Mikey PrankedJJ in Minecraft Challenge Maizen Mikey and JJ

in this video Mikey goes crazy he flooded my house with poop and now there’s a horrible smell everywhere well challenge accepted I’m going to get revenge on Mikey and to do that I have a Magic Brush that makes absolutely anything I paint come true ah I’m really tired I’ve been working very long hours maybe I should go out to eat interesting what I have in my refriger Ator I went to the store yesterday and bought a lot I hope so I’m going to have a good meal now Mikey what’s he doing in my house ha I’m going to play a trick on him let him be surprised why is he doing that it’s going to make the house smell bad I’m so mad at him he’s going to be so mad at me what a shame I just cleaned the house yesterday I’m so mad at Mikey I think he’s gone how am I supposed to get to my room that’s right I have blocks of wood and I can put blocks and get to my room and get the tools for Mikey’s prank well let’s do it I want to get back at him so bad it smells like poop in here Mikey ruined my mood it’s going to take a long time to clean up I’m going to get him back I have a lot of tools I can use to scare Mikey they’re in the closet now I’m going to get them and go try troll Mikey so I went into the room now I’m going to grab my tools and go troll Mikey I hope I do well and so I have in my hands an unusual brush because whatever I paint with it will become real check it out I’ll start off drawing something simple I’ll add a few more lines and finished W just like that the picture I drew became real my plan today is to use this power to try and prank Mikey without being caught all right I’ve arrived at Mikey’s house I wonder what he’s up to yeah more cookies please a it looks like Mikey’s in the middle of a nice dream well let’s draw a picture to make Mikey wake up right away for starters a little of this some green yes this goes here all right time to draw the face just like this awesome now there’s one more thing to add something like this and I’ll color it in add the letters finally a bit of this and done oh it worked the TNT is dropping onto Mikey whoa hey what was that what just happened success I’m so confused JJ I just randomly blew up all of a sudden do you have any idea what happened to me must have been a freak accident that’s unlucky so weird that was scary pH he hasn’t caught on what is that oh this yeah it’s a paintbrush that creates whatever you draw H I’m not sure I understand but fine whatever okay let’s go 3 2 1 go oh is that a sword all right here I come uh-oh wait for me watch out for the hole time for a detour I’m out of here wait for me so fast got to go right behind you oh nice I made it onto the Treetops you’re quick I need to lose Mikey ouch I’ll hide I fell nope ow JJ yes he’s lost sight of me where are you oh there he is are you hiding where did he oh there come out here I see Mikey maybe over here Mikey’s gone that way so I’ll go this way huh I’ll be sneaky I’ll catch you time to hide in the shadows and try this magic paintbrush out and now somewhere over here all right I want to try out the brush’s powers down here but I don’t have a lot of time I’ll just whip up something fast so first things first it’s kind of like this and like this then over here this will be my first item start with that and add some color Okay finished okay W it really worked I was able to make elytra there’s one more thing I need to make to go along with elytra it looks a little like this yeah with the triangle here and over here and swoosh then paint it red and this part white then with this red pencil okay I’m done woohoo it worked fireworks and elytra the perfect pairing now I’ll equip them this this is so cool oh oh there he is uh-oh I’m going to catch you oh no this is bad come here no way woohoo seriously Mikey did you really draw those items I drew pictures of elytra and fireworks to make them woohoo that’s crazy see you later no way sorry but I’m flying far away all right I’m putting some distance between me and Mikey if I use this paintbrush I can just draw everything I could possibly need all right then I’ll start by drawing the first item I want to find so it looks like this like a stick is that right uh then I’ll change the color I’ll use this diamond blue color okay done please work I got it look it’s a diamond pickaxe and that’s not all I’m going to make I want lots of great items okay I’ll start with this and this looks good too like that and work oh yeah perfect a diamond sword you know I really want a complete set of fully Diamond equipment that’ be cool let’s see H like this there okay work your magic wo sweet a diamond axxe next up just like that yes take a look at this I have a pickaxe sword Axe and shovel but I’m not done yet I need to create more items to slay the Ender Dragon without the proper equipment it’s impossible uh looks something like this maybe like this too okay there it is wo it’s perfect the diamond helmet now for the next thing I know what I’ll [Music] make looks something like this there we go now perfect now there’s only two things left to [Music] make start here a curve okay all right I got it and now finish with these was that good enough oh yeah check me out full diamond equipment H I can’t forget about food I’d like to use the magic paintbrush to draw those supplies too I bet I can make something great for example start with a yellow circle then a squiggle on [Music] top okay come on work check it out enchanted golden apples these are a perfect recovery item they’re delicious and well you can’t find anything better around they’re the best and now I have a whole stack of [Music] them hey JJ I want to try climbing this this Cliff H why Mikey see there’s some really pretty flowers at the top of the cliff but I don’t think I’ll be able to climb that high it’s too much effort let’s try to find another way up H you’re right that’s an extremely tall Cliff let’s think about this huh oh give me a sec okay sure all right let’s do this thing I’m going to prank Mikey by bringing another picture to life this time around I’m going to do something something different something like this up here color it in then I got to dot the eyes now to finish it off I’ll draw some of this there it’s finished let’s head back over to Mikey oh JJ what were you doing hey I don’t think I’ll be able to climb the cliff so let’s find another way to reach the top nah there’s no need for that why not not well for starters try jumping I bet if you jump you can probably reach the top what are you talking about JJ that could never work see how tall it is there’s no way I could jump up there why don’t you just give it a shot H I’ll try you’re acting really weird today JJ I’m going to try jumping 3 2 1 wow how did I oh no no way what was that what happened GJ could it be uh-oh did he catch on my jumping ability must be amazing I can reach the top of the cliff in one shot with a jumping ability like mine I’ll have no trouble making it all the way up there okay here I go 3 2 1 amazing yes yes yes I’m going to make it wow Hy to the top Mikey climbed that cliff in an instant I guess it’s my turn wao that’s a big jump W oh there’s Mikey huh oh hi JJ look at this there’s so many flowers over there it’s amazing these are what I really wanted look call these flowers all for me wow Mikey still doesn’t realize that I pranked him what’s that wait huh was that there all along I’m feeling curious I’ll go check it out all right I’ll look inside what do I do if Mikey’s inside whatever no huh oh wow yes my trap worked Mikey I’m so happy seriously goodbye JJ wait what is that some lava no Mikey don’t do this he’s going to pour lava on me what now 3 2 1 yeah I win no what hang on I did it I’m won ouch OU there’s no way you can survive ow well I beat JJ awesome wait I’m not taking any damage I’m on fire but I’m not taking any damage I wonder why now let me check my enchantments H helmet has fire resistance my chest plate has it too wow my boots Also Mikey it seems like I’m covered in fire resistance I just thought of another fun prank all right I’m going to start drawing here this time it’ll look a little something like this I’m almost done last thing there finished let’s see how it turned out wo all right Mikey’s house has a nether portal for an entrance it’s Mikey here he comes what a long day time to relax at home I think I’ll have some cold juice was in my cool air conditioned home yes Mikey was sent to the nether instead of going inside his house I wonder what happened to him down there let’s follow him to see how he’s doing there he is Mikey JJ uh-oh as he figured it out what am I going to do the inside of my house is super duper messy what’s going on

Minecraft JJ and Mikey NOOB vs PRO:Mikey PrankedJJ

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