How To Get Extra Greenhouses In Stardew Valley

recently i have been experimenting with different ways of farming without sprinklers this is due to the fun little restriction on the beach farm that prevents you from placing sprinklers on the majority of your farmland thankfully the 1.5 update has added enough new items and mechanics that farming on the beach farm is actually very doable and has actually opened my eyes to farming mechanisms that are much more effective to the traditional sprinkler way of farming with the addition of the deluxe retaining soil you have a 100 chance that your crops will stay watered for as long as the crops are planted there if you planted a bunch of ancient fruits on the first day of spring and use the luxe retaining soil on them they will stay watered up until winter then you will only have to replace retaining soil again in spring this is very effective but it can be so much better with the help of a shed that’s right we will be building a farming empire inside of a shed using crop pots the shed is indefinitely more effective than farming on your regular farmland because this shed is only seven tiles long and three tiles high meaning it only takes up to 21 tiles of space on your farm but if you were to fill your entire shed up with crop pots with some room to walk around and collect the crops you have space for over 100 crops yeah you heard right 100 crops meaning this shed takes 21 tiles of your farm but it actually gives you 100 tiles of plantable crop space meaning you can really turn any farm into a mega farming corporation and all of this is made possible with the new deluxe retaining soil if you want to know how i grind up hundreds of this retaining soil check this video here i go through a couple of techniques and tips that make farming retaining soil very easy so now that we have all of the retaining soil we would ever need the next thing we need is a ton of crop pots at least crop pots aren’t very expensive to craft they only cost one clay 10 stone and one refined quartz to craft if you are low on clay or stone the video i mentioned earlier has steps to collect tons of clay and stone and farming tons of refined quartz is pretty easy what i did to farm tons of this stuff is collect some in the mines and then duplicate them using a crystallarium you don’t need that many crystallariums for quartz as they are by far the fastest item to duplicate in the crystallarium they only take about seven in-game hours where other gyms like diamonds take five in-game days so quickly getting a large quantity of quartz is pretty easy then all you need to do is drop them in a furnace to refine them easy enough once you have all of your crop pots just place them in your shed make sure you have a deluxe shed because the only difference between a normal shed and a deluxe shed is the deluxe shed has doubled the interior space but on the outside it takes up exactly the same amount of space as the regular shed for our purpose bigger is definitely better when placing your crop pots try to fill your entire shed but remember to leave walkways so you can easily harvest your crops i know many people like to fill their basements with so many costs that they can’t even walk they have to pick up the casks to make a walkway to collect their wine but in this case you cannot do that because you would have to replant the crops then simply put some deluxe retaining soil into all of your crock pots i recently found out that the order does not matter you can place your seeds first or you can place the retaining soil first it does not matter the seeds were where i made a big mistake i thought to myself i’m going to fill up the shed with ancient fruit and become a multi-millionaire so i turned all of my ancient fruit into seeds using seed makers and i was ready to start planting but that just wasn’t going to happen for some reason you can’t place ancient fruit in these crop pots it says the roots grow deep and the ancient food crops won’t be happy here plan b i decided to plant pineapples in the shed instead i first made a test with a single pineapple seed before i started turning all of my pineapples into seeds this time and it works so pineapples it is if you are planning to do this farming technique i would recommend planting crops that regrow and don’t need to be replanted you can grow anything you want in here because when growing something indoors the season does not matter just like how i am planting these pineapple seeds on my shed during winter so technically by using sheds crop pots and retaining soil you’re basically making another greenhouse meaning you can make as many greenhouses as you want think about it imagine you made like 10 of these sheds filled with crops all of the crops in each of those sheds will never die no matter what the season they will continue to grow forever and with that you could start to make insane amounts of money now i will admit it won’t be that pretty to look at but you could fill your entire farm with sheds and grow crops inside of the sheds that means for every 21 tiles that would normally grow crops using sprinklers instead you’ll have a shed with 100 crops inside making your farm capable of holding four times the crops that i normally would coming back to the sheds after 21 days i now have a bunch of pineapples just ready to be harvested pineapples regrow every 7 days but you can put coffee or cranberries in here if you want but i find pineapples to be very profitable now you could just sell the pineapples as they are but to maximize profit i decided to turn all of the pineapples into pineapple wine and pineapple jelly i do think that the wine is more profitable but i had a small shed full of preservation bins so why not use it my shade with the preservation bins is a good old regular size shed and you can see that it feels much smaller than the deluxe shed but it takes the same amount of space it is a little bit expensive to upgrade to a deluxe shed since it costs 550 wood and 300 stone but it’s definitely worth it doubling the interior makes a huge difference since pineapples takes seven days to regrow and wine takes six days to produce you will have a very consistent supply of crops to turn into wine and you will definitely produce more wine than your costs can handle you can age some of the pineapple wine in costs if you want to but i would recommend saving the costs for something more profitable like star fruit or ancient fruit just selling the pineapple wine as it is is good enough because of the large amounts you can produce okay let’s sell the wine and jelly i managed to produce from these pineapples i harvested wow pineapple wine sells for 1260 gold each and the jelly sells for 900 and tangled each that is impressive totaling almost 250 000 gold and we have a weekly supply of pineapples this is an extra 250 000 gold a week from just a single crop shed the possibilities of this are endless and i would love to fill up my farm with more of these little crop houses but i only realized this technique now and my farm is pretty full already thank you so much for watching this video this video was a ton of fun to make but when i tried planting ancient fruit and it wouldn’t let me i was kind of lusted for a minute there i had this great idea of filling these crop sheds with ancient fruit and then you can’t grow ancient fruit in them thankfully there are other crops that can also be profitable and pineapples really did surprise me especially when turning them into wine bye for now i will see you in the next video [Music] oh

