JJ and MIKEY watching for Zoonomaly on cameras CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen animation

hello everyone in this video zoan amly settle in our village and some of them will start to destroy it we will start to follow the village and find out who is destroying it and how we will defend ourselves see further in the [Music] video now you can make a proper meal out of it yeah it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten something freshly grown oh my God look it’s a zoan I can see that but what are they doing here are they up to something maybe they want to mess up our village somehow [Laughter] [Music] I think they just moved to our village and just want to live here then it’s okay let them live it’s getting dark let’s go home here we are at home now I want only one thing to get a good night’s sleep yes me too I’ve had a lot to do today and I’m very tired I totally agree with you only a good night’s sleep will help me now good morning Mikey good morning JJ what are we doing today as always the village rounds first my God what happened here the whole village is in Ruins oh no who destroyed these houses who could have done that Mikey we need to find out who did this we need iron we need to get some pickaxes from the chest and go get some iron for the hidden cameras and from the hidden cameras we will watch The Village to a point come on Mikey take me to our mind I forgot where it is what would you do without me we’d have to use the map yeah you’d be lost with a map too here’s the mine there must be a lot of iron in here well then what’s the use of wasting time let’s go inside I don’t see any iron it’s kind of deserted h I take that back it’s got everything we need Mikey this is gold not iron we don’t need gold this is what iron looks like in case you forgotten okay I was just messing with you I think that’s enough let’s go home and melt our iron give me your iron I’ll start putting iron in the furnace wow that’s a lot to dig up we’ll wait a while that’s it now we just need to make the cameras and we can put them in okay I’m all done now can we go and put them in because I’m tired of just standing around watching you work I’m itching to do it myself yes now we can go and set up the cameras at key points now let’s set up the cameras in the village itself that’s right so we can see everything that’s going on in the village we need to put a camera at the zoan aalii all the problems started when they got here sh we need to do everything quietly so that we are not noticed pH zoan aali did not notice us we need to go to his friends and put cameras there too last house I’ll put a camera inside cover [Music] me we’re lucky the Zookeeper asleep now let’s go home and keep an eye on them now we’re going to have to work with our eyes to make sure we don’t miss a detail okay I’m going to stay up all night to find this bad guy [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] I found out who the villain is it’s the Zookeeper he’s destroying our village while we sleep we have to do something to stop him but how Mikey you forgot we have tons of guns and traps at home we just cover his houses with traps and he can’t destroy our village I’m fully armed I’m fully prepared too then let’s go while they’re asleep and surprise him yeah he’s definitely asleep now we can set traps in his house let’s go quickly we don’t have as much time as we’d like we have to do it in the first half of the day get ready he should wake up [Music] soon oh no he’s past the first hurdle hopefully the traps will stop him I hope so too we built them for a reason [Music] oh my God he’s out Mikey open fire on him or the village will be finished ouch he’s destroying my tower JJ help me Yahoo we got that zookeeper yay we’re doing great thanks for watching Dear viewers don’t forget to like And subscribe we love [Music] you Mikey the staff that’s still protected yeah it’s protected it’ll never be stolen don’t forget any protection can be bypassed JJ are you kidding me how to bypass that defense you won’t know until you try look this staff causes a tornado Mikey what are you doing why would you make such protection for just a nice piece of wood I knew it wasn’t just a simple staff wow I thought it was just a nice piece of wood let’s get ready and steal the staff wait I heard something oh no it’s [Laughter] catnap come [Laughter] on do it just do it [Laughter] [Music] easy oh my God he stole the staff what’s he going to do with it this could end badly then let’s go get ready to steal it then it’s settled let’s go after catnap and take the staff from him before he hides let’s go after him and take the staff for ourselves stop right there or we’ll hurt you last warning or this will end badly for you catnap bye have a great time looks like he ran this way Mikey I think we lost him and he still has the staff how’s that I thought we we were running fast and catnap got away from us what are we supposed to do now JJ I don’t think catnap is going to summon a tornado unless he’s stupid so let’s just rest okay let’s go home and just forget about our bad luck and have fun we’ll relax by the pool we didn’t clean it all day yesterday for nothing good idea I’ll get a tan I’m getting too green then take everything you need for a comfortable vacation I bought it all 2 years ago and we’ll only use it today here you go [Music] Mikey only in our village we have a swimming pool I’m very proud of it and now the sunbeds and umbrellas will make it even better look at how well it’s all working out all that’s left to do is put the drinks on D done now you can relax and unwind from all the hustle and bustle of the village Mikey is it just me or is it getting a little chilly yeah I’ve noticed too the clouds are starting to block out the Sun how am I supposed to sunbathe attention there’s a tornado approaching everyone be careful oh my god did you hear that there’s a tornado headed our way we have to be safe or we’ll be swept away with the houses JJ you’re right we should build bunkers for ourselves then