BOYS vs GIRLS STATUE House Battle In Minecraft!

wo wo wo what are you guys doing here n Mia Shady Zoe why are you guys building pillars we’re building statues bro this place is reserved only for the casano statues okay well we want one nuh-uh you guys got to take this down yeah no we cannot be doing all that no statues anywhere no stop breaking it why are you building your statue so high I’m just showing you guys how tall I am this is not how it’s supposed to look this is just one of my legs well it’s about time that at least one girl gets the statue yeah for real what do you mean you guys can build your statues all the way over there no I want to be by you guys what it’s not fair why don’t we get a statue too we got the statue package uh well you’re not going to get a statue me and cash have the statues no make one of them a girl no well I want a statue too so shady that is not a statue is he still building up this is just one of my legs guys chill you know what Shady get down from there I think I know how we could compromise compromise how about we do a statue building competition okay let’s compromise okay and if ours is better than yours then we get to put our statue here okay but we’re going to be helping Shady build his statue cuz we’re a part of the boys team we only have two well you’re going to have to find a third any ideas I know where we can find someone who I left Ella at the store one second you left her it’s okay she’ll wait there okay you know what guys let’s head to the p and beat them let’s go let’s go all right and here we are we have the boy side and then the girl side okay it looks like you chose Ella for the third person on your team yeah why am I here again to build statues oh okay I got paid $5 look what happens when you enter the plot what happens you get creative mode in here what yeah walk in let me see oh you do and then when you walk out it goes away wait really let me see yeah what and then if I walk in ow isn’t that awesome Shady why did you make the plot yellow ah perfect okay shady I do that it’s supposed to be blue and pink for the boys and the girls I guess my creative keys are just useless whatever sorry via all right you know what it’s time to build and Nico I had an idea what what if I get my wand what are you doing and I go all all the way out here hear me out hear me out okay and I do something like this oh now we get creative mode in this entire space nice oh yeah and you know what that means that we can build our Shady statue all right and Shady since this is your statue we’re building how do you want to build it I think I want my statue to be shady and you know what I think we should build this bigger than any statue we’ve ever built before did you hear what he said yes I did he said he wanted a statue to be Shady obviously just stand right here Shady let me see what’s up you know what I know how to make your boots I think we’re going to use quartz blocks for the bottom quartz is e okay then what block do you want to use definitely white concrete bro okay white concrete got it wait we can use a combination of these two blocks actually yeah you know what you could do you could get reinforced white concrete as well wait what for the bottom layer oh okay man that looks like light gray concrete uh I don’t know about that color combo Shady I’m not going to lie I think we got to make your feet 7 by seven blocks which means that there’s going to be a 5×5 box in the middle mm Shady this thing is going to be huge I’m not going to lie true beans all right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 now we go like this and we go like that that is going to be one foot homie what I know it’s going to be huge right homie what all right then we build the same thing on the other side but Minecraft characters are connected though wait they are they don’t have like a hole in between their legs oh yeah you’re right that’s a crazy statement so now all you have to do is connect the like this make it seven wide like so and then connect it at the end all right perfect okay maybe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 all right that looks good seven on each side all right and then now we go like this build up like so and we’re going to build your shoe Shady all right then really Martin I think it goes like this and then it goes one layer inside like so all right and then after that it goes one layer around like this yeah you like that block that looks like a really good block Shady I’m not going to lie oh yeah you like that block that’s a w block Choice okay how about I make the outlines and then you guys make the shading yeah you like that block don’t you I do like that block Shady okay bful hey it’s going to be a little hard for you to make layers like that Nico brother what is that what do you mean you better keep that same energy bro brother what is that does the layer DOA good I mean IG okay trust the process okay okay I’m trusting it are we using this for the skin color the Terracotta oh yes that is a good color for the skin and we’re going to go inside like this okay bougie I see one layer inside you see I have a designer’s eye yeah but that’s not going to work all the way through C just doesn’t have a designer eye okay yes I do no he is not bful I have a logical eye he ain’t bful like that I think we need to go a little bit more up before we start on your black shorts Shady I’m going build up with some white terra cotta then we’re going to start