How I Made Geometry Dash In Minecraft

[Music] so Seth play when I push this button right here the game’s going to start perfect let’s go wait loading wait there’s a the computer screen my at wait what wait this is Geometry Dash a 2d platformer where you play through levels as this little Cube guy by dodging spikes jumping on blocks or even flying in a rocket ship and this is set playing playing Geometry Dash in Minecraft made purely with redstone no mods no commands or Texture Packs just pure vanilla and after working on it for more than 6 months I can confidently say this is the most complicated Redstone miname I have ever made and it achieves all of this by using some of Minecraft’s jankiest mechanics and tricks like this screen for example that looks impossible to make without a texture pack when in reality we are just using a map display in Minecraft right clicking a map gives you a top down view of the landscape 128 blocks long by 128 blocks wide every block corresponds to one of 62 possible colors for example a redstone block will appear as a bright red pixel whereas water will be blue some blocks like glass and Redstone lamps however have a special property where you can actually erase pixels when placed over the void you can also change the scale of a map using a cartography table taking it from 128x 1288 to 256x 256 that then squishes it into the 128 area this means that the pixels are double the size now requiring a 2×2 area to fill a single mat pixel if there is no dominant block it takes the one in the northwest corner and displays its corresponding color which we can control with pistons now this is all good but it only gives us control of individual pixels but obviously something like a spike or a block has to be bigger than that we need to turn these pixels into Sprites originally they were going to be 3×3 but you can see from this clip that looked incredibly stupid so I doubled them and made them 6×6 in that same clip you can also see that I planned out a few features I wanted to add to the game since we’ll be using Redstone signal strength which has a total of 16 different states we can add 15 Geometry Dash objects with the 16th being a blank tile the ones that were eventually chosen were spikes and half spikes in all four directions a block a slab the yellow jump pad the Cuban ship portal and the two gravity portals this selection gives you a little bit of variety in both gameplay possibilities and options for decorations and yes I know that GD has other game modes like the ball and the wave and the UFO and whatnot but remember we’re trying to do all of this in vanilla Minecraft with just Redstone okay and because of these restrictions we have to get a little creative with how we store all these objects in a lot of video games developers use these things called Sprite sheets one giant image file containing all the textures and icons instead of having individual images and then some fancy schmancy code uses some coordinates to pick the image for the specific texture in Minecraft thanks to the power of the third dimension we can actually make a 3D D Sprite sheet of sorts which is more of a Sprite Tower really using a vertical red cater we can then turn the signal strength input into the corresponding Sprites by pushing blocks into the corners of each pixel so all we have to do is copy a bunch of sprite Towers all over the screen right if only it were that easy you see creating clean animations on a map is so novel that we literally had to invent proprietary technology that boosts the frames per second of a map me and another redster squibbles spent a whole night spamming colors with command blocks doing multiple trials and experiments we even created a goddamn Google doc until we built the strober which another guy compacted later on it works like this maps in Minecraft update from right to left in vertical columns the frequency of said columns can also be manipulated depending on how many players are holding a map from these experiments we created a device that essentially works like vsync on a monitor that basically changes a color on every single column on every single game now instead of updating from right to left and causing things like screen tearing and weird artifacts the entire map will update at 20 FPS at once once we install the strober on the Geometry Dash game I stacked the Sprite Towers into rows and hook them up together since our version of the game will only go in One Direction this part was actually pretty easy and was just a matter of finding the right delays so after all that we finally have a working screen the easy stuff and it only took two months two months it only took two months at this point in the project it was October lots of things were happening in my life at this time my first year of University Minecraft live and the announcement of 1.21 and the thing that took up the most time the Redstone awards at this point geometry Dash’s biggest update had a release month what if I didn’t make it in time the Redstone Awards went well too well honestly how was I supposed to top it would gdmc even top it it’s time to make a level editor because our screen uses signal strength to encode each object that means we need to make a circuit that can keep a bunch of different signals in order and feed them one by one into the display Redstone builds in the past have used giant Barrel units to store a bunch of information the thing is barrels aren’t the most intuitive way to set different signal strength levels and requires you to memorize different item counts and we want Editor to be easy to use for anyone luckily comparators can also read from Lecter so instead of barrels we can just make a book with 15 pages and have pictures of all the Sprites on every page after a few hours I got this diagonal design for a Lecter based ROM and it kind of looks like stadium seating I don’t know why but it does it’s made of a snaking chain of lecterns repeaters and comparators the repeaters unlock the comparators one by one and their signal strength makes its way to the display then I built a second elor ROM that stores