I Started my Dream Minecraft World

I’m starting my dream Minecraft world but what makes it so special well to be honest in the last 7 years of playing Minecraft I’ve clicked this button a lot but I’ve always dreamed of making a survival world that can last forever where I can push myself to do some insane projects this video is no different beginning such a long-term world like this with good gear an impressive starter base and transforming the whole surrounding area isn’t going to be easy but I’m ready to push myself to create the world I’ve always wanted and to keep my myself playing this world for years and years there’s a really interesting twist to this world which I will explain in a second it was a long boat right over here and it’s already almost night time of day one so let’s swim on over to this Village and maybe find a place to stay just for a night I don’t think they’ll mind what is going on with this guy’s house who built this did you build this this is terrible this is not up to code hold on I know the sun’s going down but I do see a ruined portal right there I have to check it out and maybe get a better lay of the land in the process that’s a couple pieces of iron and flint and steel and horse armor I’ll definitely take that I’m going to snag a bed before it gets too dark got to fight him off got to defend the village maybe this guy will do it yep maybe he’s a little bit better at it than I am now there’s actually a really interesting twist about this world I am super excited about the land we’re on right now is actually part of a huge island more like a continent in the middle of the ocean and I want to spend the next many years of my life transforming the entire thing this island is thousands of blocks wide but having the constraints of sticking to this island is really going to keep me be motivated in this one world ooh I am not going down three creepers what I’m going to do right now is just whip up a couple furnaces and in order to start such a long-term world like this I want to make a really cool starter base and I have something really unique in mind and I want to make this Coast Area our home for our starter base and stuff like that what if instead of mining we went and tried to die for shipwrecks try to find at least 24 iron looking around don’t see any shipwrecks yet got to go for air I think I think we’ll just take a boat my goal find at least a half a stack of iron and maybe a couple diamonds you never know nice big shipwreck here and I’m praying this thing has a good amount of iron cuz we need it ooh yeah eat iron plus some change emeralds gold all that yeah I like it a lot Berry treasure map okay let’s check this out hold on we should actually try to find this craft a shovel and start digging around here to try to find it I know about the whole F3 method but that’s boring I think I see it and dive down again no way and why don’t we use our brand new iron tools to dig ourselves a little bit of a day one starter [Music] base yeah I mean this is pretty much a starter as it gets yeah it’s definitely a starter as it gets but I just want to have a place to stay because my starter base is going to take quite a long time to build and I at least want to have some place to call home even if it literally is a cutout in the mound next to this Village it is a little Bland though hold on I have an idea perfect now we can display our berry treasure map and I almost forgot let me use my all my hard-earned iron to craft up a full set of armor and complete our set of tools and make a bucket cuz buckets are pretty cool I think it’d be smart to next up work on some farms and probably some animal pens as well is there any wheat in this Village surely they have those big T Bell piles that every village has no looks like we’re finding another [Music] V I have so many insane plans for this world terraforming building Villages cities so much cool Villages oh yes there’s a village right there and you’re just going to have to stick around to see over the next few years what kind of stuff I can accomplish so hey why not subscribe the videos are only going to get better for me or you wouldn’t want to miss out would you and oh my gosh is there an ice spikes biome on this island that’s like the rarest biome in the game and it’s just casually on this island this is so cool finally though I can sleep this very long night away oh [Music] no yeah it had to be done sorry man wa what three diamonds that’s enough for a diamond pickaxe right there obsidian iron and even four Oak saplings just what I needed oh yeah I almost forgot I was looking for hay bales but thankfully there’s at least a few over here this Village is cool and all but I just got to take a minute to check out this ice spikes bomb I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these things in Survival on my way home I stopped to chop a few aasia trees for a small detail I wanted to add of the starter hole and then I almost died trying to get a music disc from a creeper which I did eventually I spent want to buy like four diamonds on a jukebox to play the music disc and then I got to work on a little canopy to go over the front of our starter base I mean yeah there we go that’s decent at least it’s something now we traveled all that way for wheat let’s set up our animal pans and we’ve got to spend some time cing a bunch of different sheep and cows up here now being on an island being by the ocean gives me one idea for a starter base in mind some sort of Lighthouse and I think it’ be cool to build a lighthouse first and then add a house or two attached to it as a place to actually live and we can of course make the lighthouse work with a brand new copper bulbs I think that’d be super cool and as you might expect there’s quite a few different materials we need to gather for this all right time to start collecting those blocks let’s start with some of the easier Stone types I’m going to try to find that glowing cave from earlier can we make that jump um I’m not going to risk it there we go no how I survived it th000 days in Hardcore Minecraft twice I do not know the first cave I step into I immediately explode anyways where was I oh yeah can’t forget about di right either I actually don’t hate it as much as most YouTubers though I need to head deeper into these caves and hopefully find some tough I need quite a bit of tough for the lighthouse as well wo to be fair I did need a little