ah what is this package going to arrive we’ve been waiting all day I know I’m so bored it’s going to be here soon hello guys are you ready to play video games yeah you’re still down here yeah Ruby we ordered something really cool online we’re just waiting for it to get here now are you kidding me you’ve been here for hours yeah Ru we need to see the moment it gets here we can’t have um any wasted time as soon as that package arrives I want to go open it oh yeah it’s going to get Wicked BR if you stare out the window like this you’re going to freak out the mailman no we’re not Ruby the mailman isn’t going to care okay it’s just just it’s he’s doing his job and we’re just staring at him doing his job okay if you want to watch the window be my guest I’m going to eat a sandwich wait cam did you hear that I think I just heard the doorbell that sounded like a doorbell to me oh my gosh it’s here that was quick I didn’t even see the mailman arrive all right well I guess let’s go check our package and it’s here finally we’ve been waiting like uh 4 hours for this I think let’s go oh my gosh it’s here oh heck yeah let’s grab our balls and yo it actually works we’re bouncing everywhere what what are these the thing that we ordered we ordered a bunch of bouncy balls we we can throw them all over the place let’s go oh yeah these ones are going to bounce so hard look at this look at this wait what um um aren’t you scared that there I think I heard some glass shatter dude the window’s breaking Ruby Ruby watch I think the bouncy balls may have hit Ruby Ruby got bald oh my gosh you got way too many of them they’re out of control oh Ruby that was only like a few of them I still got 53 left they’re called super slime balls oh yeah oh yeah boom what do you oh what what do you mean you have 53 left left yeah we’re bouncing guys this is the most immature thing ever and what ruby this is not the most immature thing ever what are you talking about you should join us no me can stop right now it’s literally just punching me in the face they’re just bouncy balls here you can have one take that oh oh stop it you have to catch them they’re going really fast oh my gosh guys this is so annoying you know what I’m moving out this is so immature what since when did you ever care about being mature oh when I didn’t get killed by bouncy balls what wait Ruby catch out stop thr so out me oh you know what I’m going to take the PS5 too as a punishment no no okay that’s where you’re going one step too far you cannot take the PS5 if you want to move out then you can move out all you want but you cannot take the PS5 that is staying right here no wait I’m taking it hey no no no leave the PS5 alone that is our PS5 if you want to move out be my guest but the PS5 like I said is staying here stop carrying me out you guys are going to regret this yeah yeah whatever well we have bouncy balls and you don’t so let me back in you can come back in but you can’t complain about our bouncy balls you know what no I’m going to leave I’m going to leave I’m going to leave she’s really moving out I didn’t expect this day to come so soon she’s probably just going to go build a dirt Hut and be back here by night yeah she’s probably going to get scared by like a zombie or anything but uh we should probably repair these windows not going to lie uh we can repair that later we got some more bouncy balls to bounce yeah let’s go yeah you’re right actually woo these Bounty balls are so epic wait D let’s go into the bathroom and throw as many as we can I’m pretty sure there’s no windows in there oh wait wait good idea good idea and then since it’s a small space they’re going to bounce around a lot oh there’s kind of one window there but it’s fine it’s fine oh yeah bounce ball CH let’s go they’re going so fast wait let’s throw some in the toilet oh yeah oh yeah we got to try to get one stuck in there oh yeah I got it oh wait oh oh I got it I got it there’s one in there right now y let’s go there’s oh oh we just lost the entire window that’s fine we can repair that window later look at this bouncy ball over here it’s going crazy this is awesome let’s unleash the toilet bouncy ball oh I think I got flushed oh I just fell in ew dude you just jumped in the toilet I’m getting out of here bro wait C come here I’m going to touch you I got the toilet touch I got the toilet touch oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look at that what the heck is that why is there a house fall down for wait is that Ruby’s house I think it is where’s Ruby what the heck I thought you was just going to built like a little dirt Hut and call it a day Ruby Ruby are you around here what is this oh that must be the house that I ordered hang on I’m trying to prepare for it uh I’m just watching it go down from over here what the wait where are you how did you get this house how is there a house falling down from the sky what do you mean I got them off of Amazon what you can order a house off of Amazon how did you afford this it’s called a pre-build buddy they’re very affordable what the heck wait wait hold on when did you order this how did your house arrive so quickly it took our bouncy balls like 4 hours to arrive bro I have Amazon Prime what you don’t um no and I wasn’t expecting you to have a crazy house like this I thought you were just going to build like a little dirt Hut wo it looks so good I just have to decorate it a little bit Ruby your house is kind of in the ground a little bit I think it was too heavy what do you mean it was too heavy no it was it this thing is crazy you could just order a house on Amazon yeah and can you get out of my house please this is mine not yours but wait wait hold on a minute cam there’s actually a really good spot to have bouncy ball battles yo look at all the room in here oh heck yeah take that boom oh yeah what what’s that