Last Days of Fall Winter is Coming! Year One New Stardew Valley Update!

okay we’ll do that yeah yeah send it yeah yeah okay so we got that going and then I just need to put in the code for everyone else all right so it’s been two weeks and I have a new mic and I spent the last hour and a half setting it up and I don’t like how sounds I think I need a new um what do you call those amps or whatever so that might be a while and I will need to save up for it but the new mic is great I just I don’t feel like there’s I lost the the base in my voice it sounds a little uh flat but I will need a uh better amp for that anyways oh gosh blueberries blueberries wonder how much these sell for I actually do not know oh what’s that hey Desa they got a new they got a new setup on the chat thingy I saw the little dollar sign Super Chat super super stickers oh they changed it oh gosh yes and they put the little heart thingy in the bottom now because sometimes when somebody would talk it would cover up what they were saying so I had to wait until somebody else spoke to actually finish reading the word that they were saying it was It was kind of hard sometimes I just have to guess what the word was it was pretty good it but sometimes I’m like um yeah yeah mhm yeah you know yeah of course I know how it goes whatever you said said I guess oh dried mushrooms right something like that your chat was bugged like did it have ants go in the Box as soon as I started streaming I feel like I had to sneeze so that’s a thing that’s happening right now and I don’t want to one second I might mute here in a second and cuz my sneezing is really loud and I don’t want okay false alarm requires five well I’m not going to be doing that today somebody said I needed to dry mushrooms for something and I don’t remember what that something was but I’m drying mushrooms hey Liz it’s like she was uh reading my thoughts there okay I have a lot of stuff to be thrown into these machines I got all that Tomatoes sitting here right yeah that’s good loading them up okay so let’s sell off this stuff my aunt my aunts my aunts had really bad this summer that’s what was going to come out of my brain so okay so I have a new mic um it doesn’t I don’t think it sounds quite as good as my old mic but I need a new amp which is expensive so we’ll have to put a pin in that and we’ll just have to keep messing with the settings which I spent like an hour and a half doing um yeah I think there’s definitely something missing but we’ll figure it out this one should remove a lot of the clicking and the cat noises and the fans and all the other sounds that I didn’t want okay so let us get some of this stuff into places and then we will go about our day nothing there is that one any good it’s decent a lot of these are decent right or snacks yeah some of them are oh well they’re decent for money too I like snacks Scooby Snacks sorry my nose is oh as soon as I hit the button I felt like I needed to sneeze so that’s a thing hey scoop okay hey Panic can’t forget the cows these adorable little cows why are you so mad why it probably rained yesterday and they didn’t have food I’m sorry they’re probably too angry to give milk right oh NOP they’re not those kind of cows muffin button yep you got the muffins that sweet nerd voice Probably sounds like crap right now I just got a new mic and I think it kind of sucks it doesn’t sound like my other one but it’s supposed to be better whatever I need to get a new amp and that’s more expensive than the mic so I’m going to have to wait on that because uh money and insurance money has not came in so you [Music] know Panic has no voice she lost it [Music] chickens but I just spent like the last hour and a half messing with it and redoing all my settings so then when I re redid it I’m like H it still sounds like crap but I ran out of time I was like I can’t just plug the other one back in cuz it’s like those settings will not work for this my old one so yeah I’m like well I’ll do what I got to [Music] do it doesn’t sound no it doesn’t I think it’s yeah I sound flat [Music] I have redone the settings like three times oh oh my oh my my my I got no base no life in my voice it’s just flat and boring no why you do that I hate this game I don’t want to play no more I lost my treasure it was all gone my treasure is gone welcome Desa as a member what is that Master is the five ways may enter I’m not a I’m not a master I am CH [Music] fishing yeah I even have I have like two different kind of boosters on the voice too so it’s just like definitely the amp so I’ll get one here soon hopefully [Music] maybe if I remember the settings I had on my other mic I should have taken a screenshot uh I probably just like replace it and then go and then go back until I get I can afford an amp but yeah it had to do with a lot of my recording um I recorded cactus fruit no I didn’t record cactus fruit oh wait how many time how how long doesn’t say uh two days okay I can do that tomorrow uh so I recorded like a bunch of videos in January and the audio sounded terrible so I hadn’t been really inspired to like turn them into videos to be put on YouTube because I was just like blah so I was like you know what screw it I’m going to get a new mic and you know pump out those videos but now I’m just like poo this doesn’t sound any better but maybe it does sound better and I can do it in post to make it sound even better better if that makes any sense because the Audio I had recorded it sounded like I was screaming while talking you know like I was basically eating the mic I’m like n this sounds terrible hey do you want a snack mushroom hey that’s a good find yeah well last stream he ran over one and he was mad about it okay I did a little bit of wandering I don’t really I don’t know I didn’t really have a focus for today oh we will go do some stuff some more wandering calendar oh is it too late to go to the bookstore no trade in books I have any books how about buy books they’re all really expensive the almanac horse book Jesus who can afford this crap I don’t have money here sir I want to steal your balloon though no Focus yeah I’m trying really hard to focus on talking so this game is great for that because I just wander around and pick up things as I go you just got eggs and bacon I made a sausage egg bacon cheese omelette and then well I prepped them so I got like 3 days worth of them and then I put them in a tortilla par Barrett hey how you doing how you doing how you doing no no get away from there my mouse was near the the hot bar so I have zap on my head apparently how am I it’s been a it’s been a rough one we should make pickled broccoli that sounds delicious yum yeah uh I was in a I was in a car accident two months ago so physical therapy and all that that’s been fun that’s been as I say fun that’s been horrible this weekend’s assignment is to twirl a uh a hammer there’s a cat on my bed yeah trying to get the rotation better so uh she has me uh holding a hammer and getting that weight to rotate better like you know what I mean try to get that description there but so yeah I’ve been just holding a hammer in my hand and then rotating twirling a hammer around chill in the air woo Halloween hey clant the best deep fried [Music] pickles I’ve never had deep fried pickles so that’s one more deep fried pickle then I well I don’t know where it makes sense I would never eat deep fried pickles let’s make eggplant juice yummy an eggplant jam and eggplant pickles [Music] hey I have a gift for you Liz how about a sweet gim Berry do we all need to give uh Mr canoli one or is it just one person I think everyone does sorry I think I need to drink of water woohoo all right get in there we need money you’re a sweet jberry oh Chucks oh the cat’s watered well we only grew two and since Liz is here she gets the other one [Music] somehow we only managed to pick up two cute little cows they’re adorable oh need to make some cheese all right oh and it’s Friday woohoo Liz I don’t know if you aware but we did open the desert last uh stream