I Built the BIGGEST Iron Farm in Survival Minecraft

this is one of the biggest iron Farms to ever be created featuring an endless stream of dying golems and a massive decoration to go along with it all in Survival Minecraft I started by creating an outline which looked tiny in the gigantic perimeter I had just finished digging now this Farm is mostly made up of obsidian villagers and pillagers and because this Farm is absolutely massive I need over 168 pillagers all without their crossbows and the first step to tackling the Pillager problem is finding a way to farm pillagers with the easiest way of doing that being to use an outpost and so I promptly decimated every last block of their nice cozy home and implemented a custom Kitty po but that’s okay cuz now we have a renewable Pillager Supply now in order to break the crossbows that the pillagers have they need to shoot their crossbows like a couple hundred times and to prevent me from looking like a literal porcupine I constructed a machine that will automatically break the pillagers crossbows until all 180 pillagers are properly de weaponized which involves bringing a villager all the way from my base to the farm cuz apparently pillagers don’t like villagers all that much and the best way I can think to transport this villager is with a boat and while I move the Villager let me tell you about the four steps to this Pro all right looks like we’re going to need a bridge here after getting all the pillagers in place in the iron farm I need to do the same with over 2,000 villagers don’t mind me just busting a hole in the wall I also need to flood the entire floor of the perimeter so that if I fall I have a safe landing spot up he goes the walls also need to be decorated with massive Iron Golem statues I hope I don’t fall to top it all off a collection system in the nether which is going to be used to store all the drops I get from the farm and perfect safe and sound so after over 30 hours of AFK time and extending the Pillager silos so they can hold more now we have to transport them to the farm and I’m going to connect this rail line to another portal by the iron farm while also building a holding cell on the other side of the portal to catch the pillagers when they come through so I can name tag each Pillager and send him to the waiting area to later be transferred into the actual Farm comment down below and name for a Pillager and I’ll name one whatever the most like suggestions so I got to work building a whole bunch of little boxes for the pillagers to sit in while connecting a dirt rail line and sending them on their way excellent this is a really good start now in the farm each pillagers sits in his own glass box so when we eventually put the villagers around the pillagers they’ll scare the villagers forcing an iron golem to spawn ah villagers one of the most peaceful mobs in Minecraft and yet the single most frustrating AI I’ve ever seen and with that being said let’s collect over 2,000 of them all in individual little prison homes all in their own homes so I began building up a whole bunch of villager pods similar to the Pillager pods we just made I again also constructed dirt paths with rails on them to make the transport of the villagers extremely straightforward but now I need to build a system that will breed me all of the villagers I built a in a holding cell and now I just have to figure out how to get a villager all the way up here but I think I’ve got an idea there should be a village a little this ways and if I borrow one of its members come on get in the boat and I take them for a little Expedition through the river I reach my big hole and all I need to do now is build a massive bridge out of dirt to be able to boat him along yeah this is going to take a while but with the power of editing I can just perfect both villagers are in but while these villagers do their thing let’s start working on building up the decoration for the perimeter starting with the floor I want to completely cover it in water so that if anybody Falls they don’t die looking at you buddy and in order to properly flood the entire perimeter there needs to be a layer of solid blocks underneath the water for it to spread out on determining the best way to do this was to put a layer of concrete down above the Bedrock I loaded up with gray concrete and began placing yeah I realized extremely quickly that placing a quarter of a million blocks manually might not be the best idea so to fix that I headed over to the other side of the perimeter and built up a contraption that will automatically build the floor for me now this sh on loader will spit blocks into this water stream and transport them to our friend floor right here placing I got to go to prom so I’ll come back when it’s [Music] finished I’ve never been happier to see 150 shulkers of gray concrete and flood the entire area we are just going to use water mechanics to our advantage by placing a row of ice on two adjacent sides and breaking it to create water sources the water will just automatically start filling up the entire area for us this is just so satisfying and now with another step of the project completed I can start working on building up some of the decorated walls because I don’t know about you but this just staying it and ever since I finished the absolute monstrosity of a quarry I’ve got plenty of deep slate so I decided to go pretty heavy on deep slate when designing the thing and I need around 150,000 yeah this storage still looks ridiculous every time I craft an absurd amount of blocks I’m just reminded that these mods are a lifesaver because manually doing this would take absolute ages and after something up the Deep site to make it cracked because for some reason furnaces do that I made a life supply of stone bricks and opened a pack of jelly beans however that happiness was shortlived as I realized I decided to include 30,000 frog lights when designing the farm yeah I knew we didn’t have a Frog Light Farm yet here we are so my evening turned from fun into building a death chamber for the poor