Can You Actually Beat Minecraft Education Edition?

education Edition the world’s attempt at gamifying learning where you can solve geometry learn history or do that thing but what if you don’t give a testificates left nostril hair about learning and the only thing you want to do is beat the game well according to Minecraft you can’t you see education Edition was specifically designed so that you’re not even allowed to play the game normally let alone beat it and from what I can find on the internet no one has ever been able to this is because the YouTubers who have tried found that education Edition didn’t spawn any end portals in the strongholds but that’s only one of three main issues next you’re not even allowed to have the game cuz they only make it available to students who are learning lastly you’re not even allowed to beat the game because they shove you into this little room that you’re not allowed to leave where you’re forced to learn a bunch of just useless information that no one cares about just so you can fail another stupid test and have to show your parents your report card full of fs and then they tell you you’re such a failure you never Mount to anything and you go crying into your room where you’re never oh uh Minecraft so yeah can’t get the game can’t beat the game Let’s solve that first let’s see if we can get the game at self according to google education Edition is neither Bedrock nor Java some mystical thing in between so to get an account for it I found this individual licenses can be purchased for camps clubs or organizations H now this is where it can get tricky since I don’t have a camp club or organization company name testificates training camp or testificates train to be slaves I think we did it testificate training camp officially owns a copy of Education Edition i h now that we were in the game I had to solve the first problem can you create a normal world and education Edition not some lame world for learning uh create new go survival mode difficulty normal hm this is going pretty well so far looking like it might even be possible just to beat the game normally but that’s when I started noticing some Stark contrasts to the other versions of the game hello really bad Graphics what does H do oh code Builder oh okay we’re just going to uh what is this thing so I did some research and you’re supposed to use this thing along with your lessons and if you type code into it it can perform tasks I don’t think it’s supposed to be in a normal World though and feels like we’re breaking the game I’m just going to leave it there oh I hate this too why are the blocks so big you know what I don’t care just get through this Nathan you can do it this isn’t supposed to be the hard part oh W oh no where’s Auto jump where is this Abomination where is it get out of here gross all right let’s got some Stone aside of just the clunkiest feeling interface imaginable the game was looking pretty playable well that is until oh what just happened why did it crash all right that’s the third time this game is crashed I don’t know if it’s like this on I think they made it for no it’s crashing again new strategy we keep it small and then we increase the size after we’re in the world can hear my graphics card ramping up which is just stupid okay we’re in don’t crash that’s crashing okay hear me out maybe I’m too powerful uh render distance 50 chunks let’s bring that down a bit maybe maybe something is freaking out there things are working now so maybe it was my render distance wasn’t wasn’t a to hand which is stupid cuz whatever it’s fine it’s fine with the constant crashes out of the way it was now time to embark on the first main quest getting to the nether assuming that this version of the game even has a nether it’s it’s really hard to find any information on whether whether or not this game has the same features as normal Minecrafts the only way we’re going to find that out is by trying it are there not villagers in education Edition cuz I feel like I should have found one by now oh I think I see one don’t Dell villagers I will not kill all of you I would just cause a massive hunger strike as I steal all your food oh it’s my friend hello sir time to show off my PVP skills all right now that we have our food supplies taking care of we need to go into the mines and prep for the nether assuming that we can get into The Nether oh that’s my first fight Get Wrecked nerd oh well not necessarily where I want to be going right now just going to go back up the other way I kind of want to test if wardens can spawn in this version but then I die so to make the portal I’m using the same method that Java speedrunners use I’m just kind of hoping it works in education Edition okay looks like we can make a another portal okay and now all we can do is cross our fingers that the nether is going to be normal uh uh where am I oh he’s back he keeps following me around go away oh oh he can hold items too aside of the terrible Graphics it seems like a somewhat normal nether now I’m not 100% certain that they have nether forgers as an education Edition but I think we should just go looking for one if we don’t find one figure out what to do after that oh baby there we are okay if I run into a wither skeleton we are in kind of an ish pickle oh that’s what I meant oh please don’t be a dead end oh shoot oh that was way too close hey buddy screw you get out of here jeez oh my gosh that is the death hallway hey oh you can’t get up here oh perfect bro do I see more wither skeletons oh my shield did not block okay Shields don’t block with right click that’s good to know pick block use item button two how do you block what is this crap well a shield is useless good to know bro what is down there how do they keep spawning so much this was really weird it seems as though the spawning mechanics and education Edition is really messed up causing hallways like this to instantly respawn mobs like wither skeletons and blazes and since I’m fighting with the stone sword this made it really hard jeez the amount of weather skeletons down this Hall all right one man left oh don’t H the pigin i”d be in a lot of trouble oh is that a spawner what this is what