bit of deep slate so this will probably check that off the list oh diamonds nice a lot of them too nice oh I see some over there we just got to light all this up and we should be good and while I’m at it I should probably give some history to the like idea behind this series in the first place this isn’t actually the first island Craft World about 3 years ago three summers ago I made a world with the same exact goal spawn on a giant Island and transform it hello everyone my name is Legend welcome to episode one of of Island craft the series where I’m going to be transforming this entire Minecraft Island I didn’t make it very far only about five episodes we’re just going to do a quick jump cut and boom the farm is done it’s very very rudimentary at least I have a small source of bone meal I’ll definitely upgrade this to like one of those stray Farms later on and something I want to get done is over here in this whole area fact I want to transform this entire area with fields and different crops and all sorts of stuff adding Fields like this is one of my favorite details to do in Worlds I might I might do this again in the new series and I definitely wasn’t a particularly good builder at the time but it’s still some of my Fondest Memories of playing single player in fact I even thought about continuing that world but the island is just too small and too deserty for our purposes anyways I’m just super excited to continue my idea from 3 years ago and see what we can accomplish man why does this stupid Lykan look so much like diamonds that always like throws me off my iron pi is about to break so let’s craft a diamond one actually let’s try to get out of this cave which might be harder than I thought I kind of trapped myself down here or maybe not I also haven’t been sleeping so the villagers are probably dead yeah there we go no don’t okay we’ve got a bunch more diamonds now so I’ll craft an axe and a shovel which will be perfect for our next little venture we’ve got to do here we got to get some terra cotta which means trying to aimlessly find a Mesa my running theory is that there’s snow that that way which we know and there’s Savannah this way which we also know so most likely our best bet is going this [Music] way there it is check it out we found a Mesa I figured there’d be one this direction nice to be fair we watched in a straight line for a pretty long time red terracotta collected let’s head home our second second the last blocks were Mangrove and Spruce Wood both were pretty easy I just found a mega tiger for the spruce wood and for the mangrove wood I’m I think I traded with a villager got one of those propy yels and then I just grew up some of those and our final item copper bulb how the heck do I make that I’m assuming if I get some copper in my inventory It’ll like give me the recipe I’m hoping cuz I have absolutely no clue how to craft that maybe if I craft a piece of copper copper bulb okay jeez why is that so EXP expensive oh my gosh looks like we are going to the nether for blaze rods to make a light are you kidding me I’m going to put on my iron chest plate for this cuz my gear is still terrible and I don’t want to lose all my stuff to Lava which is probably going to happen let’s head up here to repair this portal which shouldn’t take too long we just got to rip out couple of these crying obsidian I’m worried I haven’t seen what the nether looks like on this seed yet so it could be really good or really really bad don’t be don’t be assault don’t be assault that okay this is even worse we are in a cave thing time to pick a direction I guess and no way there’s one right there yes I think that’s a fortress right yeah there it is perfect this is really scary this can’t end well oh boy here we go ow ow he just hit me for half my health oh my gosh ow ow ow ow oh my gosh the copper bulbs cannot be worth all of this why didn’t they make it glow stone or red stone or something thing ow ow ow ow ow no I’m going to burn to death I’m going to burn to death oh no and it’s over oh man man I really hope some of my stuff avoided that lava but I’m not going to get my hopes up come on come on okay there’s there’s quite a bit of stuff here I don’t see a single Diamond Tool don’t tell me every single one of my yep every single one of my diamond tools fell in the lava and absolutely nothing [Music] else no not gas to are you [Music] serious yes yes okay we got four blaze rods that’s good enough for me I’m leaving I need to find some more Co ooh I actually need calide this is perfect let me break into this geod here and collect myself a little bit of calside this will add a lot to the build I think okay I think I just found a trial chamber the problem is I’m not on the newest update this is a very early version of the trial chamber here with not all the loot in it and stuff I wasn’t planning on raiding one of these but I also know that I could probably get some of those copper bulbs from here if I’m really careful or maybe this is just a big block of tough okay there we go things are not looking particularly good for me I’m just going to steal all their lamps if I can this is going to save me so much time and screw it I’m stealing the floor too they can’t stop me I’m sure they didn’t really need their floorboards anyways they’re all mine now we can wax four of these copper balls and then the other four I’m going to going to keep oxidizing we finally have all our materials so we can start working on the first part of our starter base I’m so excited and I think I want to put it somewhere by the shore here up there or actually probably right here so this guy’s house is going to have to go sorry [Music] man with the house going I want to put the lighthouse right in the middle here but I actually want to raise it up a few blocks I think maybe up to here here or [Music] so there we go that looks good now we need to raise up the terrain to match this and I’ll do that with a combination of dirt and some large Stone Boulders I think a copper floor would actually look nice in here I never use copper okay I never use copper because it’s too hard to get but with these new tral Chambers it’s not actually too bad yeah raising this up just a couple blocks made a huge difference this terraforming really helped so now we can start building up the actual structure here it has a foundation completely made out of tough and all the new tough blocks that I really like