you weren’t here pale ale truffle oil I think we might need some truffle oil still rainbow [Music] winecow I don’t know want to Sun Haven I think I have that game oh you got in last time I couldn’t remember I skipped last week but uh yeah last weekend was pretty [Music] rough I can’t remember if that’s one of the games I bought in plans of doing something with and then never ended up doing something with I have tons of games like that like oh yeah I’m going to do something blah blah blah blah blah and [Music] then you know life Happ happens instead I have a video that’s been edited and sitting uploaded on my channel since January it has no thumbnail and I was like I’m going to make a bunch of videos and I’m going to have them all ready to go and blah blah blah blah blah and then I uh didn’t do that I don’t know how to get through here why is it like [Music] that stop it stop it stop it all of those videos were partially edited by my brother too holy moly I’m terrible I’m terrible wait oh I thought I saw a wiggly worm for a second you need to find a way to get four other people to join you what Sun Haven who man do a kickflip oh I got to go to the desert at least I hope there’s a cactus oh I always talk to her please be a [Music] cactus okay give me a cactus that’s a CO coconut Cactus and Caroline needs it right yeah that’s going to be a minute wait did I see some wormy worms yes I did dirt I think Cactus is one of my favorite things to eat in this game [Music] I think I played two streams worth of Pia but I haven’t been back have I eaten sap I don’t want to eat sap why you being mean to me Gro oh rude it’s a very rude comment Caroline where are you not here really you have a very area weird relationship with your wife everyone’s at the bar hey Jody I’m just going to wait here [Music] Caroline there you are G her [Music] he let’s see Robin project oh I forgot about the hardwood crap 3 days well good thing I gathered today is Harvest but oh I don’t know if we can do that oh yeah I have cocon what are good what are they good for a seed but I can’t plant it that’s just rude I can’t wait to plant these they’re cool wait if they only have culinary uses I’ll just put them in the fridge yeah yeah the same for like I think oil can we get oil somewhere I think it’s here somewhere I’m not sure I thought the the cheese put some cheese in the fridge Everyone likes cheese I think we made some and then uh it got sold so bundle complete yes did I forget to deposit a pumpkin oil e there was some now we can make coconut oil okay where are we with these oh yeah I need to get some more animals so I don’t know get a goat next or need to upgrade the barn we’ll probably worry about animals over the winter not a big deal and then bulletin board that needs a duck and need mchy roll and a fried egg I have the recipes for those so that one will be finished uh that one will not be finished cuz we have no apples unless we get them from the fruit thing but yeah I haven’t found any this one needs a rabbit’s foot you know we just got to chop those off the rabbits um the craft room needs just the winter one that’ll be done here first day winner okay so we need apples but I haven’t found any kind of sad have a bunch of these I cracked those open cat meow oh my gosh hey Reena got one nice and here comes the spam of the alerts I don’t know how to fix oh my oh my oh my oh my my my thank you a oh my oh my oh my my my and now my cat is like what are you doing what’s going on can I be a part of it oh my oh my imagine screaming oh my gosh I’m glad this one’s the sound effect for this can you imagine the screaming Cowboy for five minutes oh my oh my oh my my my the 27th all right we got one more day of harvesting yeah yeah I leveled up I’m level 10 now so everyone else can now Harvest to their hearts contents right oh my my my yep level 10 H not that one this one cool yeah I need to make up for my lack of abilities with fishing it’s not probably going to happen but oh yeah I need five of a thing right well that’s not going to happen spice berries spice berries raisins I like how the raisins are in a box what happened with the uh the the mushrooms were they needed for something special or Melon [Music] jelly the Juno’s favorite [Music] food oh I’m going to put those in the fridge [Music] that’s right there was something about grapes and I was like oh I don’t know if I have enough but if they’re Juno’s favorite foods then we’re going to save all those you have any other grapes oh gotcha we don’t have enough grapes I no grapes I’m sad DED pumpkin right oh it’s not a fruit pumpkin seems like it would be a fruit I don’t know what it’s talking about it looks like a fruit to me okay Oh My My My when these are adult trees we can chop these down right that’s all we needed right yeah I think that’s all we needed once they get full grown cut them down down and replant cool well I got 21 wood from that so that’s helpful Robin’s project is at 69 no for today here stop it stop stop don’t look at me stop no no we’re fighting no he wants to knock around on stuff and I don’t want him to so we’re [Music] fighting it’s a constant War he wants to smack things around and I tell him no and then he meows at me and then it’s like a cycle back and forth it’s like he likes getting yelled [Music] at 80 woo thanks to the mahogany trees we got the 80 wood now just have to go get the rest of it G stop it no I’m fighting my cat right now oh my gosh stop it why does he do this to me all right where’s this got to go hardwood into her stockpile gotcha n he just wants the he just wants to smack something um was it two days ago I had a bag on the floor and he just kept wanting to touch the bag to make the noise to make it crinkle and then I would tell him stop and then he would do it again and I tell him stop and he’d do it again yay 2,000 money a we already have that one a it’s [Music] Halloween I don’t have a costume this year kind of sad hey Reena when we had the big farms we had everything and then like we would spend like a couple days making our costumes it was a lot of fun I’m going to see if hat Mouse has anything fun since we have 50,000 we can afford a few hats sure I’ll eat that okay let’s see got Tia a bonnet the governor’s hat he went as the trash outfit go with the governor I do want the governor’s hat just for just because buying it did I just spend $5,000 yes I did I’m the governator today have my Christmas outfit Christmas outfit Halloween what am I doing I got purple shoes the match I don’t think I have a top though uhoh Liz what are you doing you’re not supposed to be knocking yourself out where’s my dresser oh I put it in the bedroom I only have I don’t want to be a tortilla wear my regular shirt where are you stuck are you stuck in the doctor’s office yeah yeah he wasn’t there’s a uh a helmet in here if you want to wear the helmet taking a nap until the festival I don’t know when it starts rude want to play now stupid game making me wait jeese yay Festival o rare Crow what one that’s fine just the rare Crow don’t get too close you all say the same stuff nothing new here now let’s see if I can remember uh yeah sure I know exactly where I’m going uhhuh I just wanted to talk to Penny no nothing boring I can’t go on spiders the dead end no there’s not taada nerd I want to talk to those guys golden [Music] pumpkin no wasn’t there a extra place here I can’t remember or was that it I don’t remember I thought there was extra areas or was that the extended that’s the extended mod wasn’t it I’m just misremembering I don’t want to talk to you where’s this where did this go I I took the train car back apparently there’s one now I got oh I got a [Music] pumpkin where do I put it I don’t know wait can I put it on my desk nope I’m going to sleep with [Music] Ito Artisan goods worth 40% 10% faster growth I that cheese and wine it’s almost double the price yeah we’re going for money growing is perfectly fine but that money woohoo my hat makes it look like it’s on a platter I don’t know what to do with my pumpkin