I Made 100 Players Simulate a DRAGON BALL Z Civilization in Minecraft…

imagine spawning into the world of Dragon Ball Z with powerful humans called Sans a monkey hating alien and 100 bloodthirsty players trying to be the last person alive will I be able to survive with just my one life well in the next few days that’ll be put to the test starting from day one within planet earth stand really quick Adrians oh yo chill BR as soon as I spawned two players started to chase me I can’t get a break in these events oh my God oh my God oh my God leave me alone bro oh my god with hope of escaping these players I ended up at a structure climbing this ladder with my life on the line oh Jesus dude try to push him off push him off no ah you can’t reach me you push him not going to no no I can’t place blocks can’t place the Place anything look at this on top of the structure was a tiny cat named Corin which gave out free sensor beams some skills but most importantly a nimbus which is a floating cloud that lets us fly okay I’m out of here and with me grabbing my own I leap off the structure while the Androids were distracted this is the only reason I escape these stupid Androids I guess their goal was to kill off the Ste Sans you’re not catching me buddy while on the Nimbus I spotted a village in the distance and that was when I realized my one and only true friend in this world was a flying cloud what does my life come to okay okay I got away from them I need to find some teammates every time I do one of these stupid events I get chased it’s like it’s ingrained into their minds to just chase the YouTuber there’s a village y I’m drown I can pick it up Quicks sand it stays as well I can maybe make a trap with this oh these are one of them Yo I hear a player Landing here I quickly realized there were other players that found this before me meeting some unwanted company hello yo yo Welcome to My Little House come in this this your base see you you built it all by yourself I think you want a team I don’t know if you have any teammates already oh I don’t mind I’m we decided to team up to hopefully train together and unlock our first upgrade which is key think of key as our Mana for the abilities we use what if I punch one of these uh I was going to beat him up too throw a punch throw a punch I’ll back you I’ll back you oh oh oh they both attack you speaking of threats these goons started to attack us y yep yep I’m going yo he’s he’s actually kind of fast these mobs looked really strong me and Zane barely even escaped them yeah I think uh I think a good note to ourselves is uh don’t pick fights with the what the hell is that in pursuit of becoming stronger I decided to go back to where it all began to see if I could learn some key from Corin turns out we were a little too weak for that I didn’t want to end up like Yamcha in the show so we had to take this very seriously from now on it got a lot easier having a clear goal on how to get stronger key is a thing specific to races that aren’t humans such as saans or even aliens which can use abilities and even gain a transformation to make them 20 times stronger both me and Zayn were saans free kill free kills like that should level me up oh dropped his Nimbus take it oh W what the hell are those things e okay okay yo hey what the Helly no as soon as we got something nice happened to us we encountered a nearby team leave me alone I dude no no no no no no no no no no no no not again what what abilities do you guys have yeah um strength Warriors you know what I escaped you once before we do not care we do not care we’re going to kill you this is it this is it for you how was it so fast I don’t know it doesn’t even look like he’s charging anything charger make you faster able to fly no no nothing oh shoot oh you want to try that again it was the Androids that chased me at the start of of the event they never left the area and still wanted my head oh no I’m not going to boost you this time no I’m not going to Bo do not boost me do not boost me I’m going try to cut him off up there how you going to cut him off there is no other way to get oh trust me trust me you know it might go differently this time around guys I’m just saying no it won’t no it won’t this is it Oh no you’re much higher than me oh wait is Yo No come back here come back no again not again I wasn’t going to let this happen though my best friend Nimbus got me out of there faster than my dad left no he missed he missed no he got away get him get one get ony get him see you lat I’m game I’m game I got away with them I don’t know how to go down I genuinely don’t know how to get down that’s when I encountered another structure known as comm’s Lookout where players were training okay but on some real talk stuff though there’s probably stuff up there and I wanted to see what was up there let me go ahead go right here now we could a park we got some players over here they look kind of friendly it was a safe zone so players couldn’t