Minecraft, But Would You Rather..?

this is my cousin Izzy and we always ask ourselves the most insane would you rather questions that probably could land Us in jail and so I challenge Izzy to the ultimate would you rather face off for our choices will either be overpowered or deadly so will we choose to win or die no oh my gosh would you rather have my sword stuck into your throat or have it chop off your arm chop off my arm dude neither you’re not getting anywhere near my arm or my throat oh yeah go go go go go go see you ner you idiot n you’re the idiot you’re going down booger boy why you chasing me BR my God where are you going come over here no I’m going to kill you I’m going to kill you come on come on come on come on come on come oh dude I’m I’m oh my God I’m destroying you no you’re not you’re literally not okay dude come on we’re going to be here all day all right there’s a waste of time get out of my way trying I’m going there get out of my way okay fine you can have that stupid Village I don’t care I don’t need a village to defeat you bro said you rather have his arm chopped off bet Iz he my sword is 100% going to tickle your armpit to say the least and oh my gosh wait there’s another Village I actually bullied him into giving me this Village all right let’s start get in logs come on come on come on okay okay okay okay we got to get wood because this is the ultimate would you rather challenge where if you guys look at the top right of my screen I can make it bigger oh my gosh I can literally see Izzy at the village and not only that in chat it says you have 30 minutes until the death match first to 10 death loses pvp’s enabl you will receive your first question shortly oh my goodness okay okay wait pvp’s enabled dude we got to go we got to freaking go oh my God okay wait so this is kind of like a death match would you rather Manhunt type of thing dude I have no idea oh my God wait this actually stacked a golden apple and four iron ingots wait what wait what we’re cooked we’re cooked is he just got suited up no no no no no dude we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we’re going to be receiving these random would you rather questions that’s only going to make the game harder or better I have no idea I almost just fell okay we’re good we’re good we’re good make an iron sword so I can go kill Dan he actually has no idea what’s going to hit him oh my gosh yes yes yes yes please please please which one are you weapon Smith oh my goodness come on come on a okay I got pants that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine I’ll take all of this dude let’s go come on what whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo wo wo the first question’s here would you rather get offered very cheap trades from villagers but nearby zombies become babies dude that’s terrible or double your mining speed nearby leaves turn into creepers wait that actually sounds so stupid I swear if Izzy chooses the yellow one he’s dumb this is a tough one the trades might be pretty op but I can double my mining speed I’m going blue confirm double my mining speed boom Oh my God this is so much faster okay wait we have very cheap trades now what does that mean what the this farmer is a master and he trades me a carrot for an emerald and then an emerald for a golden apple don’t go anywhere sir dude we’re going to win this we’re going to win this oh my gosh Gamers right now comment down below if your team bnk or if your team Izzy take my carrots take my carrots oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh 12 golden apples okay okay okay wait did he not not get he didn’t get what a deal did Izzy choose the other one wait he’s a bot he is actually dude there’s no way yes yes yes there you go yo okay wait what should we make I’m going to make a pickaxe for sure and then should we make okay you know what I’m just going to make a sword there you go wait I’m zooming in my map I I I don’t why don’t I why don’t I see Izzy on the map I’m literally dude what oh I just saw wait now he’s on my map again okay that’s so weird maybe this thing is like bugging out whatever let’s grab some food okay perfect oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh just Crouch a little bit oh my God I just saw him Gamers I swear he’s on my map no way no way no way does he know wait where’s the Villager where’s the Villager I don’t have any more carrots no no why why can’t I see him he was just here he was just here hello what the yo watch out what up how do you already have a shield how do I already have a shield oh you wanted to pull up on me you wanted to pull up on me you little come here the tables have turned you little nerd come here booger boy oh my God I’m not a booger boy bro I told you not to call me that oh no you dead you dead you’re going to get that first death you’re going to get that first death first attemp loses come on come on wait what golden apple baby what no no way no okay okay okay okay okay you’re cheating you’re cheating you’re cheating you’re cheating you’re cheating yeah your super Shield’s not going to help you you’re cheating you’re cheating you’re actually cheating no no no chill chill dud oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m