☢️ RADIATION POISONING!? (this time for sure) | Stardew Valley Update 1.6 – Multiplayer

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 5 4 three yes two one I have to call myself two there we go we Pat the cat we Pat the turtle and we so say hello to everyone watching which is probably White Rabbit I don’t know who else there is for to mention today is Sand’s birthday ah okay what does she like well the tea flowers oh yeah should have known that one it’s Sandy the person from the desert exactly I should have uh I found this in a drawer somewhere I thought you could use it hey battery sure thanks Pam dear joke fish I want to remind you that the S Valley Fair is happening tomorrow don’t forget to bring your nine items for the grin display oh yeah you’re major leis major Lewis he’s not a major of anything mayor louiz where did we keep the batteries I’m looking at my list of stuff to sell I still need squid ink and we don’t have any squid in our fish pond H oh I’ve never shipped any tarot rout there’s a lot that I did not ship how long what the ostrich to hatch long never seen one today is the 15th and a Monday which means today is the greenhouse Harvest day C and full inventory yikes what the hell are you carrying I’ll different stuff I actually just finished harvesting my corn what the hell did I miss a spot here oh no oh well you it now wait how many yams have I shipped so far no idea let’s still have something at the blacksmith okay I shipped all of them which means this one yum unless for cooking I don’t need let us upgrade something else yeah the K C I forgot about it it’s okay what’ you forget about nothing oh you finished the Harvest okay yeah I finish it everything I’m going to the island to take a cheery Quest it’s also raining here too oh yeah I can check the board here the island summer squash is ready I harvested it I keep missing Penny when she’s standing there like a creep wait can I do it again probably shouldn’t um small question who was chopping palm trees at the island that’s me why why not because they can drop coconuts oh if you leave them coconuts in the chest uh what do we want 100 pineapples to ship or local salmon population um fman yes I mean we’ve done both of those already but with pineapples we need to plant much more of them because we barely have any actually growing on the island yeah fried egg in a trash or should I say egg yeah that’s he’s already regretting it hello horse I like it see he appre appreciates it uh what do I do I guess I can try and do some fishing then where do I fish for salmon hi on the river yeah in the middle of the city yes only 10 I mean I don’t know if I can catch it we have a glass sh already don’t I mean I mean I never got any [Music] H uh how much fiber do we have at home that’s a very good question uh do you want me to check I can go and check I mean it’s for Mr Cheese colors so I just think we need to go to the mines what do we need the mines for oh yeah cool C for the oh okay you know I’m going to check the fiber and um you listed some stuff we need to do for the um what youall it the museum yeah uh if obsidian is donating the glass shards right now then we’re good on that did you check the we do need no I’m going to get the the shots where the heck is the fire where did you already take it in the green chest no I just took some rubies to upgrade my sword for there that’s not fiber that’s not green chest what there’s no fiber unless obsidian doesn’t know colors my Infinity Blade deal has damage of4 to 130 four speed and two defense that’s pretty insane okay I cannot find the fiber is me oh here 599 fiber H we only need purple chest 10 that’s like wine wine wine purple what’s it doing yeah fishing what I got freaking idium Walley Walley Wy um I said 10 I meant 100 I was going to say 10 is not that spectacular and we are one we’re one Cactus away from the desert Obelisk nice but we also need the what do we call coconuts which I believe obsidian did mention already being on the island it’s just next to the farm is this a salmon this is chob I think you in theong Riv the wrong river what do you mean there’s a town river and there’s a Forest River okay fine and this is probably not the down river uh I’ll go one screen to the right if you’re closer to leas then no it’s not yeah exactly I’ll go uh near the sewers that’s should probably go check Robins to ask about town expansions Town expansions I mean it’s your house first my house is upgraded but I fear joke fishes might need to be fully upgraded that makes sense I can work on that the angly fish wait I didn’t check my planting area today a planting area and it seems that nothing is actually ready today legendary angler fish nice uh I’m waiting with legendaries until I can get quality on h i mean if we get iridium quality Legends then we could just copy them them smoke them and then copy smoked ones I wonder what’s more expensive star fruit quality wine or smoked Legends leg the smoked Legend I know from so much Stu no Salmons not a single salmon I think because it’s raining could be wait I still haven’t asked the parot for today’s the Walnut tip unless we got all of them though we still missing I feel hey joke fish could you preemptively recount n yeah let me I’m not I’m not there right now but I might be there soon let me c one hidden in the West Wait didn’t we get the one hidden in the west IO we did not sure if I find any knots at all I mean the area that I checked last time is unavailable for digging on rainy days so it’s not like I’m going to check in Bean streak fishing three in a row yeah I’m pretty sure I did that’s what I got the quality B la la this guy does not want to get CAU uh could you do that again often now I miss my fish I’m just buying Gras PES we can keep in again when you go fish it’s just a bean mhm the quest scho cins yes yeah I picked it lost fish or lost key bean I knew it freaking key Bean again how do I have I got five key beans and like three fish one more time oh well Le one of us is happy with the key beans I guess can you do it yet again please let’s see should be in here and this should be enough for my purposes now do I want anything else from this list a lot of iridium fish I guess some cheese seasoning and to times magic bait and that’s it for today okay let’s try and not have anyone pass out on the first night this this time to bed already I am in bed already I’m the bir stop oh okay okay we’re probably going to make it then the turn me and J has already got ours right don’t have mine cuz I only have 1.6 million didn’t I give you enough stir fruit wine to sell for two million uh I don’t know what wrong there but I did not get the 2 million I know the AC you have the acan he does it ah I have the Artisan wow I should have sold it myself and wired you the money right I mean it’s basically endless money anyway come on obsidian don’t do it fiz in the trees obsidian you can do that tomorrow no seriously if you going to pass out then the on front of my house and I got the fertilizer on the way good job I am going to Robins yeah let me join you need to check what I need for yes I know the sapling wait uh today is my high hot pepper harvest my summer squash harvest my blueberry Harvest and my green bean Harvest nice oh yeah I found out about something if you left the if the fish pwn generate something and you don’t get it it uh it doesn’t does not make something new the the next day it duplicates it if he has the Gooden crackage who gave the horse a hat just me and had on accident and outside is my eggplant Harvest that’s nice hey everyone hello look what I got what did she get zoom in chest it’s a junimo chest I’ll Place one right here next to the shipping bin sure and the second one right now will be closer to my house I guess the purpose of the junimo chest is basically it’s the Minecraft Ender Chest oh okay nice obsidian I have the pressure nozzles ooh nice place them um here on the produce test I got 16 of them because I plan on using some myself and five might be useful for me personal sorry five can be used in the greenhouse so that instead of two slots being covered by sprinklers it’s only one and uh 10 I’m planning on using myself but that’s for the what do you me the fair oh so Robins isn’t even going to be open today jeez yeah sadly okay everyone all the stuff you have which would be good to bring just bring it I got some iridium fish that’s good I’m [Music] bringing I bring much candy yeah bring that I’ll bring a spicy eel as a dish summer squash as a vegetable and I guess uh I should have some star thrs some iridium cheese here oh yeah I mean if we bring the wine we don’t need the cheese okay but the only wine that’s visible is the one on our duplicating station so I’m bringing it with me temporarily and let’s go let’s go let’s go yes you have two BL blue chickens now one of them one of them was used for Item ID I just didn’t notice what kind of chicken I was buying can happen waiting for one player who could it be it’s a mystery I got the horse are going wait a second he’s on the horse and he’s still horse of course of course oh what Captain’s uniform rep button fast strongman oh this thing yeah I wanted to put this this I also brother this this anyone else brought something yeah the fish the tarot root Galaxy soul I don’t think that categorizes as anything how replace that [ __ ] um you can’t while obsidian is doing something okay that’s it I can put some more stuff I got the fish still if you want bream small bath or W idium but that’s all I have um or golden truffle do that travle this is the most random our display has been in a while in a while this is only a second uh display isn’t it did I play all the games here nothing interesting yeah you did last year yeah I remember let me shoot some targets okay no this is annoying okay it’s not going to be a record here but uh I actually never played all the games here wow thought you were a gamer 71 points what have I got that for 71 tickets probably oh Stars I got 166 points 166 stop flexing oh Sand’s here if you brought something for her well I guess you can’t her birthday was yesterday oh [Music] oops that’s okay she doesn’t like me anyway I’m at Full Hearts with her literally the first day I met her I just said here here’s the here’s the here here’s like 5 lers of [Music] tea heck yeah [Music] burger and it landed on orang did I talk to everyone Maybe you haven’t talked to Louis obviously that is true that I can tell you as well all right fine don’t worry don’t care about any else can’t even pick the trash today holy moly green landed at Orange again cing J sure go for it mud pick something out me I’m getting out the points well I’m losing all the points it landed on orange for the third time [Music] yay yes green ni everything winner winner chicken dinner [Music] no in the middle again maybe should uh Pi orange dny the problem is chances for orange are 25% only 25 what the hell thought would have been more or less 50 but no [Music] it’s basically how it was orange for the fourth time this festival and a third time in a row for me it’s 50/50 so far what the hell well then it’s obviously going to be green now wait did I B Green I forgot I mean as long as you didn’t bet money there is a button to cancel oh yeah well it was two