EMERALD & DIAMOND TSUNAMI vs. Mikey & JJ Doomsday GLASS Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] I need to see the news Mikey come here breaking news breaking news attention the largest diamond bank has been destroyed by tsunami diamonds are picked up by water and moving towards our village hide in a shelter or flee The Village better hide in the mountains then you will have a chance to survive the diamond and emerald tsunami is getting closer oh I am now informed that the bank of emeralds has also been destroyed but another tsunami uh-oh two tsunamis are moving towards the village soon our village will be destroyed both tsunamis reach a height of 50 m if you have a bunker or a house underground is better to hide there remember to be calm and not panic the police are already taking measures to stop the tsunami because the tsunami has now hit blocks of diamonds and emeralds they have become much more powerful so now they will definitely tear down everything in their path if you have a helicopter then it is better to try to get in the air maybe if you take off high enough then you will not reach the diamond and emerald tsunami a it’s just impossible it’s definitely some kind of mistake I can’t believe this could actually happen I think it’s a prank or something it must be true that this is not a prank whether a diamond and emerald tsunami is heading for the village someone wants to bury themselves they think that this way they can be saved someone from the villagers takes their houses away so that they are not destroyed by the tsunami wa Wait Don’t Run Away Mikey best we keep together look JJ is this a helicopter maybe there will be two more seats for us although it is full of villagers what should we do then I don’t want my house destroyed by a tsunami H we need to get home quickly I have a plan oh remember what the correspondent on TV said we either need to hide it in the mountains or in a shelter so we’ll build a shelter to survive it’s a good idea I want to run away but I know the tsunami will destroy everything the village is in complete chaos the villagers do not know what to do they run away from the village leaving their homes they all want to survive H it’s preferable to build a shelter underground but we don’t have time to dig a hole yep hurry up Mikey we don’t have much time remember that we have almost no time diamond and emerald tsunami is getting closer I am afraid that our shelter may not withstand the tsunami h H look Mikey there’s a villager with a huge Vortex apparently he didn’t get on the helicopter either I need your help can I hide in your shelter but I need my Vortex with me no you can’t The Vortex is too big we can’t put it inside if you agree to leave it outside you can go into the bunker H we must hurry JJ I think I can already see the tsunami behind the trees it’s getting closer we must have time to build a shelter H I hear you I’m installing the floor now there’s still some left I think our Sanctuary can withstand one Diamond tsunami but I’m not sure about the emerald tsunami H we don’t have as much food as we wanted to be H we have to put all the food together yep what’s that sound it’s you again I told you we wouldn’t let you in with that Vortex if she’s on the roof the glass will break I’m sure your Anvil won’t get hurt much but I cannot leave her I have built it for so long it is not fair and what should I do if she breaks if it breaks you build a new one you understand that if you leave it on our roof the roof will not hold get out of here we told you not to go with that Crow we are ready to take you to the shelter but only you you should be thanking us for letting you in h we can no longer waste time with every second the diamond and emerald tsunami is getting closer we must hurry and finish the shelter it is a Pity that we do not have as much food as we would like but a few days we can last I’ll throw out this funnel I hope the glass is not damaged if the glass breaks we will end it is heavier than I thought I’m still afraid that when the tsunami appears this Vortex thrown towards our shelter but then the glass will break it’s a Pity that there was no room on the helicopter to be honest I’m glad that we didn’t go with other villagers it seems to me that it is simply impossible to escape from these tsunamis and remember what the tsunami reporter said 50 m high so I’m I’m sure it’s unlikely that the helicopter will be able to climb higher than the tsunami we don’t have more what oh no I didn’t think the tsunami was so big it’s just unbelievable hope our shelter endures tsunami with two sides hope the walls don’t crack a reporter said you could hide in the mountains but these tsunamis are higher than the mountains don’t worry everything will be fine I’m sure we’ll survive our shelter looks like the trees will be completely destroyed it’s a Pity we didn’t have time to build a shelter underground so we would have a much better chance look that was a blow I thought our shelter would be torn out of the ground it looks pretty enough to admit I