we’ll be safe then let’s get the resources and meet back here let’s hurry up I had some iron around here somewhere yeah here it is just what we need for tornado protection I’ll be perfectly safe with these got to get back to Mike’s I see you’re ready so let’s go build a bunker or if we don’t make it in time our game is over I’ll build on this side okay then I’ll start on my side H Mikey’s building a bunker out of wood it’s going to break maybe he has some kind of magic wood okay he should know better what to build with I’m going to build my bunker JJ you’re just getting started hurry up or you won’t make it don’t worry I’ve got it under control armored glass how cool is it that they invented armored glass Yahoo my bunker is on full alert Mikey how you doing my bunker is fully stocked too we have nothing to fear now we’ll definitely survive This Tornado H do I hear something wind oh no the tornado’s coming hurry up and hide in the bunker Mikey oh my God it’s so big ouch get in the bunker now this tornado is so strong it’s making me uncomfortable oh my God it’s so strong I’ve never seen a tornado like this before in my life where did it come from I hope the residents have fortified their homes or they’ll be in trouble the tornado is starting to move in the other direction oh my God the whole village has fallen to the bricks we should check on Mikey uh Mikey’s fine JJ are you okay my roof took a little bit of a hit but I’m fine I’m fine too how do we stop this tornado we have to get the staff from catnap remember he stole it and now he’s taking revenge on us that’s right I forgot all about it he’s the one who’s controlling the tornado let’s give him a beating [Music] Yahoo we’ve taught him a lesson now we need to undo the spell and get the tornado off the face of the Earth [Music] well done JJ you’ve handled that tornado now the village and its inhabitants are safe yes but we couldn’t have done it without the help of the viewers their likes and subscriptions make us stronger thank you dear viewers we love you remember that fisherman now we’re going to show him who the captain of this river is he will be 100% surprised at the fish we catch God look at our house it’s covered in cobwebs we did a general cleaning today what happened to it is this some kind of joke Mikey get the sword we got to get this dirt off our house yeah there’s a reason we’ve been cleaning all day today we got to get those cobwebs out too well then let’s get to work let’s get started and get it done then I’ll clean the inside and you clean the outside that’s right it’ll be much quicker that way Mikey why are you yelling is something wrong JJ there’s a spider inside I’m very afraid of them I won’t clean the house okay I’ll take out that spider you have nothing to be afraid of how small you are it’s even pathetic to swat you let me catch you and let you out but you must not come back to our house it’s not easy to catch him he’s so fast JJ he’s running away he’s so nasty and disgusting go away spider what were you yelling for are you scared of the spider too you said you weren’t scared what’s wrong Mikey it bit me right on the arm that’s why I yelled I’m not afraid of spiders so if it got away let’s keep cleaning our house JJ what are you doing you’re scaring me that’s not normal what I’m just cleaning the cobwebs it’s easier to get out of here what’s the big deal just so everyone can crawl on the ceiling it’s true I didn’t even realize I was crawling but what’s that about you were bitten by a mutant spider and transferred its powers to you powers what else has changed in me let’s go see what I can do [Music] now let me try to lift this cow I feel like I can do it I highly doubt it but it’s worth a try oh my God you did it how could you and I told you I feel strong I wonder how much that cow weighs I can hold it with one hand let’s experiment some more now I’m going to build a pillar of cobblestones try to lift it too maybe the cow is not the maximum weight for you great let’s check it out God you could lift that pole how strong you are I didn’t even break a sweat it’s a spit up for me I could hold that pole all day and I wouldn’t get tired well put the pole down and let’s go see if you can lift something else what are you up to you’ll see JJ try to lift this house if you can then I’ll be sure of your super strength this house somehow I know I can lift it it doesn’t look heavy oh my God you could lift it now I have no questions about your strength I think it’s not the limit I can lift something heavier you know you need a superhero costume 1 second now that I’m Spider-Man how does this new suit fit me you don’t have to answer that I know it’s great okay let’s go see what we can do with your superpowers ah wait my Spidey Sense tells me someone’s in trouble we need to find someone who needs help help me help me you were right a resident almost fell off the crane we need to do something to help him and save him yes I can see that let’s get closer and figure something out what are we going to do use my spider web so he gets Tangled in it when he falls and doesn’t break good idea Mr new Spider-Man fall don’t be afraid the web will save you it worked the resident is unharmed we saved him don’t mention it I’m the new Spider-Man and it’s my job to save the residents let’s move on in case someone else needs our help my gut tells me someone else around here needs [Music] [Laughter] help Mister Don’t Be Afraid Spider-Man is here I’m going to take care of these vile Bandits hey you didn’t hear me I’m going to give you a beating don’t laugh [Laughter] yet you’re all saved thank you wow he thanked us with cookies M they’re delicious try some too j J I don’t have time the bank is in danger I’m going [Music] in don’t worry your salvation is here you’re going to regret robbing this Bank surrender and you won’t get hurt I warned you [Music] I’ll leave you to the police I’ll get back to [Music] work what Venom he stole Mikey I got to save my friend and I’m not going to let it go my instincts led me to this lirer