Making Minecraft 1000x Harder…

Minecraft is a peaceful calming game about Mining and crafting so I decided to completely change that and make it a game where you do literally none of that no mining no crafting yes all crafting recipes have been completely removed except for the ones required to beat the game blaze rods and Eyes of Ender and no mining I cannot break anything literally not even the grass that grows out of the grass block so can I beat Minecraft in a world where you are unable to mine or craft how am I going to get to the nether how am I going to reach the stronghold how am I going to kill the Ender Dragon let’s find out okay we are now in the world and I’m realizing how impossible this is going to be so I obviously can’t break blocks I can’t break sugar cane but I more than likely can kill mobs yeah I can kill this pig that’s good I guess so I did do a little bit of research before starting this to see if this was even possible because this is quite literally just a random data pack that I found on Planet Minecraft and I’m not going to lie the random data packs don’t have the best reputation so to my knowledge I don’t think that I can cook this food I mean I could with the campfire but I don’t know if campfires spawn naturally so we’re going to do this whole run with raw food but the research that I’m talking about the research that I did I was thinking okay so obviously you get to another portal with a bucket right like if you’re not going to use a diamond pickaxe and pick up the obsidian then you would do the the bucket method but the bucket method you may be thinking like how can you even craft a bucket because you know you can’t craft this whole mode it doesn’t let you craft all recipes are removed well every recipe except for the Blaze Rod recipe and the Eye of Ender recipe so like how can you even get a bucket well I did some research and buckets only spawn in Savannah Villages so I have to find a savannah Village so good luck with that and that’s how I can get a bucket and then with that bucket you know I can make the Nether Portal so that’ll be nice and a decent amount of food already that’s that’s pretty good and since I literally can’t mine anything if I want stuff like if I want wood because that’s how we’re going to light the portal we’re going to have to place wood because we can’t make a flint and steel unless I actually find one in a chest I’m just literally going to have to wait till night time and then creepers will spawn and then I can get the creeper to blow up and then give me the wood a lot of planning went into this I was thinking is this even possible and I do actually think it is I love this though just unnecessarily making the game way more difficult for myself like I do not need to be doing this but I am doing it yeah you literally cannot destroy anything that is actually crazy the hardest part will be finding a Savannah Biome though and because I’m playing in a world where you can’t mine or craft I’m going to go ahead and turn my keep inventory to true I just think it’s fair I’m giving myself a huge disadvantage here if I die I may as well keep my stuff I’m not that much of a masochist where I just want to torture myself even more than I already am and I’m already running low in hunger so I don’t think you you can get poisoned with raw food right that hunger really sucks but it’s literally the best I can do so it is what it is I know in ancient cities you can find like tools and crazy stuff like that but I don’t think I’m going to find an ancient city honestly like even if I knew exactly where an ancient city was I would have to get like a 100 or 200 creepers to get down to it like to blow up all the way down there and I just honestly do not have the patience for that right now oh God it’s getting night time my God this is so blow up oh nice oh my God for a second there I didn’t see any blocks I was like there’s no way that no block spawn nice we got our first blocks play the epic music waa this is crazy that was kind of a waste of a creeper honestly so we should find a creeper and try to get it to blow up some wood and that’s a slime God damn it this is a question I never thought I would ask myself where are the creepers but today I’m here to ask that question all [Music] right let’s go no no don’t blow up I swear to God if it just blew up that wood I’m going to scream I got zero wood from that I got zero wood from that creeper blowing up wow that is impressive wow I have done it again let’s not have the skeleton follow me please creeper can you blow up blow up I hate this game this creeper this oh my God I cannot understand this the skeleton is the most annoying mob in this entire game how am I [Music] ever oh my God why the hell is this Forest filled with Undead Warriors of the night a creeper no no no dude can you blow up this sucks this is this is a freaking nightmare bro [Music] let’s go wood wood wood wood I have wood One Singular piece of wood let’s go I don’t know how I got monster under I think a skeleton just shot at a spider and killed it but okay I will take it I got a singular piece of wood hopefully elsewhere I can actually why are there three skeletons okay this is