hurt each other here thank God I feel like out of everyone here I was the weakest one I don’t know what they’re fighting hey what’s up going on bro I saw you in here you know I was actually going to ask you how do I get stronger so the guy who made the mod pack doesn’t know how to get stronger oh no I oh god there were m multiple people here including Kami Trunks Vegeta whiz and pickles maybe I can get some more powerful moves from them it was very clear to me that there was still a ways to go till I could do some moves like them um basically I think it’s just training we just got to like start training get a weight we got get a weight vest you know I we to do a weight vest something yeah I think so that’s what I’m hearing what the goat Chase is telling me right now B chase the the goat he’s he’s beating a kid right now he’s beating a kid well you should kid then Oh Oh I thought he just say he’s being a kid I say you just curb off him like one my f game are we teaming is is this how he’s going to do agent are we going to team we going to we can’t I got a team already though with oh what the hell I want the what the hell man while I was looking around I found oakam who looked like Krillin which was a bald guy in the show just as bald as he was in real life hello yo I’m getting you eating FL yes you guys canot be God I can’t see I also found bre who gave me some tips on how to get stronger he told me to get some weight and even taught me about Shadow soldiers but this ain’t solo leveling I am Jin woo yeah with these new found key abilities and enhanced strength maybe I could finally Stand My Ground against one of these Androids yo what the hell is that my key attack how do I do that uh how much how much uh TP do you got right now 16 got to get that up mine cost me like 120 man y’all look ugly I do not look ugly yes you do bro you should have stuck with your skin instead you turn into like a naked mole rat you want to see my PO wait what you’re literally naked exploring around the surrounding area the three of us found a city but it was weird because it’s been cleared out of any sort of life like someone came by and wiped them out of existence kind of worry all y’all are naked for me do I have clothes on I love being naked and afraid though I just want to use this damn disc you’re using an ability right now bro just tell me yo what bro what tell me how you do that I just did you bot ow second FN and right click second FN Y what the that oh my you’re the one who showed me the control for it I’m so CED inside of the city I was able to learn some key moves including key wave and my strongest move the Spirit Bomb which was a giant explosion at the tip of my fingertips your hand bro is that it’s the juice it’s the juice you could have some of this yo oh hey what’s good guys escaped us again right every time while we were distracted some players ended up finding us once again hey where you trying to go hey oh why do you have pears run towards him you the oddest fighter ever bro where yo how’d you get get in this damn building don’t yell I’m sensitive we were confident though with our new moves but just as we were stronger so were they killing off some sayians they found at the start I could have been one of their victims what’s wrong B what’s wrong don’t go there the oh the H I’m in a hole oh boy you better be my girlfriend now oh I’m here Adrian that’s that’s it that’s it o he dropped water I got him I got him I got him we got a we got a dip we got a dip come on come on come on what do you mean they you just let them go oh what is that oh he’s G he’s gone he’s gone oh he is very gone they immediately engaged with us chasing us down we tried to fight back but quickly realized they had surpassed our current strength leading a friend to fall victim to their powers that’s crazy Marco died devastated by Marco death me and Zayn realized the Androids were still way too strong for us thankfully they got distracted with oakam and we took that as an opportunity to hit the dash knowing that the Androids were lurking we knew we had to get stronger using the methods they did which was hunting down saans in order to become the strongest right here want to kill him wa let’s see what he has wait wait wait I I need to see who this is we chased after this player but he somehow got away oh eating replenishes key as as well we just figured this out now look at these two guys you know what must be done yep Ready yep roing around we found two more players one being a penguin we let happy feed into the Dragon Ball verse get him he’s running wait remember we don’t have to time our hits just SkyWars oh I don’t even know how that happens oh yeah just mess I got him I got the penguin guy we killed the Penguin and sent that boy to the snake way which was the equivalent to heaven in this world these two players who are they the randoms I think one’s a Goku and the other’s a turtle oh there you go one just fell from the sky that looks like dream