Minecraft but I Open a Farm!

this is Minecraft but I open a farm today I’m starting a humble farm and trying to grow it to the biggest farm around from animals to crops to even machines my goal to own a monopoly of all the farms in Minecraft but the competition is ruthless so who has the biggest farm and how do I even start my farm stay tuned to find out so these are all the Farms of Minecraft all the way down there and these are the farmers I’m trying to sell to but we don’t have a farm just yet luckily this guy right here he’s an out a business farmer so let’s help him by buying it for $5 let’s right click and there it is our farm we got our own scarecrow and our own animal pens and of course we got now our straw hats and overalls but now with $10 left we got to buy some farm equipment from the store and also don’t worry all those Farms over there they’re going to be mine soon enough okay Farm Store what do we got on here okay we definitely can’t afford a sponge but everything on this aisle we can get like an open sign a cash register thank you a farm station board sounds cool and finally the family sign there we go and it looks like we can’t afford anything else except some cyor belts all right why not I’ll blow the budget let’s use everything I don’t know if I need these but oh well now let’s actually decorate our farm before we open it we’re losing so many customers okay so first up we need the cash register which will be right there in the very front next the farm stations which will put right there and of course the family sign which will go right there that looks so good I’m locking this already come on come on guys don’t ignore my story and before we do the open sign I do have one final thing which is the family photo which we’ll put right here look at it the farm family really all that’s left to do is put down the open sign which we can put it right there and it might just be me but let’s open it we’re open uh any customers error no customers I may have forgotten the animals right okay new Mission at the top steal cows from the competition where it looks like Farm Number Two is a cow Farm maybe we did need the conveyor belt cuz with these bad boys let’s real quick take a peek inside oh and there’s a bunch of cows right there so low key what we can do is real quick open this up yeah and why not let’s start putting some conveyor bels right there to move the couch from here to be all right first order of business let me real quick do this and just in case we’ll cover it up so the customers don’t see what’s happening I mean it is in the name of getting rid of the competition so little quick let’s put all the conar belts here oh yeah this is going to work and now all we got to do is open this and where are the cows oh no I missed it by a little bit um that’s a little awkward I have an idea okay so I have a mini plan pretty much we’re going to be using stairs to lead all these guys with some wheat to the best farm in the world which uh that that would be my farm so if they don’t mind I’m just going to real quick make a little staircase right here and now this should work yeah okay all the cows real quick before we get caught I need to borrow some of that wheat okay let me just grab this there we go let’s get some wheat nine wheat and now all of you come with me we need all the cows we can leave that cow right there he’ll be a straggler oh gosh oh gosh okay come on come on guys don’t worry I will provide you with the best wheat in the world straight this way though come on everyone one at a time oh gosh guys guys this is the cow armor right now straight this way guys let’s go up and now without further Ado come on come on yes they’re coming through look at them go this has been a success and now we’re ready for business all right all of you come on in oh my God this is actually amazing oh gosh there so many okay let me real quick make this a little bit bigger and now we’re good and now the mission is to sabotage I think that’s a success amazing and so I guess we still got a bankrupt this store before we get our customers they even have buff officer cows but are we finally getting customers we are look at them they’re going to go see the best cows in the world to totally ours right and now we made money we have 630 already now imagine if we take down number two with us okay wait so what do these guys even do hello oh well they don’t want me in there what about this guy right here nearby is this like a news reporter hello sir make news find the scoop oh that’s how we’re going to take down this farm so we got to buy some sabotage supplies as it says up there back to the store we go and if we’re trying to get the scoop I think these things might be best balloons which were right by the original cyor belt a digital camera I like this and why not I tried it sure and so now we should be ready with mission one it’s to get rid of the guards is this what the balloons are for hold on this guy’s just looking away chest and this guy do I just right click him with a balloon oh look at him go what is this okay that’s one guard God and now this guy there he goes now we can just walk in all right Mr competitor let’s see what you’re doing that I can take a picture of oh my gosh wait they’re torturing the cows what are these pillagers doing all right let’s go into camera mode picture one and picture two there we go and so now our mission is to steal the milk wait so do I just like go up to this and then break it oh sick all right you guys do not deserve the milk let’s real quick go around and grab these looks like there’s no guard to stop me so let’s get these guys bankrupt soon oh wait don’t get attack okay chill chill chill oh my gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay this feels like Pac-Man right now I mean this is one way to get them off the cows ow ow ow ow am I able to Trident them no I miss oh okay yes the Trident Works ow oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh at least the conveyor bols are still there okay okay we have seven three more to go also I want that golden cow I feel like we’re going to grab that golden cow by the that of this okay number eight oh gosh and here they come here they come come on guys come on come on you know what let’s take him out with the power of the Trident oh God I will take better care of these cows even though I already stole like half of them but it’s all good low key I’m I’m kind of crazy with the Trident guys last one oh and this guy too there we go that’s how you take down the competition now we just got to take out the milk buckets okay if I was a milk bucket where would I be they in here no oh I missed this one all right number nine and we just need one more by the way so all the GS you guys can go right in there and get to the better farm and number 10 let’s real quick grab that and now that’s milk suppli is destroyed now all that’s left is the cow by the way I put on the suit when it’s time for Espionage