good wood we need this wood to light the nether portal over there is a ruined portal I’m going to try to get to that I really don’t want to aggro these skeletons so I am literally going to swim around them like a gigachad this is good three really right when I started talking about it a godamn skeleton just spawned what the hell and a baby zombie thank you guys for all spawning here where there is zero wood and there that’s another skeleton okay I have a silk touch pick a flint and steel oh my God I don’t even need to light the I hear I hear a zombie and blocks of gold that’s uh that’s not bad that’s not bad you know that’s not bad that’s not bad creepers hello creepers okay did I get wood from that I did I got another singular piece of wood what the hell is happening to all my wood I am using an ancient technique against these creepers you basically just put a block at your feet because yeah if your feet are protected then some reason like by some miracle you just don’t take that much damage from creeper explosions a lot of y’all make fun of me in the video saying I know nothing about this game but I’m here to prove you wrong with this video I just realized I have no idea why I’m still doing this I have the Flint of Steel I literally do not need Wood anymore now at this point I just need to F but it is fun it is fun to try to get [Music] wood nice we have five now for literally no reason because crafting doesn’t even work okay now to get to the nether and this may be difficult but to get to the nether I need to find a bucket in a savannah Village chest okay there’s a village over there I don’t think that buckets can spawn in regular ples Villages but hopefully I’m wrong cuz God I don’t think I’d be able to find a savannah in the next hour okay well that’s not a bucket I will take it though oh this can be interesting I can go ahead and get a horse ride off that that’s uh you know that’s something that I didn’t expect I would actually get come on horse please I’m going to name him Sheldon come on Sheldon please I’ve been standing on you forever oh my God are you kidding me why you keep bro please just Just Let Me Ride oh my God Sheldon you’re being really difficult right now thank you all right we have a noble Steed you’ve got to be kidding me all right well uh Sheldon I’m going to have to let you go because there is literally nothing that I can do that is crazy black Smith I mean it’s food so food is good but yeah it doesn’t look like I’m getting a bucket from here well that was a major L hopefully I can actually find a savannah village now the only thing keeping me from entering the nether is a savannah Village which is crazy to think about I wonder if that phrase has ever been uttered before in the entire history of the world okay if I wait oh my God this okay okay let’s not go let’s not get too crazy here let’s not get too crazy I’ve just been wandering around for literally the last hour lava pit this is a Savannah Biome so surely there’s a savannah Village close by and an ocean this could be perfect and wow there’s the lava there’s a village if this has a bucket I am going to go crazy mode I am going to go actually crazy mode nice get out of your bed all right and in in your chest right next to your bed God damn it this is a big Village a lot of places to put a bucket bucket God dang it stone bricks what on to the next Savannah Village wait there’s one right there oh my god there actually is one right there let’s go dude that okay this is I probably cut this out of the video but there’s that’s the village I just came from there’s one right here this would be perfect if there was a bucket in one of these man I just need to get W RNG damn it oh my god oh not here either H bro all right well I ran through every chest in this entire Village and yet again no bucket so on to the third one oh no way I have never seen this before the new wolves wow this wolf is is it’s actually not that bad looking I was going to say it’s ugly but I actually kind of like it and they just spawn in a pack of like 50 billion huh I guess you learn something new every day unfortunately I don’t have any bones on on me so I can’t uh you know get a companion but they’ll be in my prayers alongside me finding a savannah village with a bucket in it ooh another ruined portal that is a really goofy ruined portal spawn come on come on okay I made it that that scared me just a little bit oh this was a complete waste of time uh the chest is like in the mountain or something so I can’t even see what’s in it cool all right well time to go back to the Savannah bind third Village I honestly just don’t have any high hopes for this at all please please have a bucket in here please H I’m going to sleep are you the winner oh my God okay great well at least I have a bucket now oh this is great I’m going to get to the nether in a world where I can’t mine or craft this is the biggest W of all time what’s what’s in this chest I’m curious food hey I’ll take it get out the way buddy get out the way nice thank you Iron Golem all right there’s water I just need to find lava now I just need to find lava and we’re home I just realized something you can use the water to get