oh we need to go there that’s where we can do the senu heist um they friendly that’s friendly don’t know he’s getting awfully close to me me and zann were now thriving we weren’t the ones getting hunted down anymore this is when I officially marked zay’s as a trustworthy teammate and officially added him to the roster of people I trust people we got to fear is the Androids that’s who killed Marco any time you see them run and I think frieza’s on her side but I haven’t seen him yet hope he shows up soon yeah he saved me the first time like when I was up there you know if I send a beam straight down here it’ll knock like five people yeah including me oh what’s up here why can’t I hit this guy what what the hell no wait what where dude there was like dream there I think you’re bugging bro the guy with the senu beams is supposed to be here unless someone pushed him off yeah he’s going the only other way is by going up there but we need a a cloud to get up there do you have a cloud nope okay come down here so the players don’t steal it unless they follow us then that’s a whole different oh no okay I guess uh down we go I think we found the guy we’re looking for what is this chicken right here no I don’t I don’t think never mind all right all right get ready okay take it right click you left click yeah there you go okay now we can get up here I don’t know how to go down by the way shift oh never mind don’t shift yeah I was going to say that’s a death wish we decided to split up and go on a sensu beam Heist which was a beam that completely replenishes our key we got it from the cat Coran these things would definitely help us later on what happed did I just go and get do all of this oh there’s a second one like out there in the world yeah of course yeah go and there must be hundreds I’m going to go going to go steal everything yeah I’ll meet you there I’ll probably try seeing if I can learn any more moves we’ll just meet back here okay while zay’s took care of the heist I decided to explore and try to get myself some new moves oh I could learn skills from Vegeta oh man I don’t have enough mind though another person yo what up what’s up I’ve been I’ve been going structure to structure running away from them like op ogres and like dude there’s some Androids running around that’s like chasing me and my team they’re kind of annoying yeah what are names what are their names uh botch and noski they usually like chase me around on these events yeah but yeah I’m trying to avoid them I see why I see why what are you up to though I’ve been training I’ve been training a bunch with these dummies my friends okay you say you’re powerful uh I’m I’m pretty powerful I say say I’m pretty powerful you know some some Super Saiyan some Super Saiyan levels I actually don’t know how to do that you want to okay the character sheet it’s the one to the right the skills and then you upgrade your super form oh it cost 4,000 to even get it yeah case gave me some info on how to level up my stats and even learn some new abilities uh I got this key sense thing there’s like a bar above people’s head yeah you can see their health you can see the health if I like hit this guy let me hit him like actually I’ve seen some like at the beginning of the I saw something like really really cool that we can like do we can do like a little story Quest If We Gather like around I don’t know maybe three people we can go to it yeah I could I could try seeing if I could get some people he gave me a mini Quest I need to get three people in order to start this mini Quest Mission along with Chase this was definitely going to be a hassle but let the sales pitches begin yo yo yo what’s up what’s up you’re the guy who helped me with the the Androids right yeah yeah I hate monkeys they’re monkeys aren’t they robots robotic monkeys all right I I got given a very special main quest you know what the main quest is of course you don’t you silly little man there’s a tree of like quests we can do to level up really fast but I can’t do it without getting like a team and I’m thinking you’re the guy you know you got a strong looking sword and uh you look very intelligent well as soon as you uh made sure to insult me there I I don’t know man doesn’t really insult you I just I couldn’t remember the work it’s more of an insult to myself on my search for people I found EOP pooke who saved my life at the start when I was being chased by the Androids despite having a Frieza skin I got my eye on you buddy pretty sure he’s supposed to hate my kind but he was more than happy to join my little Mission I don’t know I’m not questioning it so it’s going to be you follow me glob let’s go all right I’m I defeated him for you aren’t you glad you have me around I’m actually the protector of this place me atam where’s the Shadows there he is I’m back oh you’re back you got more sensor beams take all of this yeah let’s go anyways we have a quest we need you we need Yol and we need Dude where’s Glo