as for the cow how do I steal the cow uh do I just right click it or I guess we can just use wheat right oh yeah there we go all right come straight this way my friend come over here and I guess I can take some cows with me now this is going to be a good addition to the farm oh uh don’t mind me customer uh this is the wrong Farm to go to go on the cow come on go go there we go there we go and now we just got to bring it to our place oh hey by the way reporter over there I got you some pictures to show uh but don’t worry let me steal this cow first straight this way buddy oh gosh okay he’s going to come inside let’s go my fellow cows we have brought a new one and we got the golden C go look at this guy all right you guys are good there go ahead and name the golden count in the comments down below and now for you Mr reporter take these photos of what was happening in that farm oh and it’s published and it looks like we can finally buy the cold dairy farm oh wait I have the exactly the amount of money okay that never happens let’s real quick right click you and it’s ours that’s how it’s done oh and the cows are kind of still stuck up there I’ll get you guys down soon and as you can see we now have a proper connection between my farm and our new property but it’s time to take down Farm Number Three which looks to be an iron farm so before anything let’s see what the gains are today oh my gosh $2,000 nice and now we got to buy the invisibility in anti-gravity guns which it looks like it’s this R right here so let’s buy the invisibility gun the anti-gravity one and some shears for 120 I guess why not let’s buy that this should be good oh and it looks like they have guards at the front now all right so can I walk in or nope they’re going to kick me out again but it looks like now our mission is to obtain an iron farm disguise oh wait maybe from this guy that’s literally asleep in front of the farm but he’s sleeping on the job let’s that snoring is this why we got the shears can I just Shear this away from him oh wait did he drop something oh he did all right it’s still asleep it looks like and we got the iron farmer disguise where when we right click this we are now under disguise all right don’t mind me I love the iron farm so low key will they now let us walk in oh yeah he will all right uh great day we’re having and it looks like we got a now sabotaged livestock is this what I use the invisibility gun for so do I just like right click this oh oh yeah you did not see that can I do that to you no no no NOP all right uh so sorry about that what about that anti-gravity gun oh oh my goodness we got the floating cow this is going to be fun all right don’t mind me it’s the boss’s order all right so what we can do then real quick is anti-gravity you anti-gravity you there we go there we go all the way up don’t know what those things are for but we got flying cows when we buy the place those guys will come back down you right here invisible are you subscribed to the channel yes all right then you get gravity everyone not subscribed to the channel invisible invisible and invisible I wonder if I can invisible from up here oh I can nice wait this one dropped as an item that was weird all right all of you here anti-gravity anti-gravity lift up to the skies everyone I love the flying cows 1 2 3 and four yeah and now second to the last cow up you go and we got one more this is the last cow all right question for you did you like the video cuz the like goal is one did you no all right we’re good wait why why is that alarm going off find a way out wait what they block the doors with bedrock what is this oh gosh Come on there has to be a door oh those were alarms wait maybe this is what the Iron Cow is for oh yo we can ride him into safety Let’s Go customer scared and now the play are for sale that was Goofy let’s go and take that off and now with our money let’s buy that and it’s ours we have one two and three and next up is the golden Vineyard where the first step is to buy some fake crops by the way we remove the Bedrock and you guys are rehired and let’s also see how much money we’re making yo 16,000 don’t mind if I do and as you can see we have the Bing Farm up the dairy farm up and let’s go up to this real quick and there we go we now have the ranch and next up is to take down the vineyard so it looks like the stuff is here where we got to buy fake crops which includes gummy worm seeds rubber chicken seeds what is going on jelly bean seeds honestly these sound pretty good and toilet paper all right I I think we got our fake crops now to actually replace them but before anything now we’re ready to farm okay and so this is the vineyard and it looks like they have normal crops like this right here so technically we can break this and then we place this down and we got jelly beans instead now I get it oh they have workers okay okay let’s not get caught real quick but it looks like we have a lot of Vineyard stuff to replace right here so let’s just break that put down toilet paper break another one down here more toilet paper why not some Rubber Chickens oh my goodness that is so goofy even make a noise and finally some gummy worms honestly it sounds like a great Farm but big fan oh my gosh so they actually have fullon actual like proper crops all right let’s just take down all this though put down some more toet paper two ply of course another one here oh we’re getting closer to where the workers are okay let’s just put this to here put this here Boss Bar is almost fully up going to put some more jelly beans let me just act normal they aren’t questioning anything we’re good we’re good let’s just put this here then one more there can’t forget about the toilet paper this guy right here too and finally let’s just do a lot more gummy orms there we go and now that’s the cross vandalize and next up is to drain the grape juice oh wait we got a new craft oh wait that that’s kind of cool so did we just do this yo a giant straw what the heck am I going to drink with this okay where do I keep the juice then hello sir would you know where the juice is nope he is just jumping around all right delivering his best life okay maybe it’s somewhere in here uh looks pretty standard wait this is it yo that is a a deep hole of purple juice okay so do we just right click with the giant straw and now without further Ado let’s drink oh and it’s gone wait now we got to defeat the tomatoes wait what what does it mean defeat the tomatoes oh my gosh they’re coming for Revenge I guess I did not enjoy the crops I planted all right real quick let’s take you guys down oh my goodness okay come on come on one at a time oh oh I am overwhelmed wait am I purple right now oh gosh I I I I I drank too much of the grape juice oh gosh oh gosh Come on one at a time the things I got to do to buy this Vineyard something that might help actually is if I actually made armor or something that’s a little bit too late for that how many tomatoes