times orange and roll uh how do you get easiest tickets easiest points talk to Louis he already graded our display oh hello congratulations first place th star tokens spend on wisely take your [ __ ] out [Music] again easy Bey first PL [Music] again yeah this time we didn’t even read try specifically let’s just do a th on green cuz three times Orange in a row nah oh [ __ ] no you’re saying that like I didn’t get free time in but I didn’t know what happened to me oh what the hell the fishing game I think the fishing game has a good amount of tickets [Music] now I got these kind of fish holy shle ah sneaky fish a ninja fish that’s what it is that’s a joke right fish ninja fish joke joke Ninja come on what the hell no do we want another rare Crow how many do we have we got like a million what hell even did I catch there 50 points though holy [Music] moly how much is the normal fish if this one was 50 I assum norer this one was 47 points even though I spent like half a second catching this one what the hell if it’s a difficult fish it’s better to just let [Music] go that makes sense I wonder what’s up here since gas is uh below selling burgers oh the animal farm is this time here yeah oh they look so [Music] cute hey Max lamp drones 192 points okay fish C four Perfection bonus 400 528 star tokens okay I’m going to bet them all don’t I will four times Orange in a row no chance 528 oh don’t tell me a green fantastic easy so now it’s going to be green a few times in a row so I’m going to B everything again easy peasy um oh no no any of you still have space in your inventory because there are two stuff objects on display which I can’t take sure I’ll take it what did you even put in here freaking daal and I fidd that okay we get extra five points for including a category okay okay so I put a flower yeah yeah all good I’ll go ask the fortune teller about my future sure I have the money to spend so I’ll spend it that’s how it works that’s how your rule that’s how it works in stardo you have the money you spend it uh I see you in a room having a conversation with a man it’s Kos you seem to be close friends obsidian I’m looking at you Leah in a de room you look serious but not unhappy something important must be happening oh no is she saying that Leah will ask me if we want to have a child soon maybe maybe I don’t know if this now see harvesting a plum ripe melon nope that’s not me I think they’re talking about obsidian now uh wait we’ve taken the salmon Quest okay I about to ask I got a single Su in the fishing we gave but I don’t think it they got heck okay I’m ready to go one more fish was there even anything I still wanted from the tokens the price ticket you get one for a thousand yeah okay but me you also get 24 wild seeds [Music] dude so while we’re waiting for joke fish I’ll go grab a drink I guess sure I’ll have look at the tickets uh thingies now see if there’s even anything I want actually I’m going to be standing here so that you don’t leave while I’m grabbing a drink honestly I don’t care about this at all what the hell am I doing was there anything fun to the north ah animals hello can’t even talk to them animals [Music] rude sheep have remarkable memory capabilities did you know that Max oh lus hello yeah we really should get r uh tonight can get tomorrow in in game day in the in game tomorrow okay exactly Max H fantastic okay well I’m I’m done I guess don’t really need anything here anymore what heck are you well probably a tourist wow that’s the biggest cheese life ever seen very impressive thanks oh Willie didn’t talk to willly yet what the hell [Music] hello okay I’m back hello let’s go I got myself a glass of iced tea and a and some what people might call a comically large teacup of carot soup H Sparkling Ice te or normal normal nice still nice what the hell Abigail you were just at the festival he quick I mean the festival ended that too wait wasn’t Abigail’s birthday or did I do it last week heck I forgot um Abigail’s birthday was in the previous week okay then I what are you doing here checking the calendar okay okay yep her birthday was on the 13th yeah I think I also I’m P the turtle okay fine Alakazam W magic trick I have two mini shipping bins at my house so like I pretty much have it covered when it comes to the shipping bins I mean I’m not selling that much yes she was right she was right the fortune teller was right Who would thought should do we have a baby yes you have to pick a name right then or is it only when the thing is actually born when it’s born okay your gold axes or plants this time in my indoor garden and wait can I put this in the thing magic aquarium probably yes nice can I put anything in there so fish what do you need I just noticed when I last week said surprise me when it comes to buying me sugar jeez you bought 69 I did already forgot about it jeez well I guess it did surprise you didn’t I’m selling sunflowers and the remaining eggplants and I guess planting more sunflowers because harvesting sunflowers gives you more sunflower seeds MH mhm and that’s how the world got filled with sunflowers nobody survived what look the today’s luck for me sure they slack I’m literally right on my house I can check within a sec the spirits feel neutral today the day is on your hands you what you yep it’s not I mean the plan is to go there on a Sunday with a bunch of dates not wait okay so I have two Soul sapper Rings that’s interesting well you got probably got more than one finger I mean I can equip two rings or use the forge to combine two rings together um not sure if you will Max not your R Max is asking if you’re going to neglect your baby just like I am no I want okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 oh yeah I forgot my axe so I can’t request the town upgrade which which means the jish needs to probably upgrade his house first let me possibly he needs to request it there’s a chance it’s that let me catch my fish and then we’ll go look at Robin TimeWise if I go to the sun room now I should finally get the stupid recipe shoot hell hi Pier bye Pierre I’m going to your bedroom what no I’m not that was a joke yes cut scene gut this finally got cut scene this was so infuriating but you got it not counting any recipes the desert Trader has that was quite literally the last nonf friendship related recipe I mean sure to enter you do need friendship but exctly it’s not really friendship related I mean if you get access to that and then drop your relationship with them back to zero you can still just enter and get it uh cannect the seller to your house sure 100 okay holy moly that’s so money I can send you that money that’s fine let me I mean I have one 1.3 million right now so jeez nice I need more magic bait I mean I need literally one Mite crap one flounder and one squid ink and that will let me make high quality obsidian something is buzzing with your M let me try something hey if any of you get squid ink while fighting squid kids in the mines give me I will let you know though I doubt you’ll be going to those mines because we do have a school cover clear yay that’s not Salman why did that sound genuine I’m trying to confuse the game so that it thinks I don’t want Sal disconnected yeah it’s going to give me Salon oh he was going to try something testing testing hello a salmon I got a salmon see it worked I knew it you’re just delusional also but has nothing to do with this this guy’s like the salmon population is out of control but I can barely catch any salmon I think he just hates out of control the other way oh and out of control in control it’s uncontrollably low oh so that’s why I catch him yeah that makes sense or is he going to breed him I mean that’s what we’re doing with other fish I guess I guess so yeah and I mean that’s Demitrius requesting that and his wife is literally Robin so you still uh buzzing it doesn’t annoy me too much but it’s kind of uh there let me try something let me try something gets disconnected again wait let me try something kicks you off yeah I know that works fix it that’s still there occasionally oh another salmon I got two Salmons you jealous I’m doing the the fishing qu Quest H not really understandable I mean what’s there to be jealous about you’ll be doing the work and I’ll be getting the reward yeah that’s true uh all you’re getting is the summon selling money which can’t be that much unless it’s idium quality and your smoke it that’s true but that ain’t much oo a jewels of the SE book sure I need that what’s this an ornamental fan what in the water looking for squid kids might also connect enough stones for some of the staircases even though we’re planning on duplicating plade jeez another chest that’s what he said yes that’s what I said inventory is getting clogged in oh I just noticed today I have the blessing of infinite energy oh but you didn’t make any use of it I mean I am in the mind so I guess I’m using it heavily but I literally just noticed [Music] it sounds like you have like a Tesla Coral in the background there obsidian It Off oh now I’m not catching any so oh Diamond don’t care for that he’s cting diamonds yeah I got more diamonds than salmon actually that’s not true what do I toss away this guy sure so magic b for fish Pierce missing stock list for food and I mean for crops and I guess if not for all the forage required in recipes we could just start working on recipes mhm and I got a crab in the mines oh this damage increase is so good I bet yeah and great I got this what the hell soggy paper I don’t care for that ah it’s a quarry level in divines yikes one time you don’t want that I mean I want the squid kits let’s clean up my inventory well the good news is I got a ton of gold that is good news I have no idea how much we still have left but can always use more a ton we got a ton oh okay but I actually got less than we already had oh well Mor more that’s what she said yes why wouldn’t she great it’s the um the bad heart [Music] I mean good for Monster Slayer but really not when I’m trying to find the squid kid that uh that’s true okay let me sell some stuff and then we can go steep well no squid kit today but I got some mushrooms some amethysts and some emeralds I’m just selling them might as well that’s all my bad not now we need to go to bed I know we want to copy the Jade we can’t right now okay bad we did it okay I’m checking my planting area and is I think only strawberries are ready who give me a gold bar I forgot the crap pot at the beach I was supposed to get them oops okay let’s see this the sapling recipe in my inventory yes it’s here I think I officially have every craftable recipe nice let think of the butterfly what the hell is that there is a prismatic butterfly somewhere ah that one yeah [Music] um I’m going to try some strawberries man we need more dehydrators what do you need for those um I’m among other things we need Fire Quartz ah okay well that’s less easy than uh other stuff uh by the way obsidian yes look at me what if shaking will drop more mytic Harding Frenzy beat there I’m here hello I guess I’m going to the mines again guess I’ll go fishing at nice Helm love it thanks I’m actually going to go leave it at home it’s a good protection when you go in mines it offers zero stats yikes I know why cuz your uh your