Max size of nether portal 😨 #shorts #minecraft

Grandpa fought in World War II he was such a noble dude I can’t even finish school miss my mom and left too soon his dad was a fireman who fought fire so violent I think I bought my therapist while playing him my violent oh my God that’s so insane oh my God that’s such a shame next to them my don’t feel so Grand but I can’t help myself from feeling bad

Max size of nether portal 😨 #shorts #minecraft


  1. Je critique pas le concept des short… Mais ça me fait mal de voir que le Youtuber qui faisait des séries Minecraft ORIGINALES et divertissantes…. Maintenant il allume des portails du Nether quoi…..

    Je comprend qu'il faut suivre ce qui marche bien ! il le fait bien…… Mais perso, ma nostalgie souffre x)

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