on the shorts up here okay just like so how’s the bottom shading looking Shady it’s looking all right and then now we go right here and I think we should go like this and I think we should build a shorts like so actually we probably want it a little bit more up because we want you to look tall right Shady we have a tall King over here and cash work on the CED while we do this okay okay all right just like this and let me see I think I can start using some World deit commands too shady go ahead and start cooking so I’m going to go right here and then I’m going to go all the way up here and you such Walls Black concrete now let’s see does that look proportional oo that looks pretty good actually I think I want to move him a little bit more up as well so that we can make him just a little bit taller so let’s move this entire thing one up and then now we can fill in this white terra cotta layer just like this where skin color will be just like so and then now ooh that looks really really good all right now I think we can start on a shirt so let’s get some yellow concrete right here and ooh I don’t think that yellow concrete is really that good of a color match so let’s go with yellow wool all right there we go that’s better I think I’m going to do yellow wool for the inside and then I’m going to outline it with yellow concrete so let’s first make the outline of this thing let’s go like this go all the way up here and then go all the way over here and then build all the corners oh yeah Statue is going to be huge Shady or actually I think this is too big of a body so let’s go down a little bit more just like so and I think that looks a lot better all right now we could do the outline more so let’s go like this make it go down a little bit right here make it go up and then now we can fill in all of the air blocks right here with yellow wool let’s replace the air with yellow wool boom perfect and that is the first side of Shady’s shirt and yeah this is looking really good all right now I want to go to the other side and let’s go down right here and let’s build the same outline all around just like so perfect and then now we want to build all the way up again like this go out over on this side go up and go out again around this side and then connect them all and then we can start replacing all the air blocks so let’s do it all I have to do is select on this side right here replace the air with yellow wool done do that on the back side nice do that on the left arm side and then now obviously the top side boom okay yeah this is looking really good now we got to make his little arm so let’s go right here let’s build out a little bit I don’t think his arms are too big I think we could honestly make them like four wide that should be good good and then we could build down like so and go like this all right this is going to look really good actually I have the vision I think Shady’s doing all the shading right here and wo this is looking really good Shady all right now we can fill all this in right here and we can do that simple world edit command boom and then now that’s one arm sleeve right there and then we can go down like this and we can make his arms go all the way down to his waist cuz I think that’s how it works proportionally then we can go like this and we can do another worlda command and set the walls to White terra cotta nice and that’s one arm right here I think we should cut it off one right here just to make it look a little bit better and look at that oh that looks beautiful okay I think I know exactly what to do I just got to select right here and then I got to go all the way up here and then I can copy this on this side by doing SL copy and then I can go over on the other side and then flip it and then paste boom all right that should look good and now we have Shady’s arms on both sides and Shady what are you doing yeah don’t worry about it I’m trying to find the uh proper skin color I don’t know if you’re cooking there yeah definitely did not work okay and you know what now it’s time to work on Shady’s face so the first thing we need to do is we need to make the neck area right here just like so and then then let’s build out the face is the most important part because if the face doesn’t look like shady then this whole entire build will be messed up it sort of looks like Shady’s wearing gold armor right now too so it might need to fix that later but we need to go out like this and I think that should be good I don’t know how big I want his head so I’m just going to experiment with some sizes that should be good and then now we want to do the same thing on the back and go three out and then I think we should have his head pretty big so let’s go all the way up here now I can select up here to down here and then set this to White terracotta boom look at how big that head is oh my gosh okay actually I think that head might be a little bit too small I think we’ll fix it up when we have the hair though so let’s go over here let’s go two up as well and set that to white terot again all right I think that head might be too massive now so I think we’ll take one layer off the top oh I done I’m thinking that that looks like a good Shady head next we have to do Shady’s eyes Shady let me look into your eyes heyo bro pause let me see let me see okay I see it’s kind of a dark green and wait Shady you have dynamite in your hand that’s sweet yeah it’s going to blow up it’s because you’re the T master all right