going to throw the egg at you loser oh oh my God no wait I forgot I pick the creeper thing wait come here is he if I’m not going to kill you oh my gosh oh my gosh stop creepers attack creepers attack you’re going to get us both kill bro you’re going to get us both killed stop stop stop oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no dude you’re insane you’re insane you’re insane you’re insane you’re insane you’re insane you’re insane did you just eat a go oh my god dude you’re such a Los I know you’re W I know you’re one I know you’re one de I’m creep oh my gosh all right all right all right all right I this is how it is huh watch your back you bot dude that was so close okay we have Izzy locked on the map right now dude oh we’re both at zero death Gamers this is going to be insane wait so he has faster m mining speed H oh and check this out in our inventory we can see our positive stuff and our negative nearby zombies become babies wait and is he’s back at the Village oh no that’s not good wait I got an emerald oh my God wait this is perfect the guy with a straw hat one Emerald for one Golden Apple do that trade is so op are you kidding me are you kidding me we already got one would you rather deal extra knockback but you can no longer eat meat or move faster but your movement keys are inverted no no no no no no no the knockback is fire but lowy maybe moving faster might be even more overpowered but then our movement keys are inverted wait but what if I change my controls oh my gosh I’m actually 200 IQ I love meat way too much so never eat it wait don’t quote me on that confirm oh my wait no yo yo yo I’m trying to walk forward I’m trying to walk forward no no chill chill oh my gosh what am I supposed to do wait oh and holding s makes me Sprint forward oh my gosh wait a second wait a second I see Izzy I see Izzy oh my gosh how is he back at the Village oh my God okay wait this is trash your movement keys are inverted yeah I’m definitely going for the deal extra knockback I’ll take that any day of the week oh my gosh he’s moving he’s moving wait what did he choose dude if he didn’t choose the movement hey hey there hey dude what you got what you got what you choose what you choose can can you eat meat uh Maybe not maybe I you want some meat here I’m going to throw you some here here have some meat dude God dang it no I can’t eat meat yes I can wait what you can’t eat meat wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no see you see you you can’t touch bro actually just became a vegan bro became a vegan oh no oh my god dude my controls are stupid what’s fast movement if I can’t control it hold on I haven’t changed my controls yet dude bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay at least I can still eat meat that booger boy go go go go go go go go go go oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay hold on we could probably troll him he probably has no idea wait I don’t see him on the map oh yes I do he’s far okay go go go go keybinds d a WS oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m good I’m good let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay watch this watch this I’m going to lie so bad dude dang it man my stupid controls oh my gosh bro I can’t oh my god dude if Izzy comes out of nowhere I’m so dead dude look at this idiot yeah oh my God wait no Izzy stop Izzy okay you know what it doesn’t matter I don’t care if I didn’t trick you I’m fast get straight what the oh my gosh you’re stupid knock back you’re dead you’re actually dead you’re actually dead you can’t run away from me boy I changed my controls I changed my controls yeah yes oh my gosh I got the first death or no he got the first death oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my God stupid idiot I completely forgot he’s like 10 times faster than me now and he’s so far on my map I don’t even see him so dude I think we’re perfectly fine to start like mining we got to be super careful though we got to eye down the map at any moment he can come out of nowhere oh my gosh no would you rather unlimited bacon wait I can’t even eat meat guys wait I literally have to pick this one but nearby rabbits become bloodthirsty dude I don’t even know what to do I actually don’t even know what to do I might have to go for the diamond but you can only pick negative choices there’s no way I’m going to go with the diamonds I’m going to go with the diamonds bro boom no you can only pick negative choices but only get diamonds from all ores okay okay wait so that means if I break this oh my gosh there’s no way he didn’t choose the same right right he’s a vegan if he chose the unlimited bacon he’s actually a boss okay let’s see if this works oh my God this is so op he did that little rat he said that and then got diamonds advancement right off the bat dude I was going to say like no way bro just actually missed out on the opportunity to literally I mean look at this we found some iron doesn’t matter it’s all G gang ging gang oh my gosh oh my gosh go go go go go yes lapis oh my God how many babies are there no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is not good no I hate babies I mean I do I I like babies but not