can’t even imagine how many diamonds there are we can’t go outside we’re too dangerous who knows what’s behind these diamonds who know open the door so I can buy myself 10,000 Diamond craters stop him Mikey he can’t go outside we can’t let him out yep woohoo are you out out of your mind villager y do you remember the tsunami all of a sudden there’s water Behind These diamond blocks and when you go outside you’ll be flooded yep we have to wait for the rescue team to come or when we’re sure it’s safe outside now we cannot go outside I too want to take all the diamonds but even I understand that it is too dangerous if you go outside oh no we must seal the passage immediately if we do not do so our Sanctuary will be completely destroyed honestly I think it was a bad idea to build a glass Vault when we started building this shelter we had blocks of Earth and glass H Glass Blocks are cracking diamonds and emeralds are seeping from these cracks H if we do nothing our Sanctuary will either be destroyed or completely flooded with diamonds and emeralds and water H let’s collect all the diamonds and emeralds from the floor they may be useful to us maybe we’ll make our an armor or something H I don’t like that I subconsciously hear some kind of crackling at first I thought it was all about the glass but I don’t see any cracks how is this possible H I think I realized that due to the fact that diamonds and emeralds are pressing on the glass from all sides the glass is cracking we have to do something to keep the glass from breaking if the glass breaks we can die can try to make diamond blocks and reinforce the walls although diamonds are too few we won’t even have enough for one block H need to break the diamonds that are left on the floor y when we broke the diamonds that we had at the shelter they turned out some diamonds and emeralds woohoo now by the way we can make a diamond bib only we have enough for one how do you think Mikey what will happen next save us or not I don’t know something seems to be happening with diamond and emerald blocks it’s like they’re starting to turn into water maybe the blocks are mixing under a lot of pressure oh no look the glass breaks and breaks it seems like the worst thing that could happen is happening H we somehow need to patch all the holes and cracks good thing we took more blocks of reinforced ice that should do it do you think this ice can withstand H I think glass is much stronger than ice yes but we don’t have any other blocks so we don’t have a choice H listen Mikey we have to build blocks of ice in all all directions we have to hurry the glass is beginning to crack I have a really bad feeling about this H okay I’ll do as you say but I still don’t think it will help there’s too much pressure sooner or later all the walls will crack we’ll have to figure something out our main goal is to stay here as long as possible it looks like the ice is still holding hopefully it can last at least a few hours like new cracks no longer appeared so maybe our shelter will not fall apart completely oh no what do we do now years could not stand long it began to crack now we are still flooding water what are we going to do JJ you don’t have a plan or something H I remembered I have fire ore in my chest H I will make us armor out of it we will not freeze in the water and the water will evaporate near us oh hurry up JJ this is getting too much water I can’t move normally anymore I’ll try to seal the CRA with the arrow blocks great here’s the craft table now I can make armor good thing I brought fire ingots I knew I’d need them we definitely have enough resources to build two sets of armor only I warn you from the beginning this armor will be hot but it will be very well heated I’ve nicked some of the holes so there’s not much water flowing fine one set of armor is ready soon I will make a second is your armor ready listen JJ something happened to the water it seems the water has become poisonous or something what maybe because the water mixed with the diamonds H anyway it doesn’t matter now when we step on the water it evaporates so it’s not scary it’s a good thing I brought this fiery ore now we’re not cold and the water can’t send us H honestly I’m a little hungry yep let’s go we didn’t eat once after the tsunami flooded our shelter I think we can sneak out we need to wait a little I think tomorrow or at least in the evening we should try to go outside H I think the water outside will normalize and turn back into diamond blocks when it happens you can go outside H I wonder what happened to the Village maybe at least one of the houses was not affected well soon we will know yep well we have to wait another as a minus one day can there be anything we can do for now and then I feel like sitting all day doing nothing will be boring H great it’s been a day look my the diamond blocks are back to normal so now I think I can go outside all the more if I’m honest I think that now our shelter is not very safe I can’t wait to see what’s out there maybe we can find something useful on the street it’s incredible JJ it looks like we’re deep underground I can’t believe my eyes I thought the whole village would be destroyed H but part of the village remained in order and suffered at home but these are the details it can all be restored this is our house I can’t believe he could handle it y honestly I thought our house would be completely destroyed we need to take all the resources we need to search other houses maybe we can find the recovery potion and cure all the villagers we need food perfectly this watermelon what is it doing here apparently the water threw it into our house I think there’s one good thing about this place being full of diamonds now we’re rich woohoo though it seems to me that if everyone has diamonds their value will be very low we should help the villagers maybe they just sleep what I found the potion at our house how good it is that the chest did not break now we can save all these villagers hurry up JJ we must hurry we still have a lot to do we still have to rebuild the whole village so we must act quickly H okay Mikey and you are sure that the potion will work no one wakes up I’ll just get vegetables from the garden because I’m a little hungry look JJ I want to look around is there really no way out H I have to find him all right let’s go but just stand by me we must not go far from each other H I wonder if other Villages were standing or not huh look JJ there’s something shining I got to take it wait don’t walk away from me how am I going to find you because of this fire I can’t see anything H okay I know you’re here somewhere what what is that silhouette in the house Mikey come here I think I found someone I found a Survivor what can’t be it’s a villager so someone survived besides us well I’m so glad we’re not alone now I too am glad look how many emeralds I have I hid in the basement and managed to survive H and when I came out of the basement there were lots of diamonds and emeralds I’m rich now if you ate food you’d be better off Gathering food than emeralds y okay let’s get out of here here Mikey we have a lot to do honestly I have a theory I want you to help me check it out H wait I have so many emeralds now H I’m rich now let’s celebrate it let’s have a party where are you going all right I think this Villager has gone mad because of the emeralds it’s no wonder look how many emeralds there are I think anyone would go crazy so what was your theory H I think it’s safest to hide in the house now before the day comes H what difference does it make that it’s going to be a day soon d h I think diamonds harden when nightfalls just think the whole day was toxic water oh then night came and diamonds became normal but what then do we do I understand that the shelter is safe but the shelter cannot stand for too long it will already fall apart I don’t think our hideout can take it you’re right Mikey so I have an idea staying in the village is too dangerous we have to get to the surface good thing night just came so we have time H are you suggesting that we just go outside yes I’ll go with you but I think it’s too bad of an idea suddenly nothing but diamonds we will not meet when morning comes diamonds become toxic water trust me Mikey we can’t leave here for long look you see this it’s the way up H good thing we took the super hook we will easily get out of here how do I best try to get out we would have been dead downstairs and upstairs we have at least a little chance wait JJ I’ve never used a super hook before it’s harder than I thought I’ve almost made it to the surface there’s still a little bit left great how beautiful it is here great I’m outside it’s very beautiful here isn’t it Mikey yep well let’s go we cannot waste time to stand still still here is very beautiful H as I remember there were several mountains near the village yep was the tsunami really higher than the mountains H but how is this possible is there no Island left not even the smallest one now we can go back down before dark even though it’s a bad idea we’re definitely not going to make it down here and we at least have a shot H you see this Mikey isn’t that a helicopter now we’re saved I knew I had to go outside it was a good idea I can’t believe someone could save themselves it seems this hel opter is not from our village it seems to be a helicopter from a nearby Village so some Villages have been saved H well I remember the TV host saying they were trying to stop the tsunami apparently some of the villages they were able to escape I am so glad we could find you you were able to survive in the midle all these silica residents of your village they swam in the house and that’s how they got away now we are saved so that we came to save us listen Mikey let when we get there we’ll go eat ice cream well or something yep

EMERALD & DIAMOND TSUNAMI vs. Mikey & JJ Doomsday GLASS Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Gummy Bear vs. Security – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd-HMNSmSCs


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