hat isn’t an important body part I was about to get on that heart I was literally running towards it time to get more horses yeah but Robin is working on your house yeah yeah that’s true hello hello I actually own a horse flood but I do not own a horse that’s the problem does not work M yay green algae one Fire Quartz yay River jelly I’m not using the blessing of the butterfly today oh a strange [Music] one who oh an actual fish um if any of you go to the school Cavs earlier than we planned can you come back with some Cactus fruits from the desert sure I probably won’t go there but if I do sure I mean we should probably all go on I mean we should probably all go this Sunday because with staircases we’d be guaranteed to all reach floor one therefore it be guaranteed treasure floor that being said I just found a squid kit nice give it a good smacking and it didn’t drop what I wanted great just great okay next [Music] floor no squid kit inside but there is a star slime oh the holy Blade the holy blade um it’s a nice golden looking weapon it automatically comes with Crusader H never seen that before got Cactus great I believe I’m literally only missing one for the for the you know what I know give me salmon give me more squid kits I want to copy the squiding and then make myself someone pudding okay this squid kid also didn’t drop ink before the introduction of those fish ponds the only way to get squid ink was by killing squid Kats and now you’re not getting it yeah I mean it’s only uses where seone pudding and a gift for Elliot and to be completely honest that’s still the case Crusader reminds you of what Max but wow this sword is so strong I bet it is how did you get it again I mean my Infinity Blade yeah yeah yeah I picked my Galaxy sword mhm and three Galaxy Souls available from cheese Walnut Room or from the desert Trader but that’s only on the last day of the Season Island and you use the volcano Forge okay I said Island Trader Sor Des it another squid kit good luck and it dropped a bomb out of all things nice salmon no es Sid K want to drop a salmon oh mean wouldn’t surprise me it’s the rate at which the rer is dropping him what do I have need to duplicate some things can you help me yeah let me catch one more fish and I’ll head back yes um have a gift for Abigail from the mines is an amethyst no oh he going to eat it is the bomb no okay good that one is for you and I’ll place it inside your house thank you that way nothing important will explode mhm except the bump oo wow I’m getting secret notes here like crazy I’m at the home what do you need to copy this bowling ball yes that’s a coconut um the golden coconut yeah that’s what I said because I believe I left 10 normal ones at home you know for the obisque mhm no idea how many do you need you need like more 4 more 14 sure uh a spiral floor at least this one has a ladder early on oops I tried to oper I didn’t even Mo move my mouse that’s so weird did you move nothing thank you I’ll just oh oops did you disappear now and I dropped the quid ink yay finally good job and now you’re going to tell us you need like seven H with going to copy don’t worry oh okay I was going to say jeez this sells for 900 Mony my next two ingredients are the midnight carp and the flounder I’m not going to check at what time what season I can catch those because I got 40 pieces of magic bait that’s magical oh yeah that that makes sense Max that makes sense okay and this is the gift for abigo what the hell is that it’s neic monster compendium ah I mean this book is her loved gift I bet yeah and combat quarterly is her liked gift hey Abigail I got a book for [Music] you and that kicked her up to eight hearts which means I no longer need to talk to her nice good great I don’t need to talk to either Robos or Abigail which means I’m done with the farm fish a lot more money um can we copy this sure I don’t know what that is but sure I mean I just want one for for the future so that we have one to copy one to make myself the of the seone pudding and one for each of us to sell okay I think for now that’s enough yeah I’m going to leave it here we should set a CH just chest here take these two share I want you to share you just pick I gave I gave Dogfish both yeah you can just pick a bunch um I gave you two for the purposes so that one of you could sell it how many do you have now three of them Place one back I also have three I’m selling one and I’m yeah I’m here can’t going there wait a second start it please not that quick but how did that fortune teller know was it’s uh the game yes kind of suspicious though she was like what I just told you isn’t guaranteed the future still can be changed literally the night she said that what she said would happen did happen at least it would have been of course the part about me talking to Kos is a lie let’s go would have been a little more suspicious if the fortune teller was male and then uh yeah uh your wife’s going to get pregnant uh haha it’s my fortune ping that I would not have trust what do I want to we today today it’s hot pepper squash and green bean I think those three are aligned time wise that they’re going to be ready on the same day Evelyn sent me a bread bugged I will burn my bread what is she for real or is that supposed to be like this Pam is asking for a battery pack but like two days ago she sent me a battery pack yeah that’s common okay that’s common for that to happen trust me fastic people are joking that P is giving you a battery pack and then wants it back or that she’s using it as a pickup line I mean in Polish there’s a term called PFF basically you [Music] throw uh wait I’ll need to Google what it’s called Google to Google Translate help me it’s called a chestnut okay soana basically you throw a chestnut under someone’s feet you walk up to them and ask hey is that your Chestnut MH mhm directly translates as a chestnut pickup line I guess so kashana is chestnut um it’s one of the forms of that word specifically kashan to is test M CU in Dutch it’s castan so that sounds very in Portugues c ah okay so I guess uh Oban look at this holy sword I know it holy sword heck off I’m trying to craft here I’m trying to a quick stack and boom I placed all my ORS yep blessing of waters the first Fish Hook today will be easier okay so I’m going to try and get myself the midnight carb because I have magic bait so I don’t care about the hour in Italian s a cast Okay so that word is probably uh similar for all the wait I’ll check the traving card because I’m here based languages uh more salmon here we go only the Retro catalog no other type of catalog but there is a notless shell and I don’t have that one shipped so I could buy it and sell it it’s not worth it MoneyWise but at least it will count as item shipped M I grabbed it I grabbed it okay grabbed it grab it B say you say grab like you say Tri Tri grab grab yeah M uper well I the problem with fishing with magic bait is that you literally get every fish you can hook at this location H regardless of time or season the positive is there is a very specific location you can get submarine fish without the submarine ooh okay I got the midnight carp aren’t all fish submarine uh that would be blobfish midnight squid and uh what was the third one called I know it was you know what I can just check in game it was called spook fish Spooky Fish of course oh oo now to get a flounder [Music] come on fish they in the hook I’m going to get the flounder yeah KN it what even is this a tiger trout why is a tiger TR so difficult actually I’m going to be fishing for that flounder where you can can also catch the submarine fish and of course JoJo Cola hadn’t had that one yet octopus [Music] flounder then I need one more the infinity gavel you really just went there Howell’s that um it’s the same as the Infinity Blade but instead of Galaxy sword they use the Galaxy Hammer that makes sense I suppose to get the Galaxy Hammer you just buy it at The Adventurous guil after obtaining the Galaxy sword jeez must be expensive I mean hammers are generally considered op what do they do like a attacks or something everything hit is an AOE attack which generates a shock wave ah nice and here’s the trick the more you spam the left Mouse button the more hits it deals nice so generally the infinity gavel is the best weapon in the entire game we have anybody sh yes um I don’t know if I should ask you to copy for me one flounder and one midnight carb or to copy the ready dish but I definitely want more of the dishes and well I mean you’re going to need to cook that too I guess so follow me Obsidian takes the horse and rides off ignoring me see you let you let’s move this radish here only need one more of those so okay thank you and I I need a few of those thank you you can keep the remaining one finally freaking salmon and now using cheese next using cheese seasoning Squid Ink midnight carp and a flounder I make gold quality seafoam pudding it boosts fishing by five levels boom that sounds pretty sick can get Theus crus I know but let’s copy this this fish didn’t even move okay that’s enough yeah I’m going wait if you want me to get thei cros can I get the horse I’m going to get it myself I grabbed the horse and I’m going there come on give me one more salmon he L hey person that is not salmon God damn it oh give me salmon give me some that salmon no uh chest oh you hooked the fish no I hooked the chest I was talking to obsidian um I don’t think we can get more than one iridum Kos per person yes I’ve seen it before copper yay so I’m going to use my magic bait and my quality bber and and I’m going to go to the glacier fish go I’m going to go home cuz the fish ain’t biing I mean the fish are Biden salmon Biden I believe this slot was the glacier fish spot obsidian am I correct this is the glacier fish spot little so this spot coconut in a trash that’s not the glacier fish but I’ll catch it because not exactly bad trash day today that was a catfish special every two seconds look you got acrobat on that right oh back job acrobatic fishing rod yes Glacier fish fish look I what the hell look look at this fish what that creepy fish um obsidian want to copy it it is an idium quality Glacier fish was it worth it’s worth 3K so after uh smoking it would be worth let me go 6K wow very nice actually okay thank you I got all I needed gu like 5 me away from his house and teleports anyway your house was closer would you prefer I wanted no although I did set up a bat for you guys here so maybe uh yeah you’re you’re well welcome here I keep forgetting to change the J box now can we duplicate more star drop te I just want to be friend Leo at this point sure 49 days I mean Leo’s gifts are not that easy to get I mean he definitely likes dark feathers because it’s need to go to bed was me of course of course I mean the chat never showed Alice has made it to bed which means Alice didn’t enter the bed at all this entire day it’s the 20th I slapped with green algae in my hand honey you’re worth more to me than a chest full of quartz thank you Abigail H that supposed to me chest full of amethyst H i’ have to think about that one wow so rude I mean she’s goinging you a snack sure oh no obsidian get back here C okay hello I’m going to take one piece of coal and this cppy