zombie ones not the babies that try and eat you alive wait no no no no no no no no I’m not filza I’m not filza there’s no way come on come on come on stop stop oh do we might as well be in hardcore mode like that’s how intense this is we got 31 diamonds honestly I don’t even think we need much more than that right wonder where Danny’s at right I I don’t know why I can’t see him on the mini map yeah I don’t see him anywhere that bot better not be sneaking up on me let’s make a sword diamond armor yeah how could I forget the pp Chopper okay there you go dude we are so stacked right now all we really need is a little bit more food honestly I’m thinking we go hun him down I think spawn is this way dude I am eyeing down my map as soon as he comes on the map bro it’s over oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s his way yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo oh my God I knew it I literally knew it he’s right there okay I see him on the mini map sneak up on him I’m coming for them toes boy oh my gosh okay okay okay hold on I’m pretty sure if I crouch he can’t see me wait what what no no no no no no no what is this would you rather it scratched out are you actually kidding me I can’t get any of the positives this is terrible have your inventory Enchanted no get an extra heart oh my God I’m so mad I’m so mad but we got to make a choice and we got to make it fast cuz we’re close to Izzy actually now that I think of it even though it might be annoying I don’t want my health to be hidden but then do I really want a thirst bar I might have to do it I might have to do it oh my gosh all right give me the stupid Blue Bar what surprise no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay your you don’t have that you don’t have that your Shield’s broken creeper behind you oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my no stop you don’t have that knock back idiot come on come on come on come on come oh my gosh dude your knock back is so annoying you’re actually dead you’re actually dead you’re actually dead oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I was actually one I was actually one I was actually one I was actually one oh my God you still are come here idiot how much Hearts you got bro how much Hearts you got more than you yeah do you really know though come on what did you choose huh what did you choose you’re low you don’t know if you’re low I feel like I feel like you don’t know I feel like you don’t know I know you’re yes oh my gosh no way no way oh my goodness wait what is this wait what have I been picking up play your flesh he said dude you’re cheating wait what yo how was you already here chill dude chill chill chill chill chill chill chill oh my gosh you’re so annoying dude you’re so annoying there’s no way there’s no way back every time bro bro bro bro bro come on come on dude I’m not healing as fast I have the stupid thirst bar no no no Iz he actually just got me I he actually just got me bro that thirst bar it was messing up with me your health doesn’t regen if your thirst bar isn’t also like maximized and he’s not even answering me whether his hearts are invisible or not dude we have to get glass are you kidding me wait I can’t even get coal cuz all I get is diamonds bro that is lowkey also a negative okay wao wait you have been blessed by the wood rather Gods what does that even mean wait oh my gosh all the choices I don’t see that you have to pick a negative one wait yo Iz he just disappeared on my map yo yo what are you doing I’m a fish yo truce bro no don’t steal my glass come on why would why would you steal my glass why would you steal my glass you don’t have the thirst bar do you I do have the ow I do have The Thirst bar dude get away from all right then then stop man look listen small truth let’s get these stupid botles so we can just not have to like die of thirst dude why did we pick that I don’t know man oh no yo chill chill take no fall damage but be short set all your items to a full sack but you take damage when standing on blocks that have e in their name okay looks like I’m becoming short baby oh you took the short option wait set all your items to a stack hold on oh my gosh I’m actually rich wait I’m actually rich I’m actually rich oh my gosh what did you just do wait wait what’s wrong bro I look fine I look perfectly fine dude are you going to be short forever or what grow up bro how you heard of growth come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay dude I’m getting away from that like 42 freak don’t talk to me until you grow slab he’s actually a slab now yo slab how’s how’s it hanging down there you think it’s funny to make fun of the way I look it’s not funny dude yo oh my gosh you’re actually a scary SL funny come here stop stop leave me alone leave me alone where you going where you going you’ll never catch me a live idiot yeah go for my oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no izy izy stop izy stop izy stop stop yeah push him into the St kid I was kidding bro yeah you look cute as a slab I love slabs I use them in my build I I eat him what oh my gosh stop stop stop I got to get out of the stupid grass come on dirt dirt yes no no I hate your stupid