there we go I’m just going to need more furniture or something [Music] whatever last day for [Music] crops apparently the bats don’t want to give me anything rude hey mushrooms okay fine do it the hard way okay so pumpkins that sounds good pickled tomatoes so ketchup [Music] okay so let’s go and check wagon lady hello [Music] duck egg that’s a free duck and the wool means I don’t need a sheep shortcuts but I do need to make my stuff bigger I don’t know how much a duck is but the duck egg was probably cheaper than a [Music] duck I’m going to break [Music] [Music] these okay we got a plan hello bus lady P okay so I’ve been thinking about different games I should play and I want to play well okay all right I know what I’m going to play but I also want to play a bunch of games there’s like too many games I want to play and I can’t decide what I want to play do that make sense like extra streams like during the week I keep saying I’m going to do them I don’t do them mostly because my arm hurts and I’m tired uh physical therapy is tiring and but I was curious what people want to watch I’m going to do a whole little playthrough of CR Cove because when the game comes out you can take the demo play through uh the save from the demo and continue on when the when Early Access comes out so it’s not like having to play through it and then start over and have to play through it so if I get the demo stuff in then when it comes out I can keep going so I want to play through that cuz I’ve been on the Critter the Critter Cove train hold on the cat has a scratch and he’s scratching in against the desk are you done yeah I just heard thank you for that anyways I’ve been on the train of that development since like what 2019 2018 I don’t know it’s been years wait did I break this open and there were four more boxes in one so you could have never ending boxes technically that’d be great do it again yes box setion yes another two I don’t know that is but it looks creepy give me some more box within a box within a box within a box today must be a lucky [Music] day okay what the hell is this thing shrimp cocktail that doesn’t look like a Shrimp Co cocktail looks like it wants to eat my face look like a freaky Little Squid I need to turn any of these in no one knows blah blah blah okay but that looks like o combat hoha I got combat skills now oh I forgot you just stand here sometimes [Music] animal oh I can do this right now we don’t need a duck boom sacrifice we don’t need a whole duck we just needed the egg I was like well we can grow our own duck and then we can produce eggs or we can do that whoopsie yeah perfect timing considering that winter starts tomorrow and we can just keep growing stuff there’s a few crops that will we still need duck for feathers yay yeah that’s just you know that’s a minor thing but I sacrificed the duck it’ll be fine but with winter tomorrow it’s a perfect time to yeah have duck uh Greenhouse yeah and we get another one of these also I can do I can get a seed maker wood coal and gold so I can make a couple of those and we put that in we can put that in there and we can grab some stuff to make some seeds oh I should probably got I should make a couple yeah that’s fine we can make two there we go and then tomorrow we’ll put the seed makers in the greenhouse let’s make seeds no more grapes dang it we should do repeating crops so that we don’t have to deal with this oh I need beets put the coal back ah I I hit the auto button and ran I didn’t look there you go I didn’t think I was just doing I got coffee warp totems bombs oh no okay so we don’t need these anymore [Music] um the shrimp cocktail gives you one luck and one fishing if you want that I put it in the the food um chest over here by the shipping bin gives you some Lucky Fishing tomorrow would you mind moving my trailer next to the silo the trailer you want it all the way back in this corner I was going to move the oh I was going to move a bunch of stuff when winter hit okay I don’t know which one’s yours better access to crab pots you might want to take the recyclers over there too this one’s yours cool okay I’ll do that yeah um I’m going to move this too because um I’m going to move the animals together I was going to um move the trailers over here uh to this side and move the chickens over there but if you want to move over there that’ll work too there a chicken outside for half a second my brain was like wait did I just see a chicken my cat is sleeping in the middle of the farm cuz where there is grass okay so where there’s grass I believe that’s where crops can grow so we can grow more crops down here yeah over there you wouldn’t have to worry about t grass um I wish there was more than one area to put a a ladder or a bridge over here you would have uh ton of grass growing in your yard that’d be kind of annoying but yeah I plan to rearrange the farm it’ll take a few days okay yay what the oh my God there was a raccoon living in my Greenhouse okay it’s winter time there’s not much for winter crops but we do have these and I think that’s [Music] [Music] it ooh luxury Grabber okay I need my watering can I feeling I’m going to do a bit of watering today okay so I know I’m going to need some wood I just don’t know how much wood I don’t know what else I need for expanding stuff El wood Stone I’ll just grab Stone too 666 okay oh cool look at the grass and the winter it’s still there that’s [Music] neat I don’t think I can Harvest with the sword though they’re done look at their little butts I think they get autof fed now right or no you fed them somebody fed them this doesn’t spread okay so make sure this area is nice and cleared yeah um I can move the silos so you can have your house centered too I’ll probably going to move the uh I’m going to move the chickens right here and then the sto I’ll figure it out I’ll go over there right now might need you to be nearby in case I need something moved oh wormies hey crocus have more wormies let me just step on them hey I found coal Christmas lights and more wormies baa do they have winter clothes on they have winter clothes on oh my God look at them they’re wearing winter clothes move let’s go let’s go let’s go and I move this over here or is it just not big enough oh my God it’s perfect this will fit one Silo boom look at that it’s like a fancy barn or is that in the way from the crap pots is that is it in the way it is okay that’s too much in the way of craps so I will I got to move your house where’s your house you can move to crab pots let’s get your house in here there you go look at that I can give you a silo for your house like boom yeah like do you want a silo there we go the greenhouse can have a silo whoever lives here you can live with the chickens used to live if I move them right here like that and this person right here like this it’s like a trailer Park except for like that yeah yeah they’ll have to move their stuff but nice okay so we have the chicken CP we have the barn the well shed fish pond no cabins pebble they will know big [Music] cop but we can upgrade the cop I’ll do that okay oh my God you got new clothes what about this guy a crap hello blah blah blah blah blah give me one second all right okay oops I might still drink some water while I wait I don’t want to go out today Mom what are you doing in my room again God don’t embarrass me Mom Chez I go back upstairs and make me some hot cocoa and some snicker doodles what’s your career goals let me making six figures right now you know but F I live in my mom’s basement you know at one time I was like hey I like that kind of guy but but now I’m just like that there’s so many red flags with that kind of guy the only guy that’s like actually worth like anything in this game is is freaking Harvey he all the rest like come on okay he lives in his mom’s basement who who’s okay Shane lives what is that his aunt or his sister yeah and then this guy lives in his childhood home um I just want to see everyone’s costumes or their winter clothes I mean this guy listes his grandparents