I’m so sorry, Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You don’t deserve this.

so I just briefly I went through to try to see check out what the silly the silly phix admirers are up to what I want do want to show you is you know how they’re trying to put hardcore into Bedrock Edition such a funny thing it’s the weird impossible Bedrock players for no reason most certainly what year is it 51 delectable indeed yes oh dear what is itly com I’m sorry I mean literally you spawn in and you’ll be you’ll be totally fine for 10 hours straight and no matter what armor you’re wearing you can just start taking damage and there’s nothing you can do about it cuz you’ll be stuck in some chunk miles away that you forgot about and the game says no no you’re just dying now they they first of all they it’s funny they misspelled hardcore misspelled it they misspelled it as h a r c o r e hardcore hardcore M yes if I were playing bedrock and I would even see someone else dying unfairly I wouldn’t even think about turning that button on recently I think there’s just been a lot of posts of people showing videos of them randomly dying on Bedrock Edition I love those videos so much though I remember I remember in one of your latest videos you showed me like there was a there was a a clip of a guy just trying to mine a block in his house and like four or five times it kept coming back it’s the funniest thing ever that was from that was literally like a week ago that’s so good I love that so much I feel like that could have just been also just their device lagging well whatever it is it sure as how was Bedrock so for example okay so this one is you got me excited now I love these videos these are my favorites they know of the problem but it’s real and they just played it up all these are real authentic [Laughter] it is so stupid Oh my God and I think what’s happened here is that they they that had happened to them already so they’re like oh I’m just going to keep doing I’m just going to do it again cuz there’s something up with that spot in their world I wish you tried a different area it takes a second once they landed for them to fall my theory is that server obviously calculates them actually falling like until the white concrete that’s what I’m thinking so they should be but the server says uh fall damage so this one I’ve already shown in a video quite a while I’ve already shown this one but there are some other ones here that I’ve never seen before and I haven’t shown in the video I love these okay this is a good video this is a really good video it’s got 1 and a half thousand of votes they they died and the blocks are still there you know the blocks aren’t placing when the sound doesn’t happen yeah so you can hear the sound of the block placing and then now it doesn’t and then but but you can you can hear it catch up and it places him instantly so not only did he fall through but he actually can’t directly go back up cuz they placed after he fell their reaction you tell their reaction this one was on Twitter by of many and so this one’s a really super grainy ones it’s like uh it’s the same sort of reaction and they’re so high up that was a smooth turn pretty good I love this one so much though but I I didn’t put it in the video because it’s just really hard to see huh okay what lag wait how [Laughter] what what I don’t know how they just my God what what huh so like got a whole line of blocks that didn’t place they all just disappeared and then they looked up and like oh no they like wow a lot of things are going bad for me what else will happen there’s a lot of blocks that just randomly disappeared yeah no I yeah exactly the entire Road just disappeared yep the perspective change when they died oh slimy dink so the these get better as they go on I’ve ordered them worst I’m so happy you got this Niche ready for us and they’re the funniest things ever slightly different but still absolutely horrible little elevator good mhm yeah they’re going really high up though yeah that’s fine he plays water he’s fine he’s not fine they not fine okay wait wait now play it one more time is there a chances is no so he uses the water bucket it clearly is the water bucket no they definitely use the water there yeah it’s not like a barrier item that they’re faking right M oh no no no no yeah that’s real that’s that’s legit I’ve seen this happen multiple times there are other ones where they sort of just don’t land on anything okay okay so this one is one that’s pretty common and it’s just towering up similar sort of concept as the other ones uh-oh uhoh you can hear it the enironment the block stop placing oh no that’s it yeah what block is that by the way is that coal or yeah it’s texture pack coal surely yeah his entire H bar is texture pack it’s like they calculate the fall damage first it’s so weird this one is this one’s weird they’re a king of squids well they’re a king yeah no no no no that’s insane that that is literally a gameplay feature that should have wored worked how did that not work yeah that’s ridiculous that’s so sad all right everyone keep a keep a checklist so far if you’re going to play hardcore don’t place blocks don’t eat the fruit yeah don’t do anything just don’t play don’t play that’s like it’s like one of the fundamental aspects of Minecraft is eating and placing blocks don’t do either these get more devastating so this one is in the nether he’s well prepped yep weird map to have on in the nether oh yeah well they don’t they don’t really yeah they didn’t really need to need that at all uhoh yep there it is there it’s a pattern but that was one block that was only one block and they knew they knew something was going to happen yeah cuz there was a split second when they’re like like uh-oh that is a one block fall distance that they died from with full armor yeah that reduces fall damage even if you don’t have the enchantment oh this one elra oh no I’ve seen these before yeah he’ll he’ll probably go super slow and still die what what I’m sorry he took no time no time at all yeah there’s nothing you can do like he’s just so I have no explanation for this so they start flying now oh wait maybe the tree I think there’s I think they’re stuck in the tree cuz the items don’t even drop where he died no fell from high place no no no fell from a high place that’s his death message is there kinetic energy death message on Bedrock there is no oh well on Bedrock I know oh there you go no it’s literally yeah no it literally is fall damage even though he was flying the Gap at which he jumped with the elyra it probably the server didn’t register he did the elytra thing and he just same thing fall damage right there he just keep server says no you kept falling also I want to I want to I want to do one like I want to make a statement here the person who put that One Singular jukebox note when you die I he is evil it makes it so much worse it played multiple times here yeah it’s just really emphasizing on you being a loser oh this one is so sad and funny though uh oh so they’re already suffocating why is he drowning yeah man a l oh I already don’t trust that oh no oh Jesus Christ it gets worse there’s another one no he’s drowning again he’s drowning again why is he drowning [Laughter] bu what he’s laughing the man’s dying and the server’s laughing at you I he died from that he’s taking drowning damage as well for a second there it’s Suffocation the blocks that he placed at the very beginning here they don’t exist oh oh yeah he’s walk he’s walking on the same Ledge in the same sort of side of the I don’t know could have been that I don’t I don’t know how they’re what they’re suffocating from the torch the torch the torch is taking all the oxygen from him yeah is producing carbon dioxide you know how big yeah this last one is you might even cry at it it’s it’s just they they know it’s going to happen but there’s nothing they can do and it goes for a while they’re well prepped they got their stuff yeah they got four stacks of nether they didn’t take damage there I might have been safe though oh they’re walking over magma blocks I think the server is already playing a prank on them yep could me Fire Res I don’t know oh oh oh oh oh no he tried he tried he was stressing out so much wait he lost his health quick though it catches up it like instantly eats and he’s like oh God what’s happening oh this one I showed I actually show this in oh yeah this one yeah I’ve seen this one and the music just has the audacity to keep playing I thought it was out of chunks but even when walks into this he’s still screwed how did they end up here in the first place your friend off yeah you shouldn’t have walked there when this is happening you already shouldn’t have been there yeah oh my God I wouldn’t even know what to do there’s also a ton of what what the heck going on there yeah why are they a leaf here we go Trident okay here’s something new Rip Tide it didn’t make a s sound it’s not making sound okay but here’s the thing that actually isn’t preventable because as soon as you click it like let’s say you clicked it only once and you fly in the air and there’s no sound you can’t even do anything about it beyond that you know what else you can’t do you can’t pause the game on Bedrock Edition so in Java if that happened to me I’ll be like I’ll pause the game in this exit well for the game catch up you can’t do that on Bedrock wow wow ah yep does anyone know what happened I almost died for nothing okay but this guy survived okay you got hit with a llama spit that’s fine oh uhoh there’s no sign of lag they’re like what if possible maybe they they aren’t actually flying the server doesn’t think they’re flying so yeah so they’re falling here that that steep elevation right so they’re falling all that yeah exactly like the server doesn’t put them back where it thinks it is that’s what that’s what Java has now like the server just says nope you’re not there I don’t know man either way there’s there’s there’s two things to say from this what one this is incredibly funny I need more videos of this and two you know what yeah when hardcore appears don’t you ever turn it on do not flip that lever


