I Built The PERFECT Barn In Minecraft! Let’s Play Minecraft 1.21 – #2

[Music] there’s a chance this might be the closest Village to our base which is like 1,500 blocks away anyways welcome back everyone to the let’s play world and right now I’m out on an adventure that was quite close there because I’m trying to find myself a mangrove swamp so I can collect up a little bit of mud and also some Mangrove logs I have no idea where a mangr swamp is what book are you selling kind sir you’re selling projectile protection 4 that’s that’s not too bad I think I saw another librarian let’s see what he has is he in here no but I am going to steal these bookshelves and you know I’m going to take the Lecter too because that requires a bookshelf to make and it it saves me time I had no luck finding that second librarian villager so I decided to head out and continue looking for a mangrove swamp part of the reason I want these Mangrove logs and also the mud is today I’m planning on building a barn I want this Barn have the classical Red Barn look but I really don’t want to use concrete or terracotta just because it looks a little plain that didn’t take much time at all I assumed there would be one hopefully near Savannah just because it is a warmer biome and biomes tend to spawn near each other and obviously I I was actually correct there which is not normal there is a drawback though is I need to get this horse across the water and um horses really really suck at swimming actually you know I think I’m just going to dig him a little hole and he can just stay down there just like this and I will be back soon buddy I I I I won’t leave you I swear actually I do want my saddle just just in case he does despawn but now he probably thinks I’m going to abandon him even more it took a second for it to come to me on why I don’t use Mangrove logs and well it’s because they are really really difficult to collect up the trees are super confusing and there’s also tons of blocks around them like the roots and also rooted mud the only upside is that there is a lot of logs inside of each of the trees canopies so once you do get up there you’re getting about 15 to 25 logs per tree besides that after getting a couple stacks of logs I also wanted to collect mud up since I was already all the way over here and I do love using mud blocks to build luckily mud on the other hand is extremely easy to collect up compared to the logs it’s pretty much all over the place and you just use a shovel which you guys already know I have my inventory pretty much completely packed out here but hopefully this is enough mud and mangr Vlogs to get me through a couple episodes or at least until I can build an auto tree farm that works with mangr Vlogs and also an auto mud maker I told you I wasn’t going to leave you buddy we just got to throw that saddle back on and we can get on out of here actually does this Village have any hay bills no it does not it has melons but I’m pretty sure I have melons back at the base and I also forgot you can’t shift when when you’re on a horse or else you get off of it anyways I’m going to head back to base and maybe stop at a village to collect up some hay bals if there is one along the way [Music] as much as I want to say home sweet home there’s really no point in saying it because we’re going to go on another adventure into The Nether but first I do need to collect up a little bit of obsidian so I’m going to go run over to that lava pool again and get 10 pieces luckily I do have efficiency now so this should go a whole lot faster turns out I have no idea how to count and I collected 11 pieces but I already knew that I kind of didn’t know how to count part of the reason I want to go into The Nether is I do need to collect up a little bit of quartz because that’s going to act as the white parts for this Red Barn along with diorite but that’s very very easy to collect up the quartz is obviously the one that I actually have to travel for hopefully we get somewhat of a decent spawn and yes I did use dirt on the corners out instead of getting obsidian or any other block I use dirt it’s just a good old throwback to like the good old days anyways I did put some gold boots on so no hoglins attack us or piglins and maybe we might just spawn in the nether waste maybe maybe oh my God okay that’s oh that’s about as bad as it gets that at least we’re near a fortress we’re just in a BT Delta which is like the hardest biome in the game y there’s quartz right there though I’m going to go collect that up I also have fortune on my pickaxe too so this should go a little bit quicker since there isn’t much quartz in the walls of a Basalt Delta biome I decided to actually make my way into the nether fortress hoping that this could lead me into another Wasteland which are the ones that are just full of Netherrack and also tons and tons of quartz I wasn’t necessarily super comfortable with doing this just cuz I didn’t have great armor and also my weapons were pretty terrible I did actually have to head back into the Overworld to repair my sword since it was pretty much about to break this is the worst thing ever why do I have to explore a fortress just to get Quartz the amount of times I’ve been withered is insane like I just got got snuck attacked by a guy right there which is now gone there’s also a blaze right there which I’m going to trap him in so he can’t shoot me you know you could at least give me a head Bud it would be really nice if you gave me one