um I mean come on you don’t got a really a good selection but this guy has a degree and his own business you know he’s boring of course but then he gives it all all up to do nothing in your house sad day okay so that’s done so we are going to repair the bridge winter seeds [Laughter] yes we only have one more section to go right this one right yep cool it’s a lot of work though it won’t be easy but we can do it oh they put lights in the tree it’s so cute look how it glows I don’t remember all this decoration before 100 pieces of bone or uh no I I don’t think I can get 100 pieces of bone but it’d be up to Liz with all the fish she say she’ll be back okay you go fishing 20 ocean fish yeah sure she can do that it’ll be fine I need to plant all these winter crap I didn’t do anything I said I was going to do in the greenhouse stuck moving stuff around and then I uh I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with it and then I got stuck in a uh cut scene and then it’s time to go to bed five left really you go store them out too okay so um we got one of these and we got an extra one of these we’ll probably take from the bottom row put inside the greenhouse probably throw down on some regrowing stuff and the pumpkins we’ll get rid of some of this inventory all together we’ll do some regrowing ones too okay back for Sleep sup gamer Su jmac how have I been H you know good just working sleeping [Music] Panic it’s snowing get a wood chipper that’s where we hide all the evidence hey I got food catch me a squid I can’t do that okay so put the food away and we’ll put all this extra crap away cuz we don’t want this anymore nope don’t eat it [Music] you’re still subb to me I think I’m still subb to you how’s that content coming no I don’t want to eat the berries stop it my favorite video though I don’t think you I think you took it down power of the Holy ghosts I think it was can’t remember something like that it just it just cracked me up so much they brought it back after they shut you down I can’t remember why why okay okay don’t need [Music] that what is that wait a plant juice gross got to juice those plants they like North Korea P okay we are moving the animal station we don’t need that over here no more eggs and cheese and cheese and eggs this is where it’s going it makes sense to be over here wait did you milk the cow I have the milker where did you get the milk you how did you do that did you buy one now we have two milk pales you cheated one in you’re like screw this I’m not waiting okay so we got that all right let’s clean this up [Music] now I don’t think beehives work inside but it was a thought for a second okay the rare seeds are going in the star fruits uh need to get a couple heaters yeah Bo that do the melons they’re upset Rude why would they be upset [Music] I think that’s good enough for [Music] now all right I don’t remember the math on this what is it two this way that way but this one’s like one like that and then like that yeah that’s fine and then here and here here and nope have I tried the dried star fruit I have not cuz we didn’t get one of those until after but uh that’s why we got this greenhouse now so we can plant some stuff [Music] it’s already 300 p.m. I barely started anything D that’s just rude isn’t here closed on Wednesdays I want to check out check out his store door I don’t know if he has anything but I don’t know new update new stuff who knows oh little Gremlin little dude hey get back [Music] here get back here oh well there’s Footprints I will find them later that’s not what I wanted to do welcome and yep I was right I can’t buy anything to grow rude man you are ready for winter just wanted to say hi yeah we uh we all kind of touch base with each other every couple days here and there even grock grock’s around too I think he’s probably asleep cuz he works a different shift now congrats on the editing stuff yeah yeah been fulltime with blitz for now for two years it’s been good yeah he took care of me even when it was like uh it was supposed to be a temporary thing and then inter turn showed up and then like he just kept me doing little odd jobs here and there and uh I was needing a change of pace with one of my clients and I was like hey you know anyone that needs a full-time person he’s like well clock in I was like okay yeah it’s a good job hope nobody Minds the way I’m planting this it’s a little uh well I know doc would probably hate the way I’m planting this cuz I’m just going a little crazy with it there’s a little yeah sometimes I just don’t care that much there we go it’s perfect there’s a line I just I went down the line with it dang it I need more filler doc would have a panic attack yeah see that’s why I always like uh teaming up with him on stream cuz I was chaos and he was like so like like the exact opposite I don’t know how to put it but it worked out great oh I can plant all this coffee wait what am I doing I put the seed makers in for a reason why am I being stupid sweet Jim come to me yeah he put order and I was chaos see that’s that’s a great way to say it all right let’s go shopping what do we want to put in there oh melons melons are profit it’s bad I didn’t have any more star fruit that would have been great but we can put oh holy crap that’s quick I thought those I guess they don’t take very long do they English what I’m too close dang it there we go I need more this was not enough just make it worse there we go I need more seeds need more seeds for let me check the food Ben cuz I throw frood in here too um ooh Cactus yes do you uh Liz you go to the desert often right are you doing it daily or just occasionally uh oh I know what you did I gave you a job and didn’t even tell you you had the job I’m glad you noticed it cuz I’m sorry I forgot to tell you bring willia squid find the shadowy figure you were off doing your thing that you said you would be right back and I was like huh I can’t collect bones cuz I don’t think I had enough time plus I only going down there only found a couple so I didn’t think you know 7 days would have been enough because yeah there’s not many in here 34 yeah we’ve only have 34 I was like so the other one’s fishing I was like well I have a Fisher person so that’ll have to do I have a blueberry tart yes next okay oh crap got to go to bed what am I doing I was looking at snacks that’s what I was doing cats by the fire made $122,000 in one day the profits are getting getting better a popped in here and did the uh donation thing and then did pop into the game weird thank you [Music] yeah wait blueprints Farm computer we get wool Coupe upgrade yay I have wool in my pocket I don’t know what to do with it I’m just going to put it in here and run away there’s a pink tree in here wife good times I [Music] why up okay so I think we might start moving the the Kegs and stuff into the greenhouse as well cuz all this stuff can be moved really [Music] anything that we can turn into fruit wine winable stuff dried Goods I really want to make more raisins but we’re going to need oh we’ll turn these into seeds and then we will make more grape Vines so we can make more raisins I don’t know the description said junim Mo love it so unless that’s just a description that was for nothing I kind of want to make them you know what I mean cranberries are a good one so I want to make those where’s my grapes I was looking right at them I should probably go and get the other stuff let’s grab some more of these let’s miss it [Music] completely hey we’re going to need a little fire that any more candles I just leave them sitting around in different chests so when I went to go look for them I can’t find them [Music] okay this one’s no longer moving not moving not moving not moving there we go we got one we got one it’s not really what I wanted but we got one we got an ancient seed yeah it’s my precious it’s so beautiful it’s going to take an entire year to grow so um I can get the the stuff for it okay so right here you got two heaters nice right here and then this is not the best layout it’ll