I Played Terraria 1.4.5 with The Developers

some of you may remember that last summer I was invited by Rel logic to take part in a beta playthrough of Terraria 1.4.5 and for the first time since Red’s playthrough of his own game back in 2011 I was asked to record the experience to document what it’s like to be a Terraria beta tester but why me well it’s because I’m a professional Paul sorry I had to do a sync sorry sorry that’s how it’s done you to the dentist you’re trying to talk now a few months before red announced he wanted to add secret seed combinations to the game and that’s what we were there to look at uh this is a combination of celebration for the worthy drunk and no traps and what we’re looking for is basically just like things specific to that and like how it affects gameplay and whether or not that combination is for fun or not but before the fun could really begin there was a few technical difficulties do we want to take a break until we get this fixed yeah the server’s down let’s just go ahead and shut the server down until y has it fix okay while they’re fixing that let me give you some context to what you’re about to watch I only got to be part of this playthrough for a couple of days because I had a trip coming up at the end of the week and so rather than being a proper playthrough this is more a collection of clips of some of the fun moments we had while playing keep in mind that this footage was recorded a year ago before a lot of the spoilers we know about today were implemented or even conceptualized there are some brand new spoilers in this but if you’re wondering Hey where’s that thing we know about it probably just wasn’t in the game at this point and since the footage is quite old I’ll do my best as we go along to give you a little extra context where it’s needed H you just had to oh my gosh what is this what is this rainbow be right back I got to stab my girlfriend in the finger what yeah okay I’m assuming actually me too be right back she doesn’t have it but uh because of the pregnancy she doesn’t have it just like to do it you know oh gosh oh no all right that was Jim one of the artists at realogic absolutely cracking at terrari quizzes by the way well a few weeks after we recorded this he did tweet out 5:55 this morning we became parents to a beautiful boy just thought I needed to explain that all right it’s just a band of zombie Marauders oh that’s not what I wanted oh hell yeah look at this set up look at this no now if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to play with the creator of their own video game I think this sums it up quite well yo what the hell here I got bombs you got bombs for this I got them right can you do that again please all right check it out check it out okay I won use it on you yeah go on then you should see the stupid grin on his face right now I War you if didn’t go on you can use it on me go on go on you you can use it feel free I’m staring at that no what is that is that the everything gun what is that oh my gosh this is Zenith gun oh Zenith gun wait I thought it was zeni sometime before this recording red had joked about Boulder rain and here it here it is see who died the most where are these boulders D it I was doing so good get to oh I’m dying this is a great reminder to just never let the terrari community ask for anything ever again just for the record this was not my idea oh my God the way they the way they just slap off the roof despite them flying from the skies this wasn’t the only boulder oh my God it leaves a pile of it’s only a worm head I can feel just the screen why did it have to be me I can’t sit the right it’s the most fitting all right I’m going out there oh I m so much faster I have I have a red potion I have let’s go hold the oh dead instantly hey uh if you want to if you want to enter you’ve got to make sure you read the sign above um am I allowed to come in if I like And subscribe hell yeah of course smash that you got to smash that listen I’m desperate all right it’s hard times out there all right the Tik Tok Generations taking over what am I going to do like right there ke there you go I lik it hey h hello this is very nice isn’t it yeah it’s pretty Coy yeah uh I actually have a golden key right I’ll be right back I’ve got one you can you can have what’s inside I’m not I’m not bothered but I will lend you the key in return for a favor though like is it another quiz oh no yes yes yes he has to take a quiz would you would you trade the key for a quiz are you ready yeah as ready as I can be I guess what was the first terrorblade recipe Knight’s Edge Excalibur broken hero sword true Knight’s Edge true Excalibur true Knight’s Edge true Excalibur broken hero sword or Founders loot the the first one okay right um You have picked night Edge excaliber broken hero sword uh show answers oh Christ you’ve got to make it account Jim please tell us what is inside that chest my friend all right big moment here guys have six rainbow B there’s a Celestial magnet yeah I kind of want a new one yeah all right let’s see let’s see if you know any more questions say great does anyone else have a key so we can ask him more questions oh my God Jim I only just realized it’s it’s your leggings that caus the cape yeah yeah they’re very unique like that what I never knew that no way I’ve still got the leing in my inventory it’s really cool first we added to the game no really Dev armor oh my God I love that how what wasn’t that in qu huh oh God we’re going to get crushed oh the boulder turkey got turkey my son killed me with this guy’s a lot easier than the stupid eyeball it’s almost like he’s first in the progression I don’t know what you’re talking about I always do a Juke fish run first do you guys do you guys hear that new track no I should have told you guys I only hear the sound of [Music] bullets oh a b out of the house to kill him fast enough that he won’t kill anything else yeah look out for the boulders uh taken out by a tombstone second what people don’t know is that Terraria actually takes place like 40 years from now yeah oh my gosh that’s amazing terrari is finally complete I knew it I knew this update would do it oh oh my God a I should have seen that coming the next day we were joined by the man the myth the legend okay this way and then jump off Goblin color and then and then make sure you don’t grapple you know don’t don’t die right ah head down here this is my house what do you think it it screams you hey Waffle Time i’ got I’ve got a question for you man what’s your question brother brother brother are you in need of official Terraria merchandise oh my yeah my god well that’s the thing about it I would love it but it could get really pricey so I just don’t know if I could really manage that you know well well listen have you ever tried code chippy for 15% off 15% what a steal I know I know trust me I know I’m going do that today hell can I hire you guys to make a commercial one of the reasons I was really excited to look back on this playthrough from a year ago is I remember red pulled out an idea and very quickly it became a reality what do you think