we needo here I found him I found him it’s okay it’s okay all right let’s go to Chase cuz he’s the one who’s giving me the quest got the people I got EO I got Deadpool and I got glob is he is he is he the outcast I don’t he doesn’t look too good he comes from a different verse sure yeah what verse Jujitsu kaai said I hope I don’t die you have that little faith in yourself after that I found two more people glove and Zane we were for sure ready for our three-man mission not to fear I’m here okay buddy don’t worry I got him bro long day of work all right where’s this Quest I’m ready poke didn’t want to risk it so we decided to invite more of his team into it this team was known as the Ballers this made our team of people enlarge into a gigantic team a lot more than Chase expected everyone can fly right just go learn it from commie just go learn it from commie he was coming I think this guy right the green guy the green guy don’t click that you’ll die I can’t use any of my abilities what yo but once you buy the abilities how do you equip them how do you okay so I’m just being punching things on your keyboard you go to the skills category and then you upgrade them there Adrian this team’s cooked it’s WS we’re not beting no one with this no no no I’m strong I have like crazy skills bro I got like 100 and everything I just don’t have any I just got kicked for flying is this a dragon ball is it where you at brother I I got all Dragon Mon and it was so disappointing man genuinely Let’s go people are you ready y uh nope do this Quest um we’re like the strongest team right we’re like the what is it the ginu force the ginu force Ty is that the dragon ball team like the ginu force the team Goku’s in Goku is not in ginu force I no idea what you’re talking about you know what team Goku’s on the sea Fighters that’s what I meant that’s what I meant to say I think it’s it’s this way it’s this why it’s this way I’m come here where you guys at we all spit up where good question where are we I kill Kevin I’m going to kill Kevin who’s Kevin who is Kevin Kevin but with that we flew over to the location of the story quest which was told to us to be the cell’s Arena but confusingly enough we ended up at freeza wait where’s glob what do um glob glob us to why we were there we were exploring looking for some sort of boss fight we were promised why do you have Captain ginu skin bro cuz I’m I’m I’m ginu see that’s what I was saying what the H A ginu the ginu force yeah the guineu force why is free on the Z Fighters Adrian can you look up you got a beard Adrian you need to choose one gin Fighters ginu Force the fighters Force the ginu force I decided to name our team the ginu force why you might ask I don’t know it just sounded cool I heard it somewhere in the show before that noise oh Krillin I just want to that’s when I realized oam was there too it turns out the Androids never killed him he just disconnected when he finally managed to rejoin he was out doing his own Quest he met me here we we we heard from like I don’t know I don’t know this person I think his name was I think I think his name was milk we we saw him and he said that like there was this big strong boss in there that almost killed him then I found you and like we gathered like you know a whole team so I say we go I say yeah I say we go for for you didn’t a better team name yeah we’re going to go in there and we’re going to beat that boss right okay all right let’s go come on I see people they enemies it’s the Android good news aside that’s also when we noticed two players on top of the ship of course it was the Androids seems they have similar quests to us so without much talking a fight broke loose there on that chased us oh robotic monkeys my wife hey robotic monkey wife my wife my bad Karen those guys H H Jesus what the hell I just got blasted through the floor remember to right click to block more the fight continued we realized we were not only facing the Androids but also Chase stream get in there get in there fight him sacrifice your life oh this was a setup the entire time from the time he gave me the request for three more people his intention was to give us up to the villains team so that they can get an edge by collecting people for the biggest free kill spree he could whip up come on bro ver say oh in your Force go we decided our best option was to flee the scene so that we didn’t end up risking our lives but I noticed something there was no sign of oakam for a while so I got a little bit worried he may have fallen the Chase’s hands dude you hit me what are you aiming at I don’t even know what I’m supposed to hit I’m just throwing discs we’re hitting the Androids bro they learned the sparrow bomb too I think he’s aiming for me he’s looking straight at me I’m oh oh no I missed the fight kept going though I didn’t want to let my ginu Force members die without helping out so I kept Pursuit I’m not my Tyson actually no I I am Mike Tyson I just got to believe in