Exploring the Stardew Valley Globe

stardy Valley has a metric ton of unexplained shrouded and downright bizarre lore from Caroline’s possible Affair to Yoba to whatever the is up with Mr key there are a lot of rabbit holes to fall down and speculating about things that don’t matter in the slightest is my one and only Talent Pelican town our main squeeze within the valley is only one of many areas referenced throughout the game the small glimpses we get of the outside world painted as vast but not all that peaceful with hints of an ancient civilization motos of a raging war and Islands Right Out Of Reach there is a lot of interesting buried below the surface stardo Valley itself seems to only be a pocket of the full story and I want to ring Eric Bron’s brain like a dish sponge for all the information I can get today we are going to chat about the stardew valley globe and attempt to piece together an image of what lies beyond our [Music] farm all right buckle up my friends we have a lot of scrapbooking to do if you know stardew Valley lore you’re probably aware that most of it is hinted at rather than confirmed I did the best I could with the resources that are available but if you want to curse my mother’s name in the comments Feel Free as of the 1.6 update we currently have about seven geographical points to reference and two main Nations stardew Valley itself is located within the fill Republic a nation that seems to include plenty of areas besides just Pelican town if we were to believe that pelicant town is on the same physical Earth we have right now coordinates that Harvey gives over the radio would place it somewhere in Russia the exact area of the core does not have a coastline though so we can assume that the stardew valley Globe is very different from ours and that is confirmed by a map we’ll talk about later I got a PhD in Minecraft coordinance so I’m pretty much an expert on the topic you can go ahead and forward any comments about my expertise to maybe Salem harvard.edu pelicant town is as you probably would know the main location of the game the area seems to have a rich history to it with both an abundance ofart artifacts and some remnants of an old civilization over to the right side of the mines we can find a dwarf selling Wares who originally speaks in an unknown language after you grab all of the dwarf scroll artifacts and visit him again you will be able to understand dwarvish and he will tell you a bit more about his people he’ll mention to the player that the dwarves used to be purveyors of advanced technology but no longer have any sort of access to it the entire dwarf species now lives completely underground but their work is dotted all around in artifact spots items like the dwarvish gadget and dwarfish hel can be found and donated we never actually see any other dwarves well in the mines but if the dwarves were thriving on the surface why would they move underground if we make good with the dwarf and get to know kobis a cutscene will play it’ll showcase the dwarf and kobis getting in a bit of a scuffle during which they’ll mention the ele Al Wars a conflict fought between the dwarves and Shadow People but from what we’re aware of the shadow people lived in the valley before the dwarves ever did it’s said that the dwarves forced the shadow people out of their homes causing them to resort to violence and begin the elemental Wars the war was fought for a thousand years before it eventually settled according to the wizard but both species now live underground the shadow people and dwarves are still at odds with one another but they live in peace for the sake of the humans above ground I don’t know why I don’t see anyone being all that kind to kobus I say be the smaller person sink lower in the Lost library book Mysteries of the dwarves the author mentions believing dwarves are an alien species which is very interesting technology-wise this claim is further backed up by the dwarves calling themselves molanu meaning Sky people in their language although we don’t know when EX exactly humans first appeared in the area we do know from Plenty of ancient tool artifacts that they’ve been around for quite a while we can see a pretty clear evolution of skill from these artifacts too you can dig up a hand axe an early tool and likely one of the first ever created we can also see another metallic looking prehistoric tool going all the way up to an ancient sword with a hilt if you’re like when are you going to talk about zuu City I’ll get to it okay let me get my nerd out first give me some time to breathe the valley also has some specific cultural practices that differ from other in-game areas on Twitter concern date mentioned that the mermaid pendant is a stardew valley specific tradition whereas people from the city use wedding rings for marriage proposals so if you marry another player in a co-op save that’s why you use a wedding ring rather than a mermaid pendant the spirits Eve Festival also seems to be region specific as mentioned in a living off the land episode the episode mentions that people