noise hey oh yeah oh yeah take that camp take that camp Oh I’m hiding in this room over here there’s a TV over here YY stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it get out yo Ruby we should connect our houses together and then we can have bouncy ball battles in both of them at the same time why would I do that why would I do that stop it stop it right now yesh there’s an upstairs what the there’s an upstairs really oh heck yeah oh yeah wait where you at oh take that bouncy ball boom I’m locking the door on you you guys are so annoying R we’re just throwing some bouncy balls around the house we’re making the house more uh homey yeah we’re adding some balls everywhere no stop it stop that right now what speaking of Amazon stuff you want to see what else I got what what else did you get on Amazon what the heck is that what what the heck get out of my house I’m taking the PS5 wait wait wait she’s taking the PS5 huh huh Ruby get back here get back here right now you cannot take the PS5 I can see again where did she go I think she’s back at our house trying to steal the PS5 hey Ruben you cannot steal her PS5 come back here come back here hey y m now did she actually just steal her PS5 are you kidding me no way dude uh yeah I did and hang on I got another one of these uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah look away look away look away oh gosh it still got me it still got me are you kidding Ruby give that thing back are you serious bro nope this is mine now this is mine now oh my gosh did you really just steal our PS5 dude Ruby that’s ours you just stole it we paid for 2third of it uh I paid for the last last third of it so uh I get custody for uh one week out of 3 weeks what no the majority rules we get it all the time no yeah we pay for most of it hey give it back to us oh man she just put it in her gaming setup it’s not even in our gaming setup anymore you know what Dash we need to steal it back yeah yeah you’re right you’re right hold on I have an idea again we got to we got to become the uh bouncy ball Warriors we got to bounce in there and steal it back uh- you guys are not coming in here is Ruby putting obsidian on the door just blocking us off yep I’m blocking you off you are not going to get this anymore and I’m going to block off my living room too so you can’t come in here what the heck are you serious wait hold on a minute Kim you know our bouncy balls that we have I’m pretty sure these can break glass oh yeah you’re right why don’t we just sneak through a window yeah hold on let’s just look around over here any windows that we can sneak through hello she’s putting obsidian on all the windows are you serious what the heck there has to be a window we can sneak in somewhere wait wait wait hold on Kim I see a window right over here that we can break through we got to break through this window with our slime balls and then bounce up with our big bouncy balls I think this could work oh yeah I have one slime ball left I’ve got 11 all right let’s break this thing boom there we go oh gosh there not breaking all the time we just have to throw it really hard oh there we go we got it it’s so calm and peaceful what was that quick we got to go oh gosh I think we need to move some of this grass over here so we can bounce up oh let me up let me up did that come from upstairs huh Jim lift me up I can’t go oh there we go we’re in now time to seal back to PS5 quick quick quick get the PS5 come on come on come on we just got to grab this thing before Ruby sees oh oh there we go I got it I got it all right now we just got to go oh gosh Ruby’s right there what was that noise why is this window broken why is the door blocked off with obsidian oh no um cam I think we’re just going to have to make a run for it you know what take that Ruby slime ball to the face oh gosh we can’t get out how do we get out upstairs upstairs upstairs upstairs upstairs no my house not my house we got we got to go through this window we got to go through this window Kim let me pick you up let me pick you up where you at right here right here through over here oh this one works all right bounce bounce bounce go go go yes Mission success we got the PS5 bag oh you guys aren’t going to get away with this well Ruby we kind of already did the PS5 is now in our possession let’s just go ahead and put it back right over here where it belongs let’s let’s go there we go you guys stole my PS5 give that back give that back right now Ruby that’s our PS5 go away I’m going to throw more bouncy balls at you yeah take that take that wait what no don’t do that don’t do that this what you’re going to get if you try messing with our PS5 again take that to the face yeah ow ow you ow you got you you are so immature next time you try to steal the PS5 you’re getting 10,000 slime Balls to the face I’m going to get that PS5 um I don’t know about all that Ruby you’re never going to get this thing back from us oh yeah well next time we do you’re not going to be able to steal well too bad that’s never going to happen and um wait a minute Cam hold on we’ve got a lot of uh holes in our house hold on yeah it’s kind of uh allows you to steal things pretty easily oh gosh okay there not good this not good we again we got to secure up the house we cannot have Ruby steal the PlayStation well we got to fix these windows first we got to block this all off that PS5 is ours wait wait wait Dash instead of using that glass why don’t we use reinforced glass o wait reinforc glass hold on hold on that’s actually a really good idea wait instead of using this reinforced glass is there like reinforced stained glass that we can use that’s Gray oh I’m pretty sure there is oh heck yeah hold on let’s just use this thing this going to look much better let’s just put down a bunch of this reinforced glass and ooh wait since it’s reinforced