oh I’m level 30 okay that that’s pretty good but no head where did this guy go there was literally just a wither skeleton here oh okay there he is with the two blazes okay okay okay I escaped The Fortress alive but that’s waiting for me when when I go back hopefully it should be a little bit easier now to collect up some quartz oh my good this world is just trying to kill me thank goodness this is not hardcore I have just about three and a half stacks of nether quartz which I’m hoping will be enough for this build oh my goodness oh my goodness get out of here oh oh and then the blazes help me help me oh my goodness I’m going to go home now once I got back from the nether I decided to go straight down into the caves to collect up a few stacks of deep slate I also wanted to collect up some of those diamonds we left behind from last episode since we now have fortune on our pickaxe and if you guys are playing along with me on this world definitely go check that cave out because we ended up with 36 diamonds obviously that does include Fortune but as you explore around there’s a bunch of diamond veins throughout that cave and also if you haven’t noticed we are now up to level 33 which means we can do two full level enchantments so using some of the 36 diamonds I decided to craft myself a few different tools and also a helmet and a pair of boots out of all of the tools and the armor I think the pickaxe is showing the best enchantment which is just efficiency 4 hopefully we get something else oh that is so good and now that the enchantments have reset nothing is really looking too good at all like the sword is showing Bane of Arthropods 4 which um I I I really don’t want I’m just gonna enchant the shovel which is showing Fortune 2 hopefully we get some efficiency that is um terrible anyways the sun’s going down so uh it’s time to sleep do copper trap doors deteriorate faster when they’re next to water because these have turned into whatever this is way faster than any other blocks let me know in the comments if they do cuz I I didn’t know that anyways I’ve spent the last hour or so getting a bunch of things crafted up so we can actually build this bar now when it comes to the design I’m using for this I actually found a photo on Pinterest which is what gave me the idea of the Red Barn anyways we’re going to be using some Mangrove Vlogs that are strip down along with some planks which give us that red look and then we’re going to be using some diorite and a little bit of quartz just so we can texture it along with deep slate and for accent pieces we’re going to be using Spruce which I think actually looks really nice up against the mangrove and then another really cool thing that I noticed from this photo is they actually use signs like this which gives the wall a little bit of depth they didn’t use a ton of them but they used enough where it looks really really good the barn is going to go right about here and then off to the side there’s going to be a little small structure which is going to be for horses because I am going to try using horses a lot more in this world just cuz I think it’s kind of fun and it also adds a little bit more lore to the world I feel like anyways let’s get to building this thing and we will talk about it once it’s complete [Music] this thing turned out absolutely perfect looking in my opinion this area is super green and also really white so I think using the red logs and red planks adds a much needed pop to the area along with plenty of hay bals so it’s not just red there’s also a little bit of yellow cuz it looks good anyways when it comes to the interior it’s not finished yet cuz I do want to take a little break from building this thing and also I wouldn’t quite call the outside all finished up yet cuz I do want to add a good amount of custom trees to kind of hide this thing as good as it does look when I go up to the starter house it does stick out like a sore thumb which I don’t love so I think if we maybe put like a little Force kind of wrapping around the front of it and then also around the side that should do a good job of hiding it along with adding some height to this area since it is a grassy lands it’s very very flat which I don’t love so yeah the trees should be a perfect touch and I’m thinking I’m going to go with my classic cypress tree when it came to the animal pens I kept them pretty simple the Sheep is not a very big one cuz I don’t think I’m going to need a super big one the cow pen is a little bit larger and I got the cow’s transferred over and then the pig pen is a little different from the rest since pigs are messy and they need mud I decided to add in a little pig thigh right here and then also changing out the ground for mud and something I’ve seen some people do before is by using some stairs and then water it makes it look like puddles you know I had to take a second to look at this thing in shaders and oh my goodness that looks so so cool I think it’s going to look a lot better when there is some trees around but that looks amazing and you know we didn’t look at the starter house with shaders so let’s take a second to check that out yep that also looks extremely cool it is the morning right now so it’s very very orange but yeah oh my goodness you know maybe I should start playing in shaders sometimes because my computer can completely handle it I just kind of choose not to do it anyways I did see a question down in the comments of what resource pack I’m running and