We Tried a Stardew Valley Multi-World Randomizer

my recent Obsession has been archipelago randomizers within stardo it’s essentially a randomizer mod that allows you to send unlocks to and from other players for instance if I buy a shed it might send the ability to buy par Snips to another player in these randomized runs things that we need to check are simply called checks and the resulting items we receive after a check well I don’t think there’s a word for it but I usually call them unlocks right here what you see is the full list of checks and unlocks for this run the crazy thing about archipelago though is that you can have different games connect to each other so then say defeating the high Lord wer in Dark Souls 3 will unlock another player’s Coupe for now though we’re keeping it contained to stardew Valley I’ve teamed up with my buddy argon Matrix to reach the bottom of the minds by the way no 1.6 spoilers here this was all played on 1.5 I believe that’s a layout we can game I think I’m we’re gaming we’re officially Gamers oh yeah debris and it looks like I am on the um there no trees either I’m on the hilltop Farm wait are there no trees or oh my gosh wait there’s nothing so no debris means no tree I oh this kind award to start there’s almost nothing we can do we can’t buy seeds can’t catch fish most obtainable checks this early on depend on foraging also to quickly explain the screen here this is my gameplay this is argon’s and this text box is going to have the last few items that were unlocked there’s also a couple of like kind of Oddball checks that we will have to do okay oh you sent me a progressive house uh you sent me a progressive house I sent you an axe oh oh I’m that’s my level one forging okay I see I see so we won’t we won’t get free Rusty swords no you have to earn your rusty sword dang it man okay I was looking forward to my rusty sword maybe I should connect to the like text client like you’ve done so I can actually see all the stuff oh wait no you just oh you just sent me you sent me a tulip bulb yeah that was fantastic okay plant that tulip I don’t have a scarecrow though and I’ve already got like 15 crops so I’m scared to plant the Tulip I don’t actually know if uh I found a backpack okay that’s pretty good oh that’s really good oh my gosh that’s a very nice early backpack I’ll take that and oh was I was so I was so surprised I went down to Willie but I don’t have a bamboo pole that’s how this works y all right yeah so we have to we have to get the bamboo pole unlocked somehow or some kind of pole so that I we can start fishing oh you start with the training rod that’s another Discovery I had yesterday and just like get those check what those bundles and stuff need valid enjoy aqu Marine ring you’re amazing thank you so archipelago also naturally includes a uh sleep multiple days thing it does does which is very going to be very convenient very nice oh my God it’s so nice buying buildings or checks okay so so I’m going to go ahead and buy the kitchen which is going to give you my first mine elevator yeah these Progressive mine elevators are the most important unlocks in this run each unlock allows us to go five floors farther in the mines we won’t need all of them but we will want most of them there’s a couple of other very important unlocks that we’re looking for in this run and that’s pickaxe upgrades weapon upgrades and then luck and speed Buffs all of which will allow us to go farther in the mines oh and the nice thing about uh when you have checks in shops like at Robins you can see what the reward is before you actually buy it okay so that way you know it like you can determine if you don’t just want to like buy something that’s like oh it’s a like a slime trap or something that’s another thing traps rightly you can literally buy a trap oh yeah there’s traps too so there’s more checks in the game than there are unlocks so all of these extra checks have either been filled with helpful items or hindering traps we can send each other like regular items I I do remember that how does so that’s like a exclamation point gift or something oh something like that let me see this is like Christmas right now okay but I can’t see these until I got taxed you got taxed I got taxed for sending you an item eight gold you sent me is that’s so that sucks man but think about it it can get crazy if we like start sending each other like oh yeah seeds that the other person doesn’t have or like if one person is overloaded on weapons absolutely yeah know we can definitely balance that a little bit there’s some uh interesting ways to use that do you know what a traveling Merchant metal detector is I do not know it’s it says I can buy the silos to unlock your traveling Merchant metal detector the traveling Merchant is important but I don’t know what the metal detector supposed to be get I can also get you a traveling Merchant discount for buying the shed well I just gave you a discount so I see that look at that I’m going to go get