our bouncy balls aren’t even going to break it so we can just bouncy ball all day long in our house oh yeah that sounds fun oh let’s go it’s going to be bouncy ball proof and Ruby proof yeah well I’m going to reinforce my house too once I get the PS5 you guys are going to never see it ever again what the heck did you do to your house Ruby did you just cover it an obsidian um yep I’m going to cover every single side of it an obsidian oh gosh wait hold on I don’t think our bouncy balls can go through obsidian no should have thought of that before you made me mad well that doesn’t matter right now we got to defend our house and protect that PS5 and yeah yeah you’re right you’re right here let’s go ahead and replace all of these windows over here with some reinforced glass Ruby is never getting through this and all right there we go our walls are now all reinforced glass this is looking awesome now we can play with our bouncy balls all day long let’s oh no what the heck yo since look at the balls go through reinforc glass I I guess since always that’s not good oh man all right well I guess we’re just going have to throw our bouncy balls in the bathroom and stuff but anyways it is looking like a really good start to our house but uh gam I’m sorry to say Ruby can just go through the front door over here I’m pretty sure she has a copy of our keys oh yeah you’re right we have to change the front door okay okay well uh let’s see let’s see what doors are we working with here what do we got H what about a warped Shi door look at that uh that looks just like a normal door that doesn’t look very secure yeah and I don’t think I can even put it down here it’s too big to fit a man let me see what door should we use o what about these metal warning doors over here yo you can’t even open these with your hands I think you need to use Redstone to open it oo yeah this could be really good wait Dash hold on let me out hold on there you go let me open it up look at what I found it’s uh this what the heck is that it’s called a player door sensor what what what what does it do it’s it doesn’t work it’s supposed to be like the thing in grocery stores wait hold on do we have to put it on the floor or something how does this work what wait try iron doors okay okay let’s try putting down some iron doors over here is it going to work on this it’s still not working what the heck these player door scanners are a horrible idea Kim I have a better idea why don’t we go ahead and grab this thing called The Secret lever and all right check this out it looks like a normal wood block but it’s actually a lever you can use it to open doors yo that’s sweet we can put them here exactly exactly we could put them on each side of our door and then we can use these to open it up oh that’s actually sick awesome all right now that we got the door done uh what else should we add all right well hold on a minute G I think our house is still um pretty insecure it’s kind of all made out of wood and uh it’s concrete right now Ruby can just break through this yeah Ruby has like a wall and what is she doing up there yeah what the oh gosh she’s up there what is she doing let’s see can I aim all the way over there let’s see here what is she holding is that a grenade launcher yo what ruby chill with that thing yo yo okay come on Ruby this just a PS5 you’re going too far what do you mean just a PS5 this is much more than that this is not okay you know what we need more defenses cam grab some netherite it’s time no no no no no Bedrock we need to make a wall of Bedrock what the Bedrock okay okay you get on the Bedrock I have an idea I’m going to replace all of our kitchen with stronger things well our kitchen yeah cim we’re going to replace our drawers over here with netherite drawers we are not letting anything get destroyed hey guys I’m getting closer okay we got to replace everything with netherite before Ruby gets here I’m trying I’m trying hold on hurry up hurry up all right let me put down the ovens right over there that’s looking good any other netherite stuff that we could use oh wait there’s reinforced netherite over here we got to put these all over the walls too ru’s getting close I need some help here and ooh ooh wait you’re replacing all the concrete with netherite that’s a good idea just got to replace all of this I’m replacing it with bedrock wrong block bro same thing same thing they’re both equally as strong Bedrock you literally can’t break if you wanted to oh right here we go here we go we just got to cover all of this up and okay there we go I think all of the concrete has been replaced with some bread Rock block this is looking pretty good it’s looking good but it’s still not that secure we still have wood walls oh gosh um Ruby is right over there hey there Ruby what are you doing there hey what are you doing there huh nothing just protecting my PS5 no she’s throwing grenades get in the house in the house what the heck I can bounce those bouncy balls back now R you better stay away from us with those grenades yo she’s going to throw one at the front door watch out what did you do to this door you know it’s still surrounded by wood right yeah but hold on Ruby your grenade launcher is horrible you can’t even open it what the heck is that what do you think it is Buddy Ruby get that thing away from us oh oh oh I’m throwing we got get on the balcony Ruby stay back I’m destroying all those Minecarts that you play stop it stop it I’m trying to blow up her house with TNT minecra those things are explosive yeah it’s explosive you killed me like five times no Ruby that was your fault for not getting out of the way and oh my gosh cam she keep trying to blow up our house what do we do wait Das I’ve got an idea is it why don’t you go over there and blow up her base uhoh oh oh no we just got St grenade I can’t see anything