Glacier fish will meet its Doom oh that being said I got the perfect ice rod which shoulds an orb of ice every 3 seconds freezing enemies in its path for 4 seconds nice who freaking IR our little M thingy um if you want you can get today’s uh statue of Fortune reward in my house I’m just going to wow this is full yes it is feel free to sell some stuff I just keep dumping stuff in it but it was already full before I started doing that just so you know it’s not all me still need salmon uh is tomorrow the last day for the salmon yes tomorrow is the last day jeez need four more salmon took me like a week to get that the um what fish do we not need from this chest no idea just take them and place them out on a freezer on a fridge you know um wait wait this tra B it’s almost empty when it comes to durability and on Ginger Island we do have the constructors we’re going to get our bar back nice some please also Ginger Island summer squash was ready but I no longer need need it so if you want to replace it with something it’s fair game and slowly replacing with pineapples pineapples hello horse um I just noticed our cheese Prismatic range also only has two days and we’ve only filled out green yeah I have not done anything for that I mean obsidian still has a bunch of carrots I mean that’s what he was planting them for haven’t you placed them on the day we didn’t save um man I really don’t have any blueberries or did I place them in one of the chests here elmon please well there are no blueberries here that’s not salmon did you just get Helm there yes nice uh I’m taking as much colorful stuff as I can mhm who jump be fish don’t like those h that’s salmon I do like those um the red that’s enough red I did not Max I did think about it today but I didn’t have the time we’ll turn on the game tomorrow I think yellow yellow what do we have that is yellow the boat is from the shark we can just let it float while I do other stuff we still have a ton of wheat yes that’s kind of the seeds we seeds also in the in the island the seeds in the island one more salmon go seeds count yes that yellow then I’ll use some the all the strawberry seeds I bought and didn’t need to buy a thread because it’s easier um that being said purple what do we have that is purple abill EG plant seeds we only have three of those amphibian fossil oh you would have to download uh mod well you don’t have to Max as long as you don’t use the chests because with the stacking mod you don’t have it void Essence count doesn’t really work wait sap that obviously counts as yellow I would imagine yeah so we have red yellow the carrots should still be in a chest on Ginger Island I believe which is this orange we’ve already given green blue and purple that’s what we’re missing blue and purple I have purple you have purple give me thank you now what is blue because I can’t find any blueberries that’s the problem we just give like a bucket of water no he the carrots thank you I mean georia Cola could count but yeah need 100 of them then some please that sounds I mean I have some H yeah we’re struggling with yellow here I mean blue we’re struggling with blue mhm okay so with our wait I have a plan for blue it’s really funny plan but I have a plan P Artisan the smoked irum quality Glacier fish cost 8,400 wow now let’s compare this with iridum quality star fruit wine and yep the glacier fish is more expensive nice I have blue I have blue what is it where are you I’m still at the farm I’m going to you blue ah are you insane what is it a lot of them at least fine but I’m doing this begrudgingly what is it ancient fruits what do you think nice I could easily just sell those and buy blueberry seeds with them and it’ be cheaper yeah well go for it tomorrow Pi Pierce is closed so I’m going to do that tomorrow yeah but I will deliver the rest of the colors today cover it one more salmon please um oh wait tomorrow is the school Cavern day I mean as long long as we have the the Jes then I guess it’s fine them already oh wait seeds don’t count don’t they don’t heck so I don’t have Reds or purples on me and I harvested or sold all my cranberries I mean I still have some but that’s barely any we can clone be I me combined with lava IL R I do have enough but our main issue is the purple yeah just go for Amit this if that works and then clone them wait obsidian yeah I I know I have on my hand let me see if this one counts um I have there was 93 speed gr at home we need the normal one yes we have 93 of the normal one at home just make the the last the the few that we need wait I’ll check one of the chests which I just dumped stuff in and obsidian we do need to copy too going going so cranberries ancient fruits lava ow to finish it off and some of this speed gra okay I have 100 okay no more Salon today I’ll try again tomorrow Terra name sounds familiar let me have a look if can you get quickly to the island and then use the hor float please I’m delivering thank you I’ve seen it being played yet tanil it’s kind of fun not sure how long it stays fun though thanks have you seen the dungeon clawler videos I made Max no are you also Max I didn’t know nah but I haven’t seen them that’s why I didn’t ask you wait we can’t donate those either no that’s a problem then wait how much iridium do we have at home um ores 17 or 32 bars uh we need a ton of those a ton copy the bars tomorrow and probably we should instead copy amethyst sure I mean w I wasn’t bad latest we still don’t have the Obelisk though I could quickly go to the wizard and grab it I guess I mean if you get me the ingredients real quick what do you need for it uh I mean I do need Cactus fruits and I left some coconuts somewhere I okay okay I’m at my house planting area because today was Harvest of cranberries broccoli today EG Point Harvest for you I have a full inventory good job I just need coconut yeah I needed some [Music] coconuts I’ll put the nut shell because I did get it to sell it no idea where the Coconuts are it should be in one of my chests I believe oh you’re hoarding all the Coconuts I mean it’s only [Music] them thank you yeah I think they may have a demo did they have a demo where you don’t haveo still at home no I I’m fish let’s duplicated this are the two of you to duplicate the mest ridium or for some reason I don’t know if ridium or works also today is Robin’s birthday well I know where she is already didn’t remove the downlo that’s a shame I’m sure it’s still findable somewhere yeah those um dungeon clawler videos people are watching them like crazy I don’t know why I mean it is a fun game but dang by the way my because it’s a bir day my statue of endless Fortune has given me spaghetti spaghetti nice oh and we do need to sell some juice so let’s just put a vegetable in a cake and call it a day sure uh okay so I’m going to the Wizards to get the Obelisk it probably won’t help us today but it will help us in the future Max got triggered when he said spaghetti five um I do have it in my inventory so one two the draing card has something interesting so I do Shenanigans you’re doing Shenanigans you always are my ts are open open for business well I didn’t bring the idium bars I need I need 20 of them okay why you I’m bringing it okay obsidian’s going to bring it oh he’s already back nope he for haana but you did bring laptop right did you already install I mean we do have the Jade right 100 J probably we have it on the test did you already installed the on your laptop oh ameth how many do we have of those I’m sure it’s can handle a good do I think I have no I’m I’m placing them here we duplicate it you’re already placing them thank you obsidian go to the Obelisk which I’ve already placed before [Music] Island um where are you dog fish where are you uh wherever you want me to be I was going to fish with last salmon was today’s last day um I wanted you to see me placing the last Obelisk but yeah never never mind I’m just play here it is Vine here nice uh actually tried but the internet crashed oh okay well you have internet there by the way cuz if you do then you can always check for tutorials for remaining items check the documentation stuff and communicate with me so I can help if needed all the items I don’t need is Robin still working on your house or not I think so yeah I mean I don’t see her oh then she might be done or she’s just being lazy I’m just going to dump all the stuff I don’t need on me in here oh yeah salmon heck yeah knil it I’m only bringing the the Iridium pickaxe Infinity Blade and return scepter with me okay okay obsidian let’s go the Jade yeah the Jade pick the Jade I got 69 of them we need more yes let’s go get more really quick yeah I mean we do have the Obelisk so as long as we do get there before midnight it’s good anything I can help with we need 40 40 that’s nice Max but you don’t have to be there on every single one have no idea how your connection will handle it but uh yeah you there and uh why I’m still tacking the trash what else am I supposed to do check up on my baby are you mad yeah already take it let’s go to the it’s literally right here next to the other aisk okay wait a second okay you do you I’m going to start the progress I guess oh a school Cav version of the squid kid well I don’t think I will ever be streaming alone because there’s always going to be a bot watching oh you already here yes accidentally don’t leave I’ll be right back I’m going down already I don’t care if you’re going down I’m asking you to not leave the caverns J Fish come with us I’m right here wait do I need to come to the car as well yes yes oh I need to get the all fine fine I mean you don’t need to for the quest to count but we want you to get the reward for FL 100 that makes sense almost there ah the hell was that giant ass jeez scary hello yay 10 bombs fantastic I’m gaining on you guys hell freaking sunglasses ow ow ow ow I saw the redage number which means I’m probably gaining on you I’m going to die oh no no move do fish I’m not going to die okay I’m fine why the cookies do [Applause] hey I have Crusader let me momies I mean me and jfish have Crusader oh do I also have crus I knew that yeah totally jeez did you just hit for 562 there holy moly down down down down baby going to watch the streams to see if I’m going to give the baby attention um yeah two how many do St sorry I went ahead and killed some mommies while I was at it I’m pretty behind you I mean the clo drops are great I bet yeah oh momies ah6 this is so scary you’re at 66 I’m at 55 and still going down no 62 63 69 hello oh nice hat gear it’s a turban I got it from the chest which you got bombs from Wow y warp totem forms another turb I yes to the stupid ass wait wait obsidian take this can you resurrect me thanks I got a white turban do I just need to walk back again yeah you do wow so rude is it just me or is are these dangerous Cav actually really low items lost white Turan what I just got that I mean I guess it makes sense I mean I you could pay to get it back is that so how do you do that um but you can you can only pay to get one of the items you lost mhm yeah obsidian wait I see a pepper XX I’m going to kill it well uh I’m not going to come back cuz there no point won’t have enough time and just going down I’m going I’m going I have a return scepter unlike you