NOOB vs PRO: ELEMENTAL FAMILY HOUSE Build Challenge In Minecraft!

a mutant creeper is coming to attack our families and we need to save them oh no we’re doomed don’t worry axie we need to gain elemental powers to take out the Mutant Creeper for good elemental powers how do we get those wudo we need to build Elemental houses and they must be themed around the elemental power that we want to gain yay I can find finally get ice powers and be an ice princess and I can get lightning powers those elemental powers are so lame I’m going to get the water elements that’s so boring wudo our elements are going to be so much better all I need to do is use SL slash paste for an empty house that axi and I can edit this house looks awesome look how big it is we could fit so much ice in here it doesn’t look that cool relax voodo your house is literally made out of water blocks that is so whack the first build we’re going to have inside of our giant mansion is going to be an electric lightning playground for my little siblings wait what that does sound cool but where’s the ice a see we could focus on the ice later what I need to do is get all of the lightning things right now now let me just get some light blocks and then also a bunch of light blue decorations are you serious oh my gosh fine what do we have to do check it out over here axie the first lightning build we’re going to have is this giant Cloud over here if you didn’t know lightning actually gets created by clouds really but are clouds normally yellow well this is a lightning cloud so it is yellow axi we don’t use normal clouds around here a but what about the white clouds aren’t they going to feel left out no ax white clouds remind me of ice and I don’t want the ice in my house well blue is also the color of ice and you’re putting it here well that’s because this is going to be the first thing in our lightning playground what I’m going to do is add a bunch of ladders and we need to figure out a way to get to the top of the cloud yay hey I’m going to climb it right now and hey you can’t get up because your yellow cloud is bumping my head well I can just remove this block and boom now we’re at the top of this place where we’re going to have some lightning sofas to overlook the outside of the house and oh my goodness I can see Wood’s poopy water house from here hey it’s not poopy it’s a little bit poopy woodo yeah it definitely is super poopy look I’m also going to have some lightning trampolines down here so when we climb the top of the lightning cloud we can just jump down over here wee that’s kind of cool but this is still not enough for the kids to have fun well that’s because I’m not done with it axie here let me just search up light blue and wo look at this awesome block that we can use for the entire floor it looks just like lightning wait what no it doesn’t this totally looks like ice are you serious ice isn’t blue ax it’s white look I’m going to have a bunch of lightning over here just like this and I’m also going to add a bunch of solar panels so we can get a bunch more lightning into this house I hope this build is good enough so I get all of the lightning powers in the world no I hope my ice builds are good enough so that I can freeze the whole universe my is going to be better than the both of yours so I recommend you guys both give up are you serious look at voodoo’s build all he has is a bunch of water woodo didn’t you know lightning totally defeats water that is not true water defeats lightning no it doesn’t but you know what definitely defeats water ice I’m going to freeze you L hey don’t freeze me Maxi not only are we going to freeze him but we’re also going to use all of the lightning weapons on him look at these super duper cool weapons they’re so awesome wait what let me see nope you’re not allowed to see because you don’t want lightning powers you want ice powers and only lightning users can use these weapons good mongle I even put up decorations for you let me touch the weapon please wait what you put up decorations that doesn’t matter axi that just means my lightning playground looks so cool a I don’t want to build this anymore I want to make my even cooler ice room for the kids that they’ll enjoy way more okay fine axie we can do that but wait a second why do I feel so different wo mango look at you wait do I look different and oh my goodness my hands are now lightning and I unlocked my first lightning power hey what where you’re pointing that oh W no way it actually worked ax that means the more rooms we build the more Powers we’re going to get and then our families can be protected well I don’t even have my first power so first you’re going to help me with that okay fine we can build you a giant ice room come on all I need to do is just replace the floor to be ice yay I love ice it’s so slippy and slidey I don’t like ice I think water is way more fun voodo you do realize that when ice melts it turns into water right uh yeah but obviously nobody wants that dumb ice to melt o axi he just called ice dumb I don’t care because I’m building my super cool Igloo oh wow I didn’t even realize ice and snow are very similar so does that mean you’re going to get snow Powers too maybe I don’t know what I’m going to get yet but I’m sure it’ll be awesome no way come on axie what I’ll do is add you some curtains over here that way your igloo has a little bit of privacy what are you going to put inside of it oh probably just 10,000 cakes wait what are you serious that’s a lot of cake exactly I’m going to eat so much cake and get really fat wait what ice makes you slow as is but actually if if you get even fatter you’re going to be even slower what do you mean even fatter oh my gosh hold on a second let me just place down some of these beds over here and what if we place down some campfires inside to make it super cozy no I don’t want fire in my ice build wait a second does fire melt the ice yes no fire maybe I should have been the fire element then hey why would you want to