are there okay another hit and is that all of them I have to Trident ready did we get peace I think that was all of them oh wait there’s one last one all right let’s take this final one out and maybe this will bankrupt it oh wait we can now buy The Bard there it is and we have more than enough money so let’s real quick right click q and it’s ours now and of course we can’t stop guys cuz the next one is the diamond subculture is it like an aquarium before we get to that one I’m still purple two let’s see how much money we made and oh my goodness 53k and look at all the customers they’re stuck to each other come on in guys oh and we got to update this there we go now we got the Family Farm Dairy Farm Ranch and Vineyard and we can’t forget about our prize golden cow got to say business going pretty good okay so we got to buy aquatic supplies which I’m going to guess is a shark with wig Spa egg uh sure we’ll get that a fishing net that makes sense oh gosh I have too much junk in my inventory let’s uh put a lot of this stuff away next up is scuba gear okay yeah I mean this makes sense I have no idea where I’m going into though and finally some Sponge five sponge to be exact and now our mission is to capture the Axel and of course they’ll be fine after we buy the company oh looks like some customers are heading this way too but here we are at the fish farm kind of looks like Atlantis okay where is the entrance I’ve climbed all the way up here maybe it’s over here oh my gosh look how many are coming they’re taking all my customers really guys okay we got to do something about this by the way we’re no longer purple my goodness wait where did the guards come from can I just go up oh they don’t want me inside all right now it’s time for operation Save the Fish real quick then while all of you walk in I’m going to sneakily mine in by making my way through here okay luckily it’s easy to mine and oh gosh wait do we have to swim in okay let’s go in here oh and they have squids okay I need some air though I need some air okay let’s just go through here and we might get pass oh we’re in yes all right don’t mind the flooding let’s just cover that up there we go and so now that we’re in where are the axle lles we got Turtles oh gosh this form is huge what else do we have in here looks like it’s a fullon aquarium are those Axel no they straight up have mermaids oh the Axel are behind them this is them okay well everyone else is distracted wait why are you staring at me buddy come on we’re just going to go in here and take equipped swim to capture the Axel come over here buddy that’s one number two so literally when we right click them with the net we get the spawn egg all right another one literally practicing my swimming skills right here and luckily the conduit power gives us a nice swim power all right let’s grab that one and I think this might be one of the last ones there we go can’t forget about the eggs up here another one one oh did they escape up here I don’t think so there we go okay I have seven ax lle eggs oh wait it extends over here oh that’s a conduit oh I completely forgot these all right you’re coming with me come over here guys saving the Axel and that should be good and now we got to drain the fish tanks is this what the sponge is for I don’t know if this is going to be enough are these like super sponges let’s Place one down oh yo it took down everything okay that’s the first sank destroyed now let’s go all the way down here don’t worry the AEL are safe guess we can do this one right here too oh my gosh that’s crazy let’s do this here and here and finally last one there there we go and all that left now is the mermaids which I just got to sneak into the mermaid show um I have an idea if we’re going to sneak in what we can do is real quick let’s block this off right here and let’s dig a little tunnel that’ll open up right in there oh okay I think that works and we in all right here’s the problem the conduit is gone so we might drown luckily there’s a up here okay okay so what do we do now oh wait is that an item frame oh yo we have a mermaid costume let’s real quick go all the way back back up here and so do we put this on let’s right click that oh my goodness we’re now a mermaid and so now we can go down here and I guess with a fishing nut let’s go ahead and capture the other mermaids okay all right that’s one oh gosh we’re drowning okay okay let’s H get some air okay here we go again number four and five and now that should be all of them gone by the way guys I’m just realizing now this whole time I had scuba gear which I’m pretty sure I can just put this on top and now I have water breathing I’m a little bit slow sometimes that being said now our mission is to replace the mermaids for for sharks so literally shark with wig be released go my sharks with wigs and they’re release and now with that being done it looks like this place might be going bankrupt so now that’s our signed let’s real quick go all the way back down here break this block here and it’s beautiful look at them honestly pretty cool exhibit I would keep that one now let’s just make our way outside with the rest of the customers and let’s see how much this is selling for oh that’s a pretty good deal we don’t have quite enough money but soon enough this thing is going to be ours let’s go check on the cash register by the way yes I am keeping the fin very cool all right did we make enough money oh my gosh we made so much money and so now with the money let’s ride click you and it’s ours yes now it’s exori red and that makes one 125 Farms that we own and the next one is the netherite robot Farm oh this place is crazy looks like we got to buy some supplies first and we got to update this sign too by the way welcome to the store guys let’s right click you there we go now we have the aquaculture and it looks like business is booming okay time to buy the next sabotage supplies okay now for the the next sabotage it looks like we’re going to be buying some prime TNT and a dance sign so let’s real quick buy that and of course the dance sign and we still have so much money left I also keep forgetting out a tail but you know what it moves goofy I like it all right the dance is is right there and the prime TNT now let’s actually get over there holy they got a lot of customers all right don’t mind me guys this will be exit stoos very soon and I feel like I’m in a city walkway what is this all right so what’s so special about the netherite farm I don’t even see any netherite that’s brick I don’t see any workers but I guess I got to replace a work sign anything around here oh wait do they have robots oh they’re working with robot Parts I got robot legs robot Parts I guess I’ll keep these oh and this is the work sign hold up so we got to break these there we go let’s grab the work signs and instead do something even better and now they dance looks like it’s not working just yet that’s why we got to do all the signs so