knockback no no no Izzy knock op baby here I got to get out of this stupid biome I got to get out of this stupid biome grael yes I’m good here wait what dude gra has e in it I hate you I hate the letter e actually dead I’m actually dead I’m actually Dead come on come on come on No No E no oh Bedrock oh my gosh I did oh my God we’re at two deaths we’re at two deaths and we have 30 minutes until death match where we’re forced to fight bro I swear if the block of the death match arena is the letter e I’m actually going to cry before we get our next question go go go go go go go before we get one that says oh no more crafting or whatever there we go yes I got more golden apples bro we’re going to be so stacked I don’t know why our bottles didn’t stack though ah wait what would you rather complete a slime trickshot event but you get one minute or wait complete a hook shot parkour event but you also get 1 minute what does that even mean I don’t even know lyo a slime trick shot sounds so sick I think I’m going to have to go with that I think I’m going to go with that boom wait wo wo whoa whoo wo wo wo wo wo whoo wo wo wo wo everybody hold your pixels what is going on what block is this it has a word e in it or letter okay I’m going insane dude this is so annoying but there’s a chest here we got a bow Infinity we only have 60 seconds oh my gosh we got to go we got to go we got to go come on oh my God oh my God I’m actually like swinging around oh my God guys I’m trying not to fall wait it literally hooks around like that oh my God so if I shoot this right there oh my gosh what the the arrow almost just hit me bro oh oh oh I got two I got two wait I didn’t even do a full shot I did kind of like a weaker shot come on one come on come on two and three I did it yes wait what what what what what barriers barriers barriers are you kidding me am I good here what dude dude dude come on come on oh my gosh Cobblestone oh my gosh oh my no no no come on we got to try not to fall come on hit it oh my God ninja izy to the win I wrapped around hook me there oh my God I made it boom Oh my god let’s go I’m here he came back to spawn wait why what the no no no no no no I was about to jump Izzy okay okay okay okay okay we got to focus guys get rid of a random negative choice you made but the chunk you’re standing in is removed okay that sucks you evaporate water around yourself but you teleport to the world height if I teleport to the world height am I going to die oh my gosh I’m stuck I don’t know I don’t know no no no no he’s going to see I’m muted no no no no I have to choose something I have to choose something look at this idiot muted standing still I’m literally standing on his head I’m the size of his head I can hear him dude get away from me oh my gosh wait what he I can take damage no no no no no okay okay I got I I got to choose I got to choose if I use this one he’s just going to use the grapple no no no no he’s going to kill me oh my gosh teleport oh oh oh oh no I thought there would be water dude wait no no no no oh my gosh the water now evaporates where’s that little short rat you made me choose a wrong thing I hate you bro I was trying to choose something smart I just can see your short butt from everywhere hya yeah that’s right I got these slime arrows nah nah nah nah nah nah come on go slime arrows go oh oh oh my gosh wait they’re actually op are they SL arrows bro bro bro bro bro oh why am I running to water you’re about to see what see you see you come here come here I’m Poseidon I’m Poseidon die you B oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no dude I’m getting cooked I’m actually getting cooked I’m actually getting cooked dude we got to make better choices guys we are losing right now oh my gosh wait I he’s coming Iz he’s coming oh okay okay okay we got to be 200 IQ would you rather dude I can’t believe I’m stressing so hard of these stupid Minecraft question blck drops become randomized wait wait wait wait wait but our Crosshair is off said I don’t even know what that means or get rid of a random negative choice you made oh that might be super smart but you get nauseous near fish well I already have water evaporation dude I feel like I might choose the randomizer I think this might help us come back look at the Block selection I can break it but I’m not even aiming at it oh my goodness wait look at my sword swinging thing oh no this is bad but we got randomizer so that means oh my goodness wait a second wait this is actually it this is actually it come on come on come on give me something good give me something good more wood honestly I’ll take it run run run run run run run run run run run you can’t touch me I’m too fast get back here dude I’m not going to let you get the random blocks oh no fish no my greatest enemy fish wait what oh my gosh that’s right fish give him nausea what an idiot okay we literally just have to break everything and hope we get something crazy from this come on gang gang subscribe oh wait what is that what is that that’s not a diamond pickaxe reinforced Diamond Hammer what does that do yo is he is still in the hunt for us but now we we can break oh my goodness so many more blocks bro wait this is actually overpowered we