melt me when you could join me in making my cool ice room maybe you can just give up your lightning powers for ice ones too no axie I won’t do that but I will help you build so we can have a better house than wudo hey what do you mean you’re not going to have a better house than me voodo I think our house automatically looks better than you I mean look how huge this thing is it’s like 10 times bigger than anything you can build that’s that true yes it is and everyone watching the video knows it’s true if you guys think our house is better than wos then hit that subscribe button right now we’re getting really really close to a million subscribers subscribe button Uncle what are you building well ax I’m going to build you an ice river that way you can have constant ice being made inside of your ice room really that sounds so cool but wait is it an ice room R just ice no an ice River has water in it woodo doesn’t know but you can also control his water that’s right I can freeze all of it exactly so when we go to his house maybe you should freeze it axie okay he’s never going to see that coming hey I can hear you guys you know oh gosh maybe we shouldn’t have talked so loud axi uh woodo just forget everything we said we’re never going to do that yeah exactly I don’t think you heard right wudo you better not oh my goodness come on axie let me just put up some fences over here because I’m going to spawn in the greatest ice mob there is AKA a penguin yay I love penguins they’re so cute and they look so tasty look there’s even tiny Penguins a look at them wling around what if I just grab one and eat it hey don’t eat the Penguins they’re supposed to be our friends okay I won’t eat the Penguins but every ice area has to have a Snowman and I think I could make a better one than you no way axi what I’m going to do is search up snow just like this and then I’m going to search up pumpkin my snowman is going to be super silly looking well mine is going to be massive wait what why would you build such a big snow Ben axi this snowman is going to be the guardian of this area oh my goodness that sounds insane that’s right my snowman’s better than yours cuz it’s bigger well at least we have snowman Udo doesn’t have anything hey what are you talking about I have Waterman wait what that doesn’t even exist woodo you just made that up I didn’t make that up yes you did admit you made that up already nah I didn’t make it up whatever forget him look how cool my snowman looks and it’s only going to get cooler when I add these buttons and its arms axie my snowman looks way better than your one no it doesn’t look mine has arms now well my one already had arms if you guys think my snowman looks cooler than axis then comment right now no comment axie because my snowman is obviously way cooler your guys’s powers are going to be so lame oh my goodness who does this guy think he is seriously I’m so mad wait I feel something happening wo look I think I got ice powers take this wait what axi what are you doing in wo did you just spawn in that huge block of ice that’s right and I’m going to use this huge block of ice to make wo’s life measurable come on let’s go over to that guy’s house right now and use our powers on him hey voodo what is it you guys leave me alone I’m busy doing some of my water business oh yeah little will you still be busy when you have a chunk of ice on your head wait what are you talking about and a being attack come on aex use more of it so his house turns to ice oh no help me wo AI it worked you actually turned his whole house into ice haha wo now you have the better element you should really be thanking me a guys you better get away or else I’m going to blow bubbles in your face uh voodo that’s not going to do anything do you want me to use my lightning powers on you no get away from me W I can’t believe bubbles are your only elemental power you’re so weak get away from me axi oh my goodness axie it seems like we’re going to have to save our families and the only way we’re going to do that is by building more rooms inside of our house but I’m getting really really hungry me too I might just pass out right now no wait no axi you can’t pass out don’t worry we’ll make the greatest lightning food of all time lightning food but I can’t eat that of course you can eat that axi let me just look in the creative menu real quick how does lightning food even get made don’t worry axie I already had that figured out you see lightning food gets made with these energizers over here then they get twisted around with this workbench and then then they get Frozen and then turned into the oxygen and that’s when the food is complete and they’re put on the table that sounds really complicated are you sure we’ll be able to do that of course axi with lightning powers we don’t use fridges that’s for ice powers well I like ice powers so can we have some fridges nope we can’t have fridges instead we’re going to have these bottle of lightnings that we can drink wo those look a awesome maybe you’ll just drink one right now hey don’t drink it axie something bad is going to happen it’ll be fine let me just drink this and what’s happening to me oh gosh actually I knew that would happen are you okay ah my whole body is roasted I told you not to drink that this is what happens when you don’t listen I listen all the time but how about we have some normal food here instead don’t worry axie check it out I’m adding all the different Burgers that’s going to be made at this lightning restaurant then I’m also going to make the entire floor out of neon lightning blocks how cool does that sound oh that sounds awesome exactly because I’m the one that’s building it no I’m pretty sure I could do better no way axi check it out all I need to do is just search up a table and I’m also going to have lightning tables in this place you should have an ice table instead wait what ice is such a bad element why would anyone ever want ice come on I’m going to make an ice table right now you guys should