Advanced Clay Farming Guide – Stardew Valley Clay Farming 1.5 Guide

hi guys how are you guys doing it’s been a little bit since uh i did a video on stardew and you guys have been asking me a lot of questions and i figured you know it’s probably about time that i answered a few of these questions and show you guys some more tips and tricks related to clay farming if you haven’t watched the tutorial video you probably should because i’m not really going to go over the basics of clay farming in this video i’m just going to be talking about cool tips and tricks thing i need to throw out there is that you guys have been asking me a lot about whether this works on the switch or not this particular pattern as far as i know does not work on the switch so i apologize in advance i don’t know why it doesn’t work um but it’s not the same as pc i’ve only ever played on pc that’s my experience with that said i have learned a few new tips and tricks from piano underscore addict and it’s freaking ethan so shout out to those guys thanks dudes another huge question one that you guys have been asking is i watched your tutorial i followed the you know the the 646411 and like my clay pattern breaks like what what’s going on like why does it happen well that’s that’s true it does happen and breaks i can’t explain it i don’t know why it breaks however i have a band-aid fix that should help so what we’re going to do okay is i’m going to find a new pattern and hopefully this pattern breaks the first time and doesn’t go all the way and gives a six clay and then plus four you know what i mean okay let’s find a broken pattern let’s go here let’s use our hoe so let’s find our initial clay spot right here perfect okay so we found one fingers crossed this is broken and not like a legit string of clay so up there we go not looking great oh perfect okay cool so the clay pattern breaks at the very end right we got the first five spots perfect we got clay but the six bad so what we’re going to do is we’re going to apply the 4 4 fix method which i learned from piano so what i mean by that is on the tile that you find doesn’t give you clay we’re going to go four to the left and then four down and bam there’s your new starting point this clay you can follow it all the way out and it should like 99.9 out of 100 million i don’t know what i’m going it should work basically this is your new starting point then you go up here three four five and then six boom nice look it fixed it i don’t know how but it did cool also i should probably mention so we found the fix right the four four let’s try it again let’s go we’ll pop some coffee so we zoom it doesn’t really matter we’ll just clear this up a little bit so we have some space and then actually i’ll just get rid of all of it just really fast so let’s try uh this might take a minute so buckle up this right here is fine hopefully this is broken it’s not broken to find another one oh whoops okay so we’ll mark this with a torch because that signifies where the pattern starts i have a tendency to go a little fast sometimes so i have been using torches as a place marker so that’s our initial spot we’ll go up to the next one oh perfect oh this is really good okay this is exactly what we wanted so the pattern breaks immediately that’s annoying it’s frustrating you guys have been telling me about this again so let’s apply what we know four four so let’s go four to the left one two three four four down one two three four bam nice okay maybe i’m blowing smoke maybe this doesn’t work let’s follow it out three four five six oh my dude like it works it just works okay i can’t explain it but it just worked so if your pattern tends to break a good solution is going four to the left and then four down let’s just let’s just play out the rest of this okay another tip is make sure to count i’ve been told this a million times and it didn’t i just was being stubborn i wasn’t counting while i was doing this and it makes it a lot harder there’s a ton of like stuff right there’s tons of tilled spots there’s i can’t do this without getting confused and this is working out really well now that we have all of our farm tilled let’s go to robins before she closes and now that we’re inside robin’s house we will go to construct farm buildings okay now this requires either a shipping bin the default one the game comes with or you can make a cabin of your choosing so what you do when you want to clean your farm of all the tillable spots you hit the move building button and then you come down over here i made the cabin because i don’t have the patience anymore and you place the cabin on top of the tilled spots and just like magic they’re gone so you do this to reset all the spots you can and then oh you can’t go over torches though but you can get rid of seeds and uh seeds and weeds i guess another tip that’s kind of helpful is you can buy salads which are the most cost efficient thing you can you can buy consistently and coffee in the early stages of the game coffee is very good because it allows you to run faster and you can with animation canceling you can find clay a lot faster so i showed you guys the four four now i want to show you guys the three two in the upward direction and then the two three in the downward direction to correct a spot that’s until able so let’s just i want to pick a spot that’s close to the house so ideally i think it’s obstructed or we get a bad pattern or whatever but let’s apply what we know okay here oh whoops i did it again well that’s fine so three four okay cool so now let’s get rid of these one two three four one two three four just the right spot nice so our pattern broke we applied the four four this is our new one one wow that’s a lot of weird numbers so then three four five six cool let’s do it over here one two okay perfect this is exactly what i wanted so now that the pattern is under the house one of the solutions here is going two down and three to the right so let’s do that let’s go one two one two three boom and there we go that counts as our next tile well we run into a problem the next tile is very clearly under the house too right well something i’ve noticed that seems to work sometimes is that off of this tile right here we can do just a classic one two three and it should give us clay and then we go back here and then reset right go over it all again and then we go here and then it’s stuck then we do the same thing right one two one two three and then we can just kind of maybe do the same thing and then it’s stuck again so then we go one two one two three and then like for some reason it just keeps working it’s a little complicated but when you get stuck you can use the three two upward method or you can do the two three downward method your farm is actually a better spot to farm clay than the beaches the beach is a really good introduction area to clay farming because it resets every day i didn’t know about the cabin trick to remove all of the tilled spots on your farm until pretty recently you can still do it on your farm but you need it to be clean which the beach usually is pretty empty the beach is better for intro level learning whereas the farm has the most lucrative potential again just as a quick another reminder reminder reminder we learned the 4 4 pattern correction in case we lose clay pattern breaks fix it and then we also learn the three to the left and then two up shift and then the two down three to the right shift if there’s a unblockable or there’s an untillable tile but yeah i think that’s probably gonna do it thanks for watching appreciate it make sure to do the thumbs up hit the little bell all that stuff feel free to drop comments concerns thoughts opinions all that fun stuff as well until next time catch you guys later

After several months of farming clays in Stardew Valley, I learned some new tips and tricks that I hope can help you folks!

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Watch my first guide for clay farming basics:

Make sure to go check out my friends here:

00:00 Intro
00:28 Does it work on Switch?
00:54 Fixing Broken Pattern
04:20 Robin Trick
05:38 Untillable Soil/Tile
07:58 Town Beach vs Normal Farm
08:27 Pattern Summary (Broken Pattern and Untillable Soil/Tile)
08:47 Outro

#bulltg #stardewvalley #tips #tricks #guide #advanced #clayfarm #clay #farm #clayfarming #twitchpartner


  1. this is awesome, thank you. Also you've likely got this question already, but: do you know if mods affect clay farming at all? My game is pretty modded but it seems I can still farm clay with some amount of success, but… idk, was just wondering.

  2. Not sure if your generalizing here when you say it doesn’t work for the switch but I can’t help but notice your completely haven’t mentioned the Xbox and PlayStation versions of the game, does it not work on those either?

  3. This guy should be a school teacher. He explains everything in bullet points, makes things concise, and it’s so easy to understand. AND ITS ABOUT STARDEW 😂

  4. In 1.56 it works sometimes the 6×4 pattern, but most times it doesnt, but its still the best option for clay farming. Most times I get 20-40 clay and once every 2 weeks the pattern works and i get clay in every spot.

  5. So frustrating. I try and I try but it just keeps breaking and then it’s under an object I can’t reach! And I spend all my energy lining up a new shot and then I miss the swing by 1.

  6. Hey, love the advanced guide! ♥ I did notice on your older clay farming video that people said this doesn't work on 1.6 update. Do these advanced techniques still work? I hope so!

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