be fine okay um let’s start tossing these in here one by one I’m going to put these over here how long will it take until I get automate that’s the question y we got an ancient seed I love it I love it so much okay so let’s get to hoen I wasn’t even trying I forgot all about the ancient seeds and the ancient fruit and all that awesome forgot to refill the machines dang it okay so these things are kind of a pain to grow Linus’s birthday if I put this right here oh was it today today what am I doing I don’t want to eat the Cranberries I like how you just basically take care of me while I just dits around like uh I can do things sometimes okay I’m going to go find lus what about Holly I should give him Holly right it’s safe L it nope found a book I don’t know where he goes found coal we got to rip into this I want to bring bombs wait if I bring bombs that means it knocks out the jewels doesn’t it I got to do this the hard way oh oh the spa during the winter especially to keep warm lonus come get your stupid food I’m trying to feed you what is he wearing are we best friends now yes he’s my best friend George and Demetrius are second place thank you for making lonus my best friend oh wait I need to go to the the place tomorrow the desert that’s that’s the place oh okay so I think I’m going to put so I’m going to go to Desert and get some SE seeds I’m going to fill those up and then I’m going to toss those in there for now when the melons and stuff get done I might make some more but I like I like crops that keep going instead of having to replant I make it it’s so much easier okay so there we go okay I have any lighting that I can H battery packs I don’t want to do that useful information we don’t need that okay that and wood there we go that’s all we need we don’t need anything important okay let’s light this place up C be doing things there we go now we have lighting okay yes I get it you’re stretching just trying to be neighborly I probably should have moved that one back but I don’t think I can move this one back maybe I’ll I’ll uh I’ll move this over that’s what I’ll do yeah that’ll be fine just just move the door over or I can just take down the entire fence if they want it here stop it um what’s going on what’s going uhoh there’s a strong wind storm our entire world has been destroyed we got to rebuild no go away you have no idea I don’t know either what happened my chickens what happened to my chickens [Music] I don’t know what happened I don’t see anything [Music] different I’m looking okay everything looks normal on the farm right I’m not seeing anything out of the [Music] ordinary fish [Music] taco the wind blew the cat down it was pretty flat [Music] so the animals are looking fine I guess that means we need to go check around town okay I’m going to go Snoop with my shovel F hey townies what happened G stop it no you didn’t see me you were behind a building hey we got a ticket I’m going to go use that ticket good morning come in and we get a baseball cat what’s the next one that that and that hey Liz you want a baseball cap yes will you fix the Cory is that it is that all you want to say to me I don’t know what happens I’m like looking everywhere I need a horse why is this one so long gross hey I got melons in the forest yeah that’s where my next stop is cows [Music] this should say one out of five now yeah I’m a [Music] master yeah stop it no [Music] stop go away I don’t know how to make him stop doing what he’s [Music] doing hey well I found a thing not necessarily the thing but hey I walked a [Music] lot secret is it in [Music] here nada I don’t know what it was [Music] ha I made you mess up grab it hey I’m finding bones wait is that it the old tree is gone is that what fell is that what happened where did the tree go do we have 100 hardwood we have 97 really okay so go back to the secret for for to chop up a tree to go back over there I feel everyone has a winter coat and I don’t have one I’m feeling a little cold stop hurting me [Music] do you want to come over here or are you like in a weird spot so we can see what happens to the [Music] tree I’m chopping these up and then I’ll be over there I got some new ideas yay me out of here okay I’m going to donate the wood webites where I do that really she’s closed again is she always closed does your sister every work need something yeah I need you to work over here do your job do your jobby job all right going to donate yes whoa kind of makes me dizzy maybe somebody will decide to move in who oh come on I can’t even fit in the door really look how tiny it is okay oh well I got I got to plant some things and then there’s baseball cap what do I look like with a baseball cap wait where’s my where’s my stuff that one baseball cap on no baseball I want govern hat nothing for that but put that away okay need to make some space in here because too much junk and the trunk have a lot of snacks can make a new trunk what’s in here this is all fishy stuff right well fishy stuff and some flowers and this one is stuff that can be sent off to places okay well we don’t really need any of this right now so boop boop boop and Boop gone and we’re going to have to start up getting more hardwood again because now we have nine yay what else are we low on clay have to start digging up dirt oh speaking of I’ll do that tomorrow I have a secret weapon for that okay these are still bubbling all right this is looking lovely I was going to go to the desert today but I spent all day looking for whatever that sound was and I found it unfortunately I don’t really know what it’s all about oh copper I could do this right now there’s really tall worms over there I’m going to grab those oh you’re clearing that I was going to clear it but I had a different way to do it I wanted to do this one time hey got diamond you wanted the experience I just like exploding things what should we do in here level four nice I still want to really NADA come on that’s just rude oh now it gives me the clay it won’t give me the clay unless I dig for it that’s just rude see I was just wanting to blow up the entire world for clay that’s why I actually came here I was like oh wait I can get clay this way but no can’t do it that way tractor will get lots of clay yeah I’m trying really hard not to bring in mods I mean I brought the cute one for the cute animals but I really am like H automate would be great B time especially when you have like a ton of stuff yeah like all the seed stuff and the forge you know stop it oh no I will kick you out of this room he is being such a jerk oh my God he’s found a new way to IR is hate me this week and he will not stop oh my God [Music] no worse good morning oh h Hello Evelyn looks better than I remember looks like trash yay thank you okay go away away EVN I’m done talking to you nice um there I have a seed uh don’t plant it no I knew it wouldn’t work what’s going on here whatever I have a plant over there I didn’t realize I had a plant over there but I do apparently okay boom bones I got to get the bones Gunther plant this snow yam in your stomach sounds like a plan okay I just got to re like ignore that for like a week all right how are we doing in here better okay my hand is hurting me I’ve been pushing it a lot um my therapy session on Tuesday I think it was last Tuesday was pretty rough and Thursday was pretty rough and then I think that was the the week before it was so rough I think I ended up canceling last week’s stream and then um she put me in this like cold like super cold thing it was pretty cool it was so cool it’s cold but um but yeah I didn’t realize how hard this stuff was going to [Music] be oh relocate you cuz we can walk over that one it’s so hard to move sometimes wait did I give any cakes I didn’t grab any cakes okay and there’s really nothing yeah we’ll need to fill those up with something we’ll grab some Goods yes uh so when I cancelled it was just because everything was so stressful trying to get all this done and not being able to move the way I should move um it’s hard um trying