around the fer Gill Republic the nation stardew Valley belongs to are celebrating Spirits Eve which is a weird specification if it’s an everywhere thing but I don’t know we’ll talk more about the fer Gill Republic as a whole later on but keep that in mind Calico desert Pam’s favorite drunk driving destination is located on the upper left side of the players map it doesn’t seem to technically be a part of the valley though as Sandy often references stardew Valley as a separate place in her quotes she’ll mention how much she loves Flowers and Gifts from the valley and ask about the weather over there on the map itself it seems fairly close in relation to other pieces of the map so it’s unclear how far stardew Valley actually stretches outside of Pelican town on the subject of that map though the Calico desert seems to go beyond the area we have access to and although Sandy says she almost went out of business before the bus to the valley was repaired she hadn’t yet so we could possibly guess that there are more residents in the desert besides her or that she specifically caters to Travelers we don’t really know but I would assume that there is at least some sort of population there Calico desert can spawn quite a few artifacts that point towards human activity being present there for quite some time you can dig up a golden Mas Lost Books a golden Relic and secret notes the golden relics description reads that it’s etched with hieroglyphics and pictures which obviously matches the Egypt theme going on here but it could Point towards the ancient desert dwellers having a different religion that did not involve Yoba in other news that we’re all incredibly aware of Ginger island is also here the island is located in the gem sea the mass of water off the coast of of the valley we can only see Ginger Island itself on our mini Maps but it’s actually a part of the fern Islands aripo surrounded by multiple other small Islands these islands are not accessible and are only mentioned in passing but Willie grew up traveling around them in addition your dad can sent you a letter that mentions retiring in a fern Island Bungalow most likely one or multiple of the other islands in the aripo are Resorts of some type as this letter can often arrive before the ginger Island cut scene is unlocked it’s a bit odd to me that Ginger Island wasn’t chosen to be one of these Resorts if that’s the case but you know there is a huge volcano right there so you win some you lose some I suppose at least if you get burnt alive in the lava you won’t have to go to work you’ll have a nice long weekend the only semblance of anything fancy on Ginger island is Mr Key’s little Elon Musk room so I doubt anybody’s meing to stay there until you show up and you know disrupt the ecosystem but make it pretty if you marry Haley she will also mention wanting to retire on the fern Islands the other little guys in the aripo also seem to have a healthy agricultural side as Gus mentions using Fern Island ring fruit in his candy canes at the Feast of the winter star the fern islands are obviously considered to be within the fer Gill Republic stated in the description of a movie playing at the theater once it’s unlocked of course Leo birdie Mr key and Professor snail inhabit Ginger Island but the rest of the island seems to be primarily taken up by birds the dwarves likely also lived on the island at some point due to the dwarf Forge at the top of the volcano and the dwarfish centuries inside the dungeon but there is also a dwarf currently living in the volcano dungeons so there still could be more present birdie also relays a rumor that a dwarf civilization used to live on the island there’s also a possibility of a mermaid population with the Note Block task summoning one out of the sea it is interesting to note though that this mermaid looks very similar to the one at the Pelican Town Night Market in winter so either they all look very similar or this Mermaid has a side gig Ginger Island also attracts Pirates to the Pirate Cove off to the right side but they only seem to gather at certain times and it’s unclear where they even came from in the first place maybe they were on their way to plunder the richy rich areas of the fern Islands who knows in the case of Professor snail he mentions that he’s only been studying the island for about a year so it’s likely he’s there on a research Mission rather than being a resident the bones we can find throughout the island seem to be fairly reminiscent of animals we have back home frogs and bats which are found in mummified form can still be seen in the mines and running around around Pelican town the snake fossil and large animal fossil pieces though are not able to be obtained anywhere else in terms of artifacts there are little to none besides the fossils you can find artifact troves in the ground but no other signs of early civilization which gives a bit more Credence to the island lacking humans in the past I don’t have any great theories for the artifact troves appearing but I think Mr key could have planted them as he