oh gosh let me in give me that PS5 she’s throwing grenades all over house no Ruby stay back stay back we have to get Ruby out of here oh my gosh you know what ruby you’ve gone too far I’m pulling you away with this grappling hook come here wait what come here I’m pretty sure I can pull you with this can I not no stop it that hurts the tickle stop it come here come here get away from our house yeah no you guys are so immature this the one who tries to blow up our house with a grenade launcher go away yeah well I’m going to get you again oh oh I’m out of grenades okay I’m going to go home yeah that’s what I thought and stay out stop it stop using a fishing rod on me get back to your little Bedrock box I’m throwing stones at her I’m going to get you next time I’m going to get you next time you better be ready no you’re not Ruby the PS5 is staying in our house forever and ever and ever if you want to come use it you got to move back in here okay okay but anyways cam get in get in I have an idea our house is still way too weak this looks horrible we have bedrock and we have wood on the other half we got to replace the wood with something yeah yeah the W wood with more Bedrock no we’re not replacing the wood with more Bedrock that’s a horrible idea yeah yeah we got to replace them with netherite and yeah yeah that’s the move here let’s replace all of these blocks here with some netherite blocks ooh wait don’t forget to also replace the secret levers on the doors we got to make sure that the doors still work there we go o that’s looking good yep you do that and I’ve got the walls let’s replace all the logs over here with a bunch of netherite blocks this should make our house even more blast proof in case Ruby actually tries um using more TNT mine carts those things are explosives wait wait hold on I also have an idea why don’t we try using some Basalt blocks over here for some of the wood that could look pretty cool oh yeah that could look cool this house is looking super reinforced hold on we also have a door over here we should probably just remove this door and replace it with just some more reinforced glass that way Ruby can’t ever get in oh yeah in the back door oh yeah yeah true we don’t want anyone getting through through the back door all right this is looking pretty good house is definitely looking much much stronger than before but hold on Ruby can kind of still get in right now what if she brings like an Axe and just mines underground yeah you’re right we got to stop her from getting close to our house okay okay well how do we keep Ruby oh wait wait I have an idea Ruby doesn’t like our bouncy ball that gives me an idea uh yeah what’s your idea if this is going to work then this will be very very op let me just grab a lever real quick and a dispenser can we put the bouncy balls inside of a dispenser and we can yo we can shoot the bouncy balls out of dispensers yo what that’s sick all right this is going to be awesome all right all right here what we got to do is put down some bouncy ball turrets around our house so um how are we going to do this we could just have them pointing out but then Ruby could like get close and take it out okay okay hold on I have an idea why don’t we just put a bunch of dispensers up here on the sky that way Ruby can’t even reach them oh yeah yeah this will totally work yeah and they could be shooting a bunch of slime balls downwards let me fill them up with a bunch of slime balls yep I got mine filled up with slime balls nice nice and here we just got to have these covering the entire door that way Ruby’s not even going to be able to get in and there we go that should be everything now we just got to hook him up with redstone yeah wait hold on I’m going to make this side over here a little bit longer so that it goes to the end of the house this is actually going to be crazy we’re going to fill up the entire lawn with bouncy balls there we go now we just got to hook it all up with some Redstone and okay I think the bouncy baller machine is ready to go yep the repeaters are down let’s try testing it out oh yeah okay hold on let’s try putting down um a lever right over here for testing purposes and all right you want to would you like to do to the honors uh yeah I’ll do the honors 3 two 1 here we go here we go oh hold on we need more repeaters we got to add one right over here and and yeah I think that should be enough all right uh test number two in three 2 1 and wao who look at all that look at how many boun balls there are it’s like reading bouncy balls yo that’s sick this is actually insane hold on hold on if Ruby’s ever getting anywhere near our house we can just Spam the lever spam a bunch of bouncy balls on our oh my gosh that was a crazy amount of bouncy balls wait they’re destroying our Windows no oh gosh I forgot the bouncy balls are still destroying our glass we’re going to repair this is there any sort of glass that is bouncy ball resistance uh I don’t know maybe we can just try placing down all the glass and hope we got to do a glass stretch test wait wait hold on what about this tinted glass over here maybe this could survive that maybe place it down or wait what about this rainbow glass hold on hold on maybe in the bathroom we got to do a glass test why in the bathroom there’s a good spot for glass testing and okay there we go we got the tinted glass what the tinted glass breaks to the bouncy balls are you kidding me okay what about the rainbow glass what the rainbow glass too are you serious wait wait wait I got another idea what about the tinted glass but reinforced ooh tinted reinforced glass that’s a good idea and hold on this actually looking pretty promising wait I think it’s surviving it’s not breaking oh let’s go okay okay well hold on I think the T reinforced glass is um actually the winner it’s not breaking to the bouncy