things like the background changes and the end of the level you can almost think of this as the gdmc trigger editor even though there’s only two triggers the background changes use the 15th page and the end trigger uses the first we’ll get into how to use the editor later but let’s talk about how these triggers actually work as mentioned earlier if you place glass over the void it will actually erase the gray pixel and this even works in survival over the en void and then if you take that map and place it in an invisible item frame the support block can actually be seen through the map which means we can change the background of our level to any pushable Block in the game and just cycle them around with a giant piston feet tape the second trigger is the end trigger and this controls when the level ends which is pretty important otherwise the ROM will snake through all 1,35 Leg turns and take almost 20 minutes to reach the end we also need a way to stop the level when you die so it doesn’t keep generating More Level so these red lines over here power every single comparator in the ROM to stop the signal meaning we can essentially turn off the level whenever we want and with an off switch we also need an on switch and boom we have a fully functioning editor that can playback levels and stop them whenever we want first three jumps of stereo Madness go oh my God it’s stereo Madness it’s literally stereo Madness look at it look at it oh my God it’s stereo Madness in Minecraft needless to say I was pretty hyped huh 2.2 actually came out for the first time in 7 years Geometry Dash got an update changing basically everything about the game I can only imagine what creators were feeling having to drop whatever project they were working on or just wait for 2 months as they get paranoid over what day 2.2 would come if at all it was probably simultaneously a huge weight off their shoulders and a point where they thought holy I need to grind out some content and lucky for me I don’t really have to worry about that for once I was a viewer of a large community instead of a Creator something I haven’t really got to experience since I was watching Minecraft videos for the first time and now look at me ew I’m a stinky Minecraft Redstone YouTuber which you should subscribe to like come on these videos are kind of awesome and cool and yet because I’m a YouTuber I see all the similarities and differences between these two communities at the end of the day both are sandbox games where you’re given an environment to do whatever you want and right now I’m putting GD in Minecraft but who knows maybe someone might put Minecraft in GD as a functioning game I mean people have made some crazy stuff in that despite the games having a lot of parallels though the community Dynamic could not be any more different Minecraft is massive the biggest game in the world every language has its own Community every aspect of the game has its own Community even sub communities the game is handled by hundreds of employees who produce updates almost every single week but despite it being the biggest game in the world one guy one guy could pull more subscribers just uploading 30 second Dev update videos updates don’t come out every week but almost once in a generation a game like this should not exist with as large of a community but it does anyway because unlike Minecraft players who complain about how little they get despite how much they have Geometry Dash players have gotten such little new content over so long that they just took the game into their own hands the players make the game at this point they alone have kept it alive and well for years and believe me I still love both communities anyway despite all their faults and I hope that this project can bring the two together in a way that’s never been done before yippee it’s 2024 happy New Year it’s time to give life to the player we need to make this thing jump and die and change game modes and flip gravity and all that good stuff the player Sprites have already been on the map for a while but right now they just kind of have no clip hacks so let’s add death this long comparator line under the Sprite Towers takes whatever object just got generated and takes it all the way to the other side where the player is and preserves the signal strength this decoder then takes that signal strength and turns it into its own output put there’s three things an object can do to the player either kill it like a spike act as something it can stand on like a block or change the state of the player like portals or jump pads killing it is the easiest thing all we need to do is take the block and Spike outputs and attach them to an end gate with the player the logic here being if the player and the object are in the same place you kill the player we already have a system to stop generating the level so we just need to attach the output of the and gate to that and you know what while we’re at it we’ll just add a no clip lever the next thing on the list is block collisions we need to make the player stand on platforms jump off platforms add gravity yeah this was probably the hardest part of the whole thing so let’s start simple and only focus on making the player hit blocks first we need some inputs for every y position so I added a torch latch in every spot and two wires that can move the signal up and down in between every latch we also have a set of comparators that can be locked by this redstone block a good way to visualize the logic is to imagine that all the spaces have a wire tied between them our torch latches represent the player that can move up or down and we can fill any space with a block for the player to collide with and our comparators represent the wires that string these spaces together let’s imagine the player is here and it’s about to fall onto this block well right now there is air below the player so we can move it one tile down then it checks again no block move down the next time it checks though it should know that there’s a block underneath the same would be true if it’s about to jump up into a block so all we need to