magma cubes while spamming portals to create an endless supply of them just your average Tuesday because in order to obtain frog lights you got to chop magma cubes into tiny bits and have a frog Chomp down the problem is that in order to handle the decently fast stream of magma cubes that will be farted out by this portal I need around 200 frogs you see the issue we’re floating in a sky above an ocean I got straight to work building three breeding centers and three separate biomes in order to get all the different colors of frogs kidnapped some local inhabitants and fed them slime to make more frogs in case you didn’t know frog colors are dependent on their environment so bringing a frog in a desert versus in Antarctica is going to result in a very different frog these frog variants will then produce different colored frog lights so we need all three kinds in order to create the best possible Farm keeping it well rounded but before I get to that if you’re watching this video now there’s a good chance I’m still under 100,000 subscribers and it’s been a goal of mine for years to finally reach that Milestone we were only around 13,000 short so subscribing now would allow you to say you were here before the 100K Mark and make me happy but enough rattling the tin can let’s get back to the frogs so now comes the fun part where I get to transport all 200 of these goobers into the really tall thing above the ocean at first I tried using leads on all the frogs but I soon realized that there is is a better method just like many other animals frogs have an item that they’re attracted to in their case it happens to be slime balls yeah you certainly don’t see this every day the introduction of slime balls made the transport process extremely straightforward and before I knew it I had all my frog friends in their new forever home and this works certainly paid off with collection of the final material for the wall I placed down the shulkers and began to build now I will say wall building is extremely repetitive and for anybody out there I just recommend doing a simple pattern that can be built by a miss unless you want to spend your entire week doing [Music] this but oh wow was this definitely worth it with shaders it just looks even better the Frog lights add a nice pop so I definitely think getting those 200 frogs was worth it and now as much as I would like to say we have all the villagers we need because as you remember they were supposed to be breeding while I was building the walls there were some complications that came up you see storing roughly 2,000 villagers in a single block with quick Minecart access so that you can transport them a farm easily is easier said than us so after a couple iterations of designs in the test world I ended up slightly altering the envid of the village of breeding system but that’s okay because I do have to build up the statues around the perimeter anyway so hopefully the villagers will be all good by the time I finish with the statues maybe I don’t know we’ll see now when I say I underestimated these statues I mean it I figured each one of these statues might take an hour two at most but no these statues took the better part of 6 hours each please leave me some good movie recommendations because honestly I’m just running out at this [Music] point anyway these also look sick but on an even better note the Villager storage seems to have at least it appears that there are very many of them I don’t know it’s kind of hard to tell cuz they’re all in one block the villagers caus a lot of lag which will become a slight issue later in the video but to help with that right now I can place weeping Vines at the villager’s feet then they will just cause less lag I don’t really know [Music] what the heck are all you guys doing here where’ you all come [Music] from now originally when building this track system I had put a whole bunch of activator rails to automatically Dismount the villagers the only problem is that when it turns to night the villagers sleep in their beds and spawn outside of their cages which defeats the whole purpose of everything I’m doing to fix this I need to remove the previously placed activator rails so that the villagers start filling up from the end of the line and then after the villagers are in their cages I can destroy the temporary path which leaves them stranded floating in the middle of nowhere and then I can keep repeating that process until all the villagers on that height are in their cages to automate this process a little bit I set up a bot over by the minecart dispenser so that all I have to do is type in this command that will let the bot know to flip the lever a couple times and then the villagers will make their way over here after securing them in the cage I need to place an activator rail the next empty cage and start the process all over again as I’m doing this let’s play a little trivia how long has this video taken me so far keep in mind I don’t spend hours on this every single day for those of you that had guess 64 days good job at time of recording right now we are about 64 days in and while you were distracted with that I finished the first row of villagers I’ve got five more I’m starting to realize that this many villagers is going to cause even more lag than I anticipated I’m on the third layer and the game’s FPS is already starting to tank I figur that I should probably go finish the decoration on the farm and build the nether side before completing the villagers and finishing the farm so that I can actually do that in peace my plan for the rest of the decoration is some vines that go up around the walls and make it seem a bit more overgrown to top it off the vines are mostly made out of wool concrete moss and mango leaves it does not appear that we have 150,000 mango leaves and getting 90 shulkers this way would just be way too Bor now my friend tree Chopper sent over two different designs for a leaf bar one that’s fairly simple and another one that’s less simple it didn’t take me long to make up my mind and soon enough I had a fully built