to get my movement back and I pushed it because they were saying that I wasn’t progressing very well and I was worried about losing movement so I pushed it too hard and I needed a complete total break the last Sunday I uh that’s basically what I did I ended I ended up working you know of course me take a break no no not not full break I work easy talk so anyways uh she said that my efforts were noticed and I’m doing better so yay but I still she’s still worried about some movement so yeah but hey I am playing the game without hurting myself so I mean as long as I play video games you know that’s the important part [Music] right I really really need to get my rotation back that’s the hard one are you done yet no not done yet okay so I don’t think I have anything else but I can donate these two things that’s [Music] good you say don’t hurt yourself wait what are you need fish um smoked red mullet well we need a smoker right wait can can we get the stove thingy and put a right this way can we put this that’s stupid right am I asking am I asking stupid questions or what can we put it in the charcoal kill like well you know it’s like a smoker right but anyways yeah so I was trying to get this new mic put together and was trying to get it mounted to my my system and while taking things apart I cut my finger with my fingernail so that was fun y of course why wouldn’t I hurt myself I’m I’m a professional at that it’s kind of like a paper cut on my knuckle a little bit [Music] [Music] he’s so angry at [Music] me nothing new yeah [Music] no wait that’s a hard one to get right oh we already have one dang it steak knives go through staks not hands hey I’m not the only one that did that there’s other people have joined the club since then they made the mistake too yes they did beep beep get out my way I don’t know if panic’s still here but she uh she did it too donate there supposed to be some axe but it look always looked like a nose to me doesn’t make sense but you know collect rewards I don’t want any of these nope you can keep them they’re trash so how do you smoke a fish in this game fish smoke wait there’s a fish smoker is that something you need to get through fishing I assume ah oh Wiggly Worms I forgot them last night they’re mine today the seed uh worms are a little longer than the others I’ve noticed they’re different they’re different shape clay seems impossible to budge let me budge you I forgot again I’m never going to remember to go to the desert what’s wrong with me oh no um we can sell the diamonds don’t need any of that I don’t need that wait maybe we need that I don’t know I feel like the orental fan is needed for a recipe and not like one of our crafting recipes I mean more like a sewing recipe Diamond there’s another five bu okay I was going through this before um get rid of that don’t really need all the flowers we can turn these into seeds though Zoom oh we can’t what can I make this into no why can’t I make this into fine there I’ll turn it into te that’s just rude I didn’t want it in the first place just rude appar you can’t make tea seeds Okay so start from scratch from our Hardwood Supply where’ the rest of it Go did I just put it in the wrong thing I might have put it in the wrong thing I don’t know my brain sometimes doesn’t work it’s so pretty in here okay so I didn’t want to put coffee in there cuz I want to get that star fruit okay I know it’s late I’m going to bed who’s ready for Monday tomorrow yeah yeah we’re almost at 13,000 today we like 20 bucks shy hey thank you all the wonderful Arta no no no all thanks to you I should get back to work give me something give me something for it yeah the rest the key yes now we can go see kobus yes I got the amethyst Quest still can’t grab them no not that one this one one amethyst to Emily I already forgot who it was for H M pumpkin juice delicious oh would you like a cup of tea so fancy can we have more than the this is there other [Music] cegs yes thank you for your cloth [Music] why did you give me [Music] cloth thank you for your smoked mullet oh it’s a radium quality would you like a cup of [Music] tea nobody wants my tea to make clothes we need a sewing machine for that and I think I need to make friends with Emily I’m not doing a very good job at making friends the luow is how I make my [Music] friends yes um don’t we need the shells though or did you already give them shells I no we didn’t have very many shells I think cat’s up they’re doing its business oh he already did that [Music] okay all right well if it’s like a warm cup of tea it’s green tea it’s in the the food chest I don’t think it’s as good as coffee though all right r [Music] wait this is the thing that we scared out of the the thing need fish there now what take this oh it just gave us a bunch of powder melon seeds now maybe I find a wife I wife he needs he needs his wife now do we have to do that or can he find his own wife cuz I mean if he can find his own wife you know good the only other creature I saw was a possum and I’m I’m pretty sure he’s not interested but you know whatever floats your boat I wonder what price these will fetch take seven days to grow oh that’s not bad so the other ones will be done tomorrow [Music] okay okay so the cloth is for clothing going to toss that in here or sit in my chair I can do that too I need to send this amethyst to Emily and then I need to I don’t know I don’t even know what she likes I got to be friends with her or something I got to find kobis there so many things let’s go find him crus there he is the kids are in the playground that’s so cute EP you caught me yes I did you have the ability to find secret notes okay I forgot all about the secret [Music] notes I thought you had to be your friend to unlock it hi glad you’re talkative one Emily stop fighting I don’t want your dreams oh dang it would you like amethyst from who oh oh I don’t care I like how she’s so in Brown give me your sewing machine fine here stop it no no go go away he’s such an ass oh my God quit playing with your bobber really H 4:00 girl it’s all your fault go away oh my God that stupid cat come on no come on go stupid stupid stupid sin okay 5 o’ you leave why he do this get out of your stupid house I thought he goes to the bar why would he pull a prank on me like this oh snack seven leftover pizza I want leftover pizza I an omelette he wants six gold ores I can run home and run back meet him at the bar oh really I will talk to his stupid face tomorrow I don’t want to oh I found a Mossy seed I don’t know what that means oh apparently there’s lots of MTH SE they’re like everywhere I was just trying to clear up all these little extra crap things weird interesting all right planted okay something went bloop for all I know that could be the cat jumping what’s in here okay lots of stuff clothing I this house right how do I know whose house is whose’s doesn’t really tell me but if I remember correctly that one that chest is hers so this one should be amp’s chest and this one should be grock’s house the bed right next to the door love a good started stream I don’t know if it’s good but we’re we’re working on it I keep yelling at my cat every five minutes because he wants to be a part of everything okay sleep time sleep time means water break okay get you through your late shift oh I remember late shifts oh hey welcome oh my oh my oh my oh my my my that was an oh my so much you made my phone explode buzz buzz okay I think that fish is on fire I have a new member I get I get your soul no just kidding I really got to change up those uh icons cuz that’s like what is that the soul from stardo [Music] image oh I I understand that one my [Music] friend that is the soul right what is that thing called have them solar essence why is there it’s soul I don’t know solar Essence the ghost Soul dang it really nothing nothing today we’re going to go check the wagon lady and then we are going to the [Music] desert perfect plan well apparently she doesn’t love me she tried to poison me there see cucumber lucky lunch mahogany