five you’re not going to make it four three two oh this is a prehistoric floor sorry I need to check this floor first nice because there’s a bunch of pepper xes and they are pretty much one of the rarer enemies down here I got a single G Jam drop from a bat we got no radiation um come on that just said we got the radiation today I mean we unlocked it we could go on a better luck day see clearly was not lucky for me it sucks being the server the enemies always attack me first oh turns out I didn’t even get the level 100 of the school coverance Quest meaning I need to go back I need to return to the school Caverns again yikes obsidian yes we still have enough dates right have seven we could copy and do it again but we would need yeah later I mean we need that radioactive or more than anything right now wait trying to go down deeper and deeper to see if I can find it I and I pass out I just got ah by the way jfish my IND Garden already has hops producing and those produce every single day oh yeah I mean if you put those in a cake you get a pale ale something I believe P Al is asking for oh yeah today’s new Quest today yeah today’s new Quest day mhm key wait my uh iridium Scythe is in one of the chests I remember sent me some wood okay I know in which chest it is okay it’s moving Max it’s moving that means it’s still alive okay oh got a basement congratulations what now you have somewhere to start the kits oh yeah okay wait that means I can do even more house upgrades still antic the only remaining ones are the you know the ones which made my house even bigger yeah uh did you want to do anything else with Robins Al I’ll just get the next one thatly has removed the ancient Magi seed of protection in the school Cavern tonight more powerful monsters will ascend from the deep this means that tomorrow the mines will be the same as they were yet yesterday oh go to the island that’s literally it and we’re using it to get you know more radioactive or radioactive um um I’m going to finish harvesting in my indoor garden because today is once again pepper day and summer squash day and green bean day but it is also grape day grape day why is just the inside of the house getting bigger not the outside yeah that’s a very good question well I mean if you want an actual answer then I imagine you do know if you want an actual answer then compare my house size to choke fishes actual answer would be that they can’t just go ahead and increase the size of the outside cuz they have no idea what’s going to be play what is already placed what are the quest danger in the Deep danger in the Deep yes why is that so good that’s the same as the as what we did in the school covers but in the normal mines okay that’s easy let’s go jish the M’s already oh my way wait I forgot something wait wait wait need go back yeah you need to go back you need a million ladders do you not want to do L you need to leave behind any stuff we don’t need I mean I’m in the process of green beans strawberries Etc it just so happened that to they green bean strawberry and grape all aligned ah let’s go to the m yes yes I’ll follow you soon I’m just still selling stuff it oh by the way the elevator isn’t working right now supposed to make sense did it now e did now I mean when you beat the first five levels it will work again I mean the first five levels ah I got some wait yes I do have some bombs ah what you blowing me up what do I do I also have some bombs wait for me please no I’m we on the second L already um let go here I’ll just put this summer squash here I have some trash to put into thees yeah they were also in the they speed it pass a bit more quick than we do here ow what is this is this copper yeah he I’m going wait we’re going to level five already and you get the elevator down man it’s been a while since all of us were in the mines hasn’t it mhing explosions over jeez come here look look at this what the hell is that told him one of us should really just yes I was going to say something but then obsidian said come here and I lost my train of part down oh one of us should have bug kill her on our weapon instead I Crader is only really useful in the score Cav but killer is useful in both places on top of each other ow they they go fly around yeah by the way once we get to the lower levels we should probably bring some ginger with us I’m a ginger I have Bisk and I have the the fairy ow Miss oh B an shell got it I got it I also got it we duplicate nice pretty strong bombs only for like two damage easy peasy I mean we do have the book which reduces bomb damage by 25% no no I’m just Superman didn’t read a book it’s down here can’t read Superman kills Joker give me what I can’t believe it I still haven’t opened the level 10 chest I just got the boots you see this is funny in compar did I just get a decorative ball I don’t want that beautiful uh infected flow there’s no mining to be done here just fighting fight fight fight I mean it’s it counts as killing slimes at the very least yeah I already have that though I don’t okay fine I’ll let you kill him um that’s Emerald not radioactive I mean I don’t I don’t know for sure the the could be radioactive yeah we can duplicate it I do have Som yeah okay but we do need to beat this mhm we get level 100 uh the normal mines have 120 but the elevator of works like probably need it for the quest I mean I need to reach level 100 of the school Cavs again ah okay already I’m level 15 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah 16 down down right 16 what the hell is that for squid that’s a squid kid yeah it’s one of the monsters unique to The Dangerous Minds they got their names wrong um huh how rare is the freaking uh Radioactive ore very rare cuz we got a bunch of the start but not afterwards anymore it should be more common the deeper you go but it’s also dependent on daily L ah there we go my luck is [ __ ] oh I got squiding squiding I think those squids share their drops with Squid kits that could well be a bullet frenzy has begin Flo 20 420 or 420 Flor by the way the first floors of the danger School cabin as you can see are the sea floors ah okay yes I I got the doggy Fight Quest some more radioactive or I saw it you got some more got nine now but yeah I guess we can aam’s Bounty what a freaking meal nice oh I see more I want to mine that one and OBS exploded it uh hypers speed grow um give me the percentage the hypers speed gr gives ni 33 no 33 33 33 Okay so if we put that one into the Constructor we should get some um more radioactive orb I believe everything exploding I haven’t even used my bombs yet even I got some bombs oh my God that thing popped his head out and boom wh thing let’s try reaching floor 30 that should be Dart well there it is oh as long as one of us reached it we can just go home I guess yes go home I didn’t get any I didn’t get any I got nine ores please give me yours we need five more to use the heavy can we not close or we could or we I mean we can but let’s finish the danger Minds first excuse me that’s my bad excuse me that’s my wife sorry it was too far uh use the extra bad yes I forgot Max I just heard that this week is going to be 31 degrees here holy moly but you see uh the title matched what your cranberries cranberries nice uh if his are ready then probably so are mine oh yes inventory space that’s the thing thunderstorm for two days not sure what i r around and my corn is also ready great they will dance around the chests thanks for another shell me 35 and 50 what kind of difference is that hey have any of you salt raisins yet I don’t think so why do I hear manual harvesting cuz it’s me I don’t have the thingy site yet the gum site do have it I don’t didn’t go get it you can get where heck is it on the the room you know the the Mastery room oh down in the forest I’m going to the mines I’m too going to the I forgot my I got some bombs candy let’s go back I have some candy come back um Candy Candy go ahead go ahead I bring the candy yeah okay okay I’ll go ahead you bring it you bring the candy you take the horse bring the candy don’t feed it to the horse and also don’t feed the horse to the candy how would that work I don’t know but don’t do it jeez dark in air yeah ah get out of here I still don’t have the Iridium band but I’m going to get it soon from drop from um a drop here have candies um wait I’ll make sure it’s safe while we’re collecting them I still didn’t get one okay thank you 51 that’s just insane how is that illegal I mean I guess nature doesn’t care by the way I have the blessing of energy so leave any mining to me unless of course obsidian decides to blow it up he’s just blowing it all up he doesn’t care about the safety what the [Laughter] hell weap oh fantastic I’ll be back he’s like leave the mining to me and he head home I got the the 35 elevated H was thaty 35 he said I got a key Jem oh a key gem nice first one ever and we have like 600 or whatever I mean I do have a ton of them too you imagine going to school in a temperature yeah what the hell iridium needle uh that’s I guess a good dagger not as good not as good as in wait yeah that I believe deals more damage to slimes I would imagine yes give a try that’s not slimes I mean when we see slimes okay so this one instead of rock crabs we have stick bus ah fantastic get stickbugged man I feel bad for getting them a slime on these floors of the M it’s very preferable to actually have an axe so yeah good luck with that that has SC the local population yes Aron feels a little safer not me oh there’s the actual trees here like can you smack them yes yes nice hardwood they give hardwood insane yes those are mahogany trees nice the same ones are on island oh which ones Jee bug meat Galore by the way those jumping mushrooms are the dust Sprites which can drop call H where’s the lad yeah where is the ladder here found it first ni mag did I see a coffee bean that was a coffee bean what the hell is that oh got the staircase no they got obsidian got that staircase from one of those PS still lazy stairs yes another key gem now my amount of key gems is even oh he can pick that up it’s been a good few months since I’ve been to the dangerous mines I’ve uh never been here jish defe the frost and Marlin is very pleased this means you got the bat bazilian bats this should give you the vampire ring I believe ound good I mean it’s the HP equivalent of my soul sapper which I’m not wearing because of the blessing of energy yeah now here hey I was ahead of you I don’t think that works see went okay back back well oh there’s a large amount of spiders I have to be spiders yeah did also some [Applause] damage so this stream we got both dangerous mine quests which means it’s definitely fitting the title got a full on radioactive bar one the spiders oh that’s so nice nice spiders I didn’t even notice it was an infected floor I was just hitting them oh here’s the port ghost that’s the P ghost if it beles on you it can inflict a debuff which makes you incapable of eating anything besides Ginger based product oh okay and the ginger I mean it’s nausea and that old lady d say that Ginger helps with nausea so nice I mean it doesn’t always inflict it but man it’s been a while since I felt this safe in the dangerous mind and I’ve been smacking for quite a while