real quick let’s real quick break you put another one no more work just dance how many work signs do these guys need all right let’s change that one and change this one they got one in every spot of this Factory oh my gosh that’s a lot of robot part who’s even in charge of all this it’s literally just robots and they’re mindless and just to make it a bit more important let’s put down some other Dan signs right here and right here and now do they dance yet oh wait the works start dancing is is that is that them dancing oh look at this leg move he’s having a great time and now I think I’m supposed to explode this conveyor belt with the TNT do I just drop it on here maybe it’ll work like that no no no no let me pick that up what if I just put it down like here all right I guess here goes nothing let’s just real quick place that down here here right here and explode oh wait I think I completely missed it that kind of works let me break it manually too come on now that works and it looks like our next mission is to just pick up the robot Parts I guess I can just say here going to break a few more of these pieces just so we make sure it’s broken and so far we have three different types of robot parts are we going to make a robot for ourselves that’d be kind of cool keep the Dan guys few more coming this way and then we should be good come on robot and the supps now to compress them do I use pistons for this I’m going to try something on a limb what if I simply just got a piston right here n a piston right there I put a wall right here okay let’s make sure this is a solid wall and then we just put down every piece all in one stack right there got a piece of redstone block like over here and we just place it down here this work uh did that work oh wait something came out a nest robot spawn egg um sure do I just spawn this in Yo and I got my own robot now oh that’s a sick I am now robot man wait so what happens now oh wait what is that robot boss where’s the robot boss I see a Boss Bar I have no idea where the robot boss is though sorry everyone I’m trying to find the boss oh and there he is all right time to battle let’s go on buddy get a robots oh gosh the the the customers are getting hit at the same time I’m sorry I don’t control this robot look it was made by the netherite factory get him low key this is kind of sick we just kind of let it happen oh gosh can I move the robot away from the customers oh oh this is awful this is an uh okay let’s take this fight somewhere else come on come this way come this way buddy come this way there we go what even is he okay couple more hits and we got him and now that’s the factory done all right robot let’s put you down right there let’s also deactivate you while you’re uh doing whatever you’re doing right there and now let’s see how much this Factory is worth oh 100,000 yeah we don’t have that much money you know what I will be right back let’s check how much money we made did we make money that should be more than enough and of course we have lots of happy customers still and yes I’m still wearing the mermaid tail and now without further Ado let’s buy that and it’s ours that Mak six farms and only one more to go at the very end which is going to be the dragon farm we got to buy some fireworks first to distract the guards all right let’s buy these fireworks am I being scammed right now how do I get them oh there we go that took so long oh let me real quick take that off now with this firework let’s see if we can distract guards holy that’s so many of them right there okay so do I just fire the firework right over here uh firework oh there they go okay I’m going to go left real quick they’re going to go for the firework and then we can just jump through here okay should be distracted and now let’s get to the house over there oh gosh I’m running for it I should have probably made some more armor or something but the mission now is just to enter the dragon’s house I mean I don’t know what’s a farm this is besides maybe a wind farm or a dragon farm all right just in case I do have Prime TNT and I guess we don’t really have anything else to use besides a trident all right what do we got on here this looks like an empty house anyone know these eggs the heck are these things hey okay I got skeleton eggs all right let me real quick not to fall for that oh gosh okay they’re motion tracked they spawn whenever I walk by them okay let’s real quick be careful then is this anything in dispenser no where do I find the dragon okay there’s nothing here in the garage maybe oh and now there’s cameras maybe he’s somewhere deeper okay we cannot get hit by the cameras okay okay okay I don’t know what the blue stuff is but real quick let’s just walk through oh my gosh okay it’s a zombie x my goodness what’s Ty of traps you have in your house okay no this is the bathroom oh gosh I’m going to Che the kitchen real quick uh nothing here okay okay don’t hit the camera laser anything around here no he must be upstairs all right time to go upstairs guys let’s real quick go all the way up here let’s not trigger the EG spawn eat some bread oh gosh and there’s laser oh no no no no no no no looks like I spawn in the dragon oh gosh oh gosh okay defeat the Ender Dragon where’s he at though he not up here did he spawn outside no oh gosh more zombies come on guys nothing here kind of sucks I did not bring any armor no not there either he should be in here then not there not here where is this dude is he at the attic all right oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I got to take down all these guys okay oh there he is Holy he’s huge all right this is why we got the Trident let’s real quick hit him off the roof and then we should be able to take him down oh gosh oh gosh oh wait wait wait try to come back oh that’s not good um right huh oh wait it came back okay let’s just hit him a few more times come on sorry buddy but this Farm is going to be ours take one more hit and we got him a little too close for comfort oh and we got an egg what’s this for oh oh and that’s Victory all right this Farm is now ours looks like those guys are so distracted but what if I made a different farm and planted a sword that grew so this right here is a tiny wooden sword and with this sword we’re going to be growing it to the size of pretty much that mountain over there where the first step of growing our sword is literally planting the sword so without further Ado let me get some wood and get a hoe all right one wooden hoe let’s repair the land right there and now with the tiny wooden sword we can plant it and it worked and now we have a sword plan oh gosh wait I should probably get some water and stuff right by it okay first I’m going to take all these crops let me grab all that thank you very much and now with these crops let’s go ahead and get some bone meal all right there we go got myself some bone meal by the way I just learned that that worked in Minecraft I didn’t know that