it’s not really a resource pack since I have OptiFine installed when I go over to shaders I can do the internal shaders and it pretty much just adds a lot more contrast to the world which I think is much much needed moving along from this project which we will come back to I want to get started on building up an XP farm last episode we found a skeleton spawner down in the caves and I love love using bone meal and I also need the XP for enchanting so I want to make my way down there and build ourselves a nice little XP farm along with a bone Farm luckily when I was in the nether I did remember to grab some Soul Sand because I am going to need it so yeah I’m going to get some stuff together and we’ll head down there forgot that I am also going to need Kel for this project so we’re going to head out and look for the deep ocean so I can collect some up [Music] I may or may not be completely lost but I did find an abandoned nether portal let’s go check out what loot this thing has where where’s the chest please tell me it doesn’t have a chest I I think it doesn’t have a chest there is a block of gold though and I am not going to leave that behind block of gold Acquired and now I just need to find where I am or find where I’m going at least there’s a lot of ice because it makes traveling a whole lot faster oh okay that’s not good I started a raid because I had bad Omen and I completely forgot that I had bad Omen I want to get out of here I really don’t want to die with all my stuff on me sorry to the poor villagers that I’m I’m making deal with this but once I’m out of the chunks it shouldn’t load so they should be okay turns out I went down the wrong river and that’s why I couldn’t find the ocean this is the one we originally came from when we were traveling all the way from spawn which means it it should run into an ocean or at least I’m like 80 % sure it turns into an ocean yep definitely an ocean because it’s full of kelp and there’s also a completely abandoned Village over there I’m just going to dive down hopefully I don’t get attacked by any drowns preferably and just Harvest a bunch of this stuff up so I don’t need to come back and grab any more and then I’ll use the boat to collect all of it because why not and it means I don’t have to deal with any drowns since the villagers probably weren’t going to be needing their hay bales I decided to steal all of those along with collecting up a bunch of cobwebs cuz it is a really easy way to get a bunch of string I’m pretty pretty sure I have everything that I’m going to need I’ve gone over it like three times so I don’t have to come back up to the surface you know I should have crafted torches and I’m glad I realized that before I Dro down into that cave I want to say it was just right into here which it is yep there is the Cobblestone and here is the spawner now I’m sure you guys have seen a million of these built before and there’s tons of tutorials online so we’re just going to throw it into a super fast time lapse [Music] [Music] after quite a while I finally have this thing all finished up even including a water elevator to the surface and a drop which I always hate but it takes me down here I do need to fix this just cuz cuz I didn’t have any wood on me I’m just going to fix it with a door if I can oh this is going to be really really difficult need to come back here and then place the door like that fill in the blocks and then I’m going to put a trap door right there perfect now the water isn’t going to leak out anyways yeah I got an interior kind of built down here but it’s nothing super super special I set up a little area for my enchantment table just so I can quickly get levels and start enchanting my stuff and also a little view window so you can kind of see the skeletons with that being said I’m going to spend the next hour or so kind of getting my levels up and trying to get all of my stuff Enchanted and maybe even get a full set of diamond armor since I do have 23 diamonds that is completely doable I wasn’t quite able to get everything Enchanted I did get all of my tools Enchanted along with the boots and my helmet which is awesome with that out of the way I did spend a little while getting some Cobblestone placed around so I know where I want to put these custom trees I am determined to have this entire Barn project finished up before the end of the episode and building these custom trees is one step in the right direction anyways I’m going to do one in this Pond here but this isn’t going to be the same as the other ones I kind of want this to be much bigger and a little more special right now there’s a total of 16 custom trees that need to be built luckily these aren’t too difficult to build but 16 is still a lot actually you know it’s 17 including the one in the middle of the pond okay I’m going to stop chattering and let’s get to building these things [Music] once I had all of the custom trees built I decided to start working on a pathway connecting the house to the barn that is one more thing that needs to get done besides the custom trees in order to get this project completely finished up before the end of the episode I ended up just using path block for this since it is kind of a long pathway and I don’t have a bunch of horse dirt so I think it’s just going going to be the easiest method and it tends to actually look pretty good anywhere where there’s a block step up I used Cobblestone Mossy Cobble and some andesite slabs but I am planning on using