Minecraft But There’s SCARY MYTH Upgrades

Minecraft’s scariest myths are some of the most powerful entities of all time but what if you had that power that thing’s arms Herobrine’s eyes giant helix’s giantess today we’re using scary myth upgrades starting with the blood Warden now Guido he has absolutely no idea we right here that’s probably a good thing and the upgrade that we want it’s on its head you see the blood Warden uses those antenna to locate its victim and kill them but they will also help us locate the next upgrades oh that would be really useful but to get that upgrade I need to take down the blood Warden um hi I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t want to steal your antenna I’m sorry no what in the Multiverse I see you where’s your body I’m pretty sure it just got eaten by the blood Warden which means that I don’t just need those upgrades to make myself stronger I need them to make a body for myself despite only having three hearts being this size isn’t a bad thing I just rolled straight through the blood warden’s legs great job but we still have to get that upgrade somehow I already told you Guido the only way to get the upgrade is to kill the scary myth and right now we don’t have any way to do that wait if we can get that sword I might just stand a chest St run actually that’s insensitive of me now as far as I can remember the body holding the sword was suspended by some weird fleshy outgrowth so if I can break that I’ll get the sword I think the flesh was just around this corner uh-oh oh I’ll D try the blood Warden you get that sword Ste wait Guido oh okay Steve you’ve got this now right now as it stands there there’s no way I can reach the sword but if I squeeze through this Gap to the right this is absolutely disgusting but I think I think I can snap this flesh by biting it it’s so tough oh my teeth hurt come on Snap Snap come on come on any second now no my eyes I can’t see wo well that was intense Guido but check it out Steve we’ve got our first upgrade that’s right buddy the blood warden’s antenna now I can add this first myth upgrade to my body e Steve your body doesn’t look very healthy that’s not important right now Guido what’s important is that I’ve got my anony and just as I predicted Guido the echo location on these Anni is leading us straight to the next upgrade and hopefully out of this creepy ancient city all right back to the surface uh oh the weather’s looking a little weird yeah that’s not normal rain I think it’s blood rain oh dude that is so gross I wao wa what’s going on it seems like by being St in the blood rain your body is a grinding expell oh of course the blood Warden has the power of blood so no wonder I’m more powerful H something tells me this is going to be easy my body is just upgrading itself hey look Guido it’s giant Alex one of the scariest myths of them all I bet I could take her down I don’t think so Ste nope neither do I let’s get out of here I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry maybe we’ll be stronger for her later down the line but for right now let’s just stick to the path good plan the particle Trail seems to end just over here but I don’t see a scary no anywhere you should probably take that back quido because that thing is here you know Guido those six arms would be really useful ow whoa whoa wo Guido this guy is intense I can’t even get close to him he’s got to have some kind of weakness I’ll scare him for weaknesses let’s see here wo well did you find anything his head the weakness is his head okay so all I have to do is land a direct hit on his head and he should be weakened a little bit oh here he comes check out his eyes seed that means we deal some damage and now we just need to keep attacking until his other eyes are white as well wo wo wo wo I guess one good thing about being just ahead is that I’m pretty hard to hit now Guido give me a bow come on great my new teleportation system works listen I don’t have a lot of time I’m the real Steve the one from your dimension and that Steve the one right there the one you guys know cannot spot me or the entire Multiverse will be in danger anyway I’m here to tell you about today’s sponsor Terrace land wa okay that was a close one man I am really bad at aiming Terrace land is a brand new crossplatform MMO RPG which is out right now Terrace land combines the pure fun of a classic MMO RPG with a beautiful fantasy art style you can choose from nine classes and 18 specializations to make your own unique build and then charge into epic boss battles raids and dungeons with your team I seriously need some help here uh wait I think there’s someone behind that tree you know what I’m going to ask for hell Terrace land also features crossplatform data sharing on both mobile and PC meaning you can jump into the adventure from any place at any time I’m running out of time here what else do I have to say I can hear his footsteps uh let me think I’ve got to have something here just give me a second Bingo yeah wait I swear I heard someone okay now that was a close one I do