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  1. 8:34
    That noteblock sound would be the player holding up on their stick or d-pad on the controller. The sound is basically telling you: "No, you cant scroll up because you can only respawn".

  2. Let me be clear, I'm not trying to self promote, but I uploaded a video like the nether one to my channel about a year ago and these deaths ARE SO ANNOYING

  3. My best explanation for all of these is that Bedrock for some reason runs Single-player games on an internal server, and that server manages to somehow desync with the client when specific things happen. For example, the guy who was jumping on one spot and died due to it? I'm betting that the server saw him as a block farther than he should have been, and processed it as such by damaging them for falling down into their main base. However, as soon as the player takes that damage, it manages to re-sync somewhat, before promptly desyncing again.

    Why do I assume it's running on a server? For nearly sixteen years, I've had to deal with really shitty internet, and a lot of what's happening in these clips looks like things that could happen when you're lagging on a server, or the server itself is lagging. My best example is the cherry blossom leaves being removed randomly: the client saw it, but the server didn't, so it tries to recorrect itself by removing those blocks. The server also didn't see the player stop moving during that lag spike, so it assumed that they just jumped off and hit the ground below.

    What's the solution for this? Simple: don't run Singleplayer games on a server! If this isn't the answer, then I have no idea what it COULD be.

  4. 9:15 this is the only one bug ive personally experienced it only occured at the old height limit 255-256 which was bizzare thankfully i was able to survive it. Also i noticed most of the clips came from the switch version or mobile which leads me to assume bedrock is just horribly optimized for lower end devices and older devices such as the Xbox One (maybe due to the HDD) which is ironic considering Bedrock used to be Pocket Edition which was a mobile port

  5. As a bedrock player, I haven't experienced any of these glitches or random deaths. The only random damage I've taken is like walking up and down on path blocks and stairs but nothing with disappearing blocks or taking damage while pillaring.

  6. This one video has convinced me that Mojang are liars akin to the Devil themself. "We can't implement three mobs, we need one perfect one!" "We're removing the bindings because of 'security'" "You don't know how much work goes into each update!" …looking at this I do, actually. One part-time junior dev in the corner while everyone else is rolling in a pile of cash and poor Gnembon is duct taped in a cell to prevent him helping. I was a Mojang defender until this exact moment. This is just completely unacceptable. Poor Bedrock…

  7. the reason why they die in the single block wide drop tunnel is probably because of how jank the block collision is in bedrock, you can see in both the clips the players only die after moving from one side to another, and the engine probably predicts their location based off their velocity and the velocity's direction, and since they are moving very fast the game predicts them moving to inside the block and landing

  8. My favorite part of the 1.21 update on bedrock was that the ominous vault doesnt exist in the creative inventory, the new items are not organized (tuff blocks in nature, not building blocks), and the mace having no cooldown

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