was a thing and before we use the bone me on the sword we got to get some water over there all right don’t mind me got to get one of this there we go and I don’t think this guy will mind if I break his house and now what we need pickaxe shovel Axe and no sword I guess okay here’s the plan I need to get water all around here but I need a water bucket oh gosh okay real quick let me get in the cave all right don’t mind me just got to get a little bit of this a little bit of that last one there we go one piece of coal and just one furnace there we go and we got a bucket and now to make sure this thing lives okay we got the water right there is this all I need maybe to play it save I have a little bit of an idea okay so let me just go ahead and make a moat around it so this is what we’re going to do we’re going to do this here let me real quick surround you with all that you need and there we go give him a little bit of space to grow of course and let me grab those torches look at the little guy let’s go and give him a name in the comments down below well this is our baby right here we’re just trying to grow a good old little soil plant thing and I think I’m doing this right well I guess I could go ahead and try the bone meal then all right plenty of wooden sword grow oh is it working oh it grew a little bit yo okay now we can Harvest it let me pick that up and now we have a grown sword wait what the heck does this do oh wait I can now cut these wood things that they’re glowing oh that’s sick all right little sword can do some cool things anyways it looks like we got to help around the village cuz there’s a lot of exclamation points so uh hello what would you like Mr Lumberjack help him cut the wood that makes sense okay let me real quick cut all these then all right last ones let me chop this wood down thank you very much I’m going to be keeping all this I hope all right and that’s going to be a recycle wooden planks nice all right Mr Lumberjack we did the job oh now deliver the pl planks of my customers oh these guys wait so I don’t get to keep them oh and I broke his house down earlier okay we don’t talk about that you know what let’s just go ahead and give him all the planks he needs that’s one happy customer and the three over there I mean on the bright side I didn’t break this guy’s house down there you go buddy take your 10 planks you get some planks and you get some planks wait do I have some stuff oh okay here take your planks real quick there you go we’ll talk to Lumberjack soon but don’t mind me okay okay we’re just going to go ahead and borrow some of this okay another happy customer all right did the job oh he seems happy I found this it has no use for me oh and he gave us a reinforced Cobblestone maybe this is what we add to the sword okay I’m going to hold on to this just in case it actually makes the sword even bigger and next up let’s talk to this guy right here cuz he has the big old explanation point oh what the what okay anyways Mr farmer what’s up separate the mobs and put them in their pens oh all right Mr villager horse don’t know how this happened but let me cut you real quick oh and that worked all right so I got to get you in there and I got to get you there okay don’t go too far away guys oh gosh oh gosh no no no stay inside there we go and where’ that villager go no where is he going all right I’ll come back for you and now the pig cow let’s real quick separate you guys and come with me all right Mr Cow I need you to come inside we got to get the pig the cow and the Villager shouldn’t be too bad but you will go in here straight this way oh my gosh I didn’t see that at first we have another one okay all right now it’s your turn get in here Mr Pig we coming in Mr Pig you’re going to go in here that should be two of them we got to still get a lot of them back all right next up that Abomination oh there it is okay you know what let let me just cut this guy all right separated and now follow me my friend straight this way all right get over here chicken we’re almost in oh my goodness so I got to do this for all of you by the way guys I don’t think I’m supposed to bring the Villager in here so that that guy’s just kind of free and Senior sheep come straight this way so the last one I’m going to have to get is the horse and luckily enough on the screen right now we got a crap for a lead so we’re going to just lead the guy inside with that special lead oh since you were with the chicken you get the chicken room too all right there you go have fun okay final one now let’s real quick make one crafting table and what I need to get first is some leather um maybe they have it in here oh all right I’m definitely going to go ahead and borrow that and now let’s go to make a lead there we go one lead I don’t really know where the horse went though wait is this the right horse um they won’t notice yeah all right come this way my man all right don’t mind me guys we are bringing of course the horse that you hired me to all right last one to get inside get right in here Mr horse Mr horse oh gosh you know what that’s going to enough all right I’m keep the lead right there just in case we need for later and now that should be a job all done all right farmer did we do it take this oh we got another reinforced Cobblestone nice all right that’s going to be two of the jobs done and I did see one more straight down here there he is all right what would you like Mr Warrior Warrior needs a sparing buddy oh wait are we fighting oh we are fighting all right go on Tiny sword do your thing sorry brother oh and we knocked him out oh is he back up you good oh another round I guess all right let’s knock him out again and do I just hit him while he’s out no no no okay guess we’re going three rounds but it is the world’s tiniest sword so maybe you can do a bigger fight than that oh I think we should be good there it seems happy called me strong oh and from that we get the reinforce Cobblestone recipe oh wait so we’re supposed to craft these okay so right now we have two of these and maybe we got to make a lot of it well we got to get some iron I guess all right watch the super fast mining okay so now to make some reinforced Cobblestone all we got to do is put the Cobblestone together and then iron OT and then we get some reinforced Cobblestone so I guess let’s make like a decent bit of it um guess 16 could be good this one’s in changent though so maybe it’s special no idea oh wait what place down my sword oh wait this thing can I place it down like right over here let me I guess try placing it here oh wait what’s going on hello yo oh okay so we’re apparently adding blocks to this thing oh that’s why we’re reinforcing it right well uh that should be too bad I I guess we can just put like six on both sides and you know try to reinforce a tip okay let’s go and add this last block and is it working oh wait something special’s happening to it and apparently with that process we got a reinforce