The Most INSANE Terraria Mod I’ve EVER PLAYED…

this might be the most insane and creative terraria Mod I’ve ever seen it literally puts Hollow Knight in Terraria can we defeat the boss rush and get to the end as Hollow Knight in Terraria let’s find out we are here with an insane terraria Mod Hollow Knight X Terraria as you can see I really don’t got much to say let’s just hop in game we pretty much need a new character here and a new world of course once we are in Game look how close I can zoom is kind of weird yeah once we’re in game we’re looking for this item from the mod God tuner and as you can see it says go to the Boss Rush Battleground now I have played Hollow Knight once and it was on stream it might be on the channel it was like for one or two hours it was a good game I just never got around finishing it so let’s see how good I am does my character’s nose look bigger or am I tripping nah I’m I’m tripping I’m going to show it back to you guys maybe I wasn’t tripping yeah let’s do it look at this look at this we are literally playing Hollow night I got all the binds and stuff equipped so I think if I click I should attack let me make sure yeah attack Mouse one and then I got a dash on Mouse 4 what is this I don’t even know oh it’s a super Dash waa how do I even start this oh I don’t know what this is let’s just do Ascend let’s do it we are doing a Boss Rush here as the name implied let’s get it oh King slon first man easy come on it’s the king slant at the end of the day the easiest terrar boss out there one of the top three at least gun just like that you got a nice little death animation look at that who’s next what the hell I do not remember this teral boss who is this all right who do we got after that okay so we we got some lowkey custom bosses in here which I guess kind of makes sense because if they did like all of them at once then obviously we’ probably be done very quickly so some of these guys they’re going to actually get tough wait how do I get up there can I Dash upwards cuz how do I reach the the dude at the top maybe he’s just an assist character I’m lowkey getting my ass beat by this one who would have thought the ogre would be one of the hardest boss fights out done though can I heal how do I heal what did I just do I think I’m healing no I don’t know how this game works I do not remember how hollow Knight works I played it such a long time ago at this point I really don’t remember anything I am getting my ass beat though I wonder how deep this goes in terms of bosses and stuff can I equip all these I’m going to put all these on I don’t know what they do but I’m going to put them all on am I tweaking is there supposed to be something here all right here we go wyvern okay let’s beat the hell out of the wyvern I don’t know how to use any my abilities but it’s fine you know what we just use our Focus to heal and we won’t have to worry about losing sand tank okay interesting boss progression we got going on his projectiles look way slower thank God that’s actually a good thing I should probably stop walking in him there you go I used one of my magical abilities let’s use it again boom boom keep hitting his ass wait but that loses my focus to heal and I’m going to obviously going to need to heal in a second oh my God I think I suck I think I suck oh my God my dude’s nose is big as hell I know I’m not tweaking but when I zoom in it’s back to normal let’s try again so I really got to start from the very beginning I am playing with keyboard and mouse and Hollow Knight is definitely a controller type game you know what I’m saying way better on controller the movements definitely do not feel super smooth on the mouse and keyboard okay let’s be smart we got wait for him to come out of the shell yes sir we’re good let’s equip these as we go this one was also so very easy you know might as well use our abilities and during downtime we can heal up this is where things got tough right here it’s because there’s projectiles he’s got the big stomp AOE and he’s got the little turret up in the sky so we kind of we got to be a little careful here now that I understand our abilities though we should be chilling I don’t even remember who this was okay mothron I was going to say we had no trouble with mothron but Moon just hit me so I don’t know if I can say that anymore he’s going to try and lay its eggs leaving it wide open for the free kill baby okay this is just a this is a little break stage a little little chill stage apparently and we just walk off to the right we go to the next one which is the wyvern is this what I lost to I don’t remember oh okay I thought I completely missed but we take those sand tank this is who we lost to okay I I remember now o I’m shooting the wrong way these bullets are lowkey kind of hard to dodge they’re so slow and there’s so many right next to each other like I got to actually be pretty careful how many times can I I jump oh I could double jump nice did not know that I think we’re good oh my gosh out the wrong way no we’re good we’re good get over it boom finish it off yes sir that is easily the scariest ball so far I wonder how much harder they get man War Woods goofy ass get them out of here get them out of here let me heal up real quick just to flex on you hold up hold up calm down calm down calm down oh hold up hold up he kind of beating my ass a little bit get him up out here but heal if we okay never mind I used all my stuff so I can’t even heal it’s getting scary deer clops they’re trying to scare me with deer clops Dam oh yeah H wait my Dash does damage see that’s how you know I’m a hollow night n bro my Dash does damage I