my cut scene in a second here I’m just looking at what we got now that we have access to the mines a lot more checks are available every five floors is a check instead of unlocking the elevator and each unique enemy slain for the first time is a check as well I’ve decided to start delving into the mines with the Scythe as my weapon best of luck I I can I can get you a club without too much effort I think oh yeah first time defeating enemies gives unlocks I forgot about that yes yeah that’s a big one I’ve given you a deluxe scarecrow recipe you’re welcome nice bro where is floor two bro that backpack would go crazy right now I’m I’m going to get you your backpack don’t you worry a not a magnet ring Progressive backpack that’s the one oh I don’t even get that until tomorrow here I am standing around like oh just wait for that to unlock give it to you now if I could but that’s the best I can do right there that sounds correct enjoy your water water ENC thank you appreciate that a glow stone that’s actually crazy I’m getting all of your unlocks and none of mine honestly it’s the way it should be it’s it’s a Cooperative experience yeah you know I’m just setting you up to get a ton of unlocks for me I’m working on don’t you worry about that I should go buy my backpack upgrade I haven’t done that yet um should spend 10,000 gold on this big backpack upgrade I guess so yeah it’s money what is that enjoy your farming level farming level there are uh speed upgrades we can unlock as well oh yeah so uh the default was 10 which is like a lot I yeah I recommended we turn that down to six because even at six which is what I played with it was any any more than that it would be uncontrollable I’ve giving you a mine elevator yo sweet that’s a good one and I found a star drop whoa that’s nice that’s pretty I’ll take that yeah gladly than it previously was uh I got a club I think that’s just the club the wooden club or maybe it’s uh Alex’s bat maybe it is I don’t know which is O interesting weaker you may have noticed that completing bundles are checks thing is this mod also adds a bunch of custom remixed bundles and some of them are a little wild luckily for the sake of time we’ve reduced the amount of items required for each bundle spring crops bundle okay fish farmer bundle it gross quality crops I need five quality rice that’s a new one that is interesting five quality unmilled rice agronomist bundle rare crops bundle thank God that still only requires one yeah honestly oh my gosh it’s fairly un unmodified as far as that one goes quality foraging interesting mind foraging exotic foraging Horse flute enjoy your Horse flute yeah all right you but ex wait exclamation point horse you don’t own a horse is that does that work I don’t think so I I don’t know I guess I should I could try why is my summer forging bundle like weird red mushroom grape and Rainbow Shell that’s a new wild fish bundle oh I got the trash bundle for fish bundles too sweet let’s go okay fish bundles looking pretty exceptionally vanilla oh that’s lucky bunch of stuff for Chef’s bundle pancakes and milk sounds delicious bartenders bundle wow o okay okay I got you okay well we do have the house upgrade well no I have a house upgrade I think yoink some of these oh enjoy your junimo hunt thanks oh that’s great wait oh my God one of my Vault bundles is the gamblers bundle which requires 2,000 coins from the casino would you classify yourself as a horse girl uh I don’t know about that let me tell you I don’t know Ines we had horse girls we had some horse ass horse girls I feel like we all we’ve all known a horse girl at some point in our lives yeah at least well I I definitely did because I I mean Alberta is very much like a farming Province kaido kid oh my gosh so kaido kid is the person who made the archipelago mod for stardew really Kido kid what’s popping this is amazing I just got fibs which I didn’t think was uh one of the UN but all right fibs yeah the the fishing broadcasting system oh I the channel that’s crazy um I can get oh well here you go enjoy ah training Rod oh my God that opens up I literally just bought the training rod and sent it to you that’s that’s actually very funny the fishing rod items are one of the most important unlocks since every fish excluding ones over 80 difficulty are Jack X which leaves 39 fish that AR XS of those 39 the training Rod can only catch 15 of them since it’s limited to fish under 50 difficulty so the next Rod the bamboo Rod will unlock even more possibilities how much do I miss the improvements from 1.6 honestly the game feels the same to me right now maybe it’s just cuz I’ve played so much 1.5 in the past but the biggest one for me was I was trying to water my crops and I tried to adjust my aim and I couldn’t do that I actually it’s funny you mention that I have the copper water and can and I like literally tried to that earlier didn’t mention it oh it’s Sunday should I go check the traveling cart or is that like different you need to unlock the