sword and it’s bigger now so now we got the bigger sword now with this sword I got to go with some ores wait can I like break box with this oh I am so sorry I I I kind of stole your stuff already you know what I’m going to take that bread too okay let me walk away real quick there was actually a special ore area I found earlier oh right over here I think this is the ore Cavern and so I guess we can test out mining with this thing like this okay it’s mining the ores but it’s not doing anything maybe I got to kill that guy first oh gosh hello Mr slime are you nice okay nope not nice all right let’s take it down and oh wait we got a slime covered sword now I don’t think it made the sword a little bit bigger but we’re getting there and now can we save the ORS when we mine them like mine oh it works yo okay that’s going to be a lot of ores mine but I don’t want to spend it all on gold and stuff we did some iron earlier and oh diamonds yes diamonds are good all right let’s M that real quick oh my en M’s obsidian what is this sword let’s mine as many diamonds as obsidian as we can there we go and we only have a little bit more to go a little bit more diamonds right there and that should be job done now add 100 diamonds at once wait what I have a stack and two all right let’s get some more diamonds in real quick let me grab all those grab those again and I think we’re very close to 100 oh there we go create a diamond golem path to a bear sword oh okay I do think I have enough for a diamond golem but we might need a pumpkin first there we go one pumpkin right there and actually we’re going to need some shears in four diamond blocks so shouldn’t be too hard let’s get four down and now all we got to do is literally I guess we’re away from from the village let’s set this up right here where we got the Golem set up get one pumpkin and as soon as I Shar this I guess it will come to life hopefully I don’t have to fight it all right here goes nothing oh that is not a diamond iron golem okay come over here buddy oh my gosh we actually do really good damage with this thing it’s not even big yet let’s get this guy down real quick and down he goes just like that and oh wait did he just give me diamonds is that a little bit redundant what is this oh compressed diamonds now I got to smelt the ores we got to make a very weird Contraption where I got to drop everything into a whole thing and then I guess we can use glass let’s let’s grab a little bit of glass real quick but we’re pretty much making a big old vertical tunnel with some signs well before anything we got to get lava so one second let me find some probably down here oh lava okay let me real quick grab you there we go and now let’s just get a lot of Fes and cook the sand okay now it’s time so pretty much with the glass let’s I guess put that down there we’ll go ahead and make a seeing area but the first thing we got to do I think is I guess put the sign right there put some glass right here put some water then we got to put another sign it’s for the smelting Contraption thing and now for the top we put in lava there we go one lava and I think that should be it okay before anything let me make some ladders down here don’t mind me six ladders should be good enough let’s make it go all the way up perfect and now all we got to do is throw the compressed diamonds down the lava thing how many do I have in total oh 100 this is the 100 diamonds for the sword then all right here goes something good luck sword all right it’s going down and is the mechanism working oh let me go down oh and I think it’s supposed to just stay in the water then okay now we it catch the diamonds I think I’m just supposed to throw it down then all right here goes nothing okay I I think it’s working it’s just going straight down we got to do 30 of them all right go on diamonds go in there and now we just see what happens oh it worked yes and so now with that we get a refined way bigger sword oh and we got a new craft before we use this thing we now got to become a sword Chef apparently to make it even bigger what I think this does now though is I can hit things that are even farther away nice well that’s grabbed from the screen right now I already have the bread I need to get some sugarcane an apple and a cow all right one sugarcane thank you very much villager wise let’s I guess just get one villager that was easy all right oh we already have an apple I just realized we one apple and now for the cow so here’s the problem we’re going to have to do this a little stealthily cuz I I kind of just did a job for them I think I put the cow over here didn’t I um let me double check okay I think this might be it all right Mr Cow let me just real quick come over here yes great cow Heist all right now I just got to borrow you sorry about that anyways now we can go ahead and make the Villager with one villager one raw beef bread sugar and then an apple and then we get the chef villager all right I guess we could goad and place him maybe right here all right Senor Chef welcome to the Village oh and he built a restaurant right away okay all right how’s it go man oh get these ingredients wait what ingredients oh all right we got ingredients list right click this oh those are all the things on the screen right now we got the pig the cow the chicken a piece of Creeper and grass and a potato I have absolutely none of that stuff oh wait there’s a creeper right there can I like cut this into pieces all right Mr creeper let me try this out oh wait did it cut him into pieces oh it did we got creeper pieces now I got two creeper pieces apparently and I think I got to get the chicken too sorry about that all right let me get the chicken got to get the cows sorry about that too oh my gosh uh H yeah that that that that’s a little bit messy but we got the cow pieces all right get a little bit more cow there we go and that sword is so big it can cut things in half so I got two of each thing except the pig all right sorry about this buddy let me grab the pig there we go final recipe let’s get some grass and now let me steal some of those potatoes sorry buddy going to grab these real quick all right and now with everything done let’s go to give him two Cal pieces oh wait I have to build a grill he doesn’t take it I just got to build something how does one build a grill do I like legit just like build something okay I mean I can build a small Grill I think it more like an oven but we we we can try a grill okay so this is going to be the top of the grill right there then we’re going to just put like a little thing here it’ll kind of look like a uh kind like a chair o and I have a fun idea actually if you want to make the grill a proper Grill what we could do is what if we make some I ear heavy pressure plates and so each thing right here like we’ll put one here put one here put one there or even make a special one made out of wood but we pretty much have a gr there all right let me press the