I Cheated with //ANIMATE in Minecraft Build Battle

I’m competing in a build battle against my friends but I’m going to cheat using slash slash animate I can make this Spider-Man drawing come to life just like this wo this Spider-Man looks so awesome Monga where are you we’re starting the build battle uh-oh I need to get rid of this before I get caught there you are come on we have to start building our FNAF statues otherwise woodo will win I’m way ahead of you guys already my FNAF statues are going to be the best ones ever oh no axie I didn’t know you were building with me stop wasting time and help me with this Freddy statue but ax we don’t need to build a giant Freddy statue we can cheat using SL SL animate to bring our small builds to life that’s possible in Minecraft are you trying to let Woodle win no I’m telling the truth I’ll show you how it works first we need to build a mini version of Freddy and you’ll see exactly what I mean okay but if we lose it’s your fault are you guys talking about losing already ha it seems like you’re ready for that to happen no way wudo we can never lose to Someone Like You When you see our builds don’t get get too scared okay I’m not going to get scared of your puny little builds they won’t even be scary axi come on we need to add Freddy’s hat over here just like this and then what I need to do is add his bow tie over here this build looks super newbie right now but when we use SL slash anime it’ll be super giant are you ready okay this is your chance to prove it to me all right let me just use it in 3 2 1 boom wait what’s behind our Freddy statue ax I think slash slash anime worked look our tiny Freddy statue just became animated wo this looks so crazy he’s moving oh my gosh do you think he’s going to eat me what are you guys freaking out about your build can’t be that good oh my goodness wudo when you come to our side please don’t get too scared this is literally the scariest thing ever our Freddy is literally moving no it’s not you guys are the worst Liars ever oh yeah Ludo well I guess you’ll just have to see when you come over but I don’t think this is scary enough for wood you’re right although this Freddy looks pretty creepy if we want to really scare voodo we’re going to also need to animate golden Freddy a sexy golden Freddy’s really scary I might poop my pants well don’t poop your pants just yet we didn’t even animate him yet let’s see how scary he looks when we use SL slash animate this current one is insane it can move its arms and its mouth I wonder what golden Freddy is going to do oh gosh maybe eat all of us no he won’t eat us we’re the one that’s going to bring him to life axi if anything he’s only going to eat Wuda hey he’s not going to eat me oh yeah voodo well we’ll just see when we build our golden Freddy statue I just need to do slash slash animate like this and wait a second ax look using slash slash animate worked once again we have golden Freddy right in front of our normal Freddy wao M what’s wrong with him is he broken I think golden Freddy is broken right now if we spawn in the rest of the FNAF crew he’ll definitely be more scary look how crazy this looks so far though you’re right and it’s going to look even crazier when we have every one of the animatronics how about we add foxy next that way woodo can truly poop his pants I’m not pooping my pants guys relax oh yes you are woodo woodo let’s just say our builds are the craziest things of all time actually can you even consider these builds axi is this even a build challenge what was going to freak out so much I bet he’s never seen animated FNAF characters exactly axi but that’s why we’re going to win this Build Challenge we’re not just building normal things like wudo I bet his FNAF statue is made out of dirt hey I heard that and that is not true at all oh yeah voodo how can you prove that it’s not made out of dirt huh well you’ll see it when you come over to my side it’s going to look 10 times better than what you guys have oh my goodness axi this guy really thinks he’s that cool I know there’s no way he’s cooler than us though exactly voodo check it out we have foxy right over here and ax this looks so bad but the worse it looks the better the animation is going to look exactly so come on let’s turn him to life are we done with all the details I think we’re pretty much complete if you guys think foxy is going to look super scary hit that subscribe button right now we’re so close to a million subscribers subscribe now come on I don’t want to wait okay I just need to use SL SL animate wait a second it worked no way look at this foxy axie he has to be the scin scariest animation we’ve had so far he looks like he’s going to grab you oh no I don’t think he’s moving but maybe he’s just waiting for you to stand still so he can lunch out and grab you exactly as soon as wuro comes over here foxy is going to grab him with all his arms that’s so scary Ludo do you want me to put a toilet down for you just in case a toilet so you guys can poop your pants when you come to my side woodo I don’t know about all that so far we already have three FNAF characters how many do you have huh I have two of my own you guys are going to get so scared from it actually we need to add another one if