we call a bad idea a bad idea oh shoot I’m screwed oh how am I alive how am I alive right now all right now that we have enough blaze rods all we need is ender pearls wait what he got out of the boat but then he just got back in it no he didn’t this guy’s the guy okay apparently you can’t do that in education Edition you can’t trap Enderman and boats which you can in Java good to know all right so far we’ve learned that the nether is a very mess tough Place mob spawning is out of freaking control and Enderman can’t be trapped in boats like they can in Java what a dumb thing that they can teleported to boats in this version all right well we need 12 pearls so we’re going to be here for a while okay this game is actually unplayable watch me interact with this ghast he shoots the fireball I hit it and then like 2 seconds later it flings back at him I have to like guess where he’s shooting it because by the time it actually visually renders it’s actually already past me why is this version so bad yet costs so much more than Minecraft bro this game is so bad that the Enderman can’t figure out how to teleport over here so it just stays stuck there it doesn’t know walk around it can’t come all the way over here so it just sits [Music] there now that we have all the ender pearls blaze rods that we need we need to head back to our portal uh is that a CH oh it’s a ruined portal that was really confusing H wait a second this isn’t a full portal is it no shot what yo yo it’s a full portal what are the odds with one obsidian what are the odds all right well say goodbye to this horrible place what are you actually kidding me what are the chances after caving for like 45 minutes where I found am measly two diamonds it was finally time to test the final part does the stronghold spawn in the game now at this point you may be thinking why of course it would everything else seems to be semi-normal and at first I’d agree but then I came across a video where a YouTuber by the name of slime MD attempted to beat the game but what he discovered shocked me having felt defeated I told myself no way after all this time all this effort this is how it ends in a rage I decided to go into creative mode and to blow up the stronghold to hopefully find a portal to prove my theory wrong yet I was right there was no portal at least one that was generated I decided to give myself the final piece in this run and to at least finish what I had started so according to slime even though the strongholds spawned the end portals don’t spawn in them which kind of make sense because teachers don’t want kids playing the game during class when they should be doing something like geometry but I wasn’t going to let something dumb like that stop me there had to be a way in survival to get to the end I just needed to find it before heading to the end though I wanted to get a little bit more prepared in case I could fight the dragons so I stopped by this Village and fairly traded with them hey we ooh that’ll work perfect okay all right and now we’re off to find the stronghold oh please don’t break shoot we have found the end portal it is directly below us now the moment of truth don’t fall directly into the lava oh I found it go away don’t you ruin this for me all right so now we need to see if we can find the end portal I found it immediately now you may be thinking what the heck I thought the previous YouTubers said they didn’t spawn there was no portal and well you see slime wasn’t lying he did find a stronghold without an end portal which to us Java players would seem like something is broken but I did some research and found out in Bedrock not all strongholds spawned with an End Portal another reason why it’s the literal worst version of the game but that aside since education Edition heavily relies on Bedrock it was safe to assume that this previous YouTuber just got unlucky but it’s still left a question what was the Ender Dragon like in this version of the game was it simply the same as Bedrock or Java or was it broken like the nether mobs and increasingly buffed all right now all we need to do is get in there and see if the Ender Dragon spawns here we go uh there’s no Boss Bar oh just kidding wait what oh he’s just immediately coming at me oh I didn’t bring a water bucket that was dumb wa he is way faster and his movements are strange which is not helped out by the lag that this game has for some reason now there were a few key differences that I was noticing the Ender Dragon shot his crystals a lot a lot more often he charged every time off of a perch and he was all around just way more difficult come on get these clicks off I want to see if the bed strategy works here oh I’m such an idiot I’m going to lose all my stuff so the only saving grace about this version of the game when it comes to fights in general is that it uses 1.8 PVP and since I can spam click pretty fast it made for killing the dragon when it was perched really easy you see in Java Edition the dragon moves away after takes a certain amount of damage on a perch but because this is based on an older version of the game the dragon doesn’t move as often so we can do a lot more damage before he decides to fly off come on get damage come on come on come on oh he’s so close oh he’s thing no no so close so close so close please oh thank God that was just Dreadful I that was just going to be like I hated that experience so to answer the question can you beat Minecraft in education Edition yes yes you can but don’t try because it’s awful terrible and it just just all around a bad time

Minecraft Education Edition, a version of the game that prioritizes learning through gaming. Discover challenges like missing end portals, frequent crashes, and unique mechanics that complicate gameplay. Despite these hurdles, witness the narrator’s determination to conquer the Ender Dragon, proving that victory is achievable in this unconventional version of Minecraft.

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  1. This was just Bedrock. The nether and the dragon are the same as in Bedrock. So welcome to Bedrock. Bedrock is just more difficult than java.

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