Who Throws ROCKS At Linus’ Tent? || Stardew Valley 1.6 Lore and Theory

meowy y’all and welcome back to another video stardo Valley is filled with a variety of colorful characters some being instantly lovable and some needing to be warmed up a little first but is it possible that there is a malicious person that spends their time tormenting poor lonus in today’s video we’ll be discussing some lore and a possible theory on this so buckle up if you don’t know me I’m solder I make stardew Valley YouTube videos featuring Game challenges lore and Theory crafting and analyses so if you’ve got any feedback or suggestions for the next video feel free to leave a comment below and hit that subscribe button for more north of Robin’s house you’ll find a small campsite where lus resides the first few dialogues with him are pretty guarded and it’s obvious he’s very wary and cautious of strangers I don’t know you well enough to trust you sorry I have to be wary of strangers most people don’t like a wild man have you come to ridicule me I’m just minding my own business it feels as though he’s been deeply hurt by others before and for a while we’re left confused until he says someone was throwing Bo in my tent last night I just had to wait it out what a horrible thing to do to someone like lonus who is just trying to live his own life the way that he wants to who could be the culprit for this crime I actually have two theories for y’all but one of them is a little boring so we won’t spend too much time on it the boring theory that I have is that the rocks that are being thrown at Linus’s tent are just rocks falling off the mountain I mean look at how close his tent is to it it’s perfectly normal for animals or even just the wind to knock around some Pebbles and of course they’d fall right on his tent but that’s not too interesting of a theory and it doesn’t let us scrutinize over minute details so that we can send one of the pelicant Town residents to jail for bothering lius so let’s continue if there actually is someone that’s doing this to lius who could it be lius is pretty resourceful and is even one of the people that will find you passed out in the mines and will rescue you if he truly believes there is someone throwing rocks at his tent maybe he’s right if we look at his Springtime schedule he goes to bed around 11:00 p.m. but he does hang out in his tent for a few hours before that if we believe that he consistently goes to bed around the same time every night throughout the whole year then we can safely say it wasn’t Vincent or Jazz as they are way too young to be awake around midnight and climb up the mountain by themselves just to throw rocks at Linus’s tent when we’re playing stard Valley it really doesn’t feel like the locations are too far from each other it feels as though Robin’s house is right next to the rest of Pelican town but she even States you’re always welcome to come visit us even if you aren’t shopping you know it can get pretty lonely up in the mountains so we should recognize that gaming mechanics aside the mountain area is actually really far away from Pelican town so it would be quite a trek to walk all the way up there just to bother lonus I think we can also eliminate Evelyn and George they’re just not going to be healthy enough to climb up a mountain at midnight Gus is up late working at the saloon and of course cleaning up afterwards Surly Emily helps so we’ll eliminate both of them as well Shane and Pam are regularly at the saloon and head home late and they go straight to bed it’s not them either I honestly think we can eliminate most of pelicant town because of the sheer distance away from the mountain so that’s going to eliminate a whole ton of them the wizard who lives outside of Pelican town is pretty far away but we know he has magic to help him travel from place to place however we can see that the wizard and lonus are actually friends as they can be seen at the spirits Eve Festival there’s a dialogue in the game’s data files where lus calls the wizard an old friend so that’s going to narrow it down signific iFly to Robin Demetrius Maru and Sebastian lonus is living right outside of their property is it possible they have a distaste for him and how close he resides I honestly doubt it Robin even states have you met the wild man that lives behind our house I guess I don’t really mind as long as he doesn’t bother us Demetrius and Maru don’t really have any dialogue specifically talking about lonus but they do have quite a few talking about the local fauna and all the interesting things to see in the valley considering how much lonus really loves Forge and all of the things that nature provides I can’t seriously imagine Maru or Demetrius having a problem with him Sebastian does hang out in the area at night quite a bit and even States I usually only go outside after dark does that sound weird to you he can be found outside around 7:30 p.m. sometimes smoking as well the timing makes sense and he’s in walking distance but is he seriously that malicious I think Sebastian is a pretty outspoken person especially if he doesn’t like someone concerning Maru his half sister that he literally shares a house with he states to us why does everyone like Maru so much sure she’s smart and friendly but don’t they realize it’s just all an attention grabbing scam sorry I think if Sebastian really doesn’t like someone he’d say so but there’s no dialogue where he talks about lonus I really don’t think Sebastian is so capable of this so who do I theorize our culprit is the dwarf hear me out the mines are right there even lonus goes in there at night since he’s the one that rescues you sometimes the distance makes perfect sense and isn’t it possible that since lonus goes into the mines the dwarf has probably seen lonus and has followed him outside the mines we know the dwarf leaves the mines because they State I got all this stuff from the surface I just take it from your people during the night hm what is this concept you call private property the dwarf has no problem just going into people’s houses and taking stuff if they want maybe even searching through their trash but what would compel the dwarf to throw rocks at lioness’s tent though the dwarf can regularly ask us you’re not a spy sent by the shadow people are you I’m keeping my eye on you most humans fear the unknown that’s why I’ve hid in my shop here your mining skills prove you’re trustworthy I theorize that since the dwarf sees lonus entering the mines but never actually mining thus not proving that he’s trustworthy the dwarf is spying on lius and is very skeptical of him the dwarf doesn’t know if lonus was sent by the shadow people and since the dwarf has no respect for private property they’ve taken it upon themselves to try to get lonus away from their Turf where they can peacefully run their shop after you reach Ginger Island’s North Side the dwarf can say to you if you enter the volcano on Ginger Island you might encounter others like me don’t be alarmed we’re peaceful with humans the dwarf isn’t going to harm liess in any way shape or form but they’re definitely going to do everything in their power to get a little bit more space from an untrustworthy person and maybe force lonus to move somewhere else let’s just hope the dwarf never tries any of this with Marlin who will probably just slice them in half with that said I hope you all enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching I stream pixel art and stter Valley on Twitch so if you’d like to check that out Link in description and if you’ve got a suggestion for the next video or some head cannons that y’all have and want to share be sure to leave a comment down below and make sure to subscribe to catch my next video I’ll be making more sard Valley videos so keep an eye out see yall next time bye [Music]