confirmation button oh that worked yo okay now we got fire what am I supposed to do with this I talk to the chef Mr Chef Mr Gordon villager oh make the meal oh is that what the meal thing is there oh what the heck okay so it’s a craft so we got bunch of bread cooked meat and then grass okay let me real quick then how do I make the cooked meat do I like throw the cow in or something oh that works yo does that work with the chicken the chicken also gives it cooked mob apparently okay so we need the grass as the lettuce so let’s real quick we’re we’re up with the lettuce I lost the lettuce oh no oh good let’s uh get the grass right outside don’t worry it is real lettuce uh my chest tastes like dirt but it’s all good all right let’s get the cooked meat there we go why do they look like poop okay anyways let’s put the bread right there and we get a burger a hamburger that that’s what the Lord says all right Mr Chef here you go do you like that now the fries apparently wait how how do I make fries maybe potato and fire all right fries coming up oh and it worked and it even got some plastic packaging straight for the fire that that that’s a good Grill you know all right here you go Chef some french fries and he says perfect nice and from that we get the kitchen knife upgrade wa what oh guys our sword just got a lot bigger and it’s on fire now yo wait at the top it says cut the sea wait like that the see right here hold on all right if it’s this long that I can cut the ocean I guess let’s try it all right swing oh kind of worked oh wait is it stuck down there D hold on I I need to get my sword back hold up villagers why are there buff villagers behind me D what right okay can can I just uh ask you to help me right click oh wait is he on his way already oh my gosh Budd he is quick all right gentlemen you go over there and you go straight that way thank you all right last one there you go oh and they’re all there yo it’s the boys all right Mr buff villagers um we got to pick up that thing how how are we doing this oh wait new craft lock a floaty oh so now we got to make some floaties all right so we need some feathers to make them and I know just the spot oh gosh they’re going to hate me oh wait I hear a lot of chickens hold on before we go inside I’m going to have to make not the best sword but a normal regular diamond sword real quick I think I can just walk in right oh wait wait nope nope nope we’re going to do this the oldfashioned way let’s real quick just poke a hole right here and now to get some chickens sorry guys all right give me one sec I’m just going to get enough feathers okay many chickens later let’s go ahead and make some FL floaties and what the heck is this thing all right four floaties and now my job is to go down there and put these in all right wish me luck guys let me eat some bread don’t eat before you swim and here we go oh gosh okay down we go I just got to put them in the spots spot number one spot number two three oh gosh I’m going to drown soon and four oh gosh okay should be good okay we got the floaty set up this is a rope apparently to pull this out so without further Ado guys I’m hoping you guys can get it out but here we go pull am I supposed to pull too oh oh no okay that wasn’t heavy enough okay it said try horses now all right let’s get some horses now okay first horse right here Mr horse go straight over there I think he’s on his way next horse right there all right Mr horse go over there and last horse let’s get you over there buddy all right go on oh wait it’s working they’re making their way all right horses this is the plan we pull back do I just like right click you guys oh oh oh oh they’re going they’re going pull oh yes oh oh my gosh good job guys how do I pick this up now do I just like grab you oh it’s stuck in there try using a tool you know what would work probably then if it’s obsidian let’s try down pickaxe I just realized cuz if fire went into water we get obsidian and then diamond pickaxe oh that worked yo oh my gosh this thing is getting long okay there a competition being held in the village join it oh maybe it’s that over there all right looks like some villagers already going over there oh okay this is it and Mr ventos can I go in you need a fencing sword to enter the competition oh is this not a fening sword oh it’s not a fening sword wait how do I make my blade thinner wait could I technically place this down again let me go here real quick place this down oh gosh okay it’s working again oh and that is quite the sword could I just make it thinner by breaking all this all right this is going to take a bit give me a sec guys and it’s done that is definitely a skinny sword and I guess this is the confirm button confirm oh and that worked and now we get an obsidian fencing sword wait cut different types of blocks wait am I supposed to make it sharp or something okay what type of things do I cut can I cut dirt cut oh that works we got cut in half dirt what about cobblestone does that work yo cut enough Cobblestone can we do hard stuff like obsidian oh and we can even cut obsidian now for the real test I have an idea guys let me go all the way down don’t mind me let’s maybe try Bedrock oh okay nice all right let’s go as deep as we can go oh and there it is guys okay finally got some bedrock and now all we got to do is cut it I think all right cut oh my sword is down sharper than a kitchen knife we cut Bedrock yo so now we have a cut in half bedrock supposed to do with this but we got a sharp knife all right with this I think we should be able to go into the competition now all right Mr competition host is this good enough oh you may join you will face three opponents enter the ring all right do I just go here oh there he is exoro versus Noob all right good luck Noob here we go oh no this poor guy I’m so sorry oh I won nice all right let me get back to my spot next Grievous wait what the heck villager Grievous what the heck why does he move like that all right well let’s take this guy down got to do the stfs and that’s going to be another one all right that’s two down one more to go wait what a rock do I like smack it um hello versus ninja huh okay oh wait are we snapping it oh we’re trying to do more damage oh and I got it we have our winner come to me to claim your prize all right Mr uh ventos let me go down and that was a weird competition all right where’s our prize oh and he gave it a diamond blade do I like add this to the sword then me right click that and oh my this is a Trojan giant sword turn my sword into Trojan Horse it says wait how do you do that I mean we can place it down here right oh what the heck okay it has a bottle on it and now we got to craft some Wheels on the screen right now got some Wheels luckily we already have the iron pretty much from mining in that other plate so let me go ahead and make some good old Wheels I got to get I guess four of them all right 1 2 3 4 oh and now I got to recruit villagers all