have water stuff inside said no one ever why in the world would we add water stuff in a lightning restaurant woodo that doesn’t make any sense it makes makes a ton of sense because water is the best yeah whatever wudo you’re just repeating the same words at this point if you really think water is the best you would make your build better but clearly you’re not my build’s already amazing what are you talking about your build is kind of newbie woodo exactly do you have an entire restaurant themed after your element um yeah duh no you don’t woodo this is what I’m going to get the greatest lightning powers and you’re going to be witnessing it h we’ll see about that come on a let me forget about that guy and focus on the transportation that we’re going to have inside of our house you see lightning can create all sorts of different technology and all sorts of different equipment and this Rover over here is going to be part of the lightning team W what are we going to use it for well it’s going to be used to go around the entire house house axie but check it out with this entire restaurant made I should be getting my next lightning powers look at you your legs turned to lightning too are you serious I feel my entire body being lightning and wait look I just unlocked a new power too hey stop aiming it at me well actually who else am I supposed to a it if it’s not you this is no fair I need my second power too which means that we’re going to make something ice style now well what could that be axie there’s nothing that comes to mind whenever you say ice really well for me when I think of ice I think about chilling out and our parents are going to need a place to hang out and relax in our house wait a second maybe you’re right axie I didn’t even think about what our parents would want hold on a second let me just go over here and grab these ice staircases and actually what we can do is build a giant ice Lounge that sounds awesome I’m going to turn the ground to something more icy no way guess what I’m going to do I’m going to have an entire ice TV wo I’m going to be here watching TV all day yep you could be watching all of our videos and it’s going to be super duper fun you hear that Woodle we have an ice Lounge an ice Lounge really why would you want an ice Lounge because CU ice is really cool it’s just better water exactly plus we’re going to need a place to chill and ice is super duper cold and chilly no it’s not it’s way too cold to chill in what are you talking about L ice is the perfect temperature for an axel like me exactly and that’s why our ice Lounge over here is going to be super duper cozy actually look I’m even placing down a bunch of different plushies a put down the best ones I’m going to put an arctic fox no way over here what I’m going to do is put down some hot cocoa wait hot cocoa is hot not icy but it is something nice to drink well ax remember not all of us are going to have ice powers I’m lightning for example and it’s way too cold in here that’s why drinking this hot cocoa is going to be so amazing oh well I mostly just care about myself are you serious axie you’re so messed up anyway what other decorations can we put in here well there’s actually a bunch of things you could add axi did you know that there’s ice torches and ice cake really ice cake I love cake check it out the ice cake is over here but if you eat too much of it you are going to freeze oh really I want to try it and what’s going on wo axie look at you you have a bunch of snow particles around you I feel so icy and Powerful now and I think I unlocked a new power take this wait what you can create snow clones that is so awesome help me I’m stuck oh that was scary but I’m going to test my power out here no way axie you’re so awesome you can also teleport around that’s right I this is the best power no way you guys just got your little newbie Powers H my powers are way better than all of yours no they’re not woodo I can’t believe this guy is still talking Maxi how about we use our new powers on him come on I bet he still doesn’t have any new ones hey voodo you’ve got ma m well let me go check outside and see what I gotten wait what light take this woodo what is going on axi look how much we use our powers on him what is wrong with you guys stop it hey wo it doesn’t look like you have any water elemental powers yet where’s your powers wudo yeah I do it’s called um water bucket attack take this oh my God gosh I don’t like water take this woodo this is so sad woodo maybe your bill just wasn’t good enough yeah you’re going to need to upgrade your build if you want powers like us wudo well I better get to it leave me alone imposters come on axi we also need to work on our house we only have two powers and we’re going to need a lot more than this if we want to save our entire families that’s right come on let’s build more nice stuff no way we need to build more lightning stuff axi well the kids might be a little scared of lightning and thunder we need somewhere that they can chill out and hear some nice calming bedtime stories wait a second you’re right I never thought about it like that don’t worry axie I can figure this out I’m going to create the coziest lightning place there is first I’m going to place down some tents over here then what I’m going to do is get some lightning rods and put them around so it looks super duper cool oh is this meant to be like an outdoorsy Camp type place that’s right axi all the kids in our families are going to be super safe inside of here I just need to set the entire ground to be a grass just like that and then ax I can add lightning fire what’s lightning fire that sounds like cheating no actually it’s not cheating check it out I’m pretty sure that’s just fire mom go no it’s lightning fire okay come on then what I’m going to do is add a bunch of clouds in the air over here that way this place has a bunch of Thunders constantly W okay this is pretty cool but there’s still nothing that will make their kids feel better