balls all right well we got to replace yeah hold on we got to replace all the glass with this reinforced tinted glass this stuff is op if it can stop bouncy balls it can totally stop Ruby there we go this wall over here is almost done I’ll get the ceiling over here too and I’ll get this wall like that and okay there we go I think all the windows are now replaced with this reinforced tind glass let’s go now we can bounce our bouncy balls all day without any fear of the glass shattering oh wait hold on cam I think there’s a few spots we missed up here oh gosh oh well that’s no problem yeah there’s just a little bit of glass and all right there we go nice this is actually looking pretty awesome there is no shot Ruby’s going to be able to break into our house now we got literal bouncy ball dispensers oh we got to replace this glass over here too but let’s go this is actually looking awesome yeah we just got to make sure that Ruby can’t get through anywhere we got to protect this pf5 hey guys missing anything and huh Ruby are you talking right now no we’re actually not missing anything our house is actually doing really good it’s looking awesome better than ever are you sure oh maybe you should check the spot next to the TV or something wait what is she talking about wait hold on that’s where the PS5 is did Ruby take the PS5 no wait right how could she have possibly taken the PS5 why is our doors open wait why is the PS5 missing what you guys should really have better security I got in so easily how the heck did you what what okay hold on hold on I’m not how did she do this when did she do this I don’t care we need to get that PS5 back yeah we need to form a plan oh gosh it looks like she’s been securing her house to in all this time she’s got a big fancy door over there in a big tower of obsidian what the heck how are we supposed to get in there oh my gosh we need to break into there how um let’s see what could we do we could just try and go in there with our bouncy balls wait wait actually hold on cam why don’t we try using this dynamite bouncy ball check this thing out whoa what it says warning this ball creates explosions maybe we can run up on Ruby’s house with this bouncy ball and just blow everything up and steal back to PS5 oh let’s do it okay okay but hold on we got to test out this ball real quick I don’t even know how this thing works hold on follow me over here real quick it says this ball consumes gunpowder so let me go ahead and grab a little bit of gunpowder and all right let’s see is this thing going to explode really really big let’s s it out over here so we don’t blow up our house and yo what the heck this thing is insane W you can like triple jump with it it bounces you so high up in the air dude there’s so many different bouncing balls too like look at this one what is that one what the heck wa I bounc high in water that’s what it says it’s called the prismarine what the heck okay okay that’s actually sick and hold on a minute I have a funny idea what if we try using invisibility potions on ourselves are we just going to look like bouncing balls oh yeah look at this we’re just a bouncing TNT ball o that could totally work all right I’m getting inis and we’re going to go bouncy ball on them all right it’s time for operation steel the PS5 is back Ruby is not getting away with this let’s go the bouncy balls are coming the TNT bouncy ball is here let’s go what was that noise and wait hold on Kim I don’t think we can go in here it says Ruby has a scanner door huh oh that’s no problem I got a I got a solution for that Dash you do what is it uh well I mean we are uh TNT balls so uh you know it only makes sense to have a little bit of spare oh of course hold on let’s blow it up oh let’s go what’s going on out there all right that didn’t work hold on I’ve got an idea Ruby built her entire house out of obsidian you know what you can do on obsidian you can put down end crystals on it oh heck yeah hold on cam check this out I’m just going to grab a few uh Pistons real quick no this is going to get epic let’s just uh put that a piston right over here like that and check this out we can put the end crystals inside of other end crystals look we can like push them in each other what we’re going to make the biggest end crystal explosion ever this will surely get through her door there’s no way it doesn’t hey Ruby what um don’t come outside uh wait what okay okay Cam I think it’s time it’s time okay get ready I’m going to blow up the crystals in 3 2 1 explode oh let’s go we got it did it break the door and we broke the door we’re in we’re in cim where are you I’m holding this uh I’m holding the TNT bouncy ball I’m in I’m in I’m in okay okay let’s go and whoa wait there’s Ruby we got to hide we got to hide what happened to my door huh I have to patch this up right now Ruby has no idea oh gosh she’s got a bunch of dogs Kim we better let those dogs sniff us out oh gosh this one’s getting awfully close what the heck I don’t know we just need to get inside and get the PS5 and get out yeah yeah okay where is the PS5 at though let’s just um sneak our way in real quick oh gosh Ruby’s dogs are looking mean what the heck yes where are you um uh I’m holding this bouncy B do you see me no are you inside no I’m outside still I’m I’m like to the left of the house I still don’t see you oh gosh I better craft a new door okay okay well hold on K we should hurry up I think Ruby’s going inside that gives us a chance to go inside as well let’s sneak our way in real quick and oh gosh she’s literally got like a million dogs okay and I’ll just make the door right here let’s see here wait cam are you inside of the house where are you yeah I think I’m right behind you oh oh okay you are perfect yeah I’m holding this dynamite ball oh so are you and what the heck Kim Ruby’s got guard dogs in our