I think I’m going to get green wool right here and then I’m going to to get some different blocks right here in order to make this look better we’re going to need to get some gray color blocks for his eyebrows so let’s first start off with his eyes I think we should build his eyes right around here I think that would be a good spot and then we could go like this and go with the darker block and then go in with the gray like so oh gosh okay I don’t know if this looks good at all but you know what we’ll cook in a sec and then we can fix it all right just like that that looks good and then we can place two right here Place three like this and another one like that and I don’t know if we cooked brother what is that shady I’ll working on it don’t worry about it look at your eyes again oh no there was a lot of different textures in that eye Shady I’m not going to lie yeah I know I think it look better if we go like this dude hold on hold on hold on hold on wait I think we might be cooking oh I like that maybe we go up here we go like this BR hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on ooh that looks better and I think we should go in with a darker block up here head does that look ooh that looks good I think we could go in with some rein Force lime and then make these also green as well look at that ooh I kind of like that look bro do you think the whites of my eye are green okay never mind you’re right you’re right what’s going on with you bro okay I am not cooking right now you know what you all the eyes and I’ll work on the hair cuz this is complex I am not very good at coloring Shady are these blocks not the same hold on hold on hold on okay you know what we’ll let Shady cook you know what I think I need to build Shady’s hair it’s kind of like a grayish blondish I think honestly the best color match right here would be the reinforced white terra cotta so we’re going to go in right here we’re going to go all the way down here we got to make the hair perfect cuz the hair is going to make or break shady I think just to make this easier let’s get a wand right here and let’s make the top part of his head hair so let’s go set this to reinforce right terra cotta boom all right perfect and now we can just build out his hair like so we want this to look pretty realistic so that looks good we need his little bags on the side of his head right here just like so and shady I think you’re looking more like a girl yeah hold on hold on I got to cook bro just let me cook okay I’m letting you cook and also I think cash is bathing in the sun right now yeah bro took a break for shy oh no cash what are you doing H you were supposed to build the scenery I got tired oh my gosh it’s too much work well how are we going to expect to win this boys versus girls competition because you guys are good Builders okay I mean I guess you’re right fine I’ll work on the floor all right I’m going like this right here and I’m going to the back right here and I’m also going to set this to hair just like so I got to fill up all Shady’s bald spots Shady you got bald spots I’m not going to lie bro left me with some bald spots and then we need to make each of Shady’s ears so let’s make these pretty big okay boom that on that side that looks good and then we need to do the same on this side and I think what we could do is we could do one side of the head and then duplicate it on the other side because yeah this is going to be quite complicated so I’m going to set this right here and let’s set this to our terra cotta boom oh yeah Shady the side of your head is looking good thank you I’m doing you right thank you all right now I just got to shape his head so it looks less like a square even though this is Minecraft we don’t want things looking squarey I think what we want to do right here is set the corner so let’s go like this and go like that t has these little things on the corner of his head for some reason you making fun of him I’m not excuse me nah he’s poking fun with you I definitely not oh no I did not mean to say it like that sorry Shady excuse me excuse me I think that looks good for the back actually yeah that looks really good actually and then now let me add some texturing on the top real quick just to add some depth right here this is not on this Minecraft skin but this just adds an extra hint of detail all right and perfect this is looking really good Shady oh yeah wait this actually looks insanely good but let me fix this a little bit I think now what we need to do to get Shady’s head looking better is we go like this is you can build up right here copy on this side and go all the way on this side right here find where the middle is which I think it’s right here and then we can copy just like this flip it and past oh yeah all right how does that look ooh this is actually looking really good ooh I think I messed up on the paste uhoh hold on bro uhoh e boom I think I did it correctly this time yes I did okay perfect now we just got to fix up the finer details just like so and then Shady’s doing the last bit of texturing which is looking really good now it’s time to work on the interior so I could go in on the bottom let’s go on the bottom of this foot let’s first make a door right here I think we can do a reinforced keypad door and let’s hit this code to Shady since it’s your house what do you want it probably like one 2 3 4 okay sounds good I was thinking the same thing and then shady I think your favorite wood is