In today’s video, I’ll share a theory I’ve got on who exactly throws rocks at Linus’ tent, along with some Stardew Valley lore :)) If you’ve got some theories or headcanons of your own, lemme know in the comments :))

Be sure to leave a comment if you’d like to suggest the next video or challenge :3c

If you’d like to follow me on Twitch for pixel art and Stardew Valley streams, here’s the link:



  1. Ooh! I never thought about your "boring" theory, but that makes a lot of sense! My thought was it was mischievous teenagers that came by train that made a stop at the train station. Didn't think of the time of night or how they would even know Linus was there, unless they stumbled across his tent while exploring. I like how your videos makes me think of things I normally take for granted! ^_^

  2. Honestly didnt pay much attention to who would be the ones throwing rocks. The locals dont make sense. As you said Sebastian is outspoken. Gus is friendly with Linus etc. When I saw the title my first idea was Morris. Maybe he passed by the mountain and saw the "wild man" as trouble or not fitting what plans with the towns he has. A sort of "unknown factor" as Linus does not spend money, does not regularly enters towns and maybe Morris also spotted him rummaging through the stores trash.

    But honestly the dwarf also makes perfect sense. Maybe to the dwarf Linus is also weird as he does not act like the other humans. He is "weird" compared to them and far too close to his shop. And as you said the dwarf probably just wants to scare him away. Move his tent.
    Maybe as a personal headcanon. Linus is a sort of druid. Maybe the dwarf senses some form of nature magic in him that he doesnt like or feels save about.

  3. There's a theory that Linus is Pam's ex and Penny's father, it was mentioned that Penny's dad left because he was feeling "stuck". Perhaps Pam gets drunk late at night and throw rocks at his tent? or Penny?

  4. I never concidered the dwarf. I always felt it was some random people and not anyone from Pelican Town. Like some teenagers from Grampleton or Zuzu city camping in the mountains.

  5. i like this theory! i have often wondered who robs you if you pass out outside at 2am. out of towners don't really make sense at that time of night

  6. Makes sense. I love this folklore version of dwarves that stardew portrays. But even the Tolkein versions have the exact same love of mining, and respect for the craft. There is no version of a dwarf that doesn't give you mad respect for swinging a pickaxe well.

  7. Awesome video, I love these theories so much. The dwarf definitely makes sense. The only other person I would think it could be is alex, just because of his trek to the sauna every so often. But then again hes never really up late. He also may be arrogant, but I dont think he would do that either.

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