not have a lot of time left I better speed this up there are so many ways to receive Awards in Terrace land if you had pre-registered ahead of time you would have got the pre-registration reward bundle that included free titles for Milestones pets and mounds there are also 7-Day launch awards a continuous delivery of orange inscribed stones with a logic CET given on the final day a you can also earn points through life skills and exploring the map to exchange for a free Unicorn Pet and you can also earn a free rare amount by inviting your friends click the link in the description to download Terrace land and don’t forget to recruit your friends so you can get a free Mount now I think it’s about time that I get out of here bye quo this battle is just getting more and more intense luckily I think that thing’s lost sight of us yeah but L St the BL R is going wait what no no no no no this can’t be happening just like how I got those blood limbs when it was raining now it stopped raining I’ve lost them oh no you’re useless again hey well now what am I going to do my what beautiful eyes you have let go of me I can’t reach him without my limbs there’s got to be another way I can damage him uh wait I can bite stuff that was disgusting but look quido he’s down to one more eye the problem is you can’t get close yeah because he’s flly his arms too much oh yeah quido have you got any ideas I am just the thing I’m going to turn into a sling and use my ability to Flame you into that thing ball great shot Guido and check it out the next upgrade is ready to go and it looks like that thing’s arms so let’s just open myself up again and that thing’s arms can go right there check it out Guido I’m beautiful and I’m a slingshot so it looks like with this ability I can actually fly in the air which I imagine will be very useful for finding the next upgrade wait what is that it looks like some kind of giant building on a cloud I don’t like this Steve it looks like a hacker’s base or something maybe it’s sens 303 oh my gosh giin Alex she’s back man yeah good call Guido I still don’t think we’re ready to take her on luckily looks like we managed to get away oh just getting with for the D CL welcome to my domain mortal survive my Gauntlet and I will give you what you seek I think he’s talking about the upgrade be careful Ste yeah there’s always a catch with enti 303 and here comes that catch now well this is awfully weird yeah I don’t like this we’re on some kind of Street and everyone is Frozen in place it’s almost like it’s some kind of simulation created by nc33 so I’m guessing that one of these people is 303 uh let’s go ask this guy hello are you eny 303 uh how about you 303 Steve I think I found him wait what who oh that’s definitely not 303 ah there’s so many people on this street I just don’t have time for this it’s going to take way too long to find him don’t worry I’ve got a better [Music] idea oh Guido no don’t do that my creation my beautiful creation wait Guido did you hear that 303 didn’t like that keep going that’s it Guido destroy it all every single L building must go this is so much fun and any second now Guido we should be back with 303 just keep going fine you survived this stage of the gaunlet but you still have two more to go bring it on what’s going on I think that was the drer pathetic I’m giving you two more chances Steve I don’t like calculations you only have a 1% chance of surviving this well a 1% chance is all I need come on come on come on wait Guido what are you doing let me go no Steve you heard what I said you probably got a 1% chance of surviving this and remember 303 is only giving you three chances yeah I’ve already wasted two of them I need to make it this time maybe I can use these to find the best route down yeah I can see it now the route is leading through that vent down past all of those structures wait where the heck is is it going uh oh that’s why we only have a 1% chance look how tiny that Gap is we’re supposed to fit in that here goes nothing we only got one shot at this come on come on come on come on come on yeah welcome to the final stage your demise you heard see this is the final stage of the challenge we have to defeat s33 which is going to be impossible Guido I can’t even even get near him H let’s see maybe I can oh no I can’t see I can’t see oh no no no no no no no no wa that’s got her I certainly hope it did Guido look the next upgrade is that the brain of n 303 yeah that’s actually pretty gross any who let’s just put that thing there wa check it out Guido with the brain of Entity 303 so many more possibilities have been opened for example well I think I can hack stuff which includes these doors right here you know to get out here we go open sesame wait this isn’t how the world looked before yeah you know why because Entity 303 teleport us to the nether oh what if we’re in the nether then we must be looking for the blood guest Guido you better give him back right now be careful theve no Guido I’m going to rescue you slay this BL guest and get my upgrade eventually oh no no no give