pinky Pig Okay so I still have some bombs in my pocket just in case you never know when you need to blow up half the world I’m being careful I really am this time last time I wasn’t so careful last time very first time I got a bomb in this playthrough I was like hey I got a bomb and then I went to pick something up and I blew it up instead yeah that didn’t mean to come on you stupid lady yeah you are a hot mess anyways I forgot I had to go talk to Clint and yeah so I’m going to go do that real quick because you know he locked his door and that was kind of annoying hey I did the thing oh my oh don’t you have work to do wait no oh my hey and do a new member welcome shakable quill how you doing another Soul add to the collection how are you how are how is everyone welcome welcome welcome I’ve been trying to go to the desert for like 4 days now and every day I keep keep getting sidetracked I just want to go to the desert nothing like going from snow to Desert I should have brought a a soul for him huh I did it I made it I just I just wanted some star fruit I don’t even know how many I wanted I just wanted some hey Jay I have a matching hat for that there’s that that sports hat that I just got I think I had a j on it too okay there is only one Cactus dang it I wanted more wly worms these are the ones I wanted I walk oh yes two Cactus hi those would be good to have mega bombs a lot of this stuff is just not worth it but to get the warp totem recipe that might be worth it than the magic cowboy hat I remember late game where some of the stuff was just like when you first looked look at it it’s like impossible but then when you get late game you’re just like oh really that’s all it is like I got so much [Music] stuff too easy I finally did it okay so we’re going to go make some cactus fruit seeds cuz when we get some cactus fruit going then that’s all we need to eat we don’t need to eat anything else when we go into the mines that’s my favorite thing to go mining with just cactus fruit we got three so far sorry for my organization with cactus right now but what am I doing I just kind of threw everything in here a really only one per okay anyways let’s fill the rest with starf fruit and then we’re going to post some more there we go I’m not good at organization I could be better at it but me so when the beads come out that’ll clear up some more space for this it’ll slowly organize itself as I clear through this stuff um I should put in some more sprinklers but I’m not really too concerned about that okay and we got two more of the winter fruit I’m curious to how much they are going for tomorrow will be our first crop if they have a health benefit or a nice price they might be a priority but I’ve noticed all the the seasonal um the seasonal crops that you can’t find at the store like these they have good health benefits like the broccoli and what else was there the the melon of some sort it was like a melon or I think like the broccoli was a good one that’s a decent Health one so kept those carrots yes the carrots were is a good find and yep yep so clearing this one out slowly I don’t we’ll take the wheat out here some of these I really just don’t know what to do with I want to keep them at the same time I just want to get rid of them Blackberry I don’t want Crystal food in here um sunflowers whatever we don’t really need that the Wheats we can have in here just in case okay so we’re going to need a whole mushroom system here right we can probably make one of those down somewhere we’ll uh fence it off to where the trees grow better I don’t know we can figure it out but we or we don’t need that many cuz it takes a lot of fruit I just want them for raisins right now I don’t know if um it means anything but the description said uh it’s Juno’s favorite snack so I’m like oh Juno’s favorite snack well then I just want to make a bunch we don’t have any batteries we have only one aridium bar okay I’m going to go Snoop around down here since there’s time and then oh hello person I love how they have winter clothes that’s awesome a bone flute Gunther doesn’t know anything about a bone flute oh yeah I’ve unlocked the sewer don’t want to go in there yet I don’t think I can go in there yet I don’t remember how to unlock the force field wait help you change your professions I don’t know what that means Bo egg nerfy do you know nerfy butterfly power sprinkle on a pet to remove them from your farm [Laughter] what no hey do you want to kill your pets well here’s how I wonder what could Wicked statue we are getting demon [Music] chickens I’ve known panic for five six years she’s like my twin it just changed into a butterfly seven years what not that long not that long th yeah okay holy crap I like only been a couple years just a [Laughter] couple nice that’s how it works right I try oh when I can get around to it you’re glad you found your way here yay always glad when new new people show up newcomers of course I’m I’m I’m glad when the regulars and the old people are here just as well I didn’t want to get in trouble Panic might hurt me like hey the old people don’t hurt me panic hey we’re up to 14,000 yes she called you I didn’t call her old she’s like N9 months older than me so she’ll always be technically older [Music] melon melon look at that melon okay so they’re about the same as all of them I think all of them have about the same quality but look at that big melon I want to it’s the only thing that grows this season so we are going to I don’t want to do that cuz there’s nothing there to water it and I’m late easy you’re going to cry cuz you can’t talk back right now yes I’m going to pick on her now like just wait I’ll get my voice back you’re going to hear me roar oh my gosh time to rotate you got ID to a liquor store hey every time I get an ID I’m like Yay yes I don’t care how old I was like it doesn’t matter like though I was like 28 I think I was like 2728 and I got I got carded for a rated art movie I’m like what like why it was because I had I had uh those little I had like pens on my uh my purse apparently that was childish I’m like leave me alone let me live so the next day I I went to two movies that weekend and the next day I think I went and seen some uh like PG movie and I was like you going to card me today cuz it was the same kid he’s like no it’s a PG movie is it another one aquatic overpopulation yeah it was a little weird get carded for a movie I never been carded for a movie yay Christmas want to kick your ice sculpture yeah hey you want to go in there and heat up the snow igloo thingy yeah my game is [Music] bad [Music] yeah oh man I don’t know how to fish where’s Pierre with a shop o good the tree wpaper icy rug I want all of these things let’s see Christmas tree we’re going to make lots of money I want it I’m an icy rug I spend all that money Frozen dreams okay my house is getting me Christmas I need an icy Banner that one another [Music] one we make a lot of money every day I don’t want any furniture I just want all that [Music] okay has a piggy in a little suit that’s adorable hey why can’t he protect ipate that’s so [Music] sad really really did you just I want to go talk to the wizard you you jerk fine whatever what whatever I’ll just I’ll just go do the thing are we ready to do the thing this is going to win but I will make an attempt she’s ready look at her she’s like yes let’s [Music] go I am very terrible at this but my hands a little better so I might not be so bad Yes actually it’s doing pretty good I was doing the the hammer thing today that the physical therap therapist [Music] recommended stop it stop it stop making me lose stop wiggling oh my God I hate [Music] you that was not a nice fish it probably also doesn’t help that my bar is really tiny [Music] no stop it stop it stop it balance no get one fish get one [Music] fish get one fish that’s your goal one fish you one fish get this stupid idiot yes I got one I’m going [Music] win thumb is working better now I got one fish [Music] no stop it stop [Music] it no I’m part metal