horses a bunch so this wasn’t totally necessary unless I’m walking I think we can agree that looks pretty dang cool every one of these trees is nearly identical so I think if we add in a few other types of custom trees it’s really going to make this thing look like it’s surrounded by a forest obviously this is with shaders on so it’s always going to look better but yeah this is just incredible ended up building a total of 18 custom trees yes they are easy to build but it still took a very very long time and no I still haven’t built the special custom tree that’s going to go on this Pond right here because I did have a realization right before I started building it that there’s an area right over here that I think I could put another Pond and it would be cool to match those two trees obviously not identical but a very similar look this is it without shaders on definitely not as nice looking but I still think it looks really good I did have an idea though that involves some Oak saplings and a little bit of bone meal obviously there’s these gaps between the trees that you can see right through but I think if I actually take some normal saplings and a little bit of bone meal and do something like that and just use the natural in-game generated trees to fill this thing out a little bit more I just don’t love how short those trees are compared to the cypress trees I could use a method where I surround the sapling with dirt and I only get the tall oak trees but those are much more sporadic and not as consistent which might not look as good anyways while I was building the path I did have this nice little open spot where I am keeping my horse currently and I think it right here is a perfect spot for a horse stable I mean the horse is already here and that’s kind of why it gave me the idea and also it’s going to add something off to the side of the path which I think is much needed I’m going to need to add a lot more things for this path and there’s also going to be a path going all the way over to the skeleton spawner so send some ideas down in the comments and maybe I might just build them and give you a shout out when it comes to the design for this horse stable I’m going to keep it very similar to the pig pen over there so it’s just going to be a 3X3 and then we’ll go up two blocks on these back posts and then up three on the front ones shoot some slabs across the top like so carry those out one more and then I’m actually going to take some Spruce trap doors and put those underneath so then I can run another layer of slabs and of course I ran out of slabs got to go craft a few more with more crafted I can place these along the top like that take some more trap doors and then some more trap doors underneath and I cannot forget to strip these down or else it is not going to look nearly as good or at least in my opinion and I’m also going to take a little bit more trap doors and do them along the front just like this take my fences run them along the outside and then use my three fence gates along the front I’m not the biggest fan how it looks from the side so maybe if I take a few more trap doors just just a few I can do something a little bit like this maybe nope NOP not like that h i don’t love that mainly just cuz this little Gap right here I guess I could just do that and use the slabs yeah actually I do like how that looks and now that I have my saddle I can actually hop on this guy real quick and get him out of the hole hop off of them and fill in this dirt I want to make sure to fill it in just enough where no spiders are going to spawn and by the way I guess I really didn’t talk about this horse he’s not super fast I mean he’s definitely a quick horse I would say but I’m pretty sure he can actually jump a total of four blocks nope definitely not four blocks definitely not four but it’s over three I have some slabs on me so might as well test it let’s put a slab down can he do three and a half oh yes he can okay that’s not a bad horse okay I keep forgetting you can’t hit shift anyways let’s put you in your new home which is no longer a hole in the ground you’re welcome actually I do want to steal the saddle just in case you despawn and to finish things off I’m going to give you a a little bit of light I would use lanterns but um I’m all out of them okay now I’m in the head with the horse stable now complete I am pretty much all out of time for this episode I need to get it all edited up and uploaded to YouTube for you guys I hope you guys enjoyed a ton I really really liked building this Barn I think it looks awesome and if you know the original designer of it let me know down in the comments cuz I would like to tag him in the description and for my sake and your guys’ sake here’s a few more Beauty shots of this thing with shaders on absolutely looks incredible also real quick I saw a bunch of you guys’ comments on episode one and you know I’ve taken them all into thought and thank you guys for the constructive criticism I completely understand where some of you guys are coming from I need to make some longer series and I promise this one will be significantly longer than the rest that’s part of the reason I really wanted to get it started right when the update came out so it’s kind of a fresh start and it also is going to be kind of a long time until another update comes out cuz it’s usually what like once a year once year and a half anyways thanks again love you guys so much and I will see you next time [Music]