days for the traveling cart I thought so I remember I thought I thought thought I remembered that from watching your stream oh yeah that’s part of the reason I think that you start with the calendar the calendar will update to show traveling Merchant days so if I take the elevator down to floor five does that just not count as a check no you have to reach it yeah okay that’s what I thought at least from the previous five floors I was going to say that would be that would be kind of crazy if you just like be like oh use one check to unlock another one that is an option to enable but I think I’m about to get a bunch of checks cuz I got my fancy new fishing rod preserves jar and Progressive elevator ooh wow I just level one fishing from one fish that’s pretty nice oh we have we have boosted experience that’s right I very much enjoy the boosted experience I I completely forgot that I’m not going to lie and I was like very surprised how fast I hit like level four forging yeah you’re just a speedrunner I was like I was like like man I’m better at this game than I thought just naturally I have level two fishing I should be able to buy a fiberglass Rod yay heck yeah baby strap all right I just got babied you just got babied yeah unless we get like really lucky or really unlucky oh wow o golden egg I need a c for that bad boy yeah no I don’t have the CPE yet and I need like two CPS right cuz I don’t have an incubator in the first coup I got to 410 and got a mine elevator and I’ve given you an auto Grabber that’s my second aut wait no I have an auto patter and an auto Grabber now I was going to say that’s Auto pet Auto Grabber right now I’m goated now I just need a coup or something yeah if I get a gold spring onion we’re goated Cherry sapling ooh do you need that for a bundle no but uh just like crops trees are fruit trees are checks ah right right right right right what slime charmer ring let’s go oh this that was just for literally walking into the museum as it heads up all right we’re about to get some unlocks here boom thank you for the shipping bin that’s kind of crazy so so welcome oh oh oh build myself a silo I get a return scepter that’s pretty all right oh here have that that that is actually really good a luck bonus yeah that’ll go crazy you know what else will go crazy what’s that that what that’s a little crazy oh my I need to go visit the the wizard dude I also have like 20,000 mines upgrades in my in my carpenter shop for you so oh my okay perf perfect thank you can I send the bar I think I can send most most things I could probably get some dang checks with that 20 magic bait ooh wait a second I’m going to well you know not with a training Rod I’ve made it to floor 35 oh my goodness with with that check that’s why I’m still at floor 10 for my mindes I need I have a there I I do have a an upgrade for you in the mines from Robin I forget what it was specifically but I should go check that I named the cat after you a thank you an I did not name my dog after you a it’s okay I don’t want to be a dog Tim beib is too important to this Tim Tim be Tim beib yeah the the limited time uh dnut holes from Tim Horton that’s the one oh my God that’s the canonical name of our dog what a deep cut that always out of everything wait what does that even mean ooh I got my desert Obelisk that’s pretty good I gave you a slingshot there we go and oh Club card oh that’s actually really good that’s actually really good for you right you need the casino coin I have the desert obisk now and now I have the club card it’s all lining up it’s all it’s all working out as planned I can clutch out the uh 2,000 has a lot of coins to be coin yeah I could clutch it out with a little bit of work we like we like a good Gamba stream around here though yeah Gamba time two for one special oh there you go there you go oh my gosh that’s so big we are so fishing n now you’re in there oh I didn’t realize I needed that for anything oh I got travel uh oh you’ve given me Progressive movie theater wait so I got I just got two Progressive movie theaters so first one unlocks the Lost bundle and it destroys jojamart the second one uh builds the movie theater oh so I don’t have to worry about the Lost bundle anymore it’s still in there it’s still in there now you just need to pay 1,000 gold whatever you want to go donate anything oh my God yeah so dubs all around you can have one of these oo thanks yeah just for fun what does that set you 50 that’s 40 40 40 jeez oh my initiation Shuffle trap what is a shuffle trap oh no so from what I hear in the Discord that is the most punishing of all the traps shuffled my inventory and all of your chests if if any chests are touching they can be shuffled amongst each other I don’t think I think I have multiple chest but none of them are touching I don’t think okay I get something at Robins with this stuff thank you’re crazy all right we’re shoving I’ve given you a star drop from a chub a random chub yeah pretty good chub absolutely yeah one of the best