we’re going to totally beat wudo come on let’s add the final and scariest character of all time AKA chica I love Chica Chica is like my favorite FNAF character ever wait why do you love chica it’s literally a chicken that eats people well yeah but I really like her cupcake cuz I wish I were eating cupcakes all day oh my goodness axie you can’t just like her because she likes cupcakes why not that seems like a pretty good reason to like people okay well chica has purple eyes so what I need to do is get some purple wool just like this and I need to add this right over here oh woodo do you have chica on your side chica uh no I don’t have chica but I have even scarier things oh yeah well we have chica so you better be really really scared oh gosh chica is scary but she’s not as scary as the FNAF character I put on my side are you sure woodo who could be scarier than chica exactly axie especially after we use SL slash animate right now wo axie look behind our chica statue we have another moving FNAF animation oh my gosh look at the cupcake that could feed me for days or I could feed you the cupcake no no I don’t want to be hi I should be the one eating that cupcake look the cupcake and Chica both open their mouth and they’re looking around for voodo who’s looking for me oh just the animatronics that are going to eat you exactly chica shirt over here literally says let’s eat and that means she’s looking for you so she can eat you I doubt that’s actually going to happen it probably says let’s eat because chica knows you’re going to lose the bill battle so she just wants to eat her little cupcake and for you to leave her alone are you serious I’m not taking What would just said axie yeah that was really messed up plus our build is way better than his so we should go show him that exactly come on I just need to make us invisible just like this and we can go over to his side and what in the world is this oh my gosh golden Freddy and Bonnie you guys are the scariest FNAF characters ever in my pizza graveyard what the heck am I looking at that doesn’t look like Freddy or Bonnie and what in the world is a pizza graveyard did he just make this up I bet and a are going to poop their pants when they see this scary Masterpiece are you serious no way voodo actually thinks this looks scary axi how about we scare him a little bit how do we do that all our animatronics are on our side well I just need to grab these spawn eggs and I can actually spawn in Freddy’s for woodo let’s see what they do to him oh gosh wait a second what is that noise what does it kind of sound like Freddy and wait are those real moving Freddy Faz Bears those aren’t builds oh my goodness look muro’s finally realizing what’s happening but we also need to spawn in some Bonnies so let me just go over over here and grabb this and let’s see what these animatronics do to wudo they’re going to eat him wait what there’s Bonnies too My Bonnie came to life oh my gosh no I didn’t know this was going to happen wo seems really freaked out look I think they’re all looking at him guys please don’t eat me and ah they’re all eating me oh my gosh they see voodo has lunch look they’re all chasing him around oh help me please someone Bonnie and Freddy want to turn me into Pizza everyone comment food right now if you think wo’s going to get eaten come in food ouch I feel Freddy nibbling on my toes um is this going too far I’m not sure how about we ask him hey voodo why are you freaking out over there there’s no way your build is that scary no Maro it’s terrifying so terrifying in fact that I don’t even think I could build something scary like FNAF anymore I need something that’s going to be a little bit less creepy something more fun wait I know what I need to build I’m going to build a dinosaur park wait what he’s going to build a dinosaur park mon I want a dinosaur Park too it’s not fair we can’t let him have all the fun with cool dinosaurs you’re right axie if we’re going to win against woodo we need to make what he makes but better so come on let’s go on our side and wo look all the animations are still here but our next build is going to be even crazier so come on axie all I need to do is just get a couple of fences and we just need to start building tiny dinosaurs tiny dinosaurs I can do that I’m an expert Builder wait what are you sure axie come on let’s build a tiny Zoo first and use SL slash anime on it so it can get super big and animated okay a zoo has all different types of areas for different animals so I guess we can add some snow here and you already added water over there exactly I also need to add some magma blocks over here just like that this suit is going to look so cool when we use sl/ anime axie yeah it already looks really awesome hey guys did your Freddy and whatnot also come to life and try to eat you wow our builds did come to life but they’re not trying to eat me voodo they’re going to eat you whenever you come to our side wait what no you’re going to become food for them and that’s why everyone watching the video is going to comment food oh no I don’t want to be turned into food well then you better make sure your build is even better exactly because axi and I are going to use SL slash anime right now wo that’s such a big Zoo