about we look into like opening map and maybe being able to like spectate other people while you’re dead I think it was brought up like able to move as a ghost I’d really like that that’d be cool chiy chiy can you swing a amican accent uh how do y’all we’re fighting the deer clubs this is this is my America an accent oh my God not even close that was so damn good look out it’s like Southern British all right what are we doing out here chippy all right well my plan was all right I was going to Shimmer down to Hell come here D oh nice thanks what are you doing never mind what is this got you got to fix the Torches yeah I’ve never seen I’ve never seen Silla it’s in action oh this is glorious got fuzzy I got fuzzy carrot the listen red red you unsubscribe once again I tell you look at this here K I want to go my you better not uh repeat you’re playing a dangerous game it’s right here what here it is uh rainbow meteor oh it’s awesome yeah it’s really good yeah oh man this is a nice house J yeah thank you so Breezy surprised build it out of stone yeah unrefined Stone Sandstone at Le sandstone and Boro would isn’t I can’t believe you done this what have you done I hope you rebuild it why are you invisible scare no you scar of me oh yeah okay okay he’s a goose you just don’t hit him you can build with him yeah okay nobody’s going to set those off you’re building here nice that was that was that was not me this is how build a is this meant to be the American flag oh my God don’t judge me I don’t know about that mate something looks more like the Domino’s logo oh my God I hate you why would you make no no see you see these gnomes here yeah these gnomes uh we didn’t place them like this they placed themselves like this yeah they did yeah that it looks like he’s slapping them both on the cheeks oh my gosh it’s like the gang it’s like the Gangam Style video isn’t it yeah now I’m told this is a reare occurrence but less than 24 hours after red threw out the idea about spectate mode it was ready to be tested should we spawn King Slime and have a few people die to see how that works I’m spectating you right now wait I want to save my money first yeah be sure to save your guys money first before I do this oh yeah that’s awesome yay so mine started just spamming between people on its own I wasn’t controlling it oh no again I think someone else was controlling it oh crap we’re GNA we’re going to test okay so if you type slash filter space a space CRT with all caps um then it would use the Shader say that again yeah this is awesome this needs to be a thing maybe maybe if you get what about this maybe if you get the television you craft it you can interact with it and it turns on the filter as I mentioned at the start I only got to play for a couple of days so I wanted to make my final day a little special uh I I I did visit the server earlier today for a secret mission okay okay it did not involve progression you know I did not I did not mine any or uh but I did put together the ultimate Terraria test uh for you Jim okay okay why well listen can’t believe you done this so I I put together a small test all right and inside of that lock chest is my most valuable item I’ve ever owned in Terraria you may have noticed that there’s been some renovation to the house all right there is now a switch here would you like to flip the switch okay I did know let’s go oh oh what a what a weird scenario here uh do not flip a switch it only works once so okay okay in the middle you will find a question you will also find two answers all right it’s your job to stand above each pit and decide an answer and flip the switch you only have one attempt at this gym okay the first question is how many bosses are in Terraria not including bosses like The Dread naus or the blood nless whatever it’s called does the twins count as two bosses no no I’m not I’m not evil like that all right I feel like that question alone he just lost yeah it’s uh chippy’s creation you know yeah I would I would I would never play unfair like that I would never everybody’s watching too this yeah of course and we’re judging yeah my my job is uh I’m going 20 this is this is to see if you get a raise this year [ __ ] oh my gosh how many waves are in a tier one old ones Army oh is there like a reward in the chest or is it chest no of course there’s a reward in the chest I hope it’s poop it’s probably poop isn’t it my mind says three but [Laughter] that was the wrong answer Jim if you’d like to open the chest and find the ultimate item in Terraria I feel like you’re just going to love this tell everybody what’s inside all right it’s my cap I really hope I really hope you haven’t already got one um no I don’t this is uh this is the first one this is way aw I’m really I’m really happy I’m really happy that would have been really awkward of was and before I left me and red decided on a very simple test we’d fight Skeletron Prime for the worthy with his explodable bombs on our flanks and whoever’s flank was least destroyed at the end had the better flag you guys ready yeah let’s go this place is going to get wrecked it’ll be fine I believe on the map please for the love of God Whoever has the cow stuff get rid of it oh no I keep getting I keep getting oh BR took a hit over here come here Skeletron oh it’s doing all right it’s doing all right you would postpone your trip instead of on me I saw that on the map oh man they took out oh no person my blood hell hell yeah GG boys all right what’s the damage I want pixel by pixel and see who won with that my adventure was over and I slapped official beta tester right onto my resume if if I need a job after YouTube I’m I’m I’m I’m actually yeah I’m putting that down thank you to Rel Logic for inviting me along and hopefully I get to do this again in the future thanks for watching peace

In July 2023 I was invited by the Terraria developers to join a group beta playthrough of Terraria 1.4.5 as the update was ramping up development. This is some of the highlights, with some brand new Terraria 1.4.5 spoilers included!

Check out the new Terraria merch and save 15% with code CHIPPY or simply head to http://www.Terraria.shop/chippy (affiliate)




  1. Nice seeing more 1.4.5 footage, I'm curious how soon it will release 🤔
    some of my observations:
    1:56 does the rainbow boulder deal no damage?
    7:32 the new mushroom minion in action, it appears to creare aoe bursts occasionally
    7:47 new king slime music confirmed, let's gooo!
    10:46 you are holding a new whip, from it's design it seems like a meteorite weapon

  2. Really Love You And Your Videos They Really Are Something Else Love You Since Calamity Play Throughs Now You Are A Terreria Dev Basically Happy Your Here Hope That Things Are Good

  3. I hope we're getting heat-seeking boulders. Not only should they track the nearest player, but also roll towards them for a time after landing.

  4. I think they've added so many things since then, I really want to play version 1.4.5 and I hope it doesn't take too long to come out, I hope the update arrives this year.

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