chubs there’s uh traveling Merchant Thursday okay yeah so we can I can go visit the traveling Merchant tomorrow uh the pan of drying okay uh well well well well I’ll use my frying pan as a drying pan classic classic classic now if we actually had some like Big Money Maker crops oh my gosh yeah I couldn’t even imagine oh I just got a bamboo pole that’s unlocked a lot the world is now your oyster pancakes donate oh that’s all I needed oh that’s great ooh pickaxe you got a pick little pickaxe upgrade yeah that’s gonna go wild oh there you go see of the devil yo got me an elevator all right fantastic fastic that’s nice oh I hadn’t killed that yet agressive axe yo that’s some hardwood if I can get into the that’s very nice oh wow uh I just noticed that the sweet gem Berry is one of the options in my fall crops bundle what which is funny cuz I also have the rare crops bundle just got to grow two two sweet gem berries yeah just easy I could send you a copper bar I almost accidentally gave you a monster trap uh instead of the luck bonus a thank you I almost clicked on it I just gave you your favorite uh piece of equipment worm bin worm bin I’m still the fact that I was like hey it needs these three changes and those three changes happened flabbergast that’s pretty great yeah it’s got to be very vindicating you forget that you just sent me a worm bin that’s so good yeah and I got my steel pickaxe oh my goodness bro she moving I’m glad I slept for 2 weeks straight honestly tricks that help you in real life just as well as start Valley all right now Diggy Diggy Hole I am a dwarf and I’m digging a hole I didn’t I didn’t expect you to know that one I didn’t I haven’t heard of that song in forever but it’s locked in my brain first Minecrafters I ever watched probably one of the first YouTubers I ever watched the full version of Diggy Diggy Hole goes hard actually I’m glad to see Diggy Diggy Hole love in the chat yo where’s this Last Enemy hello oh douge finally like that that’s good there you go yeah I feel like I would replace my finger with a spoon consider sport it still has the problem of the fork though is that like what if I like go to like scratch my like face and I just like poke myself like bleed well say SK don’t say skill is I was never going to say that I could I don’t know I could hear it on your breath I I could feel it coming up I was like this man’s about to hit me with a skill issue I would never say such a thing I appreciate that we’re supposed to be working together we can’t get under each other’s SK yeah a while ago someone said oh it’s nice to see actually like a stardo challenge where people are working together for once and I agree it is nice to be like actually invested in your progress because it’s like actually important to me yeah we we relying each other so much for all this stuff yeah yeah like steel pickaxe now I can I can somewhat shoo on them that’s that’s good yeah I don’t have any pickaxe upgrades yet I don’t think yeah it’s almost a case of like maybe a few luck upgrades and some food upgrades and I might I mean just a couple more M shafts and I might be able to go I think he said drought trap not trout trap but I did say drought yo ooh way Greenhouse you are living now that’s amazing I just need seeds true I have a I have so many summer seeds remember seasons are one of the things that we need to unlock until we do we’ll just keep repeating spring over and over up to this point neither of us have found a single season of other than spring so no matter how many seeds we unlock we can’t use them unless we also unlock the season we in unless we get the green house and then suddenly we can check all of them oh enjoy that a gold clock are you kidding me free control of your time oh my gosh now we know that that works all the mosquitoes from these kale whoa what’s all this I just I just harvested like 10 kale luck bonus Progressive pit oh that’s my gold pickaxe my gosh and Progressive mine elevator look at that you just made my mines a lot better on a day where I just blitzed the mines well you know there’s always tomorrow fishing oh my goodness 36,000 gold from the kale I forgot I did that today return scepter yeah I’ll take that thank you that’s pretty big 20 Gold return scepter Progressive Footwear have some boots Bo that’s crazy we have not unlocked a single boot yet that is ridic I was I was kind of thinking that I was like looking at my my armor and I’m like there’s something missing here so you have a greenhouse I do I have a bunch of seeds I you do you’re about to get some stuff okay all right we’re going to go that way I think so cuz I have you already have blueberries I’m here for it I’m here for it you know what I’m going to do I’m going to go to bed I’m G to go get my Coupe both of them golly I have so many seeds yeah yeah yeah I literally have I’m going to get a blueberry seed tomorrow and that’s like the first seed I’ve seen in eons I then proceeded to gift argon Every Single Seed I unlocked but couldn’t use and