these are the best blocks I’ve out of the game for a long time as we head up the lighthouse here I’m going to be using the more classic like red and white color scheme and it’s going to take me a sec cuz this thing is very [Music] tall I want to install the whole mechanism kind of thing for the light up here okay I think this is working and I set up like a repeater clock going around in a circle like this and it needs to power that I’m pretty sure if I place a torch there or not a torch a Target block and then up here it’s connected to these two lights bouncing back and forth between brighter and dimmer to give it the illusion that it’s kind of spinning around I guess and let me just throw a quick roof on this and call it done to finish off the lighthouse I added in this nice blue flag and a couple of these Spruce bits poking out a little Spruce deck to look over the water and this is how it’s looking so far the lighthouse looks good but but we definitely need to add a house to it so I think we can move on to the second phase of our starter Base building a house attached to it right around this area I’m going to try to push myself to do something I’m not very good at diagonal buildings I think I want to go like 1 2 5 6 seven blocks out like that I guess something like this should be perfect we’ll do yet another tough Foundation here yeah I think I like that let’s go ahead and throw a floor on this too just out of the same copper as before time to start building up the wall I’m going to use a combination of birch and Sandstone probably and for the windows I want to try to use these new copper grates because they’re new and I like their texture for something like this yeah there we go and let’s put a deep site roof on this I’m building up some chimneys here which is a very painful process the starter base looks great until you look at the massive chest I still have left here craft it all down into chests okay there we go everything is sorted into these chests this is definitely a temporary solution I’m going to outgrow this super fast but for now it works fine to start this interior in here I want to make a little light that actually works based on the time of day whenever this daylight sensor thing gives a signal it should power the lamp the opposite way and turn it off I think let’s grab some of the stuff from our starter base like the Jukebox the map next to our jukebox we’re going to have a little chest to store all of our discs the interior is looking a little bit nicer but I’m going to save decorating it for the next episode cuz I have a pretty good idea for decoration we do have a problem though I’m pretty sure every single villager in the village has died I’m pretty sure over time every single villager’s gotten infected and now they’re all gone we’re going to have to do something about that but why would we do something about that when we can do something else it’s time for the Final Phase of this episode bringing life to this area I want to take inspiration from our first season base and had a few real small crop fields and a couple custom trees I want to do all that up here which means I want to have a path kind of snaking up this hill here I eventually want to use a different block than path blocks but I think they’re pretty good placeholder for right now cuz we are pretty poor all right we got a little bit of a simple path here now let’s smooth out this really weird Hill there we go that looked pretty good I’ve managed to smooth out this whole area to create a much more gradual slope up here for farmland and I think up here I want to put a nice big oak tree man I love how this tree turned out I can’t be doing replay mod right now cuz I’m in the brand new update and it’s not out yet but this tree turned out so so cool trees are something I’ve been slowly working on evolving over the last many series I’ve done and I’m really liking the point I’m at right now there’s a really big Trend in Minecraft right now to use tough and tough walls in your tree but I thought I didn’t want to be like everybody else so I used jungle wood instead kind of a Mossy green feel I like it and while I was getting the jungle wood I found this dude pretty cool he was in the sparse jungle but now with the power of one more jump cut our mini farms are complete here is what we ended up with I really like how these little Fields turned out but they’re a good way for me to to grab a bunch of a crop if I ever need it for some reason and the sunflowers are definitely a nice touch too pointing towards the ocean and while looking at it from a distance I so proud with what we’ve built and I’m excited to be in this world hopefully making very at least a little bit more consistent videos cuz I have so many amazing plans for this world and if you made it to the end and you enjoyed you like the countless hours I put into making the video and all the even more hours I spent editing it I think at that point you’ve got to subscribe right so hey thanks for watching and I’ll see see you very soon bye-bye [Music]

Welcome to a new journey on my channel where I will be spending 1000’s of days transforming a mega island into something special in Minecraft 1.21 survival!
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  1. Hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it! Hopefully you’re hyped for this long term series!

    Give me some ideas for what I should build…

  2. Great vid! Why are you so little? Your videos are such high quality, even with subtitles, music and cutting. Subscribed immediately. Can't wait! Will you share the seed?

    Also, regarding buried treasure: There's this 9-9 trick using the f3 menu to find it first try. Just thought you should know. Look into it! 🙂


    We need more good non-hardcore YTers that focus more on the journey and less on the risk.

  4. Good video. I solely subscribed though because of your comment about diorite. I hate the hate on diorite and especially birch. Stripped birch and/or planks look just fine.

  5. You’re the man! Wish I had a passion like this at your age! Hope you make this an into a banger of a world and find the success you’re looking for in whatever form!

  6. Bro this came up in my feed and im like, well he seems interesting to watch. Good build detail. Then,

    "And unlike most YouTubers, I actually dont mind diorite."

    My guy you earned a sub

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