do is have each block disable its adjacent connections that way the player can’t move down or up into it going back to the Redstone that means we need to take an output from each Sprite Tower which we can do pretty easily with these Redstone torches and connect them to the corresponding locking comparators above and below them we can even reuse this logic to control when the cube jumps by creating an and gate that checks if the player is on top of a block if I spam oh shoot oh shoot oh we’re duplicated herb okay you had a bit of a mitosis problem but we’ll get to that later adding the ship was pretty easy we just had to add a latch that switches between displaying the cube or the ship and have it block the signal from the floor Checker thingy from earlier so it doesn’t need a support block to jump off of and finally we’re at the last part of the player controls gravity we need something that constantly moves the player in the direction of gravity which remember can be either up or down since we have the blue and yellow portals you might think at first but cfty why don’t you use a redstone clock it repeats the signal in a loop right yeah but it has a flaw let’s say you have a redstone clock that moves the player down every second there’s a chance that you time your jump at the beginning of a new cycle or in the middle or even the very end which means that there’s a variance for how long you’ll actually be in the air maybe it’s a second or half a second or you just fall instantly the jump input needs to somehow reset the gravity clock every time so how about instead of a clock we use this comparator Decay circuit and slightly modify it to be a bit faster and power itself if it turns off this works as a redstone clock but now the player input resets the clock by powering the Decay circuit at this point of the building process the project was basically 90% feature complete but if you know anything about Redstone or even programming you know that feature complete is only about 90% of the process the other 10% is spent on bug fixing let’s go welcome to bug fixes with crafty Master bag now I could go over every issue I had with the Redstone and every weird bug but then this video would turn into a 10p part 50 billion hour series but I will talk about the biggest two in a bit of a quick fire round number one we got mitosis sometimes well a lot of the time the icon will split in two when you try jumping because the player can basically put in an input whenever they want sometimes you can time it so that you jump and fall at the same time so so the Redstone does both I added a repeater locking circuit that canceled the other input while it was firing but that didn’t fix it 100% but it made the timing way harder to pull off bug number two this long row of blocks thingy when you die remember when we were talking about the death system and how it turns off the level whenever we want yeah that’s a little bit bad what was happening is that if you die at the right time the next pulse going into the display circuit can get cut short by the death circuit and then these Pistons get all out of sink the solution this fat blue circuit that I had to add this is a special pulse extender that takes any pulses that are shorter than eight ticks and makes them 8 tick long but if the pulse going in is already 8 ticks or longer then it won’t be affected and that was bug fixes with crafty masterb the next feature we need to add is portals and pads which were actually pretty easy since we literally just did all the logic for them already so it was just a matter of connecting the decoder to the controls a few little bonuses were added like win and lose text and this menu song that I ripped from Pixel dreams or pixel Dre 33 Ms this guy I don’t know I had to manually copy this guy’s note blocks either way amazing song and of course we need to actually put a fulllength level in this thing which is probably a good time to explain how to use the editor yourself a level can be split into nine rows one row per orange circuit let’s say we want to build the first section of stereom Madness from the first jump to the end of the three pillars first we go all the way to the bottom row and we find the first Lecter and we place the first Spike make sure to always place your first object in the first Lecter otherwise you’ll be waiting an ungodly amount of time just to wait for your first obstacle now we leave a few spaces and we add the second jump which includes a half Spike and a normal Spike another couple spaces and now we get to the pillars the easiest way to create structures that are multiple blocks tall is to go row by row so the bottom has a few blocks and spikes in between then we want to go into spectator mode and try to fly in a straight line to the next row and now we know that this is the matching Lecter so we can add the second layer of the pillars and then we go into spectator mode again and then we go to the third layer it takes a bit of getting used to but once you do it it’s actually pretty intuitive if you want to change the background color first you go to the Piston feet tape and replace the blocks with the background you want then use the orange editor as a refence reference to line up your trigger in the pink editor simply fly down and place the editor book Flipped to the last page for the level end trigger use the orange again as reference find your last object which in our case is the end of the three pillars fly down and place a book Flipped to the first page the toughest part about working with this editor is keeping everything aligned and remembering to rotate spikes another life hack is to always have platforms be at least two blocks wide this makes it way more reliable to jump on due to lag and the speed of redstone and timy wiy wibbly wobbly things week went by and I spent that time making a little bit more than the first few jumps of stereo Madness and ended up with a 5 minute level featuring a cube section a ship section that switches your gravity and an upside down Cube to end it off it took about 70 attempts to complete it myself but I wanted to see