that gave us so many upgrades so quickly in a short time I unlocked fall I’m you for Granny’s G all that time the first season I got a bunch of speed and luck upgrades and my final pickaxe upgrade wait I just sent you a progressive pickaxe though wait oh you’re wild for that one and to top it all off a Napal ring soon after that I made the Declaration okay so what’s my luck today going to do oh yeah I need iron bar IR bar that’s a star drop oh yeah ooh are you going to are you going to go for it I’m going to walk over very briskly and we’re going to see how deep that thing is what’s my elevator at at least 70 it’s 70 okay I think I can do 50 floors that would be hype I got four staircases and I’m probably going to get enough stone for a fifth I’m going in I have a scarecrow in my inventory you never know what could happen crows in the speed you never know let’s put the return sceptor in the bottom right it’s important to have a good have a good luck charm you know I don’t know if you need that but I mean if you if you don’t make it through today maybe the traveling card will have get something good for you perhaps oh I’m so fast my heart’s actually pounding this feels like it has so much writing on it I’m I’m going to need you to give give me some color commentary honestly well we’re at 73 already nothing too bad going on yet I mean the Napal ring it’s pretty nice Napal neing is clutching it out I’m glad oh yeah you can see uh whenever I hit a set of five oh yeah I’ll be able CU you’ll be get you’ll be hitting unlocks and stuff I am getting a lot of staircases on like the first three rocks I break which is that’s fantastic pretty great I’m at 80 I think I may have overprepared also enjoy your Sinister signal what is that I have no clue I’m scared help me it sounds like enemies would storm you or something that’s the dove child channel oh the on the TV oh my God it’s so funny oh I’m slimed I’m so fast that even while I’m slimed I’m kind of zooming yeah this is a maybe a little Overkill actually I’m I’m no longer worried and I’m kind of like okay how long ago could I have done this you’re just coasting now let’s not get too overconfident I suppose Anything Could Happen the I will say the aridium pickaxe heavy lifting what time are you at 10:50 a.m. so oh oh my God third of the way through the day and I’ve gone 20 floors very sad to do this with the Templars blade but I had no other choice inflation trap oh no I just realized that’s probably prices going up isn’t it I think it would be yeah you not send me an inflation trap though so I literally could not imagine it as anything other than the joke so may the stream is still going but probably not for much longer at the rate that that things are going here is Cru into the bottom of the mines and I’m probably not far behind honestly very interested to see how much you’ll get from finishing it [Music] up just like the absolute joy I love the luck Buffs because it really it lets you just get like staircases on your first rock [Applause] consistently um the lead run hey oh my God ow there you go thank you thank you I guess I’ll just start on 4 100 now I was in the mines so I just got hit with so many traps yeah I’m kind of slimed and like it’s it’s not a great time over here I’m not going to lie to you slimed I got my inventory shuffled that that was a lot that was a lot well hey there you have it well done well done goodness me that is it and off off the back of that I mean I’ve only got maybe I should sleep until tomorrow so I need to get a pickaxe upgrade or something is you’re 102 what’s that oh are you are you going too I’m in here man I I was going and then you hit me with the all the unlocks and it got me down to floor 100 to start and I’m like oh my goodness I think there’s a chance I’ve got my magic rock candy buff on I’ve got like I’ve got speed for days well I’m glad that we were actually able to do this in a timely manner yeah this wasn’t too bad I’m up to like 5 and a half hours on my stream timer so okay you’re at 4119 yeah unlock jump scare here we go I just got B I got baby I got frozen I got bombed why are there babies at the bottom of the mines I’m scared why is it why is there a dog barking you’re Frozen where’s where’s he going man he’s going the babies yearn for the mines it’s never been more true a [Music]

If you haven’t heard of an Archipelago Randomizer before, we’re basically able to send eachother randomized rewards for tasks in different worlds. We’re not playing multiplayer on the same save file!

The goal is to push to floor 120 of the mines, which relies on a couple of specific rewards, such as elevator floors and pickaxe upgrades!

And if you’re worried about 1.6 spoilers, we’re actually playing on 1.5, since the update for 1.6 wasn’t out yet!

0:00 – Intro
0:53 – The Run Starts
5:17 – Access to the Mines
10:22 – Fishing Unlocked
22:45 – Pushing to the Bottom

Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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