him back you monster wo wo help me see him it’s so back in here just hold on a little longer Guido I’ll get you out of there somehow there’s got to be some way I can stop this black guest now there is another guest over there right now he doesn’t seem to be bothering the black guest at all but if I use my 303 powers to hack into it come on come on come on come on oh I yes it works I can possess the guest now it’s just the case of Landing one of these Fireball shots oh come on how can you be missing a Target that’s so big hey qu guo do you want to get out or no no no no no no the black guest is fighting back come on little guest survive oh jeez come on ah this guy is just too strong Guido just please keep fighting Steve it won’t be long until he digests me for good the only way to stop the black guest is to take it out of the nether that’s going to drain all of its power now I can see a nether portal right there but yep just I expected there’s no way the black guest is going to let me get close you know what let me try hack something else those piglins yeah they’re going to make the perfect distraction yes that’s it those piglins are keeping the blank gas pinned down and now I can work my way towards the portal where is it where is it where is it and gotcha uh wait how am I going to repair this I mean I don’t have any obsidian there’s none in this chest H but maybe my only option is to heck this portal back together here goes nothing all right the pcel is ready to go now I’ve just got to get the black guest over here somehow the thing is he is kind of stuck fighting the piglins uh Guido any ideas actually I do have one idea if I push into this side of the black guas he should start moving in that direction yes that’s it quo keep going that’s it a little further back now a little to your right and you should be in come on yes hold on buddy I’m coming wait where the heck is guo oh my gosh well it looks like the black guest me giant Alex oh that was brutal Guido but it’s good to have you back and I haven’t been digested but look another upgrade the black guests tentacle legs let’s just go ahead and put this right here wo and now look we I got a real speed upgrade that’s actually really useful considering giant Alex wants to eat you wait what oh my gosh I’m out of here I’m out still not strong enough to fight her but that’s okay because my antenna will show the way oh it actually looks like the upgrade isn’t far away it’s just over at that Village then let’s get over there before giant Alex finds us don’t worry guid I also just found something else out so it turns out getting the black guest tentacle legs also gives me this ability wow Fireballs that’s right anyways let’s find this upgrade uh wait something’s going on here Guido the village is eily empty maybe all of the villagers are hiding from something or someone yeah do you think they’re hiding from me I see what’s going on here to get the next upgrade we have to create the next m my and in what way would creating a myth lead all the villagers to hide it would be if all the villagers were in danger Guido I believe I have to create the Headless villager then let me help you out with that what in the Multiverse uh try again no it’s not working well that’s never happened before uh okay give me a second I’ll just make my own sword now let’s see here wait where did it go weedo it seems like this Village has some kind of protection over it I hate it when that happens well how am I supposed to be the Headless villager now uh wait a second dude was that a villager a they must be hiding in this building right here every single villager is in this tiny house and being protected by this Iron Golem but I’ve got an idea if I can figure out some way to get the villagers out of that house house then they’ll run down this path right here straight into me where I will remove their heads but how are you going to do that without a sword well remember those vein arms I got earlier I’ve set them up right here so that when a villager runs into them they’ll get their head sliced off that’s great at everything Steve but what about that guy oh the Iron Golem don’t worry I’ve got something special lined up for him yeah look at him burn Guido and now he’s heading back up The Path towards the house that’s right dude any second now oh those villagers are going to come running down the path straight into my TR well Guido we certainly got a headless villager that’s right in about 12 more but I don’t see the upgrade anywhere I guess because I’ve got so many head villagers I don’t know which one is the actual headless villager um oh he could be anywhere I no no let go of me Guido is the real headless villager then do something already I’m thinking I’m thinking wait I’m still got my fire attacks if I use it on the spine it’s going to lead all the way up to the Villager itself that was a close one there’s another upgrade right there Steve that’s right Guido and this one one is the Headless villager’s chest ooh and spine two for one now let’s see what this oh my gosh dude what even are you