This farming method is made possible by the latest stardew valley update that added deluxe retaining soil.
Combining deluxe retaining soil with Garden pots, and placing them in your sheds, you can efectively create another greenhouse as all of the crops in this shed will grow in any season regardless of the season.
There is also the added bonus, where sheds take up a relitively small space on your farm, but give you space to grow up to one houndred crops inside of it.
Check out some of my other tips and tricks videos!

Deluxe retaining soil grind:
Full Rain Totem Guide:
Iridium Farming Guide:
Crazy Money Making Technique:
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  1. Another way to get refined quartz is using fire quartz! You get one per day in the crystalarium, and you get 3 refined quartz for 1 coal

  2. Interesting way to increase farming capacity, I'm currently in the process of making an Iridium Ancient fruit Wine production line, I have 99 ancient fruit plants in my Greenhouse (coffee in the other spots) and once I get it all running it should get me ~457,380 Gold every 7 days. don't know if that's the best, but it's gonna be pretty low effort for high reward once it's going, Plus I just like Ancient fruits (getting all the wood and stone for the sheds and cask will be a chore) I just hope I have the space.

  3. TAKE NOTE ONLY ‼️DELUXE‼️ RETAINING SOIL Works on this kind of farm the mobile players like me it doesn't work if you use normal retaining soil YOU STILL HAVE TO WATER IT EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

    I tried planting strawberries and doesn't work on quality or normal retaining soil.

  4. when you made the layout for the greenhouse in the beginning, you could have put extra pots in the end of the walking gaps. It's only 8 extra pots so it won't make THAT much of a difference though.

  5. Okay but I'm on the beach farm rn it's my first farm I'm in my first year in winter I just reached the desert and I'm one foragable away from having the green house and I have a shit ton of starfruit seeds set aside in a chest waiting with sprinklers (from the dirt patch)

  6. I love how the game starts out with being sick of factory brick in the wall slave environment. Then you go to the farm to get back to nature and live a simple life. And then in a sick twist of fate, some just turn their farm into a factory machine for max profit. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I mean, yes, these vids are good and have great techniques …but at the same time, the irony is palpable.

  7. If you wanted to dedicate a shed to growing gifts Cactus Fruit is among the best, as they are loved by Linus, Pam and Sam. Peppers are loved by Lewis and Shane. Strawberries are loved by Maru and Demetrius. Grapes are loved by Vincent. Tomatoes + Eggplant make Eggplant Parmesan which Jodi loves. Corn can be made into Tortilla which are used to make Fish Taco, one of the easier loved gifts for Caroline. Any of the fruits can be turned into Wine for Harvey and Leah.

    Don't do coffee beans or hops unless you want a constant supply of Coffee and Pale Ale. Messing with Kegs every few hours or days is too much of a bother for a gift. Also Harvey and Pam are both covered by easier to manage gifts above. It isn't like you're only making wine for gifts, and its just easier to buy coffee from Gus or depend on the coffee machine. Tea Leaves could be done for Caroline to make Green Tea, but you don't need a shed to grow Tea Plants year around. Just plant them anywhere on the Farm and they don't need to be watered. Though if you just want them for gifts, it might be better to just enter Caroline's tea room and pick the leaves from her plant. Easier than Fish Taco.

    Also you could do Green Beans for Bean Hotpot, but that is already covered by Strawberries. Strawberries are also a better cash crop.

    There are other easy to grow crops that make great gifts, like Pumpkins and Mellon, but they need to be replanted. That just seems like too much of a hassle to be worth it for gifts. Its better to grow a full field during the right season and save a lot for gifting later so you don't have to micromanage a few pots being harvested and replanted.

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