got Protection One in our chest plate and then sharpness one in our diamond sword this is good keep mining with the diamond Hammer what is that what is that wait that might actually be pretty good that might actually be pretty good come on come on okay wait what I threw it out I got it it’s a TNT Shield wait what a TNT Shield is that good wao did I just launch TNT no way ow oh my why did I do that why did I do that oh my gosh why did I do that dude no I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh I’m good I’m good I’m good oh my gosh there’s dirt right here wait no no no I was trying to get water have your inventory Enchanted but you can no longer use crafting tables or increase your jump height but your armor falls off when you okay okay dude okay I’m having my inventory Enchanted boom get off of me stupid zombies okay okay we to choose this no longer use crafting table I don’t care I just got my entire inventory enchanted with death Strider 3 are you kidding me dude I’m not going to lie I actually hate this game no no no what did I what did I do can’t even get water dude I was going to say this is literally the most extreme would you rather challenge ever like literally what am I doing right now is he’s on my map oh my gosh oh my gosh do we go for him yo no no no no he’s around here he’s around here do we still keep grinding just in case yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude if we can get a totem that’ll be so overpowered Marco oh no oh no it’s deep snow Marco bro wait he’s under oh my God that I saw him I saw him I’m going to use the TNT Shield I’m going to use the TNT Shield 3 2 1 it’d be a shame if a little Gremlin was trying to H me down get get oh my gosh come on where you at buddy let’s just say I made the ultimate Choice oh you’re down there know arrows are going to get you come on come on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no no no hide here until death match hide here until death match oh I hear him I hear him I hear him I hear him oh my gosh dude I’m not even afraid of him I’m just afraid of touching the the the the the E hello Death Match is starting Death Match is starting oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you fool you idiot Who whoo who what do you want shorty look with the cat dragon looks like the go go go hey oh my gosh what the heck oh looks like I already have the upper hand okay no no no no no dude this is so annoying okay Gamers I muted up bro where’s my shield there it is okay I got my shield now we’re at five deaths and okay I he’s coming after me is he’s coming after me why you coming after me huh I got the TNT Shield yeah come on come on come on come on come on oh my gosh yeah you’re too slow I’m faster baby Victory come on it’s mine no I hate the stone I hate the stone I hate the stone I hate the stone I hate the stone oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that was too hard you idiot oh my God so was I you bot bro this is so stupid you can only place block I’m just going to choose this come here come here come here come here come here oh my gosh I was doing it stop what’ you choose oh my God come on I can sh I’m the flowers yes oh my gosh I got a kill I got a kill I got oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God easy you’re dead You’re Dead come on come on yes oh my gosh oh my gosh four four four we got this Gamers pleas oh you idiot he ran into the forest oh it’s actually you’re dead you’re dead dude wait what the heck I’m sneezing cuz of the stupid flowers oh my gosh oh my gosh and he doesn’t even realize this entire time I had this where is this little booger oh my God you’re actually so annoying is he I’m not a booger no you no you actually are that’s the thing you’re green and you’re short I know you’re around here I hear you I hear you if I was a booger I wouldn’t be able to do this no no oh my gosh oh no no no no no wait what how how do you get a totem no no no no oh oh no no no no no literally one hit get back here wait what no wait 100 times stronger no no no no no no you become 100 times stronger but if I do this I’m going to die oh my gosh wait is he dying he chose to death no no no no no I need to do this I need to do this I clicked it confirm no it’s too late Izzy it’s too late what you doing it’s too late wait the game’s actually lagging I literally can’t even hit you anymore bro oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what have I done what have I done what have I done you crashed everything dude you’re an idiot oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no wait no no no no no don’t do it dude you’re going to crash the server don’t do it look at the map it’s over ye wait what is he what the heck wait is he just left uh uh guys uh what happened to my

Minecraft, But Would You Rather..?

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BANGER MERCH 🡆 [coming soon hehe]

I bought this epic mod from @EightSidedSquare!

@Bionic Reacts
@Danny Bionic

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#minecraft #minecraftbut #challenge



    also been filming so many videos lately my voice is nearly gone T_T but EXPECT MORE BANGERS SOON!

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