Today we are back on the BRAND NEW 1.21 let’s play world for episode 2!!! Tobe wants to continue expanding out his base by building a classis red barn along with MASSIVE animal pens. Although before he can start building he will need to go on 2 small adventures to collect up some much need items. Tobe also builds up an XP/bone farm to supply him with a lifetime supply of bonemeal and plenty of XP for all of his enchanting needs.


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Seed – [5966741473199032738]
Base Cords – X 1000, Y -5000


Usernames for social media
Twitter – @TobefoxyGaming
Instagram – @TobefoxyGaming
Twitch – @Tobefoxy50

Links Below


Invisible – Vibe Tracks
Just Dance – Patrick Patrikios
Brain Trust – Wayne Jones

Investigations by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Marty Gots a Plan by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


  1. I love your channel and looked forward to your videos every Saturday, however I was completely invested in that other letโ€™s play world and knowing you wonโ€™t be continuing it and started again, I just donโ€™t have any interest in watching this one. I would get attached again just to be โ€œdroppedโ€ in a sense. Itโ€™s a shame. Sorry mate

  2. Where did you get the optifine, Its not on the optifine website yet is, their an alternate I'm lost without dynamic lights and connected glass. And most of the other resource packs I use require optifine. Thanks. Great video as usual.

  3. Bro can you please tell how did you do that third party view 8:22 , just like , if someone is holding camera , I have also mentioned the timeline,so that you can find it easily, please tell me how did you do that I am also Gaming Content Creator

  4. Bro can you please tell how did you do that third party view 8:22 , just like , if someone is holding camera , I have also mentioned the timeline,so that you can find it easily, please tell me how did you do that I am also Gaming Content Creator

  5. Bro can you please tell how did you do that third party view 8:22 , just like , if someone is holding camera , I have also mentioned the timeline,so that you can find it easily, please tell me how did you do that I am also Gaming Content Creator

  6. Bro can you please tell how did you do that third party view 8:22 , just like , if someone is holding camera , I have also mentioned the timeline,so that you can find it easily, please tell me how did you do that I am also Gaming Content Creator

  7. Tobe, you do you! I love your jokes, I โค๏ธ your builds, and I even enjoy your voice. I'll stay here if you decide to do one-offs, IDC!!

    BTW, this was not a paid endorsement…. For realsies….
    Anyone wanna see my new Toyota Carolla?

  8. That's the exact same barn I built ๐Ÿ˜… months and months ago… must of watched the same tutorial video. ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿค™
    Lookimg forward to sticking around for the series

  9. Bit sad that the series are so short, not to mention I find exact replicas of some builds you create. Sort of losing the continuous and creative element you used to have. I hope all goes well on your YT journey

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