rid of that and get uh seeds which is completely pointless and actually does literally nothing wait I realized something else cooler than that I can use the water to push the Sheep off the edge and murder it goodbye sheep just separate it from its herd all right well now he’s going to drown down there in that massive Lake what the hell you’re not a sheep as I sit here and murder these cows I’m wondering how am I actually going to beat the End Dragon the Ender Dragon I mean obviously you know I can punch it with my hand that’s just going to take so long though I’m thinking of like a faster way to do it the crystals are going to be a huge problem too I’m thinking for that cuz I don’t think I’d be able ble to get that many arrows I mean I can easily get a bow from just killing a skeleton right but to get a lot of arrows it would be pretty hard unless I looted a Bastion I guess that would make it a bit easier but I was thinking to just use snowballs for the end crystals also I don’t know if I said this earlier the reason I’m running around right now I’m trying to find a lava pit oh oh dang it that’s not lava there we go there we go there we go there we go this is this is it I’m actually getting to the nether can you believe I’ve gotten all of these items I actually cannot believe this I have gotten all of these items without mining or crafting anything that is really crazy like at the beginning of this challenge I didn’t think it was possible and then after I did some research I was like okay technically it’s possible you know I I’ll go ahead I’ll I’ll try this little challenge but I can’t believe sitting here now we’re actually going to make the freaking nether portal one tiny little mess up and it’s over I have to do this perfectly okay all right so I think I can do this and then that and then I can break that wait I can’t break anything okay this unfortunately changes a lot but even though I can’t break I can build and I can place my I just had a heart attack I can place my water there we’re going to place a thing of lava here burn that nice another thing of lava here and now this will turn it into obsidian perfect this is great okay so that’s the base of the portal we need lava uh we need uh obsidian going up three oh this is so hard and it’s turning night time God dang it Okay lava here lava here perfect perfect this is looking good and then if I just do that and that there we go we have now the top part of the portal okay I can do this again lava there lava there up one on each side this is really scary because if I mess it up then the stuff in the middle turns to Cobblestone so I have to place and unplace really quickly okay that should be two up this is great this is actually great I’m going to do this okay and that’s three three okay so now the obsidian goes up three what’s up man so now we just need to work on turning these two into Cobble which I think is going to be probably the easiest part oh zombies please why are there so many of you I’m literally just trying to make My Little Portal here Jesus Christ okay so there’s one there for one there they’re burning that’s good that’s good now I believe I literally just need to get my water please don’t please don’t sell okay no oh no okay so that is now that and then I believe I can just do this okay there we go that is the portal outline but now another problem arises and the problem can easily be fixed by just having a creeper blow up because the problem is now I can’t actually get to the portal so if I just bring a creeper over here to blow up the blocks that I placed and this should be relatively easy to do I don’t know how fast zombies are in comparison to a [Music] creeper okay close enough close enough close enough not quite Ah One Singular Block it’s preventing me from entering the nether this is actually so crazy okay okay okay this should do it this should do it this should do it this should do it let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go I did it oh I can’t even believe this no mining no crafting this world does not allow you to break anything this world does not allow you to craft anything I can’t make I can’t I literally cannot make anything I can’t even turn these into golden ingots you cannot craft anything except for obviously stuff to beat the game which would be blaze powder and Eyes of Ender but I did it I actually did it what does my nether look like

Making Minecraft 1000x Harder (No Mining, No Crafting)



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​​​​​​#minecraft #mcyt #horror


  1. I mean its actully way mroe possible then you'd think Villages can have armor, obsidian, weapons, tools, all kinda of stuff so by just village hopping any village you'd be able to easily complete the game, and ruined portals can have fire charges and just light a portal form obsidian that you found in black smiths

  2. Okay but can you beat minecraft without mining, crafting, placing blocks, eating, moving, pressing anything, blindfolded and with dementia?

  3. All you gotta do is go to a village get obsidian and campfires are at spruce villages ruined portals for the charge for portal

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