birch wood it’ probably be coconut wood actually coconut wood yeah oh wait that’s a really cool looking wood wo okay yeah I’m going to make this the interior and then now we’re going to need to open this door up again and then we’re going to use the inside of this leg to be the entrance to the living room so now we’re going to get some more coconut blocks let’s get some coconut stairs and some coconut slabs and we’re going to make a coconut staircase leading up to the top that’s a whole lot of coconut and I think we can just do a bunch of slabs and then lead them all the way up to the top and go in this sort of spiral pattern all right and now it’s fully connected to the top just like this and now we just need to flatten out this area real quick let’s get some more coconut blocks and let’s fill this all in and we don’t need this bottom part right here so we can just get rid of it connect on this side right here oh gosh that’s the outside we got to be careful what we break we’re going to cover that up with some slabs we’re actually just going to build one up right here and then cover up the bottom so that we don’t have that sliver and then let’s fully fill in this whole thing all right perfect now we just got to fill in the walls right here with white terra cotta polish it up and then lead the staircase up and nice oh yeah this is looking good now I think I want to place a sofa right here let’s place a yellow sofa for shady obviously let’s have it facing this direction because I think I want a TV place right here so let’s go with some dark oak slabs right here and then place a TV Set Let’s rotate this in our Direction and then set the scale to two perfect that is our TV done and then now I think I actually want the staircase to lead up even higher so let’s go up the staircase will lead into multiple floors of Shady’s house this is looking cool so that looks good now we can go right here and let’s make the floor of this level a little bit different I’m thinking I want to go for a birch plank set so let’s cover up the re for this place right here and this will lead us to the next floor all right perfect now for this next floor I think I’m going to get some yellow carpet and we’re going to make this the kitchen area so we’re going need to get a bunch of kitchen appliances let’s get a yellow kitchen counter some drawers a sink and we also need a fridge most likely place the stick right here the fridge and a bunch of counters and then let’s line up the top with kitchen doors let’s just have this wrap all the way around perfect and that is beautiful all right now we can cover up the top right here Place more kitchen drawers and we can start building on the next level we’re going to have a lot of levels inside this place because we need to utilize every single bit of space I’m going to place Birch slabs on the top of this right here perfect we’re just going to continue the staircase up once more now that we’re up here I think I want to start building the bedroom and now for the bedroom let’s get some beds we’re obviously going to have Shady having the master bed right here and then we’re going to place some yellow concrete slabs around it like so but in case he wants to have sleepovers with us I’m going to place all of our beds too so let’s place a blue bed and then the girls beds as well let’s get some coconut logs right here and let’s build up like so then we can use these slabs right here to place these beds so let’s Place Cash’s bed right there let’s place my bed right there and then let’s Place Zoe’s bed and then lastly Mia’s bed perfect and now look at this we can all sleep here and then now if we get a ladder Place those on both sides that looks really good and then lastly for the final detail we’ll have some carpet which I think pulls this all together and let’s put some paintings in this room as well I probably want to Mo Alisa and let’s get the star KN okay perfect place that right there and that right there and then now we can continue build it up and I think this last level will go up all the way to the head because we ran out of room in the body all right leave this all the way up to the top and now I think we’re going to need to hollow out the entire head because I think I forgot to hollow it out so let’s make sure we find the corners of each side let’s go on the outside right here and then now all we got to do is we got to get our wand so let’s go like this let’s select the inside of there like that let’s go to the top right right here let’s select to the inside of that which I think is right there and now we can cut and now it shouldn’t reveal any of the outside we can patch all this up and we can build the inside of Shady’s head which is going to be the brains and I think where what I want to do up here is I want to build a huge storage area and also it’s actually really cool cuz you can jump down the middle and I’m going to place a little water bucket right here so that in case we want to jump down from all the way from the top we could instantly land and not take fall damage and then now I’m going to fill this whole room up with the walls being gold CU Shady likes gold I think I want to First make the Deep slate so let’s set the walls this place to deep slate and let’s make the walls deep slate boom all right that looks good and now let’s make the top deep slate like so and then now let’s do the bottom half like this and then now I just want to sprinkle in a bunch of the ores in the