PlayStation room what all right well we just need to grab the PS5 and get out a are you guys playing on the PS5 again well um Ken we kind of have a problem there’s like a trillion dogs inside of the gaming room what do we do maybe we can like lure them out with like a treat or something o wait actually that’s a really good idea let me try grabbing some steak real quick ooh what about some steak and potatoes this going to be able to lure the dogs out hey dogs you want to you want to come have some steak and potatoes C they’re not coming out they don’t they they have no sense of smell what the heck I think we have to lure Ruby out so the dogs will get out yeah the dog seems to be following her okay how do we lure rubby out without making it look super suspicious okay guys don’t go on the couch it’s not allowed she likes animals so like maybe spawn in some uh like cows or something wait no I think I have a better idea why don’t we make it look like one of our dogs peed in the kitchen what it’s going to work it’s going to work hold on I see to find a liquid that looks a little bit like pee what about a poison bucket this kind of looks like pee oh dude careful she’s right there hold on hold on I’m just going to put a little bucket of poison down there oh yeah that’s looking just like P it’s got a slight yellow tint to it all right now we just got to wait for Ruby to see Pampa the 7th I told you no staying on the couch and what’s us what’s us smell and oh oh hold on I think she’s noticing it I think she’s noticing it oh my gosh which one of you guys peed here let’s go all right cam now’s our chance now’s our chance quick we got to go in grab the PS5 all right we got to go we got to go go go go go go get out get out get out get out time to bounce away go go go let’s go Mission success what what was that noise my invisibility is almost worn off hey Ruby guess who’s got the PS5 bag no wait that was you that’s why my door isn’t here yep Ruby check out we got some new bouncy balls we bounced our way right through your door oh my gosh all right well hold on K we got to get back in our house now we got to protect this PS5 before Ruby steals it again I don’t even know how she stole her the first time oh I’m coming back for you right now I think she found out how to open our doors I think we we need better doors yeah you’re right you’re right oh she’s coming back again let’s just get rid of the levers over here so that she can’t open the doors for now hey guys guess what what what do you want Ruby why do you have your entire Army of dogs here what are you doing you’re not the only one that can use a bouncy ball and what ruby are you throwing bouncy balls at oh oh you’re trying to break our glass well um Ruby we kind of covered that already hold on Kim I have an idea follow me up here what what what’s the idea you know what time it is it’s time to use our bouncy ball dispensers oh yeah your dogs are about to get destroyed yeah no no not my dog no think about the dog let’s go there’s so many bouncy balls oh Ruby just got pummeled by the bouncy balls oh my my wall my wolves oh my go what is happening oh gosh it’s not safe out there it’s a storm yeah and you better stay out Ruby you try to mess with us you get the balls wait what have you guys done it’s like the bouncy ball apocalypse even you can’t go outside anymore oh no Ruby we can go outside we’re resistant to them we already uh we we we got hit so many times that we’re immune to bouncy balls yeah they don’t hurt us anymore you’re immune what that doesn’t make any sense wait cam I just got a really good idea we should try building a bouncy ball cannon to shoot bouncy balls at Ruby oh yeah that could totally work let’s put it on the roof yeah yeah exactly that’s what I’m thinking but um this is going to be kind of an experimental design I don’t really know how to build a bouncy ball cannon do you no I know how to make a TNT cannon though okay okay same here I’m thinking what we could do is start by building a little TNT cannon except at the very end the part where it shoots TNT instead of having TNT there why don’t we have bouncy balls there that could work uh honestly that might work really well w m okay okay this is going to be interesting going to be a little bit of an experiment for sure let’s grab a little bit of water and uh let’s put a slab down there we’re just going to build this part just like a normal TNT cannon we’re going to use the TNT to push the bouncy balls farther we’re going to have supersonic bouncy balls uh this might work there’s only one way to find out though let’s go ahead and grab a little bit of redstone and just put it down right over here yeah that’s looking good we also need some repeaters yep you do that I’ll set up the Redstone like this with a lever all right all right I’m putting down the repeaters there we go and hold on a minute as soon as the bouncy ball gets fired out of this dispenser it’s going to start like bouncing crazy in between these two blocks um yeah this is very experimental to say the least all right only one way to find out if this works though oh gosh okay okay here we go here we go oh bouncy Ball’s going oh that did not work the bouncy ball went way too early I think we need to add more repeaters over here yeah yeah yeah what if uh we make it like this so it goes around and then around and then it goes up here oh that’s water I don’t think we need it that long why don’t we just have it hooked up to these dispensers over here this should be good nah we need it this long trust really okay okay I guess if we want all those extra dispens what this isn’t even going to work look these things are what are you doing I’m doing something you’re messing me up bro this isn’t working let’s just have it be like a simple Redstone line like that okay this should work let’s turn off the lever now and okay