if some Pro Minecraft and GD players could do better so I shov them all in a Discord call I had planned I had planned some some little Icebreaker questions before we start playing some GD and Minecraft related Icebreaker questions Seth bling question number one before this recording when was the last time you played Minecraft an hour and 10 minutes ago and uh Seth bling what’s your hardest level in Geometry Dash I am not 100% sure I’ve ever played Geometry Dash oh looking good SL when was the last time you played Minecraft before this recording uh five F five minutes I’m addicted man oh and and what’s your hardest what’s your hardest hardest uh cataclysm yo no no wait wait wait wait I’m scared now okay I’m SE bling that’s a hard level if you need some context I believe you okay Nemo you’re up next when’s the last time you played Minecraft before this recording uh I think on the weekend I’ve got like I play myself with my friends on Realms he’s played Minecraft no way and what’s your hardest s crazy what’s your hardest GD level oh is he getting oh wait I’m back yeah yeah my internet is like really unstable I apologize about that but yeah now my hardest than Geometry Dash is Nine Circles and um I’ve got ,600 hours on Steam alone holy moly CES not bad not bad okay Sam a lot you’re up next when was the last time you played Minecraft bro I I think I played bedw War like two months ago and Sammy what’s your hardest my hardest is uh n or TR you didn’t even have Minecraft installed on your computer so what was the last to wait what I I I played last summer I played in a survival world last summer so I’m ready what’s what’s your hardest stereo extremeness let’s go his own level his own level is his hardest and uh guys what do you think of the skid I made him I made him this awesome skin dude it’s actually kind of nice yeah you made it for me blocky col hi hello when was the last time you played Minecraft before this recording played with my friends a few weeks ago and I also checked on to Sky Block this morning oh oh no he’s he’s addicted to Sky Block this is not good it’s more just checking in like Cookie Clicker and you know I’ve been noticing you’re on that demon grind on Twitter so what’s your hardest right now uh my hardest is Nine Circles let’s go I beat sidestep this morning twice that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about okay sput ni you’re up next before this listen to be fair you’re one of the you’re one of the few GD people who actually have a Minecraft skin which I was surprised about so before this when was the last time you you know what the mic skin is by the way yeah it’s your your little spawn Lang sping language I made when I was 16 yeah okay so before this when was the last time you played Minecraft I think it would be more interesting if I said it was like 10 years ago but I actually randomly paid Minecraft like a a couple of days ago uh with some friends D but before that it was like actually like 3 years ago so I’m not good okay okay and last but not least funy so so funy before before this recording When was the last time you played Minecraft does Chinese Minecraft count oh yeah that is true you are you are doing that does that count I guess it does count I guess that does a month and a half ago okay and what’s your what about before Chinese Minecraft yeah good old American Minecraft is Chinese Minecraft like the really heavily modded one it’s it well it might come as a surprise but it’s the one that’s hosted in China shocking Discovery and funy what is your hardest in Geometry Dash uh ice cream Candy Land you know what there is there is probably there a level there is a level called ice cream it’s not very good but it exists there is a level called ice cream wait that’s actually a really good artist I I should well there you go yeah hardest as ice cream congratulations is there actually I just kind of yeah there is listen there’s a GD level with like Eddie title guys you see all these levers and buttons on the wall yep those are all your silly little hacking settings we’ll get on to those later but there’s one lever that’s more important than any of those levers and it’s not on that wall it’s actually somewhere else okay somebody flick it once don’t spam it oh my Lord Okay who wants to flick it there we go dude samot this is like your song Wait dude that’s like stereo audio this is crazy let’s we got the but I think to me and Seth bling this means nothing Tunes it’s the menu theme for the game that the Creator probably made at like 1 in the morning in like 5 minutes that’s a good Minecraft disc yeah it’s a great Minecraft disc okay let me let me take it off okay I like the jingle who wants to play first me I do Seth PL wants to play first okay so so so this is going to be basically instructions for everyone that blink’s going to demonstrate so I’m going to give you these two green helmets pick them up so you’re so you’re going to put your map in your off hand and your helmet in your main hand and then one of them on your head so this this is how you play the game so you see how there’s string in front of the map so basically you kind of just stand here you kind of aim your mouse around the string and then you right click and you switch helmets that’s how you activate your jump or whatever can I try it you can try it and you’ll hear the Piston yep that’s how that’s how you that’s how you do inputs when I push this button right here game’s going to start you know what I won’t give you any instructions let’s just see how you’ll do blindly we we’ll just see let’s go this okay and it’s loading wait computer screen or my map computer what oh my God wa it’s actually getting a couple frames you’re getting no it’s the one ofps gamep playay you have to make this jump do not the jum actually crazy wait this is actually nuts wait this is all Redstone this is all Redstone you’ll you’ll I’ll tour you around the Redstone later on if you want where the hell music no command oh yeah there we go the music oh sweet wait what are those what are those are those blocks I jump on kill you they kill you the going to jump