corners so let’s go here fill this with deep slate obviously and then fill this with gold boom now looks good and then I think I want to make this cave in a little bit to make this look more like a cave so let’s build the Deep slate out like this perfect now I can place some random blocks just to make it look better and I think we can break the top I think we can honestly replace the roof as well so let’s go like this and let’s place the entire roof right here and then I should probably add some spikes so let’s get some some drip Stone right here and let’s make this drip from the top like this that looks really cool that just adds a cool looking cave effect to this entire place and now we can sprinkle some gold or in the walls right here all right and that is looking really good lastly I’m going to fill up this corner and I think this room is done except we need to place the chest so let’s get the chest and let’s make these super secure by making this one 2 three four let’s Place gold in all these chest for shady all right perfect and then do that one and then that one all right and now this room is done which means we have our storage room we have our bedroom we have our kitchen we have our living room and we have our entrance all right and now the inside of this thing is done let’s look at the outside wo this is insane Shady what are you doing on this side it’s a rocket launcher wait what this is a rocket launcher yeah this is crazy and wait your treehouse over here and you guys really cooked with the background cash this is amazing did I cook yeah is this Zoe’s face right here uh yes yeah you know what I think we ready for the judging guys I’m not going to lie give me 30 seconds okay sounds good Mia yes ni are you guys ready on that side yes we are okay so sounds good who’s going to judge these builds huh maybe we should call up Mark Mark you know what he’s going to be the one placing these in square cities so that’s a smart idea Shady do you have a phone yeah here sounds good I’m calling mar mar this is Mark speaking hello no just kidding you’re on voicemail what call my assistant Brianna oh my gosh hello is this Brianna hello who is this this is Nico we need Mark oh okay let me just call him he’s at a lunch meeting are you serious okay he said he can come okay just have him come fast don’t yell at me sorry Mark where are you I’m over here what was I called in for you’re going to be judging our builds because we want to place these in square City I was in the middle of my lunch break but fine since you guys are going to help benefit my city I guess I’ll help okay so I think we should start off with Zoe and Mia yes come see our statues what this looks sweet so you guys are looking to have statues here huh yeah wao guys how did you build this well Zoe built hers I built mine and then we built a little house right next to ours I actually really like the details of the blush marks and how did you do these eyes oh I use the brush tool what so you did it on your face but not Mia what I did on both oh ooh this is very interesting I think it could bring a lot of attention to square city right the house here looks amazing as well I mean it looks good but uh not as good as ours whatever how about this I’ll give it a fair score based on how many people I think would come here okay oh gosh okay Mark you got to do the rating all right I’ll give this thing a s out of 10 a seven out of 10 not a bad build okay you know what that’s pretty good can we be a seven boys going to be hard to beat let’s see check this out okay this is sick this is Shady statue okay very nice why is he holding dynamite in a launcher because Shady’s a TNT Master don’t you know interesting and look what he’s aiming it at he’s aiming at Zoe and me over here our competition boom no oh no that was just rude that’s not it if you come in the inside there’s more here I’ll show you guys there’s a house everyone follow me yep all you have to do is you got to walk up here okay and you can make it up into the living room just like this okay I like the TV I fell down the middle what else is up here this is a living room and then you can go to the second floor and we got a kitchen shad’s kitchen and then we have a bedroom with all of our beds I do not like these stairs yeah these stairs are a little inefficient n who put the beds like that hey yo I didn’t do that Nico really dude hey it wasn’t like that it wasn’t like that pause all right and then last thing we have a storage room right here oh this is a true statue house this is very useful very good build all around as well so what do you think Mark well I’m just going to have to go ahead and give it a 7 out of 10 a 7 out of 10 we tied how did we tie well maybe if you guys didn’t promote explosives in our town then I would have given it a higher score o shady I think that’s your fault where’s Shady oh gosh Shady no more time cuz all the statues are disappearing wait what are you doing oh boom wo wo wo wo wo wo Shing boom if you want to watch more good catch Adventures the this scen if you enjoyed then please 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Cash & Nico Merch!

Today, it’s BOYS versus GIRLS STATUE house build battle in Minecraft! Nico and the boys attempt to prove themselves as the best statue builder! Will will win and get their statue in square city?! Watch to find out!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash


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