I’m going add one more repeater here try fling it now let’s see if we got the timing right so TNT goes off and then bouncy ball goes and ah we still need more repeaters are you serious I told you br okay hold on you were right we need to add um how about we just add a few more over here yep I’m just setting this up like that there we go and we need uh like that and like that there’s the craziest TNT canon ever okay you know what hit it let’s see if this works let’s go all right TNT has gone off and now we got to have the bouncy ball go off at the perfect time oh the bouncy ball went a little bit too late that time we almost had it though it was one repeater off that was it okay let’s just replace this repeater here with some Redstone and all right let’s try it one more time the TNT goes off and now come on bouncy ball just go off right before the T oh oh that work look at that it just dropped the bouncy ball up there I think it worked I think it just needs a little bit of a roof on it and it’ll work very well yeah yeah that way the bouncy ball is going to bounce on the roof and then hit Ruby in the face all right let’s try it out all right we kind of like got to give it a second to restart though all right all right yeah let’s try once more and here we go TNT has gone off and now bouncy ball going wait uh it still shot that bouncy ball up there dude it’s in it to the sky though hold on let’s just add like a little bit of a barrel oh a barrel is a great idea but hold on I also have another idea instead of just shooting one bouncy ball per shot why don’t we make it shoot like a million check it out if we grab an observer and put it down over here like this and then another Observer right over here all we need to do is just put a piece of uh sticky piston down over there like that oh wait no not there over here and then we got to connect all the Redstone to the sticky piston like this the sticky piston is going to push the Observer and then the Observer is going to keep observing and then it’s going to work okay I trust you bro you’ll see you’ll see It’ll lot Mak sense once it comes together but okay I think this should be good shall we give it a test oh you already hit it and okay here we go here we go oh oh oh it’s still okay it’s just shooting way too many bouncy balls okay what is happening I think the design we had before was a lot better no no no this design is going to work hold on we just got to shorten the delay don’t worry don’t worry let’s try it out one more time there we go TNT has gone off and all right bouncy ball should start going in a moment oh bouncy balls are going bouncy balls are going and the bouncy balls are stuck why isn’t it working I I honestly think the design we had before was a lot better okay fine fine we can go back to the old design the old design was all right yeah the old design actually worked okay okay fine fine we can rebuild the old design there we go we just got to have some uh Peters there and then some Redstone here like that there we go and okay I think this one should work right let’s test it out and oh hold on we have too much delay it it was close it was close though final attempt hold on try flicking it again I want to watch from over here I want to see a bouncy ball go out of that Barrel here we go ready and C come on come on it uh I don’t know if it worked I’m not going to lie this is H this has been a kind of interesting attempt one more time I don’t think this is going to work okay hold on I have a new idea what about we just build really high up and just have a bunch of dispensers to shoot bouncy balls that way that worked that worked that worked oh wait never mind it worked yeah look look look look look look let’s reset it and it works okay okay hold on hold on I want to see this so we got the TNT going off and then the bouncy ball goes off and oh wait I think I actually start wao that’s sick wait wait do it once more do it once more I want to watch from over here I can’t believe it’s actually working one more time here we go okay okay here we go here we go let’s just see the bouncy ball get shot oh it got shot straight to the ocean that time no it didn’t it want stet to Ruby’s house I think you’re seeing things bro wait really hold on I might be seeing things try again we got to get rid of all these other bouncy balls in the air you know what we got to catch them give me this all right let’s try it one more time this time open your eyes all right all right fine fine let’s see it actually work there we go TNT is off and Dam it literally shot straight to the ocean what are you talking about no it didn’t it went straight towards ru’s house how did it go towards the ocean it went on the ocean okay let me try one more time let me um let me flick the lever myself this time let’s see if this will make a difference all right all right TNT has gone off dispenser go dude it’s literally going straight to the ocean what are you talking about you’re seeing things it’s going straight to Ruby’s house okay okay you know what how about we had some more walls over here last attempt now that we have more walls over here then the ball can’t go through the walls cuz I think this ball is really strong we go here we go let’s see this one work and oh it went that way this time you know what this thing is confus if if you see it working then I guess it works maybe I’m just seeing it wrong yeah you’re you’re kind of uh crazy little bro I’m not crazy and what the heck is Ruby doing over there what ruby what are you wearing I’m wearing armor and anyways Benny this is how you drive a car sit there yeah yeah yeah yeah is Ruby trying to teach her dog how to drive a car yeah I’m building a dog and car Army what the heck Ruby’s building a whole dog Army oh okay actually that’s kind of scary I see one of the dogs have already gotten into the car what are