this area is ah so many spiders you know what I meant by there’s so many spiders jeez yeah it’s de by the way infected area with infested means we need to defeat all of them mhm it’s the bunch I mean it’s an infested floor of the dangerous mines what did you expect yeah true doesn’t oil of garlic prevent infested birs weon has appeared it’s funny we’re at the spiral floor it’s not fun takes ages yeah but spiral okay let’s go further in we’re doing great yeah I’m making great time doing a lot of 10 20 or so here okay I’m going here I wonder what kind of enemies those count as I mean I know those mushrooms count as dust Sprites but what do other enemies count as I mean p ghost are very obviously ghosts squid are squid kids I mean there’s no other enemies that jump like this are there here yes yeah just yeah but then again the was that Ro crab got replaced with the stick bag yeah but they kind of move the same don’t they yeah but the stick bag you need to hit with an yeah but I still haven’t touched the candy we’re at floor 68 one more more was inflicted with NAA good thing I have the fairy because I literally haven’t touched any food inside these covers yet so FL forever oh no minutes oh wait now I stop actually hurts here stairs yes uh we need to go nice wait do I have I have enough top to let’s go home everyone thank yeah so we’ve cleared 40 floors nice morning on the first day yep I made it to my bed congratulations MH MH are you sure it’s yours I didn’t spot him in my room so I haven’t in my room either oh yeah money uh what was required to get your own horse how much how much 100 oh today is George’s birthday and thank you Leah for the leak I got a cookie leak uh okay my indoor planting area today is Cactus and pineapple day cacti and pineapple pretty tropical if I do say so myself right mushroom thanks ah nothing beats emptying out my inventory yes wait do we have enough to craft me and idium band and the is yes I can finally unequip that glowstone ring finally okay today’s blessing blessing of thans increase Critical Strike CH thanks it’s good I’m going to no I don’t let’s go to going to the m um I’m looking for my iridium five do I already have all the secret notes oh um oh I do yeah want okay I got my iridium scye I’ll just harvest my cacti and pineapples a jfish do you want to see me do you want to see how ready Coti looks sure while I’m here anyway I mean every day is Hop’s day if you want you can Harvest that so this is pineapples oh nice um whatever you got you can keep and this cakti with a hat looks like they were wearing a hat and this is hops mhm mhm nice maybe one day I’ll have some as well um sure wait I’m supposed to talk to Rob and get the next thing started before uh we waste like a million days n i mean she’s there will be something called Community Renovations I’ll have a look to see what she says and we can head back to the mines and get to 100 maybe I mean she’s going to ask for some materials and it will be used to build pal a house a that’s nice already what floor are you did you say oh I can do the community upgrade yeah um 950 wood and 500,000 uh how much money I think we should what did you say 500k 500 okay I think we should all give some that’s fine we’ll basically have endless money anyway so uh uh 75 jeez you’re quick that one Dr the Prismatic Shard yes whoa I was petrified I didn’t even know that status effect existed I couldn’t move my speed was equal to zero hell did you get for sword what the hell this like a nerd skeleton bone fragment yeah that’s what I meant Ruby Ruby Ruby okay we’re down to the fire floors fire up up Scroll number three thanks I’m having real luck with staircases yeah you should like this was the first I got I got a frog nice oh shadow person Archer watch out everyone what the hell look I got this one oh no I got in of Darkness oh different colors nice oh my screen they both look yellow what what kind of screen do you have you got a both get smacked wait last time you left the last Stone behind it turned out to be that H the cool slimes again ow stairs okay does anyone want that crap no I got it a joke fish picked up okay jeez that’s a lot gold what the hell are you um I think that was another rock crap but in the dangerous mines it actually takes the form of a piece of or instead of a rock we’re just going to the end Max to the end get the month elevators levels back I guess um I mean we can reenable this too is there a stone lying here that I can’t pick up there a rock I’m still on this floor killing monsters I mean Monster Slayer goal that’s also a goal towards Perfection mhm better haven’t seen a radioactive ore in a while oh look it’s another dangerous skate kit there’s three of them what what the what the r here indeed oo that was close say well at full HP for the okay okay I went to kill some slimes ah Mega debuff and my amount of key CH is OD again o please somebody talk to me hello why are you so SC help talk to me no heck F stupid um wait fish have this thanks I really don’t care about debuffs you I got a galaxo nice it’s not like I got us like 27 yes ladder two wait which side were you I don’t know far away should have stuck with us okay oxus and a [Music] letter I heard the sound of a ladder down left B left great I went ight yeah that’s your problem you don’t have faith in me and I don’t know I was ahead of you it’s you who didn’t have faith with me and rightfully so St left letter walked right B I’m still doing monsters also here some car another monster I mean today we can take it easy but technically we’ve cleared like 30 floors already which is equal to our first day and we still have time so L okay time I take that ladder at least we should have plenty of stone after this yep oh the spiral floor yeah it’s not really good I do see the ladder from here but I do have to walk in yeah I can’t it’s less a skill issue and more a gameplay issue exactly skill issue game play M can’t blame this on the game it’s a possible to jump over a wall in this game yeah with that attitude yeah see already Lev uh infested great I mean it’s really good for Monster Slayer but the really tiny one yeah but overall those kinds of floors all always on the lower side true this is a floor where I just cannot find a b ladder ow get letter uh in my inventory is full of clothes what I got a bunch of t-shirts this run where one of them it was actually me that you ah test just throw it back to him I don’t have any space Also oh I mean I do have the return scepter but ah of me yeah because we’ve been working on this two I can hear myself hello okay this bomb did nothing but I do say a freebie ladder lad no ladder okay this is the final floor of the day sure smart which would mean another 40 if we do clear it that this mhm it’s getting dangerously close I mean I do have the return return SE there yeah you guys l l okay as long as one of us goes through it I can go home I’ve been through it have me too not going to make it I uh obsidian do you have a fairy I mean I’m asking in general not if you have it equipped no I don’t have it in oh so [Laughter] close I was in in J Fish House yep I saw it I was own looking at you okay um I did get a fairy box and it was a higher level Ferry than my current one which means I’m offering a level four fairy wow I think I have level two we have juice ready I got level two Fairy Oh my juice ready yes toop left I’ll quick stack and [Music] boom then one to I’ll go pick my juice kind of juice some for me I only picked one because you said pick one yes I’ve got some crab but that’s for crab cakes today I’m actually going to the beach because the entire day today I mean IRL day I was supposed to go to the beach to check on the crap pots and I still haven’t and the point is I need the crap pot fish crapt fish for my fish collection decorative Bowl nice jfish yes have you paid for the pal house yet or no I need the wood I can do it now if we have the wood um I believe we have a lot of wood at home yes we do wait we haven’t checked the Big B uh come here come here come here now we need to kill bats we need to kill bats this should be easy this should be easy we only have to kill bats why who placed those trees here not me a is blocked I SM are going to the C again the the mind sure and okay now I only need the snail and the per wrinkle which are freshwater fish so I’ll grab three of the crap pots and all of them all of them get all of them yes okay I only need the snail and the per wrinkle and considering what kind of fish they are builds a full house in three days that’s pretty insane I mean she does a house upgrade for you in that amount of time yeah but a full house in general in general all this stuff she does it takes her three days that’s pretty bro lus where the heck did you go whatever no copies for you I don’t think lios would want cies oh fine um 50 bats e if I’m y yeah if I’m going to the mines I’m going to the higher floors not the lower ones to make progress because of the Bots and the ghosts because that’s what we need mhm to B already good job I mean it was either that or Robin’s resource rash and I thought this would be easier what the hell you’re not a diamond sneaky sneaky fishing hat heck yeah okay and this is it for this year’s sunflower Harvest I mean more sunflower won’t grow in time unless I plant them on Ginger Island I’m going to keep one sunflower in case of copying purposes because we can get oil from that I haven’t found a single bat yet but I guess I’m bit too of them with the cover with the covers how they are right now I’d say I recommend checking the floors between 40 and 80 fine I’ll do something useful oh no should have finished that uh yeah let’s go to 115 first hey bad nice boom they are bad I I’m sorry obsidian that you’re doing those alone he said he was here almost no uh I’m at 115 I’ll take the elevator ready where are you Flor 117 117 Yes W okay pretty close to finish where’d you get there I’m going in search of bats and ghosts because those are my request I mean the wizard asked me to also kill two ghosts silly wizard ghosts are already dead that’s what I told him but he told me skill issue well he’s right but is that the skill issue for the ghosts then when are you from me that I can’t kill a ghost 117 18 yeah I think we are different points I should check the monster Slayer go after today yeah curious to see what I have hello drop the guy straight in half holy moly that ow I trying to blow that b up or what found it found it yes good job if you blow up the entire mines yes it will have a letter coffee I don’t need coffee but thanks F we that’s ghost number one fish hat from a single ghost I got a fish hat go back what the hell is it oh and we finished the danger in the Deep great yes a note from Mr disabled the shrine come back tomorrow L what a troll uh that will let us reenable the dangerous mines they will return to normal tomorrow so the day after they’ll be ready okay they the day after we’ll they’ll be ready if we re enable Okay that’s the second ghost which means tomorrow I can just give the wizard a report 27 more B 26 more B 25 more bats jeez sorry that was me inreasing as we speak another CH Jam it’s even again I told you where to look for BS the best and I went there myself you find any I mean I’m pretty sure a