look at it wo axi it actually worked and we also have all the different areas that we just built we have some water some snow and also some trees this is so awesome where are we going to put our dinosaurs maybe they should live in this Fountain no they shouldn’t live in a fountain actually they should live in their own areas over here how about we make the T-Rex first okay but T-Rexes are super scary can we make it Pink wait what we can’t make our T-Rex pink actually then it’s going to look goofy hey do I look goofy to you exy you look goofy to me that is so messed up Odo you look even goofier no I don’t okay we could all agree that both of you guys look pretty goofy I’m the only one that looks really cool what are you talking about you’re the goofiest one oh my goodness that’s not funny axi this T-Rex that I’m building is going to eat you if you keep talking to me like that no it won’t I’m going to be best friends with this t T-Rex oh my goodness look at this axie I just need to place the rest of these blocks and we’re going to have a living t-rex with us that’s pretty cool I’m adding its tail too wo look I just added its face over here and this looks exactly like a T-Rex oh this T-Rex looks a little weird don’t worry about it axi all I need to do is just use SL slash animat on it oh my gosh it really spawned in and it’s huge axi I told you our T-Rex was going to look scary look at this thing it is literally more bigger than our entire FNAF collection it’s almost as big as the entire Zoo it’s going to eat us run no it’s not going to eat us axi we’re the ones that spawned it in look the T-Rex is currently looking around it’s probably looking for some turtles no it’s not what are you talking about wood you’re not going to believe this when you come over you better prepare to fight a giant T-rex exactly wudo cuz this T-Rex is not small um guys I also have T-Rexes so what are you building do your T-Rexes move though yeah I bet they don’t move voo plus a T-Rex isn’t going to be the only dinosaur we have actually come over here we need to build Triceratops Triceratops what’s that is that a kind of mushroom no ax it’s a type of dinosaur that has a huge back and it’s super duper big and fat wait so kind of like wudo that’s right it’s also green so it might actually be just like wudo hey are you guys making fun of me over there no what are you talking about voodo we’re still focusing in our build how many dinosaurs do you have huh I only have one but it’s the scariest dinosaur to ever exist in Minecraft I don’t know about that that one dinosaur probably smells really bad too yeah little anything you build is going to be kind of stinky that’s just not true oh yeah well compared to our builds it definitely is going to be look at this ax we’re basically done with the Triceratops all we need to do is just add a face we’re so good at building at its face now all I need to do is just get some black wool and boom now its face is there and its back is also here which means ax we can use SL slash animate on it do it all right I just need to do this oh my gosh it spawned in look how cool it is wait a second this is a triceratops but why doesn’t it look like I our one our one is green and this one is purple I guess the world just doesn’t like the color green you hear that voodo hey everyone loves the color green oh yeah well not there Triceratops look ax I can also ride this thing this is so awesome do you think it’s going to be friends with the T-Rex and wait they’re fighting what in the world the T-Rex and the Triceratops are fighting right now now who do you think he’s going to win hit that like button if you think the T-Rex is going to win no way subscribe if you think the Triceratops is winning oh my goodness this fight is so epic is this how they’re going to eat wodo hey those things are not going to eat me oh yeah voodo where they’re super giant and they’re fighting like crazy the T-Rex is literally doing spin moves I think the T-Rex is losing are you serious both of them got taken out axie oh my gosh I guess they’re just the same amount of strength but doesn’t that mean we need more dinosaurs now well we’ll just use sl/ anime as soon as wuro comes to our side to see it for now we’ll spawn in our last and final dinosaur what’s our last dinosaur going to be is it going to be the axis swur R axi there is no a ex aato dinosaur the final one is going to be the flying dinosaur it’s going to be so huge so come on all we need to do is use this yellow wool over here and start building a bird a bird don’t you mean a velociraptor that’s right axie but this bird is going to be a dinosaur that sounds so cool do you think dinosaurs had feathers of course they had feathers they also had big noses and big feet so kind of like rudo exactly maybe rudo is a dinosaur I’m not a dinosaur I think manga is a dinosaur cuz he has a big mouth and a big butt are you serious if you guys think wudo is a dinosaur then comment Dino right now com in Dino wood you’re definitely a dinosaur you can’t hide it from us no I’m not a dinosaur otherwise I would have eaten you guys already oh gosh the thought of voodo eating me is pretty scary axie you could never eat us Woodle we would eat you first axie you think you can eat me yeah I’m