about thunderstorms don’t worry axie do you know what kids love whenever there’s thunderstorms and rain happening uh do they like cake no they love story times so what I’m going to do is just put down a bunch of lightning bookshelves with a bunch of different books we can read to our siblings wo I can’t wait to read to my siblings but wait I don’t know how to read oh my goodness are you serious then you’re going to have to learn oh but I’m an Exel I don’t need to read all I need to do is roll in mud and eat cake axi you need to learn how to read okay you can’t be a little baby but wait a second this room is pretty much complete which means I should be getting my next Powers you girl Wings wait a second what are you talking about and oh my goodness I look so cool now I totally look like a lightning Elemental and look I even got another Power wo you’re so cool now but wait where’s my third power oh my goodness axie you only have two Powers that’s not fair get back back here imagine only having two Powers what a loser oh you can’t be speaking woodo come on we have to build my next room and I’ve been saving the best for now wait what what is the best room actually it better not be some total Ultimate Ice room that’s going to give you the most coolest ice powers it might just be because this is going to be ice cream land ice cream Cream Land I didn’t even realize ice cream is made out of ice that’s right I’m going to cover this wall in ice cream making machines and we’re going to create the best ice cream room in the world wo axie you might actually be a genius I know I get that a lot I wonder if wo’s going to have any ice cream machines in his house I don’t want anything made out of ice I’m going to have water filtering machines wait what that sounds so boring um no it’s not boring it’s what’s going to take your nasty doodo water and make it drinkable ew why would you want to drink his doooo water anyway oh no this guy is different axi sounds like you guys are jealous that’s all I can say no way what are we supposed to be jealous of voodo we literally have the greatest rooms of all time axis’s ice cream room room not only has a bunch of ice cream it also has a chocolate River wudo oh really well I don’t really care all I know is that my water is simply the best no it’s not Ludo I’m going to freeze it and turn it into ice cream you would never wait a second axi this room was pretty much complete does that mean you’re going to get your next Powers I think so I feel something happening I think I wings too are you serious axie did you also get a power along with that of course I did take this oh gosh it feels like I’m freezing stop that this is how I’m going to make ice cream every single day and never run out no way that’s so awesome come on now that we have all of these Powers we should totally go take out that mutant mob but before we do that let’s go check out Wood’s house over here hey woodo are you ready to see your awesome powers wait what you guys don’t have awesome powers to show me and oh my gosh those actually kind of look kind of awesome oh yeah oh stop it stop it please don’t use your powers in my house you’re in my house and that means you have to listen to my rules and the first rule is all elements are banned except water well I is kind of water so I can stay okay fine well check this place out guys this is my water kitchen as you can see everything works underwater I bet your kitchen froze axie w why do you have a bathtub in your Waterhouse well because when you want to take a bath you need to sit in the bath water not the house water um I think all your dirt would have already come off in the house water okay I think we’ve seen enough of this house clearly it’s very very poopy cuz you didn’t get any powers from it what are you talking about I have an octopus power wait what you have an octopus on your head are you serious come on woodo come inside of our house let me show you the first room aka the lightning playground ooh very lightning in here that’s right voodo check it out over here we have the lightning couch where we could go down to the lightning trampoline and then over here we have axis’s ice room that’s right my ice room has these amazing snowmen and a bunch of tiny adorable Penguins oh really these are very cute I think I’m going to have to borrow these penguins and bring them to my house hey the Penguin’s mine come on py hey you can’t borrow it woodo come back over here you’re going to have to see our lightning rest restaurant over here what shes lightning and Bottles what lightning bottles what happens if I drink [Music] this gosh I told you not to drink it okay I’m sorry for drinking it I just wanted to try it out well now that you’ve experienced the lightning restaurant you should come over here to the ice Lounge ooh this place is kind of chill get it cuz it’s cold yeah I already made that joke like 20 minutes ago woodo you’re not original you’re late to the party look over here voodo we have another lightning room and this is the lightning storytelling room lightning storytelling this just looks like a normal campsite hey you better take that back okay I’m sorry I’m sorry woodo if you think this room isn’t interesting you’ll definitely like the next one the next one what’s in this place ice cream this is the ice cream place wo where axi got her final power but wait a second do you guys hear that wait I do I think the mutant mob is coming come on let’s go protect our families hurry up oh gosh guys look over there it’s the Mutant Creeper it’s so big but with our powers we can definitely take it out come on let’s use our lightning powers on it right now I’m going to use my water bucket Powers boom it’s freezing thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed the watch our video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build Elemental Houses! Who builds the best elemental family house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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