plants a lot of the loot in the mines and school Cavern can’t be sure though frankly I am just saying so take it or leave it if you want the snake fossil by the way does not seem to be related to the serpent in skull Cavern either they look very different when you compare them directly moving on from Ginger Island we have a few smaller regions to discuss stardew has a habit of talking about places once or twice and never again letting us know they exist but nothing else do they have any real bearing on the game no do you get to learn about them yes greton is a town mentioned in the game a few times specifically in regards to materials in Penny’s eight heart cut scene the player has a dialogue choice that states there’s no better Lumber South of grampleton in regards to stardo resources which could be taken to mean it’s a more industrial type of town my apologies for the chain smoking draw I have going on currently I’m recovering from something I’m not sure what take it up with God it’s not my problem in Clint’s six heart cut scene he invites Emily to the grampleton carnival which could also mean it’s a town for gross losers to try and drag someone to for a date if you marry Elliott and get him to 14 hearts for some reason he will go on a tour for his new novel again grampleton is mentioned in one of his letters which reads I’ve just arrived in grampleton to start the tour I forgotten how hectic the city is the streets are packed with people they either seem in a mad hurry or lost in a days unaware of their surroundings I miss Pelican town already this gives more of a large zuu city type impression which again we’ll get to but it’s interesting that it seems to have a very Lively scene to it two more locations Castle Village and Prairie Island are both barely mentioned in the game Castle Village is simply stated as a producer of fine velvet in the E muff description and Prairie Island is mentioned in the movie we talked about earlier it’s also mentioned to have an abundance of raccoons which is definitely fun as raccoons have become a larger part of the game in 1.6 I am always down for raccoon lore of any type give me the raccoon low down Mr ape please journey of the prairie king the video game found in the saloon is most likely a reference to the area as well there’s also likely a settlement toward the more frigid areas of the Earth mentioned by lonus at the festival of ice he’ll tell the player he learned to build Igloo from the tundra dwellers but no more is mentioned on the subject they could be human or another species but that’s literally it that’s all that said sad anyway I’m sure you’ve been waiting for the zuu city section and I really scraped the entire internet for any information I could find on it we have the most information about zuu City compared to the other location but it’s still barely anything obviously zuu city is seen as the urban equivalent of pelicant town many of the current Pelican Town neighbors relocated from the city like Sam Jodie Vincent and Kent it seems to be a pretty sizable tourist destination as they have a grid ball team called the zuu city tunnelers that you can watch in Shane’s 10 heart cutscene Haley the love of my life and God of creation has also been there she doesn’t tell you that though the queen of sauce does Haley writes into the show to ask for her pink cake recipe after she tried it inzu City so perhaps the queen of sauce may be from there this is most likely plausible since I assume a TV station that spans The Fill Republic would be settled in a large city Leah’s ex Cal also currently lives in zuu city as said in Leah’s 10 heart cut scene Leah moved to pelicant town obviously but did once live there as well the music scene in zuu city also might be significantly more lively as Sam Abigail and Sebastion band plays there in Sam’s eight heart cut scene this scene in particular can actually help us get some kind of idea about how far away the city is and it doesn’t seem to be all that much of a trek once the first part of the cut scene is triggered in the early morning Sam will ask you to meet him at the bus stop at 400 p.m. you can arrive at any time between 40000 p.m. and 700 p.m. to get the other cut scene half which has you take the bus towards zuu City if we look at the map there are two roads one towards the Calico desert and one that goes offc screen no actual in-game time passes during the cutscene but the venue’s lighting looks early to late evening-ish so in theory it wouldn’t have taken more than a few hours to get there the player doesn’t seem to be explicitly stated to be from zuu City but we can pretty much assume it there is also a very interesting removed scene that confirms it the beginning of the game was originally supposed to feature a cut scene inside the bus where Haley some random passengers and a man named Dobson could be encountered a woman with a child would tell you that they just got back from the zuu city fun park and Haley would say she had just gone shopping Dobson the cut character who likely became Morris talks to joa corporate on