right now yeah I mean when I said I was going to rebuild my body I did not expect it to look like this anyway check this out Guido I’ve got this awesome spine whip ability oh can I see sure check it out sorry buddy wao check it out Guido those villagers have been resurrected but why now you just kill them already oh okay Guido I’m on it come on show me what you got oh my gosh Guido look at the way they move it’s actually quite creepy I guess because they don’t have heads wait hold on a second what what’s going on huh what do you mean well look down there something’s filling up every time I kill one of these villagers I get a little more power uh Steve you might want to look up huh what are you talking about oh my gosh Guido that that’s the blood moon oh of course so every time I kill one of these villagers it’s sacrificing their souls or what’s left of them to the blood moon here we go let’s take out the final few and wa well that was creepy but now what stand back Guido I think the Moon is about to explode wa uh wait Guido look the blood moon companion another upgrade I’ll put him right here nice now look Guido we’ve got our own mini blood moon who will follow us around wherever we go another companion are you replacing me oh nonsense Guido but he does have a better smile than you hey but there’s got to be more to this upgrade uh let’s see maybe he’ll do something to the pigs over here uh oh oh my gosh what is that he’s shooting at those pigs oh dude that is so cool now I’ve got my very own little defense turret anyway let’s see where we’re heading next oh look over at that house yeah that’s a little strange I didn’t notice anything different about this house like from the outside it all seems pretty normal uh let’s try go in wait wao whoo wa quido what is this it’s some kind of Herobine ritual I think oh yeah I’ve seen this before the netherite the gold but there’s something different about this these pictures they’re of Alex giant Alex yeah I mean before she became giant Alex well this is awfully creepy but how does it help us get to the next upgrade wa wait what where are we we we were just in the house I think you know where we are Steve we are in the realm of hero right now oh no no no no we’re an easy shot down here Ste yeah I can see there Guido listen we just got to work our way closer to the top and once we kill herobrine we can have his upgrade but you’re right he’s totally got us pinned down wa hey blood moon think you can cause a distraction this is our F let’s go [Music] Ste okay this is fine a little bit of cover under here as well which means I can catch Herobrine off guard he’s not going to be expecting this let’s hack the tower itself yes now I’ve got him exactly where I want him oh Herobrine have you got an upgrade from me Herobrine don’t do this look do you recognize her oh no quo what’s going on I think that Herobrine wants to help us we have a common enemy in Alex wait so if we get his upgrade we should be strong enough to take on giant Alex oh dude that is disgusting but thank you for your sacrifice Herobrine hopefully this upgrade will give me the strength I need to finally defeat giant Alex she’s been trying to attack us throughout this adventure but now it’s time to take her down although Guido I think we may be a little too late Alex has destroyed everything if only we stopped her earlier well we’ve got our chance now Guido there she is oh here’s the J don’t worry quido I’ve got something right here for her yeah let’s done spe but we’re not done just yet Guido I’ll use my 33 brain to summon TNT straight on her oh that’s going to hurt next up I’m going to take the spine and wrap it around her legs here we go just a little more and now Guido she’s totally going to lose balance so she is done for and now Guido we land the finishing blow quido look we did it we killed giant Alex and her upgrade is now mine for so long I’ve been trying to rebuild my body and now it is finally complete that’s great and everything Steve but what does that upgrade actually do I don’t actually know Guido maybe we’ll find out who quo what’s happening uh Steve you’re getting bigger no no no no this can’t be stop no enough help me

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Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but you can UPGRADE yourself with scary myths! When Steve’s body gets destroyed and eaten by the Blood Warden, he needs to rebuild himself by defeating the scariest myth in the minecraft dimension and taking their upgrades. Like ‘That Things’ arms, ‘Herobrines’ eyes, The Black Ghast’s fireballs, and new other awesome abilities! Steve needs to learn how to evolve himself into the ultimate form so he can use the amazing overpowered scary myth abilities! Can Steve learn all the secrets and abilities of the scary myth upgrades, get all the powers and custom body part upgrades, and transform into the ultimate Steve? This is Minecraft but there’s SCARY MYTH upgrades!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #Minecraft


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