get her time activate time activate him activate him wait it’s not even going to be able to come inside here though it can climb uhoh uh-oh it got hurt it got hurt what the oh it’s working she she’s getting hurt Sheed dude that was bad that was bad is is she gone oh she disappeared she killed him oh no disappears I think I think the problem is she was just too big I think we don’t have an aliz we have problems with her how is this going to work with siren head no she’s probably weaker than she’s probably stronger than siren head yeah she’s bigger than him for sure wait but these are actually working oh yeah yeah yeah let me enable these traps again all right place down we’re setting up landmines for ourselves I know the creeper in the yeah oh Bop oh what I just heard it sound sound like an anime girl stuck in uh let’s enable this real quick there we go all these traps we’re real Hunters we got to put down some more huh that sounded like birdie though that was definitely birdie that was definitely wait no there turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around look get the get the get the this way this [Applause] way I got it I got it no no no I just died I fell into the freaking lava pin just burned what that sound was that was that you guys or was that your Alor Mak I pushed it in I pushed it in I fell into the freaking deep hole down there wait what the heck I saw it over here dude I hate these fans screw these fans man I’m breaking it you don’t like hold on hold on what what was that sound did you guys guys hear that it was like a dock going like I did not hear that I did not hear that wait what the yo you guys see this brother we broke the game wait destroy destroy the dirt destroy the dir wait what the heck brother we broke the game what the stop ow ow wait we actually broke the game did I fix it I’m going to die yo what the heck but yo it was weird The Sounds it was making it like we already know it’s not a mimic but it was making really scary sounds what was it when we were dying in the lava yeah it was going like I think that was the sound of Birdie’s alternate Dy he’s crying is this guy is this guy dead is this not what I’ve been saying okay all right we’re not we’re not we’re not going there okay it could have been me it could have been me going I think it was birdie it sounded exactly like that but you didn’t have your voice Chang around bro no I didn’t oh freck dude it can mimic your voice CH no Okay so we’ve killed all the mimics pretty much with our trap your mimic is dead bro your mimic uh Little Susy dude we got to see if we can get Herobrin yo do we have gold wait what have I have gold dude we have plenty of gold what if we add a shrine to our triap what uh sure why not what kind of shrine a herob wait why don’t we build a herob bron shine like right over here and then we put lava all around it so when he comes he has to he falls into lava and dies that is a good idea good idea I think we should go we should go mining then we need some gold let’s go mining have a Minecraft we do we come on dark my helmet broke you know you might think that the reason why Minecraft is called Minecraft is because you mine and you craft things but the real reason why the creative Minecraft called it Minecraft is because he was inspired by the game Warcraft by Blizzard Entertainment did you guys know that no I’ve never heard of that honestly I’ve heard of that yeah I knew people that played World of Warcraft they got diabetes no no no no no not World of Warcraft Warcraft the real time strategy game that did an AI take you over did an AI take are you chbt Tak over by Google hey man this we’re playing on doesn’t mean I can’t be informative yeah you sound oh Lord have mercy bro uh dark has become a bot guys literally ask me any question about any all right uh who’s uh who was the who was the smartest man in the entire world according to who uh I don’t know you according to me man the smartest man in the world is the man that Minds his own business dark dark dark what happened to Paul Walker and F in the fury 7 hey you guys find oh well he he focused on his family so he he quit the life what that’s for real like he L with life yeah I know what happened to him to never mind what about Vin Diesel what happened to Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious 8 uh he was getting blackmailed about his baby that he had with Mama so he why do you know this why do you know this I know literally everything about every movie it’s not a joke this man this man is uh Google search hey rage is an I didn’t even watch the movie that’s the funniest part really yeah oh what the you got x-ray vision he’s hacking he’s hacking bro you’re hacking I’m going to ban you bed all right then then which direction next dark help this way show us show us if there’s something really by way guys don’t forget listen closely you might hear Herobrin running around we haven’t seen Herobrine in so long yeah but he’s definitely seen us how do we how do we know he’s still on the world how do we know he’s still on the world he just is bro why would he not be because we haven’t seen the knocker or the one who watches that’s why birdie what the we haven’t seen a cartoon cat either wait cartoon cat yeah cartoon cat used to be on this world that’s wild D dud oh don’t don’t don’t don’t get too close he has se he hasn’t seen us yet I think he SE us oh he’s gone he’s gone let’s see he’s gone he left let’s find a different cave cuz this cave sucks yeah wa go in a circle wait I think I had a better cave yeah this cave doesn’t even have gold I think I had a better cave over here all right man we’ll follow you oh he’s he’s going off Yonder we should just follow him okay well let’s stick together do anybody have food I got some food you want some food dark starving please give me some food I’ll give you this and thank you I got some raw meat dude we’ve been stuck around this area for the longest time how about we we explore come on yeah yeah I’m kind of a home body you know I I like the you sure are a big body d Dora the Explorer you guys got backpack backpack backpack Swiper no backpack Small Things big