me get bot get bot team up on bot oh I’m low so low what’s up zann died but not to the Androids yeah he got clapped he got clapped by a chase after many casualties Zayn unfortunately got eliminated this meant that one teammate I had since the beginning of the event by the way had no longer been able to back me up he got CL by mechanical by mechanical no like as in as in he’s betraying us I think oh what the hell we leave yeah we should probably Escape we don’t need to fight this so many of the ginu force died in this trap which led us to evacuate I’m still there I’m still there I’m still there I think Chase went after like a different group okay I sentu beam this should help I one regender key oh are you you coming back should I run should I try running how I going to run dude they’re both on me they’re both on me dude I have a sensu beam come here I have a sensu beam where are you beating up this hot sexy Android oh my goodness get over here some players took note of me leaving it was the Androids Marco confronting them showed a little bit of a weird interest to Android 18 but I guess it made sense since Krillin in the show was also kind of weird towards Android 18 if if you know you know they’re beating senseless but I don’t complain I enjoy it oh I missed they’re chasing us no but I don’t believe in chasing in chases what the hell is that supposed to mean I don’t believe in that it’s all fig of my imagination reality is based on perspective and if robots are hot then so be it what are you talking about wait you’re a robot right hear me out can you set me up with your with your friend oh I need me a wifey I need me a wifey we just killed we just we just killed three quarters of your team and you’re asking me to set you up you just killed your whole team anything from my this guy you can’t handle none this oh you can’t handle this Rob don’t be a Sayan don’t be a Sayan don’t be a Sayan hey that’s all I’m saying bro give me your girl please don’t be a Sayan just don’t be a Sayan that’s what I’m saying please just give me her that’s what you’re saying you might want to turn off your key then oh oh oh oh it’s not on it’s the of your imagination are we just forgetting that most of your teams just died to the two of us he’s hot she’s hot look at her ha oh my oh my goodness why you so beautiful oh hell no bro you can’t handle none of this oh what is happening oh I no Marco even gave Android 18 a smooch but all the silliness aside I think it angered them more than trying to set up some sort of very awkward you know what no no say you like it just say you like it just say you like it I after he realized all girls are the same he kissed her goodbye and we fled I run why are you so slow Marco I no because of my bald head found a base after a little bit we found a base in the middle of the chase oh around here we’re Communists and we share everything so give me half of that wait where’d you go wait where where’d you go Michael did you escape whoa the name of the base is not okay and realize we stalled for too long giving them enough time to catch up to us as we started running another player we were allied with appeared and risked his life for us to get away W player blow it up Marco did you escape did you get out where are you where are you all right I’m I don’t know I just went on like a random planes you going Super Saiyan damn dude your hair changed get split up so it took us a while to find each other again but with no time to waste we got back on our grind and started a story Quest our goal now is to find a weird old man named Mr roshi all right well we’re following you Marco what does this do dude he what move is that bro you can’t fly wait I think I see another structure how do you use the flying n you right click it and you ride it oh there it is now he’s supposed to be right there I don’t know if yall see him do you see him with the help of my teammates we found the old man and in no time he taught us the famous Kamehameha which was a blast that the main character in Dragon Ball used as a finishing move okay so I did that Quest right and now it says protect myself for for the sake of evil oh be careful I got you this will without a doubt prove to be useful against my Ops you me if you know what that mean I don’t know if you mentioned it on purpose or what cuz I think you know what that don’t do that please with this we trained up Hela found Shenron the build even the snake way which is where we sent penguin up to sorry pal yo yo why what I just finished a story Quest bro they gave me a space pod you guys want to go to Mars oh yeah I’m can go to a different they got maybe they got like robotic chicks in Mars bro no bro we either going to go to Vegeta or we’re going to go to namk take no we got to go to see some robotic chicks all right I’ll go first yall I’ll talk to y’all later how does this work up I forget okay why I forget how it works watch us all get kicked for we’re just ascending right now dude if we