up lead Farm to finish the farm I’ve just got to head back over to the swamp pick up a couple of mango roots and place them right along here because I don’t know now to mine mango leaves you need shears and one ordinary Shear won’t cut it because it will break before I get close to the amount of leaves I need which means for efficiency’s sake I need them all enchanted with Unbreaking and the massive villager Training hall in the end made it super easy to get all the books I had originally thought that you needed Sil touch in order to the leaves with shears but it confused the heck out of me and I realized that you don’t need sub touch that’s the point of shears awesome so these all should do the job and if I load them into the restocking system that I built and send the B on his way he’s not destroying the vines turns out you need efficiency on the shears for it to insta break Vines I did not know that so I headed back to the end to trade with the Villagers got even more levels and I was able to enchant all the shears with the efficiency on top of the Unbreaking excellent we are back in business now while the mango Farm gets going there there are two other materials that the vines are made out of wool can be sourced from our wool Farm over here but unfortunately you can’t die already colored wool that’s just dumb instead I’ve got to change it from The Source by dying the Sheep green we’ll eventually get green dye out of its chests which is also going to take a really long time so let’s just gather the last block Moss because this one will be a bit more of a hands-on experience now I’ve got this Moss / bone meal farm right here and if I turn on the farm it starts creating a bunch of moss normally it would flow into these composters to create bone meal but by blocking them up I can just chill here and collect a bunch of moss and after a couple minutes I managed to get three full shulkers I needed to finish the Deco after taking a short break for finals I now have a sufficient amount of blocks to start building you know the drill by now seriously though I wasn’t kidding about movie recommendations please help the guy [Music] out oh this looks so good oh what the heck happened here okay that that’s fixed yeah to say the least these Vines were a pain because it was basically repeating the same thing over and over again but now with all the big decoration done in the Overworld we can move our Focus back to the nether because before finishing the villagers I also want to do the storage system that collects all the iron when the Iron Golems die and it’s going to be uh somewhere like right here I should find out the exact location right here is going to be the storage system and materals I’ve got them all here except one 28 cakes why the heck do we need 28 cakes I don’t know let’s go figure that out though all right cakes cakes cakes how do we make them uh wheat sugar egg and milk now I believe we are going to be all set on the eggs sugar and but we don’t have buckets of milk laying around let’s go hunt down some friends why are there no cows aha found one you sir are going to be my new friend we’re going to call you Jerry Jerry get in the hole come on now here boy just bringing back bad memories of doing all those frogs earlier Jerry Jerry are you good can’t get Jerry to the hole bring the hole to Jerry there we are a whole bunch of milk and thank you for your service I’ll miss Jerry never mind that though we got our cakes and while I build this if any of you guys are interested in supporting what I do recently I’ve launched memberships for this channel so for as little as 99 cents a month you guys can get cool perks while supporting me at the same time no pressure though just thought I’d mention it and let’s finish up this project well this is probably one of the weirder looking storage systems I’ve built but you don’t really care about that so let’s get on to the other stuff meaning the actual Farm because it’s high time I finished it well there’s nothing like the present ah this is nice to see this on the other hand isn’t yep let me just take care of that real [Music] quick and now comes the part where I have to light all these portals so I’m going to need a couple flint and Steels because there are a lot of portals here 16 of these bad boys should do the trick [Music] yeah at this rate I’m going to need a lot more than [Music] 16 with all the portals now in place we should be ready to run this thing the first step is to place a bot in the center of the farm like so and then these should link up to the nether side perfect but after I turned on the farm with my ALT account uh that’s a lot of Golems but why are they all standing there so naturally I called in some reinforcements the reason for that is because the mobs W actually want to come out uh so what you’d have to do is and by using this little handy dandy machine here I’m able to slice portals like so well this thing definitely produces iron got a whole bunch of our good friends burning right here now the question is if I AFK this for 24 hours how much would I [Music] get and after about 24 hours of AFK we’ve got tons of iron just chilling in the storage system after doing some calculations I think about 6 and 1 12 to 7 million iron is in the chest which roughly equates to about 300K hour now that’s pretty fast now what on Earth am I going to do next [Music]

I Built the Biggest Iron Farm in Survival Minecraft

Stay tuned for the next video and have a good day 🙂

Thanks to @Treechopper66 for the major help

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I Built the Biggest Iron Farm in Survival Minecraft


Current sub count: 87,886


  1. A recommendation I have is to watch LEMMiNO's videos on a second monitor, but if you don't have one, audio only is just fine.

  2. I dont know what it is abt you but for some reason you a lot doper than the other small minecraft creators who also have a valuable and big worlds that have these kinds of big projects. you different somehow and i fw that hard

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