this is where I’ll find the Venom hey you’re about to be punished for stealing my best friend [Music] [Music] oh I’m going to let you out of this cage now let’s go free thank you for watching the rest of this clip don’t forget to like And subscribe we love you these boards will be enough for us to rebuild the house then let’s run home quickly come on we’re almost there just a little more yeah I’m right behind you here just a few more things to fix and that’s it we’re free let’s fix it up and go have fun I’m tired of fixing up your house you should have built it with bricks like me that’s it I’ve done everything now we can go to rest what shall we do really I thought it would be till night look there’s an abandoned house over there it’s true true I don’t remember it why don’t we go see what’s inside it maybe we’ll find something interesting why not let’s see what’s inside the house who’s stopping us I think this house has no owners so no one will stop Us JJ that’s what I meant use your brain and read between the lines I’ll knock this wood out with my axe it’s a good thing I didn’t put it out after all our work well let’s see what’s inside I’m already curious it seems there is nothing interesting here everything is cobwebbed and abandoned let’s look in the other rooms maybe they left something for us I don’t see any forgotten things or anything that might be of interest to us there was another room let’s go and see what’s in it as they say last chance to find something worthwhile just as I thought there’s nothing here I think someone’s been here before us oh what’s that lever what happens if I pull it would it open some kind of Secret Door don’t make it up there’s no secret door they only show that in the movies we’ve wasted our time let’s go do something else yeah let’s go have some fun I’m tired of working all day [Music] oh look a resident is worried about something what do you think happened I think he sold the rotten flesh one Emerald cheaper and now he’s worried about it yeah then let him worry about it let’s go let’s not distract him [Music] [Music] oh there’s some sort of fair let’s go see what they have in stock maybe we can get something for ourselves sure let’s have a look he sells cereal I love it and this one seems to sell Christmas decorations look it’s toys he’s 100% popular at the fair and this is the Apple Baron look how many varieties of apples he has in his tent I’m not really interested in anything here shall we keep walking what else are we going to do we have to entertain ourselves somehow let’s go on an adventure that’s what we need soccer good fun [Music] [Music] gold I win Mikey phw I’m tired let’s go back to the fair and get some food as you can see I’m hungry great idea let’s go and get some food god what happened here oh my god let’s take a closer look what are those blotches on the floor I don’t know but it’s best not to touch them oh my God what happened here some kind of natural disaster I don’t think there’d be a tornado if there was a natural disaster it’s so scary it’s creepy we need to find who did this from the smudges on the floor we will find the cause of This Disaster let’s follow the trail oh no it’s that Resident something’s been done to him too too bad for him but we have to keep going to make sense of it all the blots led us to this abandoned house but we’ve been there and found nothing what’s the big deal I don’t feel right let’s go and check again maybe we missed something last time don’t be afraid nothing will happen to us that’s right sir these blocks lead to that far room look this hatch wasn’t here before where did it come from I don’t know where it came from but we have to go down there all roads lead there oh my God look at this there are traps and it’s covered in lava we have to get over that obstacle and get to that door on the other side we have to be very careful not to fall off that fence down there there’s lava that will fry you in seconds I will be extremely careful for me do not worry better watch your feet and do not fall into the lava come on Mikey you can do it halfway there and we’re there come on Mikey keep up we’ve done it shall we go on of course we do there’s no turning back H it’s kind of a maze but what’s it for let’s try to get through it there’ll be something at the end I’m sure here’s the first number for the locked door three more to go I have the second number twoo I hope JJ finds the other two I don’t feel comfortable in this maze whoa what do we have here some kind of chest we need to get to it slowly yeah and here’s the number for the password Mikey must have found them too oh my God what happened here I don’t even want to [Music] know Mikey it’s so good to see you I was a little nervous but here we are at the end I see you found the numbers for the password too there should be the last one yeah I thought so we have the last number we need to arm ourselves there’s no telling what’s waiting for us behind that door I’m armed and dangerous we can go to that locked door here’s my numbers they’ll give you the full code yeah let’s move out follow me and keep [Music] up get ready I’m going to enter the password and no one knows what’s behind that door well godspeed oh my God those monsters aren’t my neighbors we have to stop them yay we did it now we have to get all the residents out of this godforsaken place yes you’re right we need to rescue all the residents we’ve come to rescue you just bear with us a little longer thank you so much for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe we love you

Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: watching for Zoonomaly on cameras CHALLENGE / Maizen animation.
Escape from Zoonomaly in Roblox.
Today JJ and Mikey vs Zoonomaly in Minecraft.
New video Maizen scary Zoonomaly vs JJ and Mikey Maizen in Minecraft / Roblox
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Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license to use the track Mechanolith (artist: Kevin MacLeod)

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