we going to do once Ruby has a bunch of car dogss no problem what do you mean no problem what are you doing yes yes just like that uh you know they they going to simple problem Simple Solution you’re building another one of those cannons wait a minute Cam hold on break this break this I just got a really really good idea okay okay I just got a new idea for another design of a ball cannon except this one’s going to be much better uhhuh what’s your idea okay okay so you know how these bouncy balls get um really really crazy when they’re contained in a little room why don’t we build a room that just has a bunch of bouncy balls in it bouncing around and then as soon as we flick a lever it opens up one of the walls in the room and all the bouncy balls go shooting out o yeah yeah that could totally work this might actually be a better design than the old one hold on let’s try just building a little room over here real quick just a little box and we got to have some Redstone doors over here so there we go let’s put some Redstone torches there like that nice the doors are closed yep and the dispenser is hooked up nice nice now we just got to hook up some Redstone to all of these door so that we can open and close it with the flick of a lever wait shouldn’t the door and the ball thing be disconnected from each other yeah they are hold on let’s try this out is this going to work uh hold on we need some more Redstone wait try flicking that lever all right flick okay nice that lever successfully opens and Clos is the door and all right is this dispenser filled with balls oh it is perfect wait why don’t we set the roof of this room into some glass so that we can see what’s going on in here and oh I think it’s working look at that oh that works so good what the heck oh that was so great but wait I know a way to make this even better okay okay wait what is it and wo wo wait game there’s a lot of Boss filling up in there what is happening W here we go wa that is insane it’s like a burst of of just bouncy balls that was awesome oh my gosh you know what K I think we need to add some more bouncy ball dispensers in here how about we just make this entire wall over here A bunch of bouncy ball dispensers oh yeah and then we can to have some Redstone right over here like that and then to power all of this we can just have um let’s see why don’t we have two levers we can have one lever here for letting the balls rip and then another lever here for filling up the chamber oh yeah that could work and then we going to have the main control room for all of this be up here at the top I think this should work all right there we go everything’s set up okay okay nice hold on let’s add a lever right over here and let’s put down a sign on it saying fill ball chamber and this sign will say Open Door let’s go okay okay this is actually sick well I think it’s time to put this thing to the official test first of all let’s start filling up the ball chamber real quick oh I think our dispensers are out of balls let’s fill them with balls there we go there we go let’s just fill up all with balls and okay now let’s take it for another spin let’s fill up the ball chamber and oh oh the balls are filling quick they are filling rapidly wow all right I think that should be enough yeah yeah that looks pretty good we got a lot of balls in there and okay you know what time it is Kim I think it’s time we hit it flick that lever over there let’s release the balls let’s go there we go what’s that noise we just shot so many balls every week you know what hold on we got to do it again flip up the chamber release the balls let’s go knock it off I told you to stop this is why I moved out Ruby we built a ball crossbow that was awesome oh you just flung like a million things at my house yep and we’re not going to stop yeah Ruby you better not try to steal that PS5 again or else you’re getting the balls oh yeah I want to bet um yeah R the p is kind of just chilling in our house right I don’t think there’s any chance you’re going to be able to steal it this is ball Warfare all right all right all right I’m going over there right now and what what are you going to do what what do you think you’re possibly going to do to steal wait she’s got a light truck what is she doing yo cam cam our balls our balls she’s going through the window I’m get the house I’m getting the house oh gosh oh gosh she’s breaking everything she’s breaking everything we got to protect the PS5 protect it protect It Go my dog Army go Bounty balls mon balls Ruby stay back we are the loyal Protectors of the PS5 if you try stealing this we will not hesitate to throw balls at you yeah well I have a bat so uh that doesn’t affect me anymore get over here get over here let me at him let me at him you sure about that Ruby um you’re not a very good batter half my balls are still hitting you my dogs my dogs not my dogs your dogs are getting kind of destroyed from these balls Ruby um this this oh and your dogs are trying to Ruby I don’t think your dogs have thumbs they can’t really pick up the PS5 Ruby has experienced kinetic energy yep the spike floor oh guys I think this might be a little much don’t you think yeah you know what honestly I think this might be a little much just for a PS5 Ruby you want to move back in um if you guys get rid of all the bouncy balls and the spikes yeah I’ll move back in yeah we’ll only use the bouncy balls in the bathroom yeah I guess we going remove them except for the big Canon up there that one is sick okay fine deal that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now


This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are both trying to secure their houses to protect the PS5! Who will defend the PS5 the best and keep it? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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