I’m part machine part robot I got one yes I got one [Music] my physical therapist asked me what my goals were I like play video games again was one of almost a 40y old man like I want to play video games again yeah leave me alone let me live I don’t care oh such a nerd okay it is time okay this this needs Mouse we’re putting the tree in oh wait we can’t put the tree in hold on get out of here boom Merry Christmas somebody’s in my bed we should play something yeah really going to make me do that switch the rug why can’t it be that simple you’re going to make me do this I wish it was that simple but no you got to be you got to be like that there we go what the I don’t know you can’t put this against the wall huh I got to go to bed put the bear back no where’ the bear go you know I got things to do whatever like sleep whatever I hate that these things don’t line up well I spent like a a $10,000 and we made 1,000 to whoops got to make up for it is everyone sleeping in your bed it was just one night don’t be jealous Panic get out here [Music] bed this this is irritating so much can you rotate it nope why can’t you rotate this whatever that is so [Music] frustrating stupid bed that fits why does it do that anyways Christmas I turn on the fire where do I put the Christmas tree right there can’t make winter seeds uh I can I wasn’t concerned about it I was replacing these with the winter these winter things and yeah we can just sell [Music] those I don’t know what the kind of profit margin that the the crocus and stuff have versus the [Music] uh um the I don’t know I’m I’m going to keep calling them snow melons because powder melons I think they are but yeah snow melons whatever I don’t know which one has a better profit margin but uh yeah hey the beats are done that means I can do the next stage of the quest there should be enough for H there’s not cuz they’re different grades oh there’s two enough for two there’s a bunch of yeah there is a bunch of new stuff so we can go for that and then I’m going to get some more of these going yeah just been I so the I did one stream of the new stuff and then the accident happened and then I uh was gone for weeks but I kept myself very much in the dark and I’m basically learning everything as I go so I don’t know what I’m doing yeah this will probably be our last day though cuz I usually do about a three-hour stream that’s usually my Max oh do you want the the 10 beats for the thingy actually I should make the rest of these into seeds I don’t unless I’m like really absorbed into something like a different kind of game usually I’ll do like 3 hours worth of days in stardew I remember I’ve done five hours here four hours there but yeah okay so which one was it this one place 10 beats in the mayor Lewis’s fridge that was that’s what it is and somebody’s going to be catching perch and I know who it [Music] is oh no that 24-hour broke me I was so tired and broken [Music] in it’s address to you sand dragon his final meal we have to give the sand dragon his soul okay yep okie dokie that live stream is still broken I went and looked at it uh two days ago wait why am I running so far yeah so back then you couldn’t have anything longer than what was it 12 hours so it’s broken [Music] I think it’s still that way you can’t have anything longer than 12 hours but I’m not positive videos are different but live streams no not me yeah videos can be uh wait what did it oh pile Lumber next to my house I was like I don’t not even knowing what’s going on okay so let’s collect our Cactus cuz we definitely want a good amount of [Music] cactus cactus is my favorite [Music] oh I totally forgot about the thing with the thing oopsie and if you want to know what the thing with the thing that was Clint and the gold oh well yes got to go back home no one likes Clint anyways yeah yeah the pickings for um bachelors’s in this uh gamer man the Palm fossil is another hard one to get this been scoring I want to get the trash you jerk go away oh my God the cat’s yelling at me I’m in [Music] trouble [Music] yeah who was it who was it that hated the notes so bad I don’t remember but it made somebody very mad and when we did group the group big group streams I love it we got the Note Blocks [Music] o we got four of these we should might have been doc defin definely with somebody that was very irritated that there were note blocks by the entrance that’s all I remember probably doc oops Yeah no shame that one’s empty so that’s cleared slowly clearing things up um this fence can come down look can the grass honestly if they want grass back they can grow it yeah it stays it just doesn’t grow back I want to chop these trees I really do I wish there was uh a way to keep the trees not growing like not spreading their seed it’s really kind of annoying that they spread their seed okay that works I know what I’ll do I know what I’ll do there’s a mod for that that was weird yeah I uh I do a few mods here and there uh for as long as I can go and then I start I start putting sprinkling them in slowly let’s see if I can place these down also the cat’s in my bed it’s being used stupid cat well I can place that on the wall I just realized the bed is not fully wait is it I guess it is it doesn’t look like it’s fully against the wall weird I don’t know just it doesn’t look like it lines up I kind of want to throw this away I can make gate at any time I just didn’t want it in my inventory H raisin cheese oil coconut delicious got that going and how you doing on the oh halfway there oh you got this I going go sleep yeah I I usually just start off with the uh I have cjb and I usually only turn on the the ability to run just a little bit faster but it’s handy when I have a bunch of people in the game just in case I have the cute animals in there right now and uh that’s what all I have at the moment wanted to experience the game uh with the new updates without any mods yet but normally I’ll get the the Auto mod and the tractor mods those are my favorite here stop it no don’t doing stuff backwards horse mod hey I made that one myself I love that thing I should put that in there my favorite I still have hot George mod somewhere too I don’t even know if that still exists anywhere but I still have it on my computer L hot George mod it might still exist just hasn’t been updated since it came out out hot Pam Pam’s garbage okay anyways yes it’s been 3 hours and I have to go ice the hand and relax and I got to go I got to work in the morning but anyways it’s it’s been fun thank you Liz so much for all the fishing you do I got to give this cat attention yes he’s driving me nuts he really wants food in that bowl because he’s refusing to eat the dry food so he’s wanting more wet food so I can tell you that’s what the issue is right now and so he’s going to bug the crap out of me until it happens and I’m trying to get him to eat his dry food again because I I’m trying to get him to stop eating all the snacks cuz he’s gained his weight back I was I was feeding him a lot of his snacks cuz they’re high calorie and I was feeding him some high calorie wet food cuz he he he lost a lot of weight this last year but he’s been eating better so I’ve been trying to wean him off that it’s not working it’s not working he wants his fatty fat fats and I don’t think being 17 years old he needs to be back to his 20 lbs I think sticking around 14 13 lbs is good for him so we’re fighting there’s a lot of fighting but anyways yes thank you guys for being here thank you guys for watching I am going to stream something this week as soon as I can figure out how to get this mic sounding better and we will be back with more stardo on Sunday every Sunday unless I hurt you know how it works anyways see you guys later bye-bye everyone

Today is the best day! We are getting started in a new Stardew Valley run! Best part is the new update!

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About the Game: You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

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