the phone with his his stupid dumbass little rich boy haircut he calls the residents of the Valley unfashionable Country Rubes saying that he’ll have no problem getting the town to Fork over land this all points to the bus coming from zuu city which is likely where the joia corporate offices are that the player used to work at Sebastian also talks about wanting to move to the city and in his 10 heart cut scene you can get a view of the Horizon at top the mountains zuu City seems Incredibly Close if you can see it over the Mountaintop so maybe you’re being a little dramatic saying you miss City Life I’m sorry I mean do whatever you want go your own way but it seems a little bit much for the situation there’s also the famed Goro Empire which is the most interesting part of all of this in my opinion the Goro Empire is a nation south of stardew Valley across the gem sea which is currently involved in a war with the feril Republic you’ve most likely heard of the Empire from Kent who returns from fighting against it in year 2 Kent has severe PTSD from his time in the military and recalls losing multiple friends in battle there’s almost no information on what caused the war or how long it’s been ongoing but it seems to be very bloody Kent recounts prison camps he was trapped in when given a hated gift such as algae soup and sashimi he also says this when gifted Holly which is poisonous to the player so the empire was likely poisoning enemy soldiers two books in the library which are title only are called is war with the Goro Empire necessary a unique perspective by PW cranow and a history of the Goro Empire these books are really the only other in town reference to the Empire besides those from Kent but the traveling Merchant does claim her goods are smuggled from there so they may be cutting off certain Imports or having an issue over production either way we don’t know if she’s even telling the truth or not so who gives a the war itself does not seem to have affected jojamart or the valley itself in any very noticeable way from what we know however we don’t get a glimpse of what the area was like pre-conflict we do however have a map of the stardew world which can help us get a good idea of what the geography looks like the image we have of this map is basically Calico Critter side so it’s incredibly difficult to tell any details from it we’re going to give it a college try though and if you’re better with maps than I am feel free to give me your ideas because I’d love to hear some super talented people have tried to label the map and I’m going to show you a few of those here most people agree that the locations shown are pretty plausible so I feel comfortable sharing it with you this map was made in 2016 or 17 so it does not feature Ginger Island but it still helps and neat the user Jawa labeled everything right here using Harvey’s coordinates and general in-game hints and that would Encompass the entire fill Republic this map places zuu City a bit further south which I don’t know if I agree with personally because you know me but it does show the Goro Empire right across the gem sea we can also see a whole slurry of different Islands here so it’s a bit hard to decide where we would want to put ginger Island but my best guess is somewhere right here if the these territories are all correct that is kind of insane because there is so much unexplored land but there are plenty of areas we can’t quite place here and likely a lot of different towns and cities that have never been mentioned by NPCs interestingly enough though we might find out more about the stardo globe pretty soon concerned ap’s latest project haunted chocolate here was revealed to be set in the same universe as stardew Valley so that’s fun keep an eye out this may not be the end of the story anyways that is all I have for you today my friends I hope you enjoyed it I hope I wasn’t wrong about too many things because I probably am is there anything I missed are there any places in the stardew universe you want to learn more about thank you so much for watching I appreciate you with my whole heart and thank you to my members you’re the best Sorry For Less videos lately I am going through a very transitional phase of my life so I’m trying my best but thank you for being patient with me I appreciate it stay safe safe stay wonderful my friends and see you next time bye

anotha one

P.S. Sorry the artifact images are so tiny and blurry– i couldn’t find any better quality versions lol. I did my best don’t k word me

Huge thanks to @StardewValleyMuseum for some of the cutscene footage used in this video! I usually play on switch so having these readily available was so helpful!

Map Shown: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/7ce5lf/labeled_stardew_world_map/

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  1. Do you think thc being in the same world will be relevent? It'd be interesting if it was. Maybe i'm stretching though, cause I'm dying for any kind of hc news haha. Great video ❤

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