really scary and even if axie can’t eat you our next dinosaur definitely can I just need to use SL slash animate wo axie check it out our bird dinosaur came to life and it’s flying around look at those claws it could carry you away and eat you for breakfast exactly plus its wings are super duper gigantic this looks so awesome can I fly this thing and oh my gosh I can’t he doesn’t like me I think that thing wants to eat you I don’t think it will let you ride don’t say that axi I don’t want it to eat me anytime soon come on let me just grab this big bird over here oh my gosh can I even grab him uh I think he’s just going to fly away now bye-bye oh no this bird is literally going away are you serious it was supposed to stay here it’s okay we can always spawn in infinite dinosaurs when woodo comes over you’re right we can just use SL slash anime on all of these and wo’s going to poop his pants when he sees them I’m not pooping my pants well you definitely are our builds are way scarier and cooler than yours that’s just not true your guys’ builds probably stink and I bet the dinosaurs are fake anyways hey our dinosaurs are not fake exactly we can’t let this guy say that and get away with it come on axi let’s just go invisible yeah let’s go back over to that guy’s side let’s see what kind of dinosaur he’s building over here and wait what these are not dinosaurs axi oh my gosh these are the scariest dinosaurs ever they’re meat bugs and they’re also kind of tasty but they’re the most prehistoric creature that has ever existed on earth oh my gosh he’s so bad at building these aren’t big scary dinosaurs they’re squishy tasty little bugs I didn’t think wo’s build could get any worse but actually we need to take every single one of these things out and make his dinosaur park super peaceful instead do it I hope he doesn’t notice well he’s definitely going to notice axi all I need to do is spawning these hamsters as his new dinosaurs we could also have some kitty cats and some rabbits oh wait I think the cats want to eat the rabbit oh my gosh what just happened my meat bugs just mutated into cats and hamsters and rabbits and they’re fighting oh my gosh please don’t eat me dinosaurs please wait does wo think these are actual dinosaurs how could he be scared of these cute little hamsters over here oh gosh I got to stack them as high as I can so they don’t eat me I think woodo needs to get his eyes checked yeah these are definitely not dinosaurs come on let’s break all of his toilets so he falls on the ground no I’m falling they’re going to eat me I’m going to admit defeat you guys can eat me wait what doesn’t work buo know that the hamsters don’t want to eat him they just want to sleep I don’t know maybe we can get the hamsters to try a little turtle flesh ah you know what I’m tired of getting scared by these little dinosaur hamsters it’s time I build my very final thing that is really going to scare everyone and make me the strongest wait what he’s going to build one last thing what could it be I don’t know maybe it’s a giant statue of himself it’s going to be a giant statue of drum roll please Sonic wait Sonic Oh My Gosh Sonic is so cool we can’t let him have a Sonic build actually if he has that he could definitely win the Build Challenge so come on we need to use SL slash animat on our Sonics hey xie I’m building a brand new new build right now and this is what’s really going to eliminate you guys completely oh yeah voodo where we’re building something else too and we’re building Sonic hey you’re building Sonic I’m building Sonic well then you must have copied us woodo that’s not very nice but actually what he doesn’t know is that we’re really not going to be building we’re going to be drawing in Sonic so come on I’m going to draw in Sonic and you should draw draw knuckles okay I have the best drawing skills in the universe so this should be easy well you can’t have the best cuz I have the best oh no I definitely have the best oh my goodness whatever axie check it out I just drew Sonic’s legs right there then I’m going to Drew his body over here and this is going to be the coolest painting of all time whatever you say but I think mine is going to be way cooler I’m giving knuckles his scary eyebrows wait what axie you can’t just give Knuckles a scary eyebrows I’m going to give Sonic his super scary hair um Sonic’s hair is not scary well it is to me cuz it’s super duper spiky but you wouldn’t know cuz you don’t have any hair well that’s fine AEL don’t need hair why do you have all that hair huh what purpose does it serve axie what do you mean hair is the greatest thing of all time without here you’re going to become bald like you and wudo well that’s fine it doesn’t matter if I’m bald I’m still cooler than you and wudo what no you’re not oh my gosh even wudo knows you’re not cooler than him yes I am well I’m almost done with my Sonic statue and oh my gosh this looks so silly but I bet it’s going to come out amazing how are you almost done you’re so fast you’re taking forever axie I I bet I can draw another Sonic character while you’re drawing your one I’m going to draw in Tails no way you can draw in Tails while I’m still drawing all I need to do is draw tails’s face over here and then his body over