majority of those were from me could be I killed like three maybe 10 and this floor no longer has enemies which means I have to mine okay next floor what the hell Robin you’re supposed to work on Pam’s house she’s going starting tomorrow oh fine I do want I am at 42 and I found a bat I’m at currently at 56 the bat Dropped a Bomb for me dangerous bat here oh this little mushroom was stuck in a cobweb I’ve never seen this get the little mushroom ooh could be bad magic quiver I don’t have space in my inventory because of because of that stupid and this is the mermaid show solution because of cars but yeah I did did get coffee beans in the mines nice I mean I already have coffee plants in my indoor garden bad I think there are no bats on this floor but yeah there is the ladder is nowhere to be seen and as soon as I say that there’s the ladder and another monster compendium now what to get rid of I don’t need the coffee beans I have already have them here’s a bat nice nice and a spiral floor just seven more bats a spiral this Quest today so yeah not that bad but do we need to hand it in in a few few days so doesn’t really matter when you pick it up or do you always get a week you always get until the end of the week until a specific day yeah with a quest like this it’s up to a week it ends on a Sunday did I really just get that mummified frog right here maybe it is dark here but I hear a bat just do random bad noises that’s rude oh I see two more bats there is no bad here there was a lie bad Screech was a lie all the sounds are shared in the minds and you heard my to B oh here’s a b that’s true I mean oh can I kill it before Oh it I killed it g j okay okay but I finally those shs I’m out of here oh wait today was grape Harvest day and other stuff oh heck har I think my oh yes yes that actually absolutely do not have to space for that I’m at least harvesting those they’ll stay on the floor and I’ll pick them up tomorrow yeah well I need to manually Harvest I’ll do a bit I guess oh well I mean I’m harvesting in my indoor garden oh please your indoors then so slow wow obsidian here right next to theing me and I’m right and I’m in bed before him next to the green house that is uh my purple my site yeah too late now too late now to B just going to pass out see if I can get perhaps I should mention that they were ready a few days before almost gotes yeah it could be wow I’m the only one who didn’t I did on purpose tried to get all the Cranberries doesn’t even matter if I get them all cuz it’s the end of the mon cheaper out of season seat or is out of season sunflower seeds cheaper or is buying oil from Pierre cheaper no idea uh wait is today or tomorrow Spirits Eve no idea tomorrow I think I think so too but I’m asking because I got a letter from Louis and I was I I didn’t read it I mean who does that reading letters from LS considerate spam you get me to spam straight to spam without DS tomorrow’s Festival yes um wait does jackfish do you need a gift for your wife sure if you don’t want to give it I mean I’m at eight hearts with her so I don’t need to oh I shouldn’t need it either but yeah might as well um wow that’s a creepy looking book I love it Flip Flip o it’s full of monsters I have to study this before going into the caves thanks woman you’re never going to go in caves too dangerous she does go there once during one of her events and afterwards you can spot her on rainy days on level 20 I believe really wow that’s pretty cool oh no my baby’s in the aquarium never mind don’t look like that BL G ooh that cat gave me two bad Wings help me with this please what oh um hey can we copy a bunch of start drop te I just want to go on a gifting spree no enough thank you doing the RM right now wait not the rum the radioactive um can we copy this I want stuff some stuff I mean we do need to ship one piece of radioactive ore and one radioactive bar there still one water here let’s go duplicate it so much food what the hell do we have a food chest what’s a new fridge new house oh yeah I got a fridge I got a house I forgot we have three um for now this should be enough the the tea bring it here so I can duplicate it the tea I don’t need it it I put it inside the chest I cannot duplicate it alone wow you’re so bad you can’t duplicate it alone finee give me my S back I didn’t have anything I didn’t pick it don’t blame me here one not going to duplicated alone I can help I can help ni area dead what deadly he doesn’t want them I guess is then going to drink them out sure it would be funny sorry I’m in the process of making sure I have everything crafted at least once um we’re going to need more iridium bars you have the or put it to this mouth um but wait where did we place oh here okay I’m putting those here we said we have ORS let’s smell them okay who look at the animal standing in the line what the hell uh this put us at only one piece of or by the way today is the blessing of the butterfly oh of course you did that I mean the two of you p and obsidian gave me the St drop P he gave me in the amount of 69 nice okay social pal needs one more heart so here you go one next up is Clint who need to but it’s a Friday so he’s probably at the community center sure Max we have two more days anyway um oh I picked the crap pots I don’t believe I placed them down oh yeah oh Maru is here I’ll quickly check her uh social Maru is at only three hats which means she deserves seven I please say to me okay now for Clint because I know for a fact on Fridays he’s at the community center oh Emily uh em is already maxed out okay hi Clint next up I guess whoever I actually find anyone oh did someone check the traveling card today I want to know if there are any cataloges I did not check I mean the Gea catalog and the junimo catalog can appear there now that we finished the community center no uh Haley doesn’t need any Louis needs four okay next up is really whoever I find it’s like I’m running into people and then checking if I need to see them that being said J um yeah jod needs some um Alex definitely need some it’s not like I ever talk to The Bachelors Granny’s GI bring every a leak what the hell ain’t got no leaks okay next up let’s go inside the saloon let’s skip this cut scene because it’s I believe P trying to get me a drink and’s right here how can she be there friendship got Scene wow oh butterfly no butterfly where’s the little butterfly I ate a butterfly um okay um okay um um I cannot even see anything [Music] because um you might be running I might be running low wow gas needs five when does the where the tower close he closes at 11:00 p.m. easy nice do you still need to check the card um you know yeah check it uh Abigail portrait 30,000 heck yeah why does she have an Abigail portrait it’s she sells it because you’re at 14 hearts with Abby oh okay well I guess that makes sense that being said hey Sebastian want some tea and some okay I’m going to the Wizards now because CU I just went there I mean I do have a request to hand them your uh Radioactive bars on I made theum it’s obsidian radioactive and I mean we still don’t have enough because one of the stuff I want to make requir 20 bars are you on the tree what on the tree I love E I found this on the tree what the hell your bat is Talking Max whoa that’s a fancy bat well good night dude we see you again on the Wednesday for sure hopefully probably make I have AER a single one um I do have a recipe make one just one if I find it oh here it is guys Max Tada give me please there you go thank you um can we copy the read bar sure I mean I need more of them idium or the idium okay for now that’s enough so I made the Statue of the dwarf King yes wait I need to build the mines I forgot about it what right now um crystalarium I’ve never crafted One Mini J box I never crafted one uh uh Hey obsidian yes could we item id some for just so I can make the forage seats I mean I I we only need a crocos from Winter forage and win in the city maker oh no it’s less that I need the seeds and more that I need to use the crafting recipe okay late it’s too late now for it today yeah I know and J Fish he do you he replaced my Leah portra with an Abigail portrait that’s funny no it’s not oh was hoping it would take a while because it’s really it’s in the fridge Leah’s in the fridge that’s it oh no I’m grabbing my slingshot f it with EGS and flinging them at Abigail go for it uh was finish absolutely worth it you [ __ ] she’s fluting if you want to to Sam is inviting me to a concert nice let’s sell this this this this this this this there’s more to sell that’s already inside I’m getting recipes stupid Festival yeah today is the festival but it’s in the evening useless can’t go to town for an entire day how long does it take to H stuff to do what age to age mhm oh a home yeah hey uh we did plant rubar on the ginger Island right what happened to it he on the chest it’s in the chest okay yeah I don’t have the recip I forgot about it uh bless plck and I’m not taking the blessing of the Dwarven King today to the m little flute uh by the way I heard that the Cactus seeds which apparently should only be plantable indoors can also grow in ginger Island nice really I’ve heard that to be a new ostrich chick hatched it’s a big one what do we call it give me a number between seven and 2 11 seven between seven and 11 between seven and nine eight oh really it’s my favorite number B whatever perfect banana bana no no just short B oh look at the little F oh the sounds are fantastic sell for 5,200 and something something don’t sell it I can’t stress this enough just don’t fine fine fine okay I am currently shipping the rubar um I believe this is the ostr check let me check yeah look at a little F fantastic oh it looks so good yep that’s the a check in the shipment that’s the pale ale that’s pickles that’s a piece of wood rabbit’s foood we should check the C for rabbit feet Alice Just DE a bug there some in the chest oh which chest this one I think oh which chest I got some on the mines on the which one which one top left chest um yeah there are two this is generally a universal game so joke fish want to copy it sure I mean we only had two so oh by the way penny is the only person that hates it good to know uh oops let’s not do that thank you I got 20 you’re welcome I will sell one to have it in my items shipped I’ll also sell one piece of radioactive or because I need to I have all of them because I’m getting more oh Dino is here look at it dog look at yes walk so far out of the uh animal pen I guess [Music] um wait do we have a joke box outside I got one and you’re making it play this no I didn’t make it play anything um me I think on accident I’ll set it to that’s okay you can admit that this is your favorite tune don’t even know what it’s playing jfish I have a gift for you heck yeah and come inside the house your house oh no am I going to like this gift I think you will another juk box yay um huh where do you want it let’s have a look let’s have a look H you know what boom take it place it yourself can this thing be turned no yeah I guess it’s fine we’ll be back in a minute I have to go to the bathroom so um probably well I probably would go gift gifting if not for the fact it’s Festival day so I guess I’ll try going to Leo but other than that I’m not