on it on the blocks oh oh shoot oh sh jump again once you land SHO oh I okay so it’s okay the lights are going crazy yeah the game game is currently resetting itself oh that is real NE okay V TR feel so rude by like looking over your shoulder watching you play listen if you if you guys want to watch the game you can literally just pull up your map and look at your map yeah that’s what I oh wait the game map doesn’t have the background crafty I got a question for you so you were saying the game is setting right does that mean that this this is actually like done in Redstone and not command blocks no there’s no command blocks no mods no data packs no resource packs so much cool all what’s making it move listen listen I’ll show you guys theed later it’s actually really simple you see there’s Pistons that will move blocks around in order to like that’s my job that’s my job I’m the explainer my sorry sorry my bad okay I started the game right ready the spikes are coming there we go okay you jumped really early fine’ll be fine got I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready he’s ready when do maps have transparency uh yes you do the it’s transparent yeah please please please please so late man come on I lived oh that’s so St tight all right by the way you can hold so you can hold and spam the armor swapping as well hold you can hold jump hold right hold hold hold hold hold hold jump jump jump keeping keeping keep holding keep holding I was I think I don’t know I’m not going to make it no he’s got it he’s got it he’s got it there’s no Way’s red I thought I died okay I’m good is this what you mean when you said the level’s 5 minutes yes it is 5 minutes long there’s there’s more level we watched 3 minutes already all right watch this watch watch this jump oh wait is the armor swapping being picked up by a skull sensor yes oh I I get it now oh that’s impressive I don’t get it at all oh oh boy why is it going so much faster now well that’s tough Ser up or something wa sometimes three sometimes two spikes jump jump jump It’s the ambiguous two and a half Spike forth you got this bro jump going crazy he’s going crazy oh itate latey look at those little platforms wait is there ship uh yes there is a ship later on level wa you’re joking there’s no way there’s a ship bro how often is the game actually like checking your inputs I was too late I was too late this is tragic hurt oh he’s oh what why do they oh what what no don’t do that on starting in three I’m so accidentally rotated okay so is it only checking for inputs on like each step uh no inputs it can check whenever it wants so it basically has click between frames if you really think about it what oh there’s two of you there’s two of you what what what oh you went flying what did I do okay I will I will start the game boom insane lag Spike as the first Spike generates dude it’s a lag Spike oh my God it’s a leg SP LOL thank you V TR you’re welcome okay you got this you got this you got this I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m so scared it’s so much scarier when you do it so so here’s here’s the KN part so here’s the KN part this entire back wall what just happened no how did you die terrible you’re wall so it’s running at like 1 per second yeah about that dude he’s going that’s crazy though he made it past the second jump he’s going insane this is very similar to o oh wait oh I totally jumped you did and you did jump oh now you died so anyways I died you just did die wait how late is it what the hell oh ni I haven’t I just died oh wow okay there is oh my God there’s a lot no no no you should see my POV it’s insane like I can see the Redstone in the rendering on the computer screen wait you see the Redstone through the screen wait going oh shoot the spike is going to slowly approach you okay okay wait wait wait bro you got this okay I’m I’m ready I’m ready I’m going just to put a little bit of extra attention you’re our last resort to getting far listen listen you represent all of us I’ll do a run I’ll do a run after thisly look you beat the Dance Pad level I believe in you okay I know this is this is light work this is light work you’ve played geometry Das with much weirder controls games oh no ooh ooh ooh okay I’m I think we’re going right here I think we I once we get to this I’m going to Butterfly click 1 million CPS here we go you could just hold okay I’m going as hard as I can wait what no what no you that re I just a block so guys you want to see the red stone yeah see the red I want to see [Music] redone B you did not please tell me you used like world edit or something yes yes I used world edit of course I use world edit um actually that’s cheating please expl geometry Das terms oh my God this code right here is the player wa good Lord okay okay so let’s let’s do a guided tour before you guys all listen I’ll TP you all to for the rest of the stream I gave them a tour of all the Redstone some were pretty interested in what I was saying and others were grinding advancements and some Were King samalot here so you see all of these little Pistons with slime yeah okay the attention span was a bit varied but hey that made for better stream content so is it over is it finally the end of my 6 months of work for this video I started this project way back in October having no idea what the final result would even look like project that would finally test my abilities as a red stunner my most challenging creation yet it slowly attracted the attention of both the Minecraft and geometry dash community and it felt really cool being able to bring my two favorite games together with one big project and what better way to end this journey than to have creators from both games Team Up and Kill the Ender Dragon Here We Go rush it rush it what what this is how you always end a Minecraft stream this is how you be Geometry Dash as well by the way this this is the end of Geometry Dash he’s going he’s going here we go Seth get it yes timing I don’t know what these timing hey we did it we did it guys weat beat the Ender Dragon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]