right let me get you guys in all right that’s going to be five of you already and maybe these guys over here too would be good join the team guys that should be eight nine actually number 10 right there go straight over there and I’m going to guess maybe they’ll shrink down to the bottle oh wait some are already tiny in there yo look at them all right some more villagers here you go here you go all of you head to the thing all right and now we just need one more uh do you want to dop nope you’re stuck down there oh what about this guy all right last guy done and that’s all of them oh wait now I got to arm the villagers oh sticks or iron wait I can give them sticks or iron I mean sticks is easier right all right going to be a trojan horse and we’re going to go into battle let’s go ahead and just give you all sticks oh they’re going tiny all right get in there guys hold on take all the sticks you need boom boom three more to go there you go and that should be all them all right everyone let’s go this way I think I’m supposed to strink down with you guys but I’m going to act like I’m just delivering you guys I’m all I am is exoro oh and here it is all right just delivering a big old Minecraft sword let me just place it right here do I just talk to one of you guys a gift I’m sure the tell love it come in oh and they’re taking it yes okay let’s drive it inside oh no and they CAU on no go on villagers fight everyone fights oh my gosh what did they got giant swords can I get my sword let me get my giant sword over here hold on oh my gosh all the villagers pretty much lost oh no let me punch the wheels come on get those wheels off let me get my Trojan sword out and let’s battle oh my gosh holy I just destroyed them in one hit but hold the villagers okay of course there a ravager hold up I have reacks literally the sword is so long down it goes just like that and from that we get a ravager horn oh wait are we adding this to the sword all right let’s see what happens with this oh my gosh did it just make it curvy oh this is cursed this is very cursed well I’d say that’s the job well done even though we lost everyone well now oh wait what’s going on oh wait Sun Co hey yo okay what the heck is a sun like met of my sword or something right now we can’t be on the outside new plan then we got some new crows on the screen right now which it looks like water maybe we can cut water then now all right I am going to literally peek as little as I can and try to go farther and farther or wait technically could I use water to get all the way over there curvy giant sword can I get water from this slice oh wait that works yes give me the water blocks all right let me get as much as I can I don’t think I’ll get set on fire if I jump into the water into the water woo okay feels good to be down here so just so we don’t burn a little bit more let me set up a home base right here and now all we got to do is make some water Armor All right shouldn’t be too bad I think it’s literally this this then we make the boots and the helmet now we can actually put it on oh that feels better get closer to the Sun and then cut it in half oh make a catapult oh maybe not stack up then wait how am I supposed to make catapult it’s not a crab for it do I just like build something I got a catapult button given to me maybe I’m supposed to like stand like in a catapult type thing we’re going to call this a catapult right here and I’m going to be put right here and maybe it’ll launch me I don’t know let’s try I guess pressing the button oh I think I’m supposed to just summon a pocket catapult well that works too oh I kind of right clicked it really quick okay oh what the heck oh we the sun now let me real quick take care of you guys sorry you love me some reacks there we go and I think we just got to cut this thing in half okay Mr Sun here I go let’s do this oh guys did my sword just become a sun sword yo we now have a sunsword and the Sun is at the tip of it with the power of the literal Sun it sets all right well I think that’s pretty much a job well done Guys Without further Ado let’s head back down all right here we go holy this thing is big but now we got to make a sword Kebab could we just hit something and add it to the Kebab oh my gosh okay let’s real quick do I just add you oh and it added the pig to the thing now it impels sheep apparently oh I guess I could just borrow this sheep right here all right sheep let’s grab him and now we got got a sheep and now it says villager this guy will do all right come over here sorry brother oh and now we got the villager on there holy this thing is getting big now impel a zombie all right uh maybe down the cave oh zombie right there all right let’s get you on and now we got the zombie next up spider okay now the spider let’s add you there and H okay this thing is getting long all right now a creeper which hopefully we can find one soon oh okay that’s creeper done and oh my gosh the sword literally sticking out the cave and now impale village house huh like just s village house wait why does this house look a little bit weird this might be the one we got to impale all right oh oh my gosh what is this shish kebab right now and now we got to impel a full-on desert temple apparently where would that be I think there was a desert around here okay so Coliseum and then across the river the most weird looking desert temple ever okay here goes nothing impale D we get it oh my gosh we got it now find a way to the end um okay wait how am I supposed to use a s to get to the end oh wait I think we may have found it slab from the end am I supposed to cut this or something to get to the end uh slice oh wait we sliced in half is that it I slice it again oh we slice it into fours do I just keep slicing it oh my gosh okay now it’s like 16 of them what the heck how many times can I slice something this might be regretful oh my gosh okay might be doing too much slicing now oh my can I do it one more time guys I I I don’t know if we can go farther than one pixel it is one pixel right now we’ve gone farther than one pixel it’s a line now can I cut it even thinner oh no wait black holees forming huh oh is this taking me to the end oh wait that worked and oh my gosh my sword is giant guys the sword literally pierces through my hot bar but now it’s time to fight the Final End Dragon and Kebab it all right Mr sundragon come straight over here let me real quick Kebab you and we’ll CAU it a day okay so I just needed to perch and actually could I literally hit it from up here all right come on buddy let’s get you all the way down and without further Ado let me see how I can k this guy oh it worked yo and down goes the dragon with that final hit and oh my gosh what the heck is this sword congratulations challenge complete anyways hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here’s a video just like this one bye guys

Minecraft but I Open a Farm!
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