things uh sizes all around backpack backpack I actually don’t know the entire theme I I don’t know it in English what’s the what’s the Lord of Dora the Lord of Dora well she got this uh cousin his name is Diego and uh he lives in the jungle so uh uh who who would you like more Diego or Dora yeah dark serious question listen man all I can say that one episode of D the Explorer where you got to jump over rolling like uh H tree trunks that are rolling down a hill you got to jump that one is fire bro that’s my favorite episode did you jump with it you had to jump and the camera would jump too I was like w I was like I’m jumping for real you ever wonder if like an obese person did it too and they knocked their TV over and that was the last time they saw Dora hey guys come over here I found something yeah yeah we can hear you what what are you talking about he you uh birdie it wasn’t me it wasn’t me yeah it sounds just like wa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop what Dr drop what drop what somebody dropped this did you drop this oh I might have yeah I think I might have dropped it okay you I’m you guys got bones he just ate my meat without my consent here you go wait what he just ate your what I got bones I found I just found quicked meat on the ground you let another person eat me no I said no and they continue to do it without my concent well you should have said Swiper no swiping I would have stopped I got a dog I got a dog guys waa is that what you need the bones for yeah I got three of them what I got a dog too wow stole my bones hey you want a bon you want a bone dark dark you want a bone dog yo yo dark there’s another dog right here right here dark go get it go try your I don’t do well with dogs not going to lie come on man it’s time to let go of uh um doct Dr um what’s his name again Dr uh I already gave him the bone he didn’t want me okay let’s move on D what’s his name again drct what let’s hey make sure you don’t forget your dog and abandon him again rage hey hey make sure you don’t abandon your dog again what’s your dog doing right now he’s probably still waiting for you he’s right there no this is my dog other dog hey we don’t talk about that all right I’m going to give this dog the best life ever but dude what was his name again Dr what Dr whiskers I don’t want to talk about it you a cat yeah you do seem like the type of guy like what what’s up birdie his uh his cat died a long time ago my cat was killed by his mimic hey but it wasn’t me that’s so S I wasn’t the one who did it I’m calling this guy peanut butter balls is what I’m calling him all right guys how about we find a cave cuz uh I don’t know if you guys realize it but the sun is like going come on come on peanut butter balls we’re going get over here that is defin we’re going to you like my dog’s name what’s the name peanut butter balls yeah do we still remember the way back yeah yo uh dark you know what my dog’s name is Mr wh you want to know what my dog’s name is Spike uh 2.0 I’m calling mine the same way you just Spike 1.0 I’m calling my Mrs whiskers I’m I’m going to give him the best life ever man chill and PB balls you got something against me the birdie my cat got killed rage literally forgot he had a dog we left the village that we were staying and then when we got to another Village A Million Miles Away he was like what happened to my dog oh shoot I forgot him hey man stop spreading lies I don’t like it yeah bro slander oh this is a huge cave what the heck see Hey where’s my thanks where’s my thanks this looks real dangerous guys where’s my thanks I hear that oh no your dog my dog peanut butter balls peanut butter balls oh man my dog just got hurt because of you guys my dog just fell because of you guys guys I’m hearing so many sounds I don’t like this back P back back [Music] back guys if something finds us here there is literally no Quick Escape I’m building my meat I’m making meat over here can I have some yeah thank you come outside come outside I dare you where are you hey dark hey dark I’m a really good friend right the Paw hey guys come over here found something dude dark there’s a huge cave over here here here too I’m things come in small packages yeah that’s not true is Big doesn’t mean it’s got a bunch of gold in there dark are you waiting for your meat or are you going to just go in the cave I’m waiting for you I’m not going to abandon you okay fine I’ll just break this I have some meat for you oh no night time is coming I know let’s get in the cave here okay we should probably spend the night inside of the cave here you go dark the longer you the longer you wait for birdie what kind of meat is this it’s pork pork chop missing out on pork chop what’s wrong with pork chops uh it’s not hello you can’t eat pork chop man pork chop birdie you would know if you were his friend I am his friend but nah he knew he knew what he was doing I didn’t know what dog go peanut butter balls where you at all right should we go in here guys there’s nothing down there man I didn’t find all right let’s go check out my cave Then Fall there was nothing over there either what you did not go into my cave bro how would you know I went there first Gap capuccino yeah you’re drinking straight cappuccino I hear dark he’s laughing I would play some spike tra my dog peanut butter balls come on let’s go oh wait this wait R is saying he went all the way in here why would he lie about that what do you mean you’re R you did not go in whoa this is big this is big peanut butter balls are you ready to explore come on let’s go come on peanut butter balls damn this a big this is a big one that’s what they used to call me in high school the big one just kidding they didn’t call me anything cuz they hated me look at this let’s build a oh wait I’m going to I’m going to get as much coal as I can so I can cook the rest of this food come on peanut butter balls let’s go let’s go peanut butter balls come on oh my God I thought I saw something it’s me yo he’s chilling with me right now what the peanut butter balls damn damn you how you’re good hey guys come over here I found something yo birdie birdie my mimic was