did not know that I think it’s over though I’m selling hard yo the eye charge up charge up yeah we get one more hold up they got custom animations for like actual boss what the [ __ ] I don’t remember him doing this oh oh my God this is tough this is tough oh my god did I actually do it I’m low key a gamer God if you guys didn’t know is this my this is my rest stop what am I supposed to do here when close to death I guess I can put some of these things on this one says when I’m close to death which I’m kind of close right all right let’s do it one life is all we need one heart boom Oh my God insta kill I don’t get like any healing though how does the healing work this is terrifying because it’s like I want to heal so badly but when will I find a chance to can you come down a little bit lower bro you’re kind of kind of high up for me to hit should I just like commit to a double jump Dash onto him or do I just take my time how come I’m not getting any damn healing I can’t I can’t do anything I died to the brain bro the brain is so ass why is that going to be the one I die to running back I’m getting better every time you know this makes me want to go play Hollow KN if I wasn’t playing Elden ring right now and enjoying the DLC I would go play Hollow night okay so I’m noticing that each run you get different accessories which is kind of cool kind of makes this a Rog like which I don’t think Hollow night’s a r like at all right just like a adventure platform or you know those type of games that Hollow night is which kind of sucks because I need that one accessory that makes my Dash do damage because that access access was kind of carrying me I’m not going to lie oh my God I keep shooting the wrong direction okay I don’t like that the ogre stomp hits me like no matter what it’s kind of annoying again this should be one we shouldn’t have trouble with as I take damage come on lay lay the eggs lay the eggs lay the eggs and we’re about to do crazy damage how come she doesn’t want to lay the eggs this time no like for real she’s not laying the eggs this time let’s do it wyvern should be easy as I take damage how am I having a worse run than the last one now we get sand tank now we understand sand tank I should just stop talking this should oh my God this should just be a silent play through at this point oh my god there just there’s so many bullets I don’t know what to do oh my I’ll be right back when I get back there right back where we left off but this time I have weapon a and that is damage Dash oh yeah oh I swear to God dashed him we should be chilling boom okay it’s fine we take a take a little bit of damage it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine fine just heal it back right here why am I I took I’m taking damage this stupid [ __ ] spike ball hit me twice I feel like I have been cheated straight cheated robbed even smeckledorf whatever the [ __ ] SpongeBob said why are these projectiles bouncing oh my God we did so good just for me to take so much damage I’m getting all these accessories but like it’s a little hard to like read them in between I’m going to go all the way over here and I’mma heal yep yep yep yep yep beautiful beautiful Dash through them come back dash again boom Oh F that’s fine here we go my favorite fight just because it’s kind of cool seeing that I could thly have some new AI we got to hit him right here though watch this come on oh oh damn he got my ass I got his ass right back I don’t know game I kind of dashed you saw me Dash there I should at least get that the eye frames you’re not going to give me the damage boom boom there we go we just lost damn near all our health what the hell did that thing just spawn on me n this this mod be on some [ __ ] bro they’re actually trying to heat me up like I’m playing real Hollow night and get my ass beat okay now this one [ __ ] this one’s scary because like bro it’s hard to hit I have to really commit to some of these hits going for the high up ones that or I just really got to sit here and patiently wait for all to come down oh my God I’m being a fool I’m about to die on the brain again all right come on let’s get it let’s get it it’s the brain I shouldn’t die oh this is not looking good this is not looking good actually hold up we just do this the whole time that that was that was a beautiful fight what do we got oh my God he just he he [ __ ] me up that is the hollow night mod though I love how far I can zoom in it’s kind of a sick mod honestly my stream be trying to progress more through it if you guys want to see me start from like the frost Golem onward and see how far I can get in it let me know in the comments it’s a sick mod shout out to the people who made it also shout out to the real Hollow Night play that hopefully silk song comes out soon maybe this video gets like I don’t know 2,500 likes I’ll do a hollow night stream yeah thank y’all for watching make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on notification Bell so you don’t miss future videos I’ll see y’all next time I got some more Elden ring DLC to play

This Combines some of the Greatest Video Games ever into Terraria, we gotta check it out!

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  1. Just spam descending dark, kinda sad you can't pogo but I don't think the engine could handle that, or the bosses all moving fast would not pair well with a small gain in vertical height.

  2. 8:15 So you knew about Pengustav's story of translating words from the Dimension Zero language like Water, Sky, Hand and Smeckledorfed. Have you played Super Mario Galaxy Zero?

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