A fantasy styled Stardew Valley? | Demo Diving #42

stardew Valley set in a medieval world that’s all you really need to know about mirwood I mean there’s a few more things to go over so let’s jump right on in and see what it’s all about and what you’re going to be doing when it releases later this year developed by bad Ridge games and published by V publishing merwood sees you embark on an enchanting journey in Brave ferocious creatures in an immersive medieval fantasy world you’re given the tools to settle a new Homestead where you can farm and trade and interact with the local community or you can pick up the sword and on The Adventurous path but is this something you should be on the lookout for stay tuned to find out your actions in the game will be impactful affecting your Renown morality and even how the inhabitants View and interact with you you have a few choices to make during your character creation that will influence various aspects of your life like crop yield social standing combat and More You Begin by fleeing a raid that has struck your village and as you leave your family behind to forge a new home you are given a task to determine someone’s fate this instance shows that there’s going to be dilemmas for which you need to think long and hard about the consequences for and although I didn’t quite see the consequences of my inaction I’m eager to see what sorts of decisions can be made and what comes of them I’ll be honest and say this video is going to be a little bit different than my other videos and it’s probably going to be shorter but that’s mostly due to the number restrictions placed on the player during the demo you are given 5 days to deal with as you see fit but not only is the play area in the map restricted a lot of the buildings and rooms inside those buildings were not available for the demo even with those restrictions it is easy to see where merwood is going to take you and that is on the journey that you choose to take as the actual map looks to be quite sizable and there’s less empty space than what it seems I spent the first day in the demo just walking around and trying to complete various quests before heading back to the homestead to work on repairing my new home and learning the ways of farming and crafting what I needed the art for earthwood is a bit intriguing with the almost painted like art style and it is a nice breath of fresh air compared to the usual pixel art that accompanies these sorts of games the combat is a little basic and just the littlest bit off and what I mean by that is that the timing for parrying can be a little difficult to understand given how it looks when an enemy attacks and while it can be mastered vertical combat is also a bit wonky to say the least I wish that your character would stay facing up or down in those scenarios to create a real 2D environment for combat as without it there’s really just this awkward 1.5 dimensional space to exploit which is undoubtedly going to be exploited by the NPC enemies later in the game which I know is going to end up causing some unneeded frustration regardless of what route you take you will end up having enough experience to level up mirwoods leveling up system is a unique system of creating a hand of cards that you unlock in order to improve certain abilities while it wasn’t able to go super far into the system it has a lot of promise to it and there’s always a place in gaming for those who wish to innovate the system of skill points overall merwood will be a fun time to those who enjoy the settling games like sardu Valley but also on the adventures of a typical RPG game its combat issues are minor enough that I’ll likely chalk it up to just having to get used to it but the awkward 1.5 dimensional environment should hopefully see some changes but even with that there’s a lot to like about this game mirwood has no official release St currently but is slated for a Q3 release of this year but that’ll be it for this video I hope you have a great rest of your day and as always be kind to one another the world of merwood is waiting for you to calm your path whether with Spade sword or silver [Music] tongue what you’ll uncover along the way is anyone’s SCS shout out to my patrons relativity naughty dogas King chaos and Kim Colo alongside all those sub to the channel I’m working on a method to cover some other games in in a shorter form as they may not be right for the series so hopefully you’ll enjoy them but either way I will see you soon

Are we on the precipice of a new massively popular sim game?

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“Main Title” Theme
The rights of “Main Title” do not belong to me and all credit for the music should go to the respective creator.

End Song:
« E.R.F. » from Bensound.com


  1. Seems pretty neat! But all of those Stardew Valley/farming games always end up stressing me out way too much for some reason. Might recommend this to some friends though!

  2. Man, I've had my eye on this for a long time. I want it so dang bad. The literal only thing that could excite me more about it is if it were multiplayer and I had people to play with. I love the art and the idea behind it. Want it so bad. As always sir, amazing work! Keep it up.

  3. The hand drawn artstyle alone is amazing, but the world exploration looks promising as well. Hope the combat gets a bit of tweaking because I can see the issues there. Great video and thanks for showing off this unknown game.

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