chilling with me he was he walked past me what the freak dude me and peanut butter balls were chilling over there nothing was bothering us was sure as heck bothering me guys yeah let’s check the cameras I’m going to check the cameras who wants some’s back at home any siren heads anything oh my God that’s not me that’s not me wait that Birdie down here oh my God that’s not me that’s not me oh my God it’s not me get in get in get in get in get in get in oh my gosh dude dark is chilling out there look at he’s right behind this dude no what no what happened my dog that’s your dog no your your dog died kill it kill it kill [Applause] it God dark you see the chat the chat no what happened my w my wolf was slain by the alternate shooter birdie no it killed your wolf ow it wasn’t my fault no no peanut butter balls no peanut butter balls stop I’m going to kill your dog no don’t do it don’t hold on what happen dude yo I was literally I was just looking at brain rod on my on my camera Monitor and then I look back and there’s like screaming and I see birdie running around attacking you he ran past you while you were in the camera monitor the BR What the freaking ton still bring rod and it wait wait when it killed your dog did it like Target your do or did it just get over here was it just like collateral damage no no I I think it went straight for my dog and myself what the what the peanut butter balls is angry at you I’m sorry you must have hit me dude now you know how I felt leave him here you want me to leave my dog behind oh I give him some food I gave him some food I gave him what the I gave you food you dumb now you know how I feel we’re going to bury the little peanut butter balls I’m sorry peanut butter balls making fun of me now cuz I would never make fun of you ra ra two wrongs don’t make a right man huh say goodbye to peanut butter balls all right goodbye peanut butter balls what you’re going to leave in there forever yep y That’s where he’s what he’s not oh your alternate is just like you bro no he’s trying to bite freaking rage I don’t want him to cuz rage attacked you was defending you the lawsuit behind it is just too large to ignore the facts of the situation dog rage would never sue you he’d see that he has to pay the lawers he’d be like um no actually um what are you talking about he’s calling you cheap he’s calling you cheap bro pay for the lawyers um I don’t know man I don’t know it’s not worth the risk me without a legs I think I think that’s worth it man I’m a su birdie for sure God no I found something what is it I don’t actually know what I found oh oh yeah you definely found something I got this guys I got this I got him I got him oh he’s dizzy he’s dizzy let’s kick his ass oh my God it’s on fight bro what the heck dude how is it not dying why is it so strong what the heck for no reason de stop hey yo what the heck take some take somek take some pork I have to show you something that was dark laughing maniacally guys look at this look at this tell me this is in the secret entrance hey you want secret tunnel secret tunnel what guys we came down here for gold we still haven’t gotten a single piece of gold I know but we got coal that’s close enough you know there be gold down here trust me dude we still need to make the Herobrine ritual man what are we doing dude we’re trying to find gold CH you know Rome wasn’t built in a day probably took at least a week he said Rome wasn’t built in a day hey make some more some more torches yeah Dano I got a whole stack I got a whole stack now plug where that’s a way out uh I think we got to go back down this way or supposed to be what the freak is it we copper what are you doing birdie I be I don’t want to be on this I don’t want to be in this golden dip this cave has no freaking gold in it I’m doing my best we found a very very bad cave want to leave we’re not going deep enough that’s the problem yeah dark keep want to go up yep we’re not going deep enough go down yo let’s go down yo BD you got you got to control your mimic man your your alternate hey he’s wild I don’t think this continues I think this is the end yeah huh I’m just scared we’re going to run into something crazy down here yeah we could but it’s well lit now so it shouldn’t be that bad oh we’re back at the entrance again maybe there’s a different thing like a different place uh let’s wait for dark where’s dark bro can you guys hear me dude I heard I heard you again that’s a mimic hey dark come here dark is he in the cave with us dude where the heck is he he’s all alone yo I I really want to go back to the base yeah I do too but I don’t even know where dark is I don’t even see his name tag anywhere crap we need a bunch of gold though in order to make the Herobrine uh summon ritual we should have just strip mined honestly from our Fort oh man if we have uh yeah yeah you’re right let’s just go back I’m sure he’ll find his way back uhoh run the other way run the other way evil birdie evil birdie evil birdie run run run run all right what evil birdie evil birdie he’s back there I don’t know did he follow me you’re lying man no I’m not never mind never mind you’re not no I’m not no I’m not no I’m not no I’m not no no back up back up back up I’m going to die see you in the next [Applause] life well I’m back at the Fort damn it why does this always happen to me it’s probably cuz I have no armor so yeah I guess the traps did work but we’re going to trap siren head next time guys make sure that you subscribe and like the video if we get 300 likes on this video we’ll we’ll be right back at it we’ll make we have to make a bigger trap though for sure I don’t think siren head’s going to fit down here I don’t know where my friends went but they’re going to be disappointed when they see that I’m logged off when they get back to the Fort all right I’ll see you guys in the next one peace out bye

We TRAPPED Minecraft’s Loudest GIANT (Siren Head) w/ @RageElixirMinecraft @Darkomode in Minecraft


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  1. Dode get your dog 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶

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