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After 6 months of building, recording, and editing, it is finally here! Geometry Dash in Minecraft made entirely with redstone! My best creation to date 🙂

The GDMC gamers: @SethBling, @Sloimay, @Nemo_2510, @GDColon, @Fundy, @KingSammelot, @PhoenixSC, @Spu7Nix, @Vortrox

Thumbnail: @BursstyPlays
Additional editing: @anrifiely

@RobTopGames for creating GD too I guess :p

Interlude by Logan Feece:
Labrinthine by Lena Raine:
Minecraft Live 2022 Intro by ElementPaul:
Commentary by Logan Feece:
Infinite Amethyst by Lena Raine:
Aloft by LEMMiNO:
Giftwrapped by Gareth Coker:
Command Block by Antimo & Welles:
Minecraft Is Acid by C418:
Magma Mine:
The Credits Roll:
Gourmet Race:
Throwback Galaxy:
Big Blue:
Boss Theme:
Power Trip by Boom Kitty:
A Boss Approaches:


  1. thats because 2.2 is actually well tought out and the gameplay loop of geometry dash is good, meanwhile mojang keeps releasing useless mobs no one asked for, instead of reworking all the old forgotten content that has become obsolete

  2. If you used the /tick rate command, would you get better FPS on this? Or would the maps just not update fast enough anyway? (Or… would it just kill the server? 😅)

  3. 8:20 seeing Fed's channel made me so nostalgic. Still sad that his channel is dead and he hasn't done anything on social media for 4 years. Hope he's alright

  4. All I hear is what I heard when I heard when I tried to learn calculus or Java script when I only had a basic understanding of geometry.

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