drop it is so over nice weather we’re having today yeah I don’t think we belong there we even took a visit to Planet Namek where are we yeah I knew it was broken I’m going back to Earth just don’t leave your ship just just just like that was something yeah the planet was kind of glitched probably broken we returned to kami’s Lookout at the end to cash in from all the training that we did and all the side quests the closer it got to the end of the event the more exp multipliers were given to players making it easier for us to level up I was born ready what do I hold we no y’all did not fuse that’s when all hell broke loose the villains team was fed up with all of the saans and as you can see from the tab there was a lot of fighting going on so much so there’s barely 20 people even still alive all right guys they’re all getting blown up they’re all getting blown up guys oh my God there’s so many or ogres who’s getting chased bot you come here hey EOP pooke okay okay okay okay okay okay okay no where you at he where’d he go oh that was me oh my as we made our way to the center our fight began oh hello bre how you doing bream no get bream adri where did you go oh got a on me uh I’m goodan no come here oh y you want fight come here come here Y come here come here dude yes no actually wait that’s a good thing we put up a serious fight against these guys but Chase was the most powerful of them all come here K you want to eat this come here come down here damn chase is on his demon Arc right now come on come come eat this 4,000 damage beam that does all your how’s it going buddy I’d rather not eat that thank you H how this how this Blaze Rod has fire aspect really can I have oh almost got hit oh it’s that Adrian I killed o no all right get him melon get him melon get Adrian no during all of this oam had been killed off by the Androids same with a Kai let’s go get Ki he’s just flying he’s just flying why you just chilling with these guys chill a fre come here come here bro he’s almost dead too who I don’t know who he is oh it’s Zill now get away from my teammate come here you’re got to eat this you’re going to eat this no stay away from Zill stay away from more one more one more one more more hit no no no none of that he’s going to die Zillow Zillow now you get off him get off him I knew the Androids were following Chase’s orders so I knew who was truly responsible that’s not fair you can’t take advantage of AFK players you did this no hiding bro no hiding come here come here Oh no you’re jumping around again right behind you oh I’ve been following you the entire time had a dragon ball on the floor no I’m taking this this is mine now I started to fight Chase and his friend off but I accidentally dropped my dragon balls over giving him the ability to summon sh which is a dragon that can make you more powerful by granting you a wish kind of like a genie why is my thing not charging up oh no I don’t have Mana uhoh you don’t have key come here I accidentally just wasted my thing I’m selling another how many senses do you even have you don’t need to worry about that come at me I’m ready I’m fighting Kashi since he wants to be a little nerd he’s running away now he’s running away stop running come here yes yes die die no you and this GOI guy bro yeah double team best friends no I was bream a good person what kind of question unfortunately for me Chase had killed off bream getting revenge for his Fallen comrade three dragon balls I’m going summon Shenron bro you’re coach wait noi Give Me Your Dragon Balls I summon Shenron what did that even do I’m kill you you can’t kill me with Shenron fight I’m going to wish him to kill you what so we’re jumping again come on bro yes Chase won the offense giving the win to the aliens the one who we trusted stabbed Us in the back join the Discord if you want to be a part of these events just like this one and click here if you want more content just like this peace

I put 100 players into Dragon Ball Z fighting off against Monkey Hating Saiyan’s, Other Saiyen’s, and trying to become the strongest in this Server! Will we prevail or will we die like yamcha…

I Made 100 Players Simulate a DRAGON BALL Z Civilization in Minecraft…
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  1. The namek glitch wasnt actually a glitch, it saves where your location was in the minecraft world puts you that high up in namek, also to descend on items like the space pod and nimbus you use the same button you use to start key attacks + right click. im glad you checked out this mod as its been of my all times favs!

  2. I've been waiting for a dragon block c civilization event. But everyone in the first part of the vid seem to have never watched the show or played the mod. Still fun video.

  3. I’m so glad that he posted two times in a row in less than a few months. I’m so happy you guys don’t even know.😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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