here just like this he has two big Tails over here and then now I just need his feet so let me just grab this real quick and actually I’m actually about to draw in Tails as well wait what well I’m still drawing n Les that’s right you’re just super bad I’m not bad I’m just taking my time because I’m the best artist ever axie you can’t take your time we’re on a time limit because we’re doing a build challenge okay okay I’m adding his legs right now all right I just need to add tails’s ears just like this this might be the greatest drawing of all time no mine is definitely better are you serious look T’s arms are right there and then his second arms are going to be over here as well second Arms Why does Tails have two pairs of arms oh my gosh actually I just finished both of my drawings while you’re still on your one come on hurry up already I’m basically done I’m just coloring in his feet wo these paintings actually look exactly like the Sonic characters mostly my one okay well I just need to use SL slash anime on them just like this oh M go look up no way axie they all got animated and they look so cool compared to our drawings look we have Sonic over here who looks absolutely amazing with his big shoes and his big smile and then we have knuckles over here who looks super serious and he’s standing up like he’s ready to fight and wait you can’t forget about Tails who looks so cute a he’s so tiny and he’s made out of honey what if I just take a quick little leg hey don’t eat Tails okay he’s the one build that we can’t eat he’s so cute oh okay but I think you should eat cute things no axie I think we’re pretty much done with our builds come on how about we show wudo I bet he’s going to freak out oh he’s going to do more than freak out he’s going to admit we’re the best builders in the universe hey wodo are you ready oh yeah am prepare to be spooked guys I’m going to show you the coolest FNAF build ever woodo these are supposed to be the cool FNAF builds that you were talking about uh yeah aren’t you super scared look this is Freddy Fazbear but not just any Freddy Fazbear it’s a golden Freddy this isn’t that scary wudo they look like stick figures okay you know what what then I’m just going to have to scare you guys another way check out my dinosaurs oh my gosh these are so yummy wow Tony are dinosaurs woodo those aren’t really dinosaurs they’re meat bugs well yeah meat bugs are prehistoric creatures would you like to eat one no I don’t want to eat a meat bug that’s disgusting okay then you’re going to have to come over here because I have so someone who’s going to make me win the build battle and that’s Sonic the Hedgehog are you serious this build of Sonic looks so newbie compared to our one what are you talking about it doesn’t look newbie and did you just say you have one too yeah you already knew that voodo cuz you copied us that’s right wodo we’ve been had a Sonic come over to our side so we can show you our builds oh no what did you you guys building is that Freddy Fazbear golden Freddy foxy and Chica and they’re all moving that’s right wudo these aren’t even builds these are animations oh my gosh how did you animate your builds this is so cool and scary at the same time oh we’re just so good at building that they started moving exactly wudo we’ve been building for 10 years now well you’ve only been building for 10 minutes come over here this is our dinosaur park what you guys have a dinosaur park that’s so cool do you want to see our dinosaurs voodo yeah yeah show me look that way real quick okay I’m looking axi come on I just need to use SL slash animat okay wodo you can look behind you now oh yeah y wait what is that a giant T-rex that’s right he’s looking for you wo what are you going to do oh no I got to run away from the T-Rex and hold on a second is that Sonic Knuckles and Hills that’s right wood and they’re way better than your Sonic build oh my gosh how did you guys build such big statues this isn’t fair we animated them wudo something you can never do wait a second you animated what does that mean that means we cheated wait what ax you weren’t supposed to say that oh whoops you did what you cheated uh no okay you know what if you guys are cheaters then I’m going to have to to deal with you cheaters by destroying everything oh no thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed the watch our video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye-bye

Mongo and Wudo are doing a build battle except Mongo is cheating with //ANIMATE! Does Mongo win? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. Hey Google this rap is for you use of the way you don't know what you doing so you better stop and move you think you're going to win so bad but you not for you bad and don't play with me if I hit you in the face don't play no rain no face no face and I and I didn't hit this one today and I wrap and I'll snap and I hit and I put into you're so goofy that you put your pants you poop your pants pants and I'm not playing for real yeah okay pop it pop😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 broadcast turn off so bad this can I Alexa and axolotls is good and actually is the best player in the game 🤭🤭🥳👆🏻

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