likely to find anyone now what want we need one pickle we need to pickle a vegetable sure and okay the parot only says hidden in the pages of the journal right now and where is Leo H is he at the [Music] volcano no idea I mean he’s probably is North I mean his passing on Ginger island is an enigma to me I only know that sometimes he’s up north and sometimes he isn’t yep he’s here okay Leo is maxed out now I only need to remember to actually get his cut scenes and he should move to Pelican town soon ooh didn’t know that was possible is it by the way I’m already an hour late for the concert need to go run got the cut scene I will skip it but now I have their concert music as a part of my jukebox music oh nice so I believe if I told them to play techno either way I need to now find it on this list have to go to the chest and clean out my inventory oh yeah under the golden clock what they go clock clock LLY I do start of something we make seeds with the winter root and then plant them grow Harvest then you make your seeds but I need the summer for it and the winter for it sorry and the fall forage we already have enough summer forage surprisingly seeds I have F seeds I can make winter seeds and what else you need I mean I need the ingredients for fall seeds so I believe we do have them yes I can yeah I can make fall seeds I can make summer seeds I need literally every ingredient for for the spring seeds and I need a crocos and a winter rout for winter seats I’ll justest I made the two which I need I mean I made the to which I could make it’s almost Festival time and I heard that in year two the maze is different o by the way I’m running low on Star drop te again there’s a lot there’s a lot of te on the chest why don’t you get that uh that’s 20 okay I left one for future copying purposes that’s enough let me put this in the Aging thingy and then I’ll oh no what the wow you actually blew one up I placed them so that I wouldn’t no one died there we go Spirit e have I bought this rare Crow yet got one in FS not sure if I bought it myself or not if you want I’ll buy it just in case and I’ll buy one Jack Lantern to put into the deconstructor because this should give me a pumpkin in case I’ve never crafted a jack Lantern scary [Music] spooky we there yet Sebastian is like this is my thought wow the ma is L there I think that way is wrong secret entrance what secret entrance wow this maze is much bigger this year which way did you go oh here I thought I went that way no you went this way no I went this way no you went the other way kind of sad you no longer get duplicate golden pumpkins those used to be Universal loved nice jez this thing is huge holy moly let me check my social to see who I need to talk with I mean some of those people are lower relationship levels stand they should be really uh Penny I mean that’s penny is an exception she’s as low as she should be wow I mean someone I mean someone was like tier list of the worst St valy romance BS number one no one because this game is about expressing yourself Number Two Penny and that’s it yes that was it kind of rude but kind of funny I mean if you know Benny study you know probably I don’t know I mean I haven’t talked to the kids but I doubt they’re out at this hour in the maze oh they’re in the Maze mhm yeah both them I see ja right now and Shane though I believe Shane was already talk to hi Leah she had too much pumpkin ale that’s funny but where is Vincent then I oh I oh he’s at the he’s pretty far no I don’t think I care that much to talk to him I’m going back good enough for me um probably had most of the peoples oh oh uh probably didn’t anyone in the and new Harvey attack the most people in the Maze um I attack to practically no one in the Maze let’s go oh see get out you lost at this point at this point obsidian is closer to the end of the maze than the beginning yes I am it’s really close I mean they SPID this already you my cats fighting each other wow one more day H obsidian is all about drinking Mayo I’m going to give you cooking oil to drink [Music] [Music] delicious waiting for player is he still in the Maze no you I can’t drink May in real life you know you can or you can’t I can c a n apostrophe p and I know because I did [Music] delicious CH fish yes when will you return my LEAP part trate I said it’s in the fridge oh really yes is that because she’s a snack sure let’s uh say that’s the reason ah no you wouldn’t be like that you would think she’s called oh wait I have the freaking sight now what am I doing wait I still haven’t finished I can’t collect them all wait did I craft fairy dust before nope never well now we have one more fairy dust why are you eating those what is he eating this time he’s eating flowers specifically my fairy roses he’s like a cat what are you eating show me what are you eating uh I still need to make the rain totem that him but majority of stuff has already been made before uh the life alixir I still need one moral oil of garlic I need 10 garlic uh cut oh the house is done nice house uh if any of you get a piece of marble please bring it back home MH okay so does Pam pay rent now do we earn monies in this house no jeez not smart it was charity charity um what did you he took my cros painting [ __ ] it’s still in there is it in the fridge no it’s on the wall sometimes I really can’t with you guys mhm understandable l in the w inside the greenh house are you serious why would you hang the painting in the green house you took it down place the back I place it back let me take that diamond you can take the coffee beans um there’s only enough for one Coffey but you can take it yeah I was going to the m again today let have a look in that house technically my house hey so I have pretty much idle crystalarium what should I put in them I don’t know what no no no play Fairy Stones Fairy Stones very dust no it’s Stones oh or Crystal um who they got a massive house I don’t see anything like it in our midle chest I mean I see Star shards and I see Cinder shards I don’t see it in the chest jeez that’s a nice house they got there um good thing we got them that house before any of the penny cat scenes because this means that if you get that cut scene where penny is asking you to clean and then P walks in and yells at you then during the current placement of the thing I’m practically teleport what uh cut scene after cut scene after cut scene I got an Alex cut scene a Sam cut scene and PPS house cing oh hi George uh do you want a rabbit’s foot that’s great now have a bunch of tea next up is Caroline hey Caroline uh want a rabbit’s foot and next up is t t who the heck threw a ruby away in a trash okay then Emily Emily would definitely do that yeah but this is not her house she tossed in the trash it’s model on place no it’s at the Kent and the rest of the family I mean it’s their it’s their neighbor yeah okay but still why would you bother also going to someone else’s trash why not do you do that today I had to walk to a yet to another building to throw away my Plastics because uh it’s simply the it wasn’t available for me to throw it away near my own house mhm what the hell Treasure Chest 5,000 monies dogey um it’s those that look like digletts uh that makes sense um Harvey is he at home I mean it it would normally be closed by this point but I have the key and he’s not at home okay I wonder where Harvey would be at this hour can someone check the travel cart sure oh here J go for it I’m the Min mhm okay Harvey is done next up would be just Vincent and Penny penny is right here sadly I can’t give her her uh rabbit’s fot so let’s ah she hates grapes why do you hate grapes woman what do you want from the traving card are there any cataloges no just a combat quar then now um Vincent and Jaz need five each I’m running out of tea just add some water and split it oh by the way um I’m going to need to make some pickles yes for selling purposes you mentioned I mean I CED one fairy dust I just there is a pres in the city I just took it I just took it okay I know I was walking by and I took it so I made one Fida so I’m going to take it plop a veggie Into The Preserve Stu but what kind of Veggie I have a bunch of green beans fairy dust which I made myself and I got pickled green bean okay I’m still looking at stuff I need to sell and wait isn’t this me it is huh what is you so bab is you as it turns out apparently I’ve never sold me which is weird was me who sold it yeah yeah um I’m going to use fairy dust on one of your cakes so that it’s available and then I’ll make some me myself need to go to the shipping Bean the Min one does not work really and I saw it I’ve been putting a ton of stuff in the any one wait where’d you put the horse he’s with me he’s right here I just called him when is the last time someone went in the Batcave um we haven’t got on there two entire streams at the least it’s full of fruits this should make some progress towards items shipped H Tea Leaf Tea tapping product I don’t need them luckily here’s some Oak resin right here guess there nothing else to do with a treasure chest but to sell itest hey do any of you have actually I’ll just check the chest we copy the treasure chest we can 5,000 monies no I can’t BL on a I’ll take one of each of these and there we go yeah this is it I mean are you certain the mini shipping bin doesn’t work because it does does give me money I don’t know I didn’t try i s some I I put some dried mush in there but he he did not give it to me mean you put some dried mushrooms in the dehydrator and I sold them I sold them I mean the last purple sh no no no you sold them yeah you sold them I forgot so they do work I mean I’m going to know based on the amount of fairy roses because I’ve only put one in the large shipping bin and the rest was put in the small one winter yes hey that’s my bad so fairy roses all right um um so yeah I guess did get radiation poisoning if you have radiated ores in your hand in your pocket then yes that is uh probably not good so mini shipping bin counts I only put one in the large one and I got 12 in my collection stab so next stream I guess we’re working on the farm I I mean by making it look better what else can you do uh with Robin for Town [ __ ] or is Pam um I mean I believe three days after it’s finished you can enter and you’ll see that pal turned to religion instead of alcohol wow not sure if that’s much better but okay and you can pay Robin so that she she makes some shortcuts around the valley for example you’ll be able to reach the beach from Leah’s house nice uh by the way since this is winter we are finishing the stream right yes it’s the end stop demolishing my house all right it’s time to kick you guys out jeez can I give the stret just to Abigail where heck did she go she’s straight disappeared she’s hungry so she went to the mine to me no I’m going to say good night to that are still watching and okay yes but we will stay shortly after to discuss some things sure that